Jftf irr. j a- i m t. t . it "v t ,fi .;-, MS i &vt .' f k m tt ..iiii iw; MP ' ,i i 1 j S fti i-.v r IW"' $ f '' S, ' $M: ' &3g v . :f .. M? rnonowiuNAii cards R. O. A. RAMBO, 'Dealt All Work Quaranteed. Odd Fellow' Untitling. Room 318. Phoae 616 AIITHT'R R. WltMN HARRV U. MILLS CItII Kngter. Surveyor 17 Mate tttt MI8CKIXANKOL'8 lUMHlirH KXVRKMM It you want your ttutt moved oad tuotcd quick, get llamsby's Eipres to do I. Corner Seventh I and Main street rhone tit J KHTLOTMRNT Cll up COM8TOCK. SIS, It jon want Mr kind ot HELP. Register at the COU8VO0S. It yon want employment. I MADAM AM) TUCK. TIMMS Maaaanrn ami Chiropodist Cart corns, bunions and In growing toenails, lime. Tlmtni stops hlr 4xo m falling out In It treatmunts. and n perma aaaent cur tor dandruff. (live us a call. No. UlT Klamath Axe. Our Uusiness Is Good I t)ur Customer air flood ! Because our Groceries are Good A complimentary order "III convince ou. Yours anxious to please, Monarch Grocery Try a ran ot our "AI.TA OOFrKK" None llcltcr. I'lione I Ml I Jericho Club - for -Odd Fellows And Rebekalis - ONLY - In basment ot I. O. O. F. Tem ple. Bowling. Billiards. Tool. Card Rooms. Heading ltooras Prlrate Slttlnc Kooru tor He btkabs only. Vleltlng Drotheis and Sitter always welcome. RADIANT GRIL1 1 Famous Colorlte .Metal- WOOD Good Mock Wood . . ..M.SO 10-lnrh Body Wood ....9(1.00 . . Delivered . . tave Ordrr at City llakery ltoue All W. E.Seehorn Most popular Utensil ot General Electric Devices Electric Demonstration Link River Electric Co. 3rd and Main I'honcisoi our " Tlic report of Consul Cnnndn wmmr- nirillllil r-s.S ' X IIIL LVtNINU lltNALUjrioM tiy presenting the result ot n - - - - - - - - I three yonr' experiment In goat rnls-j V. 0. SMITH, Editor and Proprietor ulg on n fnrm In the 'Into of (luer- . ,; ..'., . , : "".;,, !rern, Mexico, ns follows PublUhed dally except Junta at 115 . . . Fourth Street ! " l9" ,ll i'S"r ot tM" tMM . -....u.i itil iii irtlw. Inrliiilliik Intci) , ., , IVWIlt'M iMVW ri'ii' ... ."-.... --...- Rntered at tho uoslofflco at Klamath nnd stunt), nt u xnllliillou of 1 1 5"' Falls. Oregon, for tranmlslon ench, eiiunl to $9'J,uou through the malls matter. Subscription terms hy mall to any ad dress In tho Untied State: One year It. 00 One month 60 KKMATH FAI.IJ4. OHKOON ATl'HD.W, Jl'Ni: 8, Hill! POSSIBILITIES GOAT INDUSTRY A Ciitvful I m ! iiK'tit of n IKdtnr. Well Un.kol .Vter Will IKiulile IIm-H Inalde of To and n Mult 'vny Hundreds of Imiulrles regardlnK tho poIMIItlt In the Unltod Stales of n Krent goat Industry nro now rearhliiR the department ot com- liti.ra, .mil titlinr Tti.M., Innltlpl.Ml "" - V nro the result of a recent lnteineill'"l"',ln" b) the bureau of statistic of that department, that 1250.000,000 hnd been sent out of the country In the Inst decide to purchase gont skins for us In this country, nnd that tho commercial xnlue of the 500,000,000 million Konts which these skins rep resented ould, had they been crown In tho t'nlted Stales, !in approxl- From the I second-class produce ot these ho sold during uluo mouths of IIMM and the ) ears of ll'Ou j iiml UMlli, RO.OOO head nt $f ench,. eiiunl to $:r0,000. nud hud. nt the close of 1006, "iS.000 head oil tlu fnrm, being 23,000 more thnn ho stnrled wllli The result wns, count Ing tho ilue of the 32.000 Increase ' nt $1 B0 ench, with the foregoliu' snles, the luestment of $99,000 pro dticod lu less thnn three jenrs f 3 S J , 000, besides the original slock of ill'. 000 imiMk una Intni'l " I Figures r I III Mexlcnn currency 1 Mr ' Tho nboo facts ns to tho posslbll- iHirs in me iui'rrie m nn' in', nnr- ply of the United Sl.iles, while re .talulng nt home Hie hundreds ot mil lions of dctlnts now sent nbrond for the purc.hnse of gont skins, nnd pro- Iilurlng this supply ot xnlunble tun-. terlal on lauds now practically uiiutll I lied, are clteil ns tne cnuse ot uio numerous luiitilrlrs upon Hits sub-' Ject now renrhlug tho department of' commerce nnd labor The number of goats now produced lu tho t'nlted I States Is small compnrod with thnl of tunny other countries Tho Intest , HguriK In the bureau of statistics! show the number In the t'nlted Slates In 1910 nt about 3.000.000, lu Mrx- lio. 1,600,000. Turkey lu Asli . llrltlti South Atrlrn. IS.-' 000.000, nnd llrlllsh India, 31.000,- 000 The Importation of gont skins! Into the t'nlted State wns In 1911 1 stated In vnlues, from India, neitrlv 17,000,000, from China u little over $3,000,000. from Mexico, over $2.- 000,000. from llrnsll, $1,600,000. from Argentina, $1,000,000, nnd from, Knglnnd $ 1 ,000.000 For the cur-1 rent flscnl )enr. ending with the pre- mated These sue Kestlom. coupled with the further l,- month, the total value of this nr fact Hint goat of the class supplying l ''' Imported wilt approximate $31.- the skins In question could be grown 000.000. the number of animals rep upon semi nrldanilemlinoiinlnlnou'-,en-,,- ''' ",,' Importations beln, land In tho Fnlted States now prac about .15.000.000 , tlcnlly unutlllie.1. hale added to the. The number of goats In the fulled, Interest Indicated by the Inquiries States, according to the census of j now bvlnc made 1 1910. Increased ntinut do per rent in The statement of the bureau of tho last decade, a ve-y large .iropor statistic ns to the number and xnlue 'I0" ,,,t' S-000 000 enumerated by o( goat skin now being imported, was coupled with extract from a statement by tho United States cousul Canada at Vera Cruz, Mexico, orig inally published by the bureau of manufacturers of the department of commerce nud labor. In Consul Canada says: tho census of 1910 being lu the Soutllj western states ' I Winter' Am Hon Clime Saturday Night The big unction sale now belnc this report ,,j ,,ghtly nt Winters' Jewelry store will closo Saturday night, at which j EXPERT REPAIR Guns WORK Bicycles Sewing Machines Phonographs, Keys and Locks CARL SCHUBERT 121 6th Near Main Corner Sixth and High SU. KLAMATH BURIAL CO. Robert Ilayner, Funeral Direct or, formerly of I.os Angeles. Most commodious Chapel In tne city Lady Attendant. Phono 1193 ('oat aro raised In exery slnto of ,tmp WBtch will bo given away. I tin r..liutilln tt Muvlen Tim' m. . .-..- . - ... ... .-,..... ... .......i.,. . t no inw remaining nays oi uiitw Industry Is largely confined to tho ia W bo tho last opportunity of i.i I central table lands. thoarii curing high grads dlnmnnds, watches, the nnlmnis thrlxe exerywhere, and jUB(,lry. silverware, cut glass and lean be raised at a good profit over a rj,i.,a nt ollr own price. This high. wider range of territory thnn that on,Kra,0 ,tnck hun been actually stnugh-. x.hlch cattle may be successfully u.r,., ln tnr In till s.ilo, the majority raised The dry plains of 'of tvnlrh-x alrn,l anl.t linvo not rrsl.. "' -- - ..aUC.u a.ruu, M .iiit Hiii " i iteil tno nctual cost. Liush, aro nble to support largo flocks ! ..,... A Helpful Substantial Store Service Utptndabtllty, courUousness, InUlllgenc and experience are molded right Into the very foundation of this establish ment all combining with fair price, give you tbl helpful, trustworthy (tore service. And It Is to give you still more this store Is continually striving to better It lacking and planning all that will make thl possible merit your con fidence and patronage Van Riper Bros. Wood Wood Block Wood r.uetv $3.56 Load Dry Slab Wood ",.' i Cd " " " 4ft $.3 Cd Limb and Body wood 4ft, Iwin 12in Leave orders at O.K. Transfer Co. or Phone 871 Oregon Harness Co. Phone 574 P. C. Carlson Phone 851- Kxiluslto Agent for Chase it Huiihoin Tens nnd Coffee. E.E. Thompson General Freight and Transfer Leave orders at Willis Furniture Store. Phone 385 WOOD FOR SALE Nuevo l.eon, with scant growth ot ol gont, though these name plain will not produce corn, rain or grass I unless wnter I supplied for Irriga tion Tho extent of terri tory which rould be given to the raising of goat without In any way Interfering with agriculture. Is very large. Vera Cruz has tens of thou-1 sands of acres of land so steep nndj rugged that It cannot bo farmed pro- lltably, but these rugged mountain ' sides furnish Ideal feeding grounds! for goats. Tho valun of thn goat depends upon three things, meat,' tallow und tho skin. jho ' matter of fresh meat In tho farming j district of tho hot country is greatly' simplified hy tho breeding of gont. In smalt, Isolated communities It Is risky to slaughter nn ox or cow, ns tho flesh Is liable to spoil before It Is consumed. Tho small carcas If .1 goat make It entirely practicable to kill frequently without risk of loss, In the state of Tobasco tho Inhab itants nro noycr at a loss for fresh meat on plantations where goat are raised, and whero formerly meat was nlmost unknown. Tho flesh alono would mako It 11 profitable In dustry, for the carcass of nn nnlmal will bring from $1 to $1G0, Fats ot all kinds aro high priced In nil parts of tho country, At two years u fat goat will yield six to ten pound of clear tallow, which will bo worth from 7Cc to I1.C0. The most valuahlo part of the goat J Is tho skin, worth $1.21, to $1,C0, and tho constant trend of price Is up ward." (Thcso figure of value aro iresumably In Mexican currency, In which tho dollar Is equivalent to about half a dollar In United States currency.. Tho consul add that tho Increase In tho numbor of goats In very rapid, since they begin breeding from six to eight month of age, and breed twlio a year, bringing forth two, and not Infrequently three kid at each breed ing season. A single shepherd, It I said, will look nftor at least 1,000 goats. He adds: ,"A careful Invest ment of $1,000 well looked nftor enn certainly be counted upon to doublo Itself Insldo of two year and a half, nnd to glvo at least SO per cent pr annum from tho end of the second SUMMON" In Hid Circuit Court of the Mat of Oregon, for Klamath Comity William a Slough, Plaintiff, xs Marie li tllffoul nud Cluis N Tib belts, Defeudnnls To Marie I., tllffurd nnd Clias N. Tib botts, Defeudnnls Aboxe Nnnied' In the name of the Stnlo of Oregon You nnd each uf you, nro hereby re quired to nppenr mid nnswer the com plaint tiled ngnlnsl )iui lu Hie nboxe entitled suit, on or before the lltli da of Juno, 1912, Hint being thn last day of the publlcittlon of till" sum mon nnd the Inst dny within which )ou nro required to nnswer, s flxod h tho order of publication ot this tuinmniis If you fall In nppenr nud nnswer, the plaintiff will apply to the court fur tho relief demanded In said rum plaint. Snld suit Is brought to foreclose 11 mortgage, dated Manh S. 1909, nud executed In fixxor of the ptaluttrf by the defendant. Marie I. (llfTurd. upon the following described real properly, tow It The NV. of See 13, Tp II H , It S i: W M , lu Klamath county. Oregon To secure to the plaintiff the pay ment of three promissory notes, dated March X. 1909, for II.OOO ruoli. with Interest thereon nt tho rale of S per cent per nniiiim from date thereof, and reasonable nttornr)s' fees for sen Ires of attorneys herein, said notes being payable one. two and time )ears nfter date, respectlxely Plaintiff lu said suit pras for the following decree 1 That he haxe Judgment against Hut defendant, Marie I, Hlfford, for tho principal sum of $3,000 00, with Interest thereon at the rale of S per rent per nullum, since March .4. 1909. fur $300 00 attorneys' fees, nud for coals nnd disbursements of suit nnd nrcrutng costs 3--Thnl order of sale and exerii Hon losue In snld suit to the sheriff of Khinntli lount) Oregon, and that sale be ui.iile as on fnrccloture - provided tn law, on nil of said real proparly or 11 sutnelout portion Ihsio ot to sutlsf) e.irll of snld Hole Mid mortgage and Interest thereon to pa) suld attorneys' fees; the costs and dUhurseuuiit of this suit and accruing costs 3- That alt right, title und Interest of the defendants, and each of them. In nnd to said real property, or ntiV portion Urn nf sold as nfoieiald be loterlo.ed a proxlded by Iah I- 1 liat ho be glten guiteral re lief This summons I' published unco u.xcli week for n period of six succes sive weeks In I lie l.xeulng Herald, a dally newspaper, printed and pub Untied In the city of Klamath Falls. Klamath county, Oregon, by order of f llsl ft titt. n.ilhl I $!,! ntllfl sllwln.l A lift I II'T Hiiuii '1 lllllliril li'dllf fia. ('( 30, 1912, Hie first publication being in ml 11 011 the 30th iiay of April. 1012 j steni: & nAititirrT. j Mtorueys for Plaln'lff 1 UO 7 II-2I-2K-I-11 h X JU Ui'ijf 11 O X 15 i: I'. Ii. Turplii A. V. Turpln (lleliiforteil tii, 17 POWKIJi Nllll.rrr, AT MAHKi;r, HAS PHiM'iui-.! IIooiuk With private luiHi, iUl.tiO per tiny upt ultl,,,,,, )lU, ISiM.ii.utt, I1I11II. It. .11. i.l ' Ba'90, """ ' " "' Mil .,,, Hiiropcoii pliiii, WE ARE MERE To Handle your lltinkinx Wants - Come in and nuiko them known T II 12 PIRST N A T I (VN A I. j AN K Capital $100,000 BmaMaaawmMmmMMwmmmmawmmaBMm A Glean Scalp And Healthy Hair Many of your frleuds linxu found thai a liiiinum Ktutl ol hair soft and glonsy nud a sruip fun from ilumlrutt ll reaU from the use of MWI.'H IIIIIHIIIOM. I'lil Is the proirillire Wash Hie hnlr with warm water nud a pine map rinse th4r oughl) rub Ilia srnli with n stilt brush applt lllrsuturte rut It lu well and dry Hie hair before combing l'lu.1.0 understand that llllsulolie Is not inrirl. Ulr t,i, It Is a tonic a food While ll thoroughly llrliii, II nl prilinl. Ii.r. terlal nrllon liulirUlie nnd lllllllluli Hie iimiI. uf l(. Iinlrrnniiiir nil ilnudlil I prexenl It It Hun i pleerir the usllirnl iH-nut) nnd odiir of the lislr N'yal's lllrstllone should t on our dreislug tablr II sells nt SO rents and II '" the boltle 1J X 1 15 1 W i O 1 s 1ll!Wi:ii i - klwj ' 1 , If I .1 c irar ' ,.".VT7J Sit Down nnd liyurc lip How lnan ilu.ulr )uu foIJ haxe Axulitrtl r rut, hl4 !t tiy (liiol, Uiiirail of caih El er rliiM-k u n wrlpl tbll (ta lint be iiirtii,nr,l Tlst lid alone I inmiKii wsrrxnlits slatting nn tuuiii st th lint 1 run and Wit nigs Hank Hit there rr ill,, r ailtantsgrs, IsU nf Ititin Shan an sreoont lo ds ninl .un.mrure tojojlu I hi' 111 First Trust and Savings Bank Klamnlh Falls, Oregon Indian Agenl a . r W II I T 15 for Klamath County J SIM PL Y BUSINESS If yon have been "going with" the "nicest girl in the world" for some time and finally de cide to "pop the question" That's Your Business If the "only one", after think ing it over, says listens all right to her That's Her Business If you "sort of get together" and unofficially seal the pact That's Nobody's Business But when the day is set and you are ready for the printing -THATS OUR BUSINESS W. O. SMITH PRINTING CO. We have just finished OUR BIG RODEO And have corraled a big bunch of mavericks in the ENAMELED BLUITE WARE Stop In front of our window nnd tcc them. Ask us nbout thcut and find nut how to iukc stnrt on n new herd of the Bliille Brand Cooklnjl Utensils. WM. O. IHTICX Vacation Time is at Hand TI10 Southern ifiolflo AM ttlNNIItrriONH aiii: oitkiii.vj Tin: iwuai, low iiou.vh 'iiih itvis T i:AHri:itN,i'oiNTH or i.Ti:iu:sr Beginning May 3rd AMI CONTINIIINH ON CKIITAIN llATKH TllUOl'tlllOlir Tllb HtlMMISIl HKAHON, Koiiud Trip I'ures from Klumnth Falls lo Few Points, as follosf UIIIOAUO ' JJJJ ('OI.OIIAI)OHI'IHN(IH rL0 KANHAH CITY, Mo J,(K( M KM I'll IS ..,,, , ,,,,, 1 ' tinr0 MONTIIIIAI,, quelioe tiHW Ni:V Oltl.CANH ,,;fflno m:vvoiiic l"ltt I'OIITI.AM). M11I110 uW HT. I.OUIH , llnUs to nil other principal point correspondingly "o" ' optional, oxci.pt Hint one wny vln I'ortlnnd sllilht udxiinrooicr mautloiied fure. . rftorn l.lmll doing trip, IB dn fr dnto.of sale, nnm limit October 31st, 1912. I'or fiirllicr inforiiialioii we ehpccially iccticctoii to call upon S. J. BAILKV, Agent, Klnuiath Falls. Or write to , . JAMES O'GAKA, l i? 1 i a oni l.r C, Cfii-rMinoiltO. Ca"' ij. r, iiiiu 1 , -4,t oui i-v Mil, -"-