-mmm , ..v v4 wftfvw mVrtj --TiV ' ' ' r ":v ' ?' : ' p r. ; . jsvtw i !& T tC .-, .if t n;- ,i'Wj ai -r-rt - t; r?!wsK KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NBW8PAPBR St1 ' i. sir -vefcjy m KLAiiXTHtcdifiiitr. OFFICIAL NKWfPAPKR ' m ff i M .s i """SECVWS". : n -t: ". . 2 Tenth Year No. JLHTW WwlfWtt -.. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1915' e AMATH COUNT KL HAS OPPORTUNITY TO 6ET ELK NERD Motion to Set Verdict Aside Denied. More Involved r.HillTKKN CALIE TO HE KnTKD LllL Yi.iingstcra Are Kow In tint State Re serve Im Noidieast Oregon, am) Only IHtelllvo Axtlon by HporUntcn M Assure Range nnd Protection I , Needed to Have the lllg Gem Heat Here Do Klamath county sportsmen wish to io a herd of elk In the county? If io, they havo the opportunity to gat such a herd, providing thoy got busy et once, and make a showing to the stato fish and game commission that thoy will see that the animals are provided with proper range, and aro given protection from dogs, poachers, otc. "The commission haa eighteen head of yearling elk (or distribution,'' says Commissioner Charles P. Stone. These are now in the commission's reserve In the extreme northeastern part of Oregon. The calves, with twenty or more grown elk, are ronflnod In a re serve that Is thoroughly fenced. "The commission Is afraid to liber ate the en I von near the reserve, ns fttM rnnvn IIiam In nnl mruA mm In' the eastward In Idaho, or northward lato Oregon. Therefore, to keep, from losing thb animal after the expense of raising them, the comtnlaslou has decided to send tho calves to some other place better milted, and the commhmlon Is looking about for some other location In Oregon for liberat ing the elk. "If the Klamath Sportsmen's As sociation ran single out a locality In INatqgth county where tho range Is suafelently good, and where tho elk will be given proper protection, thero Is no question but what the first batch of calve would be liberated here. Crater Lake park might be used, but place closer to Klamath Falls, I think, should be selected." The commMon some time ago purchased a herd of grown elk, and theto are kept at tho resorve. Bach year hereafter tho yoarllng calve are to bo removed from the reserve aad used In the reintroducing or this splendid gamo species In Oregon. Mamas nimnwm:2amwmmmWmmmm neWR"! ? mmWWZmmKcijmW B TsaTsl BaaaaaUL. IB mTL- AaTsTsaaaaaaf ZmmmWW- Wmmm WmM LIK) I mS.i-mJmWmmWm BL lfeM.J' J aBeBLvNkMHLw BnP 9B saaaaaaaaaaaaV. V-" .naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, "naaaaLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV K I LbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbHiPK Wimm F fi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUISOiffSBBBBV Wfllifl M a k...HKnt-saK?..m mwmmzMm u i) mmmmmmmmmmmmWLmSWkjEmWL. W'ZlrM B fi BBBBBBBBBBBBBSTTSfVr TbTsBbV 1.bM1;K H M BMbbSMM?" . V flBIV W. i LbbbHM:' ' SBm I 1 mWfm .m V ' 7mmmWm-Jmm BsBVSVSi Bt'BBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB liner Officials Get Penal Terms MONEY FOR RATE FIGHT IN SIGHT -j ? j $ A Wireless Discovery OVKIl HIX HllI)HKI IMI,LARM It.AISKO IIERK YKSTKItDAY BY COMMITTKK OCT81DE MBR. CHANTS 0 JBE SOLICITED The committee In charge of raising funds for the employment of traffic experts to carry Klamath county's 1'ght for lower'frelght rates before the Interstate Commerce Commission. Late War News (Mil SAILS rulsed over 16 SO of the required amount yesterday afternoon Ther still have other local business men to nee. f In, addition toiasklng aid from, the local morchantsMetc..- the committee plans to see the ;merchanU at Mer rill, Bonanza and other Klamath co.inty towns, Who will be greatly benefited by freight rate 'reductions. and ask these merchants to contrib ute to the nnreasary.fund. ' aeceaeir WILSON EDDING SET FOR DEC. 18 .J- l t- CKHEMONV-rWIUi BE PERFORM. Eli AT BltmE'S "HOME, AXD bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI ' IbbbbbbbbbH I I I bbbbbbbbbbbI I BJ BBBBBBBBJjTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ BB H ' VbbbbbbbbbbVbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV H "' Ir6fewor Michael I.PnpiB United Press Service lONDON, Dee. 4. Bucharest haa announced Rumania will commandeer' all foreign shipping in Rumanian ports Monday. This means she will seize the vessels on the Danube, 'po; biniy the Bulgarian and Austrian ships taking munitions to Bulgaria, WITHFORO PARTY m M fti 'i.Z k-r'd-n ", rf. .,! I j-,i t i:vb). "SV tan t.l Ml F0RPEMME1 PASPORTB ONLY United Press Service PARIS, Dec. 4.. The report the. Austro-Gerpuas have occupied aionastir is coalrtaM. -To -'TOi& TO :HMvnua,"& that Wmmkmkis&w!?' Seme of the Convicted Hiimliur-Anieilin Coiiiiniijr Official (1) Karl linens, if shlent director; (8) Oeniw Hotter, oOlcer on Koenlg VU. helm: (it) Walter Popplnlinus, NiiH-rlnliiiliiiK engineer. United Press Service Inat or uctunl ultacho of the German NEW YORK, Dec. 4. Federal consulate Is Imminent, according to Judgo llowo today sentenced Dr. Karl reliable Information from federal clr lliienz, head of tho Now York lntcr-Jcle. It Is Intimated that he Is an csts of tho Hamburg-American llnenKcnt of tho dorman embassy at to eighteen months In tho Atlanta fod-, Washington, oral prison. Directors Koetter and It Is known that u warrant, charg Hochmelstor received tho same sen- lug von Ilrlncken with being a con tend., and Joseph Popplnghaus, an-Jsplrator with C. C. Crowley, recently other official, was given a term oi nrrcsieu. vw. " 3GG days. Tho steamship company .tliat orders rrom wosningion oniy are was given n nominal lino of one Waited boforo the warrant Is served. dollar, I iiii. ii rmii uuif, V.C.- Judgo llowo overruled tho motions man consul general nere, nns ueen ..... t L..kMHnnJ 4g ntinanf. halna tha in ant nullln Ihn VOrO CI nilU Brresi W"l'"Vimi-u iu ,.t. Uv.. ...- (ATE I, i t RELATIVES O.VIY IMMED1 WILL ATTEND f'.. "?,0-?v! '' - United Press Service1 WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 4. The White House today announced the Wtlson-Oalt wedding will be sol emnized December 18th. This will occur at the Gait home, and only the bride's mother, brothers and sisters end the president's brothers, sisters nnd daughters and members of his immediate household will attend. The couple will honeymoon in the South or In New Jersey. Owing to congress' session, the tour will be short, nnd the White House winter uncial soascm will be formally opened with a reception January 17th. Professor Michael I. Pupln of Co lumbia has just i announced the dis covery of a receiver for wireless tele phony which Is sensitive only to such waves as the operator desires. It will make, the arts of wireless telephony and telegraphy commercially .practic able over long distances,, and jBgy sound r the doem: of the cable. The professor told of his Invention during his address before the National Acad emy of Sciences.. " United Press Service - ' LONDON, Decs 4,It te oflcially;; ndnltted that , General , Towmsead's forces that aeMeedl toward Bagdad''!. are retiring toward tfcelr'tase at Kut- elamara. , United Press Service f" ' ! ' " 7 . . . . L. I I'AKIB, Dec. 4. Despite rumors. United Press Service COUNTRIBB ' ' t M . t . aiv-s, f?- Font, However. Ban He'U VMt Otnnv zli m Z-.Zj ' Jr I "& t' . - ;; i , j. .NatiesN as an American XIIbHJl,, Many Xewsnaper Men Are Onwate? "S of AsloeaoMle Maker on the CmiM. r ., H "jPSf- . a .Jf1 unwHB rmw 'xraa, TJnconalwned ResMrtBarsTeaW jf: "V - t liaer"; i x?f r" it.L-t.-S. .-...- .. '. ( . aaomauveiy hum mat BO' 'new TORtr TW iTh. nirrsBiafafil A flatlaMsall TasTss.i eaelll --aw.1 . . opolrifed to command the western iT"' "' can7,n, ueP rcn ?& front-at present. - !- .Pce party, sailed ror Europe at : :1 ; (Editor's Note This is the first- this afternoon. Just before alHnc.. intimation of Jeffre's leavlnr therReV. J -Uord Joaaa sunM BartM western front. 'He was recently- ao-ioittii, tr.i.. m i iit. -jj , pointed In supreme-command of the w' .rtM1- b.,. ' . S French treat on th.'Hn-t iu r B,i Marton Rocarap aboard ttoit ,w -V..HVM. aa-v . i - .k fact that censors passed the words "it lB,p' wul1 Brjraa na For M ' C S' present1 U signlicaat,) Ineeaes, . f i- I m (4.1 &7J VI - f l f Seventy-three peace delegates ,ai;4 It l fiftv-four newsnaner sua rnnsBriaai ' N men eomprteed,. jo mure. fifty-four newsnaner M 9- - , .--.-- The Palm building. oa. Mala street tie passenger list. BryaardWnetF w will be vacant awarte. aadr thU'saU. , L ., -- feA 1 r.nrlod the . wltl dt Wdv.I y j. ..K-. .! a ,v: V" J; ,I-J7 -, -r.. . j ,, .Vu,H -tw, (UUV,VW;IB y ' oush renovmiing. and overbauliag, theneutral countries of Earofe. Hew: and op or aapat the let of Jaauryever,rfrd snys he will i Clingeapeei's SlO-lB-ceat.siere, :.amWr1fait aa Ajnerlcaa to HAND lACBRATEB Judgmont against tho defendants. Tho defenso has npioaiou 10 a nign- er court, in uio mcantimu " -fendants ore at lllwrty, each putting up 110,000 ball. grand jury, has been confirmed. la on ItuslncM. J. A. Slover. a Droaresaive Klam ath county farmer, was In today from United Press Sorvce his Poe Valloy ranch, attending to SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 4. Tho business matters. 'arrest of Baron von Brlncken, n nom- Today Is Last of the Beautiful Jewel City I'nlted l'ross Sorvlce WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec, 4. Tho German embassy issued the fol lowing statement teday: "Thcro has been no change In the status of Captain Boy-Ed or Captain Franz von Papen, respectfully naval and military attaches of the German embassy, since before State Secretary Uanslng requested their recall. No change will be made until the Ger man government Is heard from, and we will scarcely hear from Berlin be fore Monday. (United Press Correspondence) BAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 4. Tho ratumu-Pacfllo exposition is closing dy. Thoy call it Auld Lang Byne y. but 'nevertheless It Is u day of rtvelry. Thousands of visitors crowd d through the turnstiles to btd fare- In song and dance to this city of wonder, which In ten months has been visited by nearly 19,000,000 people. Tho exposition books show a net Profit of 11,040,000. Tho national salute of twenty-one una boomed out over the Marina at nrse, again at noon, aud'onca more , tho sun reluctantly disappears 'nrougi, Ul0 ao,den Qate( ,,tB dyng shimmering aoftly upon the Tower of Jewels, Dancing, concerts, sports, music by '"exposition chorus and all sorts of "er run marked the last day's pro J' At noon President 0. C. Moore wed the International tout typify W world, peace, world service and Property Sold. Tho estate of Charity E. Meyer was recently sold at auction under the dl- i.,.IIa. n Arimlnlatratnf. HIinrlAa M. ganlzatlons nnd Institutions baying jMcycri The tlmber land ,tUated in !. in ii,n nxnosltlon. Joined in the ' , .... 0 .., i' " . . , .. ,i, section a, luwuauip 00, ii " wto in mo a wrwiuH -WlUaiaetle Meridian, was sold to the P Devereux, for sentlmont nn nn tho various buildings came .inwn and tho sUto and foreign i.,.ii.iinir closed forever to the thronra. Tonight will bo celebrated the spec- ocular part of tho farewell, illum inated floats and fireworks will turn niht Into day: and shortly before ! midnight tho mirth wWI glvo place to Impressive ceremonies. i-resiueuv Moore will bid goodby to the exposl tlon. From a concealed orchestra In tho dome of tho Tower of Jewels will n thn itrninB of Farewell to Thee; and somewhere In the distance a buglo will sound taps. On tno siroe. midnight the president will touch a button extinguishing all lights, flags will bo furled, a salvp of rockets will mount skyward, and from the throwta of the thousands of visitors upon .the grounds will come the old song, Auld (Continued on Pag I) highest bidder, W. $2,025. Morwr Funeral Today. Tho funeral of tho late L. J. Mor sor, who died of heart trouble sud denly Wednesday night, was held this afternoon at Whltlock's chapel, Rev. Chas. T. Hurd conducting the service, which was attended by many friends of the late hotel man. TEACHERS EXAM HERE NEXT WEEK ItltfULAR TEST FOR APPLICANTS IOR CERTIFICATES WILL UK. (.IX AT HIGH ;CHL4IL HUILDIXH M.XT WEDNESDAY The regular examination for teach' era desiring state certificates will be held here next week, according to County Sschool Superintendent Fred Peterson. The examination will begin Wed nesday morning, and will continue through until Saturday afternoon. The tests will be held at the high school building. BY WHIRLING SAW EMPLOYE OF EWAUNA BOX FAC TORY MEETS WITH ACCIDENT SHORTLY AFTER MILL CLOSES DOWN FOR NOON "Max" With Underwood's Claude A. Maxwell Is the latest ad dition to the sales force or under wood's pharmacy. Home From Expo, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Gowen are back from a trip to the Paaato-Pa- clflo 'exposition. Wht Still ClirJ the Scales; 6oesPwt$1.16 United Press Service CHICAGO, Dec. 4. December wheat touched $1.16 per bushel Just before tho close of the market this afternoon. , IRUW PUB ucifvir Die! MS CsarlZxiLrll'-Wsa? IS'1" - m nan) Soon after the noon whistle bad blown and the machinery shut down, James W. Hilton, an edgerman em ployed at the Ewauna box factory pro ceeded as usual to change the sawa on the edger, when, without signal, Hil ton says, the saws started, slashing a deep gash In the back of his left hand. Dr. Hamilton was Immediately called, and Hilton was taken to the doctor's office on Main street. Careful examination of the cut revealed no signs of an artery or liga ments being severed. Several stitches were taken In the wound to insure proper healing. It will be some time before Hilton will be able to resume his duties, at the factory. located In the, postoxee,MoaV will move its stock tin tlU.navVaiiJirteMi.! at. wtirMif;;;'' &zz?r. -, i"Stm -rfKri SeBsVraet. Robert Allen has sold his property lying north of the Upper Lake, com prising 160 acres, to R. B. Vialag'and J. K. Ballard, for a consideration amounting to $1,000. 'My'lnword toAmeriea.tlJa 'Bveryosertrx-lor Baaea;townwftn La MMtawreat , nations. trtmt t'l, HI m fc'iAj! as'- ta il fe AK tV,Jf-f X fore the Oscar east off treat tWnler? Jr -j.- .-. . w una .(U " S death t- '! .'rrhere is a macninery peaaiers wno wouia nne w -4 see this thing go to smash, but I aonl- think it will." Ford stated that his party woald tour all the belligerent countries,. ' 'and work hard to bring about lasting ? Tonblna hk an nln. " P""0'' W , MV MV. 1 1 New Minister. KlrtAr J. W. Uter of the local Christian church.' """ r' D"w"' "71"""; nrrlved on last night's train, and wiiljager ot the PacIflc CoMt ,!rl '. preach at the Christian church to-,the UnU!2 "' U HWM of - , j , -,.! peace party. v . 5 IIIUIRJH lUUlUlUSi UUI VTVUIUS). iUDf j. 1 church choir will be under the dlrec-1 . .- tlon of Professor Taylor. - i : ! United Praea Bervtee !&' f -i REIDY CASE IS OUT OF COURT NON-SUIT GRANTED AT REQUEST OF MRS. EELES' ATTORNEY. NEAV TRIAL SOON IN LOB AN- OELES COURT i A voluntary non-suit was entered In the action ot Mary Eeles agalast P. M. Reldy late yesterday afternoon m the circuit court. The entrr was. made at the request ot the plaintiff's attorneys, Stone ft Gale. The action was one attaching' til the real estate owned here by RJa. It was In connection with aa$tker case in Los Angeies, wnerein newy, with others, was tried before tnafe eral district court on charga'ofVat;-," tempting to defraud Mrs, Keles. T case's trial resulted In a huagjitf. and the ease Is to be tried sooni HV. Oale of the Los Antes broach X 4pts e Oale, vis handling the case at:tM Receives Patent. '- United States patent covering 169' acres situated in section 30, tewa- ship 36 south of range 8 easMHrjtist been issued to Robert AHeB. ., , -l s . fcis ROMS. Dec. 4:-i-It is reported that ' nenaaay Is ready to make Informal ". suggestions looking.., toward peace " through the medium of the consistory (Continued on Page 4) s i CSr-l .. I m $ ' ??i yfi 'si "Sf.l ; ! ! 1 r -. t All in Readiness for December tat Session . . . . ' ? ? "X J'-tolJ w-tJf.3fl 'i n JXl i C3 With a number of cittsenship appll-jtorneys, C, C. Brower, W. H. A. ., .. .j.ij..j .- t. .!ner. ".-v.. '' Mm.. .. r... rHmi.i . t fori Tuesda-Moore vs. Hasen; 'aWarr. t ... . -. ,- - -... HBlr. Mprrvman W: fl. Wllar. U , ."M trial, the lurora all subDoenaed; and' n,...j. i i .iir:;'s -.$) , v .- - ... WHUJlMKUKTUrTHai TB. UUYa.Tfli-. . - .-. ---,.,,. H. Renper, Ruteak- ft i 1- other details .attended to, all la injtorneys. readiness for the opening ot the De- Kent wr' f -" '1 ,W! m- fS cember term ot the circuit court Mon' day morning, over which Circuit Judge D. V. Kuykendall will preside. Miss Louise Sargent, the court re? porter, baa all her pencils sharpened; and Court Clerk Chastaln haa his work all in readiness for the' o& caslon. Following are the Jurors drawn and summened: C, M. Ramaby, Arthur Hllllard, Frank Stewart, Nate Otter beta, John Shepherd, Allen Staasble, H. M. Ackley, Dan Colwell. AVchle Henllne, J. H. Barnes; J, W.'J 8lej mens, c. k. uranQeaourg,v. u. nmiu Don J, Zumwalt, Fred D, Houston, Fmnk L. Vaaalce M. Motsiheni backer, C. A. Haydea. Silas Oben- chain, Klamath Falls; B..R. Card? wall, L. Slsemore, Fort Klasfath; Wi W. 8ttk, Bly; R. O. Anderson, daaa. A. Bunting. Merrill; Fraat Gourtade, Odeasa;: Jean B. Horn. Bo P. W. Snyder, Swt , Tipton, Oleae; J. H. Short. Crystal; J.W, Jery. Midland; Carl Deal, LoreUe, "3 "- 1 , . The llk)weWi'esMa,waire if-ai Thursday Obeachaln vs. GeeHar;' SSI 'Ml $mi attorneys, R. ft Kent: C. Groesbek, Rutenlc 4, !: (xlf,7 LilTiH .J.fc.'Bv4iiSTJi?l "' jrs:w? Bajlair Taaj.v TlaaaBjlaaBaaal eHWeaaaV-i 1-"' x rilUHJ WVU . MitVHwvgaaasBgsjissnn- Vli.l H . nTeJnawjM-:i,-t S .:i I vw v i;' . . a Afctl. TSVittl jjl"- .--vvi ,JVfl 5" : ttx m torneys.-E. L. Elliott, C John, Irwin. Saturday De Hay vs, Kiamath' Falls; attorneys, Renner, R. C. Groesbeek. vs. .?;fck.ji WJmfm-Ki .December 18-8Ute. vs. Oaakgsj,viSa a nteeatnsT 'ot an) eaararwwvaBNsn w taa harasjs4nl " . - .. V''. ,.;.. -i-- 'L-i- .' v. . . Wi : a- attorneys, John Irwin, r. wmM: I 1Bll- a nk.KMaMiiaWMMaAttBtaV .Tf ;flL?rt. . tiTiUHn . uiwuawiui amj ge. . wej jsbu,, r ;, rtz v. ." ' . .' "1 " VT ."''f.-.T'Tf ail-f .1 AReaner. F. H. U&mmm M j& Renneri-Bradley 'HsjrnjsBiJaJfc!m; poakj, attorneys,, R. 0 &&&$ rT '... U J , 'RSiii4i. -'& ti.nn uanemasnnm r -,jm,v.KWr, ',' . tj. I At.yeeteraay's ,meUa:tBe Jipnt -y rer JMjtq the Ins Wamt WtJeJaai 1 Hill was overruled. .. A sMsfan t ejagt, ' r. - . -?----.-' - - . ".,. .-T-' : wAaUeanwde kyvHWg:naelgr t tnis win ne arguea tnia tm., indictment .agatnat Law,9ea)ae waa . asaa; ' iMMHjreaa Qg 9KM ay. Jnaaannm was '''arsWedVyestewinr ii. i;.,i- (it , i'. t IwlU be made today. M.- ?it mialftaeaet;of.'' Kueaae.ikavi4slntlsrs; .-aai'tae BSE 'lb, -"wBp, ah 'nations, r