11 9 w: owi-.r&nivs.r, " uvanv ".' rW ,-j vwmr.. Saturday, august ai, mm f,e l','MB THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON is K ipfc J ,r IK h? ,i i H V k Hi ih i i i rf 'V ' V- lJi 11 i. V S5cas"ff Zimn&mmm tlTTJ. 1 -- cii 5 ; veiling Herald iitf Bandar by -The Herald Publishing Company of 4 Klamath Falls, at lis Founn street. Mr mk . ? C i sr. m vjavMM kiWa3MI,TH $V Via t ua s W.ikr.1 ImLVtiLi.- j. n- ..... ' "i ' rHHIBaWU UBIIX VAVW. . , r Hatered at the postofflce at Klam- i .. w Mil Mib'nM ..- iranatniuicin tnrn V7 '' "" " ' .".".. (ha walla aa second-class matter. abeerlptlon terms by mall to any address In the United Btttfes: Oad year .. $5.00 .One month i -- 60 .SATURDAY; AUGUST 84, 1918 brid'.ftssfcilAdu. HELP WANTED WANTED A woman to clean math General hospital. Kla-!3-St WANTED 4 young ladles to train (or nurses, Klamath General hos pital training school for nurses. 21-4 FOR RENT Wm0t00 'H WIWWI FOR RENT A furnished house. 2J-3t Phone 67-J. FOR SALE 90mwjm0mmm i www w wn .JWMMW) FOR BALE Household goeds: one ateel range, 1 new bed and spring, 1 mew Hoosler cabinet, 1 solid oak dining set, and other miscellaneous articles. Call at 1151 Pine St. J4-4 I FOR BALE O II RENT One chair barber shop. Call 729 Main 81 1J-J" FOR SALE Bulck roadster. Terms tto salt. Heallne Photo Shop. 11-tt FOR SALE Oood yonng team. wt. 1700 lbs. Address Bog 1011. !- . FOR SALE 21 head yearling Shroa- ahtra backs. See Frank Ward. Kla- asata. Falls, or Wllsoa Bros., at Dry Pratrte. ' 21-t FOR 'BALK Modern eight room faraaee. two lets, fruit Raaeoaahle terms, lit Jef Bt. !- F4MVBALE One Rrowafac aatoraa- . ' Ma thai gna. Telford Bros. Oar- ' ,20-lt rOR'aULB-10 .VMS. 1. F. FaRa." yearling Adams, Hereford LXSaUl FOR BALE Cedar fence posts by .Maatceraery Bros. Ill Walant attaat. . -! FOR' BALE Oas of nleest Mttle m atmaty, partly Irrigated. uaprovetaeats. ao seres tor assail dairy ranch. Call m Carl Baaubert, HO Mala St l-t FOR BaLE Heaeehold goods, goed astaaw. Prtees resioaabls. Call lilt Liaeola street, !- FOR BALE Modem 5-rooa bmaga .law at a bargala. Phoao 111. wn sin tenas. llf FOR BALE 1 Wheeler WUsoa taewiag awehlae, oae-foarth rsa kdr pries, la perfect eoadltloa; I UMO-caarter msttresses: trait Jan: stadeat slectrk temp; good wheel arrow; small strosg bed room staad. WIM take War Savings Stamps. Ill Foarta St, ll-lt FOR BALE 1 Majestic Steel Range, S rocking chairs, 1 couch aad cover, 1 Electric lamp sUnd and shade, 1 typewriter, Smith Premier No. I, 1 dialag table,! small stand, tables 1 Sardea raks, l shovel. 1014 Mala 114. . Il-tf brISCELLANEOUS ,FOR BAUth-Foar room hoase oa m farad street, level lot, city water, osseins iiau, f too oa terms. 9. V. WARD OO, WWlaai Fox Preseais TMKDA BARA f MTNK TWO ORPHANS" Q -", By Adelph IPEaaery - AJBiada Bars Saper-Productloa Bpaslal Prices, le aad Sue War ' Tax Added SUNDAY AND MONDAY WSltam Fox PreseaU JEWEL CAMEN ta-1 "CONFESSION" ORPHEUS THEATER IV JH' 1ILJIU.. !,. w .-J ,rei ' .tm .ammmmm " vi an anwrrnpicu I iljt Moaeymooa if V"" In . H'aUa.raa. ISa Mlmm T md hasa sih faaUly aad need .hatter look at that snod. oa PacMo tar m:tmmi See ChHcote, SSB tf &A"i "i- aa?.W u Stassp befera rs ,whUa jfm aiaaf," &na F UTIIH PENDLETON. Ore. Aug.22. Wr tlmo conditions hao brought the thecphcrder, for many years paat considered as being about at the bot tom' of emplojment ladder, to the rank and pay of a skilled laborer In some Instances. Prior to the war the going wage for shecpherdera of the top rank was $45 a month and at present the federal employment office In Pqntleton quotes $75 a month and many slteepherders are receiving $100. In a few Isolated cases $125 has been reported. At the beginning of the draft the situation In this part of the country. where many large sheep operators make their headquarters became serious. Many sheepherdera were within the draft ajre, and little dis position waa shjown by the draft boards to exempt them. Besides those drafted many sought employ ment In other lines, to replace draft- ed men there. To obtain men quail fled by training and ability to care for flocks under alt conditions on remote ranges, where they were visit ed only at long Intervals by camp tenders, became a knotty problem. Wages began to rise, from $50 a month then to $75 and on up to $100 the figure went The latter figure, and the exceptional one ot 1125 were reported aa having been paid la Southern Idaho, but, operators here were disposed to doubt the higher quotations. la the matter of living conditions, too, the sheepherdera' lot baa bright ened. Only the roughest faro former ly was supplied them. Now their supplied of food are about on a par with those of farm workers. Better means of transportation, due to store geaersl use of motor trucks, has con tributed largely to this improvement. Most ot the sheepherdera are sin gle men, aad these have bow been brought to the dtstlactloa of paying war Income tax. Many of them are buyers of liberty bonds. I have a Steady fear i toett at ll HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE Aa Aathertasel Photoplay Verssoa of Ambassador Jsases W. Gerard's "MY FOUR YEARS IN GERMANY" Satarday aad Saaday, Aag. 2U-SS STAR THEATER Adolph Zakor Presents EL8IK FERGVSON THE DANGER MARK" t Aa Arteraft Plctare "The Daager Mark" settles the qaes. i ,4Ca tho power of love over cesao the force of heredity?" SUNDAY AND MONDAY Select Pfctares Preseat ALICE BRADY "HER SILENT SACRIFICE" Directed by Edward Jose TEMPLE THEATER Mutaal PreseaU MARY MILES MINTKR "PEGGY LEADS THE WAY" Also A Geo .Ovey Comedy aad Hearst Patlie News SUNDAY AND MONDAY Triangle Protests ROY STEWART -rla "PAYING HIS DEBr1 A Tale of Gratitude and Generous Bravery Also Hearst Paths News Latest War Pictures aad Current KveaU . AdmlaUoa 10c aad lSc MERRILL OPERA HOUSE 'MOTION PICTVRES TVRBDAYS AND BATVRDAYB UMNO tesssseoaly oae MocM fresa Mass St. Rs d4rt ekoaat at IBBB.SS aa easy ssnaa. CMeote, W Mala St. tf .f "I HOUSTON'Q MatropoUtaa Aaiaseaieats J P ERSONAL I.ITTLK SIDELIGHTS ON I.OCAL HAPPENINGS AMONG TMK PEOPLE OK THItt CITY AMI VICINITY. GOINGS AND COMINGS (IP LOCAL FOLKS II Arthur Linger Is n county seat vis itor from Atgoma today. t. E. Kertcrson ,a lumberman from Worden, Is In town on business today. Chas. C. Duggan was among tho ar rivals yesterday afternoon from take- view. Mrs. K. James and Miss Lata Gray arc recent arrivals from uunsmuir, Cal. P. Nine, n lumberman from Mac doel, is a Klamath Kails business ls llor. Mr. and Mrs. E. Weston ot San Francisco are tourist visitors In tho city today. Mr .and Mrs. O ."it. Overbeck an? tourist visitors In the cliy from Port land. M. and H. Ooodenough were among last night's arrivals from Hillings, Mont. I J. P. Potter and A. J. Campbell are business visitors from San Fran cisco. Mr .and Mrs. H. H. Durrows are guests at the Hotel Hall today from Los Angeles. H. H. VanValkenburg is In today on matters of business his ranch on the Keno road. town . from Mr. and Mra. A. E. Llndsley are among the tourist visitors here to- day. They came from Spokane. E. 8. Hammond was among the,He U now ,dentlfietl wlth ,ho Internal train arrivals last night from Salem. He la registered at the Hotel Hall. W. L. Kadderlr Is hore today from Corvallla on matters of business with County Agriculturist Agent H. It. Olalsyer ,. A. Kallna. who conducts a general store at Malln, was a county seat bsslness visitor In Klamath Falls yes terday. Mr. and Mrs. George Paulson are here for a short visit from Herman, Neb. They are guests at the White Pelican. , O. I. Fisher aad' J. W. Kitte ware among the train arrivals last night. They are registered at the White Pel ican hotel. BE AT LINMAri'S WHARF, Sunday, Aug. 15, at I a. m. for the big Summer Picnic. A dandy time. 2t ROYS IN FRANCE WANT HOME PAPERS LONDON, Aug. 4. "More home newspapers" .is the appeal which Is being made to the Library Commltfe ot the American Red Cross by Amerl. can soldiers In hospitals In Great Britain. The Library Committee Is at pres ent furnishing reading matter for more than 16,000 men a month, both in hospitals and In camps. The books are either gifts or are purchas ed In London. The magailnes and newspapers must of necessity come from Amerl. ca. This class of literature gives greater satisfaction tothe men than books. , Mi WHIPPET" "H ' ' ' rrrTmBRRRT'TBBl'' 2:. ' '. .. .. ..I ll-?t:i4mtti$MdmTL'W ' iSfA ':' BRRRRRMllT iil'l'r 7 'sTT1'! ' TJT ttll WW Til I MtTtf I ' I iif V I 2aW w9"'RiVBBBBBBBBnswHaJBa Ui 'imgKmkMmtfJrmAM2MmA JECy X .MtR0BBBsslHRRRRVBtBBBRl.aBt 1 SsBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRnM 'iJfHHRRRMHHHBM tMt-WiWiMlw,S!5&$f.m?54i The little "whpet" tank used by the British has been one of the factors U,1?,af,ri ?M? conUnU0U drve. The tank can move over ground first latrodnced in tba war. MENTION It. L. Swift N In ton for n few dnys fromMnrtln, tho sito of tho new saw mill noar Kirk lie Is rcKlstcred at tho Hotel Hall. Mr. and Mrs. C. N l).iln and dau ghter and Mr .timl .Mr. J. W. John son nro tourists stopping lit tho lto- tel Hall from Fallon. Nev. ' C. It. Holdcn, J. W. Arthur. J. II. I Grohs, T. C. Ilronilwlch, A. S. Scott,' and J. F. llurk were passenger this morning on tho tiuto stage to Ash land, j Mrs. Lovi McDonald and daughter Jean, and nuth. Coral and lluford heredity his beautiful daughter has Clopton left this morning for Uorko-'n crnvlng for alcoholic drinks, which ley, Cnl.. whero thoy will spend tho thru secret Indulgcnco becomes n con-w,nlcr- firmed habit. Mrs. F. F. McCrendy Is down fori As adopted to motion pictures, tho a short visit from tho McCrcudy ,"-y provides a vehicle wherein Miss r.inch on Sprngue rlu-r. bnjond Chll- Ferguson appears In luxurious sur- oquln. roundlngs. attired In bcntitltul gowns and the rulo demands the full display Flojd Sparks Is a recent arrhal ln'of her omotlona talent. The climax tho city from Spokane. Ho was ,g attncd when she realise she has formerly of Klamath Falls, and Is ronrhed Hho dnnger mark." mid here for n few dns xlsltlng friends 8trvcB desperately to break her and relatives. I.i,i,i.. n..i. . t,n n.ihv nt tin. William F. II. Chase, who tnucht school at Pine drove and Tule Lakol,ent in T894, Is In Klamath Falls for a iew nays, visiting old friends. Several children of County Clerk jC. R. DcLap, County Commissioner) the star, will be presented at the I IlUrrnll Shlir nil.! nlhnr ufnll Ii.ai.hU . .. . residents here, woro among his stu - dents. Mr. Chnso Is n son In law ofjto this first showing because of tho 'Moses James of tho Honanza section. ... Mn..,n,inn ,i.., n ......... .. Rovenue service with headquarters at Marysvlllo, Cnl Money to loan on rlly and, country property. See Clillrotc. if sircormicK Dinder, good order, at ka .... I iwii price. utner implements. Far. warehouse Co. SS-tf Sarety bonds while )ou wait at the Chllrote ageary. tf tlon-picture followers. The climax Is ' j romarkable. It Is something nev?; Knmp Kook Oasoline Stoves and done ln c'ever and exciting way. Auto Comfort Cushions. No smoke Miss Carmen does tho boat work of Juur 3B? ?nUn comfortable place her career in this photoplay, to sit. Telford Bros. Oarage. Jl-tfl 4 Ask Clillcote .bout the new Low ' - Thed B'ra " rsloa of Cost life, arcldeat and health pollc-,"The Two 0,hn," b ne b' les of the Travelers. They're tho aMrcon at n Orpbeua Thentro real thing in llfejUd accident Insar-1 lo0,h, ance. A LEAIIKK IN LIKE INSURANCE Tho creni utrnnih n. i.i. .11.1. dends, and the incomparable bene-hn never l'"ed ,0 I,v" Plndld en flU of the First American Life InmiiJ tcrtalnment. In "The Two Orphans" ance Co., means first class Incurance for you. For particulars see Geo. C. Ulrlcb, district manager. 22-tf A real bargain la a three room fur - nlshed house oa Grant St., only S330 ! cash. tWo (lilkole, 038 Main St. tf Less delay, wuen you fill at Kla math Service Statlou. Sixth and Kla math. 26-tf War Saving, Stamps earn Intoreil lor jou 'on Sundays and holidays. Get a standard fire Insurance pol Icy from llillcole. tf TANK HELPS CHASE THE fHJ,SSSMSll!Sms MI1MWW1WMWWWWWMWWW t At the Theaters ssMtsy-sTtAtSkjraJVeTe-waM jsjsaVaJsss, ass- Appearing In what Is asserted to be the best photoplay In which she has been seen for many months, Klslo Ferguson, the beautiful Artcrafl star, will bo presented In a plcturUatlon of Hubert V. Chambers' turnout nou'l, 'Tho Danger Mark." nt tho Star Theutro tonight. Tho story Is one of umiiuml attraction, tho theme dealing with n oung woman' struggle t master a craving for drink which she had Inherited from n bibulous anient or. In "The Danger Mark" Mr. Cham bers discussed the sunjcit of heredity from a different angle, umflils char acters move in high soclifl circles. Tho man with tho unquenchnblo thirst does not lose tho fortune he has amassed, but thru the taint of m"n " lovel- nvT ""I'P"" l" .1 Tho new William Fox nlcture. "Confession," with Jowel Carmen as l There Is unusual Interest attached acquired as n star and also because f the nature of tho plcturo In which sho Is to bo seen. It Is described as a thrilling drama of mystery which holds those who seo It In suspense from beginning to end. It begins with a wedding. Tho I bride and bridegroom slip away from their guests. Thoy are held up and 'all their belongings, Including the brldo'a wnddlns rlns. are tnken. Tho loss of 'the wedding ring starts a ser- ies of events that will stir all mo ma iurj ui tne ine I wo urpn- nns" Is known to evoryono. In Its new form It lit even more thrilling and will win the applause of millions f motion picture goers. Miss llarn ,he p,a,ri tn prt of ' B "lrl wno ' j not r ,ne vnmplre type, and sho , establishes for herself a separate place In pictures. In this plcturo her , versatility is shown to a remarkable degree. It Is one of the mtny reas- ons why she has so big a place In the hearts of picture fans. When a woman loves, sh. I. ready1 to man. ny sicrlflce. That I. .the "?Il0.f :? !n.,f"r,,.Ce'" h0 la which Ii nr. 7.,"00or, in which Alice Brady, the Select Pictures star, will appear at the 8tnr W.rcan8U.nr,!;,r; h"" T " American artist, hn. great talents, GERMANS In keeping the Germans on more readily than a Isr.sr ' arger the one Overseas Athletic Director for the K. of C. A ' mi am. .' JJ " "MMM fJSW I I VlTOiisf J ' &! AM-VMaWsMstWBm AaRRRRRRRR4RRr'li7sMaRRRaRRRi brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrWsbrrrrrrrrrrrw afllBRRRWl BBRW BBBBlT lV SBBBBBBBW RRW RbV O BRRaBBBBBBBBP sVBBBBn. LMNNI I S.U Johliy liters, the famous second bsKcinnii, In now working with the Knights of Columbus War Work I activities uml will shortly go over loj "? ', ,n''M "" tl.o llrcrtltn of athletic In the American noMlor camps. but needs tho support of some In fluential person to further his career. Tho arrival of I'rlnro llclssard, an old roue, glex hor tho oiiportunlly, and the unsophisticated little ccuntr girl promises to give herself to him his return for his aid to tho young artist. Tho I'rlnro fulfills his part of the bargain, mid In the meantime piles the girl with etery luxury and attraction of smart Purlalnn society life. After the. artist receives th" (irnnd Prlie, tho girl carrion nut her part of the agreement by publlily arlinowleditlng the I'rlnro as hor lever; but tho Knla which watchei over truo lovers saves her from tbo greatest sacrifice. Thru tho Prince's Hindoo tenant, tho tnnulo Is finally unrivelled and "tho man and the moid' embarked together, upon tho blissful seas of matrimony. Like every Hulect Stur Picture, "Iter 8llent Sacrifice" with All.o llrndy will thrill you and gladden your heart. 1 lift .funnnsiask l,nt.A sens A- sl.. - -.- .!'-.. niu i'iuioii iiiriii I ,, roeti. Tholr . . , won- en en 10 no wonucrfiil of ie We.ter world. Tho peculhr -ram., which they have for cent!," lc Presented have developed mnrvol us n.ninmm.in . ous pantomimic actors. These actors I1IIIIAIIF In lha hiavIu I. Y... . ,V,h "- -rm 1 I, 7sew. art. Alma Ruben, and Olive Tlmm.,,. Unrry Yammamoto, notod Japancso .character actor has been ndded to Triangle forces. Ho appears In "Pay. Ing his dobt," with Roy Stewart, and ,hls work will he watched with great Interest by movlo patrons. Yammi- oto has a streak of gonulno Orlen- tai humor as well Us artistry In his blood. In his role of Chlng. the cook and general handy man nt tho moun tain retreat of Poto Morton, "Tho vanishing Hnndlt," ho Introduced "gags" In his sud-faccd Orlontal way that set DIroctor Cliff Smith and his cast to screaming with laimhtdr. nnv Stewart will be seen "I'nvlmr in Debt" at tho Temple Theatre Sun day night. COMB SAGE TEA DARKENS BEAUTIFULLY AND RE. STORKS ITS NATURAL COLOR AND LUSTRE AT OXCK Common garden snge brewed Into neuvy lea, with sulphur and alcohol lira hi nAA.A .III, J.. .--" ....", SlUHBJ s i3' Sise: sis. a aa W. D. MILLER Hooflas Ctiatraclor Miiltbold, Tar and Oravsl lugit Kouf Coiling. Repair Root. Work a specialty, I'lioni- III.' III 8. Sixth Btrsst. ? ItKCKAltl) RENT HKItVlC'K ' llwaa S Mglit Phono Sin We Move Everything SaWBBaBBsSBfJSBSSSSSSSSSSSJSJSJSJSBSSJSJSJSBSSSSSSSSJSBSSJS K'perlenrtl Parkers fur House ludd GtMiils. Light anil Heat) llnulliiK of All IH'srrlplloii. Itntily at Any Hour. General Truster Co. Phone HSU Itealdenre lll.VM Mr. Jones Has A roll top deakya typewriter anil letter files, rifle, a shot gun, fUiilng tackle, rubber boots, and aa autoateblle, Mrs. Jones Wants An electric washing machine, a vaiuum (leaner, sewlag marn. Ine motor, toaster stove, rurllag Iron, etc. We supply roar household helps. IIIm? Yes Necessities. Link River Electrical Co. My R. 1. Sheets Phone 171. the addition of other Ingredients, :ostlng about SO cents a largo bottls, at drug stores, known as "Wytth't 3age and Sulphur Compound," thus voiding a lot of muss While gray, faded hair is not sin ful, we all desire to retain our youth ful appearance snd attractiveness. By larkenlng your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one cun tell, because It Is done so natur ally, so evenly. You Just dampen a iponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a tlmo; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared. Af ter another application or two your linlr becomes dark, glossy, soft, and luxuriant, and you appear years younger. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound Is a delightful toilet requl olte. It I. not Intended for the cur. mitigation or prevention of disease. ii ' BEGIN HOT WATER DMNIDfG IF TOO DONT FEEL RIG KIT ays alaes of hat water with phosphate befera breakfast faVBlBshaaai SaUft sshBhaVaaaR. k vvsuWraaaj VjRarf) PVBBRRfBjs If you wake up with a bad taste, , bad breath and tongue Is coated; It your head la dull or aching; If what you snt spurs and forms fs and acid In stomach, or you are bilious, consti pated, nervous, sallow, aad can't gtt feeling just right, begin latJde bath ing. Drink before breakfast, a glass of real hot 'water with a taaspoooful or limestone phosphate la It. This will flush tho poisons aad toxins frost stomach, liver, kidneys aad bowsli. and cleanse, sweetea and purify tba entire alimentary tract. Do your In side bathing Immediately upon aris ing in tha mornlag to wash out of lha system all tha previous day's polton ouK waste, gas- n and sour bile before cutting more food into the stomach. To feel Ilka young folks feel; Hit you felt before your blood, serves and muscles became loaded with body In purities, get from your pharmacist a quarter pound of limestone phosphate which Is Inexpensive aad almost taste less, except for a sourish twlaga which is not unpleasant. Just as soap and hot watsr act oa the skin, cleansing, swestsalng and freshening, so hot watsr aad !! atone phosphate act oa tha stomach, liver, kidneys aad bowsls. Msa aid