THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SNVJ'lf I Store Opens at 8:JH) A. M. Closes at G P. M. Week Days ..AV"""" "" R RUBBERS, AND RUBBER GOODS When you select a Rubber, which is a necessity in wet and stormy weather, you . want one you can depend .upon. Our Rubber Goods are of superior quality and guaranteed for wear. MaavkawZaaaaaawv In buying and handling nibbers and rubber goods we endeavored to get the best in quality, also get ting them at the best price. In this wet weather a person should wear rubbers to keep the feet dry so as to prevent sickness. We cany a full and com plete line of men's and boys' rubbers. We also handle a splendid quality of oil and rain coats. ' Things essential for the wet weather we have them. B K. Sugar man "I AIN'T MAD AT NOBODY" Sat Store Opens at 8:30 A. M. Closes 9:00 P. M. Sat. WHEN RHEUMATIC PAINS HIT HARD Rfttft RlfVln'a f tnlmn rmiflif tn9 j tboM sudden rheumatic ' twinge i DONT let that rheumatic pain or ache find you without Sloan's Liniment again. Keep It handy a the medicine cabinet for immediate Wn when needed. If you ore out of now, pet another bottle today, o j you on t suffer any longer tlinn'ncc I twry when a pain or ache attacks you. I Apply it without rubbing"- for It taetraUt,-civlng prompt relief of i "Mia, lumbago, neuralgia, lamcnuo, I wentu, sprains, strains, bruise. Be ,All druggists 33c, 70c., $1.40. RUSSIANS LIKE PRISON LIFE HAMBURG LINES WILL RESUME (- IlIO DE JANEIRO, Nov. 8. (By Mall). Letters received in Porto tAIeero from Gorman firms In Ham- Bet yet. Herald Want Ads. We can do your work and do it RIGHT We have opened a Garage at 522-538 S. Sixth St. jnd we are going to Jfve a repair depart ment that, will be sec ond to none. We will J all kinds of auto, "uck and tractor repair- and the charge will Jf such as to make you Rd you came, and JJjng you back. We just "ski for one trial. - J-.H. Garrett & Son .1 .-. ".. I !..!.. .. PHOENIX, Aril., Dec. 2. A ' "ure ' iuiu.cui.nui uyuu great many Uups! who fought '"'o conclusion oi peace, ireigm anu In tho armlcB of tho former Czar pnssongor steamship service will be Nicholas prefer life in a Gorman resumed botweon Hamburg and tho military prison camp to an uncor- " urunao. I tain oxlstenco In tholr ownn land, I Porto Alcgre Is tho capital of tho 1 nccordlng to Capt.G. V. Gill, Who rn- Stato of Rio Grando do Sul, one or 'cently roturnod to tho Unltod tho most prosperous states in the ' States from Berlin whoro ho was on- union. A largo proportion of tho I gaged In spoclal work for tho Intor-. population la, Gorman. ! Allied Comhilsslon. For six months, Boforo tho war largo quantities Cnptaln Gill worked among Uus- of fruit, grain and moat products slnn prisoners of war In GeTnanv,1 wore exported to Germany from tho I examining thorn for symptoms of state by direct lines of steamers. The I tuberculosis and .o'ng that tlifiso letters just received from Hamburg affected wore glvun propor care. statod that It was proposed to re I ''Six hundrod thousand Russians sumo this trado, especially as Ger woro hold as prisoners of war In mnny was sorely in need of the food Gormnny when I wont there last stuffs which Rio Grundo do Sul pro March," Cnptnln Gill said. "When duced in abundanco. I loft, about 2000 had bebn ropatrl-i atod by tho Intr-AIIIocl Commission. In tho Intorvnl conditions In Ger-THIS WILL. ASTONISH inun prison camps had been lmprov-, nufi.tijiiu ir-urn ed greatly. Good food was pohiBi .., .,. ...,. wi.n,. T left in1 Tho quick action of slmplo wltch- nu.yui. i"" " ... hazol, hydrustis, camphor, otc, as Soptombor nnd tho gonoral nilcs or mlx0li Jn Lavoptlk oyo wash, will sur- taniiltntlon wore being obsorvod." . prise Klamath Falls people Ono girl rv.mtniti Gill said many Russians with weak, strained eyes wns holpod who won ropatarlatod by tho Inter- ly HjnBlo application. Her mother who wuiu iu..ii. ' . could hardly sow or read bocanso of Allied Commission returned to tlio oyQ im,ns In QnQ weok Bxe t00 was strict discipline of tho Gorman UOn0ted. Wo guarnnteo a small bot prlson camps In proforonco to u0 of Lavoptlk to holp ANY CASE ... ji -.! nffilml m(n11ntirtil nvna Alii. niiiiiiitinL' thoniBOIvcs witu -i i eo vwv' ow """-""'"'""'""" .V..-": """ ""'.'.. .., , ,t In "lU' Oyo CUP JJ-U1SJS.. HUKIUIJ- HIIHUI BUV.UI, bw.v w T)rug CO. AdV, tholr own country. On his roturn to this country Capt. Gill was assigned to Whlpplo Barracks, Prescott, Arizona. Lt f 1 , j .rn. -Whltmaan AT THE THEATERS Dorothy Dnlton, who always' has boon associated with tho vlrllo part shu played In "Tho Fliuno of tho Yukon," will honcotortu uo roiorrou to, by womon no leaBt, as tho Ilolon Douglas of "Extravaganco," which will bo shown at tho Star Thoatro tonight, for this glvos hor tho groat ost opportunity of hor screen cureor to woar lino clothes. To ono who has followed hor many successes this la saying much for In most picture lovor's minds nro flxod hor characterizations In "Tho Vagabond Prince.'' EADACHE NEURALGIA PI Got a 10 cent package of Dr. JanicB' Headache "Powders and don't suffer. When your head aches you simply must havo relief or you will go wild. It's needless to suffer when you can take a remedy like Dr. James' Head acho Powders and rcllove tho pain aud neuralgia at onco. Send someono to tli'" rug storo now for a dim" package o Jr. James Ilcadachi " 'owders, Don t suffer! In a few momenta you wilLfcel fine headache gone no mor aura)gU pHl T mWDI ENGLISH COURT LONDON, Nov. 11. (Hv tho Aiv B('(!n!cd lrniiB)- Tli Mate VnfU'!i given by King George und Queer Mary at Buckingham I'alaro In hon or of tho young Shah of I'crsli or. tho night of tho arrival of tho east ern monarch in England was an oc casion of regal splendor. ' Tho dinner was sorved In the groat ballroom, tho "U" shaped table being not for about 120 guests Tho walls wero decorated with old tapestries, and yocmen of the guurds stood at Intervals about the upartment. Tho Shah, wearing a diamond ndorned fez, Rat between tho King nnd Queen. Prlncesn Mnry, Prince Arthur of Connnught, and man) other notables wero In tbo company. Queen Mary's gown was a mag ulllclcnt affair, of rose-pink mirror velvet trimmed with sable She wore a diadem of brilliants which Included "Tho 'Lesser Stars of Africa," cut from the original Cul lunan diamond. She also woio a Persian Order across her breast. King George oxpii ssed pleasure; at welcoming the Shah to England and said 1 e fully appreciated the fact that Persia occupied a position of vital Importance in the Middle Kast, A bright future should lie before her. "You follow in tho footsteps of your Illustrious great-grandfather and grandfather, who visited th'n country on more t'nn one occasion," said tho King. "We welcome your majesty's present iSsit here cji a renewed proof of the closo ties of friendship which have unl)d tho two countries for more than n cen tury. Wo welcome it more especial ly nt the present moment when the rolatldhs between Persia and Great Britain hate become even closer than they hae ever been, and when wo are about to ombark uron a collaboration in the Held of material ind admln'stratlvo progre-'i whiei should ensure to your country a future not unworthy of Ir hmona past." , The Shah ropl'ed in French, ex pressing his appreciation of the wel come extended to him. In the course of his address he referred lo the League of Nations and snld it would afford to his country the op portunity of cultivating more as siduously than ever the traditional friendship which united It to the British Empire. Hjs task, hp declared, was a dif ficult one, but he hoped that with or ??e SBEN AGES OF MAN - ujmfilitn'imii .MirrrfloikiiMrrjimiinnffj o v m "TIIEN-A. SOIDIER" THE returned Soldier, having been stirred into fighting ccticn by mar Ju tial miisic, has discovered its gen uine value. Music with true tone holds for him indescribable charm. i Opera vith its liistoric background eweet ballads of by-gone days stirring marches that thrill his soul! These, to gether with the popular jazz dances, are all perfectly reproduced on The Brunswick. When The Brunswick made its advent into the world of music a sensation was recorded. New day phonograph music had come at last ! This was made possible by the Brunswick Method of Reproduc tion, composed of two scientificfeatures the Ultona and the Tone Amplifier. The ULTONA plays all records truer, finer, sweeter. It is not a makeshift) contrivance but involves a genuine principle of sound. A slight turn of the hand presents the right needle, dia phragm and weight for playing any record. The TONE AMPLIFIER is an oval shaped vibrant tone chamber. Like the sound board of a fine piano or violin it is made entirely of wood and free from metal. Thus it gives the requisite tonal volume ,i.nd eliminates all harsh, thin, metal lic sounds. It meets all advanced acoustical and musical laws. H. J. WINTERS Jeweler and Optician Phone 149W & U . 706 Mam rnr.ipmmuauggjSg TnynonvmsS' .t au:iijan.-cra: the aid of the democracies of the Mail). "It is no honor to a man West, aad especially that, of Great .who has worked hard all his life to 'Britain, "the friendly relations of spend money lavishly') on his fun eral," said judge Mulligan here When a widow asked for $350 to pay the expenses 'Of hor husband's fun- whlch with' my country date back so long, it will be fulfilled in a manner honorable to- Peisia." - I'KAOTICAIi KOONOMV NORFOLK, Eng,J tNov,,.15. (B eral. She was allowed $150. Want Ads bring results. & f r- -H I 18 cents Jmmizi wmwflk Wlt&SBtl i . m'j i ! r.;?..' v i . .t it,, Br I ttwflfSlV i i , 1 1 rn if . iFJiissewx. ,;s m I M IV f I i r l ! .ri r .Vmnfcrt Tnitr.m mi i' nil' i' t m ..... .-... m jt j'j g' !ij g that the value is in m , i .'. (H'i( : j i j m u i - m !'('' not expect premium M i'iii1 V V 1 1 1 ' U.M!" i 'i' ! j 'ml' II' ' ' i Mi' ,! m .1 "Wii" ' ''i !' I il'1 ' !li'i.ii!'i !! ! ii t 1 I'l '. ii'V I',,1.' L It'l1 'l"1 '' IT'J i'iii'i m mx '.'i'l I.. it ,. ti ii !l. !.!!!.!! I I I ' l I I I I'l 1' . iiM. HI III" IL 'l-ll i !!i i! 'H ' Ctmeli an totd rciywAer In tdtntlicMlly tealad pack afa of 20 cltantiaaj or tea paokafaa 1300 eUanttai) 'la a glaaalna-papar-eorandcartoa. We alronglr recommend Ihla carton for Irta home or offio aupplx or whea you tranJ. mm Mm SI 11 liiiQiHHlillllfiiii iililHHHHBBHHHHHKiiia CIGARETTE r , " ( If you want to know what rare and unusual enjoyment Camels provide smoke them in comparison with any cigarette in the world at any price! CAMELS are( a cigarette revelation any way you consider them! Take quality, or refreshing flavor and fragrance; or, that wonderful mellow-mild-smoothness you never before got in a cigarette-smoke 1 Yet Camels are so full-bodied and so full-of-satisfaction you marvel that so much de light could be put into a cigarette! Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos makes them so irresistibly appetizing! And, the blend explains why it is possible for you to smoke Camels liberally without tiring your taste! You will prefer Camels to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! You'll realize pretty quick, too, that among the many reasons you smoke Camels is their freedom from any unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor ! Once you know Camels you won't take much stock in premiums, coupons or gifts! You'll prefer Camel quality! It X REYNOLbSTOBACCO CO., Winton-Slen, N. C. mm gWWF t ji V I 'I , -,,, l' .!!' !' 'V'i ,'i ,!i 1 i !).' ,11111.' I (ill n'll'l ' Willi i' i ii I iii 'IV.tfl Vi!,i.,l 'ii.'! '.;ii ',' it i'ti'n i ' 'r I VI "' ' tit i ( ii ii, ,' i it' , ' h '" i 'r5 !' HI ' 'II . iKW.'! liuV'i .t.. '1.1 I.! I' ".'l"l, 'Xfr; i I ii ! i ' ill 'I I "i i 'i! .mil 't' I 'l I ' I I'V'i'i'l I 'J! I' ,i ilmli. !ii ti in . w T i 'i I! ftWiliil I ' l''i 1 1 t iiiiilli! ii. iliLiiti.hi.M BWIII i.:.Fii8i ii in V U ' V i k.,T-i-7r--'-1r - J" gX!fyrvrf!f) II' I-