l&m"''' ?i V FRIDAY, JANUARY Ml, itiT THE KVMtNQ HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON taxm rotm " f & fF NEW ENVOY MAY HELP ALLIANCE VISCOUNT UCIIIDA IS M.I)B 4AP AXKsE EXVOY TO RUSSIA. MAY STRENGTHEN' RECENT JAP-RISSO AM.IAXCK Big Bankers Summoned by the "Leak" Committee TOKIO, Jnn. 26. Clioscn with tli Idea that he will further the cause of friendship between Japan ami Ritesli, and strengthen the alliance. recently concluded between the two erstwhile enemies, Viscount Yasuya Uchld.t, ambassador to the United States In 1909-11, has been appointed as tho new Japanese envoy to Russia. Viscount Uchtda Alls the post made vacant when Viscount Motono was re-, called to accept the position of for-j plgu minister in mo ne i rniui ui ministry. Besides his term in Wash ington, be has acted as ambassador to Vienna, minister to China, and w:ts foreign, minister In 1911. He Is considered one of the most able dip lomats In Japan. Politicians In Toklo take tho con clusion of the Russo-Japaneso pact last spring as the beginning of a long term of friendly political and com mercial relations between the two countries. But it is generally believed that only a beginning has been made. There it a generally accepted belief that Russia requested Japan to wait until the close of the war for signa ture of additional clauses of the new convention. Viscount Motono is given the credit for laying the foundation of the alli ance with Russia. His service as for eign minister is expected to be marked with, pro-Russian tendencies. Upon Viscount Uchlda, however, is placed the responsibility of promot ing relations in Petrograd. so that after tbe war, as well as the present, the two nations will be best aligned for the interests of the Far East. i ffflaegegegWelES I ' flgegegegeH vsw P'wl I M KgggggggH . H"pv3seHxN bjj I ssBBBBBBBBB T jBBviB ggggggggB v- $ gS sfsssssa g ga I JL.9sBgBBgMsvN a kBBI I I 4Hgg3gagagV. I: - asB I m I .BgB xK&gHggEB$ ,J ABr (ShH H wM U gfgg1'lPiHliBflVk I fPBM a- jftKf HUBBBBft i a I IF lfW WEIbH I I mill Ilk $IBbb? i ip nhv. i Kg WSK&TdeW JLJL AflBV aBV Bm llm. WTf 1 I H.R DAVISON. JUL5S. EACRt. JJC R MOttiAN, 7 M ARTHUR UPPER. cftANK A V-VMOFRUP.. .- I Rj Embroideries Values up to 10cf this salt) 5c January White Sale Val Laces Valutt up to 10c, this ! 5c iSBtW ; "V 7 GERMANS GAIN ON RIGA FRONT TAKE SEVERAL NEW TOSITIOXS OX BOTH SIDES OF RIVER, AND A00 PRISOXERS COUXTER AT TACKS REPULSED BERLIN, Jan. 26. Several more Russian positions on both sides of the River Aa Riga front have been taken by the Germans. Ktrong counter-attacks have been turned back. Five hundred prisoners were captured. WHAT Did You Save Last Year? Think this over, and if this is not on account .of your buying your goods on credit from n credit store. It is a posit! le fact that a store that gives credit lose, a great many dol lars, and who pays this loss? X'ot the store, to be sure. It is figured in with the price of goods. And who pay the dead beats bills? The muu who pays Ida bills, of course. Then uhy not pay cash, at a rash store, where yon get value received? Here are a few prices, com pare them tilth what you me pay'MK: Corn, per can io Tomatoes, per ran tuc Peaches, per run io Cherries, per ran 25c Irled Peaches, per II ioc Dried Pears, per lit ioc Wrled Prunes, lurge, ll. . I'JJaf Piled Apples, per lb i0c Elaporstel Apples, b. . .lajjn Potatoes, per cwt $2.73 Lion Flour, per wtck. . ..oo Ft, Klamath Butter roll. . .75c 8r, Per cut $8.33 Carnation Cream, per can, 10c : Klamath ipfe Store t- V, A - -"7' ?&ife ' "nf: v OREGON BANKS HOLD DEPOSITS WOMEN GET (100 MORE EOR FUND KLAMATH FALLS RAXKS 14TH IX PROPRIETOR OF KELLER CAFK DEPOSITS PORTLAXD) JI-M IOO AXD HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS FIVE EACH TOTAL MAS OVER 48 PER CEXT OF 3IOXEV HELD IX STATE TO ;et railroad Klamath Falls stands in the four-i Arthur J. Wiggins 1100.00 tecnth iKsition among the banks of J. R. Bain 5.00 Oregon in total bank deposits, ae- G. C. Muggins r..0'J cording to figures compiled by Super- These are the new subscriptions se- intendent of Banks S. G. Sargent. I cured by the Women's 1,000 Railroad Portland has 189.609,467.03 in Club for the passenger terminal fund bank deposits, or 48.3 per cent of all for the Straborn railroad, the money banked In the state. Tbe - Mr. Wiggins Is proprietor of tbe total deposits In all of the banks of Keller cafe, and Mr. Bain and Mr. the state amount to 1164,596,980.74.1 Muggins are instructors In tbe local Nineteen towns and cities outside o high school. Portland hold 26.3 per cent of tho! deposits and tbe remaining 25.4 per cent Is held by the 138 remaining towns in depositsATHEy ETAOINN that have banks. The twenty towns in the state hav ing more than $'1,000,000 In depos its are as follews: 1 Portland. Pendleton. Salem Astoria' KiiEene, Baker, The Dalles, Albany, I Buy Your Undermuslins Now This is the week of our Great White Sale; you will do well to supply your undermuslin needi now; every purchase made here meant money saved; quality is high and prices low. Extra Specials on Gowns Dainty gowns of cambric, nainsook and batiste, all finely trimmed in embroidery, lace and tucks. $1.25 to $1.50 Gowns 98c $2.25 tt $3.00 Gtwis $1.89 $3.50 to $4.50 Gowns $2.98 Combinations Cambric and nainsook combination garments, prettily made and trimmed, drawer and skirt style. $1.25 to $1.75 values 98c $2.00 to $.3.00 values $1.79 $3.50 to $4.00 values $2.49 White Petticoats Pretty fluffy skirts for graduation and party, as well as summer wear, very dainty styles. $1.25 to $1.50 values 98c $2.00 to $2.50 values $1.29 $3.00 to $3.50 values $2.49 Saturday Corset Bargains i Women's heavy routln Crwt, Xetr Model, SPECIAL PRICE, .10c Women's line Knulc t'nel, Xc. Spring MimItIo i:TICA VALl'E. UHo Notion Bargains l.u-trt I'ottuii In all ntlnrs CUra'sO. X. T. menvritrt! Cn II W.I. .V .im tHlun. All ilp. lik ('le.tlr'. TuIhiiii IN.miWt Fanry IIIMmn M'i: HI., pint t'AX. Ilh- EXTHAVAl.tK.XV i Wonderful Bargains Offered At clean up price; Coats, Suits and Children's Coats; more than 33 1-3 per cent discount in many instances. Only a few left and they must go. Mtdford, hi Grande, Marshfield, Mc SHnnville, Oregon City, Klamath Falls, Roseburg, Corvallts, Lakeview, Hillsborough, Burns, Heppner. MILITARY CAMPS BETTERFOR BOYS CHICAGO BISHOP TELLS SEXATE MILITARY COMMITTEE THAT TRAIXIXG CAMPS WOULD SAVE MAXV BOYS SHIP IS ASHORE ON NORTH COAST PRIXCE JOHX, WITH PASSEX. GERS, IS TAKIXG WATER PAST, SAYS WIRELESS MAXY SHIPS ARE RESPtiXDIXG IIL'Y PICTORIAL PATTERNS FOR SPRING Moe&fje XEW MPIIIXG LINES All HIVING EVERY DAY WASHINGTON. D. C, Jan. 26. If more boys were put Into military camps, fewer would go to tho reform schools, Bishop Fallows of Chicago told tho senate military committee today. Illbhop Fallows said he favors com pulsory military training In the high schools. The Chilcote Agency is the home of the -tna companies. 23 ORPHEUS THEATER! Thursday and Friday "The Winning of Miss Construe," Multiple Reel Feature In 3 Parts Tenth Episode of "Liberty," The Serial Glorious "Mr. Fuller Pep," A new Powers Kinetic Csrtoon ADMISSION TCN CENT The Orpheus glvex only one show nch evening, beginning promptly at 8 o'clock. VICTORIA, B. C. Jan. 26. The Prince John, Grand Trunk Pacific steamer, Is ashore and taking water fast somewhere In tbe Wrangell nar rows, according to wireless calls for help. Boats are rushing to tbe ship's assistance. Although tbe Prince John Is a freighter, usually it carries passen gers. It is not known bow many are aboard. SAYS EDUCATION SHOULD BE FREE SENATORS REGARD ATTEMPTS TO GAIX CONTROL OF EDUCA TION OF COMING GENERATION OF AMERICA AH DANGEROUS BOOZE INSPECTOR SCARLET FEVER ONE OF INDICTED CINCINNATI'S LIQUOR LICENSE INSPECTOR AMONG 01 PERSON'S ACCUSED UY FEDERAL GRAND JURY OF ELECTION' FRAUDS NVDE EUREKA 'WVAWWWMWWWMW Moving Pictures -- - - - n rvsnnixruj HEALTH BOARD OF CALIFORNIA CINCINNATI, Jan. 26. William Farrell, chief Inspector of liquor licenses for Cincinnati, was arrested today on an Indictment Issued by the two federal grand Jury Investigation elec tion frauds growing nut of the pres idential election. Several small politicians also have been arrested In connection with the indictments, which name 91 different persons. INTERESTED IN WOMAN SUFFRAGE WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 20. Any attempt on the part of any In dividual or group of Individuals, to gain control of education of the com ing Feneration in America Is mobt dingerous," declared Senators Ken yon, Works and Polndeiter lo tbe senate today. Accordingly tbe senate struck from the payroll of tho federal bureau of education tbe names of all persons employed by tbe Carnegie or Rocke feller foundations, I DurliiK tint lllmliiK iif ihc m-uiifs : tin' Ji-ml, ..-fki'y pnnlmtloii .if J "The Solllsl" Woman," tr tint Para mount progrnni, which H Ixi ttu t tlm Star tonight, and In wblrh Wei- TOWN' SAYS XO CHILD UXDI.R 'Il('" "'l'l "! 'li-o Rldglvy, tlm two lirlllliiul Lanky ntarn, piny the IcmlliiK 1 YEARS SHALL III! ALLOWED ,.,,. ,,,,, ,,,., ,, ,,, OX STHETH FOR TWO WEEKS l,lr""Kli tho burning village al tli Jitail of ting Hlmrlrr'n posse, was over- count by tlm fiinii'M of tho sulphur, n.,.1 ..II.... ...1 ... mi niiii'ii iinroiiHrioilH f ruin llrr horsy, iii Hi,, dark, ttu other horKK ini'ii worn iiliout to ride over her when kI;h inn Hincl hy oim of th'j I fttl'llllL'U ltl... il....... 1.1 clflv luinlffh linir.l mn.l lntf ''" "'" ,,,i,lw nHiH III ltl '" w- i'H;. i.o,. ,1U.. .,..!.... .1... l.i... ... Thi. town Ih l It... lhrM nf I "" ' '"" wci'ieni Mm dcmlc of siurlet fever. All public EUREKA, Jan. 26. Children un der 16 years of age will not ho al lowed on tho streets of Kureku for weeks, under an order hy tin: and private schools liuvo been roAt- iii.ini... -....,. ,, . .. "'"(."j Bum; -1 noii i remember a thing that happened from tlm time I and other drastic regulations taken to ";.;,f,,;; ,"? "T'l "m" ' l""? m' stop the epidemic. b'lf ,'" l,,K r!VlVL"'' " H'" tell FRENCHMAN 6ETS 28TH AEROPLANE TWENT-YEIGIITII AEROPLANE IHi me I ucni through my part without a niUtake " TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MWlWMliX,. . T.-JUI. Dltorre Granlnl. Judgr I). V. Kuykrndall has grant ed a divorce In Arrhyp II. KlrkinJull from Everett K. Klrkendall, and Ut given to Mrs. Klrkendall the cum ml of tlm minor daughter, Wanda Kir kenilall. H OUSTON' Mstreeellun AmtiMmanta s 1 1 EST CASH OFFER ulu-s liatH ll iiml 7, block H, WuHt l.iikd I'urk Ailill Hon to Kliiuiiith Falls, Box K.3, llulil, Idiilm. 26-21 WITH WONDERFUL RECOIHl 1'RI.HIDEXT WILSOS WRITES TO li:AD OF SUFFRAGISTS t.O.V GRATULATIXG HER OX SIXTH. 1XG SUFFRAGE LIXJISLATtO.V WASHINGTON, D. C Jan. 26 oi'rBBBing very rrai interest" in eighth German aoioplane. Tlieofflrlnl woman's suffrage, President Wilson uus;ucnt siya this Is tho third aero today wrote a Jeter to Mrs. Carrie plane the lieutenant has downed In Chapman Catt, president of the Na-'the last au-ntytwo hourh. tionul Worauu Huffrugc Association, m congratulating tbe organUatlon on so If you are looking for a home In tho curing the passage of suffrage legls- city or country, Chilcote can save you 'wu in kviiii iHKuiu, (money, I RAGGED HY PHENTH AVIATOR FOII KENT- Two-room fiiriilHhed iiiiuw, (orner xh and Grant, ,. Kimball, phono D3, 2-:jt FOR FIGHTS IX AIR 1 You hlmuld attend tlm dance t0 , given hy I Im boys of Dredger No. I i.t Mrirlll opera Iioiiho on Frlduy, Feb niary 2d. Evorybody corao and no ri'ful lime. Murtc by Klnnmth FalM orcheetrn. Tlrkotn 1. 20-r.t I'AUIB, Jan. 26. Lieutenant Guy- nemur Ikbl night bagged his twenty- An tnn agent never needs a letter of Introduction. Ask Chilcote for flr-. I lift and accident ratis. 23 HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE COMING FEBRUARY IHT MARY PICKFOHD IN "LESS THAN Ul'MT" STAR THEATER I'mm L. Iikliy PrvNvnlN the Favorite C.HIars of tho I'holopluy World, Wulliuo Held wild Urn Hlibjliy, In "THE SELFISH WOMAN" TEMPLE THEATER "Tin. Delinks! Wife," Knickerbocker Drama In 3 PnrU "Hhiii Hie I'oituiio Teller," A Ham 'and llud Comedy "A WiiltliiK Gnme," KsHanuy Comedy Tlipln. "I'm he .News," Current Events M EKRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURK8 ITKSDAYS AND lATUROAVI Merrill, Orefen FouturliiK H" '3.i.. 2ri3A..