13 w m m PAGK TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WKDNKMIl.W, M.tltt ,a) , mo The Evening Herald K. J. M V It K A V EtllTOU Published dally except Sunday bv The Herald Publishing Company of Ktumnth Falls, at US fourth street Kntored at tha pimofllre nt Klnm ath Falls, Oro., for transmission thru the malls ns second-class matter. Subscription terms by mull to an address In tho United States- Ono year JB.00 One month ......... 50 Member of tlio Av.tcluleil Prcs t Tho Associated Press Is cxclusivel.v entitled to the use tor republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this pa per, nnd also local news published heroin. All rights of republication of spe clat dispatches herein are also re served. WKDNKSDAV, MAKCII 18, tttl!) xow i.irr ps orr m'sv P Ii want the Intolerable condition of our 1iIr!ivus forever ictnovcd. The fanners of the county must step to the front in this matter, for it me ins everything to them. A paved highway to their ranch will mean joar-iound comfort, increased values and eas access to markets If we Ko after this thing tight we can get the mono and the highways thruout the count I'nder the laws of the state nnd government, Klnnnth conn tv can get seventy-five cents for every tw out) -five cents It puts up. Such a program makes it possible to pave over) main load in the county with out it being a burden to tho tx- pavers It cannot all be done thH ; ' vv iiininu leu lor luiiionua vear. but It can bo accomplished with-! points this morning after a short visit in five j ears 'In Klamath Falls. Now. Mr Farmer and Mr Small Town Resident, just begin miking vour plans to get in If you will get busy and form neighborhood clubs. the t.ood Koads Association will send James T Henley was In town on ERSONAL MENTION I.ITTI.K MIIKLItlHTM OX LOCAL HA I PKNINGH AMONG TIIK PKOPI.K OF THIS CITY AND VICINITY. GOINGS AND COMINGS OP LOCAL FOLKS NHW YOllK, March 12 -Mis Amelia K. llarr, the noted author died nt hoi home heio oslerday at the age of eighty eight eari Sho had fought her way to a high pace In S K. Hurris Is a couutv seat busl. Dan Ksteriuan of Oakland Is umbng ttm tit.imrv oild and wrote her ness visitor fiom tho Merrill district the lecent arrivals In Klamuth Falls. J n,8t novel at tho ago of fifty jears today i ...... . .. Sim win nmnlnvcd at one tlimi by WELL KNOWN AUTHOR PASSES IN NEW YORK LIBEflTY LOAN PLANS BEING Fl lMTAIi ACCIIHIVr V HSS(,S;TT WOHPKHTIJU. M,, man wus killed mnl i, Jui nd wlioii u Inn tl ,, pUnlod hoiii toilio " -On, ' ''-"Hy In iinuit.a n. ED M C Orrln Winter left today for Corning, California where he will visit relatives. ...... .. ,. . "onry Ward llecchor on the staff of K mill i fif n oli.i tl.rn nil n.llttnl l W"J of business. He I stopping ' 1'1U ' , Hi tol Hall. I K. S. Silvers Is a county seat vlsl- 'Itor from the Clilloquln district. He I Is registered nt the Hotel Hall I'OKTI.ANI), Mm ih 12 (IdIiik Ti,., rM.ililim lTiilmi " Tim riiu-enacd iiiinii Iho InislH tllllt till! Vlt'tlll) nil was born In (.ancestor. i:ngl:nd In oit loan will begin April 21. oMond- 14,31. lug foi tin eo weeks, mid that tho tofil of the loan will be I'.UuO.Utlu 0U0, Portland llbert) loan hiadois. IIIIV TOWN'S SWIM! .onjocturod jostoiday that Oiogon'.s INTO Vi:T COI.PM.V. , w,),,!,! l, between 3ll,U0ll,0Ui) i ' .....I fit". IWlli lillll ! T. Ambrogotl was a passenger on! m)STON Mlc, is Out of eleven ' It Is hoped Hint Hubert V.. Smith i tho train this morning for Medford ) towns j eltorill). 0,g ,lt, ,M1.' wm t, ,( manngor IMward where he expects to look nft.fr busl-, . ii...,,,.,,.. .,c,t ol.aiiKed CookliiKliuili will lui chiilriumi of the Mrs. Wesley Jones of Clttlocitiln loft this morning for Grants Pass, whore she will visit relatives and friends for a short time. machine out for jou If you cannot make arrangements to get In an l H0S.S Interests for a few days matters of business yesterday from tho Henley ranch on the Merrill road, j Mrs. Hurko Wilson mid rhlldien left this morning for Hoaqulnm, chance. Don't pass It by. MOItn YAXKKK TKOOPS HOMK. NEW YORK. March 12. The steamship Mt. Vernon has arrived with the former Now York National Guard Troops. It also brought casual companies Including 281 Oregon troops. DON! LET A COLD KEEP YOUAT HOME Dr. King's New Discovery almost never falls to bring quick relief Small closes once ia awhile and that throat-tearing, lunj-splittir;; co-ch soon quiits down- Another Czzc c:Ja hot bith before jumping into be J, a 3oJ s!:;p, and back to normal ia the Dr. Iacj's New Discovery h veil fcno-vn. 1-cr fifty years it's bi;a rdinir.2 cous'js, colds and bronchial attacks. For fifty years it hes been j:ld by druggists everywhere. A riiableremedythat you yourself orsny member of your family can tab: safely, 60c and SUP. Train Those Stubborn Bowels Help nature take its course, not with a violent, habit-forming purga tive, but with gentle but certain and natural-laxative, Dr. King's New Life Tills. Tonic in action, it stimulates the lav bowels. o!J by druuzists. 25c 1 Wo have heard a great deal about this county being neglected, and while most of It is true, a good deal of It has been due to the people themselves. ,They have sat right down and waited for something to happen. Whllo they were doing this, other counties throughout the state have been going after and getting tho things that this county was en titled td. The Highway Commission and the State .Engineer have come here and gone, time nnd again, and no one paid any attention to them What they did was done on their own initiative to a great extent. Money that this county has been entitled to for the past two years has gone else where, for tho reason no application was made to get it. These and scores of other similar Instances of neglect could he recited', but we are going to forget them. We only mention these few by way of illustration. Let us make the past a closed tiook so far as" recrimination is concerned, and use it only as a guldo to new efforts and to avoid like mistakes. Next Tuesday evening the Highway Commission and the State Engineer will bo here. They are coming for the purpose of asking the people of Klamath County to make known their hvants. This section of the state has 'been assigned to Mr. Dooth, and what he recommends will be abso lutely accepted by the Commission. Mr. Booth has been more than fair to this county, considering all circum stances, and the people of Klamath "ned have no misgivings about going before him and telling him their needs and desires. He will be glad to give us everything we are entitled to, and as much more as he can con sistently. But we will have to tell h!m what" we want. W'n will have to Hhovv l.ini the necessity for it. We will have to bring facts and figures. He has been over every foot of the county that will be affected by the state highway, and he is better posted than most of us who have lived here for years. He has all of his facts and figures at his finger tips. So when we stand up and tell him anything we must be absolutely sure that all of our statements are backed up by Millions of folks batne internally facts. Then we will win. mow Instead of loading their system This meeting is of particular in-'"ith drugs. "What's an Inside bath V terest to tho people living putside ' i ou ' w. "' a guaranteed to per of Klamath Falls In -fact they aie f" miracles .if you could believe 'the ones who are vitally interested. Hlie-'"5 ' water enthusiasts. Takn the Merrill section for instance. , There are vast numbers of men and That roadis not a state highway and i women who, Immediately upon arising) . the state cannot give us any state'"1 he morning, drink a glass of real' money to improvo it. But there may hot water with a teaspoonful of lime be a way out cf this difficulty. And hne phosphate in it. This is a very) this part of the program Is up to tho excellent ueaiin measure, it )s mtenu people of Merrill to solve. They must ed to "hh 'le stomach, liver, kidneys bo here In force with nil of their and the thlity feet of intestines of the ..... i.. ... . ,... ,i..,.., i,. f.. nrevlous dav'K waste, sour bile and In- 1UCIS really IU imcsuiu mcni iw .' - --- . Booth. They should be able to .show digestible material left over In the the absolute necessity tor tins nign- "" ""-" " " .umUiu .., way; Its connection with tho C'allfor- becomes food for the millions of bac nla highway tlnu Modoc county a teria which Infests the bowels, the highway well under way towaids J"lrk result is poisons and toxins completion and which will be an all which are then absoi bed into the blood year round toad. They must show causing headache, bilious attacks, foul him that it Is one of the mobi poi.u- breath, bad laste, colds, stomach trou lous sections of the county. They ble, kidney misery, sleeplessness, lm must be leady to tell him what they Pure blood and all sorts of ailments, want, what they lire ready to do and. People who feel good one day and what'kind of highway they would like badly the next, but who simply can, to have. The people, of Klamath not get feeling tight are urged to ob-, Falls cannot do this for Merrill and tain a quarter pound of limestone phos-, tho Merrill section. Klamath Fulls pliato at the diug store. This will cost j will do .all it can to help, but this is very little, but Is sufficient to make a case where Merrill must come to,anono a real crank on the subject of the front with a strong delegation internal sanitation. The same is true of Fort Klamath Just as soap and hot water act on' and Bonanza, Bly and Dairy. All the skin, cleansing, sweetening and should be, represented by strong de. freshening, so limestone phosphate , legations. Don't come In your Sun- and hot water act on the stomach, day go-to-meeting garb Just come liver, kidneys unr bowels. It Is vastly In your everyday clothes so that ho moie Important to bathe on the Inside ran Bee for Ji''"66'1 tlmt ,l ls ,,ot a,than on tlle optslde, because the skin white-collar, silk-stocking affair, but pores do not absorb Impurities Into the a cry from the sons of tho soil who blood, while the bowel pores do. Adr, j nlhnr nviv Men 111. llonnnzn Tllv. ' I TtAV. , tl. .... ..., I.H.A. It llnH. Fort Klamath, and the other towns i -' " " -...- ". ..; Wnahlnpt(, wluro lm,y wl, j0n Mr .... ... .... ! nrn cniintv snnt tmslno.ss v isltorc from' . ,,, " , ... ., Wilson and tealde In tho futtiic. nnonlff. hut those residlnc In the """" "-' "' iuPik "i "" "' 1 IT-..., !,.., ' .. .. . ... .. 1 I , .Man f.gan oi me Aigouia i.uiuuer, ,,,,, ()f u,lr 1)0SU,, ' Company Is In town for a short timet m But In this they must PelIcim 1Iotel ,ett toniy for San J irom inat point on manors o, oh n' nolr fnr enm.i. . -. . . . . . in."! lit' I- aiuiiliuiFi ui "ir " , will hnve to take care of their own In the country can have n free ride In and out If they cannot make other ar rangements. 1 Hotel Hall. i . W. J. Bates, from tho dry to tho wot column Tho statu executive uimmlttoo. and Ihnoiy wot element i Minis tins is u proiem viiiiihiciiii - -uminmi against the national prohibition' J (' Alimworth will bo chiilriumi amendment and tho diy iiilhorontH of tho gonoinl piilillclty lonimltloo. claim that their wnrkom had ho- come npalhotlc and wore over ron ncss no Is stopping at Pelican Hotel. auditor nt tho White not no too seittsn uon i asK tor some- Francisco, where he expects to spend thing jou ran get in some other way n brief vacation. by a little effore. We want Klamath A. C. Oelnger. who formerly opcr- County to speak out to tho Highway Mr and Mrs. William C Da ton Department Store Commission and every opportunity j came in vesterday from the big Dal- Iocated oR a will be furnished for It to do so. It, ton ranch In the Malln section for a Heserva.Ion. I, In town Is up to tne people tnemseives to taKe " ""3"i"-i .inn. advantage of It. It will be your last on a short business visit. See Charles S. Hood, Klamath j W Maclcen, who has boon In the Agency, for Indian grains lands und , military service in Franco ha.s Just timber. 12-tf H OUSTON' Metropolitan Amusements s HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE KVEXIXO teturned to Klamath Fails. He re i sides In tho Malln district and was mot bore by Mrs. Macken. I Ceorge Watt of this city and Mr. nnd Mrs. L. C. Slseraoro of Fort Klamath bavo returned from San Francisco where they went some time ago In Mr. Watt's auto. DANCING SATUIUUY JAZZ MUSIC STAR THEATER Paramount Presents Winsome IIILLIK Ill'UKK tauc fiusxc Get the Habit of v Drinking Hot Water Before Breakfast Says we can't look or feel right with the system full of poisons. In "KVK'S I1AUGHTKH." Also Ben Turpln in a Bsindy Tvwi Heel Comcily. Admission 10 und 20 cents. Show Starts 7::t0 and 0:15. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Orlfflth of the Eagle Itldge Tavern have returned from a southern trip and will go back to their homo on tho west side " i of the Lake after a short visit here. i j II. D Mortenson, president of the Pelican Bay Lumber Compnay has returned from San Francisco and will probably be here thruout the coming season. Mrs. Mortenson has not yet returned. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin left this morning for Los Angeles where i they expect to enjoy a vacation. They 'will visit other points in tho south before returning, and will be away about three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Hurge W. Mason and ! son Hurge Jr. left this morning for San Francisco on a vacation visit , They expect to visit Los Angeles 1 and other California points before ( they return. They will be gone about two weeks. if ultra n SHIPLEr SAYS HE BUDOERBOTHER siLnllLi J I nil iLlI tak,: hu w vlwu K,nNKvs llUlllklWlllllibw ASU VKlT,uuK utitiT.. TING APIHSi. 1.IVKP WKKKK OX MILK LAIK, PP WHOLK VK.MU-4I.IINH 21 j wy ,, ,,,, WMkn-II r0. IH)U.VII.S.VTA.I.AL'. XmVKATS'jt frul, urc ncd. su)s u notod AXYTHINfl. luuthorlty The kidneys Hi sb. 1 vraoe Ladies' & Men's Clothes maul in oiiui:it FIXKST .MATi:itl.s IIKST OP W()ltLMsi. latpst ,sri,i..s pkiu'iut ri v (a it n rt:i: Price urn voi) mi-mmiM,! Vour Illl0itl(in IliMlnl Chas. J. Cizek Mi:it('H.S T TAH.OK 1111 Mm ii st. Die kidneys filter this acid from tl.o blood and plus It on to the bladder, whero It often re mains to Irritate and Inflame, caus ing u burning, scnhllns sensation, or 'When I finished. Inking my first bottlu of Tanlnc I couldn't see much Improvement In my condition, but.i setting up un Irritation at the neck of I It up irt that time It 'the bladder, obliging you to sook ro- ItLCKAItl) HUM hl.ltVICK I'lionr nu MKUt I'hiuio .'lift See Charles S. Hood, Klamath Agency for health and accident it TEMPLE T H F. A T F R Burance. I8-K Blue Bird IVesents IIL'TII CLIFFOHD In "TIIK LFBK OF LV.XUItV" Abo A Ljon's Moran Comedy. Admission 10 & 15 cents Matinee 2..10. Kvenlngs 7:30 & 0. f 9 Jr wm -. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURED TUE8IJAV8 AND SATURDAYS Merrill. Oregon ARNOLD'S Chili Con Came and Tamalet NOW OPEN SUE. Oth. Solicit Home Trude LIBERTY THEATER "TIIK HKST IN PICTURES" H. W. POOLE, Owner TONIGHT "THE EYES OF JULIA DEEP" With Mary Miles Minter "The Prettiest Girl on the Screen" "BILL'S BABY" With "Smiling Bill" Parsons and "Beautiful ' Billy Rhodes" THURSDAY Edith Storey in "THE SILENT WOMAN" Always a High-Class Comedy Admission 10c and 20c A child accompanied by par ent udnilttcd free with a 20c ticket, OM'cpt Haturduy night and .Sunday night. This Theater now properly Healed nnd Ventilated. Fumigated- every night If I had given would hnve boon the mistake of my life," said John II. Shipley of 1203 Sanchez Street, San Francisco. "It has certainly paid mo well," he continued, "to stick to Tanlac. for a few bottles have done mo more real good than everything olno I hnve taken combined, and I hav'o spent a small fortune trlng to get relief. I have suffered fiom stomach tiouble for twenty five jears nnd hnd despaired of ovur getting well until Tanlac commenced to put mo In shape. I used to have my worst trou ble about throe or four hours after eating when I would have n slrklsh feeling thru my stomach and such fearful pains about my liver that I could hardl) stand It One said E had gall stonos and would never recover without an operation. I then had an Kx-ray examination and was told It was my liver that caused my trouble and, so It went an, one saying one thing and one another. In the mean time I was put on a diet of coroalK and toast, and from that to a milk diet. For six solid weeks beforo I bognn taking Tanlac I never had a blto of any kind of food Just drank milk and was literati) starving, but the dieting did no good and I grad ually got worse. I was-nlso troubled with constipation. There has been months at a time when I was unable to work and one time I was laid up for a whole year, "So things rocked along until n friend of mine talked mo into trying Tanlac. When I started on this med icine I weighed only one hundred and fifteen poundB had dropped off from one hundred and fifty two .so you can Imagine what a dreadful con dition I was In. Well, my first bottle of Tanlac ncvor helped mo nny that I could tell but I couldn't afford to condemn n medlclnn so many people said had helped them, so I kept on taking it and am certainly glad I did for It hag really and truly inailo me feel like a new man. I never felt any great Improvement until after I had taken five or six bottles and then I began grnduully feeling hotter. So I kept right ou, taking five or six more bottles, and by that time I was weighing one hundred and thlrty-slx-pounds had gained twonty-ono pounds and since thon I hnvo felt perfectly sound and woll. I novor have an ncho or pain nor a sign of stomach tioublo anymore, I sleep like a log every night and have more pnergy and strength than I have In years. This Is certainly one happy New Year for mo and Is tho first ono In twenty-five when I could say I was free from Buffering. I still take a dose now and then and would buy up every bottle In town If I know no more was going to bo madq, I huvo just finished my dinner of salad, , moats, vegetables, pin and coffee, und I can digest these things now bet iter than I could milk beforo I took i Tanlac, I would spend my last dol lar for Tanlac rathor than bo without It." Tunluc is sold In Klamath Falls by ! the Star Drug Co., nnd In Lorollr bj the James More, Co. Adv. Cabinet Shop lief two or three times during tho night The sufferer Is In constant 'M-vW-M-Ma dread, tho water pianos sometimes J with u scalding sensation 'und Is very profuse; again theru ls dlffl- rulty In avoiding It. llladdor weakness, most folks call It, because they can't control urlna- X Hon. While It Is extremely annoying y and sometimes very painful, this U t realty one of tho most simple all- J moiits to o oi come. (Jot about four j ounces of Jail Suits from )our phur- ninclst and take ii tnbleripoonful In u glass of water boforo breakfast, roil Untie this for two or three days. This will neutralize tho adds In tho urine i r tin II un IniiL'itr In n sntirrn nt Irrlln. .-wisk-s. ...w.nw 10 Main Street tieneriil Furniture I t-i.tlrliiK t lit Itoasiiliiililn I'tlni KITCHEN CABINETS X n Spot lull) j A. Mauritsch M-M-M-M-I'-H--: M-W-W tlon to tho bladder and urinary or gans which thon net normally again, Jnd Salts Is Inexpensive, harmleus, and Is made from the acid of grapes j and lemon Juice, combined with lit ti- J In, and Is used by thousands of folks I who are subject to urinary disorders If i.iibuu i' (ii iu uiiu iiriiuwtJii Jail Salts Js splendid for klitnoys and caiisos no bad uf feels whatever Here you have u pleasant, offor quickly relieves bladder trouble -Adv KLAM.ITH lUU.S Illt.WI'll MASON, EHRMAN & CO. 1 Wholesale Grocers TOBACCO. CIGARS, CIGARETTES Orilro VM S. Dili St. I'liiinrsT i:. it. ji:iti:hs Ihk-iiI Mmiihuit THRIFT and Litlte Things fi Who are the men and women that be come masters over great things? They are those who first of all become mas ters over little things. 1 Dollar bills and silver dimes arc only little things, so little that they often trickle away in every direction and yet they have formed-the solid founda tion for many a comfortable income through following the slegan: DON'T WASTE! SAVE!" Start a Savings Account today. First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS,"OREGON 7 - A I FA! FA KKIl GARDEN SEED-Bulk and Package Murphey's Feed & Seed Store jTmMLm 'irm.M-JM. dm Krm ii am uregon standard runty and Uerm in at ion 126 South sixth St. Phoneo