The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 18, 1914, Image 1

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itwMawii jr it'imtitmmuimvmmmuiMKfas
Kigfctti ivrti n
Wcp lEuenmrj Uralfr
J-TRmCK- ".at WBaBBK-T1'', .JESJtr 3K
-TT JUJfU!t4' SBi'i" ""SET!
Price, Five Cearts
MUTINEERS SHOT Six Missing in the Fallen Ruins Puhlir Hair Rnrch ami
imuiy i ivp hpff w
mi FHRRF O1 " Burned Club Building MayCollapse QmJ, Renace (0 Health
U S. Senators in a
Political Controversy
grl Al i:tl0 ltlHri, The
Uritf rtl mpllralrl lM Hunting
ibi.Ur Paurllr f ! Vrtn
Twti Art. Take a IimIIIIn'
Tftsl VllU Trte Aw Win
stag Fr """ Friefi.
t, One!
issdrtd sad Mr mutineers were r
noted fru th federal barracks at
Jajalls nd MKiilvtl this morning.
It trailed If" than half ait hour, m
U ""' Ut)l u br rna"
par of haMboier, snaking ih
sieekd rrwbp shamble more
lUa (r'lp (round.
T bedU of Hi deed were piled
It a high toll "hen th( last sauad
Mat to I' death. All wr thrown
eiu oof) litncii (or burial.
t'slttd ! Service
Kl. I'AHO. T, March ls No
ttd hit Urtt teolved from the bat
ik el Terfrott ruepl tb cod WW
mi that General VIIU m (treating
atid do Mr under General Kea
lii. h ( attempting to reach
g4mg4mg4mHt4mHtf ''.Wl Rg4., yM. XSKiYy ts0lSji jipiiW
I'nlteil lf Bvrvlcu
WAHH.SIUTOK. I. V , JUrvli 1 K
.s'dl (fih' itanilriilf, but corv of
oi'Jic ilniuoioun (Uo-tiMv. Itictudlnc
t..!illU uiul cuncerw ou llio ft, are
lrMil t' Oi one of tbo coraiaon hair
nii-ii and rornbn on tralo and la)
Iinloiw, nrrcnllnK to n miti of expert
Ifstlinoii)' obtalnoj from iwerityflve
of Diet IfaiUnt i)rrui!itorlKlnU or tlio
(Ion of llio comtiinn drlnklnK cup, en
tln ground that li wok not nocctiary.
0ii of tlii (ront;v4t letter on thl
iitijc( wn rrom Hr. Isidoro Dyer of
NVw Origan. )I declared tlio com
rnon hair liruib U rtipomlblo for
about 90 txr ctnt of baldnet. IIo
I trart'd Iom of ycbrowt and eyelaibex
to (lin xatno caut.
"I bnv ttfti In one day," ho wrote.
rouiiiry bMUunl flariiMB aenenl . , or t0t room 0Bcd b7 a
U t olby R.ickt-r, f tlm public health :conJuctorbrakeman namcroajI pat.
mtv tt. fonf of (Jjtt $icjine car, and have
A u reuli of IHU InvMtlKatlou, lljflaftiiy wltneascd a acrub torter ncrub
l llkoly tlwt tmt)' nhorily an awend-'Uiw bruh with the common xoap in
unlit to tbd InlrnHai quarantine rcK-jtbe baln of the toilet room."
ulnilonK will br rwommendtHl by the,' Another point made by Dr. Dyer
Mtr;con Kenoral in th.. crUry of -a that It l not powlble to atcrllUo
I lu ireamiry, forblddinR the furalab- brnth between time of mln un
Inn f common hair bruabca and ( iC6 the Interval U twenty-four hour
comb for . MMtnsera by lnlertat or the brush can be boiled for 20 mln
rarrlirM. utes after lta use. He haa known one
j Tlio moL forceful jhiIoi about tbo , stroke of the brueb, he says, to Infect
Inquiry ' the unanimity with which. hi own scalp.
tho physlclitua agreed that aucb n pro- Dr. T.Casper Gilchrist, of Haiti
hlbltlon waa not only desirable, but ' mor, states that rlnnworm and many
Very nccnijiary. Dr. ft, II. Fox of le familiar diseases aro transmitted
SVw York was tlio only ono who did. by the common brush, whllo powlbly J
not Mlove such a regulation nece-syphlll may be communicated In UiU,
nary. Dr. Fox also opposed the aboil- way. j
United I'roM Mertice
T. I.OUIH, March IS. ihfttuh ih. v.Uer Wo,,0 ,,, nmnr it( , mh0 b, '
,.,.' hH h XlUmurl Alblrilc Club's '"
la fian. ; .,.
At krJi(Ut(rt lit JaUlet the pb-
U 4ar It." ttimor that Villa U lotn
UClbl at that point, but admit that
B9 notd bs U-u recIV64.
Ttt rlctd rrtuorabti of all bw
Ircm td Torreon hljthborhood garo
rlt to the nimnf that Villa was !
lies Ito ut( of II, Tb claim U mad
Ifcn if he aa turcwdlng the corro
it'6ilti mtd b o Informett.
btilldliK burned lal wrett, sis more
t!ire xltbom tiidaiiRrrlne adjacent
In addition. froiH-rty.
Tbft JllMourl Athlte Club build-
Iiik lu Ht. liuU burnod Mltb many
omliiriit men, who pr tbrlr lives
without n Clmiictt to fi'ar. Ttin rlul.
ar inUalnc lo one of the walls f Ult a mpromj,,,, of ,tC00j ,, u
the structure cllprd ycalerday. ( , bll known oanj,.
burylujt many worbmen In the drbrls. ,)on r ,(P Ve.t. The wteeptni: rooms
It I known that three men and one contained many persons who lived
wuman perUbrd In Ibe accident y- lliern regularly and some who had
lerday; aa their bodle have been re-'tome In for tbo night- flhortly after
wirered, Th woman sm employvd,lhe fire started the roof fell In, carry
by the Ht. l.oul 8rt company, whose Iiik all thrmieli the wreckage. jter
store was partly wrecked by the f.l.'tho walls caved In, and then It was
Irk brlcka. t there as utile chance of any
I'alttd I'rvas tfervic It Is bollevrd today that all twehe onn gettlns out alive.
WA8IIINOTON, II. C J4ah !. 'of o Injure! lll recover. There were mauy thrlllliiK rescue;
tisry llryan today rcelvxl the, The other walls threaten to col- from the windows, and some persons
Isfoimsilwu that tho Yaqul Indiana, lapse, and It Is believed that the fire Jumped, Two men lost their llvts be
U4 rsldsd the ranch beloaglnf to department will be called out to rare huplng from the sltth floor.
nan itsmrd Dlniefelder, fifteen
mile (rein Nogatea, on the American
Ms of the border. Dlnxefelder re
Utttj the force, and succeedrd In
finally rppuUIng them after killing
leant Miobahd.
! While tbo West Side plant Is dead,
tbo patrons of the company are being
furnished with electricity from the
, company's, plant at Fall Creek.
' The shutting: down of tho power
company is not the only Inconvenience
'resulting from tbo cellapsing: of the J
'canal bank. Tho dirt washed from ,
the levee poured down In n .flood of
oozy mud across Mill street, making
it iuiposslbte to k by with a wagon. J
.Motler Home.
Hydrographer I,cland Moslcr ot the
reclamation service returned ' Tues-
loumlcr of the Women's Civic League
li ISeinK .Vskctl by Friend to Ite
conic n Candidate, and as Yet She
Ho Not I'oolUvely Declined- Hard
ware, Man Say Term aa Conned
man Wo Knnngh for Him.
fternoona portion nfl,l1from a 8,t l? h"-faneh ,'
. , ' .' near Woodland, and a trip to Modes-isc,
of the Keno canal ! , ., MK ,,..
, to and nearoy cities. ,q(
inte Tu-ay a
of the luvcr bank
cavel in, iNfessltatliiK the shutting
A nice little political boom started
Tuesday was badly squelched this
forenoon, when Marlon Hacks declar
ed flatly that ho will not be a candi
date for mayor. He admitted that he
bad been questioned by friends. But
says be will not consider the question
at oil.
"I was a member ot the city coun
cil just a couple of years ago." said
Mr. Hanks, "and I found that 1 could
hardly spare from my business the
, amount ot time necessary tor this
work, i cannot very well, then, con
sider the odce of mayor, which would
necessitate ray devoting all my time
I to It"
A likely candidate whoso name la
ssenttoncd frequently la Mrs. Mary A
Jackson. As yet Mrs. Jackwn has
made no announcement regarding; her
Intentions, but It Is known that she
has consulted friends and been con
sulted bjr them, regarding the matter,
j Mrs. Jackson's name has been men
.tfoned in this respect for a couple of
(weeks. She was the founder of the'
"Women's Civic League, which Inaugu
rated "clean-up day" and other civic
imrpovoments, and has always taken
jan active part In the work of this or-
Senator Uorah j ln tho -aeantlme. Mayor Nicholas,
tieorgo W. iVrkiiw j Edward J. Murray, W. C. Townsend
Senator Uorah of Idaho, who, it and Colonel M. O. Wllklns. already
seemed t one time, would walk out avowed candidates, are preparing for
the republican party with Colonolltho campaign. Murray's candidacy
Uoosevclt, and George w. Parkins. followed tho presentation of & petl-
ort of the wntJAs a result. It was proposal to have female pollce!-he steel millionaire Tvho did go out, Hon. signed by nearly 600 -voters, re-iiiH-essary
to shuNlowri the plant of 'officers to attend to and supervise tho!BVo engaged In a biting controversy questing him to run. and he has come
th. CallfornlarcRou I'ower conina- conduct of younit cirls In Dundee, on -be merits of their parties. Mr.rout with a promise to haTo tree mail
ny, which Is operated by the ditch, Scotland, is to bo considered.
L'slUJ I'ress Seniles
NOOAIXH, March II Two federal
ympalbliers, members of the arson
laid that burned several railroad
bridge near Nactt laal Sunday, were
wvikij eiecuteq toaay, nevcrai len-j
rsl soldiers were executed when the
Msil was raptured Sunday. i
Ment: i.iiikiuij ahranok-
WAHIIINtiTON, W. O., March M.
Viator I.ano has taken up with Bac
ry of tbo interior Iuis tho ques-
on of Hcrurlng llbsral crsdlls for ssi
Hrs on reclamation proJscU.
He advocated anmsthlBf like the
Nw Zealand system, whsrw the goy
rnrnent loans seltUrs ouoy at
ir cent to construct buildings and
'' llio first crop.
This money Is obtained by tho Noy
Zealand guvernmeat In London at 4
i!- rent. Hecrsiary Um askad tka
nstor (o submit his plan In writing.
Athletic games and gsnsrat sports
re rapidly growing In foyor In Aug
"i. Many societies dsvots them
ive to certain sports, suck aa Wcy
, ,n ruwlng, field and traek contscU,
n lennls, and tka Ilka.
tilvyn NssMt Tkaw has dscUrsd
nr Intontloa of kiig a membsr
ot "' Cathollo ahwajg,
(Herald NpscUl ervlc)
I'aimma-I'acllle International sxposl
Hint has raado an agreement with the
I'arseval company of Hamburg, Ger
many, to operate a I'arsevai dirigible
at the exposition.
The dirigible will be Ibe largest
If War With Old Mexico Conies,
Uncle Sam Is Prepared for Such
A Third of the Army Is Mobilized Near the Border; Auto
mobile Trucks. Better Rifles, Signal Apparatus, etc.
Make U. S. Army Highly Efficient
, Porklns, answering a statement of .delivery here sixty days after ho takes
t Senator Uorah about the Inteniatlon-ionce.
;al Harvester trust, defended that or-, It was announced by some that fol
'ganlxatlon and the senator went back lowing 'Murray's candidacy announce
;nt him. 'tnent Mayor Nicholas had decided to
' Senator Uorah has told Mr. Perkins (Withdraw from the race. Tils is rs
tbnt he Is now trying to distribute to -ed by the fact that his petitions are
Itho public some of the benents and 'w DInK circulated, his friends cea
inroflts ot the harvester trust, which ,'tendlug that the financial ianroTK
i.hnnw noror hvv hen created. Mr'ent made by the city during his ad-
i Perkins la one ot the chief backers 0t;mln!strat-on nows nIn to be capable
'In av.pv' irnv "
ji-oiuaci nuweiciii uuu cij .
j prominent ln the bull moose ranks In ,
"thrt ln .mftn!ir. ??inntnr Horah t
fought for the colonel at tho repub-
llcftii national convention at gnicago.f y viii
1 he and th colonel separated. I
'In every"way.
(By United Press Staff Correspondent.)
(l.Vl.VKATON, Texas, March 18. The militia furnishes better lighters) Spanish-American war the navy had
Just at this tlmo when so many fresh j than volunteers, but the militiamen one kind, tho army another kind, and
ilioifiilf lua Hi., uttrfiifffnir mi In thA in,miir li.t rmintint rAsrulara. far It .. .-j .....
.. -...irnri,..l linvlnir a Ixiicih of ' " ' 7 . ' . nt m inn men were supptiea WHU a
ever coiistriicteo, Having a leilgin 01 .. . ,., ...... .... Ih or rrt ,ltlrh atMUroul il r..nulr.. I ierh aim th rm mouths .. .
llWy. f.if;w .,,, of , Ba,0M wno 0 nMtu gol ,iew , Iirowr nantInf ulm. .half .logon different mode and caitDre
4H0 feet nnd a width
i wm c.v ..,. wonder how well our army Is prepar
ole hangar, or house . In which It ,,, for clunl WftrfArofor K WOuld
will bo kept when on exhibition. wlUr,HJ ,.,, wnrfaru , , ,u,orvonllou
be portable, constructed In Germany L MoXCO
at a cost of IdO.OOO. A gna plant will ,. ;, . A h
Various slio cartridges bad. to
IN S. F.
$5,000 IN CASHTO
be built costing $40,000,
Tho gigantic airship
That section or tno regular army . .. v ... - --,.- (
mustered at Galveston now Is In the bo supplied with a half dozen dttfor
fhuttt Kind ot lighting condition. Uv-It,nt model and caliber guns, and ono!
Ing In the open, undor canvas, for one department could not uso tho same
er, tho o Ulcers nnd men have faced 'ammunition na tho other, resulting in
'compound of approximately 81,000 jsuuuuer heat nud winter cold allko,,a great amount of coufusiou, which Is
milke'.fHi'nrii unit .miIIrIi'iI mini, of which . uiul nru hardened to tlio maximum finw pnimilnlivlv ilonn nwav with.
. .. ...... ..,.. .-.. ---, I - ------ - - . ..w ., ....,-. .. . .. -. ,. --
point, while tedious ami brilliant nm
11 ue vers that are constantly bolug held
trips of fifty miles length, .'urryliiK'mlmm,r 20,000 are on duty outaldo ot
passengers at 8R each. Two licensed 'm,0 i;ncd States, whllo the remain-
crows of eight members In each crow, iK o,ooo are at homo stations, most-.havo kept nil of tho battailous on
from Germany, will accompany tho w. m)raor amy nm nl uK) jlUgo their toes until they nro up to tho
dirigible to America and operate Itlgouiiment posts. 'lutrat war tactics.
Ono third of the quickly available
while at Ban Francisco.
When not mnklng rogular trips tho .ktaiidliiK army I now mobilised at
Parsoval will bo on exhibition at tho 'Galveston and Texas City, whllo there
Here exposition visitors will have
an opportunity to explore Us spacious
interior, comprised ot observation
rooms, sleeping rooms, diner, kitchen,
hath, smoking room, reading room
and, all the accessories that provldo
a modern transportation car with tlio
comforts of travel.
More than 1,000 camels nr uuaod In
Queensland as a means of transpor
across tho arid districts and the num
ber Is rapidly Increasmg.
iiro scattered along tho Texas border
uiuny compnnloH of infautry and cav
alry. At Fort Bam Houston,- the sec
ond largest army post in tho United
States, there Is a brlgado of tho Texas
National Guard, ready at u moment's
notice, uiimbors Hi, 000 men, Tho en
tire second division Is mobilised here,
and has been under canvas for ono
In casu of uctual warfare approxi
mately 40,000 men can be Immedi
ately thrown Into action in the field,
according )o. figures obtained hare.
Our navy now lias twonty-nlno
modern battleships nnd uino old bat
tleships, fifteen tlrst class cruisers,
threo second class cruisers, fourteen
r laillCS. d 1 1. 1 -..1 .Ind. fpulki.trd v.intv.nn.k pun-
I Hvnre offort of the irenorala until,.-.... ,...- .'-.. .u.,..
--.-. - . Ilfuiiw. Ifiri V.I11I1I1 UUH11UVUIB. IULIIT
two torpedo boats and tUlrty-flvo sub
marines. Tho best part ot thla force
could bo quickly mobilised to effect
ively blockndo all Mexican ports.
Soldiers of tho regular urmy nud
tho militia have been given thorough
practlco ln handling and firing tholr
commandors hero during theso ma-
miQVers him been directed toward sim
plification, elllclency and effectiveness
and perhaps there Is nowhere In tho
world today a better tralnod and more
alert army division than that now
Great advances havo been mode by !,., U(0 amount of rJflo practice now
army officials, tor Instauco, tho. rifle ttlvcn luan .,- ,,.- than dou.
bio what It was a few years ago, so
now lu uso has a range ot 2,850 yards,
more Hutu ouo and one-half miles,
and It has tho necessary wind ranges
for various winds.
The militia, regular. Infantrymen
und the uavy have tho same, style and
model guns, whereas, during the
that tho mon are all familiar with
tholr arms, nnd 90 per ceut ot them
are good shots at stationary and mov
ing targets, tor all kinds of surprise
msTinrr attouvey says it has
I united press service
YEARS ASKS FOR MORE PROS-jn crnxy man. $5,000 In gold awaits
ECUTORS ')ou nt Enzoli, Persia, on the shores
lot tho Caspian Sea, and in addition to
""" " Itho money there Is a round trip ticket,
SAN FRANCISCO, March IS, In board and lodging and other expenses
tha nvo years slnco 1900 crime in San ' to bo had. An advertisement appear
Francisco has doubled, according tolns in the Parts papers'today reads:
tlKures submitted to Mayor Rolph byi "The sum ot $5,000 net Is offered
District Attornoy Flckert. to anyone who will cure or restore his
nl -view of the additional burden reason to my elder brother, who went
on his office, tho district attorney asks out of hU mind three years ago. Ho
for an lncroiso ot tour prosecutors,
tho aggregate salary Increases to
amount to $10,200 annually.
Increased population and growth of
business are tho district attorney's ex
planation of tho added burden ot llt-igatlou,
(Continued e page 4)
W'pmeu In Raumanla aro nt liberty
to practico us doctors or lawyers, or
they may be chomlst or dispensers
nnd hold ofllclal appointments.
Womou school teachers in Cincin
nati have been placed on tho same
equal aa the men toaanarg.
la 60 yeajs old, eats and sleeps fairly
well. The money will be deposited
In a responsible bank If the party un
dertaking the cure so desires. Ad
dress, Psba RamasanoS, Kasoll, Per
sia, Caspian Sea, via Baku, Russia."
Apples, pears, lemons, oranges and
limes are ot great value la Improving
a muddy complexion. Raw tomatoes
have a fine effect on the liver.
Mrs. Charles T. Edson. a member
ot tho California State Labor aemmle-
slon, has been mentioned aa
tor governor ot that state.
is.1 f-L