NAiimOAY, NOVKMIIRIt an, nin BUSINESS CARDS Commiasion & Auction Room Yuh, wo buy hoiiRnholil fur nltiiro anil murchiiniltnu. High est ciihIi prlco pnlil. Boo DICK 1008 Muln Ht. KLAMATH FALLS Marble & Granite Worka 1010 MAIN HT. IionoUI0.J J11!'J Mitln Ht. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 45 Main St. Home-Made P1m Mid Cakes. Cold MoU A Lunch Goods. Ice Cream And Fruit. HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handlo tho Hurley-Davidson and Illcvclos ExclUB iTOly. Alao bur. ""I! ond exchange til Otnor MBKOS. lOimnjlluNlu and Diamond Tiros ana tuucb. O. H. DIBMARK 115 B. Oth St. Klamath Falls RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W Lt your Glass Troubles bo My Troubled., Rcglazlng done In nny part of tho city K. n. HTUCKY. Carpontor & Cublnotmakor Phono 477W 1024 Main J. O. CIjKGHORN CWU Engineer and Banreye Office 517 Main St. Phone, Office, 160. Res. lean. rt CITV AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY 017 Mala ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager 0. K. FEED A SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken' of all Btock placed in our barn. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and exchanged. Phone 460 729 Main St. Ico Cream Cundlos PASTIME Jack Monrow, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drink,! Peel and Billiards Barber Shop In oCnnectlon OUR MOTTO ) "Courtesy aid Serrlee" Dr. P. M. Noel Ore Underwood's MMAAAMWWWWMMWWWtM NOTICE 1?orayCd t0 thls P,acO 0ct- 1S' t9, ono Holostoln bojfer branded "or., over A. Full crop off left r. half crop off rlgnfear: ' Owner 2. if avo Bamo bv paying food bill a paying for this ad. Enterprise Knh, Phone 238T. 24-31 DENTISTS j Dr. E. G. Witecarrer j PRONE 854 j PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. CARTER j DENTIST j WHITE BUILDING phone iutn FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loonibi Hldg., Klnmnth Fall VVWMWVWVWWVWV DR. O. A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building phone oi PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Camoa Mrs. Rons McDanlcls, 301 High St Phone 455 Olllco Phono 177W Res 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Pliyslclnn mill Surgeon Whlto Building Klamath Falls Oregon AASAANt DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic I'hfNlrlHB A Hurgeoa Suite 211, I. 0. O. F. Tempi (over K. K. K. Ktore) Phone 821 . . (The only Outoopnthtc I'hyel- clan and Burgeon In Klsnatk rails ) DR. R. B. CRAVER Diagnosis Medicine uml Surgery OITlco ovur Underwoods Phono 280W 7th and Main J-- KATHERINE SCHLEEF i Physician nnd Surgeon Office, White Illdg. torifrr'-W-'s04 r WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AMD 8UBGKBT 20 I."0. O. F. Bids. DR. a A. MASSEY Saccessor to Dr. Trmax Bait aOAVI. O. O. F. Bids Office phoae 8flJ Rea Phoae 86M Phono 1B1J House 151M Resldonco DR. A. A. SOULE Office 420 Main Resldonco, 1909 Main BAW MILL ENGINEERING A CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders of mod ern Saw MI1W, Pinning Mills, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. Wo contract to build nny class of n building nnd Install machinery of nny kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue Prints made. PHONE UOJ Ofllco In K. I). Building KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds' af Spring Repair ingNow Ones Hade to Order Axle Straightening and Blackamlthlng ALIj WORK GUARANTEED Phorae 889-Y 617 Klamath Ave. p.-- VOCHATZER BROS. DRILLING Klamath Fails, Oregon I am now prepared to furnlab 3hosta Sand .from thojlopy, Cam., and and gravel pit, in any quantity that may, bo desired by contractors and builders. AL F, GRAIIA3! M THE EVENING HERALD, FILIPINOS ARE ON RICE RATION .MANILA, Nov. 1 (IJy Mull). I'liii puojilo of Munlhi havo houn put n nco rutloiiH. Il lu estimated that It may bo necenHury to keep up tho ration Hyntuiii until tho ond of tho year, hut thin will depend upon tho hurvvHt of early rlco unit tho atti tude of tho Kronen colonial govern ment with regard to tho exporta tion of rlco from Saigon and Hal phone. By Hpeclal urrangement with Paris olllclalH, the Innular authorities havo been ublo to obtuln an export permit for 3000 tons of rlco from Huiphong TIiIh rlco will bo used exclusively for diiilributioii in tho Houthoru Ibl andH, which aro furthest from the I'hlllppino centers of production. It IB hoped that tho fixing of a minimum prlco for rlco in tho bandit of tho producer, Mjcommended to tho 111th I'hlllppino legislature by Cloy ornor KranclB Burton Harrison, will eliminate tho speculator and stimu late tho farmer to greater activity, tliUH relieving the acuto shortago of tho cereal in tho islands. BOLIVIAN SILVER MINES OPENING 8AN FHANC1SCO, Cal.. Nov. 29. A groat revival in tho silver min ing industry Is in progress In Bo livia, according to Alberto Palacloa, Bolivian consul bore. During tho war silver mining was replaced by tin and tungsten, thou sands of tons of which wcro Bold by Bolivians to tho Allle3. Tho low prlco of sliver during this period caused many of tho silver mines to bo abandoned, but with tho return of a domnnd for silver bullion and and consequent high prices, tho Bil ker .Industry is taking on something of its ancient aspect as tho leading industrial nctivlty of tho South American republic, Mr. Palacloa states Figures show tho export of tho preclouH motal from Bolivia Is now about 30,000,000 pounds a yenr val ued at $2.200v000. Tho famous Po tosl mlno, which has been in contin uous operation for almost 400 years and has given up silver rallied nt worked at fullest capacity, accord ing to one consul's advices. BIG COAL FIELD FOUND, MONTANA HELENA. Mont.. Nov. 29. Enough lignite -coal to-supplynho needs of the state ot Montana tor an estimated period ot fiQQ jrears has boon discovered near the pro posed Pallon-Glendlvo . irrigation project In eastern Montana, accord ing to a report of Fred E. Duck, as fitatant state engineer. Mr. Buck, who recontly returned from the now field, says there ore 34,000 acres of the llgnito deposits. Ono tract of 150 acros Is being tho irrigation projoct, which Is worked and the pumping plant of nearby, is using the fuel, which is Raid to be of high class. It is estimated that in Colorado .there Is sufficient shale, In beds three reet or more thick, to yiolrt 20,000 or more barrels of crude petroleum. TO APPLY SHOE TEA LOOK YOUNG i BRING BACK ITS NATURAL COLOR, GLOSS AND ATTRACTIVENESS Common garden cgo brewed Into a heavy tea with sulphur added, will turn gray, streaked nnd faded hair hnantifullv dark and luxuriant. Just a few applications will prove a revela tion If your hair Is fading, streaked or gray. Mixing the Sage Toa and Sul Jplmr rcclpo at heme, though, ls trou- blesomo. An easier way ls to get a 6-cent bottle ot Wyeth's Sage and Sul- phur Compound'at any'drug store nil roudy for use. This is 'tho old time rcclpo Improved by the addition of othnr inirrcdlonts. While wispy, gray, faded hair ls not sinful, we all deetre to retain our youthful appearance and attractive ness. Dy 'darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no ono can tell, becauso It does It so naturally, so evenly. You Just damp en a spongo or soft brush with It and 'draw this through your hair, taking ;one small strand at a time; by morn. Ing all gray hairs have disappeared, 'and after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, aw, sqtt and luxurlunt, , DARKEN KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MS $390,000 ON 'LONG SIT' LONDON, Nov. 11 (fly Mail). Baron James Rothschild's winnings when his horse, Brigand, won tho Cambridgeshire at Nowmarkot re cently aro stated to total approxi mately $300,000. Tho betting against Brigand fluctuated about tho odds of 33 to 1, and Baron Roths chlld backed his horso hoavily. Tho day before that ho won $40,000 on his horso, Tagraf, which captured a raco at 8 to 1. Lord Rothschild has always boon noted for tho largo amount of money ho hns spent In endeavoring to bring off "long shots" in connection with his own horses. During tho final big meeting of tho flat racing for tho soaHon at Newmarket ho had Bovoral hdrscs entered and two of his not ablo "long shots" wero winners. Lord Rothschild la a popular flg uro In tho racing world and la fa mous for his quick decisions in bet ting. Apart from this ho Is noted for his wit and Is a brilliant con versationalist. Ho has a fine war record, having driven motor lorries In Serbia and served with tho French flying corps. Ho wns lamed by a bad motor smash during his war ser vices. Recently ho lost tho sight of ono oyo which was struck by a golf ball whllo.ho was playing in France. During the tubo and omnibus strike in I'arls he drove an omnibus. COUNT!' TREASURER'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that there are funds In tho county treasury for tho redemption of Klamath County General .Fund warrants, protested on or before Sept. 2, 1913, also war rant 30702 protested Sept. 3, 1919. Interest on tho same will cease from this date. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 28th day of Nov. 1919. , G. K. VAN RIPER, 29-5t County Treasurer. Lignite of low grade Is utilized in Spain with rlco husks for tho pur pose of making fuel. The largest single dried fruit crop of tho world is tho currant crop pro duced in Western Greece. Mi o "B MW m I B I Let Me Do Your I V ta w w a 'ra lV I Concrete Work I H B l B I" I I ' using "i. '; I SHASTA SAND H H- I EXCLUSIVELY I I - - . I H I WheiTyou have your work done with Shasta :' I Sand you know you have the best there is I AL F. GRAHAM I I N ml SPECIAL SALE OF . f l HATS AT The Parisian ....On Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday all hats in our store will be sold at a big reduction. This sale will include all pattern hats. Also a large assortment of children's hats priced from $2.00 to $4.00 The Parisian 519 Main St I Take Salts to flush Kidneys if Back harts or Bladder bothers If you must have your meat every day, eat it, but flush your kidneys with salts occasionally, says a noted authority who tells us that meat forms uric acid which almost paral yzes the kidneys in their efforts to expel It from the blood. They be come sluggish and weaken, then you suffer with a dull misery hi the kid ney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weather Ls bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the chan nols often get sore and Irritated, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. To neutralize these irritating acids, to cleanse tho kidneys and flush off the body's urinous waste get four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy here; take a table spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few' days and your kidneys will then, act fine. This fa M E urn pAoe Timkk. mous salts is made from the acid ot grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithla, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize the acids in urine, soMt no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder weak ness. Jad Salts Is inexpensive; cannot injure, and makes a delightful ef fervescent Hthia-water drink. Finnish Lapland is believed to, contain vast deposits of the highest grade iron ore, equal. If not supe rior, to the richest deposits of Swed ish and Norwegian Lapland. The residue of the Indigo plant, after the extraction of the indicaa. known commercially as indigo, ls used; in many districts of India as a fer tilizer for the tobacco plant. In the earlier days ot gas light ing the gas producers regarded coal tar as a great nuisance and surrep titiously got rid of It. Then the great discovery was made that all the hues of the rainbow dwelt in. this dirty-looking stuff which man. despised and threw away, and now it is one of the moat valuable oC products. Try 'em. Berald Want Ads.