The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 20, 1908, Image 1

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Our Advertisers Get
,ll lll'Ht D.illv ....
the Beat Results
Willi) Yi:au' No ,i"
Price, 5 Cents.
Many Reports Regarding Visit ofu
High Rtiilrodd Officials
One or (In liircihl r. . I i-Minii. ilf-itM ! fishing nt Pelican liny In report
In. iriiiiiiiitiali.ft fur miiiic time id exreptlonnll) good nritl tliu ladles!
as Hid will- of tin- HiimmiTH-Kliirio) of tlio llnrrlinnii party hnio caught
tiiiuli lit tie Hull Shepherd Comimiit h rniirilx r of large trrmt Thoy, u
to W V .Miuntiii, (if imperial Viil- well iih lr llarrlmnn, ire rpendliigl
veil Is llxtt Aa lrnnsiriin Imliiulu I lint Ctililurniu North
...isUtii Will Not Stop -it Kl.itiuilli lulls, Hut Will
lit litemlcd Isolated Oregon
kii iiiii-h of ilii' host fin 111 I mil I rlli- ti'i) nniili iiIuikimI wllli lliclr rur
ulnry In HiIh i M iiihI inn in ic of II ' iiiiiiiilliiKit .
ih under tin' kihi rtiiiiout iiimit Tli"
plllle U IIH Hold fill IlpplOXlllllltl'ly
Kuril'! IIIOIltllH IIKU llllH tlllllll UflH
i iili-ilhldi'l on I hf market In hiiiiiII
I rm Ik 'I he new owner litis not mi
liouuied whether ln hIII iiiiitlnii" to
mII IniitK or will Imlil I hi' I'lni'i In n
Imil) lli 1h ii big fiiiinci. tine kinnii
lliiriliiuiii uml hi family urn en
Jo) Imf iIh; ipili't life at tin; I.oiIku
unci wln'ii his work In ovi-r Iiu put
In much of IiIh tlitio nn tin water
I'ltlllT In Ills llllllllll in tine ii K
limit I'nrtliB who lini. recently
vhlled tin Dm stnte t tin t Im 1 In
the best of lii-iiltti iiihI that lie In so
well pleased with hi H surrounding
Report Regarding F. W. Benson's
Illness Exaggerated
unit illlih toutriiitnr of Imperial nil-1 Hint It would not lie surprising If tic
Tli .l ': Hi of I Inn tin. in .in I ii
ouliiiii r nf liln iroinliii'iil of
flu.- in Otigoti l it iialn v ii Ki'turiil
iu uaaioli of tin' riillroml altlialluli
ID nil i'1'li of tin' tul. ntiU mm lull)
In tin Hotithi rn purl Iiu- fareful
ittttKmti Hint tin- high ottltlhU ati'
tlvitik o (hi' lotmii hi Hon of ii. k
lima imil hi' ili"Hi-lliin that an
trlnte iiiiiiIc' of li'iiliorliii ttml art to
t minded Id tin' llarrlmnti st slews
Ii priuit rl In nil kinds of rnlliciiii! I
ri'Hni- It l evident Hint Oregon
huh has no long been Ii)
tin transportation tiimpatiles.lit nlionl ,
In rii'iii' ilni' r'oisiiltliin ninl It
(unlit not I"' mirprUllis If Hi" In
intlcntlotm Unit "i" being made j
railroad olllrtutii of piotnlni ute would j
Irtuit In tin iiliniiiilir.'iiiiilil tli.'it Mr I
llatrimnn will 1 1 n v n line Imllt
thrniiKh m tint In known n the Inliuul
Kmplti' of OrcKon I
Ktirvi'V -. for Dili llt'' hole bit n
tnmlr ami tin1 rout'' ptoniimii-it fum
llilc nnil tin beat In the Hole Mr
Olltli'iiK trip through Central on
(nn was not on.' ot plejtatirv ntn! re
iri'utlon. hut nilliir una of I tn"t ti;.i -
linn mill tin' tioit that hi Mill tniiki' i
nn till" part of the slate "III likrl
hse ii r.rint ilml of beating iipoii Hie
uteiialnti of the riuiil from lhl rlt)
ami tlio ttliihllliment of the main
north nnil oiilli lino of Ihi' llnrrlninn (
t.trlii In Oregon through Itic portion
i.l 'In-tni i luii l 'ion without trans
conation fiuHHI'
llm Portland papera on- n muili
l i hi i ii I It might ln poaalhle Hint
Kl llttai llllltt mid hla liaaoi Inlen all'
Hit' Usltorn who nri' oipecttd lit thr
Hhould 'r Kniltai linlll toiiio here
I") mid
Olltn till'
lltui' to
It Ik IiIh luti'iilliiii to mole
plmi' nl inn i) mid tleiol" IiIh
: farming mid sines
'California IniiiH', hut will return
' hlini tl) wild ii hit k Hlilpiucnt of
lalmk Mm Miirittrli. who ;i((oinpiiti-lli-il
ln'i himliuuil hi'ti, will ri'tualii
lila Utt would iiii'iiu iiioni tliiin ii In IM IU until IiIh n turn
ini'i.' Iiiki.i ( tliu, of tlni Ciillfiinilii 'I ho Mill of HiIh r.iiuh him ht-i'ti
N'oilhi iiHti'in to thin ill), uml It In
iilali.iia Hint i would hi' III (iililH't-
i Inn with H xti'iialou of tin' llm" Kin plicnl loiiipiin). wlilth him hvcti
from I hla t it Willi.- there nn uolniiMi-aiirul In liilnp.lnu ai.utlii'r a'u-
tiindi' fuithir ln'Httni'iit.
He him paid u nuiiiher of lnltn to
Odi'UH.i to rail upon liln neighbor,
He luft HiIh iiiiiiiiIiik for hl hut It tulKht he piMnllile that he linn
mid other motive In vUttlni; this n
Hort mid that It tun) some day lie
come a portion of the llarrlinuii pon
HeKxIonH In Klmmilli
The fun that Mr llairliiinn nnd
liln fainlb aiu inukltm ritch n Ioiik
tuny in Klmnnth county nhowx Unit
lhy tire pleaned with their Orenon
hotne nnd that the) ma he expeclid
here tilery Hummer In the future
Keceiving Ireatment for Slight Nasal Trouble But Will Not
Undergo Operation for Cancer of Stomach Death
Would Muddle Political Situation
pi'lnllliK foi H.'iernl ilaji
loai d iinl jeaterda) liy
mid win
Hie Hall-
iliiflulte miiioiiuiemi'litit ax to the
pinna of Hun tiiiuli for Ori'Kou, atlll
the piople of the Htnte, whlrh haa
Ioiik htetl lit uti t It'll Ii) the Irnimpiir
tiillou toiup.ilili a. hnle a rliilit to e
pt'i t aomi'lhltiK In the Hue of rail
inuda in Hie near future
aide Mian lo the Klaui.illi loutitr'
(ii.s I't'ivAM m:ii.
ni:.iii tie i:km:mi' r.uri:it.
iilltlirlll llituou I'louier mill I'liriiier
MieiltT of Kl.ininlli Ciiiinl).
I In instil Will Knouii to All of (III)
Ite-lileiitN of Klaliialli.
Cliarli'B I'litiiain, formerl) nln-rlff
of Klmnalh lount) mid well known
lo our plont't r (ttlrtim, died from
p.irnlnlH tit hla home In Iti'dlanda,
Cil , on the 1 vtti Instant, lined about
Hlxt) ) ea i it He w:ih the ohleit son
iof C'harli'H I'litnuin, tine of the print-
The annoiinrtment made a ttlmrl !, ,)f (. (u) ll)B w,, ,,ocalll n
time iiko that there would likely lie frm,r m( ,.,.,,,,,,, lmlM ,,, ,eal,
tiotonnty lair HiIh Tall met with DomcIiih i-iiiiiiIi. Or-,n on the patt nf mail) i ,.,.. ,,. ,,,,.,, ,lf ,,,,,, ,,,.
wiih Imrti .Mr I'litiiain'n mother wnx
Country People
Want County Fair
of the loutiH) ptople. While III
Set rclary of Stato K. W. Demon
went to Smi Pranclnco a few day
m;o and at once tliu report became,
current that he wait In a very critical
condition and wan to undergo an op
ttutlon for tuncer of the itomach,
Iiniulry at the office of the Secretary
hi ought 'ut the following (act:
".Mr ISeiiMin went to San Fran
cisco partly for a vacation and partly
to ronnult u ph)Hlclan there In re
gard to iillRlit affection ot hli note
which lian been troubling him for
Homu tnontlm. liln family are at
Gardner, Ore., and there It not the
i least foundation for any rumor that
. he l to undorgo a sorlout operation
llrni'ti Carter died )elerday nf- or that hi llfo In In any dancer,
ternoon ut the home of Howard Van , "Some time ago he undcrwont the
Viilkenberu. death being due to .1 X-Uuy treatment for the trouble with
hemorrhage of the lungs. He had bU none and received benefit from It,
been III hut a few dnja. Mr Carter but when the treatment was suspend-
tulElit be poaalble to hold 1.011... w.r 1 j ,.,, , ,,,,.! ,,,.,,.,. f ,m.
of .. fair It would be InipoHHllile to Jvnw A,,,,,L.KII.. , tt,, (. ,,i.
hold one that wotil.l I... n nirrect rep- wrj mi H(, ., cIoiMlJ ri.,mi.,,
i.-aeutallou of the iniinlv and It Ik AtinlegnleH of this county and
ler) pronmne nun ii.e ........u. , 1((l(,r .,,,, f . ,.. Mr J.,,!-!,,, St.Bllt. rr .Moment to Alatka.
is well known In this county wher..'
he resided Home )eaM ago lucent
ly bit came here from Ashlan I lo
work at the ground glass tombstone
bunlnesi mid repairing of nil older
cemetery ir.oniiinontH.
Mr tarter will be remembered b cer
ed for. a time the trouble was renew
eil. He decided to consult a San
San FrantWco physician while on hla
vacation trip to San Krancisco and
no doubt that has given rise to the
istor that he Is suffering from can-
mnii) of Hi" Klaiiinth residents in IN
mail who rnme In here when the lira
gold dlHcoierles were mude In 111"
Klmiil)ke and bought up n largo
number of Indian dogs which lie took
fail will hi HUppluntt'd by a street The Hoard of Directory of
the (.'linmber of (.'omtiieriii will inf!
j nam leaiet a widow- who la a kUter
to Mrs, I. I) Applt'gate mid lo Mont-
at at-a regnrtlltig Ibf inoiemunt" of ,
In rnllrond men in are the papt rs
nf Hut Miiiillu low pa In the a'ntt
The IhetllUK Ttlegr.ilii of Mondil)
.lien Hint iNrettoi Julius Krutlsth
nltl, of the innliitenatice and tipera
Hun dt'irirt nent ol the ll.irrlinan "
teiiis, lina riimpli'leil lilt fuilr iliDH
InieatlKatloii of the H H A. N tnnlni
line and lirauihes In WaHlilnglun and
DreKon, nnd that he Ih niakliig pie
puratloiiH to go tner Hie Southern li
line In the ruliie tnreflil nil) In wlilth
he Insptcted I he It H S. lie will
1 uml 11 In Hie .Soilhwett until the
tin) of f lit week when he win return
to Chicago, If he I not etillnl to I'd
Ira 11 Hay by 1'ieidilmi llnrrlmmi.
It Ih known here that more people
are romltit: In Join the llnrrlinnii par
ti and If tin HUiiulHt of the Telegram
mil' lltiti'lilmui of thin totinti. and
11 regular tension tonight unit nl thin ... .. , .. n...- ...
I I 111 'J P'lllr "I Iiu III l-fr- ill vn fc
1 nn ,'IIiil- a 1 niniiill lee will no uppoiui
ed lo Hike in hand the rnmlial prop
lllllt llltl
If the nullity fair should he drop
ped for this eur there Is no reason
uh) Hie tiirnhal could not ho nmd"
a r'unil Hinresn nnd It the men who
are placed In charge of the mattei
will tleiole their time and energlea
this tit) will haven carnliul that will
be long remembered us one of the I
limit HiitieHHful and enjii) utile eienlKl
incurring in Klamath Knlln. ,
Attorne) C I'. Stonn returned Im. I
night from Ban I'raiiclstii, whero he1
wiih tailed oil liiiHlneHH. lit) sa)H that
Kan Kratulntn wiih cold enough foi
1111 oieteoat, but the res! of the Cull
fot ula tow im mndo him think tint
Klamath Kalln Ih tin Ice chest.
rmltinle, Cal . l.lo)d In Arizona, nnd
linn, the lounger and the only onei
single, remaliiH at homo In Itedlamls
Mr. I'lttuaiu wns n inosl eittliimlile t
man, loied anil respected ny on wno
knew him, and his death will ho sad
newH to 11 large number of friends
mid nssoclates In both stntes who
knew him best.
Deceased has fur a number of )t.trs
made Ashlintl his home Ho wu
about fort) -the year old The fun
eral wiir In Id this eiening from tl.e
Whit lock fnilertaklng parlors
Milllllliolll Stnldia S11I1I,
Ladies !
Cx y irlynfi
1" j ' "
Shirt Waists
Pony Jacketsand Sweaters
. . . Every one is a beauty . . .
II. W. Sttaw litis sold his livery
huslticHH to It. I.'. Ilunsaker and lite
ry Stout, the new proprietors till lug
cluirge of the Mammoth Btnbles till
morning. They will conduct 11 gen
eral livery buslneKs and will also do
nil kinds of dru)iug. They tire both
experienced In the business ntid will
bo sticccHdfut In the lenttire. Mr
Straw has not decided upon nnjtl'liig
definite) bill It Is lory probable Hint
he will go to ranching and engage in
the stuck business.
'Hie I'm liln Conikiiiy.
The I'avllla Company opened Its
two nlghlB engagement Inst oienlng
to n good tiiidleneii that was enter
tained and tiiadu to luugh at or ad
mire tho action oveiy moment be
tween the first lalslng of the curtain
final drop.
Is a good, clean show One that
can be enjoyed by one's wife, ulstor,
mother, and It Is u first class show,
worth several times tliu price of admission.
l.iMUtlnn Wanted to HiiIm- Mliikf for
the .Market.
A 1 ween
J'to its
(tcorgv Olson, who was reported
dead with hla throat cut, turned up
In Keno Tuesday morning, and ev
or) hotly thought the dead had come
to llfo.
Mr. Stnton, from tho Upper lake,
was In Kono'last week looking up n
locatlou for a nilukcry, as ho Intends
falsing Minks for tho market, lie
reports having severnl female on
huiid now and It ho cat) tlnd a suit
able location will buy all tho live
...t..t Hint t..i mn.i i.itt lf W lull tltlll
1IIIIIK .11.1 ,l' IH" hv .-
Mr (leorgo Spmils, from down the
rlier, came lo Keno Tuesday with a
load of new potatoes and sold them
at two and one-half centrt per pound
1 Thus. Mi'Corinaik U building a
new Hume It) operate his electric
j light plant.
I Mrs. Wull, Hurry Wail's mother,
come to Keno last Hutuiay trom too
Hast 011 n ilslt.
N. W. Deal and (leorgo Kornt huie
gout) lo the coast to look up u loca
tion. Sam Padgett and It.W. Tawer.wlth
his brother-ln-luw who Is Just from
the Kast.i haio gone to the moun
tains In pursuit ot large game.
John Ackley U completing his now
riia sheopiueu hale purt.hused three
"The story Is not true. Mr, lien
.on Is In his usual health and spirit
nnd such fulse report about him are
The Illness ot Mr. Ilenson caused
many of the prominent politicians of
the itute to study the political situa
tion In Oregon. Condition are rath
er muddled and If were true that tho
Secretary Is In n critical condition
and could not recover matter would
bo still more complicated.
According to the statutes of Ore
gon, the Secretary nt Stato I the
successor of the (Joiernor when the
latter dies, resign or leave the of
fice. This Is of especial Importance
when It Is remembered that George
II. Chamberlain, tho Governor, has
received the popular vote for United
States Senator and a majority ot the
member nf the Legislature are pledg
ed to elect Chamberlain to the Sen
ate. If the Legislature elect Gov
ernor Chamberlain to tho Senate to
succeed Charles W. Fulton, the See
ro'ary ot State will become acting
flovernor until tho following general
election, giving; the Secretary ot the
Slate tho powers of Governor and
Secretary and tho salaries of both
offlces. The election of Chamberlain
would mako Ilenson the acting Gov
ernor and give him two of the thrsu
vote In tho itnto board meeting,
which mean almost absolute control
of the political patronage of the stato
Institution and various nnd sundry
In the event ot the decease of lien-
ion before the convening of the Leg
Islaturc.Governor Chamberlain would
have tho appointing of a new Secre
tary ot State to fill the unexpired
term. If the Governor appointed a
Democrat and wa then himself ot
ected to the Senate, he would (till
leave Oregon with a Democratic gov
ernor. Providing the Secretary of Stato
held on until after Chamberlain's
promotion to the Senate, and then
died, thl would leave the two most
Important position In the tate gov
ernment vacant and State Treasurer
George A. Steel would have to con
duct the Governor's offlce, the duties
ot the Secretary of State and hi own
affair) aa State Treasurer, until an
election could be held to All the va
cancies regularly.
Cold Spring Found
Near Upper Lake
Workmen digging for the founda
tion for a boat house on the Worden
water front on the Upper lake struck
a spring ot cold water. Sir. Worden
waa not I nod and mado a trip there
to Investigate. He says at this time
It Is Impossible to determine the vol
ume ot water the spring flows, but
It Is clear and cold and Is the best
water that ha been found near tne
It I his Intention to make a cross
cut to a point of rock near where the
spring was found tor the purpose of
locating the flow further back from
the lake. If the spring should prove
a large one It will be of value In sup
plying at least ft portion of the de
mand for tht city.
This evening 11 complete change of
bill Attend and ou will be pleased, 'donkeys ot Snowgoose and It was a
llolao Statesman
Ihilldlug I'ernilts Gi anted
1 j. J. iv. aisib
O . .. - m it
l "The Best riace 10 iraiic j.
novelty to see the donkeys packed
for the rtrst time
Heiiioilelinit llairliiun Uiuiuli.
Business Is pressing at the Pant
atorlum. 7-13
Telford & Sou, tho bout builders .if
At the special meeliug ot the coun
cil last night building permits ivd.-o
granted to (loo, niohn, who Is loimil- nt Odesiu, are remodeling the Ilarrl
ollng I lie Monarch building, and to I man launch so aa to mako It more
8. K. Nool, who Is making 11 number! comfortable Tho seats hnvo been
of changoi in his Main utieet build- widened and tho backs made higher,
lug which U to bo occupied by a con-1 Mr Ilnirlmnn usea his launch a great
tectlonory store. No other muttert Ideal and ho believes In having It
wero tukeu up at the meeting. both convenient and comfortable.
Fresh berries and cantaloupes at ' Furnished rooms to let O. W.
the Monarch. -8 ' White. 8-18tf
Going Camping ? j
We have the best guns
and ammunition.' Let us
outfit you for a trip to the
mountains. We have the
goods that hunters need.
Going Fishing ? ;
Our rods and tackle are
the best that are made
and tha stock from which
we invite you to select is
very extensive.
Roberts & Hanks i
Hardware Me. chin ta
.k-v' x .I'M' J.Va i.