tf t NUPPMKD IIV THH UNIlliO rilKflH NKW8 NKIIVICK Ik ftoeiiM Hlnl efaU. KVKN1X0 NBWMfAPl print tiir nkwb, not unoinr Hltlli Yrnr No. 1,771 KLAMATH FALLS, OIIKOO.V, IIHIMY, MAY III, Mill ). THE INITIAL DAY . wrest wins in io DIP 0IIPPC00 UPPGOLD MEDIL CONTEST 10 UID 0UUUL00 Prfco, FIT Om ROOKERY SCEN E IS WONDERFUL business houses HUE VVORK ON WELL UtUUMltD NIK KUVtU! ipi'HOMMATIll.Y 18,000 I'COI'l.i: ATTEND HOHIIO llirr) CiMitt'iiUni"' mill AciiiiiiuhhIii Iluii l Prollilcil fur tint 'iii HiilcitMliitm-ut 0(rh Willi Gallop lug I'nrwilr- Mini (Jlliiitrlllt', Wlilili Will lie Hlionii III Moving ll lura-o III Ore ll"' Country, , Pirn ill: jm cicih (i(Ml M'ltlNcM' IIIIIDH I'll;. Almost every business houao In the , city In appropriately decorated In honor of tlio Elk first nnnunl Uodco. Sliermi mmiinv wlnflfiuM r ...!,.. ,, ., u , , ''"'"rnte, nnd glvo thu city n decided- minim .M.IH Niiririnly it.roiiolllnri appearance. The "rilling Slopped for Few Darn, Owlu MimiM ll- rni Mini business men of tho city Imvo entered Intu tho nfilrlt. nnd uro Riving tho KIks every possible assistance In mak Imk tliu first annual rodeo n Kranil success. I 'ill lie Itltts. 'Hint II Gel IVi.hi,,. I'l.i,,,,. ,,f tun), ,-,,,,. lK hi llookri jli,,,, HHl k i llii- Mn.i liticii-oiliiu hli-lii ,. n, liter .sifn s & I It shortly after thn iidimi hour I whn the Unit spectator began to nr I rim at llio fair ground! tu wliilota Ire event of tho Initial day of til" i:ilY First Annual Itodeo, Wl-er the frit mi rubor ou tho program n :al Mpng imrado and mounted iualrlll. aiiliuiinred, the Urge grandstand, lilt n sealing rapacity of l.KOO wis ml full, aud aetural hundred p,-i pie aside front thU s'oro .hi " Crnund Tim largn crowd lluludi-il visitor froiii iirartlcally mcry i lly mi lie roast. Thn territory aurrouiclliiit I'lmnalli Falls, holli In Oregon ami California, la i-trcptloiially will rep retcntcd Thn arrangement at thn I icriiuiiita la nil that roiild he asked The nuiI attenitlliR Hi, Itodeo are sboan etery consideration to inaVn them romforlahle, nnd to make the celebration one to he enjoyed hy ov erybody The iORraui of real Western Kirta alartxil with tho galloping pa rade ami the hand rendering appro prist mtitlr Kitty men and women H'trnl of tl,,. tenrhera tislted The Ipp gold llleiliil Hi. llul nlKllt warded Mi mien Forrest. , Kiivn the declamation "Hott M) jM "'HtMl(.aV,.rl.,fHeeoi,dpftI III the rout,.,! was given Mlsa Henri 'Ua l.yotia. The Judge, w,.. iMr, mi J. Zi.i,iv.,.H. II it,.,,,,,,, ,, " II Mamin The mii, , ,,r,.. aented to Ml,, rrl,., ,y Mr ,.. M I I'l', wlio alntrd Una t,l( hint j,,, hn.l In Men n, offering It ,,. t coiirni;,. high achool Miuli-nt ,,!,. lie apenklng. All of Hi,, tnnlealanu Ti. glrla. nnd ,.wry nml.r na U ail! r.i.,1 1 Henutor Aimer Weed la In tho city to tnku In tho KlkV rtodeo nnd Incl- lt Ik Dim of the moat wonderful I'-t'ntolly to nttend to ll few liualneaa lulaiiil e,terilny In one of Hi,, T,.!.."'1"!? I luivi- ever aeeii. I nui mir-l,nnt,-rB- ford lauiichiH. Ameni: lh I, tla. J l-a-I-t that I i,tn tho flrat mun to : party were tin. Mlaaea Alum Tuttle, r""" ,'u' '" ,a," " Mature picture Mr- t'lirla Hcldtmnii came In from l.llen Conrey. A,l,!l fornwnll nud "' "'" ,ll'o', of large hlrda nesting r,'rr'" '",l nlelit to enjoy tho Rodeo llealora Krenrh on Hint Mnnd," mild Itnlph llarlo.i'"1 '"'r ,,""), 'rlonda in thla city. neiinl ininern mun for Tntho llroa.. i after he hnd vl,e tlio ronkerlim In the turner Kliimiith l.tikn. He came nii' In take pli'tuien for the I'ntho UiH'kly nt tl, lindeo, nud )ei(erdny aa taken to lllpl lahinil hy John V 1 1 our. I on. the lornl theater magnate.. He took oer MO feet of picture of' pellinuri. rormnrauta and herrona, , The oung hlrda ure not iet hatch-1 el. Inn lnri:e rolnnlei of the old blrda Mere taken Miirrmtliilliic tin, Innnm. ,1-nihli. uefita hulll on tin, lute Inland. Them, plrturea will be uliowii In Klnm.l riniUH Xt M:.VITI,i:-.TVo'iilli I'alla along, with the plclureii to' Ui:ili: Itll.l.llll "' '"k''" of Hi llodeo nt mi enter-) taliiinent to be given nt n future date IS I'.vcry where tho purple nnd tho white It'OXMMK.NT OF HKCUIU.N'O HCI. la In fcvl.lonre. in many Inatnncca tho ,,,. ol, flflo1 u.ATt... KIK.P l.l .ll.nlnu .!., -....' ' ' " "tMJII HATWl to Arrldent, Hot Ilaa Itoaumrd Well la Jfnw Down to a Deptli of SUly Feet, anil llottoiii of Uprlng I Not In Might Analyal, Hhowi I'uns Water WOMAN GLOVED '8 HAND IS MYSTERY is roiM i m:it wii:riii:n in ri..i: wiiini iitMicn ivni FURNISHED THE MONEY FOR BRIBE IIIAXKI.I.N HWKAIIH O.V STAMI THAT IMIIHOW U.WK HIM lOtm THOUSAMt IMH.IAItr, TO llltllli: LOCKWOOIt , i') the KlkH- lodge of thla city. rtl.Ani.l.. May 31 The pollre ale i:,i .,,,. . . . . -...i. i. in, ,r ii, KHiier oi n woman i . -I i.n.. ....... i. , .,. .. ... .........I 1.. r.l.m. .1. . I .., ..... ......... . ' " '" IIIUlll Ol 111V -'-" ...-.... i. .......... IIII.IID M , MM.,. K(,.r. 1111,1 IIITIIIKeU. Wlllfl. ' na loiiud uuiler Alato- rillToril liirpllie'a wrecked Wright liil.iue. uhk'li aratteied the cruil nt thea A,,aiii., mcei xaierua) ... ,H.rnll. ,,. flir . ,,,,.. , (,u The dead man haa been Ideiitllled ',, inures of them lew than fifteen feet aa (lirg.. (julnib). mi engineer of ,. T,,. wor(, B0 tnmc mt wo Seattle Ilia face aa allred off by,ad to acaro them up In order to get th propeller Itaymotid .Chanman. (picture of them on the -wing. lam ag-.i ii u uying. Willi su aKull frar- .,,. , rnm,. ,,ncK ,,r(, Ucr , ,,, , urpin a tace wa cruincii. .,n,nn when tho youne hlrda .mi irari- naa been mum or tlio !,.i.,.,,. i,ni ..,..... frontier plctiin- that will b- ahown In etery country, aa Italph Carle of I'alhe'a Weekly, wim on the ground and took n inotlnn pllcim- of the parade mid qundrlllc. The Unit el citing number waa a relay rare Thla wa, however, prernlril by miiiik fancy rom twilling hy aomu of the rldera nf national fame, who are here to participate hi the riding contest, Three atrlllga of horaea wore enter ed In the relay John Kllla supplied a string from Wood Hlvcr Valley, teprraentltift- Port Klamath; J. Frank Adams represented Merrill with a' string from the Adam ranch, and llunsaker and Htout entered for Klamath Falls. Ciipetawl, riding for Fort Klamath, was an easy winner la r,:, while Klamath Falls look second plaro In 7; 10, All of tho rid ers eiperlencetl considerable difficulty In getting their horse saddled, The event ot the first day war ell under way when the Herald re ceived Ua last report from I he (rounds. The program a announce! was being carried oul In a way that glves nsauraine that tho Itodeo will ue mi mat waa predicted. It I call mated that lha attvndauve today tip ITotlmnted. 1,000. world, but never have I seen n more jltitert-atliiK sight thmi lllrd Islam). It 'is simply wonderful to see ho many urge blrda nil In one colony. Two photographer, to avoid whom Turpln cinshed Into tho crowd, , Cut flowers. H Main St. Phono fl:r. GRADUATES IIOUKO NOTE J Frank A 1am still hold bis own inoug thu In.) j nnd It always found lieie the poii li the alrongeat. ' J Fernust-n I the busiest maa n the track herding the crowd out "Hie way of the performer. 'n Tim Klka rum know how to ..' things. The only thing missing I n telouliouii concretion with tho city. when this wat, nientlon-d to Hunter Havldgo ho Immediately promised to have one on tho Job next year. That' long Hmn on, but It will help anm. (liia Hchroder. the llojsevell of III "liver l.ako wntlen lth a bit; .. . H.Ku. kl. Uufitl-tf E, Jf WMfV IIIUTVU , jvnvi.f Kori to thu Evan building. Tho Ut ile Book fltore will occupy tho room 'lh hint, and la movlm.todny. I GET DIPLOMAS a.nm'ai, i'om.mi:('i:mi:t ilxfii nsKs wim. in: iiii.o this i:vi: mm: .t tiii: iikiii snimii, .W'lllTOIIU'M young blrda uro I am sure tho pic- Thu annual commencement of tho graduate of thu Klamath County High Kchool will be held this evening nt K:30 In tho high achool auditor ium, which haa been appropriately decorated for thn orciislon. Thero are twelie graduate this year who will receive their diplomas tonight na follow' MIks Octnvla Arnetl, Oril Arnold, Mlaa I'enrl llolvlu, Fred II. Dunbar, Hoy Fouch, Mlsa Vera Hous ton, Mlsa Majorie McClure, Mis Klslo Orem. Miss Florence Skart. Mlsa 1,11 linn Vnn Itli'er. Mlai'J Itlper and William Professor Herber l.'ngllali History d tlnlverslty ol,( tures will be considered nmong tho best ever cihlbltcd. "ll was my Intention to go to Cra ter Lake Park to take n motion pic ture of tho tako nud Annn Creek can ou. On nrcoitnl of the hiiow tho trip cannot now bo made, and upon In vestigation I hnto also found that one must hnve a special permit from tho secretary of tho Interior to (Tike mo tion pltcurcs In tho park It I my In tention to couio back hero later In thu )cnr to mako thla trip." Mr. Karln was accompanied ou hi trip to lllrd Island by C. S, Dudcif of Portland, who assisted him In taking the pictures, by J. V. Houston and Harry Telford. Dudcu succeeded In getting a snap shot of Knrlo and his motion picture camera when ho was submerged In tho swamp to hit wnlut. ThuYilrtiirr being tnkon by Mr. Rarlo will prove ono of tho most far-reach-lug advertisement aver given tho Klamnth country. I lilted Press Service IMS ANUi:i.i:s. .May 31. While Job llarrlman nnd Clarence Darrow sni iieaiuo oacli olber In tho court room. Detective Franklin wore that row gave him (4,000 Io bribe Lock wood. Ho said that llarrlman camu to Harrow' olllce, and they went Into mi adjoining room. Harrow came out and gavo Franklin tho money one $1,000 and lx.Jj500 bill. - Attorney Karl Kogers made a sen- nation by declaring that Franklin had learned the story prepared for him hy tho prosecution, and that hi tes timony was merely a recitation. "The testimony of tho wltnes," said llogcts, "sounds llko a recitation on Friday afternoon In the 'Old lied School House.' It I plain to ctery ouo that he Is reciting a story. He used words unnatural to him, and It sounds just llko ho learned something the district attorney had written out for him. Jhcry man and woman In I the court room know the witness 'w reciting." District Attorney Fredericks, Hush ed with anger, aroso nnd objected. Iloger Bnld: "I don't nccuso Captain Fredericks. He was out the the state when It wn done." Harrow nnd llarrlman sat un moved. The court then adjourned. Owing to an accident work ban been shut down for a few day on the well boring outfit of the California- Oregon Power company. A small boulder dropped Into the welt, and necessitated putting in casing sooner than wna expected. To put In tho ciuIng and still retain tho latno slie well It was necessary to send for n larger drill. Thla ha now arrived, and It I expected that by Monday the work will be resumed. CI co. J. Walton, local manager of tho company, say that tho well j now down about sixty feet, nnd that tho bottom ot tho spring Is not in sight. The water comes up from the bottom of tho well. The company ho hnd samples taken from tho water coming from the well, nnd the anal ysis showed It pure and fit for drink ing purpose. Mr. Walton believes that by going down about 300 feet 3 good and aqfletmt supply ot pure water wilt lay procured. ;T-auwg of tho wclPwtll shut out all iurtai-9 water which ha heretofore been re sponsible for tho existing Impurities. Tho water company Is determined to give the city an ample supply ot pure water. Tho machine I prepared to go down 2.C0O feet, and If It la found necessary, Mr. JVnlton state that they will go to this depth In an attempt to get artesian water. The drHllng-profressed'jIcely Mntllrte arcldent occurred, and compelled the (losing down of work for a few dnjx. LOCAL THEATRE TO SHOWO SPECIAL FEATURE PICTURES Tho Hparkn theater haa secured for tomorrow a special featuro film show. Ing Wild West scenes on the Diamond "H" ranch. Tho film Is right In line with tho Itodeo, and what will make It of special Interest I that two of tho artist who took part In the per formance when the picture wa made on the ground will participate In the local event. The plcturo will be shown at the Spark both In tho after noon and evening. The management of tho theater waa put to consider able expense to get this film, and the prlco of admission ha been Increased from 10 to 1C cent. Captain J. P. Leo ha returned from n trip through the upper coun try. He says the farmer are all feel ing Jubilant over the splendid pros pect for big bay and grain crop. WILL HAVE CLASS OF ABOUT FIFTY CI.OHHD HKAHON FOR GMX)M UK- OIXS TONIGHT Hmm lal Delegation of Hoo Hoc From Han Francisco Arrive Till After noon and Concatenation Will Be Held Tonight It Will lie One of the Large! Clausen Initiated on the Const PROPERTY IN CUBA MENACED DKKTHUCTIO.V OF I'ltOPKItTV OF UtO.V COMPANY IIY ItKIIELH IS KXI'KCTKI) TO CAU8K ACTION FOIl IXTEHVKXTION United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, May 31. The rebel have destroyed the prop erty of the Spanish American Iron'nato." company at Daiquiri. Condition are considered serious, 1 expected till action will cause rewweTnren arntlon for Intervention. The gov ernment 1 expected .to send marines orcrywhoro In Cuba. American prop erty I menaced, and possibly a battle- Horbort J. Savldge, who is on the committee to receive applications for membership In tho Hoo Hoo, report that be believe that the concatena tion to be held tonight In Klaautb Fall wilt bo tbe largest In point of now members of any held recently on the Pacific Coast. Seattlo bad a class of forty at the concatenation held In that city, and Mr. Savldge states that this number Is already assured, and he feet confident that tho number will be close to fifty. Fred 8. Palmer, Vicegerent Snark of the Central District of California, will arrive with the delegation from San Francisco thla afternoon. A sto.i will be made at the Rodeo grounds be fore coming to tlio city. The concat enation will be held tonight In tbo Odd Fellows' temple. To the Order of Hoo Hoo, the Black Cat ot America's secret society soo, Is to be credited the furbishing up for every day use the rerb "to coneate- Wben you ice man with m badge showing a little black cat upon a ground of white enamel, be Is n ipksr ot tbe Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoos. Also he Is n lumber-., man or connected with the lumber Industry In nrao direct way. i it rou see-two Hoo Hoo toaether rnlp fleeW-wlUi 1.000 marines aboard.jirle n-slgsrthat the rtoee seearrur-' will go to Ouantanamo. False Fire Alarm An nlarm of tiro was sounded about 9 o'clock this morning. Tbo report had It that the West End Grocery was Ion fire. Flro Chief Wakefield and tho department wero prompt to re spond to the call, but nowhere could tho fire bo found. Qulllltch & Ab bott, proprietors of tho West End Grocery, say that they did not send In nn nlarm. (' A. I.enx Is In tho city from his ranch In the north end ot tho county. Ho say Block ot nil kinds Is dolus well In that section, and that feed Is exceptionally good. FIRST ELECTRICAL SHOW FOR KLAMATH FAILS TO and mm mm For the accommodation of visitors Io the Rodeo from tbe northern part t the county, the Southern Paclfio 'U1 run train to Chlloquln on Sun day. The train will leave at o'clock the raorntaf, and will return the mo afternoon. Another train will he run to Chlloquln In the evening ftr the entertainment of the day Is over. . t irr'wlH Wed by Ml Mnrjorln Mc- filure, prcsldonl of tho class, and Mlsa Florence Short will dollver tbo vole dlctory. Following Is tho pregram: March .'. Selected Trio (a) Meditation . .Iluch-Ounod (b) Mlnuottc from E-Flat Symphony Moxart Mis Klslo Applegnte, violin Mr. Ivan Danlols, 'collo, Mlsa Kvolyn Applcgato, piano. Salutatory , Mnrjorlo McClure Vocal solo (nl Flower. Rain. .. , . Scbnolder (b) To a Messenger .' A. UForge Mrs. Don J. Zurawslt ,- Address Pror. iicroori u. nuu Piano solo Fantasia oy uoian Mr. aoo. Wlrtx Valedictory Florence onon Presentation of Diplomas juugo . S. Worden. llenedlctlon. gathering In sual uta-Oroi iiIiik with tho 0 liliiK nt Pelley'a new fctrccl. .'; Mr. George, Walton, tho local mi iiger of tho power company, whilo re rcutly In San Francisco upon his lo ll, rn from I.oa Angeles, obtained the promise of tho Gonoral Eloctrlc com pany to assist him In making an In- Mructlvo aud thorough demonstration of tho possibilities ot electricity for lellovlng tha housowlfo of imnoa.i. sary toll, besides making tho homo pi ore cheerful. Approximately xzoo worm of neai- uig unci rooking devices arrived yea- tcn'.r.y, by express from San FrancUcn, undone electrical fraternity huc ... 'i i i. ...,t. u- n'.iiAn .. JOllieil llllllUB ,.,! M,, f.M.lWM ,v nibko Klamath Falls' first eloctrlc rltow an Interesting ono. ino ap ponrnnro uverywhore of tho little red nnd gold "OE" stickers was a clever announcement. ULTIMATION TO UROZGO BY KNOX HKCUirrAKV INSTRUCTS COXHUI, TO NOTIFY I1KI1KI, I.KADER THAT UK WIM, PAY PRICE IF AMI'IIKMN'S ARK HARMED O. P. King was In the city today from hi ranch near Stukel bridge. Mr. King located In thl valley last car. Ho Is well pleased with the crop prospects. He says Klamath Is proving oven better than ho expocted. W. W. Lewis and family nro in tho city from their volley home to take In the Elks' Rodeo. Tho Library Club wilt serve Ice cream tomorrow afternoon and even ing at tho club roomi. The proceed! will be applied to the fund for buying now hooks. Everybody I Invited. DR. HARRY LANE HERE ON VISIT THK KX-MAYOR OF PORTLAND IS AMAZED AT THE GREAT SHOW ING MADE IIY KLAMATH FALLS IN PAST FIVE YEARS United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C, May 31. Secretary Knox hns Instructed Consul l.otchcr of Chihuahua to notify Gen ial Orozi'ii that It ho withdraw pro- n tu Americans ho will person- the prlco to America. This m. 1 regarded as meaning ro.o will be considered n o from American Justice if the rebela harm ony Americans. It Is feared thn Americana In Northern Mexico nro endangered If Oroico re laxes his iilrrlpllno, Tho cabinet to day dl8ciisnrd tho situation. I.eo Denton, who conducts a big general mercbHiidlse store at Fort Klnmnth, la In the city to attend to business matter and take In tbe Rodeo. W. O. Huson returned last night from San Francisco, where he had boon on business connected with tlie Long Lake mill. Temple theater, Matinee dally, !:3A . ra. Evening, first performance I',, continuous. J. W. McCoy returned yesterday from n few days' visit to Wood River Valley. WILL SOON UPEX A NEW MOVINB PICTURE HOUSE Offenbacher & Clem are proprietors of a now moving picture theater which will be opened to the public by tho middle of Juno In the new Offen bacher building on Main street, near Sixth. The front la now being put In tho room, nnd the theater will be opened Just ns soon as the necessary equipment can be Installed. The place will be known as the Majestic. Mr. Clem li recently from tho East, where he was for n number of years connect ed with motion picture houses. JL. Deckley and family are In the city from Fort Klamath to take in tho Rodeo. Mr. Hockley formerly operated a general merchandise store at the Fort, but Is now tbe owner of a fine stock ranch. Tonipio theater, Matinee dally, 3; 80 p. m. Evening, first performance, T: IB, otmUnuoae. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Garrett arrived In town last night from their home In Langell Valley. They will remain sev eral days, helping to make tbe Rodeo a success and transacting other business. Dr. Harry Lane arrived In the city from Portland last ntgbt to take in the Elks' Rodeo, and also to round up all ot tbe votes In this section of the state. Ho say that ho realise that he must have republican vote as well as democratic to become United Statei senator, nnd In making his round-up he Is not going to discriminate In any sense whatever. In speaking ot Klamath Falls Dr. Lane aatd: "Your people on tbe ground do not fully reallte the splendid showing your city has made In recent years. I was here with my family five years ago on a camping trip. I tried this morning to locate tho place where mo pitched camp, but found tbe city had grown nwny from me. You have one of tho most wide-awake places In tho state. The people here seem altvo, and I predict that In five years more your city will stretch from hill to hill and from lake to lake. I saw Port land when it bad only 3,500 people. If anyone had predicted at that time that it would make a city be would have been committed to the state In sane asylum. Klamath Falls has an abundance of resources, and must make a city." Dr. Lane will be here for several days. He 1 receiving a cordial recep tion at tbo bands ot tbe people of this portion ot tbe state. J. J. Furber baa. succeeded L. Alva Lewis aa federal game warden for tbe Lower Lake and Clear Lake pre serves. He has been a state deputy warden for the past year. He will hereafter be employed by both the government and the state. This will give him authority to make arrests both In Oregon and California. gloom has begun. If yon chance to encounter a hundred or more of them In the front rows ot a theater during one of their national concatenation, It will b wise to have pair of ear muffs or a Maxim silencer In your pocket, for every Individual Hoo Hoo will he armed with his favorite wea pon of applause, two pine shingles of ample detonating surface and whit tled to fit the hands. Tho genesis ot the Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoos Is due to a concat enation of events. It was necessary first that the Arkansas Yellow Pine Association should select Little Rock for It annual meeting some twenty years ago. It was further necessary that tho train bearing the delegates away after the meeting should run off tho track. It was of prime necessity that among those delegates should be Dolling Arthur Johnson, and the final link In the concatenation was that the whole crowd should be dumped out at Gurden, Ark., where, ai all the world knows, there Is pos itively nothing to do but to watch the trains go by. As tho wreck had interfered with this municipal pastime ot Ouerden, nnd as one of tbe links In the catena was Dolling Arthur Johnson, who never stood around for a whole day In tho town of Gurden. or any other town, for that matter, without doing something, the organisation of the Concatenated Order ot Hoo Hoos fol lowed. The names ot the oflcers wero taken from Carroll's "Tbe Hunt ing of the Snark." Boiling Arthur Johnson therefore became the First Snark of the Universe. Inasmuch as the black cat. like all other cats, Is reputed to have nine lives, It followed In logical concatenation that tbe or der must have nine superior oncers. These are: Snark of tbe Universe. Senior Hoo Hoo. Junior Hoo Hoo. Bojum. (Continued on Pate 4) PULLMAN COACH FOR alAMHLS MK General Passenger Agent Che. S. Fee li authority for the statement that within a few woeks the Southern Paclfio will add a standard tleeser to tbe Klamath PaMa afternoon train. According to advices received the vice will be esUeUrted eRsen oV. June Id or Itn. a i V y' uv'W -' ,