VvVf-- Jj'-.A & J. fe $ &(& Ve , iarotinn Herald rir. A- . . 1 KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALL' , OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER a (Lhi f tih vr so. a,6 CIW POLITICS ! BOILING AGAIN; 4 FOR MAYOR mli:r ih latiiht in tiii: city l1U"U'' IIACI jfcjor Mammi Is Out for Reelection, Md A. J. I'J'o I" "" Work n.nlmlng J. J. Kclrer Being Urged by Friend to Knlor Hilre, gat Vet He's 'Inclined to lie n LKUe Skittish About JiiiupliiK In With tho date of the clt) election Ht for Miy 1. nl tlte Judge and tlirki for tho different ward nnmed by the council, interest In city poll tics U beginning to rorlvo. Whether or not the recall election will bo hold it that time, If It U hold, Is not known it present, but It may bo a special tlfctloo a little inter. , At tin time, a mayor and pollco juigo will be elected. And for the oflce of mayor four rnndldatoH urn' being talked of. M)or J. II. Mnion has unuouue td bit Intention to seek nnolhor term. Ha wan chosen nt a Dpeclnl election lut summer to till out an unexpired term, and fuels that ho needs n full Urn In order to successfully curry nut the plnnn ho Iihh under way or la formation. A. 1 l.vln In Another who would bo ....,..,.. - aayor. I.ylo has been talking tho nutter with many local people, and feu decided to get out and mako an Ugreulvo campaign, with hla record t a member of tho Duluth city coun cil at feature of his platform. The latest man to cuter tho race U C. I). Crlsler. Upon hit return from California a tow days ago, many,. ..v. i.i. . -. ... ..lr MISS IV VWUIU WHh nVS w Ht lave tho matter some study, nnd then announced hlmsolf positively. friends of J. J. Keller aro con tinually urging him to outer the race nt so far ho haa not stated definitely tilt he will do ao. Koller'a an nouncement In expected in a few days by his friends. ' Thus far, Police Judge A. L. Lenv. Ut Is unopMsed for hla office. Tho Judge haa long been the holder of this highly Important place, and as bt has always conducted the compli cated duties of the office In a highly dent manner, hla reelection against any candidate la practically assured. Besides the balloting on candidates, Attacked Aldermen Allege Perjury in Recall Affidavits Now that aometblng definite baa been started Intho much-talked-bf re fill against certain councilmen, elty Politics aro decidedly looking up. The Uuatlon la being eldiely followed, "l there la plenty of ovldence to bow thero will be a warm campaign If the mattor goes-on the ballot. Some contend that the recall aup Porters will bo unable to get enough Unere to their petitions to Juatlfy a rtH election. Other predlot over whelming support of the recall can 4ldatw, F. willeu la Ulked ot aa the wndldate against O. D, Matthews, ef " are being made 'to have M, 8. went oppoae A, D. Killer, and If. R. h , U U wPO't! will be opposed Uetl D,-Har,tn " tbere ' recaU Councilmen Doty and Matthews that they believe the parties ng to affldavlta charging the wpaeilmen with Inefflctency in city Jwwitratlon and laok ot economy .id city expendlturee perjured tbw COYOTES STILL AT HIGH PRICE COUNTY COUNT KXTKNUH HIT i HI. BOUNTY 'X Till: . mints ioh axotiii.'r movui. , MANY AUK Ili:i.fj KIM.KII ('(lyotfN Idlloil In Kliimnlli county aru Htlll lirltiKliiK $0.50 bounty. Tlio county court has oxtouiled the special' 5 por head bounty foi another month, or until May Int. An n roftiilt of the special bounty, voted nt tho tlmn of rn blest danger, tlioru Iiiih been n big cleanup of co yote Close to $1,600 was paid out In February, and tho Mnrch coyote' bounty claims total In value $937. ' The klllltiie of coyotes at this time not only eliminate rabies danger,' and clears tho range, but It Insures ' little coyote trouble next year SPECIAL CLASS TO BE TAUGHT i:i'iscoimi. bimconkkh will CONDUCT COUItSi: OF STUDIES or tiii: social ti:.ujii.js ok tiii: savior Today, tomorrow and Thursday of- lurnnrmn nml thi uihi nflnrnnnns .. ..-, ... ... noxt wock Deaconess Allco J. Knight of tho Kplncopat church will conduct I a class In "The Social Touchlngs of J Jesus.1' Tho mcotlnus will bo hold In Library Club hall, will begin '30. and all wonivn aro invited. at ! t Individual Itenponslblllty" Is o the topic today Tomorrow it will I be "Faith and Contentment," and on, Thursday "Jesus' Attitude Toward i Ploasuro." Tho following are the subjects for discussion tomerrow: "Docs Chilian contontmont imply Mtlsfacllon with things as they nro? I "May wo rightly uso questionable moans 10 niinin n kuuu uuui uuw this imply distrust of OodT" lio proporty ownora will also vote upon tho question of purchasing auto mobllo fire npparatua for the city, and upon tho question of the city Improv ing tho highway to Shlpplngton, Pel ican City and tho boat landing solves. Thoy talk of taking up this matter. . "Tho mayor asked the council to support him In tho ilro ordlnanco and In tho prohibition ordinance, and wo gavo him our assistance. Wo stood by tho mayor, as tho council should, and It simply got ub In bad," said Doty last night. "Tho objoct of the prohibition ordl nanco was to forco tho prosecuting at torney to take aorno itctlon and wo did. We'd do It over again. If It enmo up again wo'd support the mayor to the fullest extent, believing the people who voted upon the matter desire to see it enforced. "Regarding tho fire department, we almply carried out what we were authorised to do in the charter, for tho purpose of organising a Are de partment according to law and the city oharter, to lower the rate of In surance In the city. We couldn't pur chase expensive apparatus and turn It over to a volunteer department unlesi It was organised under the city char- (Continued on Page I) KLAMATH I 1 I nPa m .fetJ M WSMB- MA I rolice Lhiet Will Marry a Morgan ,-gjsa. J mWKKSfKfWmm T ggEiWriHax sVB gaKvSSilMnligaialga wm I wkMw giMil : i I Hf Twi , I . lgtgtgBkigWfjE WtKreammn w-s.,,zzrilM f .Irtliur Wood PVagVaWI8l I'ollci. r'oiiiiuUalonpr, New Vork City IlahSgngnMfe'WSiSj Society lii Now York and many oth er cltios linn been surprised by tho an nouncement of the vnengoment of MIhh Helen Morgan Hamilton, daugh ter of William P. Hamilton, n partner In J. P. Morgan & Co., and 8on-ln-law of tho lute emperor of Jlnnnco, to Ar thur Woods, pollco coininlenloner of New York city. Mr. Woods Is a grad uate of Harvard, and was for years bend master nt (iroton, tho famous MnsBnchiiRcttfl school for boys. SCHOOL GIRLS IN AN AUTO MISHAP AUTOMOIllLi: STRIKES CURB AT IIIOH AM) NINTH, ANI TUItXH TUItTLK FIVK I'ASSBNGEHS UNINJURED K,r,B ol u,u ' "" w' """T iu. . a 1. nnIIM ftlfta ..nli Anl lou ineir nay 10 uomesue sciuucv iir oni nt tho Contral ,,0,,,, mot , ,plioll ,.u .. from which thoy emorged uninjured but , badly frlglitcued. Tho car in which ilmv worn rlillnir driven bv Miss AmoJii FoUrnoyt, C8Bayc(i t0 turn at bffl corner o N,nth and Hlgh lnt0 f atrcct but ,n8tca, u 8truck the curb. Tho car wos turned upside down as a result, and tlio flvo girls wore all thrown out. Not a one was in jured. WILL DEBATE ON SWISSJRAINING MERITS OF THAT METHOD OF MILITARY SCHOOLING WILL HE DISCUSSED AT MT. LAKI TO MORROW NIGHT An Interesting debate will be held at Mt. Lakl church tomorrow night, when three Klamath county high school students will debate throe Mt. Lakl residents upon tho questien: "Resolvod, That tho United States Should Adopt tho Essential Features of tho Swiss System of Military Train ing." Charles M. Dorr, Rollln Stltzer and Austin Case nro tho high school de baters. Thoy will support tho affirma tive against Rov. Morgan. Tls aw flth and M. B. Ford. Tho debate will be a part of the program nt tomor row, night's meeting ot the Mt. Lakl imnrovement Association, and any candidate attending will also bo given ad opportunity to talk. Hera from Fort. Mr. and Mrs. James Pelton and Mr, and Mrs, Llndsey O. Slsemore are hero from Fort Klamath during the Illness of the ladles' sister, Mrs. Cotchett, who Is at Blackburn hos- pltal. - Camp Meets Tonight. Ewauna Encampment No. 46, 1, O. O, F., will hold their regular meeting tonight In I. O. O. FT hall. i -- mF?43lfiKw$ggtj FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, B' 'Ttagt " ' fgfgtgtVa m Tr4 t, ( 'C.'KI, 1 AMI If WM?PWM m wmmiMkwwimm M i gBjBHBgBjgBgBBgHH gtVBBBKSBgtSH gUHHCisiitgsVH I Miss Helen Morgan Hamilton FIREWATER GOES NTT) THE EIRE MISPLACED BOOZE RESULTS IN THE LOSS BY OWNER OF HIS WHOLE MONTH'S SUPPLY OF FISH BAIT In these days of barless towns and a paucity of llquo. it's quite the safest for recipients of a monthly two qunit ration to carry the liquor with them or In them. One man Is doomed to spit cotton and suffer cob webs to grow in his esophagus for some littlo time unless kind friends vlolato the law by rescuing him be cause he failed to remember this. This fellow was a victim of false pride and misplaced liquor. A few days ago he drew his legal two quarts of splrltous liquor, but rather than carry the clinking containers of trouble or joy with him, he placed them for safe keeping in the stove ot a friend's office. Next morning, recalling hU cache, he made haste to get to the office lest the office man discover tho bottles and boat him to them. Upon reaching the office, howevor, our hero was pos itive tho frlond bad not made a Joy ous discovery, for horrors) he was applying a match to the trash in the stove. The strangled cry from O. H. and the wild manner In which be sprang Into the office, like a catamount some what startled the office man. But the explosion immediately afterwards, as the bottles exploded, 4-c-a-r-e-d him to auch an extent It took half a day to convince him that his friend had not gone crasy and taken two shots at him. But what of Our Hero? Suffice it that be heartily agrees with what the governor of North Carolina said to the governor of South Carolina; "It's a long tlsse between drlaks." APRIL 4, 1916 MAYOR OUTLINES WORK ON ANKENY CANAL CLOSING , LONDON Two hundred were kill-, ed or Injured In a fire destroying a AXOTHKIt HPKCIAL ELECTION Atpowdor factory in Kent. The cause of the Ore is unknown. ! rOSSUHIilTY I lScnldc Kecnriiig a Number of Add! Clonal Water Rights and Faads for Buying Some of These, Masob Re ports that Tcntatire Contract Is Be ing Considered by Government and City Officials. A report of progress on the Ankeny canal closing ras rendered at last night's council meeting by Mayor Mason. This was referred to the An keny canal committee of the council for consideration. The mayor's report follews: Several months ago, at the sug gestion of the mayor, you authorized him to take up the matter, and If possible find a way to get rid of that nuisance which has been so long troubling our city and which is known the Ankeny canal. In order to see that this was no'tne recent allied conference inspired little tisk It is only necessary to men tion the fact that the city has for the last six or t even years been trying to eliminate this unsightly menace to the health of our community but seemed unable to do so. The first thing I did after enter ing upon this work was to consult many of those who had preceded me In endeavoring to handle the case, in order to profit by their experience. I found them very willing to help, in iny way tbey could In the matter. Also I have to acknowledge the valu able counsel and advice which was unselfishly and cheerfully given me by many ot our prominent attorneys who had formerly had to do with the case. Also that of our city attorney, who haa rendered valuable assistance all the way through. The present status of the case Is as follews: The following rights have been con veyed to the city absolutely, vis.: E. R. Reames 5 rights Alex Martin r2 rights Geo. T. Baldwin 2 rights Amanda Ha maker 2 rights E. E. Wise 1 righti Fred Schallock 1 right C. R. DeLap . .V 1 right Chas. l. Roberts 1 right ChaB. L. Parrlsh 1 right John Irwin 1 right J. M. Evans 1 right E. V. Coggswell V right These people were all willing to convey their ngntsto tne city tree of charge In order to get rid of the old ditch. These eighteen rights have cost (ho city nothing except 18.60 paid for notary fees where the grant ors lived at a distance. Notaries in Klamath Falls charged nothing. One right Is now in escrow to be turned over to the city when the suc cess of the enterprise is assured. There are two rights which belong to estates which have been settled and the rights were not included in the Inventory and have not been used for many years, and we have been assured will not cost tbe city any thing. The prices on eleven of the remlan- Ing rights have been agreed on and there have been some donations from a few citlsena to help pay for them. After deducting the amount so donat ed there remains $600 for the city to pay. This will leave four rights for whtch we have been unable so far to negotiate In a satisfactory man ner; but we are hopiug that later on we may be able to do so. As a part of thia report I desire to BUbmtt a letter from X). 8. Taylor of Portland, Oregon, district counsel for the reclamation service; asd also a contract whtch is the outgrowth ot a lengthy, earnest and somewhat vigorous conference between Mr. Taylor. J. O. Camp, City Attorney Groesbeck and the mayor. This eon tract seems to be the Tery best tor the city which Mr. Taylor and Mr. (Continued oa pace ) War Bulletins United Press Service BERLIN Zeppelins again raided the southeast coaat of England last night, dropping bombs on the Tar. mouth fortifications. It I. I..RfU.4 AM 9..t. ik., tTjvl-f land has closed her German frontier,' and is massing troops there. I Germans are vigorously bombard - ing Betblncourt from three sides. It it feared the French will soon have tc evacuate. The French success, st the village of Vaux Is not considered sufficient to offset the two mile Geramn gain northeast of, Verdun. Indications are that the Germans plan to take Beth- lncourt and to the west then smother the lines; PARIS. Germans shelled French,! trenches northwest of Verdun last night, especially those around Malan court and Avocourt. There were no Infantry attacks. West of the Muese, French artil lerymen shelled the German posi tions from Dououmont to the village of Vaux. BERLIN. It is reported that Hol- land has refused the Informal request of tho allies for the closing of the German frontier to aid in starving Germany out. It is believed here that the subsequent Dutch activity, Athens wires 'that Greece has re quested tbe allies to withdraw all mil itary establishments from Salonika. ELEVENTH STREET GRADE IS SET STEP TAKEN IN ADVANCsT OT THE PROPOSED PAVING FILL ABOUT ONE QUARTER THE AMOUNT NECESSARY CUTS A step preliminary to tbe pave ment of Eleventh street from Main to Upham street, and Upham from Ele nth to Sargent street, was taken at last night's council meeting, when an ordinance establishing the grade along the route was introduced. City Engineer Zumwalt stated that the grade to be established will In volve 2,400 yards ot excavation and 6U0 yards ot fill. Municipal Highway Is Put Up to Veters: Noisy Parade Is Held It was a nice little' Job, that Reference is made, ot course, to tbe little escort given the municipal highway resolution on Its Journey to the city hall. To put It mildly, It waa tbe biggest, noisiest, most enthu siastic demonstration ever held in Klaamth Falls. At. 7:30, there was a noticeable activity around the Commercial Club, Meu gathered from all directions. At 7:46, Pelican City's delegation blew In. "Beat It In," Is perhaps bet ter, for there was a plentiful supply of buss-saws and hammers in the eighteen automobiles bringing the mill officials and workers to town, and the din waa deafening. Headed by a big tanner: "Vote tor tbe Shlpplngton Road; Connect Klam ath Falls with the Payrolls," the pre cession ot business men and boosters marching,, the Pelican City and Shlp plngton delegates in automobiles, and local autoleta bringing up the rear, paraded oa Mate street te Seeead, baek.to Seventh, back to Fifth and to the elty hall. Yells and cheers, herns, tin sane, buss-saws and ant warning Price, Fit Ceais. t j TROOPS r TO BE CLOSING UPON THE ONE VILLISTA BAND IS READY TO QUIT Army in Mexico Again Startles Stag Officers by Its Rapid Moreeaeat. Additional Troops Are Seat Over the Border to Assist la the Main taining of Comsaitaiostas With General Fonstoa J United Press Service EL PASO. April 4. American troops are today approaching the Durango line, south of Chihuahua City. Army officers are much sur prised at the rapidity of the march. It is believed that General Persh ing Is so close upon tbe trail ot Villa that he has not time toStend a re port. ! General Reyes, commanding zsoo Vitllstaa in the Torreoa section, to day offered to surrender If granted amnesty by the Carranslstas. The war department sent addition al troops over tbe border at Colusa bus, strengthening the line of com munications. The task of nsalntaln ing the rapidly extending line of com munications is Increasing daily as rershlng's forces push farther' into Mexico. '- A SPECIAL 0A TOR CITIZENSHIP THOUGH BANDIT APPLICANTS FOR FUIiL FAPSBS WILL BE GIVEN A CHANCE TO QUALIFY IN FULL IN TDOB TO REGISTER AND VOTE in order to make it possible for ap plicants for full citizenship to qual ify In time to register and vote, in No-" vember, Circuit Judge Kuykeadall will hold a special naturalisation ston of his court in September. The ates are September 4, 6 aad'f . " Besides this session -lamber ot applicants are to be examined, at the opening ot tbe June Term c court;. ' a . l . - . uYii maw uca a racaec taat the most uninformed became aware that there Is something startedf while the skeptical were forced to admit that the project does not lack ardent supporters. , tf At the city hall steps, cheers were' given for Shlpplngton, for Pelleaa City, tor Klamath Falls la fast, tor, most everything and then the crowd'' entered," filling the council room until even standing room waa at a1 pre mium. "We will not attempt to stem'the.. tide," remarked Mayor Maaea. wRhV smile, "We enrrender." ,-.? H uaairvaa nau ot ueewsesv's sanea, ri meetings mea proeueea. tM'rasoin-,- tlon to go on the bal!..fjti:i,8fc.pxr '" "f wvTf SSW'Sjesnwj-H,' plagton councilman, niruuii. sunn uminimmniananeBarar mmaamsksasBi: msa -. - ?.... nV .. - .:,..r..- - -ii7-'T.- -i cer uuie uiMstoa;ST,,iss:iMA-- Mllhw and others., - """ "" "." HHPH -. ter thls,.ud s:taaeMss4 xmnwa, issviagiuss) ' BBJBBBSv'SSSS, PS v CeaUe-afpritT 4 II s , o Ti-r