e t ii monauoNAii cabm L. L. TRVAX, M. D. mmii. Ffceaee Oato, Ml: ran. III. DR. a A. RAMBO, Dentist All work aarmntwd. Klamath Conatjr Bask bias., Fourth aad Mala streets. Phoae 111. Klamath HaBs, Ot. KRNBST GRirrmi Teacher ot VIoMa, MaaSnBa aa Cornet medio. Milts' Block Orialth'a Band and Orchestra D. V. KUYKEKDALL, Atteraey at Law Ofleta. Whlte-M addos Bide Phoae Ms. Klamath Fall. Or. I. JAT Klf APT AtekMect Reinforced Coaerata aad Steel Buildings a Specialty Raoma SfMOI. Odd Fellows Bid. V M. MOTSCBBKBACHBR, Seventh aad Mala. Bays, sails aad trades household goods, aaea's clothing, bedding, toots, ate. PkeweSlS RAMSDrs KXPRBBB If you want your stul moved aad moved quick, get Ramiby's Express to do It. Oorasr Sevsata and Mala streets Phoae SIS BMPLOYMB.T. Call u. COMSTOCK. IIS, yea waat nay Mad of HELP. If Register at as COMSTOCK If you waat emploraMaL ARTHUR R. WILSON HAWTD.MOU CtvM SIT Where to Eat: Beat of Everything at Moderate prices PALACE GRILL Maartkerottofflce 4 jWOODi cat from Ms Bbteeavlack Dry slab aad alack wood. Leave orders at O, K. Traaa fr bo Phoae S71, or Ctty Bakery, Pkoae Ml. t P. G. CARROLSON - WW Iris Theatre Font reels at the motion afctarea aad aa BlaetraUdl esag for rack per-fonaaace. THE EVENING HERALD W. O. SMITH, Bdltor aad Praartatar PHILIP J. 8INNOTT, City Bdltor Published dally atcept Sunday at 111 Fourth Street KLAMATH FALLS, . ORBQON TUKSDAY, MAY 9, ltll PROGRAM READY FOR CORONATION ALRKADY THOSE WHO INTKND TO UK PRKSKNT AT THE BRIL I.IAXT AFFAIR CABLE FOR AC COMMOUATIONS ii Gold Given Away : TuesdiyandSaiNrdayl Bring Yoir Clips United Press Service LONDON, May 9. Throngs of peo ple who eipect to visit London dur ing the coronation In June are ca bling (or their accommodations here. All Indications point to such a throng of visitors as have never be fore been gathered In any city of the world. Hotels and boarding houses are sure to be swamped aad tho late comers who have failed to "book' In advance will staad aa excellent chance ot having to do their sleeplag on park benches. With preparations for the ceremo nies, rather slow progress is being made. The king mutt approve every Item on the program, aad he Is so busy that he can give only a little time dally to this work. The routes of the various processions are not et fixed, and the military author ities do not know within 15,000 how many soldiers they will need. Still, a kind ot provisional program has been arranged. The court officials will devote Juno 19th to the reception and housing of royal guests and their suites. This will bo hard work. Buckingham pal ace will be taxed to the utmost In accommodating continental royalties clotely related to King Qeorge and Qtien Mary. For many others apart ments will be provided la West End hotels. For some, with suites so Urge that no hotel can lodge them, mansions are being provided. The king and queen will give a Lanquet at Buckingham palace on the evening of June J 0th In honor of their royal guests. The following right the Duke of Connaught will give a dinner to lesser notabilities In the principal state apartment at Ft. James palace. June I2d will be coronation day. Their majesties will drlrs In state fur the ceremony from Buckingham lalnce, through the Mall, Trafalga' square, Whitehall and Parliament street to Westminster Abbey, where the crown wlH be placed on Klrg George's head, the royal oath taken. and the monarch formally proclaimed ruler of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions Bsyond the Sea. In the evening there will be a royal family dinner at Buckingham Windsor, taking a special train as tar aa the suburb ot Slough and drlv Ing thence In procession to tho emtio. Ot the official visitors who wilt at tend the ceremonies, nothing llko k complete list has yet been compiled, but It Is practically certain that tho following, at least, will be present: John Hays Hammond, representing the United States; the Archduke Francis Ferdinand as heir to the throne of Austria- Hungary; the crown prince and princess ot Ger many; the crown prince and princess of Roumanla; tho crown prince and princess ot Sweden; Prince. Yussut Itt.ed-D'n, as heir appareut to the throne of Turkey; tho premiers and other ministers ot Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa; the maharajahs ot Gwaltor, Gooch, Ilehar, tllkanar and Idar and tho uawobs of Rampur and Aslam Khan, represent ing India; the London minister, a general and admiral from Chile; Ad miral Jouqulerea, General Count de Last cm ri,. Captain Langler and Mau rice Herbette, representing France; redemption of the following warrants, protested October 8, 1907: 3518, 3634, 3536, 3C30, 3G3T, 3338, 3539, S540, 3641, 3643, 3643, 3544, 1646 2646, 3547, 3648, 3549, 3550, 3661, 1668, 3553, 3554. Interest wll cease from date. Dutctl at Klamath Falls, Ore., this Sth dm ot May, 1911. J. W. 8IKMKN3. City Trommel' . NOTICE OF SALE OF HEAL TATE AT PRIVATE HALK Rfl lu the County Court ot the State of Oregon, for Klamath County. In the Matter of the Kitate of Mnrllm A. Wallls, Deceased. Notice Is hereby glveu that, lu pur suance of an order ot the above en titled court, made In the above en titled matter, on the 16th day ot April, 1911. the undtrslaned. aa ad ministrator, will sell the premises herelnsfter described, at private sate, to tho highest bidder, for cssh, on or aftor the 16th day ot May, 1911, ut, the law offices of Stone A Darrett, In, pnutrj; furnished) large lawn; 500 strawberry plants, 15 gooseberry and 15 currant plants;: blacksmith shop; Urge wsgon shed; two bsrns; laTgs barn holds about 135 tuns ut hay aad 30 head ot horses; stuck scales, weighed 6,000 head u( cattle In 1910 at 6 cents a head; meadow land, 300 acres meadow about 100 acres In tim othy and clover; all under ditch; water right tree; cuts 300 Ions ot liny; funning machinery Included; deirlvks, inowlug machine, rakes, plows, etc. Price 116,000, 150 an ucic. Will lw a clear title; f 6,000 down, $3,000 u or at 8 per cent. Inquire at sheriff's office. 4-tf TO THK LAND BUYER Prince Hlgashl Fushlml. Admiral 'tho American Bank and Trust Corn- Togo and Qeneral Nogl, representing Japan; Sir Paul Chater and Henry Keswick, representing Hongkong. i "UN OF THE PLEASED AUOKNCE Last night was the first appearance ot the Melrose Company on their "coming back" engagement of three pany building. In the City of Klamath Falls, Couuty of Klamath and State of Oregon, subject -only to the conflr- Imatlon of said sale as by law pro- vlded. Tho property hereinbefore referred to Is particularly described as follows, to-wlt: The BWU of the NBU; the W!i ot tho SB U, see. 17, aad the NWU of the NEK. see. 30, Tp. 38 south ot range 11, E. W. M., In Klamath coun ty, Oregon. Dated at Ktaiuath Falls, Oregon, Now Is I lie time to buy lend nrouml Merrill.. Get In on the ground floor, before we get our lullrosd. Wo have the cheapest mid best land lu the valley. Sou or write to the Merrill Lund Company. Merrill, Oregon. weeka' duration, and the perform-,,,,,, , d of A nra thus rnatrlaPM mat til sth In fh' . J. J. BARRETT, Administrator ot said Estate. 4-16-5-lth FOR SALE Three hundred and twent acre ranch, house with nine roonn, siini-j mer kitchen, bath room, cellar and i i The Monarch Grocery!! Twi Stows Every Eveoiif : fat tvtfmm at 7 P.M. 2 n Trr. : TT7 : AtittfiM d IM 1U MtHH The royal progress to and through the ancient mite-square city ot Los don and a portion of South London Is set for June 33d, and the next day for the week-end, their majesties, the royal guests and foreign envoys aad a targe body of other mora or leas noblo and distinguished guests will go by special several of them to Portsmouth for the naval review at Splthead. Most or the guests will return to London Saturday evening, but tho king, the queen and a chosen few will remain aboard the royal yacht until Monday morning. The royal family plans to spend a quiet day at Buckingham palace June 26tb, but In the evening the king, the queen and the moat honored among their guests will attend a gala per formance at the Royal opera house. The royal garden party on the grounds surrounding Buckingham palace will be tba feature of June 33d. Several thousand guests will be- present. Another gala perform ance at the theater is set for the eve ning, and afterward the Earl and the Countess of Derby will eatertaln their majesties at a supper and dance at Derby house. By June 18th it Is expected that the royal gussts will have begun to tiiln out and the king will take ad vantage of his greater leisure to visit the Royal Agricultural show at Nor wich. At noon, June 3,9th, both the king and queen will drive in state to the Guildhall, to attend a luncheon given In their honor by tha Lord Mayor of London. After the luncheon will follow one of the most picturesque features of all tha eoroaatlon eare moales tbelr majesties' ceremonial drive la thslr magnlftcent eoack aad with brilliant escort throagh tha tumble-dowa, ages-old, narrow, eraok- ed ttreeta of East Londoa slaauu Premier Aaanlth'and his wife will entertain tha aewly arowned klag and queen at dlaaer Jaae 80tb, aad tba next day, tke last of tka ceremonies, their majesties will leave Loadoa far ance they rendered last night. In the opinion of many, ahows the clever' company of players to be even strong er than when they scored such a tre mendous hit here Isst fall. "The Man of the Hour," Droadhurst'a great I political work, was the evening's of-1 ferlng, and all of the Intensely strong situations and climaxes were brought out In a most realistic manner. James Dillon, who Is a red-hot fa vorite In this city, appeared In the tltlo role, and his rendition of the part of the newly elected onng mayor who Is willing to sscrlflrc even) the chance of marrying the girl of Ms choice rather than prove untrue to the trust the people have In him, was splendid. His scenes with Horrlgan, the political boss, were among the strongest In the drama. In the heavy role, that of Horrlgan.) the political boss, who after buying up a share of the aldermen, seeks to' Intimidate tho mayor and prevent him from vetoing the street car fran-i chlse. J. Waltemeyer'a work stood out 11 through the play. Mr. Walte- meyer appeared here for the first time' last night, but his hlstronlc talents have won him quite a following al-',..... . ..J II. I. .... .- .. nnnwi nn uumir a deep voice, aad when he turned TO TAKK VOUB ORI,KB that gusto ascribed to those who have For our nelt I'ocerles and tbelr way In questionable politics, he'UD,e delicacies. Test us on tea, cot carried out all the requirements of!'' P,c". butter or yWas of the role without a fault. I wh,cn ru re particularly good Frank Howe, aa Alderman Phelan Jud- You, "d " wb,t on ct of tho Eighth, furnished a great deallrrom " M S00 prooaniy oettcr man similar groceries situations where emotional work. Bert Chnnman as to PT mo money, Walnrlght was also good. WV44444w444 FOR RALE RY OWNER AT BARGAINS . (IS feet, SO feet, M feet aad 41 H feet choice water front ISO feet oa Klamath aveaae OQ feet oa Klamath aveaae 6N feet oa Mala street, good la come property. Other choice profHy. . Address I. O. BOX 6, KI.AMATII FALLS, ORE. Mt I. Plumbing IKBfNPaA 1 JTP iron jeW 7r1fTP MasaVll Steam and Hot Water Heating.. Sewer Connections ! E. G. GREELEY PHONI 31 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaata sv4 Do Yon Believe In nT inn enmajiv mie n aj waba h.aas . s v .vu.vm t "US ItlVI NVIG SKIT VI ell I - - J he did some fine ror '" rou ' "a accustomeaiv .... .. to oar moro money. w I : ADVERTISING ! All of the ladles accredited them-' selves by their acting, and too much' cannot be said of them. Oenevleve) Cunningham as Dallas Walnwrlght was thrown Into a peculiar situation, as tha man she loved, the mayor, lf be carried out his declaration that be . would veto the obnoxious bill, would ruin tha fortunes of herself and brother, as her uncle had invested their money la the railroad seeking a franchise, hoping that tho mayor's love for tba girl would cause him to pass the measure. In tba end, the major's honesty and manliness woa tho girl for him. Miss Walnwrlght has quite a name here as a clever actreaa, but In the opinion ot many, sho surpassed all her previous efforts isst-nlght. Helen MacKeller, In the Ingenue role of Cynthia Garrison, was aa be witching and petite as ever, and, as usual, she carried out the part in a faultless fashion. Miss Melrose ap peared as the mayor'a mother, and the part, while not a long one, re quired that splendid type of acting of which Miss Melrose Is so capable. In the third act there Is a particularly beautiful scene between mother and son, when sho tells him to do his duty and be honest, notwithstanding the fact that tha Interests have threat ened to expose his dead father aa a grafter, and have furnished him with proofs enough to show that they can do so. "Merely Mary Anne," a pretty four- act comedy drama, will be given this evening. j FOR" SALE!!: Two weB On of far Z two FaBs. WBI sH In srfceie at la aart. Terms aart down, tke faalaace X la deferred aayasrata. Annt R. A. EMMTTT SI USB S USIBBBUl i aaaaaaaaaaaaggaaaaaaaaaaaa BICYCLES For aa eta Oaaafar We ato-dafe wheel sale at St ere. Teats aad sale or for reat. afaBlkseof THE GUN STORE 9. &.CBAMBBRS IS dnTrCOaM INK E. R- Pershin Jonas Do you carry Ufa Insur ance? Brown Yes; I hare 110,010. Jonas Made payable to year wife Brown Tee. Jonea Well, what kind of an ex cuse do you pat up to your wife for living-Harper's Weekly, CITY WARRANTS Notice to hereby given that there are fundi la tka' city treasury far tka aaaaeaaadaaaeaaMaaaaaaaa VTatTfWwTew'jW farwwawJ aBTtsVi staV ; tovtJofjitifj sTdtd Printing tor KODAKERSi Cnwwirdai, View UniaceM Work tsdsaM7laM raeae373 We!do when yon live tke foods. Tnit'f why we always a- vcrtlae Chile & Sanborn Coffees and S.&W, mned Goods These foods are right and have oar iaaranltc back of them VAN RIPER BROS. "J net Groceries" Pkoae 851 OPKN BAY AMI NIGHT WH NRVKH MI.KKP F, It, BUHSCOUOII Proprietor -zrc.b& .tairamw "-qfllPa Ol ts3 IN TIIH HEART OK 1 r- KLAMATH FALUI ueso55'3 "Anything Yiim Want to KnI mi fge"" " T'"M' "" W"11 KnI H" BBBnBBaamamBmBaimMaaBBaBBanBaBaBasBamaBBaaBaBaBamaBmBmasBBmB KLAMATH STABLES Nice Light Rigs, Fashionable Turnouts. Good Single Drivers. J. A. THOMPSON PlIONK 591 Proprietor Klamath VallcyWarchouse and Forwarding Company ICE GOLD STORAGE General Storage and Forwarding Business We make dally deliveries of Ice to any part of city CALL UP 1.0-.-7 Over $5,000,000 Spent in the perfection ami installation of the Block Signal System By the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Did you ever atop to think what an inaurance pol ity the block system is for you? Watches over yoti by night as well at by day. Did you ever experience the ease of mind and relaxation that comes over one traveling on a fully protected block signal road? You will if you take the a Overland Limited Daily between San Francisco and Chicago See Agent SOUTHERN PACIFIC -a. SUGAR, WHITE PINE AND RED FIR We have tke beat equipped planing mill in the city and and are prepared totnraovtallklMda of finished work WHOLESALE LUMBER RETAIL PHONI 1331 LONG TIMBERS A SPECIALTY Vertical grained nooring.Ceiling and Clear Native Fir for finish work, also Lath and Shingles FREE Red Fir and Pine Bark for Fuel INNES-CLARKE LUMBER AND BOX COMPANY a .a v?r" , .). X V.K . ,T.W "I Ss r