THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TUIWDAV,, H, u New York Peoole Are latest in Stenninraiihv Is a I" Iml,ortanl "W Mostly m English Machine Writing Shorthand! rf(Me United Ires ScrTlc NBW YORK, April H. Gotham's claim to botng a real cosmopolitan clir was proven and the verdict hand ed down tho dar by tho federal ccn ui officials. The evidence was stag geringly conclusive ot tho charge, of cosmopolitanism against New York, Out of a population of something llko 6,600,000 of pcoplo who reside In Greater New York, nearly 1,000.000 or, to bo exact, 973.96S are of English, Irish, Scotch, Welsh and Cel tic descent. These figures lncludo those born tn the countries mentioned or bora hero ot parents of thoso c- among New York's populatlou 1,733, 970 persons who were born tn foreign lands or who woro born here ot for eign parents. They are divided as follews: Yiddish and Uebrow. S61.980; Gvrmau, S41,Si9; Italian. M9.4U: rollsh, 116.101; Magyar. 64UU; Swedish, CI. Ill, French. 47,380; Norwegians, 35,063; Danish, 14,731; Spanish, 11,636; Greek, 11,633; Rou-" nianian. 10.7S9; Hohemtan and Mora vian, I0.9SS; Russian. 38.S70; Llthu nlanand ixjttlsh. 11,317; Slovak. 10, S0I: other Slavs, 10,076; Dutch and Frlscan, 9,661; Finnish, 8,311; Ar menian. 2,676; and Syrian and Ara Maltm ( tirltiio Importance to Klamath county ill ho dUciiMed at Th steiiolytto was Invented by'Xi'tuio of legibility and accuracy i ir..i.mi .,Tiwir pniirt ronortrr. I After nine, years' wasH'lnis 'ITot .,. tt-mto hnrt.hand nl a snood but this direction. Mr. Ireland ha per-, tho ky U'tlc below- tins world's record. Like all other reporters, ho had i. -I ,-.l.,.ll..e of mile tonight llleollllg Of till' MNttbor Of, p. .own spacing and rotMiidtitg oi twiwi.i' .,....,, . !' lit iir It U absolutely , n when'th.. Klamath dumber of Cummer, , A Urn ftltttHttohfe fruB i id. ""t 1 Mortalities. Besides thoso there aro,btc,3,SS7. LAKE STEAMER QH1 n VEQTFDniV! i niiH i ; IXTKRKSTING FACTS Oienorvpc; IWW ll ttaslrtd. Thorn III alio he UV up lt U!l inn tho olntluti ot a lulUiUfV gti and slogan fur the Cki.i dfl(ttt. 41. . . " . .. ...,. . ...ll ......I. .... ...I. ..II. I .... " ...til I t.u II.. .......... .... " fcttvd and offered to tho reporting woum wrn i.v" " - """, the ftir nro iimtoo, " Htn rniiarsg ( tt w..rld. tho slonotypo, Then are imiy "-- "" Uiw f (h first Mallei to roU " ' wmMUst, iM , The tlrst stenotM- Ir4 tin m .' ' ; ", 'Mw.,m will bo the rltowla. of a' " ""'T'' H' """"' founds. The stenotyr In us in urn aro oi u. '' "" "r"" . , . ,,,. lha ....icihor." .7 "'.""." ""- JUt inai mum iiniieriu ri-. n 'i"' "'- - - mi mi r"'ufaiun, tit, , nrn worked at a rate that.Tn Hit mtlng all th rwldenta of fomiuerco, Tin K .y to Ifkl .lilnh school weighs a trlrte morn than ;elglit pounds, nhoul one-sUth the HI tho keys In ftrUliiR dUianre. mi tlK at Mmtford this month, wli - tioosteni of Jackson, Jwephlno and Klamath counties iu torm an organ Uattou fur drtlli tho luarvellous cenle attractions of Houlnern Or- when! i,milil. in inmarrlhlnie Ma tttitpa when taken at a high rate of speed, so he! conrclved tho tdca of writing dicta tion down In nn raster and raoro ae- curate way "tho machine way," Granulated glass is being tried as a " preservative of the surface ot wood In England, with much success. HOOLIGAN IS NOW OWNED BY A PORTLAND MAX NEW 8KB? PKR PLANS TO KEMODKL TUB BOAT FOR TOWING I Tho same steam engine has boon y pumping water out ot a coal mlno in j England for more than 100 years. ' Thirty-nine million dollars was i paid ont In old ago pensions la Eng land and Wale during tho last fiscal ; rm.Mkiw(n '' nitaw I . . jjHSy ssbbbbbbbbbsbb1Bsbb1sbK s isW BBBBBflHsaBBBBBsLOHssSB KSBB SBBBBBBBSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB SBBBSmlsBBBBBBBBSSBBHsBBBBBBBBSBniKSBBBBBBBBBV BfSlSSBBSsSSSBBS- l.! kill l. inaito by Judin lleu.ou, llof,ftttUu. i H.l.t ll I lll.-ll ...... .. V" JJ ., . oi. on, ner, K, tj, RJA. ard and oilier A luuthwt a part of tho procrant, lo U fafU4 iy tho tovt o( I lie dtreclots. SMALL PER CENT Of PUBLIC LANDS jeliulr lllmr, In tin. tltinli of cr. rent and I .a I'm", m KUkus u i IusIdk Plain alphabet type, witn no eight ot tho average, typewriter. ( It write on a strip or paper alml lar to that used on an addlugma chine. Tho ateuotvpe ha but one-fifth tho parts ot a typewriter, and Its Tho missing Mlors cmoblnatlons. Tho Unllrd Htatiwi govern A deal waa closed Monday whereby year' .u ..a.h... UaaII-- m- iIA tr. V .. . . . .. t '.ui.lrtM nt-Yi.4lnvr n wav In which v.uu B.Muuc. uu..ku - . .. Aluminum o lor wraiipinit lu-('""'" - . -- ------- . V. Guthrie of I'orUaad by Captain JKstt produced that is only'sjwttd would not bo attained at tho 'action Is entirely automatic, doing its,uso a similar board, Haasbury. The deal wan made oae.slxth ot one-hundredth ot an Inch bsss"ss"Bsjis"sssjssss through Charles A. Spinning. The new owner plans to use tho boat la towing. He will remodel the craft at once la order to make it more adapted to this class ot work. Crook fouttli, Mimi of tt4 Usii U II.Ia ulplittlv 1.. !... 1... . drawn for recUwullim utirbAM ui " e sssssj (or this rroii win not tiVUiii se(iemnnt and mir llh Ik ut- llf or 11)0 (ra UU tf )t ul -""""" Jun th, or af nlirilr u4 Is hv OVKtt .NINKVrKVtllK OF t?K, ,tt ",,, Tfc- blM. f tW ;J tare eiimmiri u wmiif u ta OUMIO.V AIIIU TIIIMiWN W'RJf.L,,,,,,,, lho rt Mntfc Irt Al.ltUIV OWNED MY PrU.jand Hllv-r UKe, .SVarlf all Ubj hi. ,"-. ' -""" '.farming land, and will U mu (settlement and nit ut4er lU o- POHTLAS'tl. Anril 1 . Allhouah r4 hmeso4d 1 f rotMlM to : ""- "t --- i. i.i tho Udra mado bold '- ,w, , i. . .. ,w , t -.. ...... "in tno wnom M board 'sbsiimbhtowbi ! au ...a. tlpplletl imI n h-ttn tialnut illl . . .... ..!.. .. . .. 1...! I.. u.l,i. ttit m t . hkh ituan no othrr marhluo ran "w ...-.-.... -..-, thick. Ceylon produces nearly overy pro- clous stone known with the exception J ot diamonds, emeralds, opau and tur-tquolsea. : Hotsse Cbaaces. , German is able to feed about nine- The Argraves, which ha boea.coa- tenths ot her nearly 60.000.000 In ducted b Mra. J. N. Bridges, has habitant on tho product ot her own bee transferred by her to J. Rjioil. Horshberger. to whom she has sold' Nine hundred young French wo- aex leaae. Morsaoerger ioraaeriy . .,onad !, minister - """- " conducted the Rex cafe. I1 Rev.H.S.Rambofls Tramp for a Night to allow them to Join the army In the j " """' " " -iiKllWrr aerviCA. I CakValsaa Ftaoral To-orrow. Tho faaeialotOw lata JCra. Cather-' Chines Inthe Hongkong district lao Callahan wril bo held tomorrow j have recently taken to Ice. cream, afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the par- There U a tremendous salo of Amer lors ot the Whltloek undertaking par-" lean Ice cream freerers. Ion. Elder Harlaad will conduct the ; cervices. ! Japan each year produces than 260,000,000 bushels of nearly 60,000.000 pounds ot tea and Union painters In Boston arc de manding 55 cent an bonr. more. Another general railway strike ap rice pears to be Imminent In Italy. ... ... . - ..- .i .,.. .. . Kienir oer ceiiL ui uie viwia u . .. .. .a - ,.. --- .-- - . aoro mm zo.vvv.vvv pounu. m. . Switzerland belong to the unions. , The distinction ot having the best-. T;n per cont of lne fact0ry work.; paia one-room country scnooi wacner. crs to New Jergey are women t .1. IT.ti.J C..u. k.lnMmi In T s.w.1 ' IU UIO UUllW ow.a ucivuab fcw awmm , . county, lllisois, which pays Its teach- The Massachusetts supremo court er 1110 a month for a term of nine i has ruled against the uso of the "un-j months. I fair" list by labor unions. J mere are icars u uuuu.w " . arise shortly over the question or, Tho railroads ot this country will collect about $10,000,000 this year because of the extra business result ing from tho parcel post. Subscribe for tho Herald. 50 coat a saoath. non-union workers at the Clyde ship building yards. In the densest part of Bombay there are 740 persons to tho acre. New York has 1,000 In the same area. Only a Few Pieces of Land Yet to Rent See Us Quick 80 ACRES POTATO AND GRAIN LAND, $5.00 PER ACRE, HALF CASH, BALANCE AFTER HARVEST. HOUSE AND BARN. 5 ACRES BLACK LOAM CELERY AND GARDEN LAND, CHEAP FOR CASH. 2 ACRES FINE GARDEN SPOT; RICH SOIL, CHEAP FOR CASH. The Klamalli Development Co. 1303 Main Street Klamath Palls, Ore. BBlllllllllllllllllllllllllllSaBllBllW LHHHHHHHIIIIIIV SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsf SBBBBBBBBsf SBBBBBBBBm BBBBBBBBBBm SBBBBBBBBSB: igtL. ipH H I of drink, hut many, far too many,' wore begging a night's lodging and, coffeo and bread because they found t it Impossible to earn n roof and a meal. I can say from personal exper ience that most of tho men wo en- countered wero anxious lo get work. hut found It impossible, we laiKed with many men, who told heart rend Inv stories, often also concerning tho plight of women and children whom these fathers bad failed to support through no fault ot their own." Theater Guide HOUSTON'S OPE HA HOUSE DANCE S.lTUtlHV: NIGHT .liluit(nn: Grnllriorw, HO In tho whoU rtlmltniUn ( !,. odd acrro all otreptluc twi J,i ;1 '..f ... ,l ,..., i.r- .I...1.I I.. L- ereoairyarei...iiB(.nMl-n. --ewtaiw ---! www-w-mw. -. - ,,j -.iu..r,... ,...,. ii.- r..ri ..- ersnip, w,mura-n ir ipms m .. ..!.- i. ...i.u n.ilpunMi or tUl(!fc4 at di hint I, M"VI"- "I'll -.,-.w . . ,.,, . ,., ..... 1 ....! inn.,,. - .,1 i.U ..Hr ,i A con.fiioio rn iwi ,j 11 .,.-- -.. v ....- ,,-. .,., l...j .. Iu ..! -Ill bo avallahlo for actual sfltto." "" "" " muut fr other ihn dry farming purrMnM T"" In responto to tho numerous tn . Mor thn ,:oo itixMt tit qulrle (lrorg II. Cll of I'ottlaud. toll-d in tho forrft;JMe Mm dlnrkt for-tr. ba lul tbo fo of tho Utolw!! of WUtoMla. lowing stateaisnu tl.nso !," f t"li ttfiji "Tho and lnolved In this vliml- tn worn lor utmemir rtn,M4 nation ar In tho Dhut aa4 tho l.SOC aro enrryluc folli !l I'aultna national forosts. and torn.' without bln randldiiM ler y prise a llitln uPt 410,000 aero In rs-v itr eight contiguous bodies, too largest of which U located along lh ! IUrl want ad trtsg Town Topics STAR THEATER krut ItHurno. t A. K. Kent Is back from a business j trip to Uoseburg. Mr, Kent was away about ton days. I Iter. H. S. Rambo, a well known minister of New York city, now knows something of the feeling of loneliness that comes to the man out 'of a Job and home In a. big city. He, with uev. Graham 8. Hunter, spent one cold night on the streets of New York without funds. This la bis story of bis experience: "We wore no overcoats, and as our clothes were ragged we .suffered from tho cold, a the night was .bitter. We ,had not shaved for two days, and no one whom we met suspected that wa were not tramps. We applied, bait frozen, to tho municipal lodging bouse for food and shelter. We found It already overcrowded with vagrant. We finally got a cup of coffee each and a tow siloes of bread. I hare never tasted anything hotter in an my lire, for I was chilled and mighty hungry, There wero more tbaa 200 men stretched out on tho hard floor, and every bed wa occupied, we finally slept on the, floor with the others. "Wo wero particularly struck by. the fact that many of the men we saw in the place bad good face, showed no signs of dissipation, ana were jhk Plata unfortunate Jn the race of life. Of court there wa a quota of me fame naiuruay. t All lovers of dancing and music are Invited to attend a ball to bo given at tho WlilUi I'ollcnn hotel Saturday eve ning, from 9 to 12, Old and new dances. Tickets, SOc xr person. It HUH Hllckn to It. Fred llacon, representing ilellor Kllcn company of San Francisco, was In tho city Monday. Mr. tlaeea re marked some time ago about the well dressed appearance of the ladles of Klamath Falls. "1 stilt claim tho ladles hero are bettor dressed than Is most cities of trlplo the population," said Mr, Dacon this morning, before leaving for the morning train. WOODM'Y I'ATTKIWOX A Hon.N.rr Mgltt'a MlrtalsuM" "Ttio Quality of Mrr." Hellg Drama In Two I'arl. "Falling In Ixivo Willi lor." Kdlson Comedy "Tho MUodritturt of a Mlglity Mo arvh" Vitagraph Comedy Fnaiurlng John llunny AdmbMlon 10c aad Sin TEMPLE THEATER THE SMALL DEPOSITOR III WJMml Vaso 1 m flsmmsmsLml "" i U made welroiao b f "groat oik from Uttle Mem grow," and mn ol Mtlum arcount to bitt U way. Tho FIntTriut nils Itnw Hank lll i-n w with you, even If It l Bt than II. Hurt oo n '' itftt to neo It NB row ! resular ,JIM th owy pay lr FIRST TRUST M SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FOIt JfAl.K Gentle pony, broke to ride or drive. Inquire of John Austad, Mills addition. 14-St Today' aews la The Herald. "Darken Drift," Kdlson Two-Heel Hpeclal "llunny'a lllrihday," Vitagraph Comedy 'Tim Hlrrplag Hentlael," Lubln Drama MATINKR DAIXY AT Ste ALIi LICKNBRD FIOrTJlUsIt THEY BVY IT FOIt WHAT IT DOF.H. THATH WHY THF. FOltD IH HKHVANT OF THOUH ANDS. IT HOI.DH THK WOltl.D'H IlKCOIll) FOR ALT 'ROUND DKI'KNDAIIIf.ITY. AND ITH THF, MGHTKHT -THF, NTKONGKHT THK MOHT KCO.NOMICATj OAK' ON THK MARJOtT. Five hundred dollars Is the price of the Ford runabout; lite louring ear Is flvu fifty; the town car seven fifty f, o. b, Dot roll, complete with equipment. Get catalog mid particulars from George Biehn Local Agent J? DON J. XUMWAI.T, I'rv.. K. M. sHJItl, Vko I'rea. IIKIIT K. U ITMHOW, tecretafT aedtW; Surveyors and Irrigation Engineer Klamath County Abstract Co. ABSTRACTING MAI'H, I'LANH, HI.UKfHINTM, Mc. KIMATH tAI.W. OM jj , . . sswsssswsmm" & :fCw rig rasaj0 Jfikl li' ' .. WT I" ..itw.;ii r-YOU WONT'GO WRONG Take a step la the riflkt illrerllea walk lat" "r tM ' fi Hesitte better noes! at our toro, yew are auro of the '" ia'm miui HiwMVi tfiMis u UMWii woaiui ruin rm w.-. - whcl Iter I hey buy or Mot artly what, you ask far. hut for maay year l M nave asMitne " - , t0t W wlt m yetirHl J IVaaMsHtalMtaMtfr'i'r y Underwood's PluuriiiAcy Corner Nata and 7 Ntreet, KUamth FalU, Orfla JP 1 who showed that they were rletlm tSfiT -'fl i'4