TO4 '. r tt THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TUKHDAV, IH:c,;Mm;n tAGK TW J. trti. 'm -Kl l.M IM Tfc BBP 1 BAD EFFECT OF I ILK SHORTAGE TRAVELING GOODS 99 Why Not A "BELBER Trunk, Suit Case of Bag for Xmas? Something that you need every day of the year. See the new styles we have just received. KKK Store Exclusive on Belber Luggage LONDON. Nov. If..- (Hy Mult). Miss Uuth Fly. secretary ot tlm Friends' War Victim Ilollof tnlanlon, drnws nu iinptulliiK llcturo of llu 'effects ot tho ittiurtaKO of milk on tho thcnlth of tho children In Vienna. j "I lmvo recently nulit n visit to' Vienna." alio 8Uh. "nnd therefere: hnd special opportunities for obtain-' Ini; Information. , i j "Uvea tho trtiRlc stnto of Lille, i after tho withdrawal of tho Hermann when CO per cent of the childron were found to be underslted and 40 per cent tuberculosa, was not to Ur- jrlhlo as that of Vienna, now a city 01 .,tUU,UUU lUUUUliaiilB, n iii-ru uuu never sees a normal child in the, 'litveeta; practically all tho children of tho wage earners are understood, practically all under 3 years sulterlnit from 'rickets, and n laru proportion of older children tuberculosis, which has reached the ciifruitnf frmti tmth rldfuta nml !,ou..u....a ...., proportions of a dangerous epidemic. "This Rlmstly state of affairs Is j tho direct result of malnutrition and,! nbovo all, ot tho absence ot milk. In Vienna, milk is reserved for ln- fauts under 1 year, nnd tho most! serious cases ot illness. But in many cases even tho pint of milk allowed has to bo cut down one-half." After describing some ot the of-i fects of tho shortage of mill; In tier many, whero the conditions are much better than in Austria, Miss Fry asks: , a "Could not measures be Introcluc-, cd in theso countries "which have not yet ndopted them, whereby healthy adults should bo called on to make a sacrifice in tho interests of tho chil dren, not only ot tholr own coun-, tries, but of allied and enemy coun tries as woll? Tho surplus milk j could then bo dried or condensed lfor oxport. I j "So long as serious shortago ov ists anywhoro, milk should be r'-' sorved ovorywhoro for thoso whoso future health and strength depend ' on it. Thn health of thn nnxt irnn- ! oration," she says In conclusion, "is' an international question." ' BRANDENBURG'S Dry Goods Store ",l WHERE THE LADIES SHOP ll...a I ,. bJ IVl tall. . ar m I I m al fa I u u l viy uuuus, .ui.....e.y emu muicb nirnisilings Phone 465. 123 Main St. RECTOR REFUSES BISHOPRIC, H.CL LONDON, Oct. 16. (Correspon iaece the Associated Press.) Can am Peter Green, rector of St. Phil ips, Salford, baa refused the bishop Tid of Lincoln because he Is opposed to bishops living in big houses (pal aces they are styled) and receiving big salaries. "I have a very strong ideal of what a bishop's life should be," be aT8, and there la a big battle to be Sought in the future on the question t bishop's palaces and incomes. , "No one recognizes more fully than I do, that many of the bishops are poorer as such than they were before they accepted the office, but that does not alter the fact that tho bishops' palaces, motor cars, and bishop's incomes are a real stumb ling block to the working man in ac cepting Christianity." As Bishop of Lincoln he would have received 4,200 pounds a year and would have been expected to live i; to It. STOCK EPIDEMIC RYDE, Isle of Wight, Nor. 10, (By Mail.) Hundreds of cattle have been slaughtered in the Isle of Wight in an effort to stamp out an epidemic of the foot, and mouth disease. t t Make It a Camera For Christmas If 111 1 GLASS OF SALTS CLEANS KIDNEYS YULETIDE GIFTS Georgette, Crepe de Chine, Wash Satin Waists ALL THE BE FOUND white, blue Wash LATEST WAISTS AND IN THE NEWEST OF STYLUS cam HEHE. Georgette. Crepe de Chine and Wash Satin Waists, in find, , apricot, maze and yellow. All sizes from 3(5 to 40. $7.50 tb $21.50 TaiTeta in black and navy blub. $6.95 Special $6.95 Georgette, Crepe de Chine Waists in all colors. No phone or mail orders. No waists exchanged at this sale. SKIRTS Wo hnvo nn exclusive lino of Skirts In many pnttorns and tho Inist word In ntylti. Many plnldB, stripes ami olid rolorH In blun, black, nuvy blue and plum. A si,li:nuii link ov plaids. Huro you will I) mi Just tho thine you have bven look ing for. SI :i.."0 mid up. If your Back hurtu or Hliuldcr bothers you, drink lots of water When your kidneys hurt and your back feels sore, don t get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot .of drugs that excite tho kid neys and irritato tho entire urinary tract. Kcopyour kldnoys clean like you keep your bowels clean, by flush ing tnem with a mild, harmless salts which removes tho body's urinous waste and stimulates them to their normal activity. The function of the kidneys is to filter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from It COO grams of acid and waste, so we can readily understand tho vital importance of keeping the kidneys active. Drink lots of water you can't drink too much; also get from any pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablcspoonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morn ing for a few days and your khlnovH will act fine. This famous salts 1st in a do from the acid ol grapes nnd ! lemon Juice, coblned with lithla, Unci has been used for generations to I clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; also to neutralize the acids In urine so it no longer Is a source of irrita tion, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is Inexpensive; cannot injuries; makes a dellebtful otferves- cent llthla-water drink which every one should take now and then to keep their kldnoys clean and active. Try this, also keop up tho water drinking, and no doubt you will won der what bocamo of your kidney trouble nnd backache. TONIGHT LIBERTY THEATRE TONIGHT A camera is the gift that lasts the year around a'nd is remembered as often as it is used. Give the youngsters a camera, a' little box camera does not cost much and provides them with the , joy that nothing else can equal. A bigger cam era for the larger and older children or just a camera "between friends." We sell the best in the country and in all sizes and market prices. : ram. DESPAIi If you are troubled with . sine ot achea; feel tired; have ticadache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pass age of urine, you will fin J relief in ( !HliSWd',i PSi 7 I PURITV I 7fT7 W KLAMATH FALLS OREGON w WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE It- If BUY THEIR DRUGS UccupacvI M'HHM'-t4.MiMMH5 GOLD MEDAL WTl !TJk.vjR I Tho world's standard remedy for kidney, Ilivtr, bladder and uric acid troubles pr.d National Remedy of Holland ninco 1396. Three sizes, all druggists. Guarantied. Leek for tbe name Cold Medal on erei? bea and accept no limitation .eaew X jt0t J M Cn7 AalCJ K?i 1 1 i I VI. AV. WSlKfjHkT i?:I if eaaaatMaa alatamtaV ia " L .aSaVaVaVB M. F i . r TJL W, , Bon kaW KalBVler&BeBlllBiBlBlBlBlBlB&BlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBMIaBmlBl WM , uJiotmtmtmtmtmtmtmlBtmtmtmtmtmtmtmtr-. Hm ft.Holmtmtmtmtmtmtmtmtmtmtmr . V omtrntrnV. V" , K alBlBlBlBlBlBKWBWKIiBlBiaaBiBHrK'l' & 1 ' "'M CjlalBlBlBlBlBaB1 mimmoLA numr ?mmmr tim-mr Hk ; WmWT m IF! ?, ; y its an avouu 1 1 1 .A noneymoovL-. tttl 1 ltiThe strangest record- For the bride dldrCt haOe a, chance to spoon? Wasrit it a' Shame! ANA The Lewifching little star, in ""'am J ffiL tKWKk "W "W WI',1 "'''fe It's not a bit shockinq" really! A Screen Classics Inc., seven-part Special adapted 'hy METRO from the famous Broad' lOay farce by James Vullen,i& LeiOisMlen, Browne directed by JofaiEJnce. Maxwell iiarqer, Director (eiiL CRIT RHNP IMFATfPAPQ PrflUAQH FOR Murphey's Feed & ..Seed Store '"i5' " lfiijni uviini Um ijvjvi innuii CHICKENS i q...l t-u .5 pkomW 126 Soutk Sixth St jmmm ' " :.y&i$b $ -',' '. .l