The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 26, 1910, Image 4

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Delivered to Ton
Barley, Wheat, Oats,
Mill Feed, Alfalfa Meal
Quality Beit
: Service Prompt
Get Our Prices
O. K. Transfer Co.
rkwe 871
Bhm V Ai No adalteratkML 2 eta.
ITire liflTQ below iMportera lard.
atata-ajajtm flrat-claaa mmm cared. 5 eta.
Bath tktte arc ov specials, awl cut
be teat. . Fall Uie of freak, tester
fietert f mm alt riiaase af
llaata tad heavy freight. Moat
rstawsfclt. lO-tack wood forfaale
trkoae 503, See. 674
K. H. 0. William wat hi from hi
ranch today.
J. J. Ilalght and wife o Shanlko
arc at the Lakeside.
R. V. Adam or Seattle It regis
tered at the Lakeside. '
Sewer plie U being laid on Seventh
ttrcot between Main and Pine.
I. A. Newton returned )etterday
from a few days' star at Rattle Ridge.
C. Swnnson of Sarramento arrived
hern last night to be n witness In the
Timothy Kmttt case.
V. E. Doynton or Frultvnle, Calif., ,
arrived hrre Monday, and li ending
in his old friend, Nate Ottrrheln.
Clark Thomas Is the proud father ,
of n baby girl, who arrived at the
Thomas home In the Mills addition
V. K. Black, the sawmill man of
North Yonna Valley, was excused
front Jury duty and returned to hit
nomo today.
Architect O. K. McDonald It very
busy with the plana for the new tre
atory hotel on Third and Main streets
and expects to have them ready In
about ten days.
V. T. 8hve says that he has sev
enty acrea of land seven miles south
of town that will produce 7,000 buth-
els of oata this year. That's going
some for a dry year.
U. II. Harden and William Collins
went to Diamond lake Sunday morn
ing. They will be gone two weeks,
and expect to enjoy some fine fishing
and hunting while away.
Arthur P. Davis of Washington, D.
C. chief engineer of the reclamation
service. E. 0. Ilopaon of Portland,
supervising engineer, and W. W.
Patch, project engineer, have been on
tour' of Inspection of the Klamath
project for the past three days.
Highest ant) Lowest Decrees of Heat
as Beeorded by the Ooventmeat 4
The following tguret give the high
est and the lowest temperature re
corded by the government during the
month if July:
Day. Mas. Mia.
SS 8 ft".
94 .... 90 SO
.58 ...4...... 88 49
':s ;. 70 ti
SI .;...:. 84 M
0 r. 8S 1 '
.!$....- ."...: OS 09
18 91 54
17 87 48
IC i ,86 44
15 "81 45
14 ..."..... : 86 5 1
1S.....S. .'. .'. 5
u ...:: 10 61
10 . : 9J 60
1 56
?..... M 66
f .., mi 8S 53
G.....,- 80 41
4. .. 70 37
3...t.t....Mt 88 40
S 68 48
1 : 74
mi mTuTsiKET
(Continued from Page I)
It Has To Be Done
at Once
Bm11 ike ttorekmbeen rente to Mr. C J. i
HcitauM to be'occupicd at a Drug Store. I
The Jewelry Stock
Two Woald He Te Macn
In an English constituency a can
vasser happened upon an artisan busy
reading the posted addresses and
studying the pictured feces of the two
"Well, what do you think of then?"
asked ths canvasser.
The voter shrugged his shoulders,
and said nothing.
"Which candidate would .ou like
to vote for?" persisted the other.
"Don't know nothing about none of
'em." replied the British ilsstsr, "hat
by what I can see of 'em' I thank
'esven as only one of 'em can get In."
There caa be ae thaw am gating
ty atast be aaeaaastl at, atai the ealy way ioK Is. to
prices so it waa tneew at stMS.
Ne awes) to eaH attaaatoatioa to the high
X w ask is to bare yea saH la aa4 see what aa
r sMter waa hay.
Tba stack waa aaii by Referee la
to take sdvaalags at the good thaags
Ask tfeeas who have boaghts they'll teU yea. Asms khsre arc
staa tats of goat things left.
Get Busy. Take AdTin
tatfe of the Real Snap
The Latest
"Most modem honest yet built,"
announced the enthusiastic agent.
'Tlectrlclty, eaaseated yards, lastaa
taaeous water heaters, all the mod
era, latest, up-to-date kaprovetaeats.
lacladlng padded elossta'ln every
"Why padded?" asksd the pros
pective buyer.
"Ho the neighbors can't hear the
family skeletons In 'em rattling."
Country Cousin By Oosb! the
papers was right!, Ths women In
this show la dressed somstbla' scaa
daloas. Bar. this is purty sporty, by
Hack! I
Cltr Coasta Bhat up, 81. The
cartala .haaa't geaa op yst yon're
lookUg at the box parties. Cleve
land Leader.
Her Summer Bsaa of ths Tsar Be
fore Ab, Htes Billings, do you not
remember me?
Hersslf Yes. Indeed. You have
always been fresh la my memory.
Mrs. Hoyle Covered with Jswsls,
(sat she
Mrs. Doyle Tss. Is it hard to tall,
at Irst -glance, whether she bstoags
to the mineral or animal klagdom.
Life. '
Stock of fine Jewelry
at Tour Own Frice
Laatss, If you waat to take advant
ae af the grsat clearsaes prless you
will hare to harry.
K. X. K. STOM.
havo this done was signed by all
property owners.
Rill AHowed.
The following hills were read and
Riley Hatklns t tS.50
Geo. D. Snyder, salary, police.,.. RC.00
The bill of the Klamath Chronicle,
amounting to $293.05, was referred
to the finance committee. ..
Councilman Stone asked for a leave
of absence for thirty days, which was
An ordinance specifying what tltnll
constitute a bltullthle pavement wat
Introduced, nnd the motion to past
It to Its second reading was lost by
the following vete:
Yet Castel, Hsnks and Summers.
No Wllkint, Stone, Ksnght nnd
Tho ordinance granting to the Pa
cific Telephone and Telegraph com
pany a franchise to conduct Its busi
ness In this city for a period of twenty-live
years, wat lott by the follow
ing vete:
Yes Wllkint, Castel, Stone and
' No Summers and Paught.
i Hanks did not vote.
An smeaded ordlaaace specifying
that bltullthle paving be laid on Mala
street from the bridge to Bteveath
and an Sixth street from Mare to Kin
loch avenue was latrodueed and
passed to Its second reading by the
following vete:
Yes Csstel, Hsnks, Summers and
No Stone and Obencbaln.
Wllklns not voting.
Council Instructed the pollco Judge
toaadvertlso for contracts to ill the
streets on which contracts had not
been accepted.
On motion of Csstel the city re
corder was authorised to purchase
four police clubs for the use of the
Council adjourned until tonight.
W. R. David, the Walla Fargo ex
press messenger betweea KlaaMth
Falls and Weed, left for a month's va
cation In Ukiah and Los Aageles this
morning. W. W. Rodeaader of Red
ding mjll take his place while he is
Buying Clothes
Any time you buy a Hart Schaffncr &
Marx suit you are spending your clothes
money economically, but when you get
a chance to buy these famous clothes
at less than the regelar price, you cer
tainly ought to lay in a stock of them.
This la the time when we are getting ready for
faU business; it's the time when you are ready
for summer clothes; we want to clean off our
shelves, and it's your chance. The prices we are
making on summer suits would almost make you
think the weather was cold; you know it isn't,
and we know tliese clothes are using room and
money that we need. Come in while the stock is
well (assorted; you'll be amazed at values offered,
$50.00 H. S. 6 M. Suits $36.65
40.00 H. S. 6 M. Suits 29.55
35.00 H. S. 6 M. Suits 26.45
30.00 H. S. & M. Suits 22.25
27.50 H. S. & M. Suits 20.85
25.00 H. S. 6 M. Suits 18.95
22.150 H. S. a M. Suits 17.85
The Portland Store
The home of Hart Schaffner 6 Marx clothes
Main-St Property
Hare oae of she bast leeatea lea
on Mala street at a law priee aaa on
easy terms i also a few fasti bays oa
Oak a4 sTIamaHi avesmss: also a
Sao lot tksar high tshsat far
Hare a goad) I rsssa hawse ta
locality oa easy tents far Saw. If
yea are laekhtg fsv lavtttfaseats It
wiH pay yea to saw CJtw. II. Hew, wMh
ChSeote, eases aajsaalag Aaterkau
hotel. Phoaeawi.
Will be Complete with a
Foil line ofmis-to-datf
tTsvltlarsl e Cmmmmmm e gfcuinliawa
''tFsPBBaawawBr aPwBaavw'VPBJtw ojawBBF V wBJFwtawg'B'BPwswrFwsw
Special Price on
. .Oa accoaat of shortage of learns to
haal, we will aiake a special low price
est oar entire stock of cotaatoa lumber
of fS and np per 1000 at the salH oa
Clover Creek Bl miles from Klamath
PaHs. flood road.
Call ay Clover Catek for price t oa
other grades, or orders raa be left al
Wars! Obearhate'a for lumber to lie
delivered. ,
i The July Bride
now snares asr nsppissss
and shines retpltadsat,
aloag with our llns of
All srs appropriate wad
ding prostata ,aad shs
will not ha happy until
We are headquarters
for up-to-date clothing
Select your Qothei from the UrgMt
Stock inlKlamtth County
In tho Men's Clothing lino you
can select from 400 new Bum
mer Suits from I8.9S to 40,
Dig line of Neckwear from 25c
to 76c. Our Shoo line Is com
plete beautiful line or Men's
Oiford. from IS, f0 In $o,GO
Itoyri' Hbort Pants Salts one
half price. Just tklak of it!
Onohalf pries for Bars' Olotb
Ing less than whalesale cash)
Why io we do ItT Baeause we
have loo many and must clean
them up quickly In same war.
Big ltae of Women's Gloves, NMkwtwr. Delta.
Uajlrric Dresses, Ihlrtwalata. geparate Iklrtf,
Linen f altsItc. Do your tradlag bare aad Make
our store yoarheadquartera. We have avtrythuig
you need at prices ho ilghtr tkau you art asked
to:payJu large cltlM
Boston Stc
O. M . HKlOft
!'S u.
6aw 6BbawBggf tJJawaBJvJJ'gy
Streatk ft Mala
l Y "? , '.-I -
For Waddlitt rrtMata i
I- ",i a a,M." i- . - v ..
. ?' fjBewwweiSSMMMBBB6w6 I
a . ' csr
.'V i.e. fn
I I Cor. 3rd I
I 6M1
Cor. 3rd