WW . 5t . 'JJ HT 'i-jjl Stte it fold o.' M nvrrum mr m v, innw nam m mmxwn j A Fifth Year No. MUI KL.tM.tTII PALM, OIIKfJO. TVEHDAY, MAY SO. 111 Be nOUMIIMOf iscrawfAnwfAii mws mbvnb if- i ,i f, f 1 i BUILD AND OPERATE OWN LOGGING ROAD WORKING ON MILL MUCIN HAY l.l'NIIKK fOMl1 XY'H PLANT. WIIKM COMPI.KT- r:i, will iik amohu miwknt IN' THK HTATK Within thirty daya work will com. tame on the construction of the Aral lotting road In operate In the timber M the horr of Iho Upper Klamath I . . .-. . ,- . I.. .11 ....I1 41f. I II" riWM l I" If I'MIII HUH operated hy the I'ellcan Hay Lumber maipaii), which recently Inrmporal rd with a capital Mock of IK.O.OUO. The company haa purchased ini.000,. ACQ fret of timber, altuated Ir. the! fa-radi forest teserve near Pelican y un tho Upper jptlamalh Uke. The coiiipan) will begin logging IIiU maimer, and will build about three ' mllM o( trnrk Ihla )car. DonUy en- line ami cable will probiibly bn tw.l In )ar.llnK the log, which will t haiilM on rara to thn lake. The dredge will won begin wink ih Lie .lltrh about half a nillo tnna. In whlrh the log. will be dumped and Motrd ni they arn brought from the' OOlIt, Work on the foundation for thn mill at llniik at the lower end of the like l fnr ndtanrvd. Tho company U arulni tgt).hree acrea at thU aolat, to ' uaed aa o mill alto and jintt. inU early In Augunt they eg. reel to have In niratlon one of Iho auMt modern aaw mill planta on the toait. The mill will be operated In ln ihllta of ten houra each, and will hie a rapacity of 1X0,000 fret every aa). The machinery will be fur- nUhrd by the Murray Manufacturing rampany of Wauaau, Wla., with the riceptlon of the aawa, whkh will bo Sbe farnoim MrDonough band, roami.'1"" InJnwd. though the accident ftrtiirrd nl the MrDonough foundry t Ku Clnlre. Wla. Oni notel featuro of the plant la that l probably the largeat prlvately uan'.l canal In the country, which the ranipany will iimi for the alorago of hg at the mill, Thla rami la fifty lt wide at iho lake front and ninety Irtt old., nt the mill, and la l.00 tM long, It U eatlmated that It will he able to nrr.mimodate 3,000,000 At lat iilKhl'n minting of the Anl fret of I(k t one time. Trarka fromllvra Club, the preiutratloiu necmary the Houthern I'aclflo line have been I (or the founding of un Klka lodge ci-nxrurli'd to tho mill, and after Ihe hero were dlncuiutod, and the momberj lumUr haa been ard drlod It will bn' wcro all unanimous In voting to make loaded onto cara and ahlpped rut. 'thn affair one that will create aome Uoit of (he upper grade will be, little atlr In Western lodge circle. Marketed in Kanaaa City, I There will bo Klka from all over tho The company now owne auSklcnl'Coail hereon the day of the founding Umber to run thn mtlla for more than j of the order, und the following havt Many Improvements Are Noted At The Fine Resorts On Opper Lake A rrpreaentatlve of the Herald Made a trip yiaterday on tho ateomer KUmalh to tho Kaglo Itldgo and Hocky point rexorla nn tho Upper Klamath Lake, and report a a number X Improvement are being made thla Wing, In urder to give the peoplo ho come to thla aportamau'a para ia iho full value of their money. Already tho Aahertnen arc beginning t KM nut tho old tackle and replace lei, put on now tlpa and prepare gen flly for iho big rainbow in Cryatal Crea. Wllllaniaon River and Pelican f. A number ot Ane onea have t,n tho paat weok. The nun try angler can alwaya look forward l tho return to Eaglo Ridge Tavern Un a knowing aatlafaetlon that hla Pecklcd heautloa will be eerved him ' alylo beRttlng a king. Mra, nrimih can well bo proud of her cut ry department, aa It la tho talk of tourlxu ftnd Rmrlimen (roro fen rranclHco to Puget Round. Charlea Wllaon haa had all of hi fwboata freahly iialated and ready r tho coming throng. Now build wa have boon erectod at Roeky Point J about throe mllca ot lae road ha n built by Mr. Wlllaon thla aprlng. " iwrmlt the automobile of the Cra. ff Uko company to go direct to the feii.?'"1 I"i"t ra paaaeager III 1)0 taken In lllaa k. .I.klk a,n. I --"-". w vavw inw vianH www- r of tho world (Crater Uko) . ThU iwamifui Body of water. aHuated la , lwgi quantities In nililltloii, Home of, inn men iiinuuci miiii i n ii tntntiniiy live yvaxn. hut I hoy expert lit 'nlr.-n.Jy .i. largo tucUof ilmlr In .Klamath taimtjr. i.n.l they figure on A'jcmillnuniu operation for twenly-flt.i )er nt leant The nrflrcra or th I'ellcan Hay Lumber rompaiiy are all big men nnaiielally. and well known through, out the U.tlted Htato Jiy tho Mr lum ber Interest. Harold Mortcii.on I pr.nl.lehl. W. P. JohnMin tiro pre. dent, and tl. I). Ilaiiptman, secretary "" ? tr.inllniied nn Page 31 sovemoi Mis n . 0NTWOIMOICOIIMTTE(S HAI.KM. May 30.tluteruor Went! hn iil'IKilulril tho follow lnc Irinir.., of the M.I..iiikIiIIu Home, at Oregon C'll); J, IX lleilxn., K. II, Cnufleld and Itfv. C. Hlllehian.l. The member of the alnle Immigration tiiilullon. era were oImi npMlnted by Iho Rtner- ,nor. The are John V, Bcott, Lelloy ''nr, "' I'ortlnii-I: Thotnaa V. Ilurkn '- ' '"'rf ' Halem. " IN 1LNMIKEE IMI DHCKO OR FIST TJTtf tfnlleil I'reti ftervtca HI'OKANK. May 30. The Mllwau keo rnllioad'ii new Iruiucoullncnlal llmlte.1, known nn the "Columbia Kx ptemi." In making Ita flrnt eaatward I lip. wan ditched at l.lnd, Waahlng. ton, In.ln). The engineer and fireman ItfrA lilh Iflll.iil nMv,rillii tt aAtm reefhed here. None of the paiacn occurred when many of thorn ""o i Ktlll In bed. mm mm m HPTW Of B. P. 0. E. (the crater of Mount Maiainu. will bo vlaited by hundred of toitriala thl aeason. and Is n spot Klamath Kall.i can boast of a being nno of tho moat beautiful sight one would wish lo behold. Tho steamer Klamath haa been thoroughly overhauled thl season by Captain Heed, and she la now ready for tho traveling public. Bho ha an oil burning plant, whlrh ha been In tailed at a coat of aoveral hundred dollar, making her the fastoat ami moat up-to-date paaaenger boat nn Upper Klamath hake. Bho will run Sunday excursion every Hundny tho rest of tho aummor to Rocky Point and Eaglo Ridge, atop ping threo and a half houra at Rocky Point to permit of fuming, boating or other pastime for whlrh Ihla retort I famoua, Tho automobile of tho Crater Uko company will begin making dally trip to tho crater about July lat, or soon er It tho anow dlaappoar, ao that traveling can bo made In comfort. A number of paaaengera came down from Raglo Rldgo, among them being Mr. M. R. Tltcomb and family, Mr. Ttleomb I the dlatrict engineer of the Routhern Pacific company. Robert Clay and Mra. Wing of Woodbine came down tor a fow day. Beth Mr. Clay and Mra. Wing have fine homoateada at Woodbine, and are making numeroua Improvement on them thla aprla'g. ' noon named chairman of committor in look after their walfnre: . To securo quarter for holding the celebration, Fred Mclhaiwi: room for Hie visitors Ui remain over night, W .T. Hhlve; to eocurn auto to transport th vlallor from tho depot; Claude 'Daggett; muile, Carey rtamaby: fliinme, K.. II. Hall, Fred Mclhnw ''(llWI - ffn lUlltttln. Alnr tin,,.,, fl II Campbell; printing, II. H. Bhcplierd: '"m:n ' ?"S5' L" "' " T'. W. 8. Worden; fl. T. Merrill; rocoptlon, 0. These chairmen of committee will M'lert I heir help. SAYS DYNAMITE WAS FOR BUR6UR UK ADD IN HUltltt THAT THK (ONHTAHI.KH WKHK INJTHKD HV THK KXPLOHION IX HIM OAKLAND HOMK t " ' t'nllrd Preat Barvlea HAN I'ltANCIHCO, May 30. Chan, rirknrd, of Oaklttnd, who iiirrendcred to the iMitlce today, inld that he made Ihc burglar trap which btew up hli homo jctterday, Injuring acvoral offl. cer. He anld that ahortly before hit wife left, burglar filleted Iho horn", und he d.mlrcd lo give Ihem n hot re- ciplloii. He placed a rovolver In audi in ioiilun that iixui opening tho door Ii .llM'ImiKed a blank cartridge, which Ignited u trail of looae (Niwder leading, lo n i an of Mark powder. Ho aald thai he w'na norry lx'caue the onV urn were there, but that they had no hiulneM lo attempt to open the cliiMt proticled by thin trap. Ho alto adlmtted making; the other boatkf found In tho home, and aald that he did It Juat to kill time. ; yni.L'Viuii iuuiui tT nv s THK WKUT JIHT MpltRli "The Oolden Weat" la the title of n booklet Juat laaiied by the North Drlt- lib ft Mercantile luaurancc company, 'whnae local agent I Harry P. Qatar ncaux. The book deala with every Mate In the Weat, Ihc weatorn part of jthe Dominion of Canada and nlo Alaska, and I eipeciaiiy valuable on account of ihe wealth of information contained. Oregon la treated in i lengthy article that will attract thn nttintlon of many easterners. PUUtC MY MSKCT (hstmtei am I LONDON. May SO. It I under Mood that after Ihe coronation, West minster Abbey I likely lo be open for the Inspection of the public for a J lunger period than on tho occasion at ,tbe crowning of the late King Ed ward. Kvorj thing will bo loft exactly n on thn day of tho great ccremoulal. In ISO:, aftor King Kdward wn clowned, Ihe Abbey waa opened for (even la), und 97,000 person mndo an Inspection. "After tho coronation of Kim; aeorge," aald Mr. C. II. Itadclltls, chapter clerk of Woatmlmtor, "wo aru hoping that tho Abbey will be open for ten day and even longer, If pot ible." Public charities boneflted nearly 125,000 on the occaalon ot tho last coronation aa a result of thl public Inipcctlon, a charge for admlaalon be ing made. It I probable that thl year any aurplua romalning after making good lost collection to ll.o lloapltal Sunday fund and othor In stitution through tho auipenalon of hcrvlco. will be devoted lo removing tho debt on tho Abbey. Kxpecta lo Oct New Car o, T. McKendreo came in from hi Ouklund home eatorday, and left thl afternoon for Merrill. From there ho will go to Uko county. Shoue I counting on getting an automobile lator In tho anmmer, and eaya a five paaaenger Vclllo will about ault him, Ho hain't fully mado up hla mind, however, Jcaa Huuaakcr returned to thla city eatorday afternoon from an extend ed sojourn In California. Mr. Hun aaker apent tomo tlmo in Ban Fran cisco, and went aa tar south aa the Imperial Valley. I.oo Parrlah, who left with llunsaker, will return In about two weeka. FIRE BREAKS OUT EWAUNA HOUSE QI'ICK UOIIK OK THK I'AKT V THK nilK IIKIARTMK.T MAVKH THK Ul'lliDINM PItOM TOTAI, .HKMTftl'CTlOX At 2: lb thl afternoon fire waa dis covered In the Kwauna house o nthe corner of Main and Fourth itroef. Before ihe alarm waa tallied In flam-a wero Issuing from the rear of the building and heavy amoke wai com Inu from ihc- windowa of tho upper Ntmy. At first It waa believed that tlier.f wn not a hope of aavlng Ihe htilldliiK from total destruction, )t ulthln eloven mlnnto from the minding of the flrebetl water had ben turned off and the tiro prartlc ally extinguished. It wa aome time li.tci, howetcr, before the Aro boy had nit through the partition and put cut tho Are xmolderlng betwien the .tiling and roof. Tho building I owned by Frank Wnrd, and waa Insured for something I'ko l.r.00, which la auSclcnt to cov er the damago to tho building. It wsa .wfii pled by Mra. Bogardui a a ro-milng hou, and her loin will be hhnut $.',00, a no insurance waa cir ri.-.) It 1 not known how tho Aro orig inated, but It la presumed tbn. it rlaito, fiora the kitchen itove. Mr.. tlcgnrdun waa In the court hoiiao yard nt tlio time, attending tho rtmmotlnl i.trvure. Bho believe that poMlbly file Mill, remained In the to,o since Ihe roor. taral waa preparrtt. Thtre wu no other Ire In tho bulldlno. dir tii ihc day. t .Mi. Itogardua loot all he.- -eronal cftetta. oven lo her .clothe, aa they lived la the room la the rear of the :o;idtea JgaHw.aJ'JU'i(i'i. K la hai.l in eatlmate tho loan to Mr. Ward, r.i ,m recount ot tho bulld'tg bring ioc.li-4 within the Are l!mlt. II may be Imnoaalblo to repair the damage, Thla matter cannot be determined un til after Ihe debrle la removed, a thn neceaaary repair may not bo of anffl dent Importance to Interfere with tho Are ordinance. In that caae Ihe dam ago will not be oo great, a the great er portion of tho furniture, ownod by Mr. &trd, waa removed with com par- ntlvrly alight damage. HAItltOUN WISH AOO-MILK AITO HWRKPHTAKKM RACE United Pre Service INDIANAPOLIS'. May 30. llarrouu, driving the Maraaon, won the S00-mlle International aweepstakc race. Ilia tlmo waa 0:1 l:R. nrire, in n Drown, la 0 lahed aocond. : SIMON, B. C. SWEPT BY FLAMES HO FAR, K1VK PKOPLK IIAVK PKH IHIIKD, TWO HOTKLH HAVK Ul'ltNKD AND THK Hl'MNEfM HRCTION SKKMH MX)MKD Untied Proa Service 8ILVKRTON, O. C, May 30. Aa .. teault of a Aro which broke out hero today, five peoplo aro known to be dead. Tho Windsor Hotel and tho Victoria Hotel, tho leading hottelrlev, have been consumed by flame, and other building In the builncaa aer tlon are burning. KTKAUi MKTAL, HKUM IT TO RKAL OWNER VIENNA. May 30. The exploits of nn individual at Temeavar are ao nmailng thkt he haa not only fir pawed the famoua Captain von Kope nick, but haa made the dorman ahoe maker a poor aocond in the act of daring. The Temeavar here engaged a gang ot thirty workmen, wont to a dlatlllery which waa cloaed, and In atructed then to dlamantle It, Fol lowing thla exploit ho demollahed a fountain and then Kold It with the dls tlllery fitting for old metal. Next ht turned hla operation! upon nu avenue, nn.l cut down nil Iho trcca and sold the wood to n mrpcnlcr. Then lie vanldhcd ' to aparo, and tho good peo-l pie of Temenr nrn nt 1 1 1 In n atate of! ferment, i I. A Yiiung.uit nt Hi. Paul, C. O, i Citing of Ran Francisco and F. V i;iiiiningiuim or Hacramentn left on this morning' boat for tho Agency nud Fort Klamath, where they will cull nn tho merchant. MANY SMASHUPS IN THE Bffi RACE 8KVKHAL ('AIM AM) DRIVERS C'AMK TO OltlKF IN THE vfiOO MILK HWKKPHTAKH AT THE INDIANA CAPITA!, United Preaa Service INDIANAPOLIS. May 30. Forty driver In the COO-mlle International kwocpitakc started today before) a crowd of 100,000 on the motor kpeed way. On the thirteenth lap the Am plcx, driven by Archie Qrelner, wa thrown In the air and overturned by the explosion of both rear tlrea. S. P, Dixon, tho mechanician waa killed end rirclner waa fatally Injured, TctalaaT htibbed Dlabrow' car and waa thrown -oat. but waa unhurt. Mechanician Lewi, who waa alto thrown ont, waa Internally Injured and hi leg and arm wcro broken. At Ihe end of 300 mile Mulford wa leading: tlmo, 4:3:24, thus twt ting a new record. Evan, Tower' relief driver In the Jackaon, waa thrown from the car and hla right anklo waa broken.. It hap pened while ho waa.trylBUtop hie car short to prevent a collision. Hundred narrowly escaped death when Lyttlc, Kalght and Jagerabergcr collided directly before tho grand stand. Lyttlc. who broke hla steering knuckle, xlg-tagged wildly about on Ihe course, and with Iho other cart rushing toward him, the crowd screamed with terror. Lyttle'a en gine waa dead, and he wa helpli Knight hit Lyttlc Aral. Jaggcraberger following. Tho three cars rolled ovor In n shapeless mass, and plunged Into thn crowds. Tho drlvciK were not thrown from their car. Knlght'a mechanician. Olovcr, waa the only one hurt. HI bark was badly wrenched. WRE MNV OFFKEIS KM lYMCtESUI WASHINOTON, May 30. About 13. oupg men, ambition for a mill tay career, will have an opportunity of Joining tho army under tho new regulation Just laaued governing the appointment of civilians aa aocond lieutenant. About ninety ot thes-i appointment will be to army posts end tho balance to the coast defeases. Tho now regulation, amended by direction ot tho president, now pre scribe that vacancies In the grado of recond lieutenant shall be Ailed by appointment In the following erder: First, by cadets graduated from the United 8latea military academy; sec ond, by enlisted man whoso Staosa la determined by competitive examina tion, and third, by candidates from civil life between tho agea of 31 and 27 years. Candidates from civil llfo will be selected by competitive examination from those designated by the war de partment. No candidate will be des ignated whn la married or who ta not a cltlten of tho United States. These candidates will be claHlAed la tho following erder: Honor graduates of InstllutlMa of learning at which army oaieers aro detailed aa professor of military sci ence and tactics and which have keen designated as "dUtlBgulahed lastltu lions"; other graduates ot such last I tutlona; member of tho organised militia with not lean than threo yeara' service; other candidates. Those whose general average la tho competitive mental axaailaatVt la , per cent or more will bo graded sepa rately and selected to til extotlag va cancies la tho ardor at their aurR. Tho remaining- vaeaadea will then bo lllod by aotestta la th 4er od merit from the" whole list ot'caadl- MEMORY OF DEAD HEROES OBSERVED date, without regard to claialAcation, ' ix" DOINGS It. W. Ilakor of Oregon City came in on last night' train from the north. Thl morning be left for Mer rill, to attend to business matter. P. W. Bnyder came in yesterday from hi ranch on Swan Uko to at tend to bualness matters. While hen ho stopped at the Ukeeide Ian. IIKAJ CEURUTNR EMS if MB INT United Press Service MEXICO CITY, May 30. It ta re ported that forty-three are killed and acvcral hundred wounded In the riot Ing which occurred thl morning at Chulnk, near' Ptfebla. Tho outbreak followed an all-night celebration ot the Maderlsts. Drunken mobs parad ed the streets yelling "Viva Madero," waving Aaga and Aring rides and re volvers In the air. vflRUirfw VlasRisiilMI snieikk Ta raw? "- United Press 8ervlce " ' SAN FRANCISCO, May 30. Chan. Plckard. at whose hoaae la Oakland three Infernal machla(sexploded yes terday, Injuring three otteer. aarrea dcred to tho police at 9 o'clock thU auralag - - ivs L. A. Rare, a well known resident ol.Yreka, 1 among today's guests at thc-Llvormorc. SCKRTIST ASSIES HI IJJsnanlnfJ "MJ BERLIN. May 30. An Interratinx lillscovery has been mado by Professor Alfred Wegener of the University of Marlburg, who haa already .written treatise on the atmosphere. Ho ha came to tho conclusion that lat height of 134 miles from the sur f.icce of tho earth there cxlits a spare tilled with an unknown gaa. which li lighter than hydrogen. He has not tsccrtalned whether It la a slasnte (h?mlcal body of a comhlnatloa. H calls It geokoronlum. Think Tobacco. Trust Will Delay Long United Preaa 8ervlce. WASHINOTON, May 30. In its tobacco decision tho United States supremo court has laid the basis for criminal prosecutions ot Individual ct eating tho monopoly, aad la the strongest language the court urged such prosecution. This Is tho conatrvetlea plaesd aa the phrases recurrlag throughout Chief Justice White's opinion. It tho court had merely alrmed tho decrees ot tho court, below and ordered a dissolution, criminal suits would bo barred, but It reversed the Judgment, and held directors aad on cers aa parties to a conspiracy, and algaltcantly referred to tho manifes tation as "conscious wrongdoing.'' Uwyers construe thla aa aa intima tion that It la the aovernmeafa duty to proceed .with criminal prosetuUon. It la expseted that the dssislao) will force uaother year of litigation before the trust Is Aaally dissolved. The America Tobacco company and Ita subsidiary compalaee Is prob ably the most versatile octupu ot modern haalaaae treats. It lavolves sixty-six corporation oarryiag oa ev ery conceivable buataese eoaaeeted wti the tohaer) ladastry, and twea ty-aiae ladivwuaia. Coatpaalsa '.or the manufacture ot cigars, clrptts, skewlag tohaare, raut, lieorloe,''plpss,eitar beces.Ua M' 7?r7 wt Hf'B awfajaWsjwwsry tlgas, stogies, and corporatloaa for .RAND ARMV fUCLUs CC-ftTH, VETERANS. LOUOM AND CtT. ZKXH UNITED TO MAJU OBSERVANCE MXMOKArTLF. The observance of Memorial lay la Klamath Falls today waa oat of the most Attlng exercises held la aay rUy In Oregon, and the members at the various committees la charge have a right to feel Justly proud of the sac cess of their comossadahU eforts. Every bualness heats la the tewa closed, and school-, ehmrehaa aad lodge united with the veteraae la the services In memory of those who fought and died for their ceaatry's cause. At 10 o'clock thla mornlag OCker or the Day E. B. Ramsby, wKk Shor IS W. R. Barnes aa aide aad Pardral Bholl as musician, sUrted the parade tor the cemetery. The parade waa led by the splendid Khtssath fwHs MIU lary band, aad included ha "the ttae ot march were tho Oraad Army, Wo men'a Relief Corps, ladlaa War Vet erans, Spanish War Veterans, Veter ans ot other wars, Seas of Veteraae. Orammar School Cadets. Pisassrs aC KUmath Baste. eUldrea fraaa the public schools aad ntembera ef the following fraternal erders: Weetaoa of the-World. KalghU ef Pythias, Wo men of Woodcraft. Pythian ttttsra. Odd Fellows aad Rekekaha. Arrirlag at the eeaaatery. the lav presairtf ritaaRstk ssrvleea ef she Oraad Araur.al.ta Est akHs aa4 at the Weaaea's Relief Cerpe wore held. and the graves of the soldiers were decorated. The cemetery, thaaka to the work of p.-A. Stearaa aad hla as sistants, looked very preeeataUe.' Attsr retaralag from the cessstsry tho Oraad Army. Weaaea's Relief Corps and Indian War Veterans marched to the Llak River krMgw. where the services la awaaory ad the dead sailors were held, aad Sewer were cast upon the water. A large crowd gathered .la the court house square at S o'clock la the nttcrnoon to bear the exercises, the program ot which follews: Selection by lUgh School Orehestra. Invocation by Rev. C. H. HIRea. Quartet "Bravo Hearts Forever Still" Messrs. Mason. Martin. Kaapp and Walton. A National Eulogy Vetera Ur- kln Stacker. (Continued oa Page 4) Betore Dissolving tin purchase and holding of tebaeoo iropertlee la Cuba aad Porto Rise are the component parts of the coasbtae. It wss Arst attacked by the gevern ment In Ue ault Sled before the sir cult court or the Southern Dtstrtet of New York oa July 10, HOT. A mon ster complaint ooverlag several hun dred closely prlattd pages, aad oat hod Ing the work of several. yeara of volUctloa ef evidence by department of ;ustlce agents, recited that tfee "truat" had been formed by eeaH tlon of Ave cigarette oompaalos ta I80, and had gradually grewa la power through unfair eeaaaetttlve methods, uatll It domlaated the to baco world. It waa alleged that by' a coopers- tlve arrangement with toreiga trust, the Amerleaa comblae apportteaed the tobacco business of the world; that It maalpulated markeU ia aaR Ita owa purpeses: eoatrolled aoaedo Independent" compaalss ssaseiaa that advertleed theauelres aa !et ta tho trust," whoa they were abaetetely w-vned hy the comUne that II tail tated sUadard ladspsadsat jhrasts and absorbed or destroyed oataaotl lion by price cutting. ' f - as ia the sxaaaard oil tobacco Utlgattoa weat ta a tor tho taklag at teetlaMejr. ysar-'wao oaUBisd'-ls)"-tlk - mm ttsMnh-; f aaaw i rwaar -mm mm . ,w . ., -Wf-.p-aiL I ... , , mmmmtmmammmmmmmm0mm ' (Coatlaued ea I ii'fajidha1 i asm. jU i ,A Ml '". .'VA :.y,rm . i ' V iCi -K: , . .. ,,r W f ,-tt '-tit V? -i-!Srfta.v- - :W F . V v ' lt 4. -VjV