The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 25, 1908, Image 1

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Muumlli I'hIIm' Firm
itml Itt- il K-i'ly ....
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
hnuti '.Ait, No. ''r.
Price, 5 Cents
Child Is Killed,
Injured at
!. A,. Ill, tilt tffe Mffc.
llSin"MI '"l'""i" mi -
W1ik.Ii Until iru Ihrowi from WcHjon-ChiW! Is lorn
rom Mothers Arins Hy Heiiuj Ciui(lil in Wheels
1. 1
i iir iii'iniii )
:'j '. vnr
in i urrrtl l.i'ii' nl I
ning In wlili li Mm
H.....I) lulnri.1
Mll liml Its llfu
i. lumrlil (.'imim'IiIIiiii
lni i-m'iiIiik after
,i n'Mi i It wan
r hI.i'Ii II.ii lilt ft lilt;
i l .fin' mill Mid ..
mi I i-.l (ur Iiiiiik. uml
'! ilii' Vinson I.imIk
., ..r .li.Ktlin....
i i
f'.lluwIiiK Hi" li'iilll
pun Him lilICO uml
. wliii Ii inn lulu a
tt Mlrl nul nml
..mi mil liitwun Hi..
. Ii of wnumi 'I lui
. i(lll III lllll' uf tin
I Mil win pullftl fruin
.ml niMlInT were taken
..Iflrr, where It was
' . ilillil'n skull win
i i' nrk broken It
,t mi i.. or nml n linlf Tli
,.- iiIimiI) Injured
n ..liit liml mil ncnliiiit
1 lit re Is lllll" tnil'"
t i Tln futii'liil uf Hip
t 1 1 i I UiIn nfli'riiuun
rmi. i
lit. I II -
Ml a i
l.l.i. i
bf In f.
i it i irn inoi's.xi
Kilt UiaM.VIII I.VIll..-.
', i i ii'ii iIiok K.:.r.iM
li.. ... , ,i., minim; tlm Indian
li Hi h . ,.f. Ili'survntluii Till
it i I .i . ut) inntt umnnti
1 1 1. ft ri'-i'rviitluii
limi'iit wax iiuiiii' In
)::- -
K. K.
I") KL
11 tL.
-...e. .
Mother Seriously
I lilt. tt, 1ft- ltf!l...,.l .....I II. .1... !..
iiwinii-t 'lll.llliui mill Dllljy III
illii mi'tiiini'iil v. Hi. i In- IihIIuiik fur
lamia IikIihikIiik in ill. 'in vs lilt li ui'fi
nut In. IiiiI.-.I In il... luiimlailt-H ul Hie
' n""""' "" "'"'"" "HUT-
v lulu win mhy i in i:uiriiiiii'tii wi
In iiIIiih I In- 1 m) iniiM muiikiIiIiik iiht
ff.:t".noii A mull piomrnt hud lo Ih
iiiiiiIi. uf is-, iido nmi tr.riii.onn was
In In in Hi. ir iri-Olt with in.
li.i.i ni fli. iMiii'in in In. iii. mi.
niinlly Tin I i.i In ii nl Hi., ilium.)
n in I i'i li? ih.. t ml lit ti Ii..imii
""" '" ,M,,,'"ns '"""''' IHI'"
nml iiiuwiliiiu mill, .it iii-nii"i
I III' nlltllinl I Ml. I. 1.1 111.- IihIIiuik inn
itruu nut in ihci.... i ..ti nir nt ut
tin. piliirlpnl during mi.' y.'iir
111" Inter"!, wlildi union n t n In
IIT.r.un, i tn, .In... uml in n. MM Inn
111.' Indian lulte ankfil fur tell (kt
nl uf tin' prliiiliml. wtilili will In
nr..iuni iimri. Tlil u tin- llinl itiuiii'
illnun frimi I lif irlmliiil li the In
dians nml Hill ii iiii.ii ii t in 33 ST. pel
railtn Thin muni'., Iuri-Hht will,
tin- liilrri'it, will In. illMrll.uti il In
inrli mi mliiT uf tlm irlln.
,r nei:i(. hoi m: 'iunk.iii.
New tuiiliilii Tin. I'lilimii.) Sweep
Anllimtiil I'urtralla. (I I All
llii. Year Arnniiil New Suiikii
I JiiiIki (iiiiri;.. T ll.ililwln In i.j
IpiTliil Iiuiiii liitniirriiw nli'.lil Id
ntl..nlil tin" tl llliK if tin' (iuuil
lli.inl I'uiiiinlssluii ill Miilfutil t tir-
tin) JmlKi' llnlilwlii win rli iIimI Mn-
president nl til" trnler Mike Iluiiil
i( uiiiiiiMiiuti wtiiiii iiriii juint uut'i-
IliK with 'In- Ktnii. orKlililiatliiu vex.
'.' - '0
Over A"0
Complete Stock
Cravenette and
Heavy Overcoats
Fall Suits
Sweaters, Mackinaw
Leather Coats,
Corduroy Clothing,
Etc., Etc.,
at Klamath Falls' Best
Value Givers
Nevv Delinquent
i Into Effect October the Fifth
Mii'i llin flrnt Mmiiliiy In Ortnlmr
nil liixim ii'iniiliiliii: iiiiinlil mi tin'
1'i'iT mil inn unit, lurunl
Itir in iliu Inw t-tiiii l i.i! hy tin IiihI
li'i'lululiiii., inn) tin piilil hy liny part)
iIi-nIi lui; in iidiulrii lux tlllu to Hie
prupmt) IiimiImmI 'llin ni'W law iloi-
iiwii) with mhirllnliii: tin
lux IInI. lint piiulilfn Hint I in i'M limy
In' palil Ii) mi) puiiiiiii, wliu mIiiiII ru
nit,' iiuiii i in; ni.i'iirr. npiin ilm py
iiinm iii tlm miiiiiint uf tin. tajci'ii uud
ii Ii'" uf llfl) ii'iitH. ii ili'llmini'iit Let
tllliiiiu wlilrh hIiiiII liciir Intcri'Mt at
tin. ruiit uf fllli-i'ii per cent jut annum
until ri'ili'.-iui'il In ortlrr to nniulro
tnx lllli' to (liu prupirt) tint taxpi
iiinm Im piilM fur tlircii roimucutlve
i'iirn, nt tln 1'inl uf which pnrlod
fiifi-i liiH'irtt mill nniKl In. hroUKlit by
tliu t onnt iipiin piDini'iit tif tin' mini
nl two iluiinrH in liu lonnly clerk
liiuicilnri- in the fiiii'i'linnro milt
Been Advised to Accept Prop
osilion Made By County
The mini in. h fur the t mint) have
lie ii tiutllleil that the Ore-ton & Cal
Ifuinla l.ninl ('unipiui) him been ad
liil tu in the proposition nindo
h) the count) In the mutter of the lit-
iKiitluii uvei the tnxatlon of the
tnunl Inn m Inn. I In lhl county.
In mlilltloii to the II inn already
ilepnklti-it nml which tin lorpuratlon
rliillnril unit Hie mmiiint they hIioiiM
imt tin i.Liiiiiin i.n-i llfiUU rath.
i ,..- ,
luriiH .mi i.llnuili' or thu land val-'
ni'il ut tll'im nml iiKree lo Inimedl
ati'l) nppl) fur mid have palentt-4 and
ri'dirdi'd. mi tluit the unnni mny be
ciimi. luxalili'. nil tin linlance of the
IiiihIh In which the)' ate entitled In
HiIk i till lit
'111 imlili'r.'illun ufli'ii'il, tOKvther
with the taxi'H which will remilt from
the iiildltltiunl lamU HUbJect to lax
ntltiii. will aiiitiut to upproxliuately
tin. amount irlKluall claimed by thu
- '
All the Newest FALL
Stetson and Thor
oughbred Brands.
Tax Law Goes
In tint itanii hh In foriclonlnc. n wort
KiiK fiKnliiHt nny real ptupcrt)
I Jut 1 1 tltli linn lii'i'ii utipilri'il
tliruuKh tin rlriull court thu owimt
of tliu piopirty imiy ut any time pay
tlm Inxi-H, Ioki'IImt with ilii- pi-nalty
anil Inli'ii'Ht.'aiid ndei.'in tlm naini.
In tan till In doiio thy taxt-H and tin
Int erf nl nt tin; rate of flfti'nn pvr rent
KO lo tin parly lioldlm: thu ili'lln-
ijui'lil ti'rtlflcali'
It U wry piubuhli! ihul iiop.'ily
uwuori who liuto not paid taxuii will
Hi to thv Hln-rlir'n offlcf aflcr October
ttli oul) to And that noiiiv olliur pvr-
on )i paid them and, Hint, In addi
tion to tin penalty and inU'ront at the
rato of fifteen per cent to the county,
they mimt pay fifteen per cent to
oinu party who paid the tuxex on
the property and thereby net'tired a
delinquent certificate.
There are at the prehWit lime at-
proxlmalely II 0,0(10 of unpaid linen
fur )9(i" on the tax hookN uf Klnin-
nth county
Lee Johnstone Who Murdered
His Wife In Alaska
A few week axo tl.e city pnperH
printed a xtory of a man by thu name
of Lev Johimlone, who wai arretted
In Heatllc for the murder of hi wife
In Alaika. It U tho belief of tho of-
ror-jtlclalx here that till U tho umo
Johnnlcme who wart tried In thu Clr-
cult Court In Klamath Kail for Rteal
Inc a borne, from Henry Jackion on
the rexervntlon. Jnhmtone lived with
the Indian for tteveral inontha and
wan t unnldc red a pretty allele cutt
tomer Ho waa educated and bad
traveled extensively and thero wa
a kooiI ileal of conjecture a to why
he Hhoitld apparently hide himself
with the IndlanH.
The ntory a told In the pnpura wa
to the effect that Johnstone killed hi
wife In Alaska and chopped her body
up and burled il under their cabin.
Johnstone then went lo Uulte, Mon
tana, where ho prvxented paper up
posed to be vlgnvil by hi wife, uu
thorltliiK him to mako icttlcmcnt of
a InrKe entate left her by relative.
When arrested he claimed that hi
wife had committed lulclde and left
a note aklnn him to dlipoo of her
hotly In tho manner In which It wa
dlicovervd. He wa put on one of
tho Alaika boat to bo takon there
for trial hut on thu way Jumped over
board with a life preiorvor, and It
wa never known If ho cot aahoro
Honiowhero or not.
"Alfalfa meal," tho comtnic fodder
of thu Northwent, ha It champion
In J.K. Murphy, who baa a mill grind.
Inn 30 tonit of It each day at Kcho,
Umutllla county. Mr. Murphy I In
Portland iccurln- a plunt for North
Ynklma, o as to oxtend tho bonoflt
of thu fatleulnK material to that part
of Kastorn WaihlnKton.
"Alfalfa inoiil," Mr. Murphy ox.
plains, "is limply alfalfa leave and
item ground to a pulp tho comlaton
cy of brim, In a mill constructed for
that purpose. This mill consists of
a series of wire screens through
which tho alfalfa is forced until it
acquires tho requisite fineness. Tho
menl Is eagerly devoured by tho sheep
cuttlo and hogs, ami it proceeds to
lay on layers of fat without loss of
In tho milk and butter business
alfalfa meal particularly sblnos, be
says, and Its richness Is apparoat Ira-
tn.dlatoty In the Improvement of the
milk and In tho amount of butter tat
found In tho cream. It Is thus super
ior to bran, which la now worth $37
a ton, while tho alfalfa meal can be
furnished for $20 at a good profit.
Wator power, ho says, I oaientlal
In conducting tho manufacture of al
falfa steam power Is too dear.
Wbere-fer there Is a creek of water
going to waste, however, water power
In sufficient quantity can be uttlltod.
. -Wo can beat the corn-growing
states all to pieces la fattening stock
for the butcher." Mr. Murphy says,
"a our alfalfa can bo produced In
abundance wherever Irrigation Is In
Reported Attempt on the Life of
John Little John
Modoc Billy Has Been Arrested
and little John and Wife Will Receive Protectiou
at Agency Until After Trial of Barkley
proxies!, and un three crops of alfalfa
a )ear can be produced la OreKOn, our
caphbllllleN for fattenlnK stock In Or
eKon nro unlimited."
He looki for a number of alfalfa
menl mills to be atartcd In thli ncc
Hon lu the Immediate future. Ho hai
now a number of toothleia old ewes
belli; fattened nt bin mill In ncho,
Jut to how what inn bu done with
IiIh new meal
"I have l.'iken palm to m-curu tho
tour.hi-Kt kind of material to try to
fatten for thu market," lie explain,
"to Nhow that koo1 merchantable
lamb ihoim cun bu produced from tho
ribs of very old Hheep, and anyone
iloubtlnK tho value of 'alfalfa meal'
can call nt my ynrdtt In Kcho and be
J C. Mitchell & Company drovo
IO0 he-mi of beef cattle, purchnied of
Applcunle, Shook and others, across
the mountain )cstcrday to Gazelle.
The Hereford Land L. Cattle Com
pany, of I.akevlew, sold yesterday to
the Kdion Poulke Company and J.C.
Mitchell & Company. 2000 head of
cattle. These cattle will be taken to
Hhasta Valley within the next few
Y M. Miller, tho I.nkcvlcw banker.
will brlnjr, 1000 head or beef cattle
to Merrill. It Is Mr. Miller's Inten
tion to hold them on alfalfa for a
few weeks and then put them on tho
Lewis Gerber returned yesterday
from Mt. Hebron, from which place
he shipped 300 head of cattle Wed
nesday. Ho still has eight carloads
left nt the MeUs ranch. Mr. Gerber
states that It does not look to him as
If tho railroad people want to do bus
iness this side of the mountains, as
the rates to Sacramento are now $SS
a car, an Incrcnso of $10 Insldo of
the last month. Owing to the high
rates stock will hnvu to be driven
aero thu mountnln to Caielle and
It I reported that thu heavy hay
buyers In tho Merrill section, who
have heretofore bought thousands of
tons of alfalfa, will on account of the
hlRh prices, feed but few cattlo there
this car. It Is claimed that feeders
are willing to pay $6. GO for hay,
which they say Is all tho business will
It Is estimated that thero are at
least G000 head of unsold beef cattle
In Klamath county.
4-P-.-; J
A Peak of Grain in tho Barn
Im worth aBumhol in tho Field
Pr&vkM thm Bmrn hmm m 91 it t
I XL Root and Barn Paint
mw-wrtg Immln mMmmotnmt
and Placed in Jail at Vdinax
Ai u ip-quel to the murder or Sid
Jacobs, for which Wm. Darcley Is
accused and Is being held for trial
by the Federal Court, John Little
John, tho principal wltncs-i for the
statu nearly lost his life. The morn
ing after Harclcy was taken to Port
land, all the Indian who camo from
Yalnax for tho preliminary hearing
left on their return to tho reserva
tion. It Is reported that a number of
the Indians had secured a quantity
of whlskoy and had Imbibed qulto
On the way back they got Into a
drunken row, and It I said that Mo
doc Hilly, father of Ilia Harding, the
Indian boy who was captured with
Darcley at Alturas, attempted to kill
Little John with a knife. Tom Llttlo
John, a brother of John, Interfered
and stopped tho fight, and It Is be
lieved that but for the prompt action
of his brother, tho old man would
have lost his life.
Modoc Billy Is known as a hard
character and was Implicated in tho
murder of somo white settlers during
the Modoc war. Ho was arrested and
placed in Jail at Yalnax where he will
be held until after tbp trial of Dar
cley. John Llttlo John and his wife
wero taken to Klamath Agency and
will be given protection. A closo
watch will bo kept upon them a It
Is feared that an attempt might bo
made by other Indians to do away
with the old man and his wife, as
upon their testimony rests the con
viction of Darcley.
I will sell at public auction at the
old Miller ranch, 5 H miles southeast
of Klamath Falls, on Wednesday,
September 30, several good driving
and saddle ponies, farm Implements
wagon, stores, beds.furntture, house
hold goods and hundreds of articles
too numerous to mention. Most
anything you need on a ranch.
8ale commences at 10 a. m.
Au advertisement In the Herald
will brine result TOY IT.