THE EVENING HERALD, .KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON PAGE TRUER Northwest Shorthorn Breeder's LtOAL WOTICTt No. F45 i for PabUeeelea la Iwresloe. ht of Tax Um Id th Circuit Cottrt of th BUI of Oregon, for Klamath Coaaty Charles B. Drew, Platatlf, MOMMY, FKIHUUnV 4, ISIS BBKgaaw BBBFjr gtBjSBBBBBBB ansa sanananaw annanananananananj BsaBm obbxF-- BttBbbbbbbbbwi gaaw waa fBBjgiuH Eighth Annual Spring Show and Sale At The Portland Union Stock Yards February 25, 1918 40 Bulls 30 Females From the herds of Minor, Brown, Dunn, Day & Rothrock Co., Cornett, Kiger, Reynolds, Oregon Agriculture College, Feller Bros., Cutting, Dement, Holloway, Witham, Tarbell and Lynch. Rangemen will find at this sale strong rugged bulls, 16 to 24 months old, and the breeders will find some choice herd bulls, sired by the best bulls in the northwest. Choice consignments of females will be sold from the herds of Minor, Dunn and Day &, Rothrock Company. Kraschel & Cranke, Auctioneers For Catalogues Apply Frank Brown, Carlton, Oregon NOTE The Annual Spring Shorthorn Sale at Spokane February 23, 1918. For cata logue apply, Frank Rothrock, Spokane, Washington. Food Prices Doubled In Past Three Years WA8IIIN0TON, D. C, Fob. 4. luMtlfillon of quotations meal thai It I. ..- .1.- i - .. .. wiu tna Au.riv.a wv Pi today Jiut CO par coot nor to l thin It did In August, 1014, when great war brokt out. wall prices on food stuffs moat Iwsrally consumed la tbls country HOW the following Incraasa. In Da. tsmber 31, 1917, over August 1, i, according to th United States aureau of labor statistical Potatoes 69 ner cant, iaur nar , cornmeal 130 per cent, sugar It wesnt, lard US per cent, porkcbops Par cent, bacon 74 per cent, bam Par cent, eggs 88 per cent, round steak II per cent, butter 48 per cent, milk 47 per cent, sirloin steak 16 per cent, rlbroast 10 per cent and bene 89 per cent. Wholesale prices have generally In. creaaed 79 per cent during the period. The greateat gain In these la found In farm products, which have rlson 9G per cent, with metal and metal pro ducts a close second, showing an In crease of 88 per cent. Clothing was 108 per cent higher on December 1st, wholesale. Lumber and building material have risen 38 per cent, and drugs and chemicals 130 per cent. Fuel and lighting went up 64 per cent during the period. In Oregon now at tho government's expense on official business. If he has opposition In the primary lection bo said he would return to Oregon and ronko a strenuous tight for the nomination. a Reiner Suitcases, Trunks and Rag. 31-tf K.K. K.BTOIIK. "Our potential strength Is unlimit ed. We have more than 400,000,000 to draw from. Our co-operation In France dependa entirely upon the needs of our allies. We are willing to send aa many men aa they ask," said Chiang. At prosent tho entonte la relying upon China to protect allied Intereata In Vladivostok, Harbin and Manchu- rla, It was declared. Cable reports; received by the mlsslo ntold of tho capture of 8,000 armed bolshevlkl troous by General Liana Hsu's forces. operating near Harbin. These were ,1 1 disarmed and driven from the city,? the cablo stated. Order haa been re. J atored In Harbin and the supplies! I atored at Vladivostok by the entente f are controlled absolutely by the Cht-I neso troops, reports atate. IrWK IAT TOO MUCH MEAT. WHICH if mum of KIDNEY TROUBLE China Has Millions Ready For Service U.NCITON, I). 0., Fob. 4. d. ha. million. of m,n for th, .,. ioooZ' ,00 teai to "hM WOO 000 under arms. 1.000.000 In' wve, W.OOO.OftA nu.l. .- A ' ?h.7,f.?""nK "' "nwml" Chiang of '"" 'nuiinn. I 1 This almost limitless man power Is at the disposal of tho allies, beginning with the 000,000 who will be 'sent to the treuches the minute they are asked for. according to Chiang, who baa Just arrived for conference with military chiefs here. Upon Japan depends to a great ex tent the part China will play on the battle fields of France the coming aummer, Chinese officials declared. Japan haa transport facllltlea suffi cient to carry large numbera of light ing men from Shanghai to Canadian or Pacific ports, where the first lap of. their 12,000-ralle Journey ends. CLOGS KIDNEY, BACK HURTS THEN I'HE RECLAMATION MAN WILL RUN FOR BRNATORSJWIP SALEM, Feb. 4. Will R. King, chief counsel for the government rec lamation aervlce, and who la here fa connection with a case before the preme court, said' that be -will makai formal announcement of his candi dacy for the democratlo aomlnaUon for United States senator about Ik fit st week In March. He aald be waa refraining from making his announcement at this time because be did not; care to art! polltlca with bualneae. and that, he Is Most folks forget that the kidney?, Ilk 0 the bowels, get sluggish and clog htl. and need a flushing occasionally ehee we- have backache and dull misery In the kidney region, aevero headache, rtauumnrle twinges, torpid liver, acid tsmach, aleeplessneaa, and all aorta of Madder disorders. Yuu simply must keep your kidneys actiro and clean, and the moment you fee! mi 'ache or pain la the klCney region, get about four ounces of i'ui Sail, from any good drug store here. ttK tableepoonful la a glaas ot wa ter before breakfaat for a few day and rw f lldaeya will then act fine. Trie fuuioi salts la mado from the acll of grnftoa aad lemon julae combined with MM, and la harmleaa to tush clogged kidneys and atimulate tbesa to normal aettvftr. It alao neutralise th adds ta the tirlae ao It ao longer Irritates, tthua ending bladder dleerder. Jul Yalta la harmless! iaexpeaslve; at akea delightful effervescent Utala- water drink which everybody shoald take now and the to keep their kid neys clean, thus avoiding scrloaa eota- pllcatlons. A well known local druggist ay he sells lots of Jad Salt to folk who be lieve in overcoming kidaey treable while It is only trouble. Adv. EASY TO DARKEN : YOUR URAY HAIR VOU CAN BRING BACK COLOR AND LUBTKK WITH 8AGK TBA AND SULPHUR When you darken your hair with Sage Tea and Sulphur, bo one can tell,' because It's done so naturally, ao evenly. Preparing tbla mixture, though, at home la mussy and trouble some. For CO centa you can buy at any rdug store the reedy-to-use prep aration, Improved by the addition of other ingredients, called. Wycth's gage and Sulphur Compound." Tou lust dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking on small strand at a time. By n-.crnlng all gray hair disappears, aad, after another application or two, your hair becomea beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant. Gray, faded hair, though ao dis grace, 'Is a algn of old age. and aa we all desire a youthful aad attractive appearance, get busy at one with Wyetb's Sage aad Sulphur Compouad and ook years younger. This ready-to-use preparation la delightful toilet requisite, and aot a medlcl. It la aot intended for the cur miti gation or preveatloa of disease, Adv Pets Nelson, heir at law of Hans J. Nelson, Deceased, and any other Person or Persons who may have Some Interest In or Llsn or Claim upon tho Property In tbls Com plaint Described, Defendants. To Pete Nelson, heir at law of Hana J, Nelson, Deceased, aad any other , Person or Persona who may have some Interest la or Llea or Claim upon the Property In this Com plaint described, the above named Defendants: In the Name of the 8tate of Oregon You are hereby, notified that Chrlee E. Drew Is the holder of Cer. tlfloate of Delinquency numbered 687, Issued on the eleventh day of Feb ruary, 1916, by the tax collector of the County of Klamath, State ot Ore gon, for the amount of thirteen and ninety-one hundredth (118.91) dot lars, the same being the amount then due aad delinquent for taxee for the year 1911, together with penalty, In tereet aad eoeta thereon apea the .real property asaeased to you, of which you are the owaer aa appears of I record, situated la .aald county aad atate, and particularly bounded and described aa follows, to-wlt: Went half of ta aortheast guar I ter of section one, la township thlr ! ty-elght. south of rang elevea and one-half east of the Willamette Meridian, Klamath County, Stat of Oregon. Tou are further aotllod that said Charles B. Drew, plalntlf , has paid on aald premises for prior or subse quent years, with th rate of interest oa aald amounts as follews: Tear 114; paid February 11, 191 Tax receipt No. 8111; aaoaat paid. IU.ll: rate of Interest, 16 per cent Tear 1916, paid March II, 1916, Tax receipt No. 680; amount paid, 11.11; rate of interest, 16 per cent, Tear 116, paid March 19, 1917: Tax Receipt No. 691; amount paid, 110.4; rat of later, 16 per cent Bald Pete Nalaea. hair at law of Haas J. Nelson, deceased, aa the own er of th legal title of the above de scribed property aa the aasae appears of record, aad each of the other per sons aamed above; are hereby further notified that plalattff, Charles E, Draw will apply to th Circuit Court of the coaaty aad state aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the ilea against th property above described aad mentioned la said certificate. Aad you are hereby eummoaed to appear with la sixty days after the fret public tloB of tho eummoaa exclusive ot tho day' of aald Bret pablleatloa, aad de fend thta'aetlba or pay th aaoaat 'due aa above ahowa, together with eoeta aad aecraed Interest, aad la case of year failure ts 4s st, a decree will be rendered forecleeteg th Ilea of aald tax aad coats gainst th laid aad premises above aamed.- Thia anmmoao la published by or der of th HoaoraU D. T. Kuykea dall, Judg ot the Circuit Court ot the Stat ot Oregea, ter the Coaaty of Klamath, aad aald order waa made aad dated thlo 19th day of December. 117, aad th dot f th Irat public. tie ot UM'suarama la the Hat day of December, 1117. All process aad paper la this pro- ceedlag may be served upon th un- derelgaed, residing wlthla the State of Oregon, t the tddreea hereafter eatleaed. WILSON I. WILBT, Attorn for Plaiatlff. Address, 101-104 Odd Fellowa Build- lag. Klamath Falls, Oregea. (Equity No. 940) la th Circuit Court ot the State ot Oregon, for the County ot Klam ath. Rufua 8, Moor. PJaJattt. v. Jeaate Lebavies, Defeadaat. To Jeaate Lebaviea, Defeadaat: la th aant ot th Stat of Oregen: Tou are hereby required to appear aad answer the complaint Sled against you la tho above entitled suit wlthla els weeka after th first pub lloatloa of tbla aummona la th Even lag Herald, a newspaper printed and published la th City ot Klamath Falls, County of Klamath, Stat of Oregon, oa or before th 11th day of Feburary, 1911, that being the last day of the time prescribed In th or der for pablleatloa of this aummona, the Irat publication thereof being on the Hat day Decembber, 1917, and If you. tall ao to appear aad answer, tor want thereof the plaiatlff will apply to tli court tor the relief prayed tor la th aald complaint, to-wlt: For the sum of $1,690, together with laterest tkercoa at th rata of eight per eeat per annum from the let. lay t July. 1911; fer the sum ot MH.I6, together with tntercat there "it taa rat fat per cent per How Are Your Feet Are they carrying corns that bring (billy discomfort aad pain? Do corn make you dread tlie coming of morning when yoa must draw on your sliom? To tho corn sufferer Klam ath Horn Knocker makes Ufa worth while. It promptly and paJnlcnvly remove rorna aad bunion loe lu work under onr absolute guarantee of satis faction. L'se It at once.' 23c the Dottle (WflWOftPMriWY T-7 , Njuwm raus owuxnrM vr?:;??.w .y 4Mx-x-: -snalf.ffflJBBabaBaaaaaaaBaP PROFESSIONAL CARDS r - JOHN C. CLEOHOBN Coaaty gmnerat Clva BBMpmoor City ft County Abstract Co. ARTHTJF R. WILSON 617 Mala St. FARM LOANS AT PER CENT FLA DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician A Sargeoa. Suite 311, 1. 0. 0. F. Temple (over K. K. K. Store) Phone Sell . . Ran. Phone, S08R (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Surgeon la Klamath Falls.) W. D. MILLER Walks, Floors, Foundations. Con crete Building Blocks, Flues and Tiles. Ill 8. Sixth St. Phoae III The Mutual life INSURANCE COMPANY of New York F. M. PRIEST, LOCAL AGENT Ovr K. K. K. Store Get a STANDARD Are iamraace policy from tho Chlkote agency, CM Mala street. 1 annum from the Sth day of December, 1917, aald aum having been paid by plaintiff aa mortgagee for the redemp. tlon from delinquency sale ot lot one' and two, in block thirty-tour, Original Town of Llnkyllle, now the City of Klamath Falls, Klanmth Coun ty, State of Oregon; tor the sum of f 850 for attorney's fees, and for costs and disbursements of tbls suit. Also tor a decree foreclosing all of the right, title and Interest ot the above named defendant In and to lota one and two In block thirty-four, Orig inal Town of Llnkvllle, now the City of Ktamath Falls, Klamath County, State of Oregon, and that the said 1 real property be sold by the sheriff ot Klamath County, State of Oregon, uu- der the decree ot this court In the manner by law In casea of this kind provided, and that any sum remain ing after payment ot Judgment in said suit be paid to the clerk ot this court for such distribution as may be re quired in equity, and that plaintiff have auch other and further relief, aa to thla court may seem meet and equitable, Thla aummons is published In the said Evening Herald pursuant to an order of the Honorable D. V. Kuyken. dall, Judge ot the Circuit Court of th State of Oregon, for the County of Klamath, made on (December 89, 1917. WILSON 8. WILEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. 91-7-14-I1-IS-4-11 M .i-.&aeset&e