'h - awacga-cwaevg imr- sw ttwwirtwwft " ' lllKMItAV, U, lull svamM U, JKIAMATH r.lI.U, 01UC0U I I. ! H 1.' . ' it l!' lavjgr- I i-sV Itt ru! Ik. . -V , ' r H aa cl "" 4 I BJj i oaa i'BJi . "jb1i Irtftl'Tr"" ..! UOUN It, L. TM7AX, M. . 101-MI, M4; tl. ML C. A. BAMBO, DwMM All vwk gaaraateed. KtaaaaUs Ooaaty Bask b!4g., Fteartb aad Mala streets, Faaae I. njbvoi. Teacher of VMta, Mantilla aa4 CMMt Stadto. sKilta' Block GreflraVa D. V. KUTKBItDALL, Attsrasy at Law OMasa, Walto-MaMoi Bids Pkeaa 414. Klaautk Valla. Or. LMI KXAPF Retaferce Oeaerete aa aXesI BalMlage a Specialty ItS-IM, Odd rtllewa Bid. MMCBLLAKBOCB Seventh aad Mala. Bar, aella aad tradee hoaaeaoM goats, aa'a etetklag, batata, teals, ate. PkawBlB RAMBBrS KXFRBM If yon want your ataf snored aad movad quick, gat rumsby's dprese to do It. Oeraar Btraatk aad Mala atratta fame BIS Call aa OOMBTOCK, (, If yoa waat aay klad af HBLP. Bagtatar at taa OOMBTOCK If yav waat aaialeyaat ABTMTB B. WILBOB 'D.I Ctt. . BIT Iris-lktrel ii GtM Givti Away : TMik) iL-i Sitirity Briig Ytir Cwpws Tw SImws Every Evtiiif FirstPerfTMieeat7PJ.: ktom 5 aid 10 Celts j fUGAJL WH1X1 PDfl Airt)iiDrii Wc hare tke bMt CpUpjMd plBBiBg iUtatlMdtyuMl ai art pniMNi tx)tuio4aUklB4k of fljiUaie4 work Bear reels of tlw boat aad . finaaara. """ " THE EVENING HERALD W. O. SMITH, MHar i PHILIP J. BINNOTT, CHyMHar PaMlakad dally at 411 PaatUBttaat KLAMATM BALLS. us iwa ITS FKST UMC (CoaUaaad troai Paaa.l) pipes aad coadulU akall aot aa laid on mala or croaa streets where poaa- ble to uw alleya. Section I That thU freacalee la granted upon the expreee coadhlea that the grantee, It successors aad assigns aaslgas akall coaatruct a gaa plant, trst claaa la every reapect, aav lag a capacity to eaaaufacture sua dent gaa to aerve a popalatloa ot twenty-five thouaaad (35,000) pie, and the laying of plpea aad caa dulta therefor akall be coaaasacet within sixty (40) days froat the date hereof, and aald work akall be dill gentlr prosecuted thereafter to pletloa. ualese unavoidable coadltlaae arise over which the graatee. lu aae- ceasors aad aaatgaa have ao control, n wklck caaa the Cowaioa Ceaaril may, by reaolatloa, gnat a reaeaa- able cateasloa. aad aaek plaat akall be completed aad la earvlce wHkla eight (S) moatka froat tale hereef, aad If aald coaatructloa work U aot ao corn menced aad aald plaat la active aper atloa aervlag gaa to the pabllc wHkla aald period, thea the aald fraacklee aa graated akall be dacUred forfeited, thla provlaloa aabjact, kowavar, to weather coadltloat, labor strikes, ar other contlageaclea which may artee, over which the graatee, Ita aatcseenra or aaalgaa have ao control, la wklck rase Commoa Coaadl may, by resolu tion, graat a reaaoaabla eateaaloa. Stctioa 3 That la caaa tka aald graatee, Ita auccoeaora or aaalgaa de a're to lay plpea la aay of tka etreeta of tka city of Klamath Paue. where an grade la aatabllabad, aald graatee, Ita ueceeaora or aaalgaa, akall, be fare taylag aay sack pipe, make aaatlea- tloa to the proper dty ooViala to have nek grade aetabllakad before laylag aald pipe, wklck gaa pipe akall be laid upoa aack aide of tka atraat aa la already provided by artaaaatia af tbU city, or 'may be provided by or dlnaaca hereafter. Section 4 That aald graatee, Ita ueceeaora or aalgaa akall act opea or I encumber more of aay afreet, aveaae or alley at aay oaa time tkaa may be aeceuary to eaable aald graatee, Ita ueceeaora or aaalgaa to proceed wltb advantage la tka laylag of maiae, feeder or earvlce plpea, aor will aald graatee. ita aacceaaora or aaalgaa per mit any street, aveaae, alley of pab llc way to remala opea or eacambered aay loager than la accessary for the peedy completloa of tke work; aald streets, avenues, alleya or public ways shall be left thereafter la good condition aa tkey ware prior to laying aald malaa aad plpea, aad akall be maintained la good repair for twelve (13) moatka thereafter; aald pipes shall not be laid wHkla foar feet of aay water mala or aay braack tboreof except whaa astasia ry to i roes the same, without tke coaaeat nf tke city. Hectloa 6 That ao aacavatloa made for the paraeee of laylag pipes under tkls fraacklae akall be permit ted to remain opea longer tkaa la absolutely necessary for tka laylag of aald plpea aad coadults tkarela. bat tke same akall be ailed up, aad tka streets, alleys, aldewalka. curbs or either, whereia aack aacavatloa la made shall be fully aad la every re spect restored to their former eoatl tlon, aad tke same, ao far aa elected by such escavatloa, akall be mala talaed la good repair for twelve (11) moatka after aaek eaeavatioa akall kava beea Met la by tka graatee af thla fraacklae or Ita aaalgaa; aad all such ezeavatloa aad repair thereat raomiBii WHOIHAU I LUMBER I "TAIL 7" mEri firm Tim 9trk tor Imtl akall be made aader tke supervision of tka city eagtaeer. Beetlea That tha rantco. Ita moaeaaora ar aaalgaa shall bear all eipeaee of tka laylag and furnishing af coaaectlag pipes tram the mains to tka curb llae oa tka streets and the M llaea oa alleya of property of each coasumer. The coasumer shall bear the eapeaae of laylag and furnishing such connecting pipes from lot or curb lines to where connected with the meter; provided, however, that the graatee. Its successors or assigns shall attend Its main 100 feet to the property llae of aay person desiring to coaaect with aald main. Section 7 That aald W. K. Hoard man company. Its successors or as signs ahall not use the public streets, alleys aad thoroughfares ot the city of Klamath Falls, tor any purposes herein aamed, eicept for supplying aad conveying gaa to aald city and cltliaaa. Section 8 That nothing herein akall be construed to confer upon the W, P. Boardman company, ita sue csasors aad assigns, any esclusivo privilege to erect, establish or havo in operatioa gaa works within said city. Aad tke Common Couacll of the city of Klamath Falls hereby reserves tho right to alter, amend or repeal this fraacklae whenever It shall satisfac torily appear that W. F. Boardman company. Ita successors and assigns have violated or abused the privil eges graated herein; provided that aald company, Ita successors or aa atgaa ahall Bret be heard in Its own defeaae, whether In person or by at toraey. Section I The gas furnished by the graatee, Ita successors or assigns akall be ot not leea than eighteen ( 1H caadle power, ala hundred ((00) Brltiah tkermal heat units, and com mercially pure. Section 10. The said gaa-shall be delivered at th? burners of tho cun amen, nt such pressure In tho mn'us as ahall be consistent with the proper dlstrlbatloa of gaa throughout the entire system of mains la the city. Soctioa 11. That all governors. meters, works of the gaa franchise by tka said graatee, Ita successors and aaalgaa akall at reasonable business hours be subject to inspection by the dty, or sack eipert aa It may appoint, for tka purpose of ascertaining the pressure of said gaa aad Its caadle power. Tka teat of aald caadle light power akall be mada at aot more than aaa alia dletaat from tka worka of ike graatee. Bectloa 11 The said grantee, ita successors or assigns shall be subject to all amoral erdlaaacaa ot the city of Klamath Palm, regulating gaa com- Bectloa 11. That the price to be charged consumers of gaa shall not exceed 11.76 per thousand cubic feet, or 11.60 per thouaaad cubic feet or 11.50 Bet, If paid within f teen (16) days from rendering monthly bills. A minimum charge for gaa furnished to aay coasumer shall aot be less than $1 per month; provided that said graatee or Ita assigns ahall be em powered to make auch rates or dls counts to aay or all customers as they may desire, provided that such rato ahall aot exceed the maximum above eatloaed. Bectloa 14 That the said grantee. Ita successors or assigns shall furnish all meters FREE of charge to the coasumer aad oa demand of the con sumer aald graatee, its successors or aaalgaa akall cause said meter or meters to be tested. Bectloa IS That the aald graatee, ita aacceaaora or assigns shall furnish gaa to the city of Klamath Falls. Ore gon, for street lighting purposes at not to exceed 11.20 per month per Wetsbach mantel, aad all said Wols- bach maatels shall be furnished by the graatee, Ita successors or assigns to aald city at actual coat. . Bectloa 11 Tke Common Council of tka dty of Klamath Palls hereby raservea tha rigkt to Ss, regulate and eoatrol aad determlae, at aay tlma durlag tke life of tha franchise, tha (Coatlaued oa Page S) LONG UMBERS A1PICIA1TT Verticil grained nooring,CeUiiig and Clear Natire fir for finlah work, alio lath ad Shinjlei NEW LEADER IN POLITICS. WNsm HallMl is tttsli PrMWant." PMMESSIVE AND A FrSHTEH William Bayard Hals Throws Seme Interesting Sis' Lights en Governor ef Now Jersey, Who Forced tho En- astment ef tho People's Will Into Uw, Despite Pslltlssl Dlctstors. "Woodrow Wilton, l'ollto I'roil dent," la the title of mi ItUi'iv-ilm: uril cle In the May World's Work by Wll Ham Bayard Hale t-onccrnliu: the per aeaallty and retvnl of tin- mllltiiiit governor of New Jcrt. Iihm sue cess In obtaining popular tvf.uiiH rnuii unwilling IrcMiituro hi" fiHiixni apon him the eyes of priarlu. ..f'u m l " m ,, ',r" " all stripes and Mirtle thrvuuliuiii the country. Here a'.v oun- of ilu ililnpi Mr. Hale has to xny hIniui the mini who may be the lender f the llttlit agatast Irestdent Taft In IW-: There By have Ik-cii tlenvr i Btkal battles than that wlibli aww Joined between the IK-imnnitlc aM guard of New Jersey mid lit tie AAaakj K. It.rn IiAmi, l, llinlr V'"""" "" " "" . ""." ". of greater poslble mcniiicnuce te tke DOlltlcal future of tlu Uulteti iiluro nf lli, IIlllliHl States. "Tke quiet gentlemsti vtbo bail Jimt amsrgid from the delectable Kroten of Prlaceton academy, hi kiirmi-nt odorous with the vapors of I'animMK. has lips wet with the water or lli-llc-m tkta leag haired bookworm of n pro fessor wbojbad Just laid hi spectmlca . Trenton statebonso and ' Icked the ," .,,.,, . . . , . aaac to a trestle "'"' ""'halMlngs. Ih-nl place for It appeaml that be did Uow u'rlilrken., fruit ami v.-grtahh-.. I.k dkTereace between a seminar ntid slat llii anil then ak Hie H- nml caucus, a syllabus and n New Jersey I terms. ,. corporation; that be did know Hebo-' Nome denlralile A and III arr tracts and Camden politics pretty nearly aa well n lie did hit llurke nml lil Bagehot and that, nblo to write n Unik aa coastliutlotisl Kovrrumciu, lie n just as able lo handle n k erimr'a Job, constitutionally or otberoUe. Thla la the fact that makes (Jot eraor Woodrow WIImw a loomlug tig are la the world today. ThU l the reason It was worth while to g to Trenton to obsene the sdvvut of n aew type of umn Into the nrenn nf fetltlcs." Beta Is the pea picture of Ooternor Wilson as painted by Mr. Hale: "Dr. Wilson's face U fuinlllnr-a high forehead, gray eye, a Ionic Jaw, a very long Jaw. lie distantly n-cslU Joseph Chamberlain ns Hint llrlilth etatesmaa waa In otter days. The aroBlea of the two mlicht be ex changed almost without detection. Dr. Wilson I of good height, nturdlly ' built, wltb square nbouldi-rD. Ho1 stands erect and on bU feet. If yuii want mannerisms yon note Hint his Bands seek bis trousers poclcln; that be changes his glasses with much can-, when be looks down nt n ilootiment or up from It; that every lime bo has , Bsed his pen he wipe It can-fully with a cloth taken from a drawer. lato which be nalimlnklngly replnces It, closing the drawer. There N n ivr tain trained precision of habit In mat ters of routine and a free uponlauelty la others. There would bo u gray grlmaiss about blw except for Hie pocketed hands, a frequent sunburst af a Battle and a tolce. like iiimlo. oa leara in iae course oi n ien- iioura that a man wltk a stiff Jaw and a sen- attire aaoulh la pretty sure to bo maa- tar la any situation. Governor Wit aaa la a bub of positive opinion, re lieved by an eager seuse of humor, e moves and speaks with iinfullliig poise, wltb good natured certainty nf kwwelf." Tka story of Oovernor Wilson's fliht wltk the bosses and the special Inter-1 eeta Is Interestingly told by Mr. Hnle. ) Hera Is one of the governor m nuoltil etateawBta, which gives a clear Idea of kls attitude on popular gefcrnment: "Back of all reform lies lliv meuus af getUag It Back of tho iiittlnu waat yoa' waat Is tke question, How an yoa gelag to get it? Wo nro all pretty well agreed. I tako It, that ir tala reforaw are needed. But wo And that tha Irat aeeeaaary reform N oue that will reader as able to get reform. "We kava beea calllag our itorern aaeat a republic, aad we bao been Hvlag aader tka delusion that It is a leavaaaataUve government. That Is tha theory. Bat the fact Is that we an sat Iff las vader a npresenUUve 1 Wa an living under a it ot party bosses, who la sc ant ooafsroace aad for their private determlae what we shall and akall aot have. Tke Int, tbe Imme diate tblag that we nave got to do la te tmton repreeeatatlve government. Than has aot to be a secular rebel- Baa far tha neoaaasat aad reassump Maa by tka people of tke rights or tka people too leas aarreadsred." issmssisisssssssstttfs I weald a gnat deal rather be I pat la jaU far aeaMthliig I was ; 1 laaoeeat af ar for aomethlng ; that I haw sat done than to , kaew la aay heart that I had ! dose aaaae dishonorable, dirty . tklag, wken I could aee tbe sug- J i gas tloa. ef H la the eye of every . ; bub I leaked af.-Oovernor Wll- J aaa af Haw Jersey la a Recent POIl 8ALN Thro hundred ami twenty acre much, house wllli nine rooms, mini titer kitchen, bath room, cellar and pantry; furnished; Iaiko lawn; ftOO strawberry plants, 10 aooseborry and 1G currant plant;: blacksmith shop; tm no wnaon shed; two tin tin; largo tin r n holds uliout Uf tons nf liny utiil UP head ot horses; stock scales, weighed 6,000 head of cattle In 1 1)10 nl r conlii a head; meadow laud, 300 in i en meadow nliout 100 acre In tim othy ami i-lowr; all umlur ditch; wnlvr light freo; ruts 300 ton of tm); fnrmliiK tnnihlncry Included; ilorrltks, iiiiiwIiii; machine, rukes, plows, etc. Price 110,000, ffiO an acre. Will n n clear title; SR.OOfl (diwn, $2,000 n )ear nt H per rent lniiilro nt sheriff's oltlcc. i-tf YAKIMA SANDY LOAM Is tiiniUlonil to It' the Ix'st soil In I lie tullcy, und un hum hate the e ilimU'o sale of miiiv of llu- wry Im-sI funii In tin- licitrt of Hit tnlli-y. It will iy you to lutcullgntc. I HO lun-s, li miles fruiii stnllirtii nil iiiiil-r tlltrlt mill Impi-titcd. 1 In- prttv right. Will m-II Ml arm nt thu aiue prlit-. INI niren on Ut Itlvi-r, 70 acres in' slfnlfai V4I-II lniiriiel all under the, illlili! hi- Mill and rtrrllrnt drain ngo Into UMt ItUer. Iriiv, guu an nitv; reaMMiMbU-tertin. A farwtwillii mi Inronii' In sight. tmi iiire of Miav brtih land on 1.. III...., ,l,t . ulll ....u. ..Ml, '- " "" ....-..- ..-. 1 ""r imuw nu niiiuiiiuiMi KihiiI ntttl, kimmI drainage "lid rirl lent iKMKi- fur tork. lrlrr VM M-r nrre, onc-tlilnl rnuii. till) urrr ten nilb-a front KnlU; 66 an- utuli-r illuh; rleamJ anil fenretl. I'rlro gill M-r nrii If Inkrn soon) only aa.lMMI rah. II nrn-Jut 1 14 in lie rroni fall, jrlnae In. t:illtiCOTK RICK, Nest to the Avarrtraa Hotel Phone Ml oaaaaeaaeaaaaeeaoaaaoaaaaa FOR SALE Two well maproved) faraae for sale. One of SBO acres, two miles west aad oae of Sew actea ten miles eoathwrst of Klamath Falls. Will sell bs whole or la part. Terms part down, the balance In deferred) payasrats. Apply to It. A. KMMtTT at the IWoBc aaaeooeoeaoaaeeoot 1 Plumbing Steirn and Hot Water Heattng.v it X Sewer Connections t E. G. GREELEY raom 3i aaaaaaaaa .eeeee) Do Yoa Believe in t ADVERTISING : We do when you have the foods. Tfcat'i why we always ad vertise Chiae 6 Sanborn Coffeci and S. & W. Canned Goods These stoods are tiMht sad have oar gaaraatsc back of them P OI'KN l)AV AM Mtllir WK NKVKII HI.KKP K. It. llttltHCOimll Proprietor KLAMATH -w- .w.it;v ""Z lei Ol . - Mi:tTsaassre -V VMi"Z L Nice Light Rigs, Fashionable Turnmils. Coml SinKle Drivers. J. A. THOMfSON Pi ion For Klamath Home-Builders THU IIKI.K'ltll'H AI'I'l.K HlKhUt qunllly npplc nml tltf-rt-fore has steadily brought tho hlaheat prlren hy far, of any auplo RWn Hells regularly lu Portland for V mid III per Ixiv nml IS in lit, New York TIIKM.WI'Um'Mt I'KACII lllKheiil iunllt) puirli known anj tho rarllusl, )et It lilooms tho latest, hnrd)', n freestone, ml in the pit and thn bt for tho home. TIIK t'MMtX I'l.VM Undoubted!) the must lirnutKiil Its Krsnt and most delicious pluhi itruwn. Mr, llurhaiik's Mim-.i pit dull and equally raluable fresh or ranued. , Till-: I'HKXOMINAIi ItKIIIIV This has heiili rnllnl HitrliAnks greatest trliliiiphn cross tiotwii'ii deiitierry nml red rnsphrrr- llli tho best small fruit crown. Hear thn first year, tiirluite t fw la this )eara planting- THE KLAMATH NURSERIES II. H. KIII.K, Pniprlrtor, I. O. Ilos KM, KKAM.tTII K.tl.l.s. (llli'. Notice to Property Owners We want to have a talk with you about your Sewer Connections, Cement Paving, Concrete HiiiM inn. Reinforced Concrete, Retaining Walls. Wc Imc our office in the Withrow-Melhase building. Room G; also phone connections. All work in the nlovc lines will lc guaranteed. CHICO CONSTRUCTION CO. Over $5,000,000 Spent in the perfection and installation of the Block Signal System By the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Did you ever stop to think what an insurance pol ity the block system is for you? Watches over you hy night as well as by day, Did you ever experience the ease of mind and relaxation that comes over one traveling on n fully protected block signal road? . You will if you take Daily between San See CAI istiiii niniirok- KliAMA'lll iwi.ij, Mil) tiling Vm Wnui in UK , Any Tlino Von Winn n, cJ( lr, STABLES: Proprietor J r noi a , the Limited Francisco and Chicago Agent -jt-- phS I. ,tr1i.ib.yv : VAN RIPER BROS. I SOUTHERN PACIFIC LUMBIl AM) BOX COMPANY "ejuai uroccnes" rhoae 851 ' . v-'.S'ti MA. BaFaaBaaBaaaVaVaVlaTaT da emaaTaV , -fci. t .ttPjV-flttBT W-ltB-BViM-tB 4 vMHaMMBBBBrnVsaVeBBmaTaa Brtiifflr: '-Mi-