vrAWCU t Amc nRFYiniV'S RICHEST SOIL AHEL ADY pone -303 fcfclBll NA MOT W .s -M "MI,M WP" 50 PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KLAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS. EASY HMI .'Jiji lit? r 4 THE EVENING HERALD OPINION OF A NEW YORK MAN luued Pally, Kxcopt Ntnilsv, bj tin HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor JasCniti'i-hikoSnrMissis Yosoinitc, U'lltmslono imik, Nimjjirn lolls or Miimmoth l'mts ol HtwitiitM MMisntiiTioN it.vr: lullt, lij mull, one tear 1I1, by mnll, fix months Unlh.ln mail, three month' . .. Pnilt,bt mull, urn- month . Itl). ilelicrvtl bj carrier, one ii'V i Med .i. I'rlhiiue ,"' MI.IIIUI mi I In Island "f llii While mi opinion mat not lie that nll lull" Hawaiian Island. "'" .'. iH. ( ,,riHi mill I should s.it that l " wondei !"" ip"l "n I" '-Nl fni smnilin fin inn' i nli heiiitu tlrlne of Its in lltllt ami molten mi k ' rl't'r.ifiT Ink.- suipn-nes I In- u mulct fill Cinlei hike appeals in th. a.HM. n oimite nllci of L'lillfniiilii Never Ii ifurn uiu I no entranced us tluil inn KLAMATH FALLS. THURSDAY EVENING. AUGUST20. ISMS luw" ttl'"' ,h,, "" ,,f 'r","r ,"'" 'fin, ml before lil tlew mill I sat till" oc vast muvuicavci:. iiatti.imiii'mic rm: n-rcm:. Bf,,, '",,1 Vi..mi Veiiow.n.he i park Niagara Calls the Mnniliintl' Oil Manila) eight general superln ' i the I lilted Slates lliitii.;Wa min In Kiulutkt mill other pint e tctulents of its man) divisions uf thehiirtoj the last pl.ue m (list thoiis'ii ,if acenu wonders in Vim rim I' Is lliirriiiiau svstrin. arrived In 1'ort I a ml In their irlvnti mm, fm tliolr hoinl'tinniinl meeting These oitliluls lire from all over tin- Culled Suites, unit represent tlu Cnlou I'.iclllt Ore- that such a pri'dUtltiu would cntuua.r the wonderful color of I In- wutet, I ftnin. t-uine tl.ls pruphm oi It.'l' i think tliitt look awat mi breath ul llf.vnurd IVrniilil mechniilial t'limn the ma"tU i lift tin' woinleifti cor, "tin fur sevcrnl jeni has u.eu isirvngth uf ihc minimal us. when I rouncrttd with tlu fui-l liivmiiKii 'recall nit first view uf I In. hike gnu Slum Line. O It. is S . Southern ' l 'on of the surve) Siuh was ll e tribute lutld tn south rmlllc anil iJalvciton, llurrlshurg & ' The war ttniel of the future wli rn Oreaon natural wonder be,tu iviti Antoiilii rondn. wlilcli nre known bo n swift, -mokcli-a.. nnlieleu rrnft. tiful Crater lake b llowanl 8 lie.' as llio ll.irrlmati llm-i. lliK Ion In tin- water, with ever. ide, president of the Mnerlriiu Hi lt In of vast nlKiitlli.inre tliat lliee.iiliii'rnlile inrt below the water Hut curll A Trunt rotnuom of NVw Vork men nliouUI seltct Ori'Kin' nii'iroi'o-. Hie entire .lock belli k Klten over t. lutHin til return Similat etenlnu fruit Us for tliolr ronforeiue. but It oul lllie work of the kiiu There will th hl lilp to the lake iirmoK that the tltnei are t liancliis i no muoke, becauie there will be a. Mr !(.' Me n unfniiiin.itr In i anil that lniteatl of the rallnuil Imi- mnokestaikK In the ulsht tin) ililn eiuliHt.ir to lute a bear ami lit In v lue of tl u went belnp toiiiluiletl In! tilt r will be nolhlns to betray th. bnrk a burk r two but ni'erlbelibii eune piliuurllt s.ti IIIHM.s M'b llltlllllUR I0IH liilll..l. I Tin. m.l Cumin tl'ti Mietm I Mli Snii Mi fallen Mum Hun ml in i lele WnoiU leate lhl eteullir. t. lake In (lie Kliumitli Lake i.'.ml. Mliet l.iiiil.' Huritelit oin of Ho brlklil ami iiuiuiliir ik li.li. hi THERE ARE REASO NgJAry You should ouy your Groceries tit Van Hiner n 1st. They have the tfoods you want 0, 2u. Their Groceries nre ilwnyN frcnh 3rd. The price U within reaiion 4th. They deliver phone order promptly Phone 516 - VAN RIPER BRos! Gel the Habit Use Chase G Sanborn Coffees Klamath Pull-, l UltliiK m V.hl.iml fur a week, u Kin t with ll t.itt the e;nt. at It linn been In the lumt Iho future will nee heaiiiiarten e tabllsheit nearer the bane of opera' tloni anJ tho blK conference pertain' i.rifiiif of tbtit Invliitll.le flstuln. h. U Mtiiflxl with hl lrl. .leiiuui ut the ennui) ' I I Inlenil ' luiiilnintl Mr Itetlili j Tho JeveloimionU ami the result ' i return to Mtuthern Hregtiu nei uf tho f uel-tt niitiK operation nt H i summer and brlno with me a number VVutmiu lit tile WaLou tiniiie mi flic Cork iitreel Mrn. I. Nell ami ll tt !. le) hate reliirueil friitn n tilp ' lh Cut l Kl.unath retclmi wlni il...s tniMi been ImixIiik full an. I niutei . beef fill ,Ne.,iHiille M.-ul Ctiuii.ili) Z of till lit) They will fml out there ami ilrlte the futteiieil l. tnli.l fur ti.iit.lili.i llii? ' Mr and Ura J U .i... iu.1 In lie .laiuliler Mnrcan I ai il I H Uncle, lef H.itur.lnt on a luriii.liii etpetlltlon of a rouple uf milii ltir v FURNITURE TAIJLK PADDINC!-You will it at (lillctt'M E. W. GILLETT S CO. Heavy Freighting a Specklty. Baggage Orderi Arel i Given Prompt Attention I r :: 7i 0. K. Transfer S Storage company I it temal roiubiKtloii motor, a It la roll direction and I am certain that ttiet til Ii) enelneera, will be Init.illiil iu will aaree wlih me that Crater laki natal teHifl of the Culled State within the next few tear I expei t to seo the ( nlted State nheail of er other nmlon In 'ui. Innotatlon The ens ensloe In n In the general management of the opinion, U f -ailblle on an) rmo'l Ih roadi. The last invetlnc waa held In I cause of Iu economy mor too itran. Chicago In Martli. vnxllie, tint It l e.lilally detlrabU ' im the lUlillns hhlpit. for th reaon .MAV UK MAW VKTIMs. unearthed In Portland Walter M Johnson baa been arrcated for the I the erandeat natural wnmler In these Culled Slate U hen we em next Jul) t will be for ! nnmi'i. raioplns In thla aectlun of (inv.in I want another chance nt tour huni lag and will alao rnt a few lllm and aee If I can land a few nf the uteel heads that aport in the Itoftue riter I nut much Intereatctl In the mote men! to have n blgbua) !. .Ill to th lake from Medfoid. aarh an I. t.Mk.il about, and I am going to lend m aid with both a aubirrlptluu ami tn In tJuonce Congreuman I'ltigerald o Long Island. N V , la nit un-lri-lu anil you watch hta rote In ngard ! ,( U IIKFI IPlut 1111 IrtLii .1. (It. I ' Ing to practical railroading, will be'Loul hate gone far toward form Int. .of m New York frleuda. IiicIihIIiik ! , f . .. .... .1. ta ... .. m ..1 ... .. .. .. . l...l,r.HIU, U. ...... Id.'' .HI.II.IA V held where the official will be lu'.Mr t-erunlds opinion Mr FernnlJlmy wife and fnmllt I know of nj S clone touch and can IntestlKate. IfjbelleteM that thu gas enitlne. or in 'number of people I ran atari In this necessar), the Important mat ten un der discussion Twlco each car these meeting are held at which rate questions are dis cussed and all other matters which will lend to the bttterment and at the same time facilitate tondltlons Having up-to-date piano trucks we solicit your fine piano moving PHONES Office S7 lUrn H73 KENYON 6 GRIMES, PROPRIETORS l Udeatn. the) will Ih Ml.e.l '- v4t'-K'-4W(4 by Mli llertnide llntfle H"vetiil desirable rooms for rent iter the Hlllls Dry Cim.l. C l.'ii lilrn nt the store S itl :)-.,--:-.'-)k---- vvxiK.tM4 that It tmki-s no smoke The Ms Is generated In a producer which lias Another atrocious murder has benl,.., eh,,,...v ,, ..,. TK. ro.il Is turned dlreitly Into gas. which goes straight to the engine murder of Elmtr I'erdue. July Land Tlll. ,m()U. nu,alire haa been has been conllned In the lllllsboros!rou, pro,,,cm , . nirlra , Jail. Johnson Is also suspected of worj fl,r u numu),r of ycar, , an appraprintlon by Conares ic killing and concealing the bodies of llt. Ua),U10 th,. prwonc, , 0I ,. which to old the project There ar seteral other victims, lie took 'cnoV ship bus been dlscurered mlleUr al one or two others I thin), eral partita to the woods to lotnte tta Uy lt, inioko from , ftant i ,an Induce to support a siili.iantlu them on timber claims aud a number ,, , ,.. ulKllt . ,,,, ,)ulcblns of them nre reported as mlsstuw frm the tops of the ataiks have Johnson may turn out to be one ! ,,, ,, a wcWll, pan of ,. of the most (.old-blooded, (owardly '(... murderers of the country. He con- Tht. uc, ,0lM ,mlo a fn, Jefk fesse. that be killed Cerdue while for K. pl f W(J (.mM rrv I PURE DRUGS Herald Advertising Does ll Your Business for You J Lihternii', (Ilyffiiiii', Ko.mc Water llvdroni'ii IVniid' :.j tt :' : 4) : :a)-5a) v-e-H Chitwood Drug Co. appropriation for sin h wmk Unit mi. tutt.iral wnnd'T ..lull ill. iliiii.a'n of I iii le .Sum an np I mai h i' ml i hat l thi nun tol sitting In a bunk and that he dragged would bo no lowing stacks in punr AllVKUTIhK IDAHO CKO.IIKT. Tho Ilolse Valley Water Csers .ii, soclatlon has Just dotlsed a schemuj to advertise Idaho Irrigation projects ' In the cast and south. The states of I Iowa, MlnncMota, Wisconsin, Kansas, Illinois, Missouri and Texas are to ho tlslted li) representative from Unit stato, who will exhibit muting pie lures at tho fairs showing what Is being dono In the matter of Irrlgu-t lion In Idaho. i Tho Water Users association has also prepared souvenir postal canU by which residents hero may Inform 'friends In the abotu named states of tl,. Knfli t si n f it Inn f rail u Ii i.r-st ti. 1 ...v ..-, .v. - ........ ,,ro ,r j(nltro)i ,jUl pcri.j,,, ,ril, rifled the clothing and then torrid ,,,, hw uM T.n ,Wiul(J ,m t,c body with slicks, stones and ,wr , (arr ,,. lM ffflr haves. The confession mado b ',,. MU pn,.r ,, ,j(, ,,t.l()(( (, Johnson was obtained only after he wUl hMtli ,MH ,,)iir) ,h,, ,IMIlj nau oecn sweaieu lor seterai nours. ,..!.. ... ti. ..I -...r,'"" t uiu n" iliniui Via) UUI the gas engine would lake up less room and weigh lens than the stii.c power Siotih holler ami attain en glne. If It were iKiemur) It would be possible to r.irry more toal.whlrh would glto the tessul n radius of tratel far greaur than at prusent , Of lours", I do not exput to see the gas engine iiiiilltied to the usei of the nuty. The rmi that It shows' such economics will mmpel Its In , siaiintion in all forts of vowels One of the big Items of exnpnse to a model n entail liner Is Its foal bill Theso tesseU will (onsuniu 0,000 , tons of hlgh-giade uj.tl on a louml trip With the gns engine this tould be reduced to (.000 or "000 ions, ui i:nlnK of eijVuml thousand ilollats the date; and places of the propoicd picture entertainments, at tho Ba"io,0 f . I aiA rt Srthillnr t I f. I a If Al r, - A.lfdh. 1 of the tfii'ut luka U about to take "Jon .., ('lie Inltlathe In this iiiotemuit WILL llt'V UAtLOO.V. Plans have been made for a fiolgluor i that will u&e a 2000 horse-power kus It has been announced that Cup- engine tulu naldwln's dirigible balloon will be purchased by tho war department MONEV TO LOAN on tanches, city WE ARE LOOKING r r .p l'i lute -"l. In iurr "ur wjlibe., Ue can mippl) waul..-. (,,r llliynlle fliim the ) ijiiiik et In the "'lite old limn, I.ach w.lih in iiaianteeil In Kite Perfect Satisfaction H. J. WINTERS DEALEK IN WATCHES HE3 Sherwik-Wiluams Buggy Paint ii the littt paint matte lor liuv giei. CikxI, too, (or iut(.h anil lawn furniture or anything sub ject to outitite cxjiotute. $-W. Buddy Paint wean well oui-ol-diKirs in all klnili ol weather gitu a brlglil, durable kIihi, ipicaili evcnl), covers well anil routes in nuiiy attractive (.olors. It is eronotiilcal hrtaie it saves re-painting lii toon, jihI ii always .alitla. iory. Comes icady lor the littnh in lumiy cans, tig ami little, .11 you re quire. saaaaaasasj ron OALt nv aaajsjBjjjasatB Geo. T. Baldwin, HARDWARE DEALERS Klamath Falls, Oregon East End Meat Market CKISLEK 6 STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry r'reuli and Cured Meals ami Sausage nf all kin.lt. We hanille our meat in the moat modern way In clean lines ami surroundings. Try us ami we will be most happy to lute you for rustamrr, Kree delivery fJ-i-W I no J .tun ,111. IkalMstlii,! KM Itisn I'reiiilent alWIUIfJ t, lcc j.(1 ,, ,r Maps, rUni, Blixirrlnli, Kir. Klamath County Abstract Go. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers Hilt K Witiim'w, Secrrlaiy Klamath rails, Oregon o CIIAS. K VVOKDKN I'resliienl A. M. VVOKDKN Cashier KICKD MKI.MASK Vlce-rreslililit The American Bank and Trust Go. --1 big steamship lompiinlcs '''ax. fmtt'l.tAt.t 9 i nrnnArrv nml tfrnL. Inn for 17,000, and that Congrats '" JanEPHERD CO be asked for .100,000 wlih which 'to ' . build other ulralilpa of similar pat tern, Tho announcement by Major Squires that Captain Baldwin's bah loon fulfilled alt requirements deter mined the sale. HALL- 2Stf i'Oll KENT OHW und houselteop- tug rooms In brick and stone building on Main street. Very reasonable rent. T W STEPHENS, I aim to be reliable. Sheffield Marine Gasoline Engines j Buy a good Engine for your boat. Easily run. t Amontr other owners here, Mr. K. V. Hamilton Imi ouu 7. Write uu for prices and catalog. Wo are the inaniifnutuiera. 7. FAIRBANKS MORSE & COMPANY 1st and Stark Stsv Portland, Oregon. i 4a.ttH iiOHjiiiHAP'' ch.V'Sl, tST tH m. t" "aamj fer JiSZite CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. Smart Mala Strut