" Ti r A- i . v i o.f. m l i Ml HVi'i'itn.w, nnrnMiucit no, waa THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Pag Ptaa 4- rv I Home Builders Investment Company Wo linvc funds on hand oufficicnl to build Two Houses Connolly Bros. Are Agents For Special Side Cur tains for Fords and Chevrolets. They make your car en closed and as comfortable as a Sedan. They slide up overhead. Come in and See Them We put on our own make of Tops on 5 Pass, cars for $22.50 Fords $12.50 Chevrolets, 490 $18.50 Connolly Bros. Harness Shop 912 Main Don't fail to read the LINKVILLE IN YE v J 4 vA K ' J AUWT SARAH PeABOOV RGSBNT3 TWT ? f"Tl S UllV 0N iiKaii twi.iirpMv lnvrctiu W & MvUf (IMS St. Herald Classified Ads. OLDE TIMES CURIOUS INTBKCStV' NOTICI! I'OH I'l'IIMCVI'ION (I'nbllslitir ) DIH'AUT.MKNT OF Till: INTIHMOIt, Not Conl l.und II H. IANI) OFFICII lit Lnkovlmv, Oregon, December in, 11122. NOTIPli In hereby given Hint Vmln II Onty, formerly Vwlii II Pot I it, or Midland, On Kim, who, on Mu nil H, IIilH, imiilii HomcMeiul Hii. try, No. OlOHUfi, Mr Lois , 2 k :i, Hellion 17, Township 40 K, HiitiKu 0 K . Will Meridian, Iiiin filed milled (if Intention tn iiinkn riiml I'riHif, to WHllllllllll llllllll In tlm land iiIiuvh de scribed, liffiirn ('. It Del.np, Clerk of Hiii County Court, Klamath Conn, ty, nt Klnmnlh Fulls, Oregon, mi tliu 2tlh ilny of January, 1123, Claimant name nit witnesses V. W Wnriloti, of Kliiniutti Falls, Oregon. 0 It. Pultcrson, (it Midland. Orn- Ron ( J Ron. W I'oltcr, of .Midland, Oregon. W Jury, or Klamath Fulls, Ore- F V 1.1(1 UT, i) 1n.2n.no .1 r,.in,2n Itcglsirr, XOTICI! roil FI'HMCATIO.V (Publisher ) di:paiitmi:nt or tiii: intihiioh, Not ('mil I .unci IF tf. LAND OFFICIJ nt l.aknvlflw, Ori'Kon, DiTcmluT, 12, 1U22. NOTICIi In hori'liy nlvcn Hint JuiIkii II. Hlinrt, or Itorri'ntliin, Dm Knn, who, on Knptcmlior 17, l!l, mnilii MiiiiH'Ulrml llntry, No 01 IKK, for HVj NWi, NKH 8V. N'A NAV'l 8'U. Hi'clloii 23, Timimlilp S4K., ItmiRii i: Will. Morldlun, ln.fi flli'd notlrii of Inlpiitlon to nmko flil.il proof, to iihIiiIiIIiIi rlitliu to tlm Innil aliovii ilcxcrlliril, li"-furi' C It Dcl.nii. (County Cli'rk), Klnmnth County nt Kluniiitli KnlU, OrcKon, tut tlm 23nl ilny or Jununry, 1U23. (Inliiiulit iinint'H nit wltncrnicn A II Newton, of Klrimutli l'lilln. On-Kon Oo Ron WoIm, of Kvrrvntlon, Or Thou W Nonton. of Klamath Klumnth, ItcRlntcr Knlln, Orntnn Win Norton, or n. Ori'Ron K. l 1,1(1 1 IT. I) 111, 23. HO J fi.13.Z0 XOIICHTO CHKDITOItS in Tin: eoi ntv rouiiT ok tiii? STATi: OK OHKOON KOIt KI.A.M- ATII COl'NTV In the Matter of the Hutntii of l'orcy Clew In l.'IdrldRe. Dencend Notice l hereby Rhcn that the on- deritRiied hai been duly appointed ndliilnlHlrntor with tliu will UTineied of tho iMtntn ot Percy Clew Is Hid- , rldne. deceased, by tho County Court , of the .Slnle of OrcRtm for Klnm- nlh county, nml all persons .nnvitiR claims nRiilnst snld eslato nro here by notlflid to present same to tho underslRiied at his office No 16 l.ooinls llldR , Klamnth Knlli, Ore- Ron, within six months from the, dnle hereof i Dated this 30th day of Decem ber. 1922. KitKi) n. ki.'ktchi:ii. Administrator of the Kstato of IVrcy Clewls IJIdrldne. I)e- enscil, D 30 J fi.13-20-27 UltlTISlI 'IllOOI'S IX OI'.HMANV n.wr. cost na7,ooo,(io LONDON. Dee. 30 Tho strcnRth of tli Ilrlllsh army of occupation In llermany on November first na ST.2 officers and ft. 138 men ot other rank, nccordlnR to Wnlter nulniios, umlor secretary to tho war department. Tho total cost of mnlntcnanco, cxcluslvo of nccommodnllon nml nilHCollaiuMiis services, from tho nr- mUtlco to July 31, 1922 amounted to Sl.cr.X.000 pounds BterlliiR. .NOTICIJ TO IMTHO.VH Wo desire to lialanco our books January 1, nml renuent nil patrons to pleane settle unpaid nrcounts for newspipnrs. Co-operation will bo ap preciated Hales Nuws Agi'iiry, "37 Main Street 27-30 MADE ENTIRELY OF TWELVE GAUGE RUST-PROOF STEEL THE heavy twelve r.auge Keystone "copper-bear-Inf." steel utcil iu the Clatk Crac Vault is the most per fect nut-proof steel or iron known. 'I he protection Isaliso lute, liccuiio the Clark f!rae Vault Is built on the "iliuns bell" principle, the only scien tific way of scaling a vault water-tight anil air-tight. It is guaranteed for fifty cara and will undoubtedly last for centuries. (Stone, brick nml ton.Tctc vault, allow water to p In and hold it.) . , The, supplying of the Clark Crave Vault is topical of tho consclcntloiuserviecwcrcudcr to Uc public. KAlUi WIIITI.OCK .WO l'lno St. I'liono HI . CSirt CRAVE VAULT Dr. KING'S PILLS Jor constipation ReeuJate fei Mill 'I I ITsTfll f the bowels R!S 'Will IV EVENING WA NT TOR Ui:NT-4.rooni riimlnlioil liouni', miidiTii. Iitiiilr Daven purlH Juwilry Store 2!ur I'OH HAI.i: SU ton of wllil Imy. Cnn fixnl It out. I. I'. Hliuok Hunch, Dairy, OrKoti I'lionc I O.K. 13. 2tt-j WANT TO III.'All from owner liaV ln; farm for a.iln; Klo imrllrii. Inm nml loweist prlro lolin J Illnrk. Clilpi'i-wn KnllH, Wlnmiuln 29-30 rillBT HAM' IJOZKN nppllcnntii iliislrliiit tlm iiniiBiml milk of tlia Hprlm: l.nko IMIry will li (oimlilrrcd If your ri'nldcncn l favorably locn led Tliiifo nppriclnllnR npiiortunlty mny Rit In touch hy nomn runtoiner or tnnll nolo to II. I.. .Martin. Itoutu No. 1 2!).2 I.OBT--Vcllow unit wlilto colllo doR, lirann trlmiiifd mllar. Howard (.'nil 237-W. VJ-Ur I'OH HAM lTntahlliihcd burlnvmi. Ootid locntloii. Hei I'reil UiicnlnK. 1020 Main Hi 28-30 BTAItT Till? Ni:W VCAIt off Willi a P.ood lilK turkey. All liei, 7 to 2'i lli. Ilox 3K ('oilman Kartell. 28-30 MA80.n:ilAIK COBTUMKB mnde quickly Apt 7, lluliim Apt. I'lionn 37G 28-30 LOST I'lalinuni Iialr romli, et with lirllllnnts, on Main or Fourth lli;turn to llox 9, Hcrnld pfflto. ( 28 30 MV SOI.i: LKATIIKK Is RUnrnnteed not to Rut soft or sponRy In tho snow. Jack Krost, Cth Ht . olf Main ' 2Mf I DHUSSMAKINO Vour homo or mine Call mornloRs Hatlnfac Hon RUarantucd. Pluinii 37C. Apt 7 Holms Apts. 28-1 IK YOKIl HANDS art. cold, see Jack Krost tor r.loves and mittens, 28tt KOIl IlKNT 5 room furnished Apt. 439 10th St. 28--I KOIt BALK IteRlMcrt-d l'bland China sows and iIrs, T. II. Lynch, Merrill, Oregon. ' 2S-I LET'S TRADE If you own n Reed housu ami lot In Klamath Kails or a Reed Irrigated farm In tho Klamath country, and oil would llke to tradu for a homo over In tho valley, or In WashlnR ton, California or Idaho, drop In iind tell us what you havo and just what you wont. Wo aro In partner ship with tho leadlnR real estate dealer In nil tho largo cities and tow us In tho west and can likely find what you, want. Do this right flow. Chllcotc &. Smith, 727 Main St 2S-30 MONEY! MONEY! Wo specialize on real estate, loans and rentals. If you hau money to loan, either In small or larRC amounts, butter rIvc us a chanco to placo It for you. Wa nro always In touch with peoplo who need money. Wo know tho values and nlwajs get tho ery best security. Drop In and talk It over. Let us show you our lit..4j.ilitn stint litil if IrtivVIni rtflns loans. Chltcoto & Smith, 727 Main I St. 23-30 knlt lll-'VT 1 ntnm tinii.n fiirnlult.! w. a.... m ...,,,. .w,.o.. ...M..i.- cd. except heJdliiK. $12.50 per month. Inijulro 1023 Muln St. 27-3 WANTKD Hoarders and roomers, $9 per week, labia board tl per day, meals 40c Christmas dinner 30c. CIS l'lnu St Chat Dorrls, ' 23-80 FAIRBANKS-MORSE Put a "Z(" to Work on Your Farm Avoid hours nml days of blistering, back-break, ing labor. Turn tho drudgery lobs over to n simple, titimly, dependable: "??' Knitino. At present low iiiicru, (hw enftino is tlm chcaH'ut. "hlriul help" you. oan gef. unywhuro. It is saying tlmu and money on more than 330,000 farms. Tho magneto ecpiipt 1 J H.P., 3 H.P. nml Q II.P, am rt'ikcnv.eno engines, but operate equally well on gODoliiio. Simple, high tension oscil latins maunoto produces hot spark, starting engino nuickly. Throttling governor steady speod. Prices, F. P. V. W. J , Factory 1JH.P$71.0Q 3 H.PM $105.00 S H. P.. $168.00 'OfAr "Z" Rngine u to SO II.P. Come in aiul ttf thm. G. C. LORENZ, Klamath Falls zta HERALD A DS :' iKOIl HALfV-Onii rooi! family row, Jcmoy, cooci miikor nml rontli', will lit) frrili In roilpln of trofiks Imiulro Mm, (Irnnt Foucli, dliovo WoutHlilo Hcliool 26-2 KOIt 8AM? 320 ncriw, 2S ncron rul- i tlvntcd, liarn, du'illlmt, ROAil wull, mid otlior Improvrrmintii Inqulrp C W Wllllnnm. AlRotna, Ore. 26- good 8m:kiin(i noom, not rino Onu ulock from WIillu I'ollcnn Hotel. 2C-2 TIUAN0M? CAKE The plnco to set Kood cat. OI'KN AM. NIOUT. C33 Main Ktrcot. I'bono C2I. Htf IIAIIV CIIIX 8. C. Will to Ushorns. i from hrnvy layerii Model Piiul ! try farm, W C. Smith, I'rop., CArn- inR, uaiir I) is-j 20" WIIITH I.IXJIIOIl.V CHICKS Ilnrron-Tancrcd ntraln. Klre yenn of hoRnnlzliiK nnd ciilllnc, proper mntlnR nml care, directed hy experi ence and dlllRcncc, hnvo produced a Iutru nml tlRoroiix itock of excellent layer. Our chick nro from our own flock cxcluxlvoly and will nattnfy. J12.no pur 100. Bala nrrlval ot full count of live, sound chicks guaran teed. I.'arly order Insiiro prompt dolltrry Mnywood I'oultry Kurm, CornlnR, Calif. IStf 8TIIAVBD Hay Kllly branded "I.azy II. I' " on left iihouldor, 2S on left ptlfle Kinder plearo notify II. PoURlan Whltellne. 21-30 KOR IlKNT Kurnlshcd apartment. I.yln Apt.. Cth and lllch Bts. Ctf Take it Gins of Salts to Kl"li Kill. nrys If lllndiler Ilothers Von KatlnR too much meat may pro duc0 kidney trouble In bo mo form or other, says a well-known authority, because tho uric acid excites the kid neys, they becomo overworked; Ret bIurrIsIi;- clog up and cause all sorts of distress particularly backacho and misery In tho kidney reslon; rhnumatle-twIiiRes, sovero hpadacbes. acid stomach, constipation, torpid liver, sleoplessncss, bladder and ur inary Irritation. -Tho moment our back hurts or kldnejs aren't acting right, or If bladder bothers you, get about four minces of Jail Salts from any Reed pharmacy; tako a tablespoontul In a Rlnsi ot water boforo breakfast for a few days nnd your kidneys may then set flno. This famous sails Is made from tho acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthln, nnd has hocn used for generations to flush cIogRod kldncjs und stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids In tho urlno so that It no longer Irritates, thus often ending bladder disorders. Jnd Salts cannot Injure anyone; mnkes n delightful effervescent llth-la-water drink which millions ot men nnd womon take now and then to help keep tho kidneys nml urinary organs clean, thus often avoiding serious kidney disorders. Adv. No, 103 KSTHAV Strayed, ono smalt red heltfer, slightly brlndle, branded bar-horse- shoe on left hip. Howard tor Infor nation reading to her recovery. ilraut touch, Hccreatlon, Ore, 26-2 Tbentw"2" IK H. P,bt-,. ftrJ Mining iiia haaaI.a T oiene. tlai hlih tcimcui bt tcry l.iiltion. hit and miu Oovcrnar nnd baUncd tafe tylly whctli. Control lever JivctdxipecilchBnici :iburttor rtquir no d jutting. Aremukblovalu $4goo assures F.O.D.Faciorv T Dill M T TS 1 Jx Kodak Work Leaye Your film? i j j Before 9 OcloclPfour A.M- Picmras are DR. J. G. GOBLE OPTOMKTniHT OPTICIAH 700 Mala Bt. Phoas 18JI-W We tit and srlnd flaisos, Dupll eaio brokex lenses, repair trtmt. S. CROUCH, D.V.M. Veterinary Burgeon Deputy Htato Veterlnarlnn S.10 N. 0th St. Phone 4R8-J DR. C A. RAMBO Dentist L O. O. P. Duilttac PHONB 1 DR. H. J. WINTERS Graduate anil State Registered OPTICIAN Nineteen years here In business Prompt Kervlco 714 Main Street CHIROPRACTORS DIIB. MALMTTT A JIALLKTT Office over Underwood's 71b A Slain Phone G39-J NEW CITY LAUNDRYl rutsfaed Work Flat Work Bough Dry "Pat Xomt VwU ta Oa PHONK 154 Oonc Makt aal : nnflervwoas mxmv ' W PV, KLAMATH FALLS OREGON TnffW r7 WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE IWu I PURJT v ) UY THEIR DRUGS EgMfe) . iWi liM i w .... ,....- -. .. ..- I . ,. - " -!.- I . ,, v Kodak Finishing Films received before 9 A.M. Ready the same day at 5 P. M. Mail order tilled promptly STAR DRUG CO. (Mb. Mala Bt. NOT1CH K)ll HIDH nids will be recched by the Coun ty Court of Klamath County. Ore- gon. up to and Including tho hour of 3 p. m. o'clock on Saturday, Jan uary 1C, 1923, for tho construction ot brldRe over Woeus Cnnnl located about 4 miles northwesterly ot Klam nth Falls on thu westerly sldo ot rppcr Kl.imtth Lnko. Such bids to bo according to tho plans and sped-1 flcatluns on flic with the County j ourvuyur ami iu uu ucruuipjuivu with a duly certified check for ten per cent of proposed bid. Tho Coun ty Court reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. Dated this Decomber 11. 1922. C. 11. DoLAP. i County, Clerk. 1) J vtift j his simple treatment clears thehcad,tco:ens Irritating phlegm, cools Inllamed, stinging tissues and breaks tho cold. Sea bottle foftJmple directions. Go to your druggist spsio yourself serious troubto start now to take DlUUNG'Sg&ovEKv -asyrupforcotiglis&colds i ( KLAMATH TIRE HOUSE v on Gasoline Corner II. K. CALKINS, Proprietor Successors to Clim lies' Place Tires, Tubes, Accessories, Vulcanizing and Repair Work New Stock of Tires and Tube. . . , bCUbbI t . aan -aTaai Ysjn- rady at 6 DR. F. R..GODDARD OSTErOATHIO PHTMCUll AND BDROBOIf Office and Balderie PharMi Ml t, o. o. w. TsatriM Klamath FaHs FImbHt & Heatinf Co. J. B. hAOtaOS, Prof. 4th A Pine Bt. FkaotM B1B-R MAGNECOIL A tiuignetlc treatment to be iieil In jour home. It handle rlirumaUsrh neu rit U mttlimn, kidney and Mvrr tmiiblrN nml ninny other rltonlc illncnien claimed (o lie Incurable. I will mil on )oti or oa can mn nte nt 1.1H N. Srd Bt, Phone .von-j. N. SARTER Free Demonstrations I. O. O. F. Prosperity Ilebckah, 104 aseeta First and Third Thursday Kwnuna Encampment 40, me eta each Tncsday Klamath Lodge 1S7; meet eaea Friday When You Have Dirt Clothes If you will call tha Klamath Hand Laundry 11 South Ith St. Phone 67J-W They wtll wash, darn, lroa aid return to you. Klamath FaHa, Out. f J. C CLEGHORN avn KNuiMum AMD BUnVETOH Phone IBM IN 8, W prt VAN'S Ct.lCNI.a BKKVICK Phone 517-J Houe, Store, Office, Chimney, Ktote nml Window Cleaning, Cleaning rugs with vacuum cleaner. ( v B. P. O. E. 1247 Meetings ccry Thursday H p. m. l.'lks Temple, cor. .Ird nml Main Bts. Visiting i:ik vel come. V PRINTING Drummond Print Shop 115 N. 4th. WOOD Our llloik Wood U ilrj. Direct fioin chute, sfd.no for large load. Slab Wood li diy fur llPHtpr. - -rrr 1111 'J1' ,'Ui.W.' 'JlH wmJ all.btrgo , j n ' L PhoniK5M-W pl-i . li. .FRENCH f 1 rr -j fUy i iaufi " j.ri (ijnorn jr'i P mif-ettWI.horyUy ljfn tlll.jboj underalgnod has filed, Jn the (louu'. ) ty Court ot tho fitkto'br.Or'e'fibH, for Klamath County, tho Final Account ot his administration of tho Hstutu ot Anna S, Fisher, deceased, and ? said collet ha flxod Jan, S, 1823,, ., at 2.30 o'clock l M as the time, and tho court room of said court In i the City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon as thoi place for hearing ot Mid Final Account and Settlowent thorn. of, f p , H Dated Poc,oraber Bih., t19:2., ' , W. BBLsHJdH 'a , . AdmlnUnwloruWHii "Mtft s iai.i ABn.p.irMti', uk I 4 -r ' U , . t I' a 1 THD TOWN TOUK5 TAKE IN THU CARTNG Or THB BOH v feaiod. t U iii 1 i V I i 'ym D iMH-J.CrW, Htm &mmi ci& v.wn i V l t Ua4A fte :ky& JBBBBBH'ri'n I'll