The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 30, 1922, Image 1

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I'nltrrally Mliriiry
I'liucm', Oipgnii
8thi? lEu WTO
Member of tho Associated Press
HIMrcnlh Vi'iir Sn, II5III,
KliAMATIf I'AM'H, ouiwoN.svrt mm, Di:i Mlllllt :to, iihk!.
prick rtvm own
V' 1
v' if
Two Councilman Will Aloo
Take Office nt First
Meeting of Ycnr
Arthur Wilmni. inuvorilei t, Mill
imamim itn ri'inn of urtini nf tin'
rlly I'.ovi'riiiiniii Tucniny ulnlii nl
llin drill routii.ll niiiulltiK or Din new
year, Wllrnti nml I lie nw mint
illniiiii V If Cofi-r. Hilnl ttiml
rucrrcdlty, J T Mi t'lillnni. ttml J
II. Coxrtt. fifth wnnl, Blli'ri't'illtiK
J. II. Volincr will take nfllrii after
nil nlil business l clean d front tun
ll Kiliiinriiil Ainliilliii iiIk
Olio of tint first nrln of tliu new
mayor Mill lio lo iiiakn IiIh ri-riiiit I
itietid.illun for I lit aiollit itlrtil nf (
rlly ili'imrlint'til heads Acror-llon l
lila reient ulnti'ini'iil. In' ulll rcrolii-.
tnwiil Jou Hmllli for rltliif of pome,
Dr. I- l l.aliili fr illy health of. j hit v. hat Hiey will prnvn will, mil
(Iter. M I. Miller (nr itlronl ci.iii-i Known lit tint Mrjrld TTti ill" ( 1 1 o
iiiImIihiit. ami Keith Amlirnnn fo, image of Dm fultit alar surround
flm rhlnf ll U timliTiliuiil Hint J j tK Dm pih.piI f.Un nre measured
II. Curnnhan In slated for rlly iiUt with tho liilarnimiter to n thuutlindth
Inrney nnit Hint iMt 'uniwiilt will ' f mi limit in kc.i If they nro fartlirr
tin retained n city engineer. il-1 nnnrt limn winm tint tun I mil In
HiiiiirIi Wllnnn has tnnilo tin public
rtulcincnt an to thnn two appoint
ment. rmimll Nut In Annul
ll Iiu become known Hint In t
Irani oiin proponed n)iolnltnrnl Hit'
roitnrll, Iii1ii Unit tliu tttw mem
bers, la lint III niroril At a can
rim meeting Tlturmlny iilnlit. :: '
inir-il Hint Haw khin. I'ofer mil Co
crt illil nut Klvii iliilr lull m
prnsal to tlio niolnlinnit of Joe
.Smith fur lintlrn rlilvf. nt It'Hit l"
of Ihi'lil favnrltiK Hit iilHioliiliuciit of
(leyrKo lluiniihtcy llttl wlicilii-r
lltli w ilcvclup a ili'UillnrW ut the
flral nici'tliiK la tinl Icamrn.
Jtinlth a aono limn jinllrp
chli'f liirn ntii) Humphrey tma mtv
vil na aliirllf
lltniinri I'nllii' Juilui
I.. I.. (laRhrtRl'll. wlttt tlio IiokIii
nliiK of tlm nuw yrar. Mill nixumit
Hut officii of police JihIko Hit Mill
lit atircrt'itml na Juntlre of tin1 pr.iro
liy an oppolnlrit of the county iniirt
(If Ihno upt'lliantB. Wm Mart. Mra
I.. II ItaKiii) nml It A I'liimltt. Hid
latlur la rcporteil In uiurlliiiiiau rlr
(let to lie faMirril.
nml Other In Alloul
ltli- nl I'liin Tut'
Tlm i:ikn luno uni'ii'il tlm Ihtl
lallim Of the Pine Treo Ihealrc to
holil their Match iiIkIiI P-irl' at the
Ihiialrn follow 1H! the play Mnndny
nlnlil. mull mlilnlRht. JnlnliiK with
tlm pj -Ki'i'rn who am not Klka.
for llin alliir-lhcnlrit fitilltllloN Mill
ho nieii lo nil who iittcnil Ihn nIiiim.
Tlm KlkH liaml Mill kIvu ii hrlef
itinturt nml confitj'- ncrim-illim mid
linlbii-nuililim npimraiun Mill hit anp
pllcd In wclcoinn In tho new yuar
with llin propor enrnhiil Nplrlt.
After inliliilKhl nil lm ruin for
dmtrliu; Mill ailjmirit to thn I'lka
Icmplii In celuhnito fur a while with
a divtuc ritoiiAiiii.rnis
'I'lin Cyrlo-Hlormuitraph nt I'mler-
moiiiih I'mirmacy
ll'Klnleieil .1 HllKhl
line In liaromiiiiii'
prcMiirn dnrliii;
tint early luiiirti
thla moriiliiK. hut
uhnllt noon It ho
Run lo fall ui;alu,
Imllcatlui: u to
miM'al of Mtnriii
I'orccavt fur iiuxl
-M hoitu.
Ifnmilllml lonlRhl. ltt iiinro aniiw,
Moilnrnlu tuiMpiirutiinn.
Thu Tyrna rnrtirilliiK llunionmlcr
lORhiteiinl nmxltntim nml minimum
toinperaturoa Imlay tik'fnlln:
niKh i i aa
IH(l,0(IO I lit 111 .Miule, When I'ii.miuis.
(er I'tiiler (Jualil, It Hlltpilsril
CI.IJVIjWANM, Jlet, :iO,-r Alined
ImlldllH lodiiy 'hold up thn U) mau
ler nf thn Knrry Ctp nml Hcrow com
pany nml imuipml wltli tlm 10,(100
Mouldy paytoll. Thn piiymiiHter, who
hud JiiHl intui'iiiiil ftniu thn hank
with tliu money wnt Ituavlly Kiinid
ml hy an urmud ericnrt, hut mmh
caiiKlit off hla K'lutd by tho muMen
cuiiriiiiiiiiiiiii or ('iiiiiiiiiiiiiinii
ciiiKtiin 'iiiini) or Hi-iiitUii)'
Will tin IMiilillMicil
m i mm i:. hi.uhho.n
Silriiilil Mini AuUmr
liiltinrtiiot solciillfli
uiiltii: yuar, so far
iu ciiii lio foru-
IlllJ, Mill llll Ilic
nnriiiittluti u r
" iiimliclluti of
I. in tuin's theory
nf relativity,
AlretMy I ll
iiiuiu la I "3
IxiiiiI Dlrrrtor
A W Cnmphell
f I In- l.lrlt oil-".-raiiry
hnn re
turniil In Call.
r nil i wllh I Iiu
lirrrlt in plnte
Ilia I r 1 1 .iv Milt In
ili' ) ii Kin niiWii u riRlit In regard
to KniMtniiiiti lisiur Now Ion or AN
licit i:i'iiiin ll.t mty:i they nre
r.noil ni'KiiUi' mill Iiltcly to pruvo
'to MriiMiic Hiitr
their mliUi If thuy nre tn fccnnralpil
nJ lo the rlKht ntnount. It v ill nhiiw
Klnatpln was rlitht whit.i Iiu aalil lu
rjl.1 that a lay of llRltt from a atnr
P-imIiik near hy n hfoy body like
I lie. Hill MUtllil lie lient nut nt IIS paili to ward the tun.
To pit I bene few photnRrapha Hie
Anierlra-n iintroniiineta hud lo travel
nrriiM the I'arltlc In Aualralla and
up Hie Mot rn.iat of the lil.ttid run
tlncnt In a plaro In the doer!
knoMit na Wallal. Why did they r,o
tlinnv? Ilcrnuio It Mlia In the dec
t'Vt-umr Hirrnfiro lll.nly to ho
clear weather during ibe U uilntitea
of total orllpie.
Oihor niltnjtnpittjn Viat fartlmr
nn I ''fit rent worP. Tho HrltlMi. Her
man and Dutch ntimnomcra rhoio
Chrlaiiunn Inland. In thn Indian
orean. an their ohcrvnllim I'ulnt for
the ecllpao of Keptrmher and It hap
pened to Iiu n cluinly day, an thuy
had in return without any evidence j
on the l-.lnMtmi theory.
Tllpl,. Ti'M
I'liuleln. like I'nrlla'a attltnrs. haa
In iiih n thrte-fold teal, lie pre-
dh led. biml.l tho deflection of IlKht
rnK iumIiik hy thu aim, that llcht
rayti prnrvudltu; from the miiii muiiM
have their wavoa o ImiKlhened t hut
their upectral line Mould bo ihoed
toward the led end.
Here the evidence la enufllrtlliK.
Keiitii iiilronniiicru nay that there Ik
Miii'h'ii ntilfl. Othera find initio nf Utu
aert requlredsThl iiiettluu U belnj;
moat Ihorour.bly tented hy Dr. ('. I.'.
.St. Juhtt nt tlm Mount Wllauit oh-
The third teal, nr rather thu flr.t
In of lime, M thu faimniH o
liniliiienl inadu ) MlchoUult and
Morley lu I SMI to determine the rule
of ether ilrirt. Tlih jtuvo tho din
(iimertlTK ritMitll taht there teemed
lu Iiu no ether nl all.
I'ltikteln luierprut-i thin lu mean
Hint eVl) lliliu; horten aa Ita upend
Increased; Hint u elurlty of 101.
OUO inllea a second a fool rule would
Hhluk to alx InehiM und a watch
would lone III) mlnulen mi hour.
AppliN .Still I'ull
l'iofeH(r I). (-'. Miller nf Oleo-i
laud la hum repeatltiK tho .MlcheUuu
.Morley iixieilmeul on u more o.vtcv
Hlvu aealu and with inuru eitnit ap
paratus hut his reaullrt no far are
Hut uo ma' exiict all threo of
thcHo ciuelul experlmeiitH tn hrliiK
nut cnuvluclni: evliloneu within I he
year for ir uitrlluht the IKIiintolu
theuiy. If thu theory hi eiiuflrmed
It dci'.i nut mean, n Home have
hautlly toiuliide.l, Hint "Rialtatlon
will ho nhullallPil." Nn. Applen Will
xl 111 fall finm HeeB. So will boyH,
If they do nut hold on tlRht.
Hut It inenmi that hoyn In eolli'Ko
nlll have to Htudy r.enmetry of four
ii,- tuurn dlmeuHlnuu limkiad nf thu
plav.t and almplg Kuellil that 'limy
tnako'HUeh it Iuhh over hum. And It
uiuaiiH Hint M'n oldurn will base to
try to nijjmit our luulualle inluiU tn
idem more ruvolutlnuuiy than tboae
Hint wore Introduced lain tho woihl
hy Curpurnlvtta nml Darwin.
.MAllKf.T iicroitT
l'OUTI.ANI), Dec.
Htendy. Kkks vyenk.
110. Livestock
llntler steady.
I lln lllont
'trill hi MM t
it. STnnnnnnne
7llliIP :
flnr ifinTimiim.
, wnKsinmMnjBtu! :
Former Assistant War Sec
retary and Six "Dollar-a
Year" Men Accused
W.VHIIIM2T0N. Hor 30. --jicno-tllit
rrowull, uMlalunt aerrrtury of
wpr umiur llin wiuon nitinimiirn
Hon. nml alx 'tlollnr n or" man in
ticlateJ Mlllt tlio Cotinrll for Nh-
tlntiHl Urfatin1, voro Imllrloil today
liy tlm Hperltil Brnuil Jury liitwtl
r.ulliiK af frauili on rimrRw nf
(iinaplrafy to ilofratnl I lio Bovorn
pieiil In cnnalrtiiilofl nf wartime
nriiiy cnmi'a end cunirmmuMta.
Tilt) cthera hillrteil were: William
A. Ulrrett, Mnrloit 1. Tuttlo. Cle
ini'in W. I.utidoff, riatre roller.
John II. MrUililiun and Jatne A.
Tlio Ib lu Hid Kovornmeut of
iiilllluna of ilnllam and tlm roJuc-
Holt of tlm iiuiral" ol lutiur was
uauioil liy lottlttK ruitrarta under
tho 'tout plu ytm" to frlcnJa.
aaaoclatoft Btnl i Units, it la (tllasad.
HclKUnllim iih Vln- l'rflieiit Due
In Mimy Ollnr liiti-li-ln
A. M. rollhr loOity nnnouitred
hit rMlniuilnti ai l prwliUtnt of
the Klrit NnUonal bank .to take
c-ffert Ducoinher 31.
Collier la realgnlnr;. ho an Id. In
order to dot0 all lila Unto to hla
xirlmiK (ltber littcrocta, IncluillnR
thn Merrill hank,' of w tilth ho la
prealdent, and tho Klatnnth Ico and
HtoraEO cuuttMiiy. lift hsa hen
Iduntllloil with tho I'lrai National
hank for tlm mt 10 yr. ever
alum hla-Krnilualloti from Hib UnU
Teratly nf Orrxon (
Colllnr Inoh forMard lo n banner
year In 192-1 In all line of hua'.nM
,. ... i. - iin.....t. i. .... ft... I
110 IHKieiC-l If " .
verRo nt tho nreataat devolopiiisut
era nf Us hlatory.
i. w. w. to oirr l'jtKKiimt
ir Tin:v i.i'avi: toiTitv
WAHIHNflTON. Dec. Su.-Tliti
stmtcncc of S monibera of Inlustrlal
Workers of the World, coavlrt.
ed In Hid Haywood case of ronsplr
ttcy nml loluHnit of Mar tliuo laws.
Mrru cimimiitid by the presldoot to
iluy In oiplre Imniedlalely on thu
rotidltlnn that the eight prlwiner
leavo thu'l'tiltud HlatoH mid nccri
Mm! cci t ft-: r
I V,lVt I "-
V f -T e X yftowocTYolMf
ATM'X .UiMX ur.
' "- r - yyr
IjiIiiiv of "Cnilr)" iWrgi lo (Jet
.lilt II.ijiiKh In 7.T JlctWnlh-
Inn ()n( nl .Mm I (i (imps
'4 "7
Bofimty-flvo inn ploy of Hie Mo
il'ie knmltpr cawfm ne ir Ilfcie III lny
yi'iliirilny tvnlheJ oil) rflmn un
"furley" I'owei. nIlcKftl I V W .
won rotuwiil a Joli and linlteil hi
follow-inemherti lo alnKe a vlrlkf
Thit wag rsyortml hy ImtKera nrrl.
Ifif: Xrsm tlio Clillu'iu)n dlairlct to-
lay. ,; to rrpoWn. I'ownra mt
rpfuaul wurk not (ttiftho uroumla or
Ills mnnbnralilp lnlli t. W. W,
hut herguie Hicro wan no opcilng
f('f lilin. lie um -JMi an an '!
jeno to urouio tlit worhura ami
micrwlej In caljUHK Vtt ohji"'
of thti'tlutpriljiiiiatftiy SftiJnV i
Ipliyfeil In Uh raMiw el ttm cltnpany.
I'ovi-rri. It w miM2 Uti Junl on
to Me. ten IufKlnit riniQaMbrri' In
Incited tlio men ti drsianil, hclr-ri (
In tlio Hindu-. Mri irtK'jiiranted '
it...... ..-! . t . i
nun a whii.i'ui amu i. i ;
l.umbcirmen rupurl t'lttUthf HUm
atlt lumbering din r(efllia jtn.rx a
largo nnnilwr of I. W.isi, many
of MllOIII, It ( l'lllly'lV Iwfll
arnt liorti liy their (itaxulintl'in Or-ganlzi-ri
linvo Ikmiii miix li r i-lnci
tho r.lrlko of liit aprlm .
i ' '
lliMie nl i.UHMI Mini
rutuiil.itfil nt Dftnl
1IKND. Orn.. Dee. 30, I.lfjuor
which had coat t'i.OOW want Into the
wwer when Mayor K. D. illon, N.
If. lillltert. chairman of tho coun
cil pollco cnutmlita. and l'ollco
Chief Wlllanl lfeurton dMlrored the
mock of uHKiiuhlue which ban Ihtph
MrciiHiubtttaK nt the flwhouw, Iwt
tic hy bottle, fnr thn Imt fir
Wth pmctrallr n et.ctHen the
boon waa Ih rM1 prrtduct of
eentml Orerou'a tllfit tUIM. but it
y hlRh prlpml lnn t tlwit. raprq
MtttlAK ttoo wJk wtwld arer
aKO at leant J0 a Ituttle.
In addition to tha "hanl llkk. r."
m fAu- ImltlA f.r liiiniebrctlA lli.-llN.MI lo
- --
fl....- tli.. nr nl llin Nri! UlillUIl.
" "" - '
NUW VK.UW Hi; hi:i'f
isv ii:.i:ilm. t'l.osiNo
On account of the New
Year's holiday business housa
Mill he clwwd Monday, nrcord-
Iiir to T. A. Steenon, serre-
lary of tho Merchant's bnreiiu.
lkiuks und public buildings
will ho closed.
Them will lx- no Issuo of
Tin. Herat,! Monday.
-nc . -
"" :
? . Airmoan'X ''l h
I ."".. A." J
jfrtlHK We
J)0 OOMSlriU if. oi;
i w'g;
,).) V
a, .
V "- r- - - ts
'.T Fr
Ji3V i
v . ,jai v-i - -r
fi"' Greets-1923 With. Smile F
1 -Mr I 1H
f. JH
Dcapltn stormy tliui) -n rrtiRreaa, iTenldcnt llnrdlne Is able to erect
the Nn Vear witli htn ciuracterlnlc Mnllo. I'orhaps ho la smlllnK bo
csuae Ilurah ban withdrawn iiu propoml torn world economic conference,
which the president said Mould Intetyete with his own plana, or perhaps
baeatiae b knows thins; tniplit ba a lot worse than they arc and not
nearly as had a they seea. and everything- poluu to prosperity for
the I'ntted States of America,
New YearResolutions
Prominent in Various,. Walks of Life Tell
What They Believe ShouldB5Foremost Resolution
"Wliat should
bo Amer- v!
" i i"ii " . vu- t .
lutlnn?" la tho iUMtlon M-hlcli
Thu KvenlnR Herald presented
throuKh NKA Sarvlco to n
number of Americans represen-
tatlve nf various aatlonal g-.
ttvitlca. Their answers, preiwjit-
ed herewith, revosl a wld
rmnxe of Ideas. With them jou
may .iKroe or dhiaRree. bnt nt
least your own thoughts will bo
stimulated. What do YOU
think Is mint Important fur thu
nHlloa to rennlvu us It, enters
O on VJ2S?
- i: I'.U l,, sutfxnRlst, nf
i,WPd . , J
"TTi, ,
fU -'',
Vl) Mil
t 'A
t . -
National Woman's pirty: America's
forcmlst Ncn Year resolution
.l.hnMt.l l, I I.I.L- ..t r.... ..,...,-
- . - -- wM-
try should during this coming year
remove all poltlral, civil, legal.
! economic and other discriminations
ngalnst women, so that women shall
ao longer he In any form of subjec
tion tn men In law or custom, but
shall In every way bo on an eiuat
plane In rights, as they havu always
been nail will continue to be, In re
sponsibilities and obligations.
ItOV A. IIAVNUS, fodcrnl pro
hibition commissiener: As a na
tion we should solemnly resolve that
M-o Mill ni't knowingly violate any
of the laws; that wo will hold sacred
thu Conntltuticn of our country. We
should eoivcnaftt with ourselves that
wo Mill not nncourago others to dis
regard our laws, even though It bo
by lomnlnlnK silent when our laws
ure vloluted. Wo should pledge our
selves nut ulune tu law observance,
but also tu the aim and purpoio of
Militant Americanism, which devotes
Its bust effort to pravc-jt lawless
ness, to protuotu ruverenio for law
and to create tm abiding devotion to
the free Institutions of our beloved
IIIYIM; S. COllI!. humerist: To
repeal tho Volstead nit.
I.OO.N, nuthor of "Tho Story of
Mankind": To let nil decent people
find their own salvation after their
own fashion.
lll'linitT WOltK, podtmnstur gon.
einl: That theto shall bo lu Aincrl
1 e.i during thu now year less sulflsh
i tiess und more eo-opcratlnn, less
i teproslon and mom fruodom, more
"we cca do It" and less "It can't be
I II.MtltV I'llOTT JL'DSO.Y, presi
dent of tho I'nUorilty of Chicago;
i 1. -To make foMurnuM- laws. 3. To
tesrict und enforce thobu now on tho
statute luniks. 3. To bo loss eagor
fur taillcal 'changes lu tho Consti
tution of tho- l.'alleil States.
tantu, rliuiiccllor of Kmnry collego,
j nml hlslnlp of tho Methodist liplsco
I pal church: The resolution that our
'country will nut continue lunger tho
I foolish mid futile attempt tu llvu
unto Itself. No 'nation, ns well us no
mnn. can llvu unto Itself or dl unto
(.'UAltU'S 1'. HTi:i..Mi;T, elec
trical engineer and sociologist:, Let
(Continued op Vngo )
Tn RF RilRi
iirrt mwm
Program df DitcuMien to
Follow Election at
Annual Gathering vl
Tho annual meeting of the Klam
ath County Kami Uureau will bo
held next Tuesday at the chamber
of commerce rooms, Tho meeting
will 'bo opened with a luncheon at
1 2: 1 C. Half an hour will bo de
voted to luncheon and music. A
program" of discussion ot fanners
problems will follow, and the, ses
sion will closo with tho election of
officers for the coming year, ,
OnranlMtlon Xcnl 8
Necessity of closer organlistlon
among farm or, and tho advantages
and financial benefits that come
from co-operation will bo stressed
In thn local organliatlon mccllnff
and during tho coming year.
The call for 'Tuesday's annua!
meeting, sent out by A. L. WJo
ard, acting secretary, dwells lamely
upon tho co-operstire Idea.
Starting with the premise that
the farmer gets a smaller profit
than other business enterprises, bo
causo the farmers are unorganised,
while most other lines of enterprise
am strongly organised, the secretary
asserts that a tendency toward farm
organisation Is seen In tb0 growing
strength .of the farm bureau move-
ment and tho farm bloc In congress,
ad Is producing results.
"What Is Farm Bloc?"
What Is the farm bloc?" he' asks,
and answers that It Is the faraa
bureau, the fariaers'"oraalitli,
"Whenever a sufficient number
ot farmer can come to realise tha
advantage of -organize 'efrert ansl
will support their organizations, Just
so soon will their power be felt, and
not before Tho farmer Is th giant
ot all giants, but with a child'
mind. Your strength and efforts
bavo not been properly directed.
What has been tho result? Your
present condition. What sr0 yon
doing and what are you going to
do to help yourself? Considerable
offort Is being put forth to help
you. Organizations have beon
started and some are In operation
that can bo of considerable help It
you will do your part. Oregon has
a real educational systom designed
to help thoso following and thoso
who deslro to follow agricultural
and livestock lines. Are you talc
ing advantage of theso opportuni
ties? HoliN Action Ncetlcil
"Klamath county ha an offlclont
county agriculturalist and county
club leader. Do you call on them
for advice? Tbcy are hero to help
you und they aro willing and anx
ious to Help you, but with nil tho
help that others aro trying to ex-
tend to you, tho real help must
come from your efforts and ono of
tho boat ways to help yourself I
to Join tho farm bureau. With your
holp und tho help ot your neigh
bors th0 Klamath County farm
bureau can bo mado a real effective
organization and you Milt profit In
a real Mty by Joining. The advant
ages to bo gained In the way of
purchasing different articles you
may need will more than ofset any
dues you may pay. Tbo discount on
ono set ot tlrea for your car or tho
saving on n piece ot farm machin
ery will pay your dues for a year,
One could go on and on, citing the
benerits to bo derived from organ!-,
(zed effort and you can go on and
on complaining ubout your condi
tion, neither will accomplish any-
"Just look up theaecordi Of-tk,M '-A
various farmers' op-operatlve' eater-' '''
prises over tho country, I'a ea , f ,
to say that 90 per cent ot tWso.ia-
torprlsca have been of real benefit
to tho members. Take one example,
for Instance, Tillamook cheese. D
you know that Tillamook cfceoii
commuuds a premium of 8 cent per
pound over Klamath cheese right
bore In our own store? Why?
Think. It over.' Do you know rt
(CnnlJiniPil on I'Hgn ).
', Jl
r-mf"rft-a'-T M