IR39J .V'lNIH t n .K 444tC M ! Honest Goods Honest Work Honest Prices Honest Guarantee BRIEf MENTION Tim I Kill limn lll V" ' nliont lti Kmlliim UkIiIh If ! III!"- ' II I. llulptti', uislili-i of tlio Dunk of llomiiirii. Iii In tlio ilt tiuliiy. Ucnlim of I'nll .Mllllni'r. SopUMii Iht 1C, lit SiIIIk Ury t!miiln Co. IIOHN To Mr niul Mm A. KIwW, In this city. Sumlii). Sotviiilii'r I 'I. 100S, n son. I.mllo Wo UI I'l'-n "' '" l",,'' xm iiUftiil our OponluK. Wi"lii-"l'i Sol'iiilicr hi Si Hit l al- " S I' Wlilli'. tii.wm'rr of tin- Wi' Vnlli' l.mnlii'i t'oini'iiin Is l '' ilt fioin I Mill llulit l it r ' Ileal turn llulit H" lit Willi li fm I'm Tin niul Mu (I. It I'ailoi'k. 1'ilUoi '' l"'' M"'"1" KiHiiul. ri'imiii'il l"i" ''iil"K ''" a tili to l.iik.'ilrw t'lilltm.'.i ii'iIiik, wonil nillliii' ami n-lliir illitKlm: SiiIIIuhi . '" OIlll'IH nl thin otlli" l ' ' Will it pay you to go elsewhere for your $ t....i- ur.M urML- flrvtipal lArnrV tr.7 i UCWCUjr, tvcuvii nuui vwi ..v, .,... Also, while the quiet Summer season is on there are interesting things doing in the price line II X Wlilti'lltii' tlllrt IIIOItllllK tti'M oul on Ho Dont fail to call, first or last, before you buy G. HEITKEMPER, JR. Leading Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician REPUBLICAN BLOCK Guaranteed Paints . ucvvcujr, hoiwi , wr.w ..- , 0 t Also, while the ouiet Summer season is on I i 3 V ?' ''::- LOST -Itplwi'i'ti tlio llonli'y liarn on 1'lito Html niul tlio I'runk Wnnl limine tii'.ir rppor Uiko, n X'i-tQ Mnr- i !.' (In ltlllo 93 nioili'l. Klnitcr will u- rt'Ui' ii'nanl 1 ri'tiunliiK to tills ollliv. H-I2-2I Xo In tin- I hm to lm n lot in ! Hot itprlnttii ailillllon, wdli'li lii'l"'!' . . . . i mowi'limi'. rillii'lil iiiiiumiikh nun ronttH S.-i' I) II t'iniiilii'll I lk if 'I 'i t ., School Supplies l, ,il. 'in ' i'"i "'' ''" " ",,,' '" " '" ,, l.'ltnio iit'-l ! '' '"" ''","'""', '" I ,mi, I I""! ,""1''' ' " '" " '"" ,,, , ik k..f.ll If" ' "'" "' "IK.. H. f Ml I .Slll.1'11'". Wlmlii.i l i'"' "'.'"'" I tnmliiiil wlnili'irr I. , ,,..l-l '" K "' '"' ' ""'"', '" "" ",""" ,, , MI ! foio.-l I" -"' ""' ", ,,. .(uhl iiHl.Hilil.-. .."I " '""' '"'" "I'1 - We have full line of W. P. Fuller's Pure Prepared PAINTS i h Tho (.'Iirlntliin Srlotui' So.,lot lini nunoil Into Its prott) n' iinnrl.-ii In tlio llaliluln Inillillln; Tlio piilillr Ih nlnH Hi'lcntiio nt tlio Korilit'ii liolil Siimt.i) tnornltiK't niul WVitW's ila rxi'iiln.:'.. Cloanliu: niul pri'tliiR at tlio l'.int iitorliim. Wo rail for unit ilollor jour rlotlict. I'hono IT... '' Tin- In lik Klilo niul tour walls on tlio xi'iiiiiil stor of tlio Hum IhiIIiI ItiK aro up. ami tlio noikmon nro iioa lilailnK tlio lo.l liomiis niul will In Kin wink on tlio front If iim ronU'inplnto Inillillni; n rcn Monro tills fall i'o I). II. Ciunplii'll H-luk Mik. J. W. AloxatnliT. of I'ortlaml. ami Mrs Smith rainier, of Aiulnnw. ' Midi . In tlio rllv hint own- Ini: Tlioi woro takoii to lliirk In laml till niornliiK li .1 I' Klmli.ill for a fow In! iiiilltn! Tlio I'.lrl on tho Itlxli Srliool illliu Ik iilo-il:ito. Call utnl m-o li.T ill tlio Stills Ir Coi.ils Co. to 7. A Big Line of Heating Stoves Just Received GEO. R. HURN w444-i'-:':i- A pattj. (iiniUlliiK of MIhh.'s Haw kltiH. Itolfo. Floronio niul Margnni lltNiro, ami Mostrx. I. S. Ilooro). Porker. Itoy mul Kalph Wni'oop. Iia roliirneil from a to week trip to Crater Uike. Itiicuo ltlor niul lltirkl.'liorr. Moiititnln W IE ami wife nie In i'" rlt froni tlielr lioiiios lit lliowin'11 Cnllfornl.i A nl.o lino of Swenlorn In all ."I urn nt Stills )r (Jooil Co '" I M Miller itislil.r or Hi" Hoik of l.llkeilow ami of III. n.Miltti loat ini'li of Lake iininlt. nn.l !' H M (iii'.'ii. ii pronilni'iil ioi knniii ' rheil In Hi"' ill M'stet.l.i fii.m Laketleu-, niul loft tills iiiotnltiR I", tlio rnllroail. Conic to tho I'niitat.iiluiii for om Call ami Winter Sulm. limn i" pies to k.'I.s t from Toll our howIiir maililii" tnmlil. to i:. W. Mullor. I'lmiio J. I .Mr II I Slioplionl. of Hi- Hull Slieptionl Conipan). will lenie In t'i tnornliii; for lienn'i. Color.nlo. to ! IIIIO HMTIll lll.llltlll. II.' wi's I" ' Ik.iIiik lo lni a reiiirn t. koi H i lio will do .ilit' In ct b.nk in Klum atli I'all" .l.'jlralil" r.Miiioi for rent lnv.T tlio StlltM lr t! M C Til qiilro nt tint sloro. s llf rurnl'liivl rooms l lei ' W. t i Star Drug Store "THEY HAVE IT. ft : ' W if Sir I: Hits s .-.. WHY SUFFKR FROM : Kidney s Bladder Troubles Whtn MVAL'5 STONt KOOT COMI'OUND In tuch poilllvc rtmrdy7 It atlmuUtci Ihckldnryilu the full pfrfornuncc of Ihtlr function, eliminate uric polioni from U sitcm mid n uothln, healing llcnl upon Ih. bUtldrr. Hy In llmrl) um, hralthful condlllum of Ihta nrtlani arc prumpliy rcaiorrd. THICK, $l.iO(.cr buttle UNDERWOOD'S ,;KN"( "Ih "d Mill PHARMACY R,rccu Klumath Falls, Oregon DON'T BAKE Let us do it for you. Everything Home Made. Prices Reasonable. BREAD A SPECIALTY. We put up box lunches; also lunches for huntintr, fishing and picnic parties. :: A trial will convince you that it is cheaper to buy than to bake. KLAMATH FALLS BAKERY AND DELICATESSEN Get Our Bread at Cawklns. IMIson Scptemlier nro In Call mnl hear them at Million. 3 Pur central liouae elemilnR ami chimney nucepliiK rail on Webb & MoiikoI.I. I'hiino 202. ('has It. Ilaliluln has retiirneil from tho Hinder hell near PukoKaina.' where ho took a rrew of men In fluht the fon-st llri'K II. W. Mullor earrli-H tho larteit atork of Killnon phouiiKrapha anil Kuhl moiilileil reror.N In Klamath county. 7-3 Itf While. M.:lif SomIiik inaihlnes for rent hy ila i week, or month At Mllll.T. I'll. ale .I. kl.unalli ('mis iiilnr) of Miolr. i Mr nml Mm. II. I' llituaril, uf San Fi.iiii l((i. arrheil in tin city 'ivi'iiliiK on tlielr way in Crater Ijik.- 4'44C4-:-'4-44r.-aX--llt U Htate.l Hint Mr llim.inl la n .hei-t micar innniifaitiirer, ami will Arraneoiueiits fm l.tuuiun mm li mail.' nt tho CntiKennliirr r.HiiiM on street. Ii.tmen I'lrsl niel Seronil, or hy iihime 111 fm plate, ami lollti. ami 7!l for olre I'luiin MIki i:en ,.ilei:at Void' Mrs linn iiiiiuiiIi Vlltllll MIS CUIe AppleK.ll. lllHtor) mnl Th.r. . Mhs Kieln iil"Kni. The D Deal "The place where you get the mod for your money.' TIN AND GLASSWARE THIS WEEK J. L. CUNNINGHAM ARCHITECT and BUILDER t I 'i the .n mal-o an Invostldillon riiunl) hefori' ho leaved of Plans and Specifications Furnished. Kstimates Given on all Classes of Work, from small cottage to office buildings. In building your home combine style, originality and economy by having your plans prepared by me. PHONE 645 Residence-Washington St., Between 8th and 9th WOOU SAWINO a specialty. All orders will recelvo prompt attention. J. U rifhler. JJOtf orici: T( itrn.ncits. I will illt: iear:i hy ontra.t. I.. I tno IlKiiro on nnr work All uurk Kiiaraiileiil. C S JUNKS. H-tt Klamath I'.-illii J f44-r'Mrrr rJJfrJSrJJJJJ XV COST. I am kiiIiik out nf hinilnesii Sat Martin llrox. hao lonlnuteil to ur.lay nlitht Mill u.l II In onler in anpply tun lintiilreil tiniH of ihoiieil realize ax iiiinh nit I enn on Hie nln k hurley from their mill hero In Krlik- ,,w have I Mill. ilnrliiK TlU'ltS miii ft I'etterson. Ih rnllroail ion-)AV. KIHKAV AND SA'ITItllY.e tiniliilH. Tho harley will ho loaileil overthlnK I have AT COST. Num. Morrill lamllnu mi. I f nn want tunnethliiK In Hie harnesH nh) the Canhy -Mor- lino 101110 nn.l Kit it, for ou n. er rill Iticiinl. . will have mintiier .it.i.irtiinll llk- this. WIM. i mi harK.ii at J tnweil in Teetei III'MIMIIII.Y Watson 5 Van Sickle PRACTICAL BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS 100 Designs by Fred Hodgson, Chicago's Leading Architect, to Choose From """ Wo also furnish plans and .specifications by UodgKon at l-.'lth regular price. Your patronage cordially solicited DWELLINGS A SPECIALTY CALL WATSON, LAKESIDE INN UrLJNUNU bALL (Wednesday, Sept. 16 nt MAn'o Foil ntVie III " 7 r of Men's Fall Clothes c I Hart Shaffner & Marx; and Friend Brothers New Models in a great display. New fabrics, new pat terns, new styles, now ready you'll find us ready now to well dress every man who cares for the best in clothes. The new, freshisnappygoods arein and ready to wear and you are invited to come and see them. :: OPENING OF :: FALL MILLINERY c i The Portland Clothing and Shoe Store The Latest Styles in Pattern, Trimmed and Street Hats. OUR LINES ARE COMPLETE. ' Stilts Dry Goods Co. i ! :