. 'j. f sf III II -H Ins . v 'VV .H. rJMIWD THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON tr, Auoimriw. iuU PROFESSIONAL CARDS MAXWELL M. LONG Ha II m 1. WaKa BatMtac The Evening Herald I hull are being pushed right along 1 toward completion. W. O. SMITH. MKst Published dally ascent Baaday ay Ths Herald fiMkUit Ctt7 of Klanath rails, at 111 rottrtk aHreet CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY ABBTBAC) Orefea THl MM A.8.LOWMAN OIIIOrBAOfOI FlnlKiltaHlBn tfeasaUi HnBa, Ore. Eatered at tha postoBce at Klaai- atk rlU. Onto, tor traaaaiseloa through tke mall aa eteond-claea nutter. Sukeertptloa tsrau by sail to nay ad dress la the Ualted States: Oasyear ll.St Oas month 0 MEANWHILE brightly ever. the tun shines ea AND THKT speak of the Chinese ns heathenl Hotel Arrivals fOLlMATH FALLS. . . ORBGO.N TUESDAY, AVGV8T SO, !! Pkoae US Ofleeaad Reetdenea, NW ear. 7tk aa Mala CLAYTON K. WIHLER Pkyslrtsa aa ; (ataal Traataeat) OSce boem: 9 to 11:10 a. to p B.; eTaalafa, 7 to rmm muauam wmum LAXTXaWT Oearaateen Ink wn aa Irat If yea kave stsasisa to BMke coaplatet aai do ant tit las- I work b. b. A. nRBMRimaVB GAR Hat as ait Wood! Wood! ls-Iaak Bedy Weed ... M-sae Ltaak Wirt 4-tt. Bear Weed 4-tt. Uak Weed . . Wood, (Extra oaklU) P. CI CARLSON WOOD Block wood, load Heck wood, dosJble load . . .SHI lWa Beeaa Bank . .SB.7S ltVaaeh Sty taa Drjr Stab, 4-foot Buy jow green alab early KLAMATH FUEL CO., OetoeSMMasn. O. Pettea, Mgr Pfcaae.iar. A Good Eater Makes A Good Thinker Qood groceries build up the aystess, stimulate tke brain ud Increue your capacity to think. And RIGHT thinking bring tbe BEST results. Our groceries MAKE YOU THINK. VAN RIPER BROS. Phase BS UMOl '"' If at INs BBlivSillllPBi Blind Boy Reports Speech AND STOP AT KLAMATH FALLS Date 1... 3... 3... 4... 5... 7... 10... 11... IS... IS... 14... IS... It... 17. . 18... 19... SO... SI... ss... 24... Max. Mln. Weather .SI S3 Clear SS e 0f , a 3 92 S3 S5 84 SS 93 94 95 91 91 37 e .75 33 80 ... .71 85 S3 59 59 59 el S3 SS S3 SS SS 2 83 54 55 50 40 50 47 45 45 50 49 Pt. Cl'dy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Ctear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Hotel Hell Frank Carr, Slsson; W. II. Sutler And wife, Dorrls; Mrs, II. Wilson, CoMtnga; J. J, Combers, Buck Lake; . J. DelelanU. O. Jensen, 11. O. Thct, Louis 0. Schelllng. San Fran cisco; John A. Durst, Marysvllle; W, H. l.cc. Portland : Jess Otto, Haselle ldttle, Derrls: I'nul Urowtsll, Oak land; Otto Roscnfeid, Rnty; C. K. lloyt. Fort KlaniMh: Mrs. K. Carlo. Victoria, n. C.; Mrs. W. S. Hoyt, .Merrill; Mrs. E. A. Sullivan, Mrs. H. K 1 jvutldir iin.l ton tintnatic .. .FV.'.TK . -- V M t I . v smith, niy. 1 i imp itiicub John McGoewn. Anthony, Kans , r Mrs. D. P. Thompson, Miss Irn Mc Cown, Miss Mary Metdrum, Herman Uhlig, V. T. Andrews. Portland; W. P. Smith. F. V. McSotaah. Mrs. J. II. nagllards, Mliss Mary Grimth. San Francisco; L. n. French. 11. 8. Jonw. Los Angeles: Z. II. Plnelll. Richmend: Robert Craig Jr.. R. E. Anderson. Mcdford; Mrs. A. W. Kitchen, Oak land; E. P. McCornack. Salem. Wonderful Development Is Reached in New Stenographic Method to Be Taught in High School lion Cutting, a l-)ar-oid blind horttiaiul uotra tilel t Uulblf boy of Indlanajiolls, rMi day ano only li tluwo who rm umn in vMrfnrmail n f.t hith ttrobablr itoid lu use a utural stsient IU earned for htrascU the dUtlnctlon of which words iu jUd ui m jiUlu woV ' 'im t)pholil, U Utr conutllMHoii. deprhi'd lilm o( his oIkIiI Wliwil lliu new shorthand machine tnn lluttf , Culling found u o'i''Muif lly o nKo hliun'tf i'lfi'trlliit i by Its use. The slpiioi)n has been mUouUted lit the KUnmtli unlit!) hlsli cluiol. tttid durluic the term to ioitm a tout In "mnclilno shorthand" nil! b of fored tiy Mr. T. II. Hmeler, the lie tuvut of tlio comiurrilal department Thta Kill be atullable In tuitli the da) and ulxht classes. On nccotiul of the rapidity llh which the new syntvm I rrifluK thi older ones. I'rinclil V, 1 'Kane hi ot the high rrhiml U( )par iisrured machines, and students b Their urV on being the first and only blind short- irlnt on h stenotyi ttt ne short If you want a good desk see Chllccte, 633 Hals street. blotter 33-tt Herald want ada bring results. ADVERTISING TO WOMEN HmtfsChssifcdAdTS. FOR RENT FOR RENT Two-room furnished house on hill. Electric lights and city water. Inquire W. O. Smith Printing Co. Copyright, 1913, by Geo. E. Patterson Women do over 90 per cent of all the trading, spend 90 per cent ot the family Income, and exercise more or less influence oter the expenditure ot the other 10 per cent. In fact, wo men are the great purchasing agents for tkessselses, their children, house hold furnishings, necessities, luxuries, etc. When the merchant realises the vast Influence in the retail world, that they represent the great consuming mass of people, and that to reach, the people It is Imperative to Influence women first, then will the merchant be started right and be prepared to reach out after trade with eome as surance of success. Advertising to women is a business problem for every merchant to solve. The appeal must be properly made. It Is a well known fact that over 75 per cent of all advertising is fruitless for the reason that the advertising does not have in It the right kind of appeal. Women are always interested In the kind, quality, color, style and price of an article, and every advertisement should go carefully into detail in re gard to these matters. They are very particular that all goods they pur chase for themselves, their children and their home have style, are sea sonable and priced right. Another Important thing for the advertiser to remember Is that women insist upon honesty In advertising and in busi ness dealings. They want no "Just- as-good" articles substituted a cus tom which Is frequently practiced by some merchants that is always react ing unfavorably. When women have once lost faith In the sincerity of a merchant It is difficult to again win their confidence, either In blra or his goods. All advertising Intended for women should be a direct appeal to them. The advertiser should put Into bis ads a straight forward, honest and yety specific talk on the goods for sale, en deavor in every way to please women and gain and hold their good will. OFFICE ROOMS Choice suites in the Odd Fellows and WIIIIU build ings; best location In the city. See W. O. Smith, Herald office. 3 0-tf FURNISHED ROOMS Nice cool rooms at the Clalrmont. 8-19-lm LOST AND FOUND 0WWW000WWWW LOST Two Goodyear tires, between Klamath Falls and Pelican Bay Lodge; slxe 34x4. with covers and rims. :otlfy Central garage. 24-4t tJfr't? ' i il i i ii IB MSSMnwsjHBHHBMBBHBBBHHsMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMB 4' '.SHiTn9NBHBBBBBflBBHBBHBBHBBHBBHBBTrHBBHBBHl tlvt'O &?Bt-BBB'lBMffsiHBBMBBBBBBBBBHBHBB" JBBBBBBBB s-fttv - - tiraw bhbbhBkBb1bbmbbbbbbVhsbhVvibmbbbb1 w1& cfllC$I' r.BHpBBBBBjEBlBZHBBBBBKBBlBBXiiBMBBBBB i &wbi., l?sV. IBBBVSVnBBSSWBBHBHBHBaBBBBfSBHBHBB ?--mKssivmMsmKm$rm '$$? PbhII9PIPVHbHbPMbH '- . bhAK'-WJb&JbVb.KH ' '' aBKflSsBssHsHH ' " sHsbHsbHsbHsbHsbHsbHsbHsbHsbHsbHsbHsbHsbHsbHsbHsV l ssMtVtVtVtVtVtVtVtVtKfclSsrr - "- BkMsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsBrcPJiflsfHIBJH " IIIIbmbhII.H PieBkQsaaaEaBHSBaSHfBI sbhbbbbbbbbbbbbHbhbbbbbbbbbbbbKiMH r-sBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' BbHsbHsbHsbHsbHsbHsbHsbHsbHsbHsbHsbHsbHsbHsbHB 1 P1IbhIIIHbbhIHHbH ICpsTk- y:SjBBBBBBBBBBBkTUHBBBBj"BRBBBBH -i.-vf K-BHsHsHsHsbNUbHsHshTsSHbH miP( lllPrM -'-' IbbshsbhkSbhsbI IWkZSfiSS VHB,T5BMsHsBMBBsi $?, f . 7 'eJTOljSs7Mrff3sBW3SBl I1LI.VI) IIOV it ccoitns hlKi:CII (he lnutyiy w u tmarkalii that li addltluu u( atiuolyy m a ftu Isr ruurso thU sir va nnim n anefelly Mr Mmr-her U an rJirt 4leuutyh A Hnlskeil led t 4ltlr ui unil milt iiut nut eli aiiviittoo !' ' md rnl u the t mint to ttm ! and itigbi elaM In itit't hoi bii sl to ilm in j (luhjctl liteM. lld II I Mk (k natural color t,i tunlto to the hair hu ladej. ,M rl or Wi lo uds daudti4(t, nt1, IliK cnli mid Slop (mIIIdi tia.P Xnn ami the only May to tt title miu,,, KM til IIIASO It al ilUUle, Klllta Ij mti) and troubl4oius. Nutj,,, by o4Mug al miy drug tur ( V)ttt4 Hago and tlult'ltur tut, itemed), ' ou will got a Ura Utii, ol this famous old teclfe fur ,tvl SO rents, lluu'l stay srayi Try t ,vu M can olbly tell thai you darkim )our hair, a It does It u uaturiU) and etciil) You damin a tom,w oft brush wllii It and draw t Itituufh your hair. Inking on. ,aa trand si timo, by muni tut tin m, hair diiJin'mi. and alter auuitcf llKtln pr to, )ur hair Utoisu tiraulllHll) dat. lliu'K and lc,.( tl'ald Atirttilu t DARKEN GUY Ml At nrr(iii iliy nt 'utvr t I'mrle liin UlM rit. Illrv )t ;! riial i, -(( IO0K Y0UN6, Pttlii.!!r tiMitli Infuf liutUu4 Iku iu in, fini I'1(lll4 exi SAUK TU AMI HUU'HL'll DAIIK KSti HO .NATUHAM.V THAT ,MK IIUIIV CI.V TKI.I. Almott otvryone auot that fif jTr4 and Sulphur, properly compound- li)uetti'lu rit-ioi. sr oiuss I'ot nj tut.ttis sain UOufaU flU. Kiw, 4lt rbaura. htv, lUb, KlJ hd. ht'pc, tc, ob'( Out. uittii U blcbly ict)mwnl.J lot tt.il at l slorsa). e SITUATION WANTED A""rrriYiiiYrrwuTjiArji.ii. , SITUATION WANTED By woman In rooming or boarding house; can give good references. Address Mrs. Cora Hill, SIsson, Calif., box 135. 24-5t MISCELLANEOUS MMMMAAskAMslisf1kssxksksW4tsMsftssvv WANTED To rent piano. Phone 26 or care for 26-tf band reported In the- world. He re-.iiaud machine, and which ran bu read ported a speech delivered by Gov-'by anyono familiar llh stenolypy crnor Ralston of Indiana. Knur years ago Culling bj In cr Cutting does not write the usual cry-way a normal boy, but a cu of NOSTRILS AND HEAD STOPPED UP FROM COLD? TRY MY CATARRH BALM tatit balm dlut by lb bt t( liotalilly Vrn Air t'aawigrat Xuu the nualtlV. pBtl alM and bat IU llrealtic. Frrely, .N'atly IHscltargsi til tlamed, toolUn membfaaw ! Mum: llrad O.liN and Dull H4. Iltit. I to ntw. fc.ad sad Ibresi; ofttp VanUli lrar air (ohiim, slot nasty 4k- " ' brKf and a (llts- of clsabitSS Try "Kly's Crvm Halm. tooihlni. ibI1I coms tmtnsdlauly 'let a mult hoiilr nyay. Jut lo twn't lay aak tonight siisg trj It .Applr Hut In tb Niwirlla Kilns tur 6frtb. tih bead sluffss, nd Iii.I.muI, i,ur rliicfrd ntx and niMltlla tlo.d, baVtn sod bloU 'ior,.Vi.ui air paHages of the b4j Calarrh or a rold. llh Its ruaslai lll op.n, yfiu l) bmatba frcty; uoe, foul murou dropping Inlo lie liilliir., sud hradactie dlappar lly'lbfoal. an4 raw dfjnc U dltci!si oonilnc. the catarrh, .ld.n.btad of! catarrhal ion throat will dlapr. Knd ul'h mlry now1 (rl ttm mall tx.ltit- of "Kty'a C,e,w Halm" it an drus mre This wt. fra. but truly tdlca. I'm uur tattb Juat uata Is i:i;' Creatu Halm" and your toU or catarrh will aurety dUappear (Paid Adtcrllsmant.) KLAMATH COUNTY EMPLOYMENT OPFICB We furnish all kinds of help at short notice. If you want work register at MUM. A. I'IKTKRHTEI.VRK Vi Hixth HI. PhoM 344 Bniiiiu a s SflB COMING Sunday and Monday ORPHEUS Kliunulir Klnaay SIiomIioiim. TWO THOUSAND Fresh Watermelons i s w - WW Scattered Shots e e e , A LIVE newspaper is like a spark cicviiitu ii always gives you a thrill. THE ONLY thing that prevents Its being a battle royal is tbe fact that very few royalties are doing tbe real battling. "KVERYBODY doing it," lately- even the stars are shooting. 'FOODSTUFFS are soaring," tbe cry. Chasing tbe eagle. Is IN THE meantime Klamath's new court house, Carnegie library and city r mHamvl BB jBpflTr- '"- lsajfi B SBbbHbS II I SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB SH Eeonossr supply ststloa I for tke thrifty motorist. I Everytkiag here to dc- I 13 snase yoor nmaiag es J JH ysassi, sad Increase yosur I SQ rnsifam and plessnres; U ! V sfsatslise la I "NobtrTresd" I I Tires I II Hess Mm srs as Iskw 0 II ssjfessktfeUMssLriS I U CisMssf'srsisJsi ssusstf- asrfsst wsfsssssUs sal sis- I I s-aWssrssksssl U I sealesissi H I 5,000 Mht I wmte mm MUK I If I StHStiasSSSSBBSSSSBSBSSHSSSSsf BslllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHiBH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVAh'rH a a Just Arrived 8 CHEAPER THAN I i EVER BEFORE g 2 I Ashland Fruit Store i "In the Hands of London i Crooks" A Tlirllllng Dmnui In ADULTS, Ic 'ho lid CIHI.IIIIK.V, IOr s 3 .1 h On Your Way to the Bank i Xan--CL Jfr ,to ntnUe your Ilrst deposit you mi rt mnny men bound In tlio mirno illroctlon-nicn wliosu tompony you will be gtiii to lu In. 'Ilicy represent Die mo( proKrcdslvo litulncss men In tlio community. Put yourself In tliut cluss by starting your account today. The amounl doesn't mutter. Htart with what you have. FIRST STATE MB SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON There Is No Kodak Save the Eastman Kodak We are the ONLY drug .tore in Klam ath Falls having the genuine Ko dak. and Eastman Film. Beware of imitation.. Some firm advertise Kodaks, but, have none for sale. UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY Vormw Mala and 7l, Hlrteis, Klaawlh Falta, Oregon V.", V i