iU.f r;i V h& I '.1 !K. ty,' Fr lf- W,'-1 A PAGK TWO TheEvening Herald 'W.O. SMITH, Editor PMtato daily day fcy lt Mateld PnMlaaiag Coaenaay or atk Mto. at 111 Itoutk itrm atered at tlM nostogsce at Samtk falls. Oregea, tor traaemlssloa throng the nulla m eecond-elasa aaatter. aasertirton (mm st mU M any Miw tatte Uidted 8UtMi O year ti . TURSOAT, NOVKMBKB 6, 1917 Bcnkfs Classified Advs. FOR SALE FOR SALE Three full blooded Shropshire bucks. Enquire or phone to H. U. Arant, Dairy, Ore. 5-6t FOR SALE 300-acre ranch, 85 acres fenced, 60 acres planted in rye; ad joining range; $10 per acre. Address Herald office, A. J. 29-10t SERVICEABLE galvanised sheet iron rooting or aiding, any quantity, at less than half price. Better and cheaper than wood. Farmers Ware hoase company. 3-5t bOR KENT FURNISHED APARTMENTS at the Ore regon House, 52" Klamath ave. FOR RENT SO acre ranch, under the ditch; house and barn. H., Rey nolds, White Pelican hotel. 3-lt HELP WANTED MILL HANDS WANTED at Lamm Lumber company's mill at Modoc Point. 31-tf WANTED Good Ironer; good pay. 117 Fourth st. Phone 154. 29-tf WANTED Cook house flunkey at Lama Lumber Co., Modoc Point. !-tf MISCELLANEOUS WINTER APPLES for sale at $1 per box, at Judge Drake's orchard. Lettuce, 25c per sack. H. Newnham, Phone 20 8 J. 2-5t FOR SALE Two flat buildings, with Income of $22.50 and $12.50; total $35.00 per month, or $420.00 per year. Price only $2,500.00.. SMALL HOTEL for sale good build ing, completely furnished; very little capital necessary to handle this good paying business. Well worth in vestigating. HATE BUYER for 4-room house. J. T. WARD CO., 61S Main Street H OUST ON' s Metropolitan Amusements HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE Thomas Dixon's "THK FALL OF A NATION" The Gigantic Patriotic Spectacle Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 10 and 11 STAR THEATER Pallas Pictures Corporation Presents House Peters and Louise Huff In "THE LONESOME CHAPM Story of Humane Interest in 5 Parts TEMPLE THEATER Greater Vltagraph Presents Win. Courtney Lurelle Courtney In "NINETV AND NINE" A Wonder Play In Five Parts. Also a BIG V COMEDY ADMISSION 10 CENTS q . .. Pioneer Auto Service y DAY On NIGHT iQ . r Phone Mecca 188 v . r , JITNEY JOE Winter styles la Kaox hate at . , K. K. K. MORE. MarUsllo Hair Shop of Medford, Ore,, represented by as expert at Mee's Store, Nov. 8 to 15. fc3t it 'StkB eldest accident cesaaeny In Travelers. Sea Gael KliMiti Qy Newt Tl'LE LAKE DISTRICT - -- - E. L. Elliott has moved his family to Klamath Falls for the winter. Mr. Culbertson is spending a few days at Fort Klamath on business. The threshing In this vicinity was nnlshed the last of the week. The gruln yield has proved to be excellent, considering the late planting and Ir rigating in many places. It. G. Bussey of Lorella has been spending a Tew days In this vicinity. His son Douglas will build on his homestead here soon. Mrs. T. N. Case of Mt. Lakl is vis iting her sister. Miss L. M. Hatch. C. N. Snow and David McComb (sited here last week. Many hunters are in evidence here these days. The geese are very num erous near the lake. J. A. McComb and family moved to the Tule Lake district from Mt. Lakl last Thursday. They are now living In K. L. Elliott's house, and will build on their homestead later on. Charles Faught spent the week end hunting ducks and geese here. He ramped on his homestead while here. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton have moved to their homestead. - - LORELLA LOCALS -- - Hallcwe'en evening a number of guests enjoyed a pleasant time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Ford ney. Cards, music and dancing were the attractions of the evening. De- llshttul refreshments were served. About twenty were present. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Campbell mo tored to Klamath Falls for the day Thursday. Miss Gladys Poole Is In Langell Valley for a time. She Is making her home with her sister, Mrs. Cowley. Miss Violet Gale entertained a number of her young friends Hallow. e'en evening. The time was spent In playing games. Alex Stewart left Wednesday for a trip to Medford, where he will spend about a week. Miss Beatrice Lloyd spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Floyd Lloyd of Poe Valley. Miss Pansy Conly returned to Lan gell Valley Thursday. She Is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Conly, PORTABLE LAUNDRIES USED BY RED CROSS PARIS, Nov. 6 The laundry prob lem, which has been one of the most perplexing of the minor questions with which the American Red Cross has had to deal in France, has been solved by the purchase and establish ment of portable laundries. These laundries will be' sent to numerous iiospitals along the battle front. Upon completion of their work at one hos pital they can be moved on to another, BELGIUM CROPS ARE APPROPRIATED THE MAGUE, Nov. 6. According to Vry Belgle, the Oerman adminis tration in Belgium has decided to ap propriate for German use half the en tire crop of potatoes, fruit and veg' etables. The other half Is partly used for extra rations to workmen who are engaged in work for Germany, REJECTED MEN TO BE HE-ENLISTED SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. . The County Qouncll of Defense Is going to re-enllst all drafted men rejected for the National Army, and who still want to serve their nation. The men will become part of a reserve force of agricultural workers, and will be able to call on both American and French difficulty. See those Trench Orercoate from the House of Kuppenhetmer at' K. K. K. STORE. The largest accident company in the world The Travelers. See Clill- cote, 6 ANNOUNCEMENT The Food Administration Is calling upori the public to assist la the con servatlon of food. Restaurants have been called upon to exclude all meats from their menus Tuesdays of each reek, and the Kellers Cafe has prepared for Its patrons today, and will continue to do so every Tuesday during the period our Food Administration requests It, KELLERS CAFE, 6-tf A. J. Wiggins, Prop. Rubbers Rubbers All the beet styles at K. K, K, MNMM. THK EVKNINO HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, Beehive of Sports At American Lake CAMP LEWIS. American Lake, Wash., Nov. 6. This big National Army enclosure Is getting to bo a v regular beehive of sports. Inter-regimental football teams have hooked up for a series of 132 games, a big golf tourney has been planned tor Thanksgiving Day, while baseballs WASHINGTON STUDENTS t srrnv rmvrw gune' to nlcnttn,8 nnd othcrB nnv tu min iiiwwh ,n( commercial' relations with the z I Orient. -..... u , Pigeon English Is said to be doom SEATTLE, Nov. 6.-The Unlversl- d- Accordlng to Dr. Macy M. Skin- ty of Washington, located In this city. Is to organise evening classes to teach Chesterfield t X Mr f kJp BSSmBBBssssssssssssssssUsm' JbsBbsw ft off r Li BbssssssssskSElV ''''.' sft I sWm'' "fxLl EE1sss1bFV' ' at f fln ssssssssssssssssssssssss JBsssEIIIIIHssflkl sssssV .ssssssssssssV Vl jBgftgggggBMglLflsK ftBpftftHF' .SBBBSBBBBBBBBsK Jaf aBnsftk " Ilk pp SBBsV'PEaftsBBBBBrV MVsBm VflsBBBBBBBsft BSBBBBBBBB aSBBSSBSBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSSSSlSn sssssf ' Bsssl r . r bey vi Bf W..MMk. 5BBfc YCpfF 1 ' keeps them Ar Fresh aT are almost as thick as bullets on the west'front. Tho Medical corps declared It has the best football team, becauso of tho presence of many University of Ore gon stars In the lino up. The field and track honors to date have been carried off by the 363d regiment, but they mav prove as hard to hold as a 16-Inch shell on troublo bent. I Kunn Hua, the official Pekingese Inn- ncr who wU1 na,e charge of the classes, business men who desire to y gflEfiHEEEEEEEEEft. MWK ' OREGON establish permanent trade relations with China, will And It to tuslr ad vantage to return to college and fa miliarise thmtlves with real vm nese, Kuan Hua. say students of the Ian- guag, la no more difficult to master than some modern European tongues, nave several good 40 and SO acre tract tn the heart of the valley. They are under Irrigation, and liave some alfalfa. Chllcote. . t NEW SHIPYARD A UTItlKU IWMMII1I.K 1 . 4 v SEATTLE-, Nov. C The ship- yard workers of the Northwest are dissatisfied with the federal wago board's decisions, and will meet to consider a further strlkn to enforce a greater wago In- crease. (Jet n standard fire Insurance pol icy In a standard company from tint cote, and you'll get a prompt and just ctileuicat In raao of lom, t CIGARETTES aIMPORTEDanrfDOMESTIC tobaccos Blended cigarette that "Satisfies 7 mHIS Chesterfield Ciparette A pleases the taste and Ihen goes further. It does for smokers the onethingthey've always wished a cigarette would do Chesterfields let you know you are smoking" they "Satisfy" Vet, they're Mild! The new blend of Imported and Domestic tobaccos that's what does it. And the blend can't be copied. Proof? Try Chesterfields today. y Pianos for Liberty Beads theeherde Klamath Lodge No. 117, 1. 0. O. F., meets Friday night. R. A, Rmsaltt, N. O., Nate Otterbeln, Secretary. Ewauna Kucampment No, '46, I, O. O. F., meets Tuesday night, R. A. Emmltt. C. P., L. J. Bean, Scribe. PARLOR, CHURCH AND KfHnni nEsTvi SI5.00 up wwaawwn ORGAN BARGAINS Shepherd Piano Depot Neu door P. O., KUasath Falls nuro. nntuml jBSi 7- M! - '"V.VKMBK,,...,, P gSSS SSSSSSSSSS1 tKBBBSnCsBBBBBBBm 'wWIssIsIbbsbbIbbbHVJsbbbbbbbbbbH ) VbbbbbssbbsbbsbbbbbbsUi ICrsTiTr Bad Weather "ICarly , iiaki. our lilu Mink f OIIMJOX t'lTY MACKINAW (XUT8 API'HWIATMI YoiiiiiuMiomelnMdM( tlieni; they atr all wool, m we have ulte. to nt meaaal lloyn. Tlie pHre are asra t leniM, liri-auiio we are sat aaklng mom than these let roata am mtrtti. SUGARMAN'S (To t m(loued) Ptaaoa for LIlMirty Ikm In Augut The Travelers paid MM arrldent and hraltli nUInu, sawta. lug tu more tlutu SloO.ooe.ss, A wonderful retonl lijr a profit! company. Sen (lillrote LEGAL NOTICIS I Notlrti to Creditors Nollcn Ih hereby slcn that the it derslgnml wnH on October St, HIT, by the County 'tirt of the Slate of Oregon, for Klamatli County, duly if. polnted mlmlnlittrutor ot the NUlttt I). V. AndcrHon, nlo known uDa. ster V. AiiiUtboii, ilcveased, mi lit persons having rlnlins agtltul mM estate nro rcqulruil to prestat sum proporly voriMcd, to the undentiii'. at the law oltlies of It. C. Uroetbtei, Klaniuth Kallx, Oron, within lit months from the (Into of this nolle. Dated, October 23, 1917. (IKOmiK K. ANDERSON, AilniliiUtnitor or tliu Katateof D.W, Anilorson, Dercssed. 23-30-J-1MI .Notice of Sheriff' Sale on RisaaiN Notice Is hereby given that Ww and by vlruto of n writ of sxscilMfc Issued out of the Circuit Court Oft State of Oregon, for the Cooity W Klamath'. In tho cose of H. Welle berg, plaintiff, vs. J. It. DlionsadJ Dixon, defendants, which sua ira was dated on tho 10th doy of Ottos, A. D. 1917, 1 will on the Isthdayef November, A. D. 1917, at tbl fl Annr nt tlm rniirt llOUt Of KIsMtl County. Oregon, In the city of Kb A ath Palls, Oregon, at tus honr w o'clock p. m. on said date, proeniU sell at public auction, toitbi sis bidder for cash, the followm faMll..l ...nhArlv In.wlt! Lot 1 of block 18, lot otwea ,i 11, Hesslg'a Addition tofortw nlh nrnnntl' nt0 lotS S U& block 9, of Hcsslg's AddlUee i Fort Klamath, Oregon, '"J"!" an agreement to convey " given to Harry W. Englej lio any and all right, title u est of tho defoudants, J. " and Jas. Dixon, In and to tte half of section 28. towniw '" south of range H et ot ette Meridian, Klamath M Oregon, excepting 6.1 "" north side of the nortbsut "" of said section, or so much thereof as may T"J, snry"to satisfy a Judgment re" In the above entitled " jj 29th day of December, ""'". said judgment Is for th. -- , tnousana aoiiurs it ,--- ft tere.tattheratoof9p.rtj; n.mk 1st 1U1. auu "--... il two thousand dollars MJ J with Interest at the rite of i ... frim vahruary 6th, !.., i um of two hundred dollaridV'; . , , " - " - . iLSSDBl ..-... ... the rUHB "- . !, ..- u..-a..a Hniisr. (1100.00) an- torney's fees, and the further j fortyone and 50-100 ooi w. v -. damages and costs, -- - ,' ,... nf this sale on execM ffvevs w - fnBsl aW ' .i.i.h ..H.mnt there naa "" Ui " the sum of one thouiand twoT nlnety-alx and 6M0o ou..-.,- ".. ... . ft Dated this isa w u' " A. D. 1017. ouniT, OBO, I Hf" . . ... .ihrituiui"1 norm Ol "'" arusair. PJlllMpssBsssssssssssssssssssssssssssMsssssssllls...J '' Hhsssafc Ln. r, i . h Il.tO-MMO