nV-A mw 1 w lA' - !' I I fir A JV . i v' : W n r ixt.i l't V- k . f -. ' X !&. r I'M .A h , f lrV i i ' - t i" " t' c!V KpSL ' WXK ..- tm aA v : iW&'vrAi I t-."T-r. r11 f . ?Btr-.l.tii V"' ''lJ l l,.'W-v..iS,it v,.! , i ; thil rening Herald A irrwr A'Tlte, Herald,' Publishing Company of M,KlMMtk Valla,, at US Fourth street. t.the nostofllce at Klnm fc?Mfr VaTSfOre., for e., ror transmission wru eecoad-claaa aatter. febecrlption terms by mall to any MMs ft;theJ.Unitcd States: ' . J6.UU Mtk t:'.;1..- .SO WR0NRBDAY, AUGUST 14, 118 H', s Classified Advs. J- HELP WANTED XW(WtMwwivvw VvVM WANTED Woman for eeneral hoiiie work at Klamath General i hospital. i-3t I FOR RENT m t0m iw A - (v. ..Mwmnw FOR RENT Two-room apartment at- Oregon House S27 Klamath rasa. 14-St FOR RENT Niclely famished room, SSI Fourth at Phone 13BJ. It FOR SALE WMVMWMW FOR SALS Two fresh Swlaa milch its with kids; oae fine Toe gen :,'aad eao Aaglo-Nablan Saperlor iMUHUUt. S3S 4th at. ll-tf FOR SALE Binder, almost new; a LrCall lower Healer ranch aty ltri. is-it 'MS tWUJE-Aeoet Se tone of hay; tSsJala, .timothy aad wUd hay; 40 kaiiT aattU; aiO acrea good pae Mre, .AMreta Bos 441, Klamath Valla. t-lt FOR 1AUC Bargain. The Chit wood raaeh, 8waa Lake Valtey; on aawity read, miles from Klamath FaUa,,aad aaomt sere miles, level nasL.-treea 'mew Strahora railread: J44) aarea, 70 la ealtlvatloa, 30 acrea B)fefokM,tUM "roat Umber and paa tara; aa .aafatllag spring on place pspoa to aoaae, sjaraea mm modera t-room h msim; 'large1 ban, asa halH; ahlekaa hoaao, abad aad aatam: bearl bum to aaaat, tardea ana Mra let: i homso. with Bre- axaaattoaallr wall granary, wood bearlaz aasle orch ard aad berry vlaea, and good gardea asMSi- wntsgat coaaecuoa who Ktaata FalU atchaage. Wilt aall wfth ar.wlthoat atack, hay email traator, now, ate. Address c. c. OhJtwoed, KJamaU FalU, Ore., P. O. aea4l. . lo-tt LOSTAND found wwywiwiiiw, w' wm ini ,LOtT 'Botweea Modoe. Polat aadUth and Misses Ramoas and Kester. t Klamath Falls, Savage rlae, 15-15 aajtaca, nador rotara to Herald of at, par tar tala adr. aad raeatva tho wwara osTerad. ii-u '1. MISCELLANEOUS WAHTRD Dreosmaklag, plala sew ;"kcor a place where I eaa work aaK day darlag week. SOI Klamath aveaaa. 14-Jt FOR TRAOR Toarlag ear. la good aaadHlaa, for Ford roadster. Call atiMawtaaraaeh, or address A. H. Mawtoa, t-lt TO KXCHANOE Five acres near ?!AahJaad, oa Padfle highway; two -aaree la alfalfa, three acrea la mixed tratta; food 7-room house, bath, elec tric llghta ;all modera conveniences; largo bara. Oae hoaao la KUmath FaUa. - Cash valae 11,400. .. f. WARD oa. ORPHEUS THEATER tut i WoM Flctaras vMAJhBB EVANS AND JBROHOE MAOQOARRIE MWAXMR) A MOTHER" ! aatara'atorr, daallag with abject, aad ataseatesl la !a:waf to gris al bold tba atteatloa 'ft mt mn aaacutor.. Aa astcoptloaal. $ X' F (atwta'silag atarjr. Friaea. Ma, lieWar Tax added BUT A THRIFT STAMP TODAY , ' jjiiJ ,, JUmCK TO. TAXPAYERS tifoueo aeraoy given mat tne tax . . V l V a""1" "' AHimaio uouoty, win oe "itovw :aaaa loruae inspection or tne tax- ,''T - aayaea at the office of the county aa ,WV. '" easier ap to aad Including Saturday, v;. , i Aacast II. 1118. fiv 'M&: ! J.kP. LEB, Assessor. C .1 S52L a wwtmrm, wi iraiiuui uuiut w. r.'-or otherwise -ctresspasslag i'T.rV. Tr- Uada owned or leased by Louis i:i;.:4arbartwlll ho prosecuted to the full &ryva;:.waas.oai aitaa iaw.ii . i t&UWm .W.HAMAKBR, ifl,'? Bupt: .wlll'raoalva bids for oatatiaa jiooioriuo uoaaty nign aeaoot laiaa'toaoior isoor oaiy, jfaralah aatat: The. board tha, fUhy to reject any or w Biaa ajaK m la taa aaaoa i"ifca '! ' H4A UTaIIb ' Kaaa OJ!T. ".""?"" " ..,-..- , naroi ' aaaasa'iaaa;)..- VJSJiOlSr- v. Meet Lieutenant Edith mWL iaHnLLLLHi man immmnf3mmnt M -. Misieiimsjtei lM,,m nJj Ueuft EDITH SMITH Lieutenant Edith Smith la the first woman to be given a bona fide com mission In the United States army. She la bow at Fort McPhensoa aa a sargeon. She la a graduate of the medical department of the Ohio Ual veralty. I Local Red Cross I v Actwititx ' v Indies present at the Red Cross room In Poe Valley July 10 were the Mesdamea Whitby, E. Young, Clug aton. Keek. .Ii. Grtffllth. E. Young. Nannie Van Meter. J. Van Meter, C. Mecham, Kester, and the Misses Clugston, Kester. Dennlsoa, QrlBtb, Present on July 17 were the Mes damea Will Griath. E. Young, Whit by. Young, Clugston, L. OrlHth, Me cham, Naaaie Van Meter. J. Van Me ter, and tho Misses Ramona, Kester, andenntson. Those present on July J 4 were the Msodamse Clugston, Young, Mecham, Kester. Whitby, J. VaaMotar. L. Grlf- Ob Aug. 7 were present Mesdames J. Van Meter. Nannie Van Meter. Clugston. Mecham, "L. Orinth, Kester aad the Mlsaea Haiel OrlSth and Bernlce Clugston. 4 Those present In the sewing room yesterday were Mesdamea M. Mots cheabacher, G. C. Lonent, C. R, Mil ler, Bob. Robertson. Chaa Martin, A. L. Horner, NtUle Halley. E. OJ Drear, M. McAndrews, J.- Noud, L. E. Sullivan and Miss R. French. Those present In the surgical dres sing department were 'Mesdames C. C. Love, O. W. Merrlmsn, Percy Ev ans, Lester Terwltllger, J. S. Ray burn, G. 1, Wright, Paul Bogardus. Those present In the Red Cross room In Merrill on Monday, Aug. 13, were Mesdames A. L. Coan, Geo. OSleld, D. Btukel, R. C. Anderson, R. H. Anderson, E; M. Bubb and Miss Elda Offleld. i HOUSTQN'C Metropolltaa Amaaemeata fj HOUSTON'S ' OPERA HOUSE Aa Authorised Photoplay Version of Ambassador Jamea W. Gerard's "MY FOUR YEARS IN GERMANY" STAR THEATER Adolph Zukor PreaeaU ANN PENNINGTON la ' THE ANTICS OF ANN" By Frederic Chapla, directed by Edward Dillon TEMPLE THEATER Greater Vltagraph PreaeaU LILLIAN WALKER . In 'THE I1LUE ENVELOP MYSTERY" Also A Big V Comedy i Admission lOc aad lac. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill, Oregoa THE, EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH. FALLS. OREGON P ERSONAL I.ITTt.R HIIIKt.inilTS OX LOCAL IIAITK.VIMIH AMONG TIIK I'KOl'LK OK THIS CITY AM) VICIMTV. t.OINGH AM) COMINGS OF I.OCAL FOLKS Mlts Ann Dealt Is n recent arrival In this city from" Central Point. E. J. Cullcy cimo In on business last night from Oakland. j Mrs, A. Thompson Is In tho city for n short tlmo frcmHho Swan Lake district. Thomas Knmp Is here looking af ter business Interests from San Fran cisco. , II. W. I.tFcrnlcr Is a Klamath Falls business visitor from limy, Cal. Mr. nnd Mrs, a. K. Swingle arc hero tor a short tlmo from Davloi, Cal. II. T. Hutto, who operates the In dlan farm at Modoc Point,, Is a coun. ty seat visitor- today. W. F. Ryder, a lumberman from northern Klamath, Is tn town on, business today. Benjamin Martin Is Ih town for a short time with his family from tho Klamath agency. J H. H. Glllett and family are guests at the Hotel Hall today from Ash land. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Burton are down for a brief business visit from Modoc Point. Ed 8utton,ftho has n ranch south of town, was hero yestordny after noon on business matters. Nicholas J. Brown Is In town today from Lakevlew looking after busi ness Interests. - Mr. and Mrs. Clvdo McKcevcr of Chlloquln are county seat visitors ro- PETROGRAD, Aug. 14. Instead rjermsn advance towards tho Indian glstercd at the Hotel Hall. of flowers and chocolate drops, young frontier nnd as feollng that a Joint .. . .... . ,. . . 'men In Pctrograd, In theso days of . Intervention would protect the situs Miss Ethel Vincent arrived hero f ' l , ,,., .,i,,i. vMterdsv afternoon from New Plnonenr fnmlnt. carry presents of butter on " that direction, yesieraay arternoon irom new i mo . j.mn mri nhim. hn now nn. creek In Lake county. W. O. Smith and family returned yesterday from a vacation hunting and fishing trip In Lake county. Tyson and Bernlce Brace and Mrs. Strohnler are arrivals from Medford registered at the Hotel Hall. C..L. Halllday Is In town today on business from Langell Valley, where Ue operatea a chese factory.. 'Mr. and Mrs. Olatke, M. D. Clat and L. N. Clat are tourist guests at the White Pelican frcj mSan Fran cisco. " O. C. White and Ashley Wilson were among the arrivals last even ing. They are guests at tho Win Pelican hotel. BRITISH LEADER THANKING FRENCH FOR HELP r. rsmtrmsxis rxxsr;saxszr .: -ii, if . t Just as General Haig, commander pt the British forces In France, was getting Into bis automobile for an other part of tha Hue, he stopped a' i'.f;J-- ; '" 4 if-. .tfaValBHBaaaaaa!l ' E saaaaawefBaaaaaaaaaaaaaamai tl'-5 K .aaamKBavalsM asaaaaaaaaaaa si 6' tSSRi8?r'iWK? I" .-''(asaBmSl 1 1 Vi.v yv VMigto KMW xa) KrPsHOP1RgWef sal h f Mrtri .-, V.CWaSK &tFw'-$3 aV eT!' aHaf aB I Hwir m. vmmMwMmf ' I "!VaHaail b alp wl, iWmmmKBi'W.Mmmm I W&&M& x 'WmM'KimUktsmmemm i ? WflmWil99&StvVM9SmM n tb'!"fH?mimtfim WEiil v&lihWiWs& aamt. asaHgauai I Ifip ' wMNMgPMI mm Mtimmmm ' i Jfwaa! 'J l P '&rZail' 't&f'r 1? raimn mWAXZM '4 ,' ... . j. ... j. . k.. .iM...y.wfci... i, X4MiV . .,M., .... Mp. H.i.l ,.A ... MENTION County JudR? Uobert II, Duuncll has left with his family tor n short ! vacation visit at Huckleberry moun tain. Mrs, K. a. Frailer came In yester day nftbrnoon from Chlloquln to at- tend to matters. of business at the county sent Henry Ilolvan ln rutumed 'frcm . a brief business visit to Portland, He I wnn accompanied by Ills daughter, ' tldd sVMn(t amt Ul . tin "0iI ; " inn quii utiiij t- ... M . t, . Mr. and Mra . F. M. Denton of Fort Klamath nnd C It. Uenton of Pine 2" m r"? T.V'uT, u '"" ,W,,y, registered at the Hctcl Hall. George A. Mansfield, Mrs. Mnrgar- sary on the eastern front, et Mansfield and Miss Ilerthn Con-! It was urged here that an oxpedl nings are among tho tourists regis- tlon composed of forces of the lead tered at the White Pelican. Herbert Fletshdccker, the 8an Francisco capitalist, I expected here with n party of associates for n brief visit with tho latter part of tho week. A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. c. A. Ford, Misses Nicholson of 8an Francisco, W. J. Patterson, H. P. Brown and Mrs. K. F. Bauer, of Ab erdeen, arrived here yesterday after noon. Tboy are stopping over for a short, rest at the White Pelican hotel, whjch they praise highly. , T and eggs to tho young women whom they are "courting." While the Shop. window. r mil f r.n,u.. rt n'n.. ers. butter ami eggs can bo obtained only with great difficulty. While this sort of Innovation might appear somewhat odd at first glance. Its genuine practicability will i.. ...11..4 , ..i . ,U... ,, m.rh. .,m . tritt. . .. first to hear a young lover raving at hi. fair lady with the endearing terms of "egg plant-or "butter ball" but the public could b. accustomed to thVso small detail wlthln-a short .i, if... .i hn..Ai.. I i,,.u. mivt bvw, .MwuUb ilviiw hnuM nf.r l h rflmntlm.nl.ri In terms of substantial things rather than the phrases. old worn-out etherlal PPm: ;v i 7M!CH ,..a. . uui.wri&zzxzz. moment to thank .several officers tor the aid they had, given him. This Incident la an Indication, of the close co-operation of the Frenoh and Brit ish officers on the western front a SENILE MlIS T"ssxjimmsm ALLIES AGREE N N iraon TOKIO, Aug. 1. (Correspond enco of Tho Associated Press), One of the argument,, sot forth In favor of a combined Intervention by the JKntento nations In Siberia wan that It was Imperative as a military diver- slon. Tho Kucopoan nations In tho Kntento represented as bollovliiK that I ll. ,iiJltlnK.Mu tjk-.- .11.1 tint it niv VAi'L'uliluuaii iuiivb uu iwi ronctrnto Into RumIa n far n tho , on fc froB nevertheless, relieve tho French front and force the Germans dWf, ing Ententu nations would be abso lutely friendly toward Russli and wniitit rnllv in tta farm nuaaliin itn. ' mo,. hl.h .. hBiinv.i i.. h. bit. ,,,.. ..,i , fh nrmi. .inminn. 0B ,t wng aUo con(emleU that an expeditionary force would counteract tho economic and Indus. trial, as well aa political, ponetra tlon of Russia by the Germans. The Indications hero are that the economic aspects of the war are at taining a very Important stago and the belief l experesscd that If Rus sia Is left alone there Is danger or her falling pcrmantentty under the economic grip of the Germans. France, which has made Immense loans to Russls, was said here to be lieve that a military move from tho east, cautiously conducted, would savo something to the Entente of their tremendous economic Inter ests tn Russia. England was described as fearing .', .: ", ln ' m,",ar' ". tho lntercit " protecting themselves 'BlnEt lhe Bd"BC-"' tho ! "ermn" menaCe "1 ,he P" re be- d to be sympathetic to any pro- JW muKU ," "" i- - U"ll,BC,,'on,, ,. ., 8HII another consideration raised here as Justifying Intervention Is ' Qermany Is steadily employing R""" " her munition plants and oner' connected with lhf wnr nnd ' " to relievo Ur,e number "' hcr own cMtn l-lJ1 ,!rv,c. on th' we,.tern ,ront' IJh'a development Is declared to bo I - . now enee which Is liable tO leng 'hen .th! "" dv"ctt? ?f ,nn- ' tlon Insist that It should be of a na ture to' hold and reconstruct Russia. From a military standpoint, It Is understood tho Japanese army Is ready for any emergency. As a prominent diplomat told the correspondent, "Washington baa on ly to push the button and the Inter vention will come immediately." The opponents of Intervention question Its advisability. They think It would be steadily opposed by the Bolshevlkl and prove to be an error similar to that cf Qalllpoll and Rou- mania. PJUNTEOiWTH ROSIER TINTS NEW YORK, Aug. 14. A review of general business conditions, Issued by tho Continental and Commercial National Bank of Chicago, rlnga with optimism. The review la baaed on correspondence with buslneas men from all parts of the country. Their testimony Is tt the country la In a strong position for war time. Hera and there may be noted drawbacks, resulting from conditions growing out of the war, auch as priority ship ments, restrictions on the use of raw materials and labor shortage. But notwithstanding these, business Is sound. If we look at our harvest fields, we can find ocacsloa for this opti mism. Cereal production Is larger than a year ago. The wheat crop Is so far ahead of 1917 that a reasona ble economy In Its use will permit the building up of a reserve. There Is on all sides an abundance of food and feed crops. Thus cur allies as well as ourselves will be supplied with both braad and meat and fats. A point of Importance Is the bank- DUTLDOK HI Ing situation. This authority note Its soundness. It Ih truo Hint ttio pcrcontoKO of gold resorvo to rworvn notes- has gradually declined. At tho time wo entered tho war the poicunt- uge was about 83 nnd tho mipply of monov 14S.34 Per capita. Now It In 66.5 per cent nnd tiio money supply fSO.86. Yet this expansion of ered Its, says the bank, liar, been kept woll under control; It cannot bo mlled Inflation but n Riowth rcprenotitlii)t tho development of miinnil iikoiiic- oh. It might be Bald also Hut wo iro t Investing In tho wealth of unr nlllo. since no iiiurii iiiih u.wh ihuii them. 11 hIioiiIiI nqt bo Inrt slr.litviif also Hint consldornlilo of our war ot. nemlltttreK ronresent capltnl Invest ,. .... ,. ........i i. ments, which after tho war shim'fl ki.. ,.. l.nll.l mi Imlimlrv mill ecu)- null' ........ , -- merce. PRESBYTERIAN LADIES ENJOY SOCIAL EVENT, .Moro thnn 80 ladles gathered y.)-i tcrday at tho Presbyterian coclnl at tl.o homo of Mrs. V. P. McMillan on Pine ttieet. Tho miln put of tho afternoon was given over to knitting nnd bnxnnr work, following which muslcul numbers were Klven .by Mrs. Hert C. Thomas nnd Miss Mary Hall. Refreshments were Horved nnd n splendid tlmo reported by those pres ent. Purchase n Thrift Stamp before re tiring. "They work while you sleep." I Tho leading dividend paying coin, pany of America, The .Mutual Life, tho company that has earned mora ' tor policy holders, and has paid more to policy holders, than any other company In the world. For partlcu hrs soe Geo, Ulrlch, District man ager. Stf TEH EPS tVIIKN MIXED WITH SULPHUR TO IlitlNGH HACK ITS IIEAUTII'l'l. LUKTRK AT ONCE Gray hair, however handsome, do notes advancing ago. Wo all know tho advantages of u youthful appearance. Your hnlr Is your charm. It make or mars the faeo. When It fades, turns gray snd looks streaked, Jimt a few applications of 8ago Ten nnd Rtilphur enhances Its appearanco a hundred. fold. Don't' stay gtnyl Look- young! Either prepare tho recipe nt home or get from any drug store a 69-ccnt hot. tie of "Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Compound',' which Is merely the old time recipe Improved by tho nddltlrm of other Ingredients. Thousand of folks recommend this rcady-to-jm prepsratlon, because It darken, the hair beautifully, besides no ono ca,n possibly tell, as It darkens so natur. ally and evenly. You moisten a sponge or soft brush with It, drawing this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after au other application or two, its natural color Is restored and It becomes thick, glossy and lustrous, and you appear years younger, Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound Is a dellghtrul toilet requisite. It Is not Intended for tho cure miti gation or prevention of disease Adv i M Eat Less Meat If I Talw a glaaa of Salts to bothers ..wig meai regularly eventually urouueos Kidney troublo In somoTorm or other, says a woll known nuthor Ity, because the uHo acid In moat ox :ltes the kidneys, they becomo over worked; get sluggish; clog up nd :auso all sorts of distress, particular y backncho and misery In tho kidnoy 9glon; rheumatic twinges, severe lackachea, acid stomach, constipation, orpW liver, sleeplessness, blnddor na urinary irritation Th mnmant . . L I Wdnew aren't .!., .... orwtT drink which millions of men V 4"6y .Br?n nct,n rJt, or If, nnd women rule, now nnd then to Hadder bothers you, get about four HURTS oi jaa salts from any good I pharmacy; take a tablespoonful In a WEDNESDAY, AVCIVHT.1I, mm 'You're mife" when you got km m. surnm-n pulley fn lit Clillrotn n., wiry, Willi Main street. - . Money to lin on illy nii country ,,i,ipoiiy, Hee Clilloite. ir - Mi On nil It blmlt-r, kiiihI order, ,it lii.lr )il e. Oilier lmiloiiit-ittn, .'lir iei Wiiiehiiui Tn, f lll'V A THKIFT RTAMP TODAV. W, D. MILLER IViiii'iil ronltiirlor i VVnllt l-'lniirn, Coiitiilntlons (!im crete IIiiIMIiik HIik'Iin, Klm.H nrm I'll- J :t f' H Hlxtli HI Ptimii. 2.; . V iti:cK.ni m:.vr HKiivici: riiono no Mutit I'liniio am saaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaajajaaajsaaaaaaa GASOLINE Kamp Kook STOVES Just (he thing for that Camping trip Telford Bros. Garage Well Drilling Have "rock outfit" nnil pre piiinl for Job of tiny kind. YOCHAT7.KII IIUON. Merrill, Ore. Phone 3 in. Dassengers and Baggage ANYWHERE IN THE CITY QUICK SERVICE ItEASONAIILi: HATEH 'PHONE 1ST Weslern Transfer Co. 'aaaaajssisawjiiiwwaaiai New City Laundry We Guarantee Our Work. Shlrta and Collars Laundered. Wa also wash silk, wool, and col ored gods very carefully, Try us once and be convinced. Our prices are right Pheiw 114. 127 Fourth Street Sack of First National Sank e Back Hurts flush Kidneys if bladder you sines of water boforo breakfast for a taw duya and your kldneyu will thu net lino. Thlg famous salts Is made fiom tho ncM of grapog and lemon julco, combined with llthla, and l" been used for generations to flush cloggocl kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to noutrnllis tho aclda In the urne so It no longer lirltntos, 'thus ending bladder dla ordora. Jad Saltn cannot Iniure anyone; lni.,1,.. iii. .... ... Illhll. "" UOIIBHIIUI OHOrVOSCOin - kcop tiio kldhoya and urinary organs cloan, thus avoiding serious klUne dlsoaso. Adv. 1