The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 01, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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2!!Wv- "':.,
f 5" ijrrfF'F 1
I ' " 1 I " jimgo" T ' ll SHfi'S A FlME" UTTU5 GIRU-7H' PCST WiFG I HAPPY KVTUKtlS 01' TUG I WMY-JVOMT MNTl' ".1 I Of) t ., , """"""
ii1 :::""',,, . ,i i irr n i r
A full line of new and up-to-date toys. This
stock is all new and has not been picked over.
Don't wait too long or you may be disappointed.
7th and Main
m m
county TiiKAsimim's xetk'i: T
Notice is hereby given that thero'
are funds in the county treasury fori
tllA rmlnmtltlnn rtt l.'lnmnfli n. .....'
General Fund warrants, protested!
on or beforo Sept 2, 1013. alo war
rant 30702 protested Sept. 3, 1919.
Interest on the same will cease'
from this date. I
Dated at Klamath Falls. Oregon, ! ,p
mis -sin uay or Nov. 1919.
29-t County Treasurer
lnp TV R made
iflLh ln vu,ln 2a
lilt I JIH ",oh'' uoanui
mi.yeo avitm sru'iiru it
Present indications are
that all kinds of wood
will be scarce and high
er in price in the near
Take my advice and
buy now.
"Wood to Burn"
Phono 187 702 Main St.
The old-timo mixture of Sage Tea
and Sulphur for darkening gray,
streaked and faded hair Is grand-
mothers recipe, and folks are again
using It to Keep their hair a good.
i even color, which is qulto sensible,
as we are living in an age when a
vouthfttl appearance is of tho great
est advantage.
Nowadays, though, we don't have
the troublesome task of gathering tho
sage and the mussy mixing at home.
All drug stores sell the ready-to-use
product. Improved by tho addition of
other ingredients, called "Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound" for
about 50 cents a bottle. It Is very
popular because nobody can discover
it has been applied. Simply moisten
your comb or a soft brush with It and
draw this through your hair, taklnc
ne small strand at a time: by morn
Ing the gray hair disappears, bin
what delights the Ladlc3 with Wyeth'g
Sage and Sulphur Compound, ia that,
besides beautifully darkening tho hair
after a few applications, It also pro
duces that soft lustre and appearance
of abundance which Is so attractive
' WASHINGTON. U ('. 0f t
wltti the float' of tho tutorial sosolon
of tho SKty-sixth Congress It In In
structive to look luck over tho pro
coiling six months and review tho
legislative rorord of tho Republicans
,who havo boon In control of both
! houses for tho first llmo slum 1911
JTho first duty of the first Congress
w hen it was called together by tho !
j President on May 19 was to omul J
I tho urgent supply bills to maintain (
i tin machinery of goommont. Seven1
J ;of those grunt money measures had,
' boon left uuonnctod upou when tho
' Democrats surrendered tho reins.'
and It became tiO'osanry to correct
those u.lstnkes of omission before a
J ,.irt on a legislative program could
bo made
S legislative dnv nil of
measure had boon passed, and
savlngs'to tho country
over the amounts carried in tho cor-.continuously
responding bills for tho preceding
ritiinl year of about $940,000,000.
Not only 'was this huge curtailment
from tho expenses of last year
achieved, but thu bills represented
a reduction from the estimates sub
milted to Congress by tho executive
departments in tho sum of more
than Jl.CSC.000,000. Those esti
mates had not boon predicated on
war conditions; they wore, submitted
after tho signing of the armistice.
That tho Republicans refused to as
sent to them to tho extent indicated
docs not mean that tho reasonable
needs of tho government wcro not
provided for. No Just claim has
Jtlii OLLalw'
Ladies' & Men's
maim: TO Oltl'l'll
im:iifi:t fit (;uakanti:i:i
Prices nro orj reasonable
Your Imped Ion ImltiHl
Chas. J. Cizek
ftlH .Main hi.
I A. F. Graham I
H Hi
bH Ml
I General
I Concrete I
B Construction I
H Shasta Sand Used H
4 Exclusively
Surety bonds wulle you wait. Chil
cota & 8ml tn. 5-tf
It Is considered doubtful if there
is a Chinese native living who knows
the whole or the 44,000 character
that mako up the Chineso language.
The sea front of Uolguim, which
extends about 40 miles, stretching
from Holland to France, is paved
along almost its entlro length, and
I forms one huge ocean roadway.
December 11, 12,
addressed ltsulf to or
more faithfully performed and ills
charged the diilleii and responsibili
ties placed upon it than tho ttpo till
sosstou of the Sixty -sixth Congress "
No. 1124 Kmilty
In tho Circuit Court of the St a to of
Oregon for tho County of Mam
nth. Theodore W. Flackus, Plaintiff, vx
Margaret M. Flackus, Dofotidant
To Margaret M. Flackus. Defendant:
OF OIIKQON: You nro hereby re
quired to appear and answer tho
complaint lllcd ngainHt you In thu
ibova ontltlud null on or before Mon
been made that tho appropriations I'lny tho 12th day of January, 1920,
will not ho sufficient for tho norlod ,,n'1 fn,luro to nPPoar and anHwer.
win not do sumcient ror uio ponoti fQr wn)t tnoroof piuimirr wlu tllko
for which they wcro made. Judgment und docreo against you as
Not only havo the Republicans! ""J0"8:
i. uruuuiiK u uirurce 10 wiu plain
tiff und declaring thu bonds of mat
rimony now existing butween tho
plaintiff and dofotidant, of no fur
ther force and effect.
2. And asking that tho plaintiff
bo nwardod tho care, custody and
education of tho minor children.
3. That tho plaintiff bo granted
achieved those huge economics in
tho uso of tho taxpayers' money, but
many items of general legislation
havo been enacted that will provo of
incalculable boncfit to tho country
as a whole. Among thoso laws may
bo mentioned the return of tho tolc
graph, telephone and cable lines to 8"f.h, thof nml. rurthu,r r),lr nH l0
?,... equity and good consclonco may up-
their ownera; tho woman suffrage pertain and as to tho court may hooiii
constitutional amendment; tho on- meet,
actment of liberal provisions for thn , J""nry 12th, 1920, Is tho liwt
vocational trilnln'c of wounded sol ,lay of tho tl,mo Proc'"Iool In tho
vocational training of wounded Bol-tril,,r for puUcaUon of thH HUm.
dlors; the incorporation of thc.mons in which you may nnnoar and
Don't give it a chance to
"set in" use Dr. King's
New Discovery
On or about Dec. 1st tho Diamond
Shoo Shining Parlor for gentlemen
will move 2 doors went on Main St.
tho woat end of the Star Theatre.
Real Estate, Insurance,
In farms
und city
Good buys
SaJte'f. SvrMS0W-nidg.
Pliono 48-1
THAT dangerous stage whore a
cold or cough or ciiho of
grippe might get the better
of you may bo nearer than joii
think. Prompt action with Dr.
Klng'H New Discovery will avert a
long biege.
For llfty years It has loosened
congested chests, dissipated tight
packed phlegm, broken vicious eold.'i,
and coughs. Olvo it to the young-,
sters lake It yourself. There will1
bo no dlsagreeuble after-effects.
COc nud $1.20 a bottle. At your
druggist's. Give It h trial.
Bowels Become Normal
--liver livens up, bile flows freely
headache, biliousness, tongue-fur,
stomucli-Kounu.'.sH, disappear when
Dr. King's New Llfo l'llls get lu
their natural, comfortable action.
Purgatives never pleasantly cor
rective, boniotliucH httblt-formlng,
should not ho taken to ruck tho
system violently. Nuturo's way Is
the way of lr. King's New Life
Pills gently hut ilnniy functioning
tho bowels, eliminating tho Intestine-clogging
waste, and promoting
tho most gratifying results. Cleanso
the sybtem with them und know tho
Amorlcan Legion; uddlttonal com
pensation for postal employes; more
stringent restrictions govornlng In -migration;
soveral laws facilitating
tho reclamation and development of
tho public domain of tho west; ex
tension of food control act with add
ed penalties for profiteering; In
crease iu tho allowances for certain
classes of Injury under tho war rial:
act, and otliprs.
While tho Senate has been en
gaged most of tho tlmn In the con
sideration of tho peaco trualy, the
successful adoption of reservations
to which is by far tho groatcst
achlovemont of the session, It has
found litno to co-oporato In tho ins
sago of tho moaHurca enumerated,
and has given consideration In com
mittee to many others that will re
coiro early alontiou when Congress
reconvoncs on December 1. Thn
most Important is tho railroad bill
now on tho Senate calendar of busi
ness. Merchant inarlno legislation
has boon in course of preparation by
tho commerce committee, measures
dealing with phases of tho tariff aro
ready for report by tho coramitteo
on finance, and tho army reorgani
zation bill has been thoroughly in
vestigated by tho military commit
too. All thoso matters will recolvo
early attention in tho noxt session.
Tho house has passed a number
pi other measures which but need
tho approval of tho Sonato to become
laws. Among them Is a railroad
bill; a comprehensive inorcbunt ma
rine nicasuro; a budget bill; an oil,
gas and coal-land leasing bill, and
a water power bill. Other equally
Important measures havo boon re
ported from IIooso committees and
await early action. To quoto Repub
lican Leader Mondoll of tho House,
"It caa be truthfully said that no
Congress in American history has
nnswur said complaint, tho first pub
lication thereof being November
23th, 1010.
This summons is served by publi
cation, by order of Honorable I). V.
Knykendall. Judge of tho Circuit
Court of tho Slato or Orogon, for
Klamath County, dated Novomlwr
20th, 1019, which order required
that this summoim bo published for
onco n week for six successive
wetoks, tho first publication Jjuing
November 28th, 1010. '
Attorneys for Plaintiff, whoso olllcus
anil postolllco address is Klamath
Fulls, Oregon.
FOR SALE Rcnl Estate
FOR SAI.K OR RK.NT On.- .if the
bint Imitlivt In Mills iiddltlnn
Owner going oust A hnii;uiu if
hitiidbd (illicitly, or will nun nulijiut
lo ulo J tun es M WnlkliiR. Jr,
Suite One, Swuuhoii Hide. I'lmne
481 2'J-at'
FOR SAI.K riMIAP - room lioim
done lu. pmtly furiiUlinil. JIM (Hi
Half nih. i ply I, P. IVrkn '31
WiiHlilnitlau St. 3N.rit
FOR SAl.F. -Improved 120 acres. I
tulle west of town, limine, barn,
good well. etc. All under culthii
tlou, good hoII. Will sell for price
of Improvements, im owner l.i going
south 1125 Main St. 2Stf
FOR SALE Miscellaneous
FOR KAI.K 19 IS Dodge car. auto
rube. I., (' Smith shotgun. .to-:i.i
Sawigo, corduroy limiting rout nud
bouts, !)VjXl2 tent. "A" tout, tar
imullti. catup ihnlrs. ittove. tlirnu
iliiurior folding cots and flout mnt
lit", lurgo llimn mattress, pillows.
sprhiKi bod. wrlllng dusk. huiiiII
ing. olot'trlu purcolutor, Iron and
In in P. rtitiuod fruit, aluminum ware,
i'IhIii -. looking nti nulls. bouki.
tn iIh tc , ol . Cnll nftur 10 . m
112 . Main St. 28-tf
FOR HALF One pair homo murlo
bob sleds. Well Ironed and
strong, nlmi wngon bod nud large
hay rack. Cheap. F. O. DeChntn'.
Phono OS M. . 29-3t
FOR SAI.K nt a Imrgnln thu follow
ing second hand cars 2- 19 Ifi
Ron's lu good condition. JSfii) etirh,
1 I'Urt Ford touring car iar.0 .
2 Studnbtkers, fi p-iMiiongor tSfiO ,
and $1050. ('. L. MuWIIIInms
11.17 Main. Phono lfi9 17tf
v.NT. H
"on, I on j
ni,. flh , "1U '"omiaprt.
N'ANTli A l;,, ... -
"' id :;i j tr""1 lom,
"l "URJ (Ijfjj,
. ".II II.., kl.,w,, ,'SJJ,'1".
iolmol pli.i, a..o. 0lrlfori..rt
-'l'l': nn.l llllnB. alio t nP '
ht. N. ,.te. Sporni attention ffi
to tt.ia not!,.,, by ,r. ";'', a. , XI I, Tu
a.l. to make ril.ciont, roavonlent
l.r..nLM. i,,h tu lh..t.'S
lid lu thoMo renuir,nK Iht-ir miceV
( .' liml.e a .,,i,j , ,,f
""'","''"'" ll.Ml,,.,. . l'wMaM
H-il do tllC HM. Ulllt.llci ,,,,1,
WANTKD Olrl for gonoral houso-
work and cooking Mm. O. U. Lnb-
areo, Hly, Orogon. 1-tf
I WimIiI'k (.rontcM I'liiruoliisisi,
I I'hIiiiM nud Medium
Up Kin our o tiro llfft-pait,
pr,' ut nml future correctly, git-
lnK ii.ini'",., h anil figures in bat-
Im nit. line, Uw. tna riajo and dom-
i-siir iruuliloH 'full you vhat ion
.ire In-lit itil:iitoil (ur nml whit to d.
lo lictiur jour condition In life,
ihlii hit!)- rcniln uur Imnd at roi
wcititd nn opcit book A reading tf
her will meut your hlghcJt cipecu
tlonn. and you will lie wiser tol
happier, after consulting her. the
having tlio gilt of removing all tttl
I nil mm ecu nml plnclng you In nn s
vlronmittit of liniipy thought anl
contentment Itcailings' Sunday ei
dally, 9 a, m. to 9 30 p. m. Hoom S,
Swnntion IIIiIr., over gun itoro.Mili
St., between Ctli and 7th, opp.Weit
om Union, Klamath Fall, Oregoi.
CITY (JARDAOK Whon you want
Qarbago removed phono 91. 1 1-tf
', I A
Dncomber 11. 12.
PIIONH PKVTON lor Wood, lilt
Tho Ladles of tho Catholic Chttrci
will hold their annual Fair Dec. 11,
j 2, iMf
Strayed from Dodd Hollow one
bay saddlo horso branded llguro 4
on loft shnuldor; one gray horse,
wolght nbout 1700 pounds branded
IIX on loft shoulder: ono brown
horno, weight about 1150 pounds,
branded upright flntlron on loft hip
Notify Cluui. Pnulson enro of F. N.
Hedrlcks, Merrill, Oro,, and recolvo
reward. 24-t
Try 'em. Herald Want Ads
Strayed to this place Oct. ,
1919. ono lloloatoln holfor branW
I) or O over A. Full crop oS lelt
ear, half crop off right car. 0
may havo sntno by paying feed Nil
and paying for tlila ad. KntcrpriK
,.,. 2 MX "
MA 11, 12,
Kqulty No. 1113
In tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto of
Oregon for Klamath County.
Francos aortrudo Wlncholl, Plain
tiff, vs. James Howard Wlncholl,
To James Howard Wlncholl, tho
above naniod defendant:
In tho namo of tho State of Ore
gon you aro horeby roqulrod to ap-
appoar and answor the complaint
iitcu agaitist you in tho abovo on
tltlud suit, on or before Monday, tho
bin day of January, 1920. that lin
ing tho day of the last publication of
summons and tho last day witluu
which you aro roqulrod to answor,
art fixed by tho ordor of publication
of this summons. If you fall to ap
pear unu answer, tho plalutlfl will
apply to tho court for tho rullot de
manded In said complaint. Said suit
is brought to socuro dissolution of
tho bonds of matrimony existing bo-
twoon yourself und plaintiff.
This summons is published in Tho
Evening Horuld, a dally nowBpapor
printed and pubiiuhod ut Klamath
Falls, Oregon, by ordor of Honor-
ablo I). V. Kuykondull, Judgo of said
uo tin, and dated Novembor 21st.
1919, thu llrst publication to bo mado
on tho 24th day of Novomhor, 1919,
and tho lust publication thoroof on
tho Gtli day of Junuury, 1920.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
P. O. and Huslnoss Address, Loom-
is Dullding, Klamath Falls,, Klamath
A JeMffi&)hi!W&P4!gJ&P&J&
H MMtmmmm
m AMmj&jg&&02&simFJ
is jmj6&w&mu&&mgz&dm.Ajr
im Amim&'&m?jzzwmsiFm
' ftw&ammBfflr
lLXz.5cat2Wjm-j)!Z: WW
wS .ffi-yiy' !ijJ"3iaiifii5-5WJIP llll
I - . s j r-tt llll
Are thcfiiundatnn qf -"oa
I . Kr...i-... ci, 19 tliat they
Ihc value in inlying i-iciiictmi "--
nlv Innle we W ICIl lieW OUl im A
I arlfftlIIM- -. I Ml
"'".'. '. . l! :.mrt ol cxp-
Avoiu the loss ami uiaiii""
mcntiiiE. Wc recommend Ncttletons.
NnMi 11Y THK
KxdUNivo Ak ,
I t ! r?Al I ui
VW foNe4tlttoa Mtn' Shott-lhe irona Ll-ta
noon or regular bowels. 20c. tit nil
uoumr, Oregon.
.j rM o?p wur?c:cu'Jlr, rsnCaicntV a'-'
7 I
Hi-,'"" j".
I 1. ,, lH.I ll" '"" ""'''