Ii,', u'l iHaluv.1- ,?, ma i . MWWFmbJVmVlUMMl V T MHMMIiMm 1 .' !;; ' nib mJk; l; Wood Biiriv $ OMDHM JfttXMD I Call wWlo vtj I MtAMJMHARMMflCO.r, '1 I Phone 117.1 Mali t. i WOOD If - !. -- -. I iiri nmaaea mill sssmbsssssssb ibssssl I THK KVKNtNG HKRAU, KliAMATH MMH, OttKflON "af-Four w FISHING TACKLE We have artrythlntO'iii need tor that tithing U Hook, line, rods.twK baskets, tte. V rti.t teutr,guns rniil camnttitt owtfas. V THE GUfro STORE J. W. CHAMICHft M Jarohe Hlk. K u ! H Dry Slab Wood l-hJl.. Dnr Fir RUb. tSLIaT teVtach Body Wooa. , . . .. l4K4b Woe tWftcteJfcMark, load.WkM o. nrtrox Osace Use IWt I'hoat I67S i? ) of Tomales Hot Chocolate Oyster Cocktails Freeh Candles. Materia Klamath Falls. Putroahe Home Indfetry. Why Sweat-Shin Candy? (atn V. M. TIMMS leseral Ituse Cleaning Electric 'cu m Larptt mnmDnpemy Cleaning We remove all spots am din from carpels, and rugs by the electric vacuum proeaaa H.oeeMI. OeVeStTKltt.mtli KLAMATH MAN IS BUYINGrCATRE J. W. McCOY HKPOHTS Nt'CCKMM IX HIM MIHSIOX IN WISCONSIN, Wll.l. HKTUHN WITH THHKK t'Alll.OAIKH OK COWS I i 4 V WU4 fw TOuTt WINTER'S WO O P ttoy$lafcWood1S2.50c. Block Wood, 5.50 load AllklndaofKodjwood Ten i Hlilctly C h. Pelican Bai Lumber Ccv4Yoo2 Yard JL M. DOUUL Ifgr. Lear order at-i- IMI ihsr Grocery, Thome raJdJsT naBJtO BOT Block Wood 7 The economical fuel for win ter um. lave orders at COS MVn Street? .i'hoae 187. W. C BAtIS LIVERY Rigs with or with out drivers' Seat Saddle Horses Ofren day and night E. UUGMIIN Mala street Phswe 821 According to letter Juit received from J. W, McCoy, he ha purchased a carload ot lino UoWtetn cattle for distribution In Klamath county, and U now looking for tnoro itock lu Ohio. Mr. McCoy' letter, which waa written from Jefferson, W'l., ld he m leaving Immediately for tho Northern art ot the lluckeyo atate. hlch I one ot the beet dairying ec tton ot the Middle Wet, Mr. McCoy expect to teavu for Klamath Kail by December 34th, with thre carload ot blooded cat tle, thereby taking advantage ot the leclal freight rale, granted by the Southern Tactile. The cattle being iwrchased by Mr. McCoy are to be ptirchaicd by Klamath county farm er, who reallio the neceeeky ot start ing their dairy herd with good itock. A large percentage ot tke rattle will go to the llohemlan colony at Mails. Jot the comtnlMloncr reipomlble, tlm'n remote part ot lite city nml dayed graft queallon I solved, he ald, Tho (hero. Hut they worn found. And mayor mluccd uothlng, evaded noth-fyot, owing " tlm enntlonal itate Ing, and made It very plain that, o niriilu of nowiipaper(nmt iumv publle far aa he la concerned, he believe ofttolaU, the notion cnt abroad that he ha lolved tho problem ot how Vrlmliutt. Nothing more unjnt wa a city ahould bo run. 'oer tald of the force hero. Tho crlin- "You k me how I resard the Now Innl wure nil promplly'fnund. The York police force today a a whole, for efficiency and effoctlvcnena?" began the mayor, "Tho beet In the world, and I ay that advltedly. It U not generally known that compared with other cltlea tiur poller, force hero I very malt. We have a population ot 6,000,000, and only 10,000 police men. What do you thlnkr ot thatT Our full complement compared with the other large cltlea would be 16,- 000, Rut deficient In numbers aa the force I. It doea excellent work. It U capable of any work put up to It. Kr try one who cornea here to the city tee what excellent outward order and decency la preaerved. It I alto a rati mat our aecret terrire lorrc doea the very beat kind of work. It I very icldom baffled (Paid Adverlliement) OLD TIME REMEDY DARKENS IKE HAIR tiiVKS roi.nn, i.dstiii: to kaiiko 9gaaV I igaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaf aaaai laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal t! BaaaJgpamMiaaaaBaaaH. mmmmmmmnagggBBMV"' LaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV 'IHaaUaaVaiaaVRHBBV w aaaaagMMBaWx" I KVKHTTIIIM! I XMAH MUSIC Melo lteiriMntnllvr of Hlier. mt flay Oo.'a I'Uiio., , WeltiMity ami oilier Iradlnn '. ano. tMlier ntakr at mmlen ato pr !('. Tuning and lteln, Agent y for Mlnger and WdUo Sewing MathliH'e, Other Tfpr. wrllera, Viet or ami IMImhi Met. onl anil Marlilnra. Iloolm, HI. Iloiiery anil PJrturre. II, MAIIMKK, Proprietor 7 III Main Nl, Jiml nuv, KiIImin 4-iulaHte Hee uril. Itlr SI-iiiIhiiIo llernrtla, ulr. AMI IHIAV IIAIII HANIMIUIT oiiii'ki.v iii:movi:i I Kor generation ltiu mid Hulphur have been uied for hair and calp trouble. Alimwt everyone know the valuo ot aurti n combination (or It It, In a largo 'keeping the -lialr n good even lolor, KUt, the increl vervlca force ot the whole country. We, In faeclo work for tke whole country. - for curing dandruff, Itching cnlp nml railing hnlr, and for promoting the growth ot Ilia hnlr, Year ago the. W. O. W. Officersattention--Turm In all itltuay before Dee. 10, lll to Her C, C. C. K. De Ijip. tjec'. By f Cut (lower at Noy Wett Mala at "We recently bad to cae. here ."'' w' ", "1 " ,,"lr,'n,",c " ,,,U lliu wni in innKe li in iiuinv, which wa Iroubletome and not nl ways tatlufnctory. Nowaday aliuott mm miff ouft h (Continued from Tag) 1) I hi contlctlon U stilt undecided by the highest court. I The mayor nlted that three thing contributed to graft the en forcement of the liquor regulation, anti-gambling and antl-proatltuUoa law. Out taking tke enforcement of three out of the banda of the gen eral run of police, and making a iquad under the Immediate direction which will lllMtrat what I mean. One waa tho robbory of a bank mea- ama kw Ika a-4.l!.ul lMlatt niK. mvmivM , , r-,,w w,m. ,u.f-i - uera. The police had very little to.""' !-' ' "''" go by. and yet they arretted thtm nil. nw """" "" " One, I think, they found In Mempkle, uur' ''" "ei-,e., ... ,.... one In ome otker Western city and nHipail laboratorle. one te Cuba, or on the way to or from An Ideal preparation of Dili tort Cuba. My tha way. when a criminal ' Wyelti' Sago and Sulphur Hair get ouUlde ot the city they are able Uenu-dy, In which HaRo and Sulphur to catch him easier than If he went'f combined with other vaiuauie Into aome hole here In the city and 1 "" ' tor scalp troubles and thin, kept still. ,rnk hair that is losing its color or "The more recent case 1 the mur-lwln out. After using this remedy der of Rosenthal, the gambler. Thoefur '" ou U,M who did that deed also came la an 1or radully coming back, your automobile to the place of the mur-i"!' '' ' better, the dandrulT der. and got away In the same way, w"! " b . nd In less than It waa all done la a moment, and oltJa monili'a lime there will be a won- they went. Conflicting number ot.dffiM uinsTinco lu your hnlr, taxlcab were given by clllien on' Lron'l nvrlnt your hair If It U full looker. With very little to go byjof dandruff, 'toting It color or com the detective force of the city within .Ing out. (let a fifty cent, bottle of a few hour had the cab brought tolWyeth' Sage and Hulphur from your the atatlon bouse and In n abort lime (druggist, and see bal a few days' several arrests of those concerned .treatment wll do for you. All drug were made. It took some week to gists sell It, under guarantee that make the two Una! arrests. Thee two. tho money will bo refunded It the young murderera went Into a house In remedy Is not eiactly aa represented HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS For the Mother, Aunt and Grandmother IIOT.POI.NT ril.KtrrUK) lliONH. ' AI.VMIMIM WAIIP, AMIMIM'M AMI (IIIANITi: I'KIICOiXtOIIS IIAVIiaMM'IIISt, IIOKKII KAM'Y.WOllk SIIKAMH. IIISS WA1 lilt MMH. AIA'MIM'M KITt'MKN KNHrl HrTTS IIOKi:it TOII.KT MAMCtfllK Sl.TS. TllllSr: "SITKA IVOHY' FANOV WOIIK IIIMIS IIAVI! AIIIIIVi:i, JUST THK 1HIMI H)ll f.lM'V'llAM IIAUS. I.Tf. WILLIAM C. HURN m?im:v. TIIIEIIK IS Nt SIXCHITV M.UKII THAN MOMIV. IS Ol'H ,mom;v whkiii: vou cam uirr it whiutvou wa.nttik Tllf. THK KlllMT NATIONAL HANK TIMR NO STIHMiS TO Ull II ACCOUNT. ix THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK "The baflk of Scry ice" Capital SI 00,000 7?7r A .x. stRxn&mi & v wi,'- . m Jn KarrwJh fdMjh 'r i -i ; II' f- X M.J. McDonough Generml Contractor I Make Buildis out of. Brick Madcjn Kltmath Fall. radejn I aaaBamamkSgfli I' aaaaaLaaaaiEBH aaamaiaaBr almL mJaBaV I -."r-iociu uK n a t . ' es.i "Crater Lake", (lf "! f r Oregon's Best Flour. , Mxtra Family Quality i , i. Maaufarture4'by KLAMATH KALIJJ, OBEGON, MARTIN,BROS. anii mi:iiiiii.i, oiii:!o.v Cruiaed Rock, Sand and Cement. Harris 6? Co. Manufacturers of Sidewalks Concrete Work of ill Description Phone 881 Klamath Iron Works r9 AH Made of hear? Mora, iron mm brajts ci tavnajUl parte. AH s caatkeaw f 'f hi 3 '4. 1- A -Ti. tjk ll A (M Falls pramery ii 7T 1 Iswlat oa fjetiieg Uasaatli' Fall Creemery Butter. Akeilutely guaraa- toed. Your grecetgAriU funOtb UU " you'iitjtiorll. Ian the beet. '' - V J , Clothes Made JfOrder Wo uuike all aiwi'Uta'wtUi utmost rare. The quality of Material aatd ex cellent MorkmaiubiaS laeure aheolutA . I ' ' aW . 'i . f 1 Y ; LOMWiE BROS. ? r aa Bakmaaaai n r-'Tr'"r(D7 "rt f"! omt-i-w . Trr.. .'." i " r ' -" , W- w j,fr TffV f ,Jt".t, , y " b ., Klamath FdllS' Cigar Factory La Perfecto Klamath Belle Lawrence Special . H. LAWtlNi E,H ICE.Mfi Weflitke . fit uf Erery effort to supply Hig class senrfce in, Electric Ltthl ni Ptwer i 4 "kfc ft California-Oreii n Power Co? W t i a t) 3 KOM E: BUYER NEVER STUNG The other day a man saw a beau tifully Illustrated catalog from an Eaatera establishment. Ho noted that a certain article for which he had need waa quoted at a low figure. forthwith be hied .himself to the poatoMce, bought a money order and cent It to Ihe Kastera establishment. I tk course of Um be was noti fied that there waa aome freight for blm at the depot. He went to get It, but wa surprised when ho waa told how much waa due the railroad com pany. Ho paid, however, and took hi purchase home. Ho was again surprised. He found that tho picture In the catalog did not truthfully rep resent what he bad purchased. It waa an inferior article that be had received. He then commenced to fig ure up the cost. He found that be could have bought a better article at borne for less money, and would not have had to wait almost a month to get It. Not only la It wise to buy at home, but It la wiser to buy whenever pos sible bome made good. For in stance, a local man has Just started the manufacture of oyater cocktails, Isa,'t t better to buy cocktails which you know are cleanly made than It la to buy something that may and probably are made by a dirty Cblaa atasf. or a thieving JapT There should be uo hesitation upon tke part ot a KI!mA Fall resident. Home-made good tfcould have the rat and the last eoaalderatloa. Yes, it is made right at home i And you cannot boat It. for n nlro llttlo Xiim present. C'ojnu In and .'. about the uxcelluntiloather novolUe we mnko In our manufactory. You ran roino In nml glvo us your lileti. If It Ih inndn of leather wu'll mnko It, i St . Bradley Harness Co. Order a cac of OYSTER COCKTAILS nil Klamath Falls Soda Works "Made in Klamath' rffelfcereg anywhere Is 1 V Klamath Falls Bakery Why pay a high prke for your Mincemeat, when you ran get from t ' your grocer real guwl idea tur 11 rrnla. f rlelt) Maker of IMtteraut llrrad Klamath Flails TUBS AND PAILS Mike Good Everywhere , . r f V- & H'Uti a, tmn ,n . V (A. fH, , k f , ',