-Arrv.Nt.c SSJWTsh tfp -FW. pAGK SIX THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON .'""mmv. iMsnaim-u .. wha I roHT YOU All KttD 1 1 I SUITE TO M0&6. llWEUt, 1SE HLVCR PAOlDl "T 4 fUCV!', WflAT'J , II " I I IllWiiMT YOU '" I H0 'V TnTr T home . fc,VO( 7$$Sr - Ivhnext, 'rrwr jsSS'l? rzkj? SS sweet pL Li- fT'T 7ifiat 1 A fSr IT I TTIrTT7PX 1 111 1 11 iidtiiuiiii Hi'TTrniiin ir-n-Vir'nnrrUiTTfr i" iwii'rTTiBrTr- nTOBnT fltJ I miippi.nh rooi 'iirrtrii rust r 1 mnirifn K .K?l m ' I f LM... . lULUA V ' AVVL L Pf! tlfllin I F il Ml llllnlil Wit I UIO l)i: JANEIRO, Nov. S (llyll II IIUI I I .A lilM.l.lll IT II I. II I U V B VrVfrtlUy I r-nnil mini r"MlU,)"" ,',,rK 'limntltlua of food- I It-Ill li-tV If ULUUUII 1LU UULU T 111 JLf VI Y llllXJLW K I II II H II Ml I H.I I UliiiYn nnt Imliiir hIiIiikiiiI Iiv llm Hnr. " . ' 'V LUIIIIII UMIII L. ....................... ..... ... - E, MilNUI ilSim I ",a" colm,"itH ", ,h0 HUUo l)t ,",,ml 1 rUK t)ALL Keni Lstatc MISCELLANFnilc H: I HUlal U'liiL.U to thilr rettles In (lormnny. Tim r-... .... "tUUa Appearance 1 TO . WOMEN Certainly the hat is by far the most important fea ture of the attire. It is to the face what the frame is to the picture. We have some we would like to show you. They are very beautiful. The materials are of the very best The work is exquisite. ' Quite equal to anything you could buy in the Rue de la Paix or on Fifth Avenue. And prices at half their value. Gertrude & Co. Japan It) peculiarly the victim of olomontnl forces. Tlio country con tains at least CO nctlvo volcanoes and linn an average ot about GOO earthquake shocks a year. In nddl- To house tho mnelilncrytioni u un-ur8 frequently from m- veru iIooiIh. Rooting and Building Paper Just received a carload of Ruberoid and Resisto Roofing and Building Paper We are prepared to meet your requiremeiili jIMM 1 r f TIL Baldwin Hardware Co The House of Quality Klamath Falls, Ore. , DKNVKK, Colo., Doc. 2 An shnlo laboratory, with nn Initial ex ' pcndlturo of nl Iwwt $20,000 Is to t bo estnbllRlujil at tho Unlvrrstt of Colorado at Moulder Immedlntoly h) ' tho United States Uurcau or Minns and tho State of Color tdo, nn ' nouncement to thU effect having i been made recently by Ooviftnor ' Shoup of Colorado. Tho laboratory Is to be operated under tho department of mechani cal engineering and will be umlbr tho direction of Professor John A. Hunter. Tho cepartment at present mnlntaiiiB an oil laboratory which can be utilized to some extent In tho new work. and equipment which will bo nec essary for tho experimental treat ment ot shales, a deparato building will be erected the doflnlto Vto for tho beginning of the work fcnvlng not yet been announced. Tho federal bureau of mines will send men to the university to look after the government's end of the work, and it is expected that ovent uallr tho department will grow to tho magnitude of the radium re search laboratory established ev- eral years ago at the School of Minos at Golden. This la.s. named work at present requires fhe scr lces of a dozen men and occupies n thrcp-story bullJIng on tho Mines campus. The new department Is designed for the rcsoan'h and1 oxperlnunta tion consideration necessary for the oxploltatlon ot tho hugo doposlts or all shales in Western Colorado and Utah & a commercial basis. The state jmd federal gorornmonts wll divide the initial expenses incurred. .llBttftfttk tatlklrtlt lhitlf.ft Itjfcj-ftfcb nlilKnii- nilvii1 li (tin Hfiitn fnnM rniiiMilnnlnn. coiiHlst principally ot Hour, rlcu and sugur. SAAV'MW'VMAAA A New Tire Here is a tire that is a tire THE GENERAL CORD. It is guaranteed for 10,000 miles, but you don't have to worry about that, xr it will always beat that mark. The next time you buy a tire y a General it's the tire you've been looking for. the ) have a full line of accessories bore, rer. Drop In and look HOAGLAND & McCOLLUM NEXT TO rOSTOI'FIOE WMMAMAAWMAAW Surety bonds wuSe jam wait. Ohll coto & Bmim. 6-tt I I ' A.F.Graham I I - . H I General I Concrete I I Construction I Shasta' JSand Used1 Exclusively Passengers r and Baggage ANYWHERE IN THE CITY QUICK' BKRVICB REASONABLE r RATBS PHONE 187 . .... WesternTransferCo. December 11. 12, Cj Klamath Lodge No. 137 , , L jCX.O. F..,. u MeeU-Friday night oreseta week si I. O. O. F. hall. Eth and MalnttntU P. J.Oergw , N. O.j Fred Bremar Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer Bwauna Encampment No. 41, 1. O O. F., meeta Tuesday night of each week at I. O..O.F. ball.. Arlle Wor rei;' CP P.) Kate Otterbeln, Scribe; P. L. Fountain Treaaarer. Ge't the Habt,of ' unnKing not water Breakfast Before 8aye we can't look or feel with the ayatem full , of poison. right As a screen against thu sun, tho umbrella was used In the Kast li very remotu times, and figures prom inently -In Assyrian and Ugyptlan Sculpture, where It appears to have been a part of the Insignia of royalty. A Madrid newspaper editor once sought popularity by printing his pa per on linen, with au Ink that easily washod out, so that tho reader, nfter perusing tho Journal, might apply soap and water and convert tho"rug" Into a pocket handkerchief Our supply of Block, Limb and Slab Wood is adequate for the pres . ent demands of our cus tomers, but please order before you are entirely out of wood as we are behind with our deliv eries. TERMS CASH All fire wood must be paid for in advance or upon delivery, as we cannot afford, to collect small accounts. If it is a C. O. D. order, please have the bright change ready, otherwise driv ers are instructed not to leave "the fuel. O.Peyton "WOOD TO BRN" 702 Main St Phone 187 COUNTY THKABURKK'S NOTICE Notice is horeby given that there are funds in the, county treasury for tho rodomption 'of Klamath County General .Fund .warrants, protested on or before' Sunt. 2. 1013. also war rant 30702 protested Sept. 3, 1019. interest on tho same will cease from this date, 'Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this ,88th day of Nor. 1919. G. K. VAN RIPER, 29-ct 0,i5?r2!f?S!lrer. Millions of folks bathe Internally now Instead of loading their systom with drugs. "What's an inside bath?" you say. Well, it Is a guaranteed to per form miracles if you could bellove these hot water cnthusiasta. There are vast numbers of men and women who, immediately upon arising In the morning, drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of lime stone phosphate in it. This is a very excellent health measure. It is intend ed to flush the stomach, live, kidneys and tho thirty feet of Intestines of the previous day's waste, sour blleand in digestible material left over In the body which if not eliminated every day becomes food for the millions of bac teria which infests the bowels, the quick result s poisons and toxins which are then absorbed Into the blood causing headache, bilious attacks, foul breath,- bad taste, colds, stomach- trou ble, kidney misery, sleeplessness, Im pure blood and all sorts of ailments. People who feel good one day and badly the .next, but who simply can not get feeling right are urged ,to ob tain a quarter pound of limestone phos; puate at me drug sioro. unis win cosi very little, but is sufficient to make anyone a real crank on the subject of Internal sanitation ' , Just as soap and hot water act on the skin, cleansing, sweetening and freshening, so limestono phosphate and hot water act on the stomach, liver, kidneys anr bowels. W is vastly more Important to bathe on the inside than on the optalde, because the skin poros do not absorb impurities Into the. tu iMiaenil LONDON Oct. 17. (By mall) The doath of Jqan Louis Nicodo, tho distinguished Gorman composer, at Leipzig, Is announced in a German wireless despatch, Nicodo was born near Poson in 18IJ3. Ho mado his reputation at tho piano and as conductor succes sively of tho philharmonic concerts and of the Neustadt Malo Chorus at Dresden, Among tho best known of his works is 'Das Meor", a sym phonic odo. .j ; ; OPEN NOSTRILS! END ;; A COLD OR CATARRH; j ., . ) ,, Hew-To Get Relief When need ! , and Nose are Stuffed Up. Count fifty! Your cold In head or catarrh 'disappears. Your clogged npstrlli) will open, tho air passages of your head wlllccar aud you pan breatbp freely. No more snuffing, hawking mucous discharge, dry ness or hoadacho; no struggling for breath at night. ' Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Dalm from your druggist and apply a little of tliifl fragrant antiseptic cream in your nostrils. It pene trates through overy nlr passage of the head, soothing and healing tho swonen or innamea mucous mem brane, giving you instant rollof. Head colds and catarrh yield like magic. Don't stay stuffed-up and blood, jvhlle the bowelporea da Adv. miserable. .Relief Is sure,- FOR SALE OR HIJNT-Ono of the best luiimvi in Mills addition. Owunr going east. A bargain If handled quickly, or will rout milijm-t to sale. James M. Watklnti. Jr, Hultu One, Swansen llldg., rliouu 484. 29-31" rWANTi:i. A FOR SALK CHEAP-- 8 room linutm closci in, partly furnished, $2100 Unit rush. Apply L. I, Parks. 431 Washington Ht. 28-Dt iWwnAmj, LOST A black FOR HALE Improved 120 ncros, 4 miles west of town. House, barn, good well, etc. All under cultlvn Hon, good hoII. Will sell for price ot improvements, ns owner l.i going south, lizri Main Ht. ZHtf FOR SALE Miscellaneous JxffJlJlJlLJuvl -... . . . . . . FOR SALE Pair of 1000 pound horses. Sound Good nnywhure. Cheap. II, M Daniels, llonnnza, Oro. 20-5t WANTED Ford truck or iwr, serviceable condition. Don't care for lookH. Must bo cheap. H M Daniels, ltouanza. 29-51 FOR 8AI.lv Cheap for cash. A two-piece, dry wall oncretu block machine, good ns new: used only one season. Could not bu bought today for 1 4 GOO. Will roll at a bargain im owner Is In other line of business and cannot glvu it his attention. Splendid opening bore for this business ns there Is n big demand for blocks and concrcto bricks. Machine is In tho city and can bo neon at any tlmo. Don't answer unless you have tho cash. Address llox 1, Hornld OHlco. 1-lf FOR SALE Ono pair homo mado bob sleds. Well Ironed and streng: also wagon bed and largo hay rack. Cheap. F. C. DcChalne, Phono 98-M. 29-3t FOR SALE at a bargain the follow ing, second hand 'cars! 2 1916 Rco's In good condition, $8G0.,onch; 1 1916 Ford touring' car' ISfiO.; 2 Studobakers, G passenger V8G0., and $1000. C. L. McWilliams, 1167 Main. Phono 109. 17tf FOR RENT, OR LEASE MMAAMMMAMAAMMpAMMAAMMVWMMWI FOR RENT- and phone. -Heated rooms, bath 840 Walnut, cor. 9th. 1-tf HELP WANTED r WANTED Girl for general houso ' work and cooking Mr. O. O. Lab are. Illy. Oregon.) 1-tf CITY (1A llli a in.- .. Ourbago remove phono 9l!r December I 7. M. 12, unml . " noforrj,.i;.-ii0a76U LOST AND FOUND" A .in?k RU0'lPar hip boot between Ma n nn.i k-i ,. .?'' Howard if returiu-d to Herald olflc": LOST rant Ilitw(ioii thu ltoliurtH & if ml Coiy ItostM. wnitmoM'i KlKl'tli Htrwt. this morning, a 7l bill. Phone US Itownrd u" ,'J!T 11,1)0'lK" i''o curtain on ik Ht. Please leave nt DoiIro 0ar 29-Jt SITUATIONS WANTED ""i-'im IF VOU WANT OTUDIiNT HKI.P call the Klamath (ounty Hirh School phono 3B0. Olrls for typlni coplng and iilnK. also general hoimuwork. curing for children etc Hoys for clerking, measengor service' chores, otr Special nttcntlon Is glr en to this survlcu by (lie school authorities and an effort Is to be made to ninko clllclont, convenient uml prolltnblo liutli to the student and to those requiring their scrvkos, 2tt Wo make n KH'clnlly of lire, life nud ucridetit iiiNui-Kini. Phone Oil and we'll do the renU Chilroto Jl Soiih Stf MADAM IOINA, Palmiit- World's ()n-tet PlirenologUt, Pulmlst and Medium Roads your entire life put, present and future correctly, giv ing' names, dates nnd figures in hol iness, love, law, mnrrlngo and dom estic troubles. Tolls you what yon are best adaptod for nnd what to d to bettor your conditions In life. ThU lady reads your hand, as yon would an open book. A reading by ber will meet your highest expecta tions, and you will bo wiser an happlor, after consulting her, she having the gift of rumoring all erO influences nnd placing you In an -vlronmont of happy thought anl contentmont. Readings: Hundayaad dally, 9 n. m, to 9:30 p. m. Room E, Swanson llldg., over gun store, Mala St., hotwoen 6th. and 7th, opp. West ern Union, Klamath Falla, Oregon. 12-13-19 PHONB PEYTON tor Wood. Hf. NOTIC7H fitrayod from Dodd Hollow one bay aaddle horse branded figure 4 on left shoulder; ono gray horse, weight about 1700 pounds branded HX on loft shoulder; one brown horse, weight about 11C0 pouudB, branded upright flntlron on loft hip Notify Chas. Paulson caro of F. N. Hodricks, Merrill, Ore,, uud receive rowara. B4-t" NOT! OK On or about Doc. 1st tho Diamond Shoo Shining Parlor for gontleaee will movo 3 doors west on Main m. tho west end ot tho Star Theatre. 241-St" Try 'om. Horald Want Ada. V " " L Jf MiMiMMm ""jjrs- wlKmBliimMilmW n fl ftftf f fflMlIIlli v . umtintzieamsi&mer MBmEgMmzaar : ii I I 7' ihlT I WHgip The W ' tl SHOES I An the fiuntiatim tf Good Drtit The value in buying- Ncttleton Shoes is that they j not only look vcll when new but ttuy gnw w gracefully. i Avoid the loss and disappointment of expen II nicotine. We recommend lcttlctons. SOLD IIV TUB KKK STORE ii i ' . ii j Kxclusho Agents - , i j 'Agtnt for Ntlllclon Mcn'i 'Shoe the WeM'' Finei? JV "-J i , ,",i" ;;