Uliumu ;',!;J-'i ovnwsi, AI'Kll4 M. ta " V THK EVKN1NG HBJfALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON w & s 'Si , r .V- , ',t,f.X,..rvt. a i-ji f 11 HI I II I ' ?. ? 51 SI , . -v-sOT .? BjSSSJSBm ,- ;emmmmmmmmmmmmmmH mmmmmmmmmmmmmH SmmmmmmmmmmmmKsBmi ; smmmmmmmmmmrsmTrismm ''WsmmwvmmmmmmmmmmmBm smmrnVsmnrssPsmmw 0Hk ammmmmnfsmmn&lmassmK? ' -- - HBmm Zf mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml V' $ . V .BnSJmSEEEZBmmsmaESa- i. v swiyLBBYsmmmmB , . . W f5rtS. ... VOU would be surprised to know what $16, $18, $20 and $25 wdl do m getting you a I finely tailored, perfect fitting Royal Tailored Summer Suit made to 9vaMt individual requirements. Hundred of fine woolen pattern. o .elect from. .A5f'u!" and satisfaction guaranteed. Ask the men who are wearing Royal Tailored uotnes there are a lot of them in Klamath Falls. We invite your inspection of our Panama and Straw Hats some new clever creations for the hot days. Knox Straws are "Dandies. Leading dothier. K.K.K. STORE Le Clothier. Snmmtl VSSr ' sV kT smma smmmmmMll. "MffOMil? .1 . t BHHHBsMyivfnaM 5:7"'w1lyCS A i-1 sa "UWAbe Famous Civil ;,sfrf?jfi renT v.v' SS3SaS. splHw 'a.'fefS?fl iii.V?5. 4-l.f.. 1a!:'a.,s& w' -' " SVnltedjPress 8ervlce lC ' .MTJUWAUKBE. WU., ;."01d-Ah. v- . a -T . Wn. EoL in QonJol ft at Ltart ui Litiaiiuai t " '. -V . i. -3 April 22. ' tb famous eagle who Ties ;vWJia uncie earn ana juisa woiumoia as ; frvVi ii '-..- v!: i- a.:yfcorof our nation, la involTed jl it Beaadal:The orst of it is, there ,iwl't6 be sosae basis for It ;Mld?Abeyrwenttd war with the A"EIhtb. :'Wisconsln infantry. The ;l'iuii'Be'wM "eTldently fond of the SKIghthi for 'some tlmea.he would ab SmfthlmseU. for twoT "or three days, tlbut never tailed te: turn up when the aeKMWtt waa-oraerea 10 move, un If?" r" WTTlooe8ionJB" in battle he soared aboH :th. two's line. ' Bcreaaalng his deluee to;thConfederates, and his 5aMiraceaintvto thevElghth. - For yyeawtaJterttae 'war hl attendance! ;it ioiiUsrs reunions' was demanded, 'f not wilyjln Wisconsin, but aa far east -iiM-MnrTorlE. ,, ?-:? A fawdara axo a taxidermist sre- with birds, when told that his gift was not as big as "Old Abe," said: "I know that You should' remember that the male bird is never so large aa .the female." The taxidermist's remark may ex plain, some incidents which mystified members of the Eighth Wisconsin infantry Officers of the regiment, as well as other members 'who felt free to call at the colonel's tent during mess' hour, frequently spoke of the aonormai sue or ue eggs on ue colonel's table. One day ".Old Abe" saw a' soldier carrying one of the big eggs to the colonel's tent The eagle flew at him and .would .have driven him from the' camp if others had not come to his rescue. It is now common talk that if proper treatment had been accorded' "Old Abe" during those four years, "he" would have populated the south with Wisconsin bald eagles. .,V,fcrT Tm.i. " - t--- - ' (sete:tae state .with a bald eagle of laaujy inai uia-a.De, nauea '" " - Tkav It m S1A JhdK1I ffl i,ir.nuw' vvuiib, iav voaum, ua mVaMmmMho U. perfectly famlllari 1vlmmmmmm I Town Topics In From Ken. B. E. Kerns of the Kens ElecUle company of Keao is la the county seat oa a business trip.. Leave for Bead. J. U Beckley, Loy Hllyard and 8. E. ranter left this morning In the former's auto for Band. They will return about Friday. Lou of Indians Plowing. Indian Agent Was. B. Freer is down from the. Klamath Agency, attending to business matters. He states that more ground is to be planted to grain by the' Indians this year than ever before, and that 'there are two steam plows at work turning the soil be sides the smaller plows that are used. a former Hlldebrand merchant, and James J. Wight was named adminis trator when the estate was filed for probate yesterday. Tho estate Is val ued at 13.000. Rollo 0. Qroesbeck is attorney tor the guardian and ad-Btfaistrator. Men's fine Sox, two pair for SBc, at K. K. K. Store. ' 19 : Today's news ta The Herald, Elks Initiate Tonight. Four new members are to be ini tiated into, the order by Klamath Falls Lodge 1147, B. P. O. Elks to night It ' understood that a com mittee has been prepariag some spe cial work for the candidates. Two of the number are. from the country one from Lost 'River and the other from Langell Valley. Fool Estate la Probate. Mrs. Martha Cowley was yesterday appointed guardian of the two minor children of the late Emanuel J. Peel, i.fi '.:, t l.j I I I Is. 3. I ,'V.l IW r.. i-l m ti K'i rt'.l lc $ ' ;s f, 1 w JuT 1&4 a (. s V' M Pm sS, ' fib .' & 12 Its I .i! i it, Store News from J. F. Maguire Co. FOR WOMEN y .fa vis -i -;W icswsr M$m A '' Haaaa Is Improving. George Hanni, who severely burned his hand and wrist whllo engaged In machinery installation at the Pelican Bay Lumber company's sawmill Tues day afternoon, Is getting along nicely, according to Dr. Hunt. The injured man is at tho Blackburn hospital, and there is no danger of losing the uso of his hand as a result of the accident. More Men for the Band. Harry Borel, formerly leader of tho Star theater orchestra, and a well known local musician, came In last night from the South, to be here to play in the Klamath Falls band. Les lie 8mltb, a trombone soloist, who re cently was with the Barnum & Bailey circus band, accompanied Borol, and will also be In the local musical or ganisation. GulW Meeting. Grace Episcopal Qalld will meet to morrow afternoon at the home or, GOING GOOD Several of those renting pianos which we are closing out at bargain prices hare been sold In the last few days. Call early and see them. Rent ing terms. Shepherd Piano Depot, next door to postorace. s?1f? 4ftitfv fuffii J.i4(- Ai S..'!lvfi r K Staple and Fancy Wash Goods Now on Display WE ABE SHOWING A BEAUTIFUL ONE OF DREJS GIXGHAMS, PERCALES, VOELme, 'ROMPER CLOTH, GALATEA8; CREPES AND FIGURED BATISTE YOU.WILL FIND THE PRICES REASONABLE AND QUALITY THE BEST. WE ARE SHOWING A SPECIAL LINE OF GINGHAMS TOR i& '' M 9cydi i '.' v' " rf WW &f sSdJi sS- li-u? t: WY -7- &to. r M' ri?. ;. House 'Dresses and Bungalow Aprons COME IN LIGGT AND DARK COLORS, MADE OF GINGHAM AND PERCALE, SOME ARE PLAIN AND OTHERS ARE VERY NEATLY TRIMMED. SIZES RUN FROM SS rTO.BS''. . ' v., - " " " I? V Prices, $1 to $1.65 Mother A Shubert feature In four parts. The Wrong Flat Comedy ADMISSION 10 and 20c Tomorrow and Saturday THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE'S BELGIAN WAR PICTURES 4,000 FEET One Comedy. ADMISSION 15 aad S6c Bungalow Aprons IN LIGHT AND DARK COLORS CUT FULL IN THE NEWEST STYLE AND SIZE V. 50c and 75c Women's Riding Skirts ALITY OF KHAKI CLOIH, CUT 1 3ES $2.50 and $3.75 MADE OF STANDARD QUALITY OF KHAKI CLOIH, CUT FULL AND WELL TAILOR rEB. COME IN TWO PRICES Women's New Tailored Skirts wi it JC- -yj -r V. ,- v V erseaap msr a -w- wv sat ww marmsm gamisjaimsi masmv . A;LARGE VARIETY TO SELECT FROMIN SERGES, PANAMAS, GAaUHMNBS, POf. LWS'AND FANCY WEAVE ALL THE VERYLATEST STYLES. PRKWS Rj fjiom -v , ; . ; " '. - , W' mr" ksa-.r?' : wmm' $2.50 to $8.50 MT" ) You Receive Better Values Here N ;it ''fr;pimmA no louit-from b4VccsHiots. W ssU fot 'cash mlf vm&?mi& THE BEST SPRING TONIC Taken with every meal, is some of our nice,, fresh Rhubarb, As paragus, Lettuce, Radishes or Onions, Strawberries . Coming evtry day. Phone yoar Orders. vf. a,i THE SUNSET . Phone 20b iKIMH AT 10TH AND MAIN Mrs. Frank Ward, Pine and Third streots. At this meeting business of the utmost Importance will bo at tended to, and all Episcopal women are urged to attend. Hack to the Island. E. E. Dolr left this morning for the granite quarry on Bar Island, after a short visit In Klamath Falls. Going to Portland, Walter Webber, who has been em ployed as a milker at the Clendrnalng dairy at Shlpplunton, has sold his household effects, etc., to Harrison A Matt, and with his family loaves Sat urday for Portland, to reside. Over From Mcdfoitl. Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt. who plays an Important part In the production of the Andrews Opera company. Is here from Med ford for a short visit. Home wonderful new suits for, boys nt K. K. K. Store. Moving Pictures PENDANTS Dearest Public Just returned; been away having my health fixed. Be aura and see my window, as I have' some swell jiew pendants, both In allvor and gold, at prices that will make your pocketbook laff. Ob, you graduating kid, I have something for you, so be sura and tell pa and ma, and then come down and pick it out. Oh, you June bride, there Is some thing here for you, too; If Harold hasn't got that diamond yet, have him come down here and see me at once, as I have a bunch of good ones. Do It now, for after you aro married It's everlastingly too late. Age la a state of mind, but It looks like aw, you know, sometimes. Our slogan You can't better tho best. No trouble to show the goods, so hurry up to my aid, as I am starv ing, McHattan. 10c a button', 81 a rip, Dutchess Trousers. K. K. K. Store. You won't be urged to buy, but we do urge you to look at our lino of scrims aad window draperies. If you were thinking of anything in that line it will pay you to see Willis V John stone Co. Tho Star theater announces an ex traordinary attraction for today and tomorrow, when Jack London's famous story, "llurulng Dnyllght," will bo presented. TIiIm Ik consid ered tbo best of tho London series that has been Aimed up to date. The story Is of the early days In tho Klon dike, and portrays the life of a char actor known as "Burning Daylight" llta many adventures, nnd bis fast mode of living, after fortune, has favored him, am a few of the events In tho plcturo that constitute a most Interesting offering. Hobart Bos worth Is seen In the title role, sad Is ably assisted by a large and notable cast. The productloa Is In eight parts. Owing to tho length of the production the first show will commence prompt ly at 7:30. Two shows will bo given each ulglit, the second commencing at 9:15. "Mother," tho hesdllner at the Or pheus tonight, Is unquestionably oat of the finest pictures shown 'at this bouse. This offering, rich la settings. (This offering Is rich In settings, sad depicts an old, old story of "Moth er's" sacrifice and love. While the plcturo Is of tho deep, .thought com pelling type, n strain of comedy is furnished throughout by the twins. "The Wrong Flat," a rich, whole some comody, completes the bill, which will bo shown for the last time tonlg'ht. Tomorrow and Saturday the fam ous Chicago Tribune's War Pictures will be shown at "Klamath's Klassy, Show llouvo. These pictures were taken by tho staff photographer of tho Tribune, and ore guaranteed, to bo authentic in every detail. The Belgian government aided la the making of this production, aad under the contract with the Chicago aaws' paper, the Belgian relief fuad re delves hslf of the proceeds. Actual fighting Is shown and conditions are portrayed as they ere. This offering is 4,600 feet In length, aad Is un questionably the greatest picture of the kind ever tsken. You won't uccd a refrigerator Bt winter, but you do need one now. ut us show you our Hue of rtfri.,.' iDo It now.--Vlllls JoIiuMomCo. Hoys Kalis, with two lr of ssau some Mm styh-s, at K. K, K, Start. ' Mlrawa aad Pannmm, ome met 'ana. K. K. K. Store. Houston's Netrttslitaii AmaseMtt itinrt'rntvnrnrrnrvwiAJ HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE Have you aeea those classy Straws anil Panama Rata at K. K. K. Store T STAR THEATER Thursday and Friday "BURNING IlAYMtiHT" By Jack IaioiIou , In Eight lUvN Coming Hsturilny and Sunday Kriwartt AbrltN and ltnuli in tho Flvo llrcl Con THK MAK1NO OF IIOIUIY StaWT - . MaltiiPr vary MatiinU) ss4'assai j; at ttSu TEMPLE THEATER, COMEDY MOI1T Uu llmak IVub Sellg Comedy "inHrtpoaetl," Vltagraph Comedy "Sophie Chnagea Her Mind," Kasanay Comedy lib IMaprrato Deed," Olograph Comcdr "Tlir Itatl Tiling In CVwbors," Sellg Comedy Aitailssloa Always 10c. UlTINKK IMHiY AT lisa "AM LICKNMKIl I'ICTIMIW Keep Koo Shirts for the liot Says at K. K. K. Store. It Herald wsnt mis get results. Star Theater Attraction Extraordinary TONIGHT AND . FRIDAY Jack London's BURNING DAYLIGHT REELS s 1. i , 3 .i 1 MERRILL OPERA HOUW - faasmjs nii MUIIUV PICTtllKH TUBMMys" M a sva UlMtlTmill'a .hit t.lf rit;.i-- 4iti Day's Doings at Ik Store B t'ourth sad KUmsth A man camo In this mornlfll anU bought a McKOBKKY EIJ0 TRIO FKLT mattrons for tnl"4' dollars nnd fifty cents. Wo Ms Just got It all wrapped up MW to go to tho country when tw dray wagon drove up with a wb lot of KtufT. There wnB tbros four huadied yards of llnoltsvs that we era going- to put on tjf, asrkH at .sixty cents a M"" yard, and up. Thoro was ', bales of rugs to bo taken care ? mostly nine by twelves, and they will range In price from flftsen w forty-flye dollsrs. A 101 01 - wlre ,bd springs that will bortort four dollars' apleco. And sow kitchen tables wills " them that we think wo JJ for two dollars and evntrW esats, Ves,MdabaloofPlUowj good bass, for two dollar. J" ceatsapalr. And some dretssr., ihatwVcaiUaslowasiU tariaa4.fbrblt.,andabunejj Mttekas, good oass, and tha PW :Si,taosowmraofroo"2 to fertylre dollars. A lo ; of am .soma gooa aeevr - jmwt lolltr aitliiaatjr oeati a do-mi '., : MJSWtiJSWVcii v v 'V .'tf -zsir-r. WoarttlNd. ( t- Vvwww 1 .,"' .. k W ? h .'- . "ifw -.. ... 'L -&$ . J urt If .,il. f A. '!'" wwwwwwwawwwwwwiywwawywwxwiyxyi'f owNQvw.iwywMMWEWi vwn. 'i"ir , 'n.v"vvt- fz f3T sn jt,c -jn . i 7-- -r, r -' - -" " --" . ai r.'is-r , ,'turir 7 - a ,-.j .w -c . f.r .. r- a ji . ,. i. t an. .5 ,J' ,fWi