m -amAV. MTtmam , n" THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMA I I FALLS, OREGON pjum .w Food Prices Doubled In United Kingdom I.ONPON, Oct. 'J. 'I'1'0 rlu" '"Hl lllc mules, Hie gicul Iiiciciiho In . I In till) I'Mled KlllgUOIll IIIIH ""' '" "'" '" me iiiii.im-iiu- offoooi"1 ..... I....I.. In rates of ttxchiingo." -or. ban doubled since the begin-. " . ... unvn tlin National '"I'liil nubile, of Minnie. hiihiiihIu l'litoV0...,..ni iliu organ of Lord prolHcrlug," uIIh thu Join mil, "ami' l!W '" ,, ... link what Is liiiliii: ilmie wllli Hid mlil. I '". i.i. Hut Hilt nil l"'l comi'iniui, .. , , . I Rhonddn, ti ii dlemon who (oiMii In Ictwcon llm ic- 'gome of,tlo cause.! of this Incionso (n ,m.lllK,rm, tho consumer. Tho n given n follews: J answer Ih Unit tho iiri'ilntory middle-1 "The lilgli prices clinrgeii in coi.ii- iniui without legitimate trade inter- Infrom which Imports of food ui'o eM, who buyn merely In order to re- bUlneJ owing In large inuamno to noil lit h pinllt, hits been iilni.nl whol. ihr omi'I'II"111'1 '"""""I "r K""""1 ly Hlilllimli'il. Tim hi'm-h mi y mlililli; I 'hortnio l H'll'l'l)'- TIn'Mu IiIkIi prlii'i iniui who In merely out to iiinko wlmt utitidtlu the Kiutrol of homo rov- Iih rim Ih helm; taught (lint ho must rnt.ic,it, i not mriko undue iiriillin out of tlio iia-j "Tin rlni In prlre duo to Inllntlotl, lion's lieccsnlty. and onl ticcoiiiitiinls' b,cl, my ucriir olthor directly thru of the ministry of food, with tholr nrmis. Iii ciineiiey, or morn hull- patriotic- proluclnl hclpt-iH, have been j lerlly tin" "'" llltlcltLt xnt to hinnght Into ttxlsi-iiiui for Hin'oxprcsq J which cictllt Ih Increased, when lonns purpoHo of nwoitnlnlng what piollt ' " '. i I .1... iimvi ifiilili.nl wlili'li ' fnlr tiii,l U'litil lirnlll lu iVluullii Tin. 1 .! II II II 111 .1 I.IIII1I llllll'll ...... . , .. t, ' I I - !. -.......( I I - I irer"' - ...... borrow, In a largo spender. ; rood controller win u proiu- roatrin- "Tho high ficltjhl lutes on Hi" ai-j mg trien in every wage. Bulgarians Taught First Photograph of Morganatic Wife Married by Kaiser's Son Since War Ougun r- - ' r m - , t -M '? a . Oregon Casalmere Overcoats, . Itxrlux V-ly nt K. K. K. (More. 20tf m IIIISKK GOOD BUYS LONDON, Oct . Ah ovldunco that tsar was hi t any iiuitiy trlcliH, mid thflriiians Imvo tmiRlit thci lliilRiir.'tlio lattir. mtdnc thin atlltmlo, and Una that tholr llvi'H will ho forfultod (iiIiIuk hln. foHil appointed inuidi--f they nro Ukcn prUnnur by thoei, lili u Iniinatlv ni'stiuu threw iiriiUh ihil followhiK trnit from a' hack Ins nead and liaiuil hln clie-r. Irtlcr by a HrllUh olllror on tlio Sa-i I In opined hit Hhlrt with hoth Imni'H, m, '--' u ma. : jmtiL. y 3 r twwwht "mSSHnBkh t )u .. ,m '"mwiprnwi m&. n im-f '$? ' -I' .- J' m:r ,rr- . - msssm i M-.iWW. fiKt ' liMI I I II I II ' u- w , - mmBSBBUVA ytwt A I'orty nrroB, nil under ditch, nearly iuvel, no lintirovemuntH. Price $600. Klvo loom hitngalow, modern, fur nace heat, jjood lot. Some fruit and Kiirdcn. 1'rlce Ions than cost to billld. Flvo room Iioiipu near huBlnei!i cen. lor. r!ilcmlld lot, CTA120 feet. Price $:!,000.V. Si. Slough. 24-tf IF KIDNEYS AND Bin BOTHER f-AKE SALTS TO FLU8H KIDNEYS AND NEUTRALIZE IRRITATING ACIDS KoriMtoaiiBply. , . I II1UH tvww-i riwi luni w fJuB'TV I 251 t4tlt KLAMATH rALLS QREOON t RTiTrrT Whs ft najmcuLAM ptori jJv TOV THftllt OftUOS OZSuSS "wfiAffitJ River Electric Company wU be con tinued by tbe underlined, and all persona knowing themselves Indebted to the old Arm. are requested to settle their accounts as ejulckly as possible, as I am compelled to at once close up the business of the old firm. 25-2-9 s RALPH J. SHEBTBt Notice) of Barter i r. : -'' it CounttijH Maria von Iluppln Ik the wife of Prlnt-o Oncur, llfth on pt the knitter, and IIiIh photOKrapli bIiowb iciiinnv and bladder weakness result I from uric ncld, says a noted authority. Tlio kidney filter thu acid irom ine lilriDil and nans it on to the bladder. whem it often remains to, Irritate and! Inilanip, causing a burning, scalding I i.ensatlon. or netting up aw Irrltauon at .,. ... .... . o. i ian I .... t.,. . :ilIHOt.ll r Alia, .vt wjiii - -- , (he neck of the bladder, obliging yoo i to. - ,. folowlnE nroperty ewners: otcM relief two or three times aunng, McDonald. Ceett'peal, Wl- tho night The sufferer is In constant .,W JTw.e,. ad. her and her child. It Is the first pho- dread, the water passes nettoTm,ntetratoJ.ofrfthe:- estate of Maggie touraoh of them to reach the United wlth " "caldlng sensation, and lawy, Deal-adnUnlatra- " j- v-vr- , COUNTESS MARIA VON liUPPINANOSOHl dall, Judge of tbe above-eatltled Court, nude, dated and filed in this suit on the 27th day of August, 117, which aald order reaulrea that this summons be published once a week for six weeks beginning on the 28th day of Auaust. 1917. the same betas the idato of first publication of this summons, R. C. GROK8BKCK, Attorney for Plaiatlf. Klamath Falls, Oregon. a4-ll-18-Sff-S-9 States. to Expect No Mercy Report on Telephone Co. Issued By lommission . .1 1. JIMII. .' "-. - W proiUHe; nsaiu. iu mi. i ... - ,fc ...- i Orn TUmM'. ..... , u .. mo www -ww..w " - iivomins u lonlka front Ih published by tho Dally TelesTiipli: 'When we rounded up sixty Hul (ir'iuis In an attiick rerently the poor retrl.ei were utterly terrllleii. Two or llirfco tried to drown themselvo.i In t pool, while others knelt on tin: round mukliiK the sIrii of tlio croct. mid AraltltiK an assassin's buyonot Ibrt'M nr worse. "One who was a roul sport m?.n kept his head, and made n dospvrutcl effort to efrapo, very nearly Ketthu hot, until he saw It was iiscIohh, iiml uinmnK uuwn ins riue, surroiiuuruu u in officer. Ttesldo this ofllcor a Tom nyMoud iiutchfully, In case the lltt! thou f:iml tho Hiildlor with thu h.io lidt, whimi he HUppoxcd to hu waitliK for tho oIlliei'H word to tun h'm thru. "Tommy's method of oiimIhb the tonslnn was lapld. Hu hroui;ht out IiIh paeltet of clKarettea and olTcied olid to il.o HulKar. 'I'll to this moment tho HulKar had heen iih hiave hs a Hon, hut the sud den offer of thu clKaiettu In phil-u of tho end of tho bayonet wuh too mid den a ehaiiKe lu his outlook. He nave a kusiO and sat down trembling un able to IlKht tho cigarette at tho match which tho Mildlor wau holding ready for lilm." Bladder weakness, most folks call It, hecauso they can't control urination. Wl.llo it is extremely annoying and ometimes very painful, this la really irnic or tho most simnie aiimenis io I o ci come. ljucl Salts from our pharmacist and 1 1 like a tablespoonful In a glasa of wa ter before breakfast, contInue(thU for it wo or three days. This will neutralise the acids In tho urine so It no longer la a source of Irritation to the bladder and urinary organs, which then act normally ngaln. , Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless. and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithla. and in ust d by thousands of folks who urinary disorders caused copy to tho ollUe of County Clerk c. 'valuation features, and includes ajby uric-acid irritation. Jad Baits is it. Dol.ap. Tho leiiort hay liven nr- lengthy discussion of them and the Uniendld for kidneys and causes no bad lai.Kod for rate making purposes, and ,ucl"1 ' w,,lcU tlH commission ar-:effects wnateyer. Benjamin B. Beekman and Carrie C Beekstah, Joiat-executora et the. es tate of C. C. Beekman: , You are.heraby'neUf that qn the 13th day of October, or within fire TTT PPFESSIONAL CARDS mosi simple aiuueuvs wi - - .. ... mmmm Get about four ounce, of ! y. thereafter. I alU- the ar, . ... ..,'. in fix the boundaries of the foli Tho public tcrvlce cummliistoii has 'JiiHt Usticd a completo report on tho holdings and levenue of the Paciilu States Telephone and Telegrapli coin-1 nauv In Oickoii. and has forwarded a eays It has been deemed advisable to hundlu thu investigation hy piimury hiihjects. and to issue separate orders covering different featuie ns tho in- c.stlgatlou progresses. vey to fix the boundaries" of the foU lowing land: Ett W. 8W of the NW. 8W of. 'the 8W of section 7, and the NH NWK of sec tion 18, all In township 41 S., range 14 E., W. M. On petition of D. a. Horn,. J. C. CLEGHORN. 25-2-9 County nurreyor. a Tho present order covers only, tho j are subject to ' valuation features, and includes aj by uric -acid Ij very long and dntalb-d. It gtes "V"J Ilt lts conclusions. , . tho valuation of tho utility property The commission's englnecis found no company in this statu as f 12,-! that tho cost to reproduee tho corn- Hero you. have a pleasant, ettervea ctn; Hilda water drink, which quickly relieve bladder trouble. Adv. Elderly Men Will Not Be Shelved 220,507. This Includes all piopeity of ll o company "actually ui-cil and useful for the lonxenlunio of tho pub lic, uiitf Im-liuilng a duo allowance for working capital, stolen and supplies," tas thu commission's older. Tho vnl- HAtlon Is that of December 31, l'JIG. Tl.o lommission ImB under way a genet a I luveitlgatlou of tho rates, titles, regulations and pinctlcos of the company, hut owing to tho magnitude of tho Investigation, tho commission . . 1.08 ANGKI.ES. Oct. 9. To conv, mont nnd !vo and voiicratlon for Its bat the pany's telephone system in this state, which ieachc3 blxty-3is cltlos ani towns, would he $l(O)3G,803. The company itself estimated that it would cost J12',910,800 to reproduce tho system. -The company's operating revenues In this stato for the year ending De cember 31, 1D1G, aro given at $2, 2CC,870.ri5, while operating expenses total $1,858,409.57, leaving a not op erating rovenue of $408,400. MAN WAS IMIIXD TO in: A soi.Dir.it thourv Hint tho nccuimila lion of years Is tho badge of Ineftl- toct tho moral, physical and material clency U ono object of the Half Con-1 Interests of Its memhers. A resolution urging tho city roun MILKS CITY, Mont., .Oct. 0. After hnvlng been rejected ilvo times by re- fliiK. and to foster, promote and pro- criilllng olllcers for enlistment into various urnuciiea ui unrn o.im a tury Association of America, which wm organized rocently hero. Tho or nnlters were 250 men, all past the half century mark. Other objects of tho asoclntlon, ac cording to its bylaws, are to promote md foster a high standard of citizen Mp; to teach loyalty to tho govern- cll and the county hoard of super visors to amend their civil eoivIco meeting at which thu rules by ellml- nnflnir iiL-e limits, mid a number of lighting fotcos, Mark 11. yndsiiy of this city has nt-last earned tho right to wear tho Unltod States uniform. After his fifth rejection ho took tho matter up direct with tho war do inirt incut nt Washington, and at tho . .... .i.n ' . nmn iitim u-rn n in inn i.miatiiim 11111- rolonizutlon Plans wero iiiuuhk "" . , ... matters considered at tl.o meeting at Itary authorities. . l.efore.ho received operating at n profit because of tl.o which the association was organized, n reply from either, however. Ills high price of silver. mother wiote to him, asking why be had not enlihtcd. So ho tried tho bos pltal service, nnd found that IU3 phy sical defects did not bar him from en lfstment there. " ' LEGAL NOTICES i.njxjTj-i. r j-in n.r itrr ri ------- JOHN O. CliKGHOBN wr1 CM Tfff City ft County Abttract Co. AR9KTJF B. JKUMOH .W7 Main St. v- FARM IiOANS AT 8 PER CENT FIAT ii.ii . KlIiYKH MINKS UKOPKNKD SILVER CITY. N. M.i" Oct. 9. Tho high price of sliver hns causod a number of the old silver "workings In Southern New Mexico to be resume J ns marginal producers. The King ton, Lake Volley and Hlllsboro mines hnvo been reopened, and have been .Notice of Dissolution of Partnership To Whom If May Cencern: Notlco la hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be tween Ralph J. Sheets and Charles L. Moore, under the firm name and style of Link River Electric Company, do ine business at Klamath 'Falls, is horeby dissolved from and after the 21st day of September, 1917. Mr. Ralph J. Sheets will collect all accounts due to said partnership and nav all blllrf contracted by said part nership, and continue the business of said partnership, and Mr. Charles h. Mooio retires, and from and after the 21st day of September is not connect ed In any way with said business. Dated this 21st day of September, 1317. RALPH J. SHEETS. CHARLES L. MOORE. In the County- Court of tho Btaiaot Oregon.' for Klamath County w. r - ...... r- Bessle Lamoorn, ruwun-. Auaust Lamborn. Defendant To August Lamborn, Defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, .. . hamhv MnnlfOjrf tA aBTMAr aid JV1 w ....- . mw -," answer tne eompnuni niea iium vou In the above entitled suit ok or before Tunsdky; the ttk toy of Octo ber, 1917. that being tho last any of the time prescribed' in the order for the publication of this summonsand If you fall so to appear or answer, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the Court 'for the relief pnyedVfbr in her comolalnt 'in file Herein, to-wit: for a decree dissolving the bonds ofi matrimony now existing' between nlalnttti and defendant: that ptetntlS have the care and custody of August Lamborn Jr., and for such other nnd further relief as to the Court may seem equitable. This summons is served upon yon, the said August Lamborn, by publica tion thereof in tbe Evening' Herald, a dally newapaper of general circula tion printed and published at Klam ath Falls. Klamath County. Oregon. by order of Honorable D. V. Knyken- DR. P. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Phrstclaa ite ait, i. o. a f. (over K. K. K. Store) (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Burgeon in Klamath iTnlU.) W. P.. MILLER Walks, Floors, Foundations. Con crete Building Blocks, Ftaas nnd Tiles. 2S2 & Sixth St. Phone 212 To AH Pci-song Indebted to the Link Illver Kiectrtc uompnny Tho former business of the Link RevM-al lmnroved 49 and 00 M irrigated farm. 1 the het of tt iri.ma.h VIIT. ASK UBUCOW show thew. ' CLEAN CAR STORAGE, CENTER-TOWN MACHINS8HOP IN CONNECTION ' KLAMATH MACHINE AND J' REPAIR CO. s " 1ST SIXTH STRKET ssm New York Polo Grounds Mere the World Series was Resumed Today TLa rialeiTMl HanBaal IKMSTUWgi uwmmu THE CLAKMONT '4th St., KUmatb FaHa, Orew'J r la .under new management,- Dr. Elma'A. Ingalla and Major, Oee IngalU have taken over the houae and Intend, to make it a pleasant. comfortableV'home'for eonvalof. oanu. Itts in no sense a hospital and no contagious 'diseases will h received lnre. , , -r.B-ilnnJ-JtHn Hirvl-iCii.ritv. :, - " , . ,::-.,- ,,,: v;v V:. r-mm wAv,? oAV :;:cy cVv Z-,m OkiameZSBmMBmxm lliafc2mmw.amw2mwaw2mwH- I mw2mw2mw2Hw2mYJKB:gwKZS. " .. ti. OA A V V v.s-k s f K! Tl I tvi ft K ,X... n 'i v,-- .. -. V-ft.iO. : l ' SHmH W I llfl 1 1 11 ' II WPJal w2Hw2Hsw2Hw2Hw2Hw2Hw2Hw2Hw2Hw2Hwl J I wammHammmmm&lwraU v t iC 'V?V ALN s lllSf'Bt .! SiffiLi!M& -H etlla-iswa-il55!S i lHmw8mwlw8mw8mw8HRgwmwM itKl 4tr7'f i4LmitA . " JmWhT HgwlA K m8mi iltf''! -v inagf BffSI3iSSlttmtnBsSK JgsHml') flw2mmmmwl gPawaw2mw2HVmw2mw2mwHawH sw8mw8mmHmw8mw8mw8mw8mw8mw8mwK iatWB lBMnMSffBfJIKBtmBBKKKKM H HW Wawmmmm QsLamwan aw2mwHml I BggBEgmmmlammmmmTJwMmra lM&$3ffl wffl -,.B- - "J others because more careKJ I HHlHBQ30BQS2gw r I" " hlf her grade. lsw2mw2mw2mw2mw2mamw2mw2mw2mwBHmw2mw9 1 CgtjwVw2Cam Oaltw il vgwamwamwamwamwamnmwamwamwamwamiawamwaMawft H 'y .SnjfSTaBl srsrlafRMMwi w2mw2mw2mw2mw2mwCTIarASSw'atJ?" li? tfil4ywsWwiSgPggw2mmw2mmw2mw2LmM gl net luyeBetdliw aMtafsMatiaMs pj BBBBBBBBBBBBWBW9uawB?-aBv kSBBBiawBBBBl y itwHSWTfSSSIBHPBHri-B'iaSSSIIBW" rr- rTfrapfflffawili1M.ii Jl i t iv. uu wmSIMuiaHBwaBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBwa i WBBl W BWMB PH IB.V IV ?HnHH.T .ivSI arnTwmOffm aw2Hwmw2Hw2HWHsrwflnniTiSiaiiiiatiii MiH airawirrory"K' "'1'?- 'TifWffiinSiWrBffrTWwgWawinM Kwl aew UtsaeaMmHeswvMaaaaenin gw2yw2mw2mw2mw2mw2mmwPTTiW ' "' ' '' mm '"'frjij Xl1!T.$W H "Vwawa Wig!i''ajJA I - gmgmBgWhgmgmgmgw2tnmw2mwawmw2rH awi " - rilaifc liTaitw fM' "- gw2mw2muw2mwi.w2mw2mw2mw2mw2mBmw2mw2mw2mw2mwaw aasMw ew vviwjrwni vv PJ v. ggggggggHglK?w2mw2mw2mw2mw2mw2mw2mmmw2Sim l""-4 jWawPWsTpim7eawaaWaMBB , Bw8mw8mw8mw8mwlaw8mw8mKvaw8mmw8mwH mw&wftflvammmwBgwfwaMnHmmmH HSPHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHJpHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSPBHSHH wawammiBwBmmwBwmmwamwawflHmwH aw2mw2mw2mw2mw2mw2mw2mw2mw2mw2mw2mmwaw2w2Hw2m .. . ,uW -jjsncit?v(j-n- t1 -a'-' H-k nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaBsw' '" " --itjiw-jj-. ut'w ii - .i ..O-S-.Vv1. .- (.- 4 &.'&& i m a