8e twwtia Moitly I!''"11 ,,ni"-'r '" Klinitii l''H . Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . f Isecosu Ykak, No. 020. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. TUESDAY, AUGUST 11. 1908. Price, 6 Cents. Ikvmk PUNNING VISIT HERElConditions Improving in i Portland Savs G. W. White fortlanders Longing tor Fresh Air and Cool Shades KLAMATH IS THEIR IDEAL PLACE previous I ngagiinenls Prevent I heir Coining I his Year Hut in Another Year Capitalists and Business Men Will Come Mere I rom State's Metropolis "Klamath I" K'HlnK ! l.e n pri'tl) - - sdcitld lilac," ull Juil.-!''10" '""" "rkltiB on the tvl.-pJ'on.-C,.T llnMwlM when speaking of (he """ "' Wl" " H,""l' ! and thai timber of l'l'l I" Portland w Ik. t w''' '" "' the line lll I... , plaimliiK till' lo (tilt s.-Uloi "i.i.leied iiii.I lommiiiilclloii estsl.- fosilnuol. There In a cent deal r ,H".h. This will pr.ne a Kr.i.l ro... I.trtr.1 IMiniK Hi" ImlIii.... men iiii.I i'"'"" " " vl.llor. lo lh.. Ink., u ttlurhat ii,winii.iii...UI.Iiilill...r..il,", '" '""'" rrnnii..ii..iil l.y HI- mr cu.loli ewi day nt.o.it '",""" '"""'"'"'I Ibf flllOM' Of till, pull Ol till' tltt Uinj ol llit. Icii.tliiR IiilIii.-h. nun of oils of Hi.) slate. Silniltile .Vol Arranged. II tins not y.'t been doflnltoly learned when the Portland V.M.C.A. crowd will villi tbls city. It will bo within the next few dayn and the Chnmher of Commerce- In making nr rntiKCinenls to entertain thi'in when tho visit this city. The special train bringing Mrs. B. II. Hitrilman und daughters to Dor- rlt. left Weed shortly after noon to- ila. The parly will arrive hero this evening nnd will U" taken directly to INIIcnn Hay II V. While, president of the first t:ooil tibont the place. It Id generally Niitli.tinl lliink, leiiiriieil Inst night 'cnllited thai this country Is one of Ifii.m .. trip lo Portland whec I.e. v,u" '"'" "" "'"l '" '"' '" , (trade will he valuable to the rnetrop' i n.-i, in., iixiiiri'it lor nil new hunk In Hp.'aklni: of lotidltlous i;'ii- IMMlly Mr. While stated thut he rnulil Iliotli'M a dedded liiiprovenient since 'Ms hist vl.lt to I'oitliilid. Ilnslness of all klndi seems Hi bit Improving 'iiiel more money Is ludtig Invested limn n feu months hko. I'ortlund hits never lind u better year than the piesent on. In the opinion of Mr. While. He hud many Imiulrles about tho I Klamath lom.lry and lie met a large ; number of people who have been here lo mull., personal liitcsllgallous. He .lnt.'s that everyone uhom he henr.l 'mention Kbunalli said something BOOST THE CARNIVAL Would Prove Big Attraction for City of Klamath Falls TAKE PLACE OF COUNTY EVENT Business Men Favorable to Proposition Since It Is Almost Certain That no County Fair Will Be HeM-Plans for Occasion Should Be Begun at Once sii.mlim llriike.i .trill. Cortland want " rolue to Klaiualb "ill, but e got at IIhiii Jii.I ii lltll. Inn IaIi' Mo.I of lliein had Nlreud) Bid oilier nrratmemenls for their nmnifr outing, but c will get iheni tru year I met inanv of the reprc KaUlUe bn.liH'M men of thai city md .11 of tin in ar pluming l iiiiiie Urr l.rxl suimiier to hunt and fish. Some of tli.-m may mini' ll.l. ear. but It I not likely Dial there will In lay eirnr.loii of any large pari) "Klamath Is be. mill ng well known. Kw)heie one run hear till. .'C lion dlcul and It nlwnvs receives ftturable iiiintlons Many of Hi" prominent in' ti of I'urtlnnd who ha lotne here and seen ll.ii .i.t lenour rei and the mngnlflrei.t venery are iffjr . mini. Is. tie nnd i.r gltlng al Hill., a.al.lniiii. Ill geltlnr the nulli try aitrertl. e.l I met ('. H Jaiksou. Ike iilitiir of the Irernn .lournnl. Ill Mntfnrd on his way bhrk lo Porl land ll was fresh from Crater lake md nne .nihil. la. lie In the mailer of .Mining n largo appropriation from the lie j I Congress He thinks not l"lt 1 1. Ml (110,1100 should be Itppl" prlalid for Hie i mist ruction of romls through Ihe park. Many other In fluential men of the state feel Ihe utnr way It Is certain that next Jrat uo will be lslled by uian of tin until pro'iilnenl p-ople of I'oti laiei ' 'lYIcpliuilo o Mill Cllllip. I'arlles reliirulng from Crater lake ay that workmen have for several A I Kiibi-s had bis tight arm broken ')eslrr.la) afleruoon by being thrown lo Ihe ground l.y the Worden unto- mobile, lie made all ellorl to catch lib., uir Jii.I n It was starting but fell with the remit that the right arm was i brok. n Ju.t below the elbow. The flurluri' has it'diitiNl by Drs. Hatnil- J ton and Cither and Al Is getting inlnng n well lis coulil !.. eipeited. ACCEPTED MASON BID South Branch Canal Contract Awarded by Project Engineer Murphy I'l-llllig Mini llellllg. llejHirls hum I'd Iran lla are that Mr Hiirrlmaii Is rmllng at his beau Hliil mime and Dial the party has iiiicreedcd In lalihlng a number of Huh. The hunting purty has not yet letiirued wllh a hear so that there Is ro excitement of any kind. n tin nv-ctnKiNHox. On Thurdiiy. August Cth. at Nev mli. City. Cal , ocinrred I lie marrlago of Mi. C. T. Ilarlvy and Miss rcatl I'.irkliiMin. The bride Is one of Ihe Ipop.ilH a ladl.-s of tlml city nnd the giiHiui Is one of the engineers In 'll. employ of the Itcilaiiintlnn Her I vice. The l.nppy couple arrived In jthe ell) last right and will make (heir i linen heie. I I'rnjerl Engineer 0. V. Murphy xeitetilny nfli moon nvntdod the con- ilrail for the t (instruction of the sev en tulle exit union on the South i llraiirh (anal the same going to W. I II. Miikofi, v. hose bid on the work was $::.'. 7ii:i.!'ii. The oulv other bid on Ihe entire work was that of Manvy lli.illi.rs (t C..,. which was - l.fifiil i;n. Work (i'i the sihedulu U lu be glu within n few weeks nnd Mr.Mason Is now gathering the necessary ma chinery and men In begin lonstruc Hon work ul the earliest piMslhlo time. I ho suven miles will connect the government cystem with the old Ad ams canal nn.l will supply water for all of Ihe lands Hint have heretofore been IrrlgatH by It as well as for tho large men that Ins not been under water. The conlrncl specllles that Ihe work iiiin't be completed this fall which menni that the acclamation Service will be lu position to delher water to several thousand additional ncrc, in tho ?prln. What's the Matter with Joe W. II Woodbury passed through tin. city esterday on his way In his Inline near Merrill. Mr. Woodbury .M been to the Lake o the Wood I hunting for ten days and expects to ul urn to that section In a few days In scaled of bear. N. C. Monsou secureu a license this evening to wed Miss Cnlllo h. Holt, the marriage to take place tomorrow cwnlng at tho homo of tho bride to I.e. Claud Klrkpatrlck also secured n license to wed Lena McCartcn. What docs "Our Joe" want now? Has ho got something- to sell to Hsr rlmnnT Docs he Imagine ho can hand that shrewd gentleman a gold brick and get the long green for it? Joe usually doesn't make a move unless there Is something in It. Why Is he trying to curry favor with tho mag nate? If Joe was better informed he could write more Intelligently. Joe used to' run what he called a newspaper here once Un a time and maybe some of our old residents remember it. Joe states that Harriman was met at the wharf by a lot of people he didn't know. Now, that is not correct, There were very few people on tho wharf when Mr. Harriman arrived and the gentleman looked around ns though he expected a hand shake from some body. Joe doesn't seem to know that the chamber of commerce ascertained by wire long before Mr. Harriman reached hero that that gentleman expressed his willingness to meet tho citizens of Klamath Falls at an informal public reception. Joe does the chamber an injustice in suggesting that they "butted lu." Yes, Joe has n real grievance be cause the editor of the Express helped to knock out the Klamath Canal Co. and get the Government In here. Why? Uccausc Joe was in on the deal and would cinch the landowner here for time and eternity if the Express had not exposed his little came. With regard to not being so personal about Mr. Harriman or his methods Joe evidently doesn't know the tint rudiments of journalism. He teems to forget that Mr. Harriman la public character, as much a public character ns President Roosevelt is. Not only a public character, but public servant. if you please. It is really his duty to run his railroads for the benefit of the public and not as a private speculation and if they (Mr. Harriman and other railway managers) do not do so the time will surely come when the people will own and run them for their own benefit. Joe may bo one of those sycophant who would subscribe to Harriman'a veriest whim but, thank God, the editor of the Express is not in that elaaa, mad wo believe Mr. Harriman only pities the man that hasn't backbone enough to stand up for hi right. Joe's referenco to San Quentin waa unfortunate. We did come from with in a hundred miles of San Quentin, but have never been behind prison walls. We trut Joe won't get too near Salem, or McNeil's Island, rather. J. Scott Taylor Tho Klamath Falls Military Band will give its first summer concert In the Court House park on Friday ev ening. The band may decide to give weekly outdoor concerts during the remainder of tho summer. 'KgXflfMf EI?B?M$EgM Tnmit.it Myj 3-Ja.M I Erf?? ffriFiF.H i Rmi-iJi ilil VJMLWPfif T ''HaW UL t rt-3-gjo GRAND EVLL ,l t 'S si?- ';. ' -iff . iCrii'r'j rliSyrv .oaj v ?'-.. PENINCrli ' auau---fflg The Season's m Newest Creations J 'm . jlsRls m j-j A...MAtlMt art A flOVAnAtt ?ALM V iS& In Santiago Overcoating and Cravenette Cloths. Now ready for your inspection. . rn.. TAILORING SATISFACTION without success, COME TO US. If you have been searching lo. Jrv r, ia ow Hohhy. TRY US. Making uiomes ua We Satisfy You or, Refund Your Money KKK STORE Klamath Falls Faihlon Shop Li nciunu iuhs- www j . ,,., "t afw-a Thero Is some talk of a walking party to Crater lako and back. It 1 understood that a number of the local sprlntera expect to take the hike In order to keep up with the Port land Y.M.C.A. crowd. If Klamath Falls la to have a street carnival this fall now Is the time to besln. It baa been practically de cided that tho county will not hold ralr this fall and, this being tho case. It leaves tho field opon for a car nival that would be an attractive fea ture and would readily replace the regular annual fair. The matter has been mentioned on previous occasions and In every Instance haa met with favorable consideration. Klamath Is rapidly coming to the front and In order to keep pace with the growth It should give up a week this fall to a grand carnival. Thero Is every In dication that the times will be lively In every way In tho next few months. Construction camps on the railroad will be established at the very door step to the city and the work on tho Irrigation system will give employ ment to a larger number than aro now engaged in the construction of the canals. Klamath Falls Is In a position to give a highly successful canst-! this year and all that Is needed la to turn the matter over to tome mas who Is compatsmt to han dle the asatter. The expense of a carnival will be light and the result would be highly satisfactory If those of other cities may be taken a a criterion. The bualnesa men who have con sidered the matter think It not only feasible, but consider It an appro priate entertainment to take the place of the bnnu.M county fair. In view of the fact that this 'city held no Fourth of July celebration this year and that It Is now almost certain that uo fair or race meet will be'h.ld It would be voll to take this matter up at once and devise plans for car rying It to a successful Issue. Willis Virgil U In the city today from Pelican Bay. He came down with the launch to meet Mrs. Harri man and other ladle of the party who arrive this evening. Going Camping ? We have the best guns and ammunition. Let us outfit you for a trip to the mountains. We have the goods that hunters need. Going Fishing? j Our rods and tackle are the beat that are made and the stock from which we invite you to select is very extensive. .. : Roberts & Hanks i Hardware Merdianta -WI M .-.' 1 ' VI' Pv. Ks