ti:hiav. i)i:ci:mhi: m, iihi. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THRE "It's Like Finding Money" says the Good Judge When you take a little chew of this real quality tobacco, and the good tobacco taste begins to come. You'll find it keeps com ing, too. The rich to bacco taste lasts and lasts. You don't have to take a fresh chew so often. Any man who . uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put Up In Two Styles JUGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco V-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco WARNING Christmas will be here in a very short time and you will want some pictures to send home to your folks and friends. You will be disappointed if you wait much longer. Wc have juit .received a shipment of the very latest styles in folders and mounts for photographs. ' They are the finest wc have ever seen or had. SEE THEM. . A large stock of Leather Goods, Card Cases, etc., at less than wholesale prices. Get our prices. When you want that picture framed bring it to us. Our prices are reasonable. Make an appointment for sitting today for your Xmas photographs. , The BOND Studio Phone 276J 1136 Main St yyvvvvvvvvvvvnnrii"yv"yvv"n Dancing AT MOOSE HALL Every Tuesday and Saturday Nights " Real jazz " And No Foolin' Kay.Jay Orchestra Dancing 8:45 MMWWMMMVVWVWVWWMMMMVWWWWWMWWMMMMAAAW When in need of a good overall, that is both strong strong and durable, ask to see our VKUNION MADE WV DON'T SAY "OVERALLS," SAY which will give you the service. They are Union Made and have a number of features over other makes of pveralls. First is, the material from which they are made; second, all seams are felled and triple stitched; third, cord-bound button holes and full cut in seat. Last, they are Union Made. We handle the complete line. ' K. Sugarman "I ain't mad at nobody" v.; i, ol .1 n mm ill 1ET BEE, II 'I fin Oregon Htiito Tonri'-'Tit' as sociation will meet In Portland Duriiitilior 2U-.10-.'II. TIiIh will mi (loilljloilly ho tlio InrncHt and in oh I Iniporliiiil touchers' convention ovor hold In (hiii h tii to. Alrcfiily tlio number of tpuchfru who havo cnrol- loil (mil paid their foes far exceeds that of any nrovloiiH vcar. Dulo gains from ovory county anil from civnry loril teachers organization In 11. c Hlatn will niton'! Hip IiuhIiiokh nicotines of tlio roproaontntlvo counnrll. Thin mooting aB well as all of tho otluir tsccrlons Ib open to nil teachers In (ho ntuto. President A, C. Hampton, cltv nunorlntondont of I-u Uriuido Ih pre paring n most IntcreHtlriR program and expects to sccura for tho gen ornl sessions two spynkors from out Hldo tlio 'Htnto. Ono of thoBO will bo II. II. Wilson, city superintendent of Berkeley. California. Mr. Wll- Hon hn.s held Important positions In ICnnnafl and Indiana nnd Is tho author of n numbor of well known educatlonnl workfl. In addition to tho mcctlng"of 'he roprcsontatlvo council nnd tho fjen oral sessions each of tho following dopartmenta will havo a well prepar ed program : City Superintendents, Higher Kducnjlon, Secondary Schools, History, Modorn Language, Foreign I.nngungo, Council of Eng lish Teachers, Elementary Schools, Rural Schools, Vocational Educa tion, Music, Industrial Club Work, LlbrarlniiH nnd I'hyslcat Training. mMmLXZM&msi -'?M M BJJ i a BAN CONFETTI FOR WEDDINGS MARYl'ORT, Eng., Nov 15. (By Mall). Tho vicar of tho pariah hero, tho Itov. J. A. Richards, strongly disapproves persons showering con fottt on bridal patties when they are entering tho church to be married. Writing in bis parish magazine, ho says: "All right-thinking people must reallzo how unseemly it is for a cou ple to stand before tho altar on their wodding day literally dripping with confetti. Tho practice is also un wind. The wedding day is a great ovont in a girl's lire. Much time and money have been expended on costumes. Tho bride and brides maids- tako a prldo in looking their best, and it is abominable that vul gar, brainless .people should be al lovoa to gmothov thoi with con. letii. . "Strong measures," the vicar adds, "should be takon to put this down, and wo wish to give notice that people covered with confetti will not be allowed to- enter St. Mary's church. They will have to come to church In' a decent and fitting con dition before the ceremony can proceed" u,:: & ihlc! "I'll nj,"iifi,"jTi' jit,1'1 ... I ' l . J . . ' I !''i''ii(Mi i. .l'-ilK,'k i.f V lilSir.lT.-ilMl.l.iiiliiii, "I"!!!!!1' '"I V I'll'lliii lllliil.llllll'ii i-M( )tH li. . -.il H'f I'NI'H1 llllMfMli ill! ii tdlHifini I I . . Ifl .1, ,1 1 ll ' i h m hum ii' nij'i I, ') v fOOT I !nf V 'in;' ,i .inii in! I AKKO" O ., I!! 'CfeS-' a ami ZShoa MUbrnjuiNv ii'imnii m STYLE No. MO "BtJird" Models Dark Bnwn Calf, Wintf $Hr Hnl CUT DOWN YOUR SHOE EXPENSE CUT DOWN THAT SHOE EXPENSE. CUT IT DOWN BY BUYING BETTER SHOES CROSSETT SHOES ARE THE SHOES IN WHICH YOU CAN DO THIS. ANOTHER THING, WHEN YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR SHOES, VISIT OUR STORE. THAT IS WHERE YOU BUY THE MANY MAKES AND STYLES FOR FAR LESS MONEY. SHOES OF QUALI TY.AND PRICE. The reason of the great Bradley Shoe Sale is Just to enable per sons to buy tho correct shoes for the correct price, and when you see our line, mostly our prices, you can then say they are great values for the money. The quality is there. All leading and well-known brands, including CROSSETT, BUCKINGHAM & HECHT, AMERICAN BOY, MASTER MADE, MEN'S EASE, AND MANY OTHERS. BRADLEY SHOE STORE DRUNKS DISAPPEARING . Tht Joy of Living. With all my heart I believe In the Joy of living; but those who achieve It do not Ncok It as an end in itself, hut as n seized nnd prized Incident of hard work well done and of risk nnd danger never wantonly courted, hut never shirked when Uuty com mands (lint they he faced. And those who linvo enniril Joy, but are re warded only with sorrow, must lenvn the stern comfort dear to great souls, the comfort that springs from the knowledge tniight In times of Iron that the law of worthy living Is not fulfilled by pleasure, but by service and by sacrifice when only (hereby can servlco be rendered Theodore Roosevelt NOTICE vlJi??01 Atch Maens: .Special Con Tm.ion Klamath, Chapter R. A. M. lu Mi' uvonlnK' Docombor 2, Work nvuij Ml dBreo. All companions tovlted. 9-3t GEO. WALTON, H. P. "eccmbor ll, 12, WANTED , 4ft .... .. "- ". -CK8 no. l seed potatoes, dry ; &8f. fB var'oty. Early 8lx Wooks ftnte', Netted Oqms or Blue, c"i Oencrnl Doll very 21-Gt MVVMWWA(AWAAA PRINTING Our Shop is being; fitted with tho best equipment obtainable, and a first-cluss Stationery Store opened. ONEER IT S Johfn5S!:nk 126 Main Street ,AND VsVVVWWVMWWAAAAAAMAAAAA Can't Lose It Adolph Tandler, symphony orches tra leader, was commenting on the de mand that music by German com posers should pot be played. "There Is so much music that Is (Jer mnn, that I doubt If It can he done," the. remarked, and added, with n lunch, "besides, they toll mo that they are using It at the peace conference, or, at least, that Is the clnlm of a certain German musician I us'ed to know. "This (fennun, after listening to the uproarious discord attending the peace celebration, cried: " 'Ha I Observe that In order to cele brate they have lo raise to lh Wag 'nrrlnn slyle of iniiHlel'" LONDON, Nov. 16. (By Mail). England's army of drunkards is dis appearing. About fifteen years ago 70,000 persons were annually com mitted to prison for drunkenness and the average for a few years be fore the war was about 60,000. The commissioners of prisons, in their annual report, say that tho numbers committed to prison last year wore 671 males and 999 females. Reports from all the prisons tes tify to the benoficient effects of re striction on the sale of intoxicating liquors. December ZIZ 11. 12, 22-tf TH i TO N I IT'S GRANDMOTHER'S RECIPE TO MIIXG BACK COLOR AXD LUS TRE TO HAIR l-g8Li-J Whitens like , peroxide 'ffifet Peredixo TbothPaste Sold onlvwhm ADS. bpodi are duplayed j UrfcelUto234- f&jj&P fel You can turn gray, faded hair beau tifully dnrk and lustrous alraosover night if you'll get a 50-ccnt bottle ot "Wyeth's Sago and" Sulphur. Com pound" at any drug utoTu."" millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Teai Recipe, improved by the addition of other Ingredients, are sold annually, sava a well known druggist here, be cause It darkens the hair so natur ally and evenly that no one can tell is has been applied. Those whoso linlr is turning gray or becoming faded nave a surprise awaltlnc them, becausa after ona or (two applications the gray hair van ishes and youg locks become luxuri antly dark and beautiful. This is the age of youth. Gray- haired, unattractive folks aren't want ed around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Compound tonifcht and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and, your youth ful appearanco within a few days. OLD FORT FOR SALK CATERHAM, Bng., Nor. 15. (By Mail). Fosterdown Fort, at White Hill; near" here, is to be of fered for sale. It Is one of a chain built many years ago along the Sur revy Hills for the defense of Lon don, and has an extensive view over three counties and Is 800 feet abov sea level. ironon 1 The Ladies of the Catholic. Cfcutttt will hold their annual Fair Dee. .11. 12. as-te December ZIZ 11, 12. Real comfort- A good oil heater filled vtiih Pearl Oil assures you comfort. Gives steady heat tit the touch of a match. No .irnokc, no odor, no dust, nc d::t. Easy to carry about. Economical. Less furnace heat ,ind .fewer grate and ioai-stove fires required. Oi! consumed only when heat is needed no waste. Tcarl Oil is refinrd and re refir.ei; by our special process vi'.v.ch makes it clean burniny. For sale inbulk by dealers everywhere the same hieh iicality kerosene as the Pearl Oh old in rive-gallon cans. There 13 a civing by buying in bnlk. ' Ordrr by name Pearl Oil. We recommend Perfection Oil Hctt.us. PEARL OIL , (KEROSENE) HEAT AND LIGHT ? J i: STANDARD OIL COMPANY in m Try uiiii Iloraiu Want Ads. -gy -'iir Best yet, Herald Want Ads.