X TOMMY, JTJrtH i, IMi. .v y. a. - ( THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ' "n E - - .V The Evening Herfcld . MURRAY- 80ULH Kdltor -City Kdltor Published Jally except 8undy, by V Herald Publishing Company ot Klaatath rails, at IIS Eighth 8tret. tared at the pottotftce at Kla- awath Falls, Ore., for transmission tfcresth tha malla aa secoad-clasa Matter. KR OF THR ABaOCIATKD PRK88, The Associated Prea it exclusively aatltled to the nso tor republication C al news dlipatehea credited to It, r not otherwlie credited In this saper, and also the local news pub aher herein. TUESDAY, JUNK St, lOSt. O Personal Mention o Vn, R. McCullough of Portland, secretary and treasurer ot the llcav r Tarnish works, la here. Incident ally on business 'but chleflr to Tlslt Mr. and Mrs. W. II. McPherreu, old Meads whom he has not aeon tor Tears. Mrs. J. H. Ransom ot Portland Is flailing her brother, J. J. Parker; atera, -while on route from California, This la Mrs. Ransom's first visit in Klamath Palls and she was surprised t find a dtr of such great attrac tiaa and many resources. aCrs. Edward Martin, returned tease the last ot the week from Port laad where ehe attended the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star lodge. "Miss Erangellne Poster ot Eugene la visiting her sister Mrs. Alfred Col Mar. Miss Poster expects to be here tar the summer. Mis Ellen McVeigh and Miss Vera Woods, both students at tho Uni versity ot Oregon are homo for their Maimer Tacatlous. Miss Woods Is a aalor and Miss McVeigh a Junior la the university. Many local people spent the week and in the country and at nearby rummer resorts. Rocky Point was the destination of several parties. V. C. Lehman, Coleman O'loughlln, Miss Otaudla Spink, and Miss Oliro Hum phrey, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Merrill, Wr. and Mrs. A. J. Voye and son, Joe, Mrs. J. P. Lee, and Miss Agnes Ice made up some ot tho parties who visited the Point. Dr. B. O. Wlscarvcr, Frances Olds Jftad Will Powell came in Sunday (evening from a fishing trip to Wit llamson river. Dr. Abbott drove into town this morning from tho Klamath Agency aad is attending to matters ot busl I NEW SPORT MODEIJi Xlt 1 I SL'MMKIt I Film Tonight Shows Siadebaker in Making 1 Pcoplo Interested In tho mechan ism ot tho automobile, and who do slro to see the complete details ot tho manufacture ot the 8tudebaker automobile from start to finish, can witness a film picture of such at tho Star theator tonight, secured by tho Dunham Motor compony for n ono day showing only. Tho film Is Instructive, and shows tho most intricate details ot tho Studcbaker car so plain that tho spectator can almost Imagine him self In the factory, seeing the living workmen perform, instead ot the "canned actors." This film is run in connection with thorcgular pro gram ot the theater. Watchman Fires on Burglars at Modoc Lumber Co.'s Store Two thieves, In an attempt to rob tho Modoc Lumber company's com missary, broko Into the building last night and had about $50 worth of goods piled outside when they were discovered by the night watchman The watchman opened fire on tho men In an effort to frighten them and it is believed one ot tho men was iwounded, according to the re port phoned to Sheriff Low this morning by George Cbastaln. So far no definite traces have been found of tho fugitives. Ray Herland and Howard Win ard bavo returned from Eugene where they have been attending the University of Oregon. The Warren Construction company la finishing up the last stretch of paving on Conger avenue today and the street will be open to traffic by Might. " ,?. Mrs. It C. Smith of Algoma Is hopping in Klamath Falls today. Mrs. Harry Telford is In from her homo on the Merrill road today vis iting -with relatives and friends. Clarence Montgomery, who has been attending the Oregon Agricul tural collcgo Is homo for his summer vacation, Mr. Montgomery may play ball with ono of tho local teams during bis slay here. D. O. Taylor, of San Diego arrived in tho city last night to look after his property .interests In the county. Mr. Taylor will go from hero to Roseburg whero he will stay for a few days. Miss Eramn Bristol, of Los Ango las, left this morning for her home after a vacation visit of ten days here and at Eagle Ridge. Miss Bris tol Is a nelce of Henry Mason Bris tol, builder of the Sugarman build ing. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collier mo tored to Illy Sunday. They were ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Perry and daughter, Jean. Miss Mildred Thrasher returned "last night from Pprtland where she apent two weeks as the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Mark Ifanna. ARKANSAS OFFICER 18 HERE FOR WILKINS DUO Joe aGlley sheriff of Benton Coun ty arrived last night to tako charge ot the two travelers from Okla. who aro alleged to have, stolen the mn chlno which brought them here. Clar. ence and Cecil Wllklns are the names which the two prisoners gavo Sheriff Low at the time ot their arrest. MANY OIL LEASES An avalanche of oil leases de sended on the county clerk's office yesterday and tho office force has been busy ever since recording thorn. The records show that 47 leases were fltcd Monday. THE MONDALB As a surprise for patrons the Mon- dalo has booked tonight vaudovlllo that's different. The Bceson Brps. vaudeville and trained animal at traction contains a number of clever performers, both biped and quad ruped. Tho three musical Lectts play everything from grand opera to ragtime. You'll llko this show. It's different. MIDLAND ITEMS FINDS OPTIMISM IN H. V. BU8LNES8 CIRCLES Mr. and Mrs. L. d. YnBe"en who last week motored to San Francisco, where Mr, VanBellen at tended a convention of tho shoe dealers of the coast, have returned home.' ' Mr. VanBollen states that there Is a stronger feeling ot op timism prevailing than at the lost meeting, tho general sontiment indi cating that tho tldo has turnod, and business conditions will improve. Advertising brings efficiency. Tho entertalntnont and ice cream social hold at tho Midland school Friday night was enjoyed by n crowded house. Spectators from the surrounding districts and Klamath Falls camo to see tho prince, prin cess and fairy In the play Clnderllla. They Indeed looked real In their pretty costumes all decorated with sliver tlnsol and, gold frfngos. Tho auditorium was tastefully decorated with sword ferns, fox cloves and Shasta daisies. The flowers and ferns used In the decor ations wero sent In from Seattle. Misses Ida Hooper and Lillian Knapp spent' a half a day decorat ing. Moro than elght gallons of Ico cream were sold, which more than covered the expenses. A ribbon cake which wns baked by Mrs. J. W. Jory was auctioned off and bought for 14.50. About $30 was taken In for the Ico cream and cake. Every body had a nice time. Mrs. Flowers and children wero visitors nt tho homo ot Mr, and Mrs. Harry Wlthrlo Friday and Saturday. They enme up to tako In tho enter tainment and social. Mrs. Flowers formerly taught tho Midland school Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Qulmby and Mrs. Qulmby's sister. Miss 81 mons, from Klamath Falls were Mid land" vlsUors Friday. Miss Clara Klrkwotrick ' from Shlpplngton was a Midland visitor Friday. ' Amos Perklris from Klamath Falls was a Midland visitor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Worden from Lower Klamath Lakes wore guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jory Friday and Saturday. Mrs. J. W. Jory accompanied them for a visit to Lower Klnmath take Saturday, Mr. Worden say tho crop) aro fine in that vacinltr, tho rye being over five feet high this season. Mr. and Mrs. George Furber are preparing to depart for Phoenix. Arizona, Monday. They Intond to travol by automobile. Miss Lillian Knapp left for Ber keley, .California Saturday. Geo. Furber was a Klamath Falls visitor Saturday. Mr. Del Fattl was a Klamath Falls visitor Saturday. Mrs. Harry Wlthrlo was a Midland school visitor Friday. Mrs. C. R. Patterson was a Mid land school visitor Thursday. Miss Ida Hooper was a Midland school visitor Monday. Mrs. Andorson from Milts Addi tion Is spending a few days In Mid land looking nftor her Iproporty. Mrs. Anderson formerly lived In Mid land. , $ V wurui i nree one i to Original Stand (Continued from rage 1) W----W----M---Wrf------W-- week, and tho Warren Construction company hasn't got a ghost ot a chance to got anywhoro," basing this last remark upon a purported convocation with formor City At torney Groesbeck, In which the lat ter Is alleged to havo. glvon tho In formation that tlioro was no basis for action against tho city by tho construction .company. After much discussion, tho mat ter was voted upon, nnd for a mo m en t tho decision wan not nppnrent, for Councilman McCollum did not rnlso bis volco high enough to en ablo (ho clerk to register hln vote, Tho mayor requested his vote, which Councilman McCollum n.iltl was ngalnst tho contract. This nm tho termination of tho paving of High strcot, nnd tho matter was dropped. ' Action on the proposed seven now paving units was laid over for eon sldcrntlon at tho next mooting. A petition from tho residents of tho Fourth and Roosevelt street district asked that a fire hydrantj bo Installed. It was referred to tho tiro committee and fire chief for report at next meeting. Permission to uo fireworks on tho Fourth ot July was refused. W. C. Davenport was granted permission to hang nn electric sign In front of his place of business on sixth street. in order to facilitate tho sale of sower bonds In tho Mills addition, tho city attornoy was ordered to prepare an emergency ordlntnce amending the city charter so that city bonds would be pcrmlttd to cover a period ot 30 years Instead ot tho present 20-year requirement In the ordinance at present In forco. The bonds for tho sewers wero drawn for maturity In periods of ten, twenty and thirty years, but acceptaaco of theso bonds by a bid dcr, tho Lumberman's Trust com pany, would bo subject to tho amendment. MONDALE THEATRE 100 PER CENT UNION TODAY that Dr. Lyle referred to, and that no such Interpretation could bo placed upon the company's stand. Councilman West again declared that ho was very much against put ting tho city to a legal tost, and that it was useless expenditure ot tho city money. Ho made a mo tion the that the bid of the War- ron Construction company for the paving ot High strcot from Sixth to Eighth, Sixth from Pine to High, and Seventh from Pine to Washing ton streets bo accepted. Again a torrent ot opposition poured forth from Mr. Lylc, Coun cllmcn Bogardus and Vollmer, Lyle challenging tho motion on a par liamentary rulo. Councilman Voll mer questioned tho extension of tlmo of tho contract, adding that my voto Is final, as it was last Make Those hIkIiIdk sowing done for the Fourth of July Cnll at iltUl rOURTH STREET Cor, Pine and Fourth Satisfaction Giiarnntied MADAME J. DROUIIiliARM Phono G15-M. STAR THEATRE TODAY i A M.iurlce Toumeur Hpcll Production "THE BAIT" FEATURING Hope Hampton Tho ligliU of I'arU nnd tho Hha'dows of Now York blended in "ono long thrill." Special Attraction "A Trip Through the Studebaker Factory" You'll hco tho mal-lni of a car from start to flnUfa. WEDNESDAY Tim Inimitable Will Itogor in "Boys Will Be Boys" TheOREGON Your Hotel WHEN IN PORTLAND ir-', -& ' '' POPULAR SPACIOUS LOBBY 'At the Center of Everything BIGGEST VAUDEVILLE THIS YEAR 5 PEOPLE g AND TRAINED DOGS, MONKEYS, BEARS, BIRDS. GOATS, DOVES The Big Beeson Traveling VAUDEVILLE-CIRCUS THE THREE MUSICAL LAVETTS Novelty Entertainers BEESON AND BEESON In Black and White AND REAL ANIMAL PERFORMERS FIRST-RUN PICTURE PROGRAM ."THE DAUGHTER OF DEVIL DAN" AND A BG CpMEDY COAf EARLY Biggest Show This Year I1ROADWAY at STARK ST. Wo suggest yo" write, phono or wlro for reservations Arthur II. Meyers, Manager rArArArMrArAr'MA-Arr'-r-kt)-a)-afair"ktVMVV-aV- TODAY At The Liberty WILLIAM FARNUM -IN "IF I WERE KING" A Hereon Version of Justin Knntley McCarthy') Novel and Htaffo Hucccmm Regular Prices Tonight 0mniyC' MA Kodak Work ILeaYeYour filtws 'More 9 OclocK-Your A.M Pictures are ready at 6 94 pt UrwowsrwiMv WnL-- KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Tfto?! V I WHCRE PARTICULAR PEOPLE ll I PURITY I BUY THEIR DRUGS UcfugACivl fono-Beijj) Ytir jAiae rm wmiiv tAaan ar-W lrH MTHf a.W'TiJ. Ill 4 1 TIBlh S WHY? Use ordinary Fir Flooring when you cam buy tho famous ' LONG-BELL FORKED LEAF OAK FLOORING For less than you would pay for a good carpotT On account of a rocont docllno In tho market wo aro ablo to mako those exceptionally low prlces: 13-16x2 U Clr. Quartered White Oak 1226.00 1310x2 Vi Clear Plain Whlto Oak 1170.00 1316x2 U No. 1 Common Oak $ 90.00 3-8x2 Clear Quartorod Whlto Oak I17C.00 3-8x2 Cloar Plain Whlto Oak $120.00 Wo bavo this stock stored In dust and molsturo proof bins ' ready for Immediate, delivery. Wo Invito your Inspection. i BIG BASIN LUMBER CO. PHONE 107 Lawn and Garden Seed Murphey's Seed Store PHONE 87 124 So. Sixth St, y (