jx j-,i u v , "THE MOST IN VALUE"' BICYCLES l ,j I j v K r , The Boston Store For an up-to-date what get a Rambler, on mm at The Gun Store. Tents and Guns for sale or for rent We carry a full lint of Sporting Goods THE GUN ST01I J. B.CBAMMM I'AVH NO ROT AND CJIVKM CfflTOMKIIH TIIK IIENEK1T I-, -"THE BEST IN QUALITY" i ? i ij W Ni:V IDEA I'ATTEIINH All Htylr nml Hires, 10c. none 3B3 NEW IDEA MAGAZINE, Be. "' IFOR SALE A Store Filled to Overflowing with New Spring Goods MMIA Ml, KM Idle iunllly lor a fco id) only, mt )iirtl, u.tc. AI.I l.h I.N HI MM. IOMH I ll-ll.i: 'IO IIIII.HM vi:i.i. If ynu, ttmr nut. n( nur m-iimhimIiIi. SiiIIn, luoi HI) I .N.hi. 'U. M rim In fumy tliiliil. nl prlira limn hum ",.1ll In B.UIIHI, li:.NII.Vi: TOKIO PONGEE al Tile mid IWc. i WAHII HILK8 In all eliauVe, Indud Inn Cream and UUck, worth 70c. only 4Nc. MII.I.INKIIYI MII.I.INKIIVII (Imilrai tulura nml moat u-fi-tlili- line ettr almttn lu Klanutlli I iHliiljr. riTlt.li UltEATKIt VALUE In Sliora anil Oxford for men, women and children, at price to lit every purse. Iloya' Knickerbocker and Plain I'miU Hull! In latent Htylc and Simile. Prlrre mini $1.00 to tH.IM. Porlomouth iTJ fcr j i "'- . 1 r9 &aff v W-?K. . 'tX t ' ..r n..,n .' && 'SCLSITV CLOTIItO Cop r!:M o WELL IMPROVED FAMI of COO ncres, 10 mllet Bouthwatt of Klamath Falls. Will Mil U a wholo or In part. Torau, part down, tho balane la de forrcd payments. Apply to R. A. EMMITT at lb Post OCte. OR. WM. MARTIN Dentist Office over KlanuthlCenait I WS COIN SWEATING. Illtgal Prattle. Which H. Fall.n j Into Cliutt. Olely nM'nl In tin- milking uf turn. I tulin iiinl u. mill tiimliliiitl ih.it in fniiuiH trade It utini 14 ii in ci jiIiil'." tthltti rt-iulrvi iTilllll 'illl lu IUIUIIIllll lie- lly A iiibbel iiiiiIiI la umiI. Inlij n until tnl.1 In I atteatrd It In cut nhil lioM it tih a i lip per wife tilling heell uilJIKIml, Xuln l IniiliiTxtl lu u lialli of ile uf iitiiniuiii iiiul an ileetrlr et lining Hie m linn of th Ml) upon Hie tulu In tbr nclj mlr unenla Ike iurt.il -thnl ! tu ', fml.n no iiiuili of It In bemiuv lieil Tlilt pnneta l jrutlp lliruug'i a Inrce niMnlx-r of folm. ami Die OANISHEU THE CORE. jffM deNil i Una dlilalii.il rilrnctrj Zinm Hie mill I N H for tlir iuruie uf ijetnllnil Urn li(r ur audi mimed rulua that ira Melsti koM enltn lu it liihncv Ivawi If ode l In Hie arale ll it III liome y.aMaMr l alniitn l.r ili ln.llr.iinr Tl,. coin l lli.'ii tali ii huI, anil utml tin atmrtaee rtprerutt ttiat nt I lie rililuiurr m III tof to up i.r tie fine I 3M. all tiling) iiiuahlerrtl. atreatlua It kt a xir liiialneo. air II U In hit IntereMliiK Imik. "TUe Kof t'tluiv" ami evlilrnllj It la lit ao If the trltnlii.nl frntrniltr. Ilia ilnnilril to a mere nollilDB erelKi ttelj'ja rja-.Tai; rralna. rMMIte limit uf error In I lie neljht la iVjm mn from which It .JMSaV I cilhernl Ibat atriatlnB cB dHttanw U' a rrrjr lucrutlr l.uaiiiaaa. ahMoo Tlt'ltlta m I ii.ak. IlieMbr Watt l tha Packaona. I'atktuna art bapplljr marrlad. Ilhryr bo! Why, tbtj badn't llrrd to llirre trrrkt bafora aba dltcor- .that be plari-tl a trrtlcbtd cam 7Cailils"-.Nrw York l.lf. A fllTtd That DirnptntiJ Mil Ardot Ter Cl'.line. Ill, liitnl of a hiireiiu III nil liupor taul iMrrruiuriit ili'inrtimiil tin ltiu, Uvii ulSli'lnl lUi ii frlciiil ttlm tulli upuu hlui ieuuljrl nml alta il.inu null tilt Ullil alU Hint pie mi alllliiK HP Itiiult uii.l UUIir; lie nuiiM n tlr.u The uttur liuf Hilt teileuhir) liiiv trjt In the full rteril.e uf hla fuuttlou ftbeli amlileiil) tlir uDtlal, ttbu buJ ivu acrutlulllUK hlui tl.ael, tried; " Luewr It! I tvua aure of It! Collfoul... Iboie "fflle buTt. Kltli llitlr IrltLa mi traugera! Tliejr'te U-u ptittluK clu. uu fitat chair a.'jlu. . Jluiiule, biltu a ajHiuve am u pall or tr.ita! Ai.il tirratliiK it lib nil hU flfibl on Hie aliiiutden of bit tltttui to Lfep hill, down, be rontliiliedi "Uuu't ttlr; foud tear the rl.itb aure .NotbluK It lulf adbetlr na icluv nn a cane aeit rbnlt Here. Jlui'ule. molftvn thta p-titlemii. ao that we ton gel III 111 lujie lloti'l tpare the tralvr. tbr tlntti ttnn't ttirluL or fade." The faithful meattuitei obexa. ami ttben the orHratlvii It i-ou lidded the u.trlal ruDducta tbe rlaltur to tbe duor nml libit hlui farrwvll, ttltb tbe rruiurk "I'trbapa you waul to liur tj bum nml rbnnse your clolbtujc. o I won't keep jroil (lotnlliy, hlt-aa ruu! If Juur Irou.vrt nt olltl. If I me Luurr, and I'll atup Hi- price r tbeci out nf I tbe j nf tbe Infernal atuuiidrel If I rau find out ttbu be ttaa, nnd to that Itaia l will tietine ail tue eurrviea 01 UlJ llfellllie mid tbe whole iiincblnt7 of tbe EutrrumenL Oo.idli' Tbf tcoui'drrl! I thought for teternl die patt that Ibrre nut aoinetbtiis trroni" lilt friend i!it IILe tbe rlilnot of xoutb. natr to return. ArgouauL At You Pltatt. tf pert.Ui iitla roll, "Wb; arr clef- ptople aj bimielt" ou rau take It I cutuplliiitrtit or uut. aa jou pleat Cautt For Rtjolclng. Iha Ic. irutl ola Ita nurk In anJ Elkt rlc" aotra out of aljht 'an dottn in tome aitdr apot ana Kan roir wieata to coins' nam conaxlr loun.lf by Ihlnklna that IB chanca trill t-onia al laal. tfe eol Irutl cannot allnc rou till troll Trlkun htaltd Itmt It rttl V Mi n't Own Vole. Is aumplti about dr sound of a own Tolce." aaiu unci cmd, IlLea. Or mo' fun dm' of us Df u i bniebatl mm la da cbanc ow dot we ktu brat aomtbody illorla' "-Wstblngton Btsr. Indltputabl. I raa under tbe Itnpretilou tbst lug. Ar fou sura sb coasn ti Ita sur; It board bar "-had lTtmas. Charlis Oarwln. Cbarla Darwlu traa to weak la haltb that but fur tbe wife and ebtl drvu who ttred bltu fmai irouhle jnd (ir hlra tbe Mture or a peaceful boa he would paibabl; urr bar cud bit k'tral dtiiorerlrt Tha Caterpillar. A caterpillar nil) devour U.00U lira Ita own nrlgbt lu fil tu the court of a month Tha Vunna Drb Tbe racllii! vjhu ut Vienna ruda with tbe liertir ttetk. from tbe ulddl of the laat ttivk In Mnjr to tbr mlddl of tbr Urat ttivk lu Juue It lomprla atn rate th) a In the I'ltildfUtu, tha ureal flutttr tor to n horn tbow and lb vsjul;utf couipatUlou Ovtrhtard on tha Llnka. "Nratiica la etaentlal on tbo links." said It. J WblKbam, tbe Uolf.T. st dluntr lu Cblm.'o ."At Hbluuecock Hills odo day t pUyud babluj two young sud pretty girls. Ovsrtaklig tbtm, I beard tbo youuger say, 'ilo oiany bole on thla courtc. Allrear 'MnrtMO, dtar,' said Allren, 'loclud lag tbt on In your stocking ' " IftM I4MIIMI Ht e could make clothes eipressly for yoa here at home, but a local tailor shop today b impractical and uaprofitable. It bat bo labor Btrlctt froas which to ttcsjro alctlnblt calltrt aa4 tailors It cannot afford to iatUll a aodcra plait (UtifDcd to rrduco coit of producUoa It doesn't do infflcicat kwlatM t cubb it to buy woolen direct fret tbo Bailie It cannot keep abreast of oaefropotttiB elylee aid worifiBablp Therefore, we seid oar orders fer fine made-to-measure clothes to Ed. V. Price & Co., of Chicago. We caa take your measure the same way we, would if ruaning shops t here, and furaiih you your clothes, made as you want them, at 50$ leu than we could make them locally. Won't you call today? LtetOriUm GE YrTanl ItMlaa. ! la Animal Tales. J. J llnbu. ii luirlnr of Knnaa City. otvut ttto doa, ciitli hum with only I ttu I. pa-1 he hlml Itci. Tbe do.-a t-.ulL IILe hiluinu Ulnpi. A rnriiier ll- Itijr near u mnraby Intel ur the rn.anle rlttr lu New Jeraey ililrheH ullil crrnr br atrl.iKlug n line ru reel luiis it lib fifty hooka at Inter eult Then- It n pet ml In tbe family of Iimiiui liiirlxrry or llotiLIu Corners. Mlib. tint ttlll uetrr (ilsy with baby tllhotit Crat bltln u3 tb sbarp point ur IU clans Tbletra In Mclupblt. looting tb ss loon of U A WimJi. found 11 hi.- hear IttalCe n ctmnlliu, tthkh tbey ipjlctcl hy reedlus: hlui nltb augsr wbll tby robbed the place. The Sporting World. The dam nf (Jiy IllnsiMi. 2:lIVv. wll. In- hr.il tn lllnutii. 2W4. again tbli raaon Xyhlato. the (lallclan, may I brought to tbla i ou ii try to meet Hut (letch Itarketiarhmtdl winner. The lilgmat cltlet bare tbe beat Drat haifiueu-Cbaae and Tentiey In Sew Fork, Chance mid Donutiue lu Chicago. Jnck l.terlmrdt. wbotr name was inrv pruuilneut on tbe Ottlr cord a, baa -ouie tu life iiriIu In New Orlrana. where limited Louts ore permitted. Tb National florae 8bow Aasocla lion of America aunounct that tb next horae show will lie beld at Madl on Fiume Garden tb week commtuc. lug Nor I a The Cookbook. It It better to cook too alowly than too fnt. Cuullfloner will le much better and ilcher ir It la boiled lu half milk and hair truter liiatead or all water. I'or creamed cabluigv boll tbe cnb bain tender, drain on Ibe water and put lutu tbe Ht ttltb u large teaiHatu rul n f Dour, a tabletpoourul or butter, I Utile aalt uud half a cupful nt uillk. uk. atlrrlug. uutll tbe tnuce Is (ninth. Try stenmlng ail omelet Instead of mklug or frying It. After tbe butter ma been bented ou tbe pun pour In tbe melrt and ael In u stejmer and corer lonely. When It la done, brown It iter In lb oteu and mit. Home Helps. Vinegar diluted with water will r note rae from u stotc. lie prompt wltb bom repairs, end he house will look ten times smarter mi i ulieii little tlumagea ar permit d tu be In e Idrneo. A am ill pine of wludow glata will e iiiefiil fur holding tb Irate apart n a iiHi'.lxHi'i, uud ou can feud tb itle und uot soil tb book by too nuib butidllug. Out ortrn hears complaints tbst tbe loller ruins nnd Iron molds tb ilotbos. I'n pri'tent this, a soou as tb boiler is mpiletl rub it ell over with suap This .till not ouly preteut rutt: It will also jelp to make suds for tb usit boiling An Apology. An excited military looking gentle man mtered the editorial sanctum on afternoon, exclaiming: "That notice of my death l false, sir. I will bors ithlp you wltblu nu Inch of your life, sir, If ynu don't apologise In your next Tb editor Inserted tbe following licit day: "We xtremely regret to an. Bounce that tbe paragraph which stat. ed that Mlf Ulster was dead Is with out foundtton."-Detrolt Free Preen. PETITION. In tbo County Court of tbe State of Oregon, for Klamath County. In tbo Hatter of tbo Application to Adopt Baby Eaton, a minor child! To tbo Honorablo J. D. Orlfflth, Judgo of tald Court: Your petitioners, W. P. Rbodot and Mtttlo E. Rhonda, respectfully roprosent: 1. That your petitioners are husband and wife, retldo la tho State of Oregon, and reside at Merrill, In aid Klamath County. 8. That thoy hare In tholr posses sion a tomato child of tha ago of eight months, and that said child la tho Illegitimate o8iprinvot Ira nun-rcildeul of tbo Slato of Oregon, and that said child la wholly wltb out parental care and protection. 3. That jour petitioners are com petent, ablo and willing to support, educate, train and properly care for end bring up satd child. WHEUEKOllt: )our petitioners prny a decree of tho Honorable Cujrt: t. That ssld child bo, to all legal Intents and purposes, the child of tbo putltloncrs II. That tbe namo of said child bo clanged to Ha Wllla Rbosds, and tl nt a certificate of sucb change bo granted V I'. 1UIOAD9, MATT1E E. KIIOAD3, Petitioners Subscribed and sworn to beforo mu this 1st day or May, 1909 (Seal) E. E. FITCH, Notary Public for Oregon. ORDER. In tbo County Court of tbo 8talo of Oregon, for Klamath County. la tho Matter or tbo Petition of V. p. Ilhoads et ux to Adopt Uaby Eaton, a minor. Upon reading tho petition, Died herein, of W. P. Itboads and Mettle E. Itboads, bis wile, praying for a decrco of this Court that tbo oboro named Uaby Eaton, a minor child, bo ILo child of tho petitioners, nnd It also appearing tLat Ira Eaton Is tbo mother of said cMld, and It fur ther appearing from tbo aUUarlt of W. P. KLoads, ono of tbo petitioners, tLat tbo said Ira Eaton U a non resident of tLls Stato and tLat per gonal serrlco on her of said patlllon and this order cannot be Lad; It Is con-ldcrcd and ordorcd that Monday, July 6, ISO!, at 10 o clock a. m., at tho Court House of tald County, Is fixed as tbo tlmo and place ol hearing said petition, and that the said Ita Eaton appear at such time and place to sbow cause. it any sbo bare, why said petition should not be granted. Shoes Shoes Shoes Our "United WorkindmenV are our leaders. We handle a Mood, strong boys' shoe; some thinef that ,. will wear. Loggers and craiteri KLAMATH SHOE STORE Willson Bldg. J. R. RITfER & CO. ii is kiio ordered tLat aald peti tion and this ordor bo published onco a weolc for three succctstro weeks In tbo Evening Herald, a newspaper printed and published at Klamath Falls, Mn said County, tbe first pub lication to be mndo on tho 4th day of May, 10. It Is further ordered that a copy of aald petition, and this order be forthwith mailed to tbe satd Ira Eaton at Carson City, Nevada, bcr place of rc:ldencc. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 3rd day of May, 1909. J B. GRIFFITH, Judgo. eeeeeee4eeoooofr ("YOU OUGHT TO SEE!" X MBPaaBtvarat t3 I tU tjT bbtTI "how nice I'eo look with a few casta of nihcd palntal Went dowm to F. It. OLDS' and he bad erery ealor and t hade I conJd thlak oi ear nlthca and brswbee to go srtab tliem!" She'a told the wholo stoe-y, ac cept the .irlceo Ihoao yo eaa got at the store. F. R. OLDS Cor. Nlatk tad Mala Stmt. tt?,m.mmfflttffittfflfflffl I LalBeBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB gfl L..BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ittBKBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBl "Business is Good at Gillette's" The people appreciated the big saving we offered them in matting ff thin ,.i.aI .ta3 mmm mmm la .-M , t.nn lAt.- mnjn rv la-ai-vl ' iius wcca auu liiaiiy iiuiiics itavc uccii niauc iu iuva brighter by the addition of a new floor covering at a very small cost ft Housecleaning Time After cleaning house and laying down that new Japanese Matting, you should discard your old winter mattresses. Try the McRoskeyinneriaced Mattress Ii we are now offering. The McRoskey system of inner lacing produces a mattress with a perfectly smooth surface, which has many advantages over the old- , fashioned tufted mattress, with its succession of bumps and depressions. Gillette's Furniture House lZ3L&b', ..'Qv::jl' A. " ;W, lM ? .at Eaton; that tho satd mother It a )18.ait....t.tt,on.,t,um : . f;n : 4ZKyfmFm&fy.