Ik mmb, Klnmntlt Knlto' First and Bcut Dully. Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. VKAIt. No. ', IB. TlllKK KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1908. Price, 5 Cents INSPECTINGJHE LINE first Train Over New Road On the Marsh Ran to Holland Yesterday Superintendent ol Sliustu Division Mokes Inspection of Road I'rep'iftitory to Its Ilcinci lurncd Over to the Oper- uthg Depunncnl About first of Yeur Tlie Ami iriiln arrived yoiteriliiv .. iiii.I. H,i. new loriuIntiH of ll. ",,,I,,K ","" '"'""" l"l "' -''"l' n. iivi-"- California .nrllii'iiiilrii llullrii.nl Ttir train was u special whlth htough. J II, l)er. SllpCtllllelldclll III (III' rifinMn Division of lli Southern Pit illlr, mi luur nf 1iii.-t I lm. Mi I'.j.r s nccnmpuiiteil li)' Mr. Mm, I inn, lln1 icsldelit endued fimii the Cltlilon liniil't,nrti'iN fit llunsiuutt The operation ill I hi' new rnnil In llollainl will In' illiili-r llii' iiihiiiiki' lui-nt ul lli" superintendent nf tin fihtn illvlalnii. iiml Mi llyer wai. jtitrplny making nil Inspection nf llir fond prcpnrntni) to lu belay turned uiit lo bis slipervlslun li li the Intent Inn ul Mr. Dyer to k!vi the people (( tin" Kliimntli lomilo the l-t ioillii service, iiml mi III" tuur he gathered linicti valuable In lurrnillon wlilrli will Inner ai quaint I.Ira ftlth the need of IliU section While mi furtliur nlllilul unlet r Columbia AIiiimI Imlr nr IIiIh ii'Cliui'iit Mill ull In Jiiiniiii) mi tlii' i-iulser I'iiiI rln. wlilih inihcil hero ClirUlmin eve. hound tin New (mi I Nuws Tin, I'lalrln will n hum about tin inlililln nf tlii' liinlitli ami cniliiitk thu re innlitilir. Tim II mi I cmlmrkmciil will not incur until April I ('litmus aii greatly plenned l,y tli dcpartiue ii tlm American fiiiccH. an uinrkliiK tlm n,iii,l)'t' i-tinhllshmeiii nf Indepeudcnte All show Ilic kllid- t feeling toward thu tluups. FAMIII'S INDIAN IUNM.lt IS .M.ltl!li:il IX C.N,ltA. TOIIONTO. Out., Inc. 21. The marriage of Tniu l.ntiKlioat, tlm long distant e runner. In Minn Muriatic, J, Mnhauk uiiilili'ii, ulll ttikn iliui lii'in tomoriow. It un titiuiiii'il lu liuvn hac bi I'll received n In tlm time ul i.. ... . , . ., tin' wedding tali" place mi tin- stag" nt Maoy Hall, lint I In, Bishop nf tlii' Anullcnn Clmrcli refused to sniir- nrucri received ruin in,' operating drpsrtmriil n few week ago Kill rbasxllik' tint service In llnllaiiil, II li Quite generally hellevctl tlint tin Ulnii tin' nppcnrmico nf u minister nf !cj in,) Hint tlic change will lake i tin' ilcnomlniillou In an aflalr nf the position may fio to hawley. Oii'Kmi roiigreimiimii l.lkely In Hue- ii'iil Jinn's mi ItltiTN mill Hill Inn t ('nniliilllce, WASHINGTON, live. 29, When Speaker (.'union I nki 'ii up tlio appor tionment or I'ouitnltti'i' plncex lor llio ill nt CotiKrt'KH. In- will liavn lu settle a Ihieo-iunicrcd Unlit that Iuih tlo vi'lnpi.,1 ovi-r tho vocnncy that will ho left hy ItcpicHcntatlvn Jones, or Washington, on tin, coiiimllteu on ihcrs ami harbor, when hi, movex over to tin, He nil to, Representative Cuiiliiiinii uuil lluinphioy, or Wash Ingtori, urn both candidates, au I ItnpiiMentatlvi! Ilawley, or Oregon, i ami nt IIiIh Hiik, no om or Ilium iHcciii In enjny any inurked njvan tiiKu over thf otlierH , lu point or Heiiliiilty or nervlco, CiihIiiiiiui ntnl Humphrey out rank Ilawley, and Cuahinnii outrankn Hum Iilirey, hut thu plnro will not he Ul imneil of miller thi) Henlorlty rule. Am :i matter or fin t, any one of thu throe ruiiteHtaiilH Ik I'llKlhle, ntnl thu fleet .Ion will he iiiaile by Hpeaker Camion without ri'Kiinl lor the IciikIIi of t;r vice of tin, aspiring uiemhiTM. The fart that VanhliiKti)n Ih now lepri ncnteil on the Kcnntf lommlltco hnnilllti): river anil hnrheir blllw mny nperale ngnln't the two WaHhlnieton (.'onureminion ami In favor of Hep iiiientatlvi, Ilawley. Tint Oregon iiicmhT tuny aluo lie allied hy the further fart that thu Wnnhlngtoii men me oppimliiK each other nml that loth. In limes prut, have lined up nKnlnt tin, Speaker and the llouiu iirKaiiliatlon Cinliniiui iinie made a fainoun Hpeeeh In which he condeiiuieil tin lliMine ruliK Hint (trilled the Hoiiho U-nilerH Humphrey, on the other hntiil. linn licen n mnvt Inilttent nil- HCOTTY TIIIK8 OF FAHT MKK. Waller Kiotl, I lea Hi Valley Miner, Maki-n Applleallon to Knter L'lilletl Hlnten Navy. plrc on January I Tlm lornl of-1 kind, mid Iheref the ueddlni; will , ni,te of u ship mihnlily hill ever rm h nlrenily tnniln the miinnmr) trrsDcvmi'iiiK uint ate now prepared l nil tickets lo llollnnd the llrnt ol Hi" )ear The nrx win-dub- of pnimetiRer and fri'ltht nileN Is nut leudy for pub llratlmi et but It It Ktati'd that the lute Kill be Mimewtmt of a rediie lion over the ones now bclliK char! ul WtKeeii here ami Weed. AtTfAi. i'iii;i:ihi.m or rriu. ruiliphle lliileNiiilenit Will lie i: UblUbnl ,y leu,ltlirc of Ainerlrnn TriMips m, Nen Year's. IIAVA.W. Dee :". New Year's 'lay Kill witness u. be-.lnnliiK of the I'viciiiiilnii i,r Cuba hy tin, army of! I'Mlllcalhin. which has been In pos. ""hill nr th luliuid Hluce the Im-kIii-n,nK "' I he prnMidoiial Kovernnient, ' Ottober, ISMirt The Iiml provl lon reclmeiit of iniirliieH, niiluher '"IC II0, Willi h w be muoilK I lie ""' ItnnpH to leave, an, now toiuen. jlie iHiletiiiilriil III the rhiirrh. NOTII'i: TO KAOMX Members of the rraternul Order i i,r Caitles, C'raler Aeiln No I CIO, are 'lereh) mitllleil that the liiHtallatlun i ill ollliers of the lodKe will lake place J ,lnnilii evenliiK. Jii'-'ry 4. All I meiulieiM me iilKi'd to he prcn'iit. A I liimiUit will he served after Hie In Puliation Carh iiiemher can Invite i line friend In the haniilet. Ily Order of the Connulttei iiiiii oysti:ks. We carry a iiiiuplete Ktnck of ON ympln and Ihisletn llalllmore oyMers. Shipments received every day at the Monarih 3" ulnii' hi) mine lo Washlnitlon, and. In ailwH-nlhiK that menrnire, went loutrary to Hid desires of thu party (leaders The reconls of these men are Hiite to be revived, for Speaker t'nmion Ih a man who never forgets. ' When the pnsl altitude of Cash inn li mid Humphrey Is considered ami !when It Is recalled Hint each Is deter mined the other shnll not succeed Jniies, It Is reasonable to presume llhat Itcpri'Hciitiillvu llnwley, hallltiK from Oreitoii, stands home chance of lettlni! mi tin river and harbor com mittee, particularly us Oregon Inrs been without representation on this committee since the death of Hcpre iieutntlve ToiiKiie. Ills chance. If not better than that of thu Washing ton men. Is tit least equally as Rood. CHICAGO, Dec. 29. Walter Scott, otherwise known ns "Death Valley Keolty," entered the United Htates rtrrnltliiK officii today and declared hid Intention of enlisting In thu ma rine, service, "Scully" cninn Into prominence -i f'" vcars uko when hu arrived In Chicago on a special train with thu announced Intention of totting rid of pat of his fortune supposed to bo located In Death Volley. Ills efforts to establish a reputation as the cham pion spender of the world occupied columns In the papers for u time. Thu sourcu of his Income was a mat tor of much speculation and It Is said has never been cleared up. "I have set tho paco long enough," said "Scotty" today, "and this life does not agree with me. I am go ing to lead a quieter life." If "Scotty" passes tho physical ex amination, he will Join another batch of recruits and he sent to New York tomorrow, from which port, after ten t'pys spent In closing up his affairs, ho will bo sont to Cuba. BELIEF 18 DISPELLED Now Thought that Roy Vestal Left the Country of His Own Accord Judge Thos. Drake Retained, It Is Said By Cattlemen, As Private Prosecutor to Conduct the Case Against Charles Liskey and Alfred Wallis are that hu set thu Are because ol enmity to the Government Forest Service and to make easier the hunt ing of deer und other wild animals. KA8TEIIN NTAIt IXIIKiU INSTALL OFFICEIU4. FOItT KLAMATH NEWS. Doing of the People In the Wood Hirer Valley. A laritcnmubcr of the young peo ple of the ilty turned nut last even liiK nml serenaded Itoy Walker mid bride, who arrived the preceding ev nichard Mclhasc went to the Falls Saturday on business. T. J, Jackson came In last Thurs day wth tbc machinery for his shin gle mill. Uavld Noah Is building a bob-sled for the railroad' surveyors. He fin ished It on Sunday. L. Ilesslg returned Sunday after a ten days absence. J, W. McCoy went to the Falls Sunday on business. It nets more like spring In Fort Klamath than tho last of December. It Is breaking up under foot and the snow Is going fast. Thu dance Xmas was a great suc cess, very nearly everyone in the valley was there, n&d their baskets were filled with good things to eat. Tho dance lasted until nearly morn ing. T. J. Jackson has been employed since his return In building a hen house for Cbas. Martin. Ilert Hall has Just completed put-l Mrs. Leo Denton left Monday morn ling up about S7 tons of Ice, till of Dg for her home In Central Point. Hit; HUITI.V OF 1CP.. Aloha Chapter No. CI, 0. K. S., had a grand time Inst evening at their hall when tho officers for tho ensuing term wcro Installed. This lodgo has had a wonderful growth within tho last two years and there was a big attendance at tho installa tion. A banquet was Bervcd after tho ceremony. Following are tho new officers: W, M., Mrs. A. L. Leavltt; A. M., Mrs. Frank Ward; W. Patron, Frank E. Ankcny; Conductress, Mrs. Fred Sanderson; A. Cond., Mrs. F. Ankcny; Warden, Mrs. Krncst Soule; Sentinel, Frank Ward; Ada, Mrs. W. J. Drcnnan; Ituth, Mrs. E. D. Henry; Esther, Miss Anna Applegate; Elec tor, Jennie E. Hum; Sec'y, Lulu Straw; Trcas., Mrs. R. A. Alford; Chaplain, Frances E. Boyd, A few of the things you can buy at tho Monarch: Dried fult, olive oil, mince meat, sauer kraut, salt fish, nil kinds, canned goods, olives, can ned meats, oysters, etc. 30 which was taken from tho Upper I.nk und li of exceptionally good ruing from Ashland. Mr. und r. i nuolliy. Mr. Hall has been taking W. i:. Ih.wdoln were also Hereninle.1 . f yatUma pnrci nbout . .. .i. ft -.1. l..llu Mllltnrv l.iitltl I ,.....,... '""V;"" "town ami still has sovernl of theso of which organization Mr. lioniioini I in mi, Din me warm weauier nas Is a member $- '-i Prompt, Reliable Service KOflencd the Iro so that It will not keep. He Is now waiting for another I spell or zero weather which will en able him lo complete tholiarvcst. WE are prepared to handle all Baggage Orders and Heavy Freighting. Goods stored or packed and forwarded to all points. Let us save you time and trouble by handling your shipments for you v Wc are equipped with up-to-date Piano Trucks and can handle with safety all heavy or bulky goods :: :: 0. K. TRANSFER 6c STORAGE . ,isjv m . a ATVy PHONES: UUMrAMZ Service Day Office, 871; Barn, 873 and Night Larson, (lie dellveryman at tho Monnicli Mercantile Company, Is now the proud possessor of u flno now delivery wagon, which was put on hy the company today. Mi'H. L. K. Dellay and daughtur, Mrri. L. J. Mcintosh, this morning nccuinpnnlcd the body of tho lata James A, Del lay to San Diego where. It Is being taken for burial. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Wordcn and children, nnd Mrs. Wordon's mother. Mm. Allco.Hnrgent, left this morning for Snn Frunclaco, whoro they will spend tho romalndor of the winter. Her brother Is very ill and Is not ex pected, to llvo. A great many of our pcoplo were sleighing last Sunday, as tho snow was going fast and It was their last chance. J, M. Copeland left Monday for Teetors Landing, whoro ho Is going to work for the J. M. Mclntlro Trans, portatlon Company. Mrs. Archyo Klrkcndall, the teach er of tho Pino Grove school, hns re signed as teacher on account of a chronic sore throat. She considered the building too cold for a success ful winter school. The directors aro looking for another teacher to teach the remaining two months. The pat rons and directors regretted very much to lose Mrs. Klrkcndall, for her school hns been u success In every way. AT THE Ol'KIU HOUSE. The Three Dlehls In tho latest songs and dances. New pictures to night Tho Barbarian, Ingomar, tho latest feature subject and others. Nw songs. IS and 2& cents. DRESSMAKING BODY SHIPPED TO CHINA. George Pan loft this morning for San Francisco with tho body of Jim Yot, which was embalmed by Under taker Whltlock. At San Francisco tho coffin containing tho body will ho placed on board ship and taken to China. It will cost quite a sum to lake body across tho ocean hut the Chinese friends of the deceased say that there Is pltnty of money to pay tbs expense. . - Tho members of the Workman Lodgo aro planning for a big time tho coming week. Tho Installation of oltlcor will occur on next ,Tuos- day, nt which tlmo Ralph rFeenoy, past Grand MaBter, will bo' present from rortlaml. A big recoptlon'and butuiiiot will bo given lo Mr, Feenoy, who Is sont here to assist In. getting now members for tho order. Mr. Fooney Is one of tho best posted mon on tho A. O. U. W. In the stnto and Is u worker, Ho will remain here a week or more. CUABQED WITH SETTING .,. .-, KLAMATH FOREST FIRE. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. SIS. The trial of Lewis H, Webb began In tho United States District Court Monday before Judge. Uellavon. Whb is charged with the malicious setting of .a destructive tiro in the- Klamath Reserve which destroyed much val uable timber in Northern California and Bouthern Oregon. Alligations mad against Webb For satisfactory dressmaking, In quire of Mrs. L. N. Haines, near cor ner Seventh and Walnut streets. 27w Tho belief that Roy Vestal was killed has about been dispelled In the minds of the officers of tho law. At least thu belief Is not as strong as It was a few days ago. The search will continue but It Is generally be lieved that Vestal left the country of his own accord. Chas. Lttkey, who was arretted charged with cattlo stealing, was re leased last night on $250 ball which was fixed by Judge Miller. Attorney F. II. Mjlls Is representing Liskey and an effort was mado today to have a preliminary hearing as Liskey Is still In town and wishes to return to his rnncn. A demand was mado this afternoon by Attorney Stone, of the Arm of tone & Benson, who have been re tained by AI Wallis, for hall. Tho Judge will probably set the ball this evening. Prosecuting Attorney Kuykendall has not returned from Eugene, and Judgo Miller Is awaiting, tho action of Judge Thos. Drake, who It Is asserted has been retained as private prosecutor by the cattleman to pros ecute the caso against LUkey and Wallis? " " WARRANT IS ISSUED FOR CHARLES W Judge A. D. Miller this afternoon Issued a warrant for the arrest of Charles Walker charged with assault with a deadly weapon, upon com plaint of Oscar Campbell. The war rant Is tho outcome ot the trouble between tho Walker and Campbell boys at Bonanza, tho report ot which was given In the Herald. v Campbell is said to have been' hit over the head with tho revolver. VEGETABLES AND FRUIT. Tho Monarch Mercantile Company can supply you with anything In tho vegetable nnd fruit lino. Goods re ceived fresh from the California mar kets by express. Colery, cabbage. onions, squash, pumpkins, lemons. oranges, bananas, nuts, etc. SO Fine lino ot watches. Winters 2 I Start the New Year Sight Let us make to your exact measure a Suit or Overcoat. Let us demon strate the superiority of our styles and fits. A great assortment, of Woolens from which to make your selections. KKK STORE f KLAMATH FALLS' STYLE SHOP