-iCFC' '"Wasi" 'x A: &3 ': !.!, a teM. .&$,-1. to AjriuhilittSffiH..'. V .' 4Jtf JX.jBNtVli. I.- !-; ytbtfPff'f H ji4av rfX , -. ' - ' 9S .. -;,.! .A. V '.. &T, - f Ifis 'ran n'rt KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER .: i 'J , rALLr NIWSPAPtH; . Ijr . ji i -. I (.- t-Ja MMBtal !;! 'J i&artn sranr J Ttnth Year N. 1,044 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1916 A .Vlt.1 'I 'i PrU fMJNMt Si& -' ,. ' ' ,..'.'. ' t sf'.i -.'. Ji, .$. .v - r th: '.'ii-k.-.tor W . ! - ;,fBjBBBga f. .-sja-ama T ; -'ft flfc.1- 'r ;' '-i! -.. -... -..v ,., ' . .; . BBBB' BBj iHPJiiv 5,' '"4k 'dBRl ansn af b - ' vi , a'-w , .. ". i . .fe m . . -- ' . . . YV LA' WW4'y4 ---..- - . - ,k:1 'K iijt T,uriLLiLii rrti iiii o-spssi . ' t. i - . , - ii- TV County Debt , , i'N'Nv.....wj,t, wWwwwwm BRITISH CLAIM ' MOST IMPORTANT VICTORY TODAY MACHINE OUN8 AND ARTILLRRV riQUNI IN riOHTINQ Several Advances and Capture of VII. Ici Claimed by rltlah, tut Berlin, Say Alliee Loitet Have een Very Heavy righting le In Many Placee jnd Everywhere Vlgorue. I iillnt l'iri( Service LONDON. July 14. Ovm-itii Unit: m toitM (hnt the DHtleh Imvo nipiunH l.oii',uuval. ThU luornliks Hid 1ioni v chhIb were cleared, tho Drll. t!i Mii.i'-h-Intc a four mile front to do tho real. We ndvanced a mil. Tbli U the frtaleat ln made by thn IlrltUh line the combined allied oftcnitlve btfu. Mott violent lafeUai coatlnuea. The branch and DrtUah almultancouMly struck and Htralfhtenad the Hard-' rourt-aulHcatoat U, tkreatenlsx Muu-' rcpeji. The (lensan poeltlon near Po ' ere haii bwn rendered raoet critical. I'nlted I'rcsa 8rrte ' , l'AIUH. July K-Nortbeaat of Vor ilun heavy artillery flcBtlnjr continues. ' Mnchlno una have twice halted tho Hermann north of AUno. ( There has been no Important Ugh! Inn along the Soamo today. United Press Service I1EULIN, July 14. It is announced that the nrltlsh are attacking Kast (tontalmalson. Fighting Is tho most violent around Mamets. The lighting there began last night, and still con tinues. The heaviest Itrltlak losses have oc curred in the Tronnes woods. French at lacks on Darleux have keen repulsed. , French counter attacks on Bouvllle and lAUfeo also havo been repulsed. 1'nlleil Press Service LONDON, July 14. A special tele gram received this afternoon states that tho British have captured Bsxen-tlnc-Le-eput, a village northeast of Longuavll. Advances of our forces continue. ED OWENS STRICKEN WITH HEART FAILURE YESTERDAY lid Owens, son of ex-Councilman Don H. Owens, yesterday waa stricken with heart failure, and thin afternoon Is Htlll in a serious condition. Owens, who is working at the Bean A Fitipat- rick barber shop, wag found lying in thn rear of the barker shon uncon- "clous, it waa some time before ha rallied. This la the second attack' of heart failure ha has lafertd.. Government to Stop AD Munition Sent to Villistas Wt Unlieil Press Ssrviee EL PASO, July lOsaerl Bell has EB-a. aa.si-s.as-! a . - - .. .-.. U,$HiiCuHM XMX Press'servlcT villa la reftrtedta have deawaded .SAN ANTONIO, July 14. Army the siuisss- ipfcv heard today lust Uie OJUv threatening to oiwsHtatlii eiitlre attift ga garrison has renounced Carranii. of Oeaeral Trevia V 'j it ls reported that the presence of evlMkaailssdkis order hait-jVllllstRs la that, vicinity afforded the Ins U aupply traJai i kadd for oW' garrison aa opportunity to Join then, ml Pershing-a expsdlttoa.' U be-.'leaving the border unprotected. Iwved this will mum Mveral ahjfta of! General Funston has strengthened troops t)M4 Um kardar, Aa-KiMa tke patrol la the Bit Bead ooustrr. -vuti -aBtaa-B-BaiB--v saa - aas.a sss-aas-ssaii i a fa & naaBaBaBaBaBavBaaakaV lBiaHaH aLLLV iLLaH IfTsKflMsiHbaWI sueuf. 4,0&rar Lieutenant Colonel It. J. Dates Is commanding offlcer of tho now 213th Inflation, American Legion, now being recruited In Toronto. Lloutcnant Col unci nates was formerly commanding general of the 'Michigan national guard, holding the rank of brigadier general. He commanded a battalion thiiiughnut the Spanish-American war. PARTIAL ECLIPSE OF MOON HERE TONIQHT Persons who venture out from their homes tonight will bo ablo to observo a partial eclipse of the moon, the sec ond of tho present year. It will be vis Iblo In all parts' of tho United States, beginning Friday, and continuing until Saturday morning In some sections of the country. On the Pacltlc Coast the moon will enter a shadow before moonrise, will he at tho middle of tho eclipse at 8:30 o'clock tonight, and will leavo shadow at 10:03 p. m. Hlas at rltlah C ulted Press Service CORK, Ireland, July 14. Hundreds 1 of peoplo today paraded tho streets of Cork, hissing at the British troops hero and wrecking recruiting. oBees. "Up with le Itepubllo," wiih painted oa ono large building In tho city. The British troopn were dispersed to avoid trouble. ngnnts are carefully watching to pre vent munitions consignou io vius ironi 'm.aLlnv itlA lulVllap. .. 'nn.,. wwww. COL Jl Cut $ 1 CHECK FORGER IS CAUGHT; RELEASED MAN WHO PASSED CHECKS ON FIRST STATE AND 8AVINOS DANK RELEASED SECAUSE HE PLEAD DRUNKENNESS ('..Hirnc II. I.uml, who on July 3 paw '(I n clti'ck In Kl.imntli Knlln on II. I. , Huiniiiond, and on July r victimized f. j I'. Tnhrr of Dorrln, hax bron arretted nml rclcnxcd In Slxklyou county. Cnl- Mfonilii. On July 9 hc tva given n pro-' . Ilmlnnry hcnrlnK at Yrcka. I.uikI'h dcfonno wax that ho could not remenibor any of hlK action while In loxlr.iteil. He came to Yreka on Juiy 7th, and Interviewed the county librar ian In regard to OHtnbllnhlng a branch library at Weed, and also called on the fcdllnr of the Hlnklyou NewK and Sen lulni W. II. Shearer In regard to Htart- Inn a democratic club In Weed. When Quextioned by tho DUtrlct Attorney in regard to his movemenU In Yreka and olcuhcre, he professed to have a very faint recollection concerning them. The three saloon keepers at Weed on whom he passed worthless checks, all terttffied that Lund was sober whea the trnnnnctlon took place, but Justice llaese took occasion to say that whea it mIooii keeper testlted tkat a maa m .oher it was a safe bet tkat he wna three-fourths draak. After Lund Left Klamath Falls Sher iff Uw telegraphed to several points north and south, with the result tkat Lund was captured at Weed. 0AM SITE BILL BEFORE SENATE HOUSE PASSES AOAMSON MEAS URE THIS MORNING FOR LEAS, I NO OF POWER AND DAM SITES BY QOVERNMENT United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, July 14. The AdnniHon bill, providing for leasing of power and dam sites on navigable M roams, passed the house of represen tatives this afternoon. The bill per mits tho establishment of federal sites by purchasing Improvements after frnnchlso expirations. It gives tke government an option on all power and dam sites after franchises to individ uals and corporations have expired. Tho Adamson bill is a substitute for the Shields bill. Shark Mangles Body United Press Service MATEAWAN.N. J., July 14. The horribly mansled body of Lester Stil- veil, a shark victim, was recovered ia Mateawan Creek this morning. The l'Unt for tho shark continues. It li be liovcd that Stllwell is a victim of the same shark that earlier in the week killed four other bathers. STRUT CAR STRIKE IS CALLED POP) TONIGHT Lulled Press Service SAN FKANP18CO, July 14. Organ Iter Mooney of the Amalgamatloa.of Streetcar Employes declared today that 90 per cent of all platform awa will quit work tonight. The Jitney baa union has endorsed the strike. A relief fund already is beiag raised. President Linientaall of tke Ualtsd Railroads ridloules Mooaey'a stata ment.. Stretear superintendents kave asked for special 'police proteotloa. CarranM Vletlme Burled United Press ervee WASHINGTON, D. C. July li Six soldiers who war killed at tke Carri- zal battle la Mmjm were buried todnv at Artlngtoa eematery wltk full mill' taiy aaaanK " 03,7 1 ! i - i1 - M - a - 'iMgii - M - i - Certain Death in This remarkable wt-apon is the latest Invention of the Germans, and is now being used.agalast the British in their mighty drive against the kaiser's army. The hood contains a rapid ire gun. It U so thick that It will, withstand the sHi -:laHi9HrEflal Mi' n wBmMunmilM nEflkHfr- $M& -1BHEliwBwlEflaEflB EflSaBaBHE . VXSk SBRSbWt- k' -ySMEflSEBBBEflSalBF aaaaaaaaaaa 5 itfvvj. ys7vaBaaaaaME?4tv'i uSsssiBRiBaarBaaaaaaaaw fitrSaSaSalaT h w Tlilr TWFIKSMkTinir r' insMBnia'iaw' SaSaSl ' M aaaMaaaMfcomKMAyrBryv.yf & MBolarEfaSMEfcSESaa wMm&BtSSWS9BKBBBfl'Tw9m aaaaawaMJMfc. J- fes txaBnBnn9HVj&nuKmA93&tmKLL &JSZ!&'&lu&3i!9wKKK shots of mere riles, aad ea ke paBCthe enemy, bat be will be smashed to tured only by caasoa. Tke akell ia bits, by cannon before be can return. BE6INNIN6 TO LAY CURBON ELEVENTH ACTUAL PLACING OF CURBS WILLj BEGIN TODAY EXCAVATING. FOR THEM PLETEO IS ABOUT COM. J With the excavating for the curbs United Press Service nearly completed this afternoon, actaal SAN FRANCISCO. July 14. In di laylng of the curbs oa the trat bleck: lrct appeal. President WlUard Sproale of the Eleventh, street improvement of the Southern Paclfle'haa called upon will begin tomorrow, according to W. j the S..500 employee of the company to I). Miller, who has the sub-contract for j seriously consider the present-agita-this work under J. H..Garrett; A large ' Hon and threatened strike over the de force of men have been, at work dig- ging the trenches tor the curbs. , Grading of other parts' of the Kiev- tnth street improvement, preparatory to laying the curbs and the macadam. t Is being rapidly carried forward by ( Contractor Garrett COMPROMISE MAY SETTLE TROUBLE AT MKKTING OF UNION TONIQHT h DECISION WILL Bl MADE RE- QARDINQ OFFER OF EMPLOYERS, op LflNOiHORlUlN Herald Special. Service SAN FRANCISCO, Jaly 14. Follow ing a. conference today of longshore men and their employers It Js reported that, a compromise has been reached, and that the threat atrike of all longskoresoen aad stevedore may ke averted. Only the Mdarsament of, tke employes" uaioa will ataad la. tke .way of a settleawat r . It U reperted tkatitke oomproaalse will be read ata mMtlas of tke aatoa toatakl Paul 8ekarrMkr of tke unioa stated tkat tha pleyers kad of fered a preaaslUoa .wlilsk likely i will settle tka Mttaa. Esplseiea KIM Maa. BAN FRANCISCO. .'July ' 14.- man was.kliled aad,Uir,ifM.aiejr oa fatally, at aooa today, wka a taak of se-tvl-as snlodsd at the C-lai-la Arttstl Metal aad Wire Works, '.jWm- uel Orsea wm blown is pMM, 'aad I Miekasl Belter Is he-evii t Mdyh-f. 9 in Last Six Monti - r,M - iilMMj - u - un -n-LTu-Lnj-u-i.-u-rri.i-u-HTn.ririi-ii-ij-Lai-i New German Gun wheeled close to the enemy ranks, and the single man protected inside, Ires until cannon destroy the hood aad kill him. Once a German goes forward propelling on Its wheels this strange eaatae of war, k kmewa eartafcs dawtti is before him. He aaay kill a doses of ESPEE PRESIDENT ASKSJIO STRIKE RAILROAD COMPANY IS TRYING HARD TO AVOID THREATENED STRIKE OF TRAINMEN AND EN GINEMEN nands of the four brotherhoods of ttr.inmen and enginemen In the United Stales for Increased wages. The appeal saya: "An appeal by the Southern Pacific company ( Pacific system, to its 52..00O employes J "Thirteen and one-halt per cent of t your number the enginemen, conduct oik. firemen, trainmen and awtichmen i arc being polled for a strike. "This company la not responsible for 'the present agitation, aad has no de tain to change the existing rates of !pay ot working conditions, unless . frrcil to do sola the adjustment ot.de- imuidf originated by representatives nt iIia nun tit Ativtnik trAln And hIIMi. . ..w w ... v.a.v, - .... w.v ......... ing Fervlce. 'No Just reason for :hu interrupt tag the service exist-). The railroads lhao cftered to arbitrate very que ' tlon raised by the demand which have j beer, presented. I "The representative of. ' the men I however, rejected this offer, and have issued atrike ballots. 'The management earnestly lu.pcs; "1 That tke men will seriously cou-li'ei- their aoaltleas: their nebsiona. tholr ttaasportation privileges" and the ;lfare of their families. ''. Thot the men recei '!ng bnUo's will vote agalut a strike. "S- Tkat aH other emplveu wftl use their1 luflumee to. tkat oad. ' "Tho i-aaasameat favors tlir. .e-tle- irw-1 by arktratloa ofaU tba'queatlt as In dlapat. ' 'ttfucu a coursowlrl preer-o tp.esck ohh of yra ttaarok.verntnv,pnw; to tt JNUIeaaiatirrap uejVlce; ari- ,ti,'tlUa,'ra4lroad oatiau-jooe 'of '&',)$, by-raiek'5ak)ie It ean',B tp.w Iti paktte datles." ' Maw eaWaty'-liiad' owssrs voted te create HvMS sere LrrlpaUoa dUtri at IUv-M- ' REPORT SHOWS THAT TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS IS NOW $367,991.21 . ' -TTi sM4 DJIDf IP MODADV ! VISITED BY MAN! LIBRARIAN'S REPORT SHOWS 1JS1 . ' VISITED INSTITUTION DUflrNS THE MONTH OP JUM THIS !j; ' - YEAA One thousand six haadred aad alae ty-one persons visited tke Falls publle Ukrary dartas taw i JUBe' taej nawrt f mm E"0' Hawkia. Ukrarftaaw la tkat maata 8 ,. sidesalaraw tkiau.f mm ! .,, . j. Tke lekrary , aaaaewmstkej. .t splendid books kave keaa peaaad aa ise saeives iot rewt at ceau a aay.'u a radaatlaa afntlllTfT.m iney are -s," ay aiary jfoaena arniae hart, aad rrke Heritage f tke "-'' rw.it.i il. . """"- " . totneuerarydurtagjane: t Tkere are maay-feaaeasi-er.iada:a The Adventures of Joseph Aadws,iaara-kte fMaattaa.iaaeM Henry ITeWiag. debtedaesa. . Tke eety treasarer has "The Boy Knight." Heaty. 'colled ia assay oatataad-u warraais; ' "He Fell la Lore WItk His Wife." E. and kuadreda kave :ks-taia4:ia lar.' D t?-, .. w Donated by C I Craas "Harry LoreQuer," Ckarlea Lever. "A Young Girl's Wooteg;" B. P. Roe. "The Golden Batteray." Be-ssl s Bias "iter ramie juugni." u. u. uower. The Puppet Cnwn," Harold MeOratk. "Lost Farm Camp,- Harry H. Kaikke. Donated by sfakel Bieaa ' My Daalak Sweetkeart," W, C. Rassell Donated by Mrs. Boyd "The Colossus.l Martey Roberts. Donated by Mrs. Frank Ankeay -.. enory o. nnxiravisiaaa,' llad A. Young. Donated by Maud Carlton 1 "Elsie Venner.nOliver WeadeU Holmes javiMimi w A. owiwwii1- A8onofHagar,''HallCalae.i Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue. Donated by Mrs. C. P. Stewart "A Hero and Some Other People'." Wil-. Ham A. Quayle. xPomnl-- In Hw1M.lllila.' H I--I-- vw4,fMb - M,,KfHV, a H1UI.M'v.. nv , ,., tsusu "Mrs. Wigga of the Cabbage Patch.'' Alice Hagan Rice. "The Long Greea Road,' Lean Greene. "All Sorts and Conditions of' Men.' Besant A Rice.1 "Alton Locke." Charles Klagsley. "Yeast." Charles Klagsley. Gets LegSlnS Hers. Ray Hicks left this morning tor the. Parks, logging camp near Chiloqaln.j'coi.rt to succeed ex-Juatlc,,Cwrw s;;.";' wrim a tat-iTM irr hama uaji from William Tlagley. WASHINGTON, a C, July. 14. It whs learasd, here tday tkat PiaaMaat Carraaxaot atexwo Is1 eensldermf tke crMtloa of a commlsaioa ,of tkra Me icaas aa wree maa irompta uaawa States tosettwtMdiaeaHiMkWMi this country and Mexieo. Itk'ttM a will submit ate proposal later t Btjivs ta" of 'Mat lAUuau- - .1 , Tka iimmlnlia is u I-m tkaM- aM-aammmmaaaa-aamaa-a-am fmw and: Wlfll Talk ' a UBereftce gas i.,T ':- f. v -ttTijh f DECREASE IN SKH4TEEN MONTHS i J? I ?r ' IS IWJNJI rf" -S ijt- f ti rt- ' w - - - && ? Strict; n Part el tk . - ... 1-?v. -r..-- .. wtx J CMlrt. CSHHM l af MTsipsbIi hv'eaa-, I 4 tjf ,ZPZi4,. 'rTAimiZFcSZitittl "" "- ,T?J?,,",,"'T?.,Ti ,nrf.i' fii'mt. : ,k'M warrantewr In " Ra-ssl Accordtetfto W - ( lf.w . r tr -S&Sfi2fm I i i Awwarf?? ty ClerkC. . IetafA taai oa the SaaaNaf MWIw af , .lK .'V",fti";J'i.WJ, B.W.'l(--l i.mm ssJWW,ryfcMam - " uvts, HPJ"MMr atlaaaaak, itZZJS i7 . v . jtfcs'r.,vjj t'-u "-i- f .'-Ba.t. I iniii tte-Mal: aaaaiiluii ;.' ... ..v. i-;itfi tr.' i-tsi sinii rv.m'v? was HTI.TMt. j Mr 1 ft WMv - . - -aweeY-, it eHrV'l -! "TSv;iK '.1ST ijm. W . .anaMl -erv Sa'cxs? ' -J.--v W-Jf'WS - i htmit tmf'H' agaiatt Ikst fiad wMmmr rnurt lSiIi'eafcjMiaT"l'wii ; . . " . .''1 -A'. iv'vi:'i .fuaomniea ( oauy ftwa.wmMii- .- fllrlrt Minii-ii ' -'", .. -,-,-,. -, ..-. .. -w ,- t--.iw-t-. I i j uimiu nwi.ii.MvuHf 9mKmB,wm torlaredBetM.tswaal-vA , jb or . Hmr B muMa .' ---, -i -..... I . -.- I, faced the. it' C-,"-' isw date Ike Wp, eoaatr iinail akaa arwaa ,i'St'- "'i -W :aslaVs-R; a. aar m m hm Mw...xii k - tt -- M M II I 'i --! ,ifl wv www mHB lV4.,; R. tkat' ia a..rr.......-.-w,.i ceart k-yjl4HJIto; ; oa Jaaaarvi. ltM). tas total aiiit ". " " - .--.' .' ' irVJTJ'l edaess was dietrikatsd m fallaaal , ueaerai raaa, htwha; aew eoari i house taad, Stt,4CzT: Mkrary fuad. 1573.48: road faad.4 I1S.44M.M. , 'Ti .-.S5;s vrs jhj , twtm, ine.euvaty sevn. ssw ' . u . a i: j v-vi ia. cash oa kaad SU2.l7l.t7, aseordaagf j md -m w. i.hvhii -rf a mm w V Wfl I : o -,. ,, e,, ,v.j.jfcM.d Mliltiamm Nearly SlwpaJ au- ?... United CL-WELAND, July 14. 1 KtVW'l members of the New York ;ma';oa - kl- -v n W tiinlli ' 1 li ! j l -' !- - " ..--!' 1.-1 . . !,.. .Tl in Cleveland. Tin polio wr wrecked aad looted dUtMM slafl mm but no arrests were mad.', TM-ajaevi Sarah Miv'said tkat they, had not tasted-fsadi far. 4 thlrty-slx.i hears., , ,,r wM , ' Clark Is Nemlnatsd .W&-: United Press Servk - 4nm WASHINGTON, dV&. July 14l4-j 'iilnt Wlliion ttitn'rnnminr'sn-iln-t-d ' 1 John H. Clarke of Clereland 53$ JmUce. of the United StatMJ'Mprsa''''" iiiicnp-. tda nnminiiun roic .! -aunt tbla afternoon. " Wl aad HW ' a ..7 dm "i!Vf w. ap'fci ..'.v tum!immm taaasaaata I,"1 , , I ' a-' .1 Jj im .ji '.4B ta, JH .'i, .. . ,1, S s. ,V ,-& r.Wjft.nAw-