MT TjTt " SBBaWaBTttatSatafSI wmh sat r ' i Jf JTSAOOOJ) aaaYaaBwaaawa BaBsaaVKaVBr iHBHHBHMai f The Great Clean-Up ; Sale Is Still in Full Blast at The Portland Store IX OKIIKIt TO MAKK TIIK XKVT TWU WKKKH Ol' Ol'll SAI.K TIIK HAXXKIt WKKKN, WK OFKKH AS A I'ltl.K A $22 Trunk TO TIIK PUIUl. TIIK OXK HOI.IIIXO TIIK DIIAWIM! XI MUCH AT TRK CLONK OK THIS lilt.UVIXO t OXTKST ttll.l. IIKl'KIVi: Tills NXKTKl'XK KHKK. WK THIS I'ltlZK TO TIIK I'lMI'I.K OF KUtMATII KAI.L8 AS A (U'AllAX III! OK Ol'll AITHM IATIOX 01' TIIK COXKIIIKXCK MIOtt'X IS IIV V.)l'. IK YOU AHK IX XKKII OK A ISO II NUT OK CLOTIIKS IX II ltl SrilAKKXKIl A MAKX Oil KIIIKMt lllti N." UIIAXDS, ll .NOT OVKK UK)K TIIK K.U.T THAT KVKIIY S IT IX Ol'll SIOItK IS OX SAI.I1, IX(T.l'lIX TIIKNK IIIIAMIS. VK HAVK HAItfiAIXS IX I'.VXKV HKI'AIITvlKM" IMlKlt WKAtt. NOX. NlllltrS, XKl'liMKAIl. HATS. (iMiVKS. Tlll'XKS. MIT CASKS AXI NHOKS NIIOKS WITS OK HAIUIAINS IX MIOKS. IIKMKMIIKU "TIIK fOUTiaXII KiOIIK" XKXT IMKlll TO IIIM". OKKICK, KLAMATH FALLS. PORTLAND STORE Next Door to the Poatofflce Now 25c a Pair For "Holeproof Sox" "llnlcrroof at 25c tufr aro exactly Iho tame hoso lht liavc lierctoforo cot 5Jk n juir. Tlic top market tufco (or the bcil yarn I mm 'lew I IjM befote. ami the maker arc turnmc out ... iiy P ' J they can allorJ to sell to ui c!icatcr. w ,e can ell to you for lest. 6 Pairs Guaranteed 6 Months Formerly $2 Now $1.50 Ami iho tame suarantce eoe with every box o( sla alt: "If imy or all of these h'e cmc to hole within il month from the day you buy them, wc will replace litem tree." Iiuif "Holcnroof" Sox nowMVt money-ami eel lh oilclnalBiUMMcoiNox thei:cnuujo"nolcpHHl " (Other "I lolcprooC Sox at .00 (or 6 pair and $3.00 (or t pairs.) ft l,taa GROCERIES Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Tour Orders Solicited Chastain, Langell & Co Plume 771 Free Delivery OI'KIIA HOISK TOXKiHT No Use Going Camping And raped lo have a tlturoaghly good lime aalcaa j na take the right Mad of aa oatM, aad the Meal Camping Outfit la tlic only oar thai Alia the bill com. pleiri: aad the onljr place In get ah an natal 1 of DOLBEER. The Furniture Man mm, BEDS, CAMP TABLES AXD CHAIRS. The eatlre X aaltl caa be Backed ao (bat they wtH occapjr bat very nil apace. J W carry CoialeU Uaa of HAMMOCKS. When Iter. J. W. Prlc. paator of drac? M. K. church, at the Intlla- Hon of the management, witnessed Iho performance) at tho opera house lait Saturday night he said that the motion picture were not only highly Interesting and InilructlTe, but alio had a moral tendency. It It a pity that, being away on bit vacation, ho cannot te "Tho I.ost Sheep" ti night, which tells the ttory ot a foot Ish girl who throwi away the sub- stance ot happiness (or the shadow of pleasure, only at last to realise the beauty ot Christ's parable ot tho ninety and nine. Lorers of ttorlea of the days when knighthood was In flower will enjoy "A Faithful Fool," a drama In which fair ladles and fighting men play stir- ring parts. New tongs and music also to-night Admission ten cents. I, I. Tabor Is home from IkirrN i Launch Crystal : , The taatcat boat oa the Cpper ', , LalCe, caaaetty 40 paatragera. ; ; Makes regalar dally trip to all ' polaU oa the lake. Learea ! ! i faaitaaa; at :30 a. bl, relarn ; lag at 8 p. m. CLYDE HCFFMAN, Prop. ; ggSSSESaVv'v' ;W?1 ataBBaffaawawaaakwaSf 4 Vf- ' aYgaYgaYgaTgsaKBaW?;: !.'. ..Was gSSSSSSaBafaTaHaakilL' ' v.-- ', SRSELS5BUlBaiS The Big Store Carrie McRoskey INNCKLACCO Mattress AMCAMorurnitr TkaWd rfsaaV. aft; . 1M SSdKBSXT Ivca, r ksasfc. aw. mi mm M V, 41 wmm, mi ,mmm M M Ji I t Tm HXvUmi a. jimmmm.4UUhhmmg, m mVi " rr - 7 ani m aWjrsfiiliiai Umm4 haSiHaW Ifl'traliaUriaa-m nliiliiaTiiiiMsUlill,a V. ra mj. U . A. UJtUiU k wwi mttmmnttt aiMin, TW4m mlf. wt fa Urn aria KM ItwWilaaaiiktnWafaa. ' HmmmtlAkmuml Matpk las aw, mm aaaatt I . "a Trot ! a. .',: ttM Furniture House Furnishings and Kitchen Hardware If yon are in need of such goods don't fail to get our prices II, II. Woods of iWau jke valley la In town to-day. Hugh Clopton ot llonanta Is pay Inc this city a W. 11. Simpson anJ W. A. Iloti dlnot aro In tho city from Norloi to day. llert Uamber anl family Irato In tho morning fur nn oulInK on tho Upper ltke. Frank Ankeny and Itrnry Straw left this morning on a fishing trip lo Spencer creek. J. F. Kimball and "Tha.l-' lll leavo to-morrow morning fur Ash land on business. Mrs. Silas Obenchaln and her niece, Marlon Martin, returned from San Francisco yesterday. Marrlago licenses Issued; 0. V. Ilurton to Maude St. Thomas; O. K. ltuckcr to MaryC. Story, An accident to tho cnglno of tho second section of j'o. 16 near Caslel la, Cal., yraterday rauseil n dtlay of thn-o hourt In tho Weed local last night. Misses Hunk and Schneider Icaio la the morning for Sn Frarclco. whero they will rludy Iho latest styles in millinery and purchase Ihelr fall slock. C. if. Daggutt and wlfo li.ivo re turned from Ia Angeles, hcm Mr. Daggett ntlcndctl thu Klks rumen, tlon. They mado quite an eilvntlvu tour of thu southern country and re port a delightful trip. Any shoo looks well In a picture, but ion cannot ludgo Its quality until you haro It In jour hand and )mk It over, and then put In on Iho foot ami see how It Ills. Tho Kdnrator Bliws. on salo at Klamath Shoo Blon Will- son building, Deor nation opens lo-mnrrow ntul will closo XuTiiinbor 1st. In nnllrlnn. tlon of this trcnt tl.o following Lunt- ing iiccnset cro Issued mi to tin. lime of going to prist: K. T. Traeey. K. I). North, p. , JirumlPiihiir. it I W. 8chulr, will North. J. M. i.i. M. Hanks, P. c. llamber, II. J. lKk. wood. It. C. Short. C. A. Oourlay, Iir W. A. Ltonurd, W. T. Skinner nnd II K. Wilson., J. 0. arimth ami 8, T Summers, county commlsslontrs, County Clerk uei.ap, onoriff llarnet and Clyiln llradlcy leare Monday morning for Seattlo and tho fair lo bo gono two weeks, a Is an official visit on Iho part of tho Commissioners, as they dciilro lo Inspect several courthouses on tho trip, In connection with tho proposed now courthouse for this city, which It Is tholr aim lo havo modern In every particular. LIME For Sale by T. W. STEPHENS i tut. (iui.s, i)iii:oi'ATii. I My offices are located over tho; poatome, In tha Murduck lllock, f where I will be glad to meet those bo are dnlrout of tailing osteopath. I' treatments. Cumulation friw. t0MieMaaaata Ride on the Launch Curlew v4 l-P""1" T 11111 1 What ? i ? Shall ? i 1 We 7 EAT? allt Ivan riper Bros.! The Grocers raoirt asi 1 t A Improved El Cream ataaaiMMMMa House Moving I f G.W. Cold D. V. I All wi-fk allrtuletl lo peuaaplljr ami -rfnl safely gaaraalerd. 2 ED JACOBSON IUn 73 KUnulh Fall.. ItlltlMMMMMMMMHI I light llHkl.h.g.1 Ai.umr i T HALDWIN t,UMX I all aad I tt KrH J Veterinary! and D.1 American Hotel ' YOO MTK TO CiaHHIKV FOlt HAI.K ;6 nrres, i06 aeres'in crop; 3.horKs, wagon, ait of liar- noss, 2 io, 22B thlckiuisj C-room bungalow,, 1 lull. from, own, iuu por aero; easy terms. II. t.. rointcr, Klamath Palls. Watermelons and Nutnu We have a carload coming Monday Berries - - Berries Buy your Berries now They Won't Last Long. Peaches - Pe. We Get the C) Daily from Rogue 1 GROCERIES VIRGIL ft SON Cor. 4tk and nanath Ave. PHONK I 736 I AAA A A a - aaa '. -' , . ' '" ' Plastering AND Cement Work Lot me flfuro on your con ' tractt. 'WOIIK OUAItANTKKI) CHAnLE8 THOMAS, Ilotldonco Mills Addition. Phono IS, Fruit Jars Rubbers and Caps Let Ua Sell You Your Supply This Season Woodland A No.ll -FLOU We are Sole Free Delivery Anywherel in Klamath Falls I 1 MONARCH MERCANTILE COMPANY PHONE 1051 NMMMHtmm; It- ' ? "5, ... (, tis.v&sSSrY S V..jH-' Inl,- $$m m-J&t . -jrTri. TS1" i '?.i A.