'.'K l-"K.r mf "& si; 8 K zin?r! M..3S5S !X.v-rtT Kr3 KV m :Fa.i- j i! ;4W? r.77i71V HSSK X& aaanaai 4 fei. .If.- aw SjAfST ?M if, fi1 i .UT -If" 4' a; im5 j MW li'.'l ;A i:M Si m 1 ;&!?? .'--i.: Mii itlvN SS! Sa tV-ifl &w. thl '&u P:vWiiteAt'iorWAHTED BsbYSl.?? . dasmi J R? UmHWHl TyWrtut,4tm- methlae..., AUnm .L'Si. !t' m & c v 4 a rr rzr 7- mMMSffi&gjlfm&L eaVfara tot aa ;.MiW:k'em k'flly to live: mmmjn, w l&iHEtPjWANTED .-- j. b. BfeMllWII W;' Waltlu aklll -Vi3-iiyf ?"J . npwii .. Ifs;yvaa:a4. jJiaftttlif VlWfcUa'sniif .caa;K per month, room Phone Mrs. W. 0. Hoaon S-tt SnS$Lttii iTrrmmV I ! . ELt FOR SALE r:' i.ii--.. , .- . vt v. J-,-, h)!'llWK aauw-f W COBI WW .UriTISB aad saddle horse, weight 1160. En. StfiK?5 ejnlre' Keller'a cafe. 31-tf 4'WUlli-B ITWIHWBCHBBr nam .AA' mA V ttU ....-....-. Ul.l.il '-.g-aaw; arat ciase conoitran, fa to. .Baeire Herald office. I-3t son . J7 fi?A FOR RENT lYfuraJshed apartments at the S.'?Orate Hoaee, Klaaiath. aear Sixth V;.iA RENT For the summer, 6- -HP"3r.T rT, x,! ?.', mddern house; furnished iStSESW 1- Mt MISELXANEOUS sCn!,MONYTO LOAN B. F. Shepherd SC i3 K, J"i?ij ' v - Tawraaawa la Tfca Herald. .PROFESSIONAL CARDS VCITy ;AND COUNTY Abstract company Aaarnucrs nnuBANOK Maaihers Orac ea Aasoetattoa .t jy. '.i :e l;iwvU , . &. aaugig rMaai Tavaaasaraaaaai v S bbbsssbbbIK aaaaj aBasTHsHHaaaB ;i -Wa-JDa tha Work Jaat Rtckt -w'i'iTaak work 'of aU'kiada 3AMe.' PINfla ' LOHKNS oar'ajah Klaaaath, PheaMtk Co. ; tltkUkl --Wahavaaaekaat ifjaamfai , Utra, .aaWI wfil ae to aay hotel, aBaaaaaWiaBaV laaaaaaBaA iaHaai FaaBsVlaaaBJtdi las Ttow forpssstaairs for the IS .'dock taraia. f '' 'We arealao ageata for ttw oaly "aasaeiger boats oa the Upper Lake. Baaaaaa.haadled froas the 'depot wothoat aay extra cbarge. PHONB aaatfCSl.TtlMS H'Wii :JHOOLKAN BLOCKS ,..,,. m!JL"",3:i (Oyer US ca. ft.) ?.ri .SS.75 - (Orar 900 ca. ft.) Oteea SUb, per cord faXSO Dry SUb, per cord aaja WttCVkeryFieia. W., PBoaeSSW Oaace witk KiaauiUi Traaafer Co. &Matt jr, 'Va ' WH. HCT CLOTHINa rAHD We eaa.usa yAKYTHINO! Sk. We aa)l or trade ANYTHIN0-. ' " " From a. Needle to an Anchor. Oar store, is oa Klaaiath Aye. -i tf U Sixth street :Sw ',.. ' V "tax"" X!' 0. K. Livery and Sfablec -irt.1 'viJr !-'. "a ' d , tTgol fl aarj.aKfiiiTaxa, rrODS. .MaW.'Oor;liadOak ' r aerrlea, Good class rlfs psiis iv ) W"FTWalpaBwW .MaMaHaMlMMMjB r ,. w ,. - aaaB?"4''t:j' "' 'aaaV..'- A' 'aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal M aBBBaBaalCM The Erening Herald W.O. SMITH Editor Pabllshsd dally except Sunday by The Herald Publieklag Company or Klamath Falls, at-US Fourth Street. Entered at the postoce at Klem- atk rail. Oregon, tor traaamlaatoa through the malls aa second-class attar. Subscription terms ky stall to amy address Id tha Uatted States: One yaar 16.00 baa moatb SO KLAMATH FAILS, OMMON TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1MB AND STOP AT KLAMATH FALLS KLAMATH'S RAILWAY SITUATION THE people of Klaaiath Falls and vicinity should be pleased to note the work that la betag doae for this ead of the state in the fosterlng of railroad Interest la this aeetlon. Good support and considerable In terest; is. being taken by. the Portland papers. Chamber of Commerce and business men ot the metropolis who hare Tlalted this section, and It all means that wlta. the work eoattaaed along this Uae that we will get what we want sooner than we would other- wise. A lengthy article appeared In the kerning Oregonlan Saturday ot last week, which told ot a communication which was sent to James J. Hill at St Paul. Copies ot the letter were also sent to President Oilman of the North Bank and Oregon Trunk roads and to officials of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific. The purpose ot the article Is good. and the general sense ot It bnt the way in which the Oregonlan states that the Chamber of Commerce in Portland Is handling the proposition is not good, nor the spirit ot It, good. It says that while the Chamber does not propose to press on Mr. HOI and the others the Importance ot giYlng Klamath railroad, they hope that they can see their way clear to extend, their tracks .to vi"H. Why la the Portland Chamber not pressing upon Mr. Hill the import ance of. this road? Why does the Portland Chamber recite the recent economic, depression? Why did the letter sent by the Portland Chamber make It plain that they did not want to urge the building of the road in face of financial IossT And then turn around and aay that the rerenue doubtless would be obtained that would warrant the investment and probably also reduce the losses on the. property as at present operated? It looks as it Portland would like to, see. the road put here through mere accommodation and to please us, but they do not want to be blamed for It Why do they not go after this proposition? If It is worth touching at, all it Is worth going' af ter pulling every string possible, in stead, of luke warmly suggesting that perhaps if Mr. HU1 could see his way clear to -make money all the war through on the proposition from the Jump,, it might be a good scheme. providing he did not have anything ewe. to ao wr, the next six months. Portland ought, to realise that this road means as much to Portland as it does to us, almost. They are now noiamg nuge "Buyers' Week" can. palgns, sending out advance litera ture and other advertising, attempt ing to drew the retail dealers of the siaie to Portland to buy. The retail. ers are onljr too glad, will and do buy where they can buy cheapest. Bnt wusi are tne merchants of this south ern part, of the state going to bay In rorwana ror, when they canaet f. ford, to ship the staff here afterward? It Is not consistent work oa their pan. Tne power lies in Portland in put mat road, through. If they will take it up. We know that ami M they, and It Is time tky were doing lUUIgB. This article states that tha Hnn, era Pacific says It doea not need the road. Of course notnot aay farther than they have It. Most concerns would not, If they had the n..t nu traft that the Southern Padlle has in this locality, it In ur. ... .. this road has netted what wonld be a uw nine rortune far , -. since It was finished here. And what la'mere,' Jt has kept a lot of as from making neat little fortunes that hare keen, earned over and erar: Whs some of oar cltisens once leave here for other sections, coma-back ad compare prises ja gasoline, foodstuffs nd other products, they im wi. their money u rote, and ! t.. Southar p tf BQt detlrHI iaishta the read. Aa aoeesimoeatiea 1a the right word lOrMlfaiB, tt, read.. far aa they did. Aa awful tajeeUes was dona this eouatry whea the rail, road company treated It and Its peo ple as they did. It will not recover from the effects ot the boom that it had while the road waa hale baUt and from tke atatemeata given eat by the. road oatdala aad general pros pects for many years. If there ever waa a country that had the protpeota of becoming pros perous, and had a diversity of solid Interests behind It, It ia thia country. No company would lose money la the long run on a railroad In here. There is absolutely too much here that ta going to need a railroad for it to lose money. There Is good enough timber around Upper Klamath Lake to war rant the building ot the road. Per haps the market Is not good at pres ent, but It will be. This country haa a number of attractions that are not equalled nor compared with any oth er place in the world. Its farming possibilities are such that It la bound to make good. Why, thea. cannot that railroad be pushed through hero without delay? There ia Just one reasen: That those who'ahould and have the power are not doing their duty, for that is what it Is. IMPROVES CITIZENSHIP i uk effective community organ- l lsatloa, such aa the new Com merclai Club is to be under the re organisation plans, haa ao polities. Is not governed by prejudice, aad serves no single Individual, Interest or group; but Is democratic, aad places the Interests of the community above the Interests of individuate. It seeks to concentrate and consol idate the enthusiaanu aad -opinions ot the whole community, and to di rect them where they will give the Shield yourself against im pure ice. It doesn't cost any more to get the BEST and PUREST. Your ICE should be as PURE as the water and milk you drink as pure as the food you eat INSIST on be ing served with homing but the PUREST of ICE. Our Ice will stand the high est test We guarantee to give you Pure, Clean, Full Weight Ice. together with prompt de livery at the same price you are now paying. Let us prove it. Independent Ice Co. Phone 72 A Hard Not to Crack of keeping down price's while keeping up qual ities. The temp tation to ski: values is always strong. But to yield means cer tain dissatisfac tion with the firm selling WOOD AND MAY We- aeaslder your good will much more valu able thea the profit to be made oa any oae sale. That's why qual ities are never aklmped hare, ao matter what ws do with prises. B7atr!aflBaBBBssBmmmflaVl Seekers MI? Wood THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON beat remitted be ot the greatest service to the people. it does not let commercialism over shadow the Importance ot wolrare activities, aor civic Interests to dom inate bualaeas to Ita detriment: for It realises that the auccess ot one Is depeadeat apea tha auccess ot both. It ever strives to nwakaa tn tho citlsen a aeasa ot responsibility and to set. high standards. In a word, It Is a strong tores for tho Improvement of cUlseaamfta, I I F ONE would see a field ot Eastern corn flouriahlnk In Oregon he may do so by going to tho itarria place, about seven miles out, on tho Olene road. There ia a field ot ten acres ot corn "la tassel and silk," as the farmers back Bast call it, which Is fine to look npoa. PUBLIC moiey spent for music In the parka ia well spent It is a species of paternalism that should be encouraged. A community can not better help Itself than by helping Ita members to enjoy the wholesome ef fect ot music, thus contributing to a longer and happier life. ' OME very targe heads ot oats M have keen-, added to the Com mercial Club display from the ranch of F. M. Priest ; .'. Scattered Shots e e DO IT FOR Klamath Falls, the Commercial Club today. Join IF YOU LOVE your city, give It some service. The best way Is to Join the Commercial Club, where your work will count for tho good ot the whole city aad county. IN UNITY THERE Is strength a united city is a strong city. Catch the significance in connection with the Commercial Club? IT'S A SAFE bet that Chief of Po lice Baldwin allows no more speed demons to escape his clutches. WELL, THE new mayor done gone and did it Seems sort ot natural. FOR SALE One city Jail, have same for hauling away. can IF A MAN stands up for himself he cannot be sat 'upon. KEEP YOUR temper; nobody else wants It IT DOES YOU no good to take a lofty aim if your gun is not loaded. So let'a load for the future. Throw in all the scrap Iron, naua and horse shoes available, and let'a start a little war of our own in Klamath. To Leave oa Visit Albert Cheyenne expects to leave soon for an extended visit in the northern part of the state and south ern Washington with friends and relatives. He expects to be gone two months and win visit his daughter at North Yakima. Children can't eat too much ICE CREAM their craving for it is perfectly natural it's nature's own food. It's a tissue; builder. Its food qualities build more , strength than most of the food we now eat Thafs just why you should give plenty of it to tho "kkkkW--they need itiVs the best thing for them. What's good for the children is good for the "grown-ups" as weU. Why not haye it every night as a dessert? Order it today and. every day for the chilajrtn. See that it cohms from us. Ours is a Tissue Building, Pure Food Ice Craam.; KLAMAT1 FAliS Phots74 srsslssmmmmmmmmmmmmmssassr mBHB SaiBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKaVV BawvTmmmmn9Ml!Bss 5m DONATIONS MADE TO vKin HttmvH TKNDKXOV TO IlKCOHM.K THK INSTITUTION WITH PKK8KNTS OK PRACTIC AL ANtt 8KSTIMKXTAL NATUBK (Special to The Herald) KUGKNK. Aug. J Tho University library has received as n gift from Mrs. Clara B. Colby of Washington, D. C, a shipment ot nlncty-flvo books and u numbor of pamphlota. Tho gift Includes publications ot the wo man movement, temperance and oth er reform movements, biography, history, travel, poetry and miscella neous literature. One Item of spe cial ImDortanre Is sixteen volumes of the "Woman's Tribune." publish ed In Washington. D. C. Another donation to tho university has been received by the Department ot Journalism from Mrs. T. W. Dav enport, mother ot Homer Davenport, who waa an Oregon boy, brought up at Sllverton. Mrs. Davenport desired to have preserved In tha rooms of the Department one of the fow ro malning orlgnals she had of Homer's cartoons, and she selected his "World Wide Struggle for Money." She had this framed and sent It to the depart ment by express from her present homo In Los Angeles. The Department ot Journalism Is also In receipt of several small do nations of printing material In addi tion to the complete old-faahloned newspaper plant entrusted to tho de partment by Hon. H. R. Klncald, for nearly forty years editor of the Ore gon State Journal; In the last year small gifts of vari ous kinds havo been made to the Uni versity In considerable numbers. What the War Moves. Mean BY J. W. T. MASON (United Press Staff Correspondent.) NEW YORK, Aug. 3. The cap ture of Lublin Is too lato to give Field Marshal von Msckensen any great strategic advantage. The main Russian field force has already re tired to a new front. If Lublin had been taken before their retirement von Mackensen might have cut off their retreat. Tho Russians evacuated Lublin In their general plan of retreat. They are retiring upon the Breet Llsovak railway, and are In a position to con tinue stubborn rear guard action. It Is Improbable that von Mackensen will envelop them. By crossing the railway at Lublin, however, von Mackensen completed the beginning of the final stage of the evacuation ot Warsaw and all the Vistula line. It waa also necessary to abandon Ivangorod, or Its garrison would have been entirely surrounded. The envelopment of Ivangorod gavo the Austro-Germans possession of the railway which palaltels the Vistula to Warsaw, and cuts oft War saw from Beet Lltovsk. Qrand Duko Nicholas has become so experienced In making retreats that Russian strategy Is defensive rather than offensive, and tho rear guard will probably succeed In escaping before tho way la barred. Tbe Russians are evacuating 26, 000 square miles of territory. This Is double the enemy's previous Rus sian holdings. Double bill of features, Star to- night. miiiiiii ,..,.. i.n. .,,. .n..,. NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLDOR CATARRH Opea Up Air Passages. ' II.... Ah I What relief I Your clogged j nostrils open right up, tbe air pass UNIVERSITY ages oi your bead are clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, mucous discharge, bead ache, dryness no struggling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh Is gone. Don't stay stuffed upt Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream. Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic , cream In your nostrils, 1st It penetrate through ev ery air passage of the head; soothe snd heal the swollen, Inflamed mu cous membrane, giving you Instant roller. Ely' Cream Balm Is Just what every cold and catarrh sufferer bai been seeking. It's Just splendid. (Paid Advertisement) Herald, wast ad get rMulti. Hoiston's Mrttfittu rtaseautts HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DARK STAR THEATER Klaw . Hrlanirer present MAN'S KNKMY A Driuiin In Three Turin Lat Kpltotle of THE MILLION DOLLAR MYSTKHY In Two Parts "The HnMrtln of Helen" I 10 and aoo Milliners Ktery Saturday and Miiaday at I TEMPLE THEATER "Valw Juntlw," Kssiinny Twit Heel Drama "KlKttHlIK HICMMl," llloKrnph Drnma "IIUble'N Dilemma," Vltngraph Comedy Atlmlseloa Always lee, MATINKK DAILY AT Si SO ALL LICENSED PICTURES MERRILL OPERA HOUSE Merrill, Ore MOTION I'HTtUIKH THKNIMVa . NATCIUMYM EFFECTIVE AUGUST 8 AotoSterkweei Ashland ajwJIOajutli Falls THREE TIMES PER WEEK lrave Klamath FaMa Tweeilay, Thursday ami Hattmlay Klamath Falls headquarter FORD AUTO AGENCY TAKE CARE OF Wm. C. Hurn -4sie; This nnnnunct'vmnt carries the mrasage lo you that Western Transfer Co. In Hauling I'anN-ngi-m, Baggage sail Freight o Mall Heats for Calkins & Hamilton I'liimo IM7, or leave orders atOUft Mala street. IT'S A WISE WOMAN FIRST STATE and rw,AmttlH KALLS. OREGON ITOiLE T REQUISITES DUD ' v KLATHTALLflC CSSHHD WMt ll it- rnspR- ramrfcsi 1 au at -", .n TUMSaUY, AUODST ., ltl ",-)J tasarnswa, that aaya, You MeMl llml hh, r pone the weariaa of sin.. t cause ft SienadlcM prejadka w to take risks with your eyas, You raaaet be too rarerui w iweaervlas the quality i,f roar vis lea, Let as Rife rnu accurate knowledge of the inmllilon your ef ea. H. J. Winters Gradaate Optician LAUNCHES For Rent Willi or wlttteat drivers, for tries on either tower ur Upper Lake, Telford & Son Corner Conger aad Mala BLOCK WOOD Will never be cheaper titaa new. You kliouM profit by the low price. Single load $2.50 Double load $3.75 to stork ap for Ike wlatrr KLAMATH FUEL CO. O. PEYTON, Maaager 55 Main Street YOUR GARDEN If you don't want tho neighbors to say "1 told you so." Eaay enough to do, too, if you have proper tool and Implements. Come here for them. We have everything for the garden and sell them at prices which cannot bo duplicated. Hardware Co. Who lays asldo a little money reg , ularly In this savings bank, and thus provides against the "rnlny iliiy" that almost lararlsbly comes to all. In times of adversity you will find an account at this bank your best friend., .Commence Hav ing today, SAVINGS BANK Odor-o-No Prevents psrspltasiea aadcr Arms, oa )iaadsraadl fast. Try " Keep sweet aa4 eaasfortaMe. eisflmjawrts(tt.s, per bottle. M i . "i i snvyamw . SaaatsasmYJ GaaWr 5J IF YOU REQuTReI; Glasses- : '. m 'tKI hm 1 ffl ,im ?? 'tJ JH Ki &s&&rea. Y (,&$'$". r. c . i St' . .