o Gdidb THE EVENING HERALD W. O. SMITH. n'"nwwl Houston OPERA HOUSE Published dally eaespt faaday ta tte Herald Publlehlag Oaeaeeey ef Klamath TOW. at 116 Fearta Bt atered at the peetotaee at Klamath Fatla, Oresjea, tor traasailaalon through the avail at seeead-eleea ARANT GOING TO PARK NEXT WEEK Subscription terms by audi to any ad drM la the United States: One year ..........a....... 9609 One Btoath 69 KLAMATO fALUk . MU9QON THURSDAY, MAY IB, 1IS DARK TEMPLE THEATRE "Tra nail Toast," Edison Comedy. "Tito ItroUiera," Vltagraph Drama. "Tlic Welcome Intruder," Blograph Drama. "3 he Knee at Iho Window," Kalem Drama. MATIN KB DAILY AT fife ALL UCKXBED PICTURK8 Weather Date Xeteeej i mil 3eaeaesaeaoVl 4 99 Doaeeoeee71 vmmimiimmmI 7...' 76 far Ape Max. Mia. Weather STAR THEATRE Music Moviet aid Vaudeville PROGRAM TONIGHT OMAHA TOllXADO Vivid and Spectacular Scene From the Stricken City. AMERICAN "ill Heroine," Thanhatuar Drama. "Ftm Van Viable' Crullers," Majeitlc Comedy. "Lobster. AU Styles," GaumoDt Comedy. S. 9. 10. 11. 12. IS. 14 .97 .67 .69 .66 .SO .69 .61 19 Clear 19 Clear 96 Clear 99 Clear 41 Clear 40 Clear 49 Clear 40 Ft Cl'dy 40 PL Cl'dy 99 PL Cl'dy 99 PL Cl'dy 31 Cloudy 30 Clear 39 PL Cl'dy TRIP WILL BK MADtS TO BKTKH. MINK TMK T1MK URATKH LAKK WILL HK AOC9NNBUB TO TIUVKLKKM la order to aacertala some knowl edge ot the Una wkea Crater Uka will be opea tor trattlc. Park Super intendent W. Prank Araat plan to visit tke park la a tew daya. Ha will leave the tint ot tke ceaUag week U the weather to favorable. Captain Araat la at the opinion thut the park will be opaa to tourist by July 1, It the weather continue warm enough to melt the aaow. OBJECT TO SHIP BEING A TARGET SENIORS BONING THHKATKMKD DISPOSITION (IK HIHTOHIC UATN.KrtlllP ORE M)N tIAUttKH UK) PROTKHT IN THK STATE WASHINGTON, My 1B.U pro- poeala ot naval officer nro realised, the hlitorio battleship Oregon, aud her slater ships, tlio Indiana and Mas sachusetts, will bo uioil ni targets tor the batterlea or It.u more raoderu lighting machine. Tlio proposition In causing unfavorable curumcut. RKAL KtfTATK TJUeYUMI VACDEVUAE MUler and BfceUy, High Class Musical Act. Adanlsaloa. 18c aad SSc STAB THEATER ORCHBaTTRA CHAMPION FLY CASTER IN CITY J. H. K1MIFF, WHO HOLDS THE SUPREMACY IX CALIFORNIA, IH HERE TO FISH WOULD ORGANIZE CLUB Pure Upper Lake ICE Delivered anywkere ia tke city A. P. HUTGHINS Faone 270 W Grocery Buying Grocery kaylag ekeald hare earatal atteettoa. It'a aaar t auk a mistake. Wa baUero better groceriea are the cheeper groceries. Caretal haran alas kaow this. Grocery leyiaf yoar baalaaaa aad Mansfield, former world'a cham pion fly-caster, who vlsiu this section every year, la not the only fly-caster of aote to aeek oat Klamath waters, as J. B. Klmlff, a member of the Saa Francisco Fly-Castlag club, aad champtoa of the state, la here to ftoh for several days. He will apesd some time at Harrimaa lodge. Klmlff baa organised fly-caetlag clubs In rarlous placea la Oregon aad California. He may affect such aa organization here, accerdlag to sev eral sportsmen, providing proper oa thuslaam la shows. Today's aaws today la The Herald. Upper Lake Points The aw 37-feot lauaeb Empress la bow running to all potato oa tao topper Lake, earrylag both freight aad passengers. Launch learee Wlaoasa landing at 8 a. m. J. H. HAMILTON, Phoaa 399W. Grocery Selling Any size Ranch you want la ear business. Wo sell oaly "batter" groearloa, aad wo aoll them for the least ssoaey poeot-4a. Van Riper Bros. Phone 8kj l f i MOMUMENTS IN Ism Jeet wsorrsd froa tao . locaaarWoaMaa- att aew d saigas. - Two 190-acro raacbas, oaa 40-acre raacb, oae 30-acro ranch, from 1 to 19 miles from Klamath Falls. Property Oae 8-rooa house, one 7 room house, two C-room houses, three 4 -room bouses, aad two 3-room houses; also some va cant city property. Will sell for cash, or oa pay menu, or will exchange aay or all of the abora property for ranch or city property. Wo handle only our owa property. Come in and talk it over with us. The followlag realty traaeters. recently lied with the eeuaty elork, are furnished by the City aad Couaty Abstract cempaay: May IS, .wis Josephine A. Harvey to Weyer haeuser Lumber compaay, 9 10, NE section 36, towaahlp 94, range 14. James F. Loulaoa to Wlafred I. Cbllcote, W. D., 910. lot 3, block 4, tot , block 3. It. J. Martin et at. to W. W. Smith, V. D., 91.000, NEU sectloa 1, township 36, range 14. W. W. Smith to Fred and Gus Melhaso. W. D., 910, NUU sectloa 19, township 36, range 14. Klamath Korporotloa to C. E. Mul key, deed, 910, lot 763. block 117, Mills addition. Die Dasla Lumber company to 0. O. Johnson. W. D., 910, SW CO feet, lots 17-1S, block 37, Hot Springs ad dition. E. V. Vannlce to Eva Vaaalce, W. D 910. lot 8, block 43. First addi II. X. Woods to Jolln II. Foster, W. D.. 9900, lot , block 34, Hot Springs. May 14, 11S D. W. Ryan to Walter Dixon. W. D., 910, part sectloa 31, towaahlp 93, range 74. Dert E. Wlthrow to C. P. Stewart, Q. C. D.. part lot 3, block 14. Silas Obeachala to Frank Ward,! Q n n 11(1 nu.fAHfk lataaa I . -rr 9f Wm-f waW.H.. .mv. www W'M of 8EH SW of 8W secUoa 33, WH ot NW, W ot NE, NWK of SEU, sectloa 37, township 38, range 9; one-half Interest lots 1-3, block 19, K. F. O.. lot 6, block 18, K. F. O. Silas Obeachaln to Frank Ward, W. D 910, lots 8, 9, 10, block 94. Klamath addition, south one-halt of lots 1, 3, 3, 4, C, block 6, Falrvlew addition; loU 3, 4, 6, block 7, K. F. O.; lots 3, G, 6, 7, 8, block 31, North Klamath Falls. James II. Wilson to Frank Ward, W. D., 910, lots 7D, 8A, 8B, block 6, Railroad addltloa, James H. Wilson to Frank Ward, W. D., 910. lots 13A, 13B, block 9. 6A. 9B, 7A, block 6, Railroad addi tion. State of Oregoa to D. B. Campbell, deed, 9978, lot 4, BW4 of 8WK sec tion 14, towaahlp 96, raage 7. PORT1.AND, May 16. Public son llrueut la expected tu checkmato auy attempt that the uty department may make to destroy the old battle ship Oregon. Following the doparl meat's announcement that thu Ore gon waa to be scruid, such a sturiu of protest and Indignation was brewed that the svcruUry of the navy yielded to popular ilvhmud, and prom ised that the old flshtlug craft should not go to tlio bonoyard. Now come dlspatcliM from Wash ington that the Orrgou, with other battleships of the older typos, Is to bo used aa a target far high-powered projectiles. As this would amount to practically the same thin, as a per haps lea Interesting method of de struction under tlio trip hammers, the feeling againut tared procedure Is already manlfcot. "It's an outragu to think of con signing the Oregon to surh a fate," says Frederick V. llolman, president of the Oregon lllitorlcnl society. "It seema unneceuary and an un wise procedure. If (hero were no other way lu which thu efficiency of J the navy's high-powered projective could be tested, It would bo a dif ferent thing. Thu Orcxon should be saved. Its presence In Portland har bor, In view of Its war record, and Its wonderful trip around the Horn, would have a patriotism Inspiring ef fect oa youag and old. If the battle ship must be comlcned to oblivion, It should be taken out on the high seas aad -suak with honor. The proposltloa to make It a target, and so set It up for dwlructlon. Is un justifiable." ON THEIR LINES GOOD Driving Md Saddle HORam Special aMea-toa to masa-ir rial aad cMy trade. HORMEM BOUOHT AND SOLD. litiway Livery ft. Coraar First aa Hotel Anivals Hotel Hall J. Walter Call, Medford; II. II. Oilette. Ashland; J. S. Johnson, city; P. E. Thomason, Portland; Roy W. Nelson, Kcno; A. II. Weber; Sactu; II. II. Hall, San Francisco; II Uruce, Portland; Walter Dlion. PLAY TO UK PRESENTER TUKM-. IIAV EVENING IS AN AMAPTA TION PROM THE GERMAN MHGIi OAST REQUIRED Tuesday evening, May 3d, at Houston's opera house, the annual senior play will bo presented by Iho vnlor rliu of the Klamath tounty high school, The play selected litis )e.r Is a iraiiMallon of the popular modern German roinedy, "Dlu Jour natlalen" ("Tho l.'dltors"), by Ou tav TreytaK. Althou.li thil dialogue will ho lu i:uitllh, It Is the Intoutluit to mako the produitlou In all other respects as tjplrally German as pos sible. The (heme of the drama Is the tW nlry between two political parties, each represented by its own newspa per. Tho following is the cast of characters: Edward Oldendorf, editor ot Iho Times, and candidate for repre sentative, Robert Rlxis. Kumad Holt, astlstaut, Harry Mrs. nor. Ileltmaus, Jlardln Carter, and Kampe, Albert Junes, employed un the Times. Muller, I'aul Noel. Hnnnlux, owner of Times, Oliver Applegate. Colonel Ilrrg, the Courier's candi date for representative, Kriirsl Noel Ida llerg. his daughter, engaged l Oldendorf, Jennie Applcitntr. Ailelheld lluuek, helrta, frlrnd of Ida, Mayael Sanderson. Korb, Advlheld's secretary, Italph Hum. Mettden, Harry Gatariteut, and lllumunbers:, Theodore Cute, on the Tims staff. Krhmock, Lester lloxxs. Judxo Kchwars, Clifford (.evils. I'hlllp l'leeubrlnk, Joe Hkellnu, Klelnmlchol, Rex Iji I'rarls. and Frits Kleinmlchel, Uiuio McClure, voters. Mrs, I'lvpsnbrlnk, Harel Hummer. Ilortha I'lepenbrlnk. Alia Halls. Mme. I'avoul, French dancer, (net Elliot. " - -- -55S?5,ajssssi. ' JMBJSSFm n -ZwZ1 ,w.yjmm mm , t'c n ri;e si "" a s-sWY;) ex-- 9KJ,- Happy Fan Thut Can limb .... ' '" '" whunrlVSfcN ) "II" Is lived up uT ""uitls from f.h,n7:lwl Ht.ni.i,. j()lt, 'lHlt ' IH.ere.Bd,rl,,. ''"It favu,,,. 1vk!,MH' one, I First Trugt and Savings fi.k :Klislh rails, OrcHon ",r,--L- tJc M I , .-S Ihia J. XsmssH. Pi mIiI--I l' u ii. .i.i llrrt K. WMIirow, Secretary ",'MT- Surveyofi und IrrMjotlon l.iKjimws KLAMATH COUNTY ABSIIUCTCO. ABSrKACriNG Map-, PUas, Mlt-4wlat-, Mr. KIwIMATII, I'Al.loiaWM in ligf. si lisi ' I "a'' '! WX&JW 1 WpsJaa"Jf 1 KMiSB Subscribe for The Herald, 80 eeaU a month. Bids Wanted Tho undersigned will receive bids until Monday, May VJ, for IS to 30 Tjacrcs oi grouna, close in, 10 be used if.'.ns an nmusoment grounds for Rodeo Klamath; Ralph Drown, Sacto; How ard Woostey, allium, III.; D. Hard man, Vancouver, II. C; Merle S. Kll gore, Donanza. Wlilto Pelicaa F. S. Waterman, Sacramento; W. Nicholson and wife, Oakland, Cat.; J. B. Klmlff, Saa Francisco; I. Ii. Wilson, Denver, Colo.; E. R. Ray mond, San Krnnclsco; R. D. Murray, Portland; W. It. Starkey, Portland; J. Q. Donobn, Sacramento; J, M. Campbell, Dunimulr; J. P. Wbltlock, Portland; G. A. Sears, Portland. Amusement association, to buy or lease. J. p. MAGUIRE, 431 Main St. "SB-aa-BtB-BBa-awBssa-a--i'.i.pi jjjjluj mobile, one braad new Hamtltoa WOOD Dry Slab Wood, IS-lack. .9JS.Se Dry Fir Slab, IS-tach. . . .f4.ee le-lncli Roily Wood S4MM IS-lach greea Plae taab. .9B.7B ICIack greea Far 9Uaa . .. KMMATH FUEL a)., O. Peytoa, Msasgsr OaVllsePtao. Ideate SHSR GARDEN SAGE DARKENS 6RAY HAIR SO NATURALLY NOBODY CAN TELL '' IfilsatfjBjMBtjBl ajajj .fajjsj fa- ' B9w9gaW9r,aWaasW Vaoa"ar "-Fr-FW aTWg 1 J A. A. BELLMAN A SON 517 M4k St. P Restores Its Lastre, Piwri IteUaci DavoraaT aad VaaV lag Hair That koaatlfal, ovaa ahado of dark, glossy aalr aaa oaly bo had by brow lug a salst-re of Sago Tea aad Sal phur. WMlo It Is a aiaasy todloas task, H waU yoaaya taoso whoso aalr Is turalag gray, faaod aad streaked. Yoar aaif M yoar eaarai. Itaukos or aurs tho faso. Waoa it fades, turas gray aad look dry. wispy aad straggly Just aafUaaUoa or two of fas aad falphnr oaksa i let aa- pearaaeo a haadrsd fold. Doa't hothar to aroaarg tao logos; yoa eaa fot froaa aay draft ors lf eeat bottle of "Wyotk'g faga) aad fal phur Hair Boatody," ready te ago, This can always bo dspsadsd upoa to bring back the natural color aad lus tre of your hair, aad la tho bast thing known to remove daadruf, stop Itching sealp aad falllag aalr. Everybody chooses "Wysth's" Sago aad Sulphur because It darkens so naturally aad evealy that aobody eaa tell It has been applies. You simply dampea a spoago or soft brush aad draw this through th. hair, taklag oao small strand at a Urns, wklea re quires bat a few moments. Do this at night aad by moralag the fray hair has disappeared, aad after aaothor application It bseeaMS beautifully dark aad appears g leeay. lustrous aad abundant, it eertaialy kelps folks look years younger aad twloe as at tractive, says a wsU-kaswa dowa- towa draggwt Do You Wish to Buy a Good Business? I have one of tho best, mod erate priced hotels,' located la the center of business on Mala street, for sale. Furniture will be Invoiced at one-half actual cost, aad some lime given to responsible party to make final payments. Investigate this. Another Good One Thsro has Just come to this office to ssll 40 fset of choice Main street property, unlm-prqvod-, and right la line of tho city's best growth, Price, I860 por front foot. TERMS. EV1:RY MODE! bath nxnn Can bo had firm u Jut mm aa m Htm It tt as. i.le we lute tvnup la HmL If net, 'll wire the fsrtory a rus 4 fur your ieUI Utteflt, sVsstsflsi or pholiErapti In sb4 rt tg what yuu like We'll do tit net OKI.I.Ltr DO YOU WANT KODAK We have a No. 4 r"tnnn t'orirlitge Kodak taiss 45 that we took la ettfcaagV fur a KinUk. h bkasmat nialltiN and guaranteed la gdte aatitfarlliui. OrisMsl rest 999. OUR BAROAIN PRICI:-ONLV $b s Call or vtrUo for the !! Kwlak t'ntalosue, It It fVtS, Underwood's Pharmacy aaaaaaaaaaaalasiaBlBaf ' aaaaaaaaaHNNa'BaT KtaJUTM FAU Ml.'SIU HOCsal Hole Hrprrscatailrt sf 9a avaa Clay A Co.' HirlnMuy atl other tniw, uuirr uaw sin prltrs. TuawgaadaV Aunirr for HlaaeT SSd Sevtltig Marblaes, Oasyfjat' writers, Vkloraad Kdav1 Just now, gut a-ettaet Hot unls and Msrhl llonrry ami PI'H It. MAIlSENi 7 IU Mala ft erda, Nlci .uilnui tUcerd. 9B. eeeeeee4 J. F. Maguire 431 Main St. Farms, Ranches, Timber aad City Property Roaght, fold aad Etchaaged. FIRE INSURANCE. l PROMPT aErlVICCflCASONABLC PrllCCt, u V W. O. SMITH RRINTING ..!., CTWCCNMAIN : ff'o AMD .niAMATH FOURTH ST,, - M l I V teeoeoo4ooeooooeee44