FRIDAY, JULY ?, It THl EVENING HERALD KLAMATH PALLS. OMOOW $?.. ft1 ar Y& s lit K o flr n.1 . w: Wl y .- ?j, - U &31 BBV. I4 s 5VJI Town Topics aaj to to nwriKiMiiwi Mr. emf Mn. 0. TMtonUr ef Freeao toft yeatortay altor TtoR at atx days wm,Mr. MlMn. Brewkaker. Tfcey was toftea a etar tke eeuaty ky tke Ml they to m wry ea- Aaktoad They Wl ateaaspaalod by the tottorn mother. Mn. B. Berth of Porttoad. wke wffl TtoK at tke Beektoy mekattiMiMnk. N. Bieeof) tke Hotel Marriage Uoaaee. A marriage Beease waa today I ts Job W. BaaoeB aad Mary A, 1 of tke aammmau EmmaSmmt mtMmn arnVfrnma. evSVaBV aammre7 wwrBaSJ smjeaeaj, M. Watktos. toaal maa leara Union Tetograah eStee, aad afiewhemtemsxrtodreeeatlyto returned taat algkt Mat a i trip to La warty. They r at SSfTeatk street Mr. Mra. P. Tlra daughter at H1U Hamtar aaamwaaf a taaaO aa adeaold operattoa ay Dr. P. M. Wktte roteaUy. U.K.Lemoa aacttoa. to to from tke Ptae Flat wke1 keM- raDa aad Moak m Mate street, ketweea raaXyl Here- 'tkektgl Mr to a paa TaBey al kto me, kat to toaata to Kksaatk. From VaHey. aai Mn. J. H. Beektoy tofct beat a tote to Perth Fvblicatien ef la tka Justice Court for tka Diatriet of Ltokrltte. Ktomatk County. Oregon. E. Baraf PtotetUL Former Local Doctor Honored Camttoaai tram Pm 1 f George Msseey, Def 4at To George Mssoty, Defendant la tka acme of tka atata of Oregon. Tea are karaky reeutred to appear aad aaawar tka computet Had agatoat yoa to tka above eaxMtod aattoa a or ke- fore August 18. IMC. tkat keUg tka ex nlratloa of six weeks' eakaeatJoa of aoaasMM araeortoea ky tke otter of tke court, aad If yoa fall aa to aa awar. tka ntotatmwta take judgment against yoa for aad for tke eooU dtebunemeats of tkte action, aad tkat a ctotoi tar SSSJ7 against tke PeUeaa Bay lumber eoamaay, attach ed to tkto aettoa aa year property, k (sold to satisfy sack Judgment Tkto puhHcattoerto made ky order ef tke Honorable K. W. Oewaa, Jaatice of tka akera aaawd eeart. daly SMde i Jaly 7. Ulff. Tka data ef trst aakUcatioa of tkto OBMaatoJalyT.lsl. JU a TADBN. AttoraeyforPtotatUC 7-14U-Zt-4-U-U Ha) """ VVaTBTavI .B ' REBTdWaTBTdWaTBTdwl 1 " " fktBwBaf5 awBwBwBBBaSH aaaaVawBTur A. Pvi Ua awBrwBwBTt awBwBwfx Z jym!i m jaTaTaTaTdr - 40 lBr . '' aTaTEaJi inawBaaawBal. S. 3m , '' JwBMiffamiawy l" Co vf ' g i " ' . . v - ftlfr. , Jtf. thirsty weather Ttu will want plenty of ice and a little good tea. Be sure of the teal Schilling's Tea, iced, has all the refreshing charm of Schilling's Tea, ht only difference is f temperature. But there are four distinS taste-types of our tea, and you won't be tea happy 'til you get the kind that just exailly suits you. So let us send you the Taste packet, which contains four parchmyn en velopes of Schilling's Tea "Japan, English Breakfast f Ceylon, Oolong. Tfien you can t ' make your own tests. f lUHtdfrmfth tm rttihi tfto ttnu (tlsmft tr ttim). ''' 333 8t$d Strut, Ssn Frmdia Schilling's Best .' t to reatotared at tke Calted sutea aad atoawkara. Tkto was In ndditloa to tke atrtoUy deal work of attaadtoc to tke woaad ed. Tke koaaltol at La Paaae, kolas tbe aly oae aaar tka treat, witk ae- coBunodaUeaa for S.U00 peraoaa at a time, was tka trst sutloa to watok tke wounded were takea. Tfao object was to set tke kasaltol emptied erery BiomUiK. to awke room for tbe war rtctlau. wbo were certaia to come la dariaa tbe afteraooa. Ac- cordloglr treataieBts were zWea sol- diers with anaa aad legs shot away and thea the awa were sent bach from tbe base hospital to other hosaHala. To accomplish this, aad at the saase tlase give proper attention to the wended. required iaaoite care, detailed oraaa- ixation and expert sargical kaowtodga. It was this expedittoa aad arteattoa that arst attracted the atteattoa of Dr. LePage, chief sargeoa to the kiag. Letters receired hy Dr. Morrow's father hare told the story of tka dec oratioa. It caaae so aaddaaly aad aa expectadly tkat tke yoaag ataa was at- mostloerad. It was oa March th that he receired the decoratlea. He waa kaay at hospital atteading to tka awrftlfirloas duties ef tookiag after tka whoa a BMeteager toached Morrow oa the am aad said tkat Dr. DeFago wanted to see hiss at oace at his Tills. Dr. Morrow knew tke reaerakle Bel gian was suffering frost aa tafeetod thumb, aad thought ke desired hiss to look at it laasarack as the doctor kad almost "adopted" Morrow, ke totkarata. A auid showed alas lato tke doctor bedrooa. He walked toward tka kad la the half light, aad started to speak a cherry word to the aattaat. Suddenly he percetred that others were la the rooat also. Ha tamed dad esaw face to face with tka kiag. The monarch adranced toward hiss. extended bis hand aad kegaa speakiag rapidly. Morrow coald hardly keUere his ears whea the royal lips attend words of praise for kto efforts la half of BelatBSB. At tke ead of kto resaarks, tka kiag ataaad opoa Mor rows kraaat the deeerattaa of Iter of tke Order of Leopold, tke klgk est honor la tke gift of tke.Belgtaa people. Morrow to the arst foreigner to wear this honor, which hitherto has keea re served for the great Ustitoas awa of of scholarship, of edeatiac at- tainraeat It Tirtaslly confers apoa him tbe rank of aohOIty. xoaag ur. Morrow -caase to" at last aad expressed 'kto tkaaks to tke kiag for tka koaor which waa so unprece dented aad aatookod for. The ckeralters of tke Order of Leo pold meet oace la tea years la tke old church at Ghent, each being reserred a permanent seat la jtkst aacieat edi fice. Attendance at these decennials Is ComDulsonr for all chevalier who ar la the country. Dr. Morrow wrote kto father that he was glad ke woald ke out of the country at the aext deeea- nisl, because the formal salts the cker- alien mast wear would coat him assay hundreds of dollars. Since his recall from Belgium, which came in mid-March. Dr. Morrow kss been la Paris taking some adraaced surgical work at a leadlag kospiUL s Operated on Today. . Mrs. a E. Hoffman, wife of the gor nunent forester at the Pelicsa Bay Lumber company's camp, was operated upon this morning at the Blackburn hospital for appendicitis aad abdominal tumors. The patient withstood tke operation welL The operation was performed by Dr. Hamlltoa, assisted by DraMerrymaa aad Fisher. PACIFIC COAST LtAfHIl - 4 '' ?ammsiJjil J f mmmmKJV ' mmmml I - la itmtvi'i sWm untlng la Town. Charles A. BaatiagU here from Mer riiL atteading to trarraws matters. Ste4la the Cleha Woe Lost Pet f JM. LaaAagatoa U M J Saa rnaetoeo - Porttoad U T Ml SAKLaka T Ml Oakiaad. 5 M -TI Waaarto Ysatoremy At Salt Lake It H. B. 8aK Lake - I U I Los Aagetos ltd Fittery aad Hsaask: Horstmaa aad Boles. Heag replaced Horstmaa la the Afth aad Kaktor replaced Hogg la tke eigktk. AtVeraoa B. H. B. Veraoa H I Osktoad 01 Decaaaler aad Saeacer: Boyd aad KUiott At Saa Fiaactoeo H. H. B. Saa Praaetoeo SMS Porttoad 1 . x raascEErajl i aad SepalTeda: Ftokar. Moving Pictures As "The Tadllai," oaa of tke sweetly aatkatfe ckaracters ska erer lmperaeaated oa tke screes UcomparaMe Mary Ptokford herselt Tke fowadliag to tke daughter of a straggUag artist, at wkoae Mrtk her mother dies. Bacaaae of kto woa- smtsPtssmmmmmmmml .amBsEsmmmmmml VamlmmmmmmmmmmmmVmmsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi JKtmSmmH derful lore for kto wife, tke artist hates the child tkat caused her deatlt; aad gtree tke baby girl to a saotheriag heart who cares for It Tka tragedy of his wife's death brings to tbe artist tka master touch he has so kmg sought, sad la the years that follow ke wtoa fame aad'fortwae. Bat la tke aaaaet of life, he realises Its empttans aad futility, aad yearns for tka retura of tbe child he had drlrea from his heart She in the meantime has drifted through a strange aad Tarying life. How the threads of destiny unite these parted souls, bringing to each Its trst genuine happiness, to absorbingly un folded la this aatoae photoplay. Tkto fire reel production will be abowa at the Star theater toaigkt oary. V I m wH :"5? ,V M ? l Julia Heinrich Hopraao of tke MstreaaUtaa, the And oT the roar In eeera, atag Ing In direct compartoea with Rdlson's re-creation of ker yolee, lo llluslrale that one Is MeaUcal with the otker. MIm Heinrich Is but oae of the many great artists who kare thus proven that Edison has ac complished his ambition to re create music so perfectly tkat hU re-creallon cannot be diatla ruUlinl from the original. Hoar Bdlon'n re-creation of Julln llrlnrlch's sympathetic volet. Hear Miss Heinrich ber clf nl the Metropolitan, la New Yoik or when she Is oa concert tour, w vaaxvtAffij " We are licensed to demonstrate Edison's new invention 2&NEW EDISON Tkis imw instrument mbodwa a new Art, Um cuknitoatioa of EcUson'g rotoarch work in chemiatry and acouiticg and thoowsMMli tura by hitn of mora than two mtttion dollars in xprinsnU alone. Tka Laboratory formulae and methods art known only to Editon and a faw of hit trusted assistants. No single assistant knows ALL of the formulae and methods by which Edison, actually Re-creates all forms of music Come to us and hear this wonderful new invention the greatest musical issstrument in the world We want you to hear it DoisKMMtratsons will be given with pleasure, ami no obligation is entailed by requesting one. Klamath Falls Music House Geo. A. Wirtx, Prop. 725 Main Street "C":kK"m H OUSTON' Metropolitan Amusements s m$$otio0o00i00oo0 OPERA HOUSE HOUSTON DARK SXAK THEATER MARY PICKFORO ram GBOTB nCBTFS J Tke Pine Grore ateale was wen at tended, aad erery oaa kad a Tory ea- JoyaMe time from early moralag aatfl tote la tka erealag. Mr. aad Mrs. Earl Araat aad famUy spent Tuesday with Mrs. Araat's mother aad father, Mr. aad Mrs. Aa- dersoB, la Dairy. Iran, Cal aad Howard Iceabice, Bm- mitt Shields, Charlie Dattoa aad Allan McComb went to Fort Klamath last Wedaasday. Floyd aad Forest Caaaiagbam aad Chester McKlaxto stteaded tka celebra tion at Asatoad. Adal(Mat&sWGrsaerSas mm mm mm I Bm ml Am r I C-W.BUKTC.rMHS-WrtMSwlMialBM.(. RECORD OF FOUR MONTHS CURB , V .Wf ARINO R0UN04IRIFFIS Th. afceve patient, living In gprlngSeld, Mass., was eMffertnf whh Flat Feet and Bwitoas, A toaal deotor advised her to wear "around Drippers." The darter kept a earef ul dlagrun ef Mr feat fiwm April Itth to July 1Sth, and the above la rearedueed from his reeerda, WC ARK IXCLUSIVK AQSMTS FOR ttROUNO RIFFIR SHOIS MADE IN LADIES', MEN'S AND CHILDREN. Regal Shoe Store sis Main Street ' a.. 9mtn W THE FOUNDLING Fire Baals , TEMPLE THEATER "A Msn's Work," Three Reel Esanay , Raid bonds are to bear interest at the rate designated In the successful bid, not to exceed 6 per cent per an num, payable semiannually on July 1 and January 1 of each year, at tbe t office ot tbe treasurer of said city. In United States gold coin. Each proposal to purchase must be accompanied by a check, certified by i soma responsible banking institution, i to the amount of 5 per cent of the pro- jposal. made payable to tbe Recorder of Merrill. Proposals must be sealed and endorsed "Proposal to Purchase Refunding Bonds" or "Proposal to pur chase Water Bonds." The council reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. Bated at Merrill. Orexon. Julv ?. 1916. FRANKXD. OLNBY, Recorder of the City of Merrill, Oregon TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Beautiful GSplece geaii fne Austrian china dinner set, coat int; C3, will sell for HO. gome bar gain. Mrs. E. R. Willis, 12th Pine, 1 KOR SALE Dig French plate mirror, suitable for dress Siting, costlag 10.60, will sell for fS If taken tomor row. Snap. Mrs. E. It. Willis, llth nnd Pine streets. ' it WANTEt-Msn and wife desires aosT tlon on ranch. Write Ferdlaaad Krlzman, Merrill, Ore. T-St LOST Bunch of keys oa streets la city. Notify phone IBS. 7-tt ' I Surety IChllcote. bends while you wait. 1 7-S0t Accurate Information about city prop erty and farm lands. SseChllcets. 1 'More Money Than Mannirs," Vltagrapb Comedy Fathe News. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE Merrill, Oiegon MOTION PICTURES WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAVS Notice ef Bend Sale Notice lurking Proposals to Purchase City of Merrill Refunding Bonds and Water Bonds. Sealed proposals will be received by the Recorder of the City of Merrill, Oregon, until August 12, 1916, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. (at which time proposals to purchase will be opened and considered) for tbe purchase of $1,160, or any part thereof, city of Merrill refunding bonds, payable Jaly 1, 1931, with the optica of the elty to pay them, or any of them la aamerioal order, from aad after July 1, 1911; said bonds to be issued la deaomiaatloas of 9500 and one bond la tke sam of 8300. Also for the purchase of 86.000 or any part thereof of water bonds, payable July 1, 1936, la denominations of 1600. Said bonds are issued for the par- pose of rereading tke outstanding warrants of the elty, aad for the par aose of proTidlag water aad Ira pro tection, all uader tbe prorlsiona of sec tion 116 ot tke ahartor el tke City of Meriax People's Market AGAIN FIRST We respectfully call yeur attention to the report ef the State Dairy and Food Inspector aa published In ysstsrday's Herald. Likewise the quality of our msats cannot be excelltd. The great Increase In the volume of our business In seven months Is ample proof ef this. in erderlnf your meats far Sunday'a dinner and for every day In the week, consider these facts. We are new supplying the public with the very chelcest beef, perk, mutton, lamb, etc., obtainable. We want to lay especial strsss en the quality of our mutton and lamb. A trial will convince you that we have made no exaaaeratlans. People's Market PHONE 83 "Producer to ContumcrM V WSWHBfr'l!15 jEitB ; iatr Ma u jrVif''iIl A-'W tR n. i v t . i - ..YT -V .& - ii t f 3 j s emgKTOgWWMaMWgH ffnyMrmffyrw?' rtr