The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 16, 1909, Image 2

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OREGON'S "richest soil ABEL ADY
tssosd Daily, Kiccpt Sunday, by Hi
W. O. SMITH, Editor
Dally, by nail, one rear $5.00
Dally, by mall. aU months 5. B0
Dallr. br mall, threa month 1.S&
Dally, br mall, one month SO
Dallr, delivered br carrier, one week , SO
A dlscorcry of great Interest has
been made not lone since at Pompeii,
where the excavation work Is being
steadily carried on. Under the ash
deposits there was found an cxtontlre
villa of handsome construction and
ornamented with very fine frescoes.
The villa contained statues and other
works of sculpture both (Ireek and
Roman, besides very rich furniture
which Is well ornamented and also
many vases of different kinds. There
were also found coffers filled with
cold and silver money. In the base
ment are great amphorae which were
nsed for storage purposes, and In the
triclinium the tables were prepared
for a banquet of thirty persons. An
abundance of silverware Is one of the
features of the discovery, and It Is
said to be equal In welkbt and artis
tic character to the silverware dis
covered in the villa of Doscoreale and
now possessed by the louvre. Some
of the silver pieces seem to have been
taken out at a previous epoch, for
there are traces of a clandestine
search which was made at a former
Much has been said of lato years
about the ease with which a lock ca
nal could be destroyed by the ma
licious use of dynamite or other hlich
explosive. Engineering News calls
attention to the fact that an attempt
made In 1)00 to wreck the Welland
canal In this way produced surpris
ingly small results. After two weeks'
examination the two men concerned
selected lock 24, and each lowerel &
satchel containing dynamite and a
fuse to the water behind the gate at
each end of the lock. Roth charges
were exploded: but the dynamite
failed to carry away the gates. Al
though the explosives blew a hole
about a foot In diameter through
each gate and loosened the hinges.
the gatea remained In .position, 'raid
ing back the water.
If Henry Hudson could hate come
back In the flesh last week and seen
the "Half Moon," or rather a modern
version of It. lifted bodily from ttu
deck of a steamer by n floating Jc-r-rick
and lowered Into the water he
would have realized what great
strides have been taken In marine
architecture during Ihe three centur
ies which haw elapsed sine,- his
tragic death In the waters of Hudson
bay. The "Half Moon" looked small
iven beside the navy yard tugs; and
leafarlng men. as they looked at the
Iny craft, conceived a high respect
for the courage of thoic early navl
;ators In submitting themselves to
the perils of long oyages over bois
terous seas and nlong shores of which
ao chart existed
The "boosters" of the town nl
Montgomery, Ala., havo erected a
monster electrically Illuminated slgu
bearing the name of their ronimunlt)
on the roof of a factory facing the
railroad. The sign Is 7S feet high
and SS feet long, lit by .,C00 lamps,
and bears nn Immense key and the
Inscription "Montgomery Your Op
portunity." with a sky-rocket effect.
The Idea Is to Impress the name on
thousands of passengers going by on
Ihe railroad and possibly Ignorant of
the name of the town.
During the month of June the total
exraxatlon on the Panama canal was
I. SSI, 793 cubic ).irds, which Is
slightly less than the total for the
month of May. The mean rainfall
was U.S5 Inches for the month, at
compared with 9.82 Inches In May.
There were 3CC.99S ruble yards of
material placed In the Gatun dam and
lO.CfiS cubic yards of concrete were
laid In the floor of thn spillway.
fh Yarn Thst Wss Spun by
tlir In Auitralia.
An Australian trnxcter sa) lint tie
ixas one ill' uiilMug In the thltk
scrub, collecting !.vlim-ii, when he
fame iioii n large light bninii snake,
t ecle- of python, rolled iimiii the
He xxus by far the tlnet one he had
ever mt-n nt large, lie xxn probably
ten or Ixxelxe feet long nhil n thlfl.
ss a man's leg nt the knee.
He Mixnce eliouuti to devour a
man. ami nl flrt the collector Ml half
Inclined to run nxa.x
lie rxvoxcrvd hlliiM-lf, hoxxever. nud
mis on the lnt of shooting Ihe wr j
pent xxlib u (barge ( ilnt shot In
order lit carry home his skin xxheit It
ucriirmt to him Hint ho would leih
xxiinu ine lime nt iiiiirn u ue xxen
taken nllxe.
"I had." he says, ".X leather simp
xx lib n buckle In my game tug. ami
xxllh lhl I ileti-rtiilniil In iioone Ihe
l lnrted toward him. but xxhen I
rnme he lurtly urn ultcd. oetied
llli lllolllli Xery XX Me. thereby dew to
lug his sharp terlli, niul, hllng spile
fully. !r ink at me. I dulgiil In-IiIihI
a small tree ami. loaning nut n far
as I ilanil. trltil sexcrul timet In
uouse hliu.
"After I bad tcaiil hliu fur ome
time be suddenly started off at full
speed. I caught my gun and by dint
of hard running through the llilok
scrub managed to head him off. He
colled, and again I Irleil Hie noone, but
he put bis head under Ids colli III n
very sulky manner I reached mil from
my shelter U'IiIihI n lnv and taught
him by the tall, but lie pulled nxxuy
xxllh great forit- nud glided off ng.iln.
"This time he took refuge under n
fallen tree niid Is-fure I ioiiM head
him CUT xvas gliding iIoxtii the bole of
Milne Xl lid nllllll.ll.
"I remind the y, Ju. nt the Mt
Ixxii or three fi-et of III ldy xxerv
dlxpieartiig. ntid. selling hit tail xxllh
both hands. I him': on.ih-crntely.
Willi my feet brarid ngnluM n llmli
of the tree I pullitl till the tail i racked
and snapht1 nt If It xxnuM break ntiiu
der. Sometimes lie pullid me In xxllh
In n few- lncliit of Ihe bole, niid then
I xvnul.l brace in; self ngilnt the limb
and drag him halfway out
"At lat.l grew- so.tlnd lint I had
to let gn my bold, an.l with m-iiiy n-
Is I saxr Hie tout few Inoliet of ihe
tan iiiappear iieiieiitn I no t-1 rin
Some details haxe Intel) been tiuide
publle of the Inttriiinentnl xiork on
the lluniilmiii tunnel, reecntlx com
pleted h the goxetniiieut, xxhlih will
bring sumo 2011.000 acres ol land un
der ciiltlxntlon. The tunnel from en
trance lo entrance Is six miles In
length The siirxey Hues nt Ihe point
of meeting differed u .12 In lexel. 0 01
foot In nllcnment and o Ml font In
t'rot William II Anderson, dine
tor of Ihe Yalo gjmnnilum. I rain
ing on n terltt of expirlmcnts on Ihe
heart action of nlhtctet More Ihnn
COO experiments haxe been niadi lor
object ol determining xxhlrh
sports exert the mint harmful ofTctt
upon the hinrl Moreoxer. the effitt
of nxxgeti on the henrl during exer
tion Is nlso In lug rnrefull) sluilli-d A
report It promised In 0 tuber
I'or a cup of coflie that makes life
worth llxlug. come lo Ihe Oregon
FOR SALE One 16-toot launcn
with 4-b.p. motor. Inquire of Ivan
Daniels, or phone 541.
MOMCM, ,,,,, :
Helping the Town
Hy taaklajc your money In a bunk In yunr own common
My yoa Increase the community's iiwer to do baslncsa. If
abataatial fannrrs want to borrow money there Is more lo
tuaa tbem. If yoa lunk yoi r money away from home It Is
loaned to other farmer, merchants and manufacturers. Help
yoar hoase people. Money hidden at home helps no one.
rUrrd In a bauk It la pat to work In ways that help all.
I First National Bank
of Klamath Falls
b a good hank to pat yoar money In safe and reliable.
I A Savings Account . .
la a relay day fund, a life Insurance policy, a skk benefit, a
faarral benefit, and an old age it-iislun. There Is no forfeiture
, claaae la Uie paaabook, and It Is under the owner's control at
all time. It will tide blni'orer sickness It Mill care for hi
la rally when be must got It Mill sen him through old age, and
bur him when be die. It I a simple business proposition.
Brgla early, and keep It up, and, like manna lu the desert, It
Will aupply him a he Journey.
Vow to the time to oirn an account with the
Flrit Trmt and Savings Bank
Largsst Room In ths Hauls and Hss a
Clef In lha Corner.
Holland, of nil it untrlet. It n memo
rial In the uneearlug laluir of man's
hands. It exll nut beenure the sen.
higher Ilia ti Its green slrelihet, puffer
It lo. but iK-eaute man by the lilmr of
his liands nnd of bit brain his kept
the water bark. The Hiitili people
haxe not only enruitl their laiid-lhey
hare made II.
"When haxe they found lime to do
It nil?" you nk younu-lf. Hut you an
to knnxx- more of the work whleh In
Ilollaml mi it learnt. Of Ihe xrork
xx bleb gift on xxllhln I bore lnuiit ,x oil
knoxr imihlng until at Delft you nuke
your first nriujliilauie xrlth a Inilrh
The Llfrheii It roerly n large room
as lompaml with the other hiiut In
w bonne, for It It Ihe gathering .l.ui
nt nil limes for the family. The table
Is round mid stands nut iUlle In the
center of Ihe room, but n tint Die
mlntress. slllliig nt one side, run re.iiti
her hand oul lo Hie store xxllhoul rl
lu one corner of the kltrlieii Is sin-h
a Uil as you haxe nexer seen U-fure.
The sillily slarclnd white inutllii i-ur-tains
make ItbMik like a bllml xxliidnw.
but the grandson, pulls the curtaliit
back, nnd In the-rcce formid by Ihe
closet on one side and Ihe corner of
the room on the other you see the
place wliereynur hnx'le sleen. There
are n high feather bid nud ninny euxer.
The stoxc Is n brklt one. set In n
deep old fireplace. Tho old mantel Is
piled Willi brass xcsm-N. xxbleli I In-
old xx-omaii lines ns Ihough they xxere
common lln. On one vide U a ihlni
statue of the Virgin. On Ihe other Mile
under n glass globe it a xxnxeii statue
of Queen Wllhelmliia In her wiihllng
gntvu. Nexr Idea Mngarlne.
NOTIC'K- Knilii the ISlh until the
22d Ihe Klamath Mestrnger Serx
Ire will bo open (or bulno4 from
S n. m. to 9 p m.
I'tHl SAI.i: Ileal IMate.
IIAVi: n few lots In glxe na) In
Opportunity addition on the Cpper
lake In parties wlthlng to hulM
homes. Hotter bnrr nnd g.-l one of
thesi they are uhmilutelx frie See
the ouiu-r, i: II Marlinnald
KOIt SAJ.K A nexv bungnlovu, xxllh
S rooms and ha Hi; niio location on
hillside near High School Inquire at
Hciald ulllce.
KOIt HAI.i: Ml acres, CO nrresTn
rrop; 3 horses, xxiiKiin, set of bar
ue , 2 roxxs, 225 rhlrkcns, K-room
'iiingnlnvx-, furnished. I miles front
town; $100 t aire,, rus Urms
II. K. Pointer. I'lnnmlh Kails.
till: Itll.N 10 tllHM'UHV,
A llltle stmo xxllh" Ihe best In the
grocery line clean, new, ttesh, and
prlies rcnuonaUlo. Olio trial will
couxliiio Jon that It Is tho place tu
irn.l... M"
miih'i: or iiiHtiii.nitix or
The public Is herxbv notlfted Hint
the partnership llrlu of Mnrgaii h
Wlcl-slroiu has been dloolxed. Mr
Morgan haxlng dlpoed of alt hi In
teres! therein In A Wlrkstriini. xxh
vxlttroiilluiietn nperalM the sleaiutioal
llaglo uiul oilier partnerthlp proper
llii former I) ouiuM niid operated b
Morgan .V Wlrkslrnm
.Minn: roit priii.uwTiii.N.
1). S. IjxikI Oltlro at Ukexluw,
Ortgou, A PI II :, 1909
NOTIl'i: Is hereby given thai
i,.li:i. JOHNSION, of Klamath
Kulli. Oregon, who, on Nov 27,
I90S, madii Timber and Mtonn rlvotli
.tlBlviuvnt No- 0T. lor NH 'A.
-liHliuu 17, Township 32 H, llsnge
.'S I". . Will. Meridian, has filed
iiillio of Intention lo make I'lnsl
Proof, In eilabllih claim In Ihe land
ihoto di scribed, beforo County" Clerk
Klamath County, st his omro at
Klamath Kails, Oregon, on Ihe llth
Iny of August. 1909. I
Claimant name us witnesses i
Frank M. Upp. of Klamath Kails,
Iregini, Henry Offenharher, of Kla-,
until Kallt, Oregon; Ahln J Hold,
of Klamath Kails, Oregon; John
Xiitcl, of Klamath Kails, Oregon, .
Letter Klrkpatrlrk, of Klamath'
Kails, Oregon; John J Kurbrr, of!
i'okrgumn, Oregon. !
i-IR llrgltler. I
Cold Storage
White Enamel
$21 to $24.50
Reliable galvan
ized Food
ivy US SMS lliltl inn w
Tlv '"t M
jg' FREHZllR J
w . iwh n
ff wawM mwa mm ,
ljT , atf m raw baw a, ffk, I
Hflr M
J Ml MW Mitt IM 1
ji4 9mm wrf m m m A
LOST AM) I'or.Ml.
LOST Tan leather handbag roiitaln.
Iiu purso xtlth money, a iiustornre
key and other articles. Kinder please
return tn this office.
iiKi.1' r.tTi:i.
VtiK.NTH wanted lu ex-ery town for
tho SIk-1 Adjiutablo llatiieless
llnrsu Collars. No imils. hniiies
itrnps; ran be used with any kind of
lug attachments. Will not gall horse
or wear uul. Will not rorrodu or rust,
i'rlco IC.OO each. Ask jour dealer,
Wrllo for literature. Address Neliou
Wilver Compan), exclusive) distrib
utors rartnecoast states, Alhnny.Ore.
rill. Orx-gon Nursery Comiany of
naium, uregon, tho Sargent ami
best-known nursery company in the
.Northwest, has openings for two or
ihrco steady nnd reliable, salesmen
for .Southern Oregon nnd Northern
California territories, Kutl Informa
Ion upon request. Address Oregon
Nursery Co., Salitu, Oregon.
WANTKO-OIrl for telcphono op
erator; one with eiierienro lu the
work preferred. Apply nt Kliimnth
Kails uinie.
I'Olt HAI.K MI.hIIjiihou..
Miriti: or si:rn.rAii:T
IINAI, At till sr
NOTICi: l h b glrrn tl at Alev
Martin Jr . administrator of Ihe -
late of ItoJney S Ihmen, de easn,H
hat filed with the County C.iuii at
Ktamatli County, Oirgon. for soltle
ment his final account In tho admin
istration of the said estate, nnd that
Momlax, August aoih. at 2 on l lu
ut Ihe ruiirlhouM- In .i. touniy und
Slate Is the lime and place filed for
tho hearing of any and ull ob)erllons
In said final account and thai .'lllo
nn nt thereof, and an -rni Inter
sled may appear nnd file exc-ptlous
to said iireounl and ronlesl in tame
Admlulitralor of the Kitato of Itod-
ney S llowen, IH-rcased
S-2 t-2!l
POIl 8AI.K Lady's
horse, with surrey.
geutlu driving
Inquire o. K,
Ths Old.xt.
Three old swrls wuro chnlllug' nfier
n copious dinner, when one of them
snld, " .et $r, my name is the oldest."
The bet xvas Immediately m-c,
nnd be prodiicc-il his caul, reading ".Mr.
"Oil. clear t''." said I lie second, show
lug his ciinl. "I inn Mr. Ailaiii."
".Mine Is the be I," replied the other,
producing ins c-nril, anil they coul.l
rend "Mr. II. (iluiilng" printed cm It. -Jiidgv's
FOIl HALH At n bargain; a No. S
Oliver typoxvrlter. with 15.ntli
-nrrlor, In flrst-clnss condition; n
1110 machlno for JTS. Call nt O. K,
rmnsfcr olflcu and co it.
Mii:itirrs s.ti.i:
Wherins, lmlgmenl was rrndemi
nnd entered on the 2Clh day of April
190!, In an action In the J ml In '
Court for tho I'rc-cln't i-f i.inx-xii1 '
Khimath County, Slut- of on-eon
iH-inru A II. .Miller, Jusiicu of ti.i '
! (oi i.ild priclnrl. between II
w i'ms-.-, ptriiitirr. tf j ! r "i ;
xnn, ilf iiiiI.iiii, lu Invor of planum
iiioi njnui iieieiniaiil fin Urn a,i,n i,
'xe. 1,-fl.o d.ll-rs e I J ,i w-, ,t. f
-sl tin i tl.o late of SU f CI pel
cent per annum from Ihe 2lb day m
April, I'JOS, and ll,o furlher sum of
rhirteen nr.d Twenty-tlvu Oue-huii-
red lb dollars (113 25) rusts and
disbursements, nml wln-n-n. ,. ,,,.
script of said JiidKUieut nml proceed.
iiik iiioi neinrii saiii jiisllco of thn
i.r.iiu hi sain raso lias In on filed In
Ull) o-ro of the Count I- C'lnrk ,,r
Kt.imnlli Coiinli'. Diituii. nful wdlrli
said Jiiilgiiii-ni was duly docketeil lu
uiu jiiugmeui ilorliil of tint Circuit
i ouri or ttio Htatn or Oregon for Ihe
Couiily of Kliimnth, on tho 13th dny
of May, 1U09, nnd tho sum of Hoven-
l)-flxo dolhirs (it., with Interest
iiiorcon in mo ruio or (i.) pir
-in ier iiiiuiiiii irciui inn .'".in nay of
xirn, ivirj, unit iiiirieeu nml Twen
ly-tlxu Onii'liuudredllis dollars
(113.2.1) rosin und dlsburseiiiviits of
xnn iiciioii is now- duo thereoii: nnd
hy vlrluo or nn execution Issued by
thn Clerk iif the Circuit Court of the
Choice Garden
A few plots of choice land for garden; Potittti
Cabbage, Celery or other truck, under
Irrigation and convenient
CAPT. O. C. APPLF.GATE Fifth Street near Na
nus sirne Lot Bargains for you
ni.r.-f rftii'iii hiiiih Mim. i
, Plfte.,.g of 8 bor.os and 1 1 .n o 1 ,u I, . ... '.'.' " 7 '"
harness, stretchers nud chains, 2 N.i. ,,,?, ' ..'," ." Li. J K! T1 """
! China and Glassware
Don't you xsant soiim nice lllunrr Ware, Kanry HUIxs,
I'lalrs, Tumbler, Jardinieres, Ornainruts, Ctwintvr Kris, Walif
t'cmlers, l'rii-iu-r things uM-ful and ornamental for your lioiss
ami Inble? Wn carry suili iM-aullful tlilna a Hie llaxllss
In plain ami gold rimmed. Hn our rtlenlxe display, Tbs
largest slmk In Hie illy ami at suili low price..
44f44 X.Oaaaxaoaa
04c.o.4, caOcI
KOIt HAM: ticket. Ilrsl
class, lo Los Angeles or Han Diego,
ii uiu leni properly lielonglng In
snld J. l. Hulllvaii, In salil County (,f
Klaiunlli mid Statu of Oregnn, nud
not being nhle, ufler dllKeut search
und Inquiry, tu ilu, ,,- ,., ,,i
Address P. o. b. .-. i ,.i,... .'"' .'' "l'K'i! j. i;. Hulllviin
I. .. : ' ' " "nun in aaiis'
'A Orlght Boy.
"Xnxv, Tommy." snld thn teacher,
"you may gixu mo nn example of coin
c Idence,"
"Wliy-er." snld Toinmy, wlih noma
besltiitloii-"ixliy-er-xvhy. tun faelder
mm mv muuiier xvns Imtli murrliil on
do mine day."-Hurper'u Weekly.
8hrxvd Olrl.
Klln-rielln Is mi ecoiituiilcal gr,
Hlella-Theru Is no cli.uM nbnut tlml
Hlie Is nigngeil lo a clergyinaii. nml
ho snjH thai she iihUccI him ir I,.,
couldut perform (he marriage cere,
mouy and wivo Uiu weddlug fto.-Nexv
York Kress.
rill-.' rlciutlierii I'uclflc has now on
salu round trip tickets to Henltln,
good for sixty clayit. with prlvllego of
niiiiniivr in any point mi roulu ror
I.'x.7n. ho final mt ,),,,
tlcketH expires October Slut.
OHDIIll jour Ico rrcnu O. K, Tinntfcr
KUIt.N'lHIIHl) rooms nud npnrtmcnta
ut tho llaldwln.
CIIMHNT Imported cement limi.rn.
i carioim AIISOII comunt III
lluldwln Hardwuru Co.
Iron burrols.
TO i:xCIIANi:-Cnllfornln for Ore"
gon; IG0 acres clecili.ii in.,,1 ,,..
ported, no mortgngo; fruit, grain nnd
grapes, I' or acrc-nifn nl - ,..,.. u
ath Kails. II. H. Blhloy, I. o. box 047!
San Ilernardlno, Cal "".
ly raid Jiiilgmeut or nny part theieof,!
. ....... ,.,,.-,, iipiin uiU icill.iwlng tin. i
sctIImiI re,il.proii)rty of ihn ilefeiiil
nnt J. i:. HiiIIIxiiii, to-wlt: HC or
HMl of Heillmi 21, NWli of NW't
ut Heclliin 27, iji ,lf N.j ()f H(,;M
IIiiii 28, TowiiHhlp 37 Hoiitli, Kaiigii.
... ...i oi itiuaiiieiiii merlillaii lu
Notlc-u Is llii-rofiiru hereby given
thiit hy xliliio of ii,, oxeriitlon
will, on Miinilny. tho aoth dair r a.
misl, laiiii, nt tlio hour of o'clock
In I in iiflernoon of m, ,ny nl ,),
,,m "!-",'.' l"A'""r"""IB" ''""i-1" Klnw
alb Kiills. Oreuoii. ni .i
Hon In thu highest l,l,l,,.r for cn'sh lu
hniid. tho nlmvu ilocrli.,i ri
orly, or ho much thereof ns may hu
necessary lo Hntlafy Hiild Judgment
r i- u.iii'' .' ,w':",l nnd against
J. h. Hi HIviiii, togelher with nil costs
nnd dlahiirooinenlH Hint Imvo or may
accrue, '
Dated at Klnmnll. i.v.ii. .
Oils 30th day of July. 1U09. h "'
7-30 S-Jg "' Kllu"a"' t-'uunty.
K' us moviiiKj wc arc prcpnrctl for worR
TcimiiiK, drayiiiB ami forwanliiiL'. In noT
Kclialilf nnd prompt service wouliy youR
Attention? Day or Nipjit. We're not a coin A
Nnnilier plumes, oflicc 871 ami- 873 the ItarN
bay: Bagcaijc and Pianos are spccialluS
Fii'i'Klit onlers liamlletl ipiickly. No blnfF
E'liiippetl with Uie only piano truck limE
Rasonahlc rales on Kooli storcil. ItctlrR
Call or phone in before placing onlers, C
HMmmMmtmH mm tt
,.,.' ". '-..