W. iiL;i t i.I ! I' Lift 'I i. hm t 5$ , I ! i Hi MM 1 I tff fKfKHaM J .(' ) mmsu 3 M I! : puonT ifADCii t Aimc arvlam'C RTrWFST SOIL ARFJ. An? lriUYon iitnua vrAi,vrwx - - -- ...... 3o 50 PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KLAMATH'S GREATEST BAHGAINS AT $25 PER ACRE ANU UfWARDS, 1, W T . pmbhmMMMWM tWaa1"'"'"WffP'l,''" Pap".aWattWaWaa( ill I 1 ,,.,., t,,. '" THE EVENING HERALD lMttcd Dully, Eicrpt Sunday, liy llw HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor SUIISCRU'TION RATKS Pally, by mail, ono car Dully, by uiall, U monlln Pally, by mall, llirvo months Pally, tiy mall, nne luontl Dally, ilelhcretl by mirier, one work .15 00 '.'Ml I 25 M . IS KLAMATH FALLS, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 18. 1908 OBJECTIONS TO THE PLATFORM The proposed anti-injunction and tariff revision planks in the platform to be adopted by the convention continue to attract attention and discussion among the party leaders, and are said to be the only points upon which any issue may be raised. Speaker Cannon, who is in Chicago, is strongly op posed to the anti-injunction plank in the form generally accepted as drafted. As to tariff revision, Mr. Cannon has already had important conferences with Representa tives Payne of New York and Dalzell of Pennsylvania, two of his most important lieutenants in the Lower .House of Congress. While the opposition to the anti-injunction plank have many supporters, including the Oregon, California and Washington delegations, it is still a question whether Speaker Cannon can eliminate it from the Taft platform. The Speaker himself is in doubt as to his abitity to erase or even modify the plank, but this fact only serves as a stimulus to the efforts he is making. S-BBHWf RKMTOKATION TO KNTHV Or I.INIM H National IVtctl. Nolle It hmW ll IhM th limit ilfMrltal Ix'tow, tiilracln UW arret, within the Caira.le National Vfi'i, Orrcon, will l tulijrclta tetllemenl tn.1 en try umler Hit .roltlnn 01 nt nmne.ieau SUMMONS In il-1 limit I'mirl f I In' MmI" ! 1)ii'i;ciii, for tin' I mmly ol MHinulli, Willi.! II. C.mniT, I'lnliillM) (1 f M !. I IIIS I'll'll"!" II" ' --( p . !' ot Ih Unite.! mate, am! Ihe "I l j, , , n ('l,m.r, IMeiutiitil. 1 juneu.i'tti, ui!tiai3.ui. at m inmeur...... - ., , .11,.i Jo IMIili I lw I I'linrr nil' in"'"' .... Ltn.l Offlc t l.atclw, Oregon, on Auoi.t actually irrupted, on Iht application otlow, who hat. Ihe prior tlihl ol ant inch .eill.r or applicant li th.l'XW Any renter who tclull) tn.l In ,IV ff l.tln 1 1 1 r Yntl Hlf ItrU'li) nililtnl In i looditltnrltliulnf any oftil.IUn.lt for aetl- .. .. B1M(,'r tin' niini.litliil Wnl cultural purpart prior to January J, lw..i! I "I '; , , nili.l ull i ha. not al.o.loncJ tan.., hit i prefereme , P'I"' "' ' ""' UU ' ' ,U '' V, rlahl to inkle a tioniettet.l entry for the ltn.lt m or m (oii tin -M ily "") mKt ," M. tald lan.lt erellttr.i up ,l (I,,, tt ,y o I ho lliui' III I no uriirr ontolih I"i ;"'""; '..I ,u. iMhllratiiui ol Hit mnitii'ii, lb I Vj:rAXJK.,'Jrlni.ii!wu.i .m;"-" u.t.lLiiitl. .iutllne.lto llltke ,Ui iiljillm I1KW liil)OH ''III " homriirol rnlry ami llo .rltrrhi rutil l ni,iK.jir mi'l nnimT, lor wnnt lliol'l tl' ' cimlM.1 prior to Anju.t mii.HH on which '. ... , ,. ,, ,. ,ml (r tl(. JttothoUn.lt will twMibJrrl to h-HIiiiiiI l'u" "" w" J "'' ' " , . ., , ' , ml nitty by .ny iii.llllrU iim.ii. Tin. Uit.lt . trllcl .rnyil (or III tin' ioiii.lllit liori" , te followtt lh J'hlolSKqr,Hfcti.il.l (, Kor n iIihiit tllollti Ibf Whlut.NWqr.ikrSI. Iltlctl iin .ppllHin , . , 1Rrmon eilillni: I"'!" OIJnMl-.Kow.ri.Kl.iiiMh.Uirimi.lbrMhl '..."., , ,... ... .1 olNWMMb.NKirINWqMb.SM nl M plalnllM Mini iiMrinm.it. .-; uroliitt 'ir.Hi-c a. upon .pi'llrtlion ol hher uml ruttmly ol Lorriip J ( tinin'i mi'l mtn A lliuwn, foil Kltnttb, Orrtoii lh SW I .. ,, u)l ,,liiulilrlllol till" ill J j 0; ;;K;t:no i.,;,:v;,,,',js ;; ..r -. '7 "; ,- Itrown.rort Kl.n.ib.urr(niii ihnhlolsw In Ihi-coiirl limy Mi'in Jut tn.l i-UIUliio. Hr.fWc3t.TM.il, KCX.U ler. upon t plk t Tlili ruiiiliiont i ilrl I.) .illill .Ion ollXnUld. Blown. n.KUn.ih.Oirfin ' . 0 iliorcolltl llto i:rliltikt llrtal.l b) iinmrtcjrJ, tpprnlm.uly .' sO.TJiS, K , . , ., ,i,i i 11 ciiiiil. Cbrglnnlni.t' . iln wcb.l. uih ol ,s.v outer ollhi' ;n rW J; ;,r"",,, rorne r ol tw Jl. T rl H.K7J-J K.ibn w ai Cumily Jmltie ul M.m.lli Loiinl), lllf cbtl, thenro touth M cbtlni, Ibrtir U 10 un, tnnilf, ililril mot lllfl In lb 'Hi ch.ln.,thnr JSuch.lin.lhfn KWch.Int, , Klninalii Knllt, lrr!im, on tlm II ol lhnc.SfOcblnloiliuolblnnliic.n.on Wlilrli iti.l iihlrr It H'- .ppllrtllon ol Roy K Wltr.n KUn.th.Hrr. June l. "IHCli " '" " r " " ,n.,..m.l.lh'hl ol W hl.MM .M. T H. Ollltll lllut lllllllltlt III IM 'HI " BK, nponppllcllonolJ,UI"oolrtllotltnl, - i,,it1 l.lit-tl unci' Wit'k, Inr a t'll.l "I ' urn, .urnui K.iiri..... .., .. n.. -. .. nirvrtilve atiu ciilitectmi" wont Httqrol IKCtO. ia, K IOK.Un l , T ,t J l?,. lw tlonolJ U How.M.Ko.lind.oion.thMV Irom lhi U of June 1WM. irol NKir, tboWhlolK qr.Hce lt,ibNU I II. W. htrtir, irolNKir."rea, T MIIOK,nn.p.ll j.t Attorney for I'Uliitl'! r.llonol John Kl.lrr, I'rlurillle, Ortfonilbr I nH yH l IH ipi K hlofHK.irolHK. qr.lVrl. !!. K bfol NKir, Solon ".Tim, II 10 K. iih.ii .ppllctllon ol lif Noltn, Kmllli'l, Olrt.in. III II l..NKKIT, roinml.tlonrrvl Ibrllrurltl J"'I Oltlr,. Approir.1 HifB,l I'KA.NK I'lKKCI, Uttl AtiltUiilliM'rrUryolthr Inlrrlor I.I. It 17, !. IUJ. H, ll-D, IM II MI1ICU TOW I'DIIUCATiON I I lourtinoiit ol tlio Inlrilor, I . .s i Uml Olllie, t I tele, (Imkoii, Jiiiio. .'., IU0.S. Nutlio It beleby tUm Ibat Wllli.iu T. rtliirlner, of Klamalli Kail-. 1.1, llr.', int.lo Notice For PabllcMloa The possibilities for a stampede for Roosevelt has gone a glimmering and with it the folorn hope of John athan Bourne. The continuous fight made against Taft will not bring him any favors from the Secretary if he is elected President. Further than this the prominent re publican senators have announced that henceforth, so far as they are concerned, Bourne would not be recognized in party councils, on account of his present support of Governor Chamberlain. Holding that a notary public is a state officer, and that his duties and functions are not confined to any par ticular district or section, Attorney-General Crawford contends that a notary public can officiate at any place within the state during his two years of appointment. The opinion is given in the case of a notary public who removed from Glendale to Portland. Department of the Interior, I', .H Land OlDce, taketltn On-ifon, Mi) l&, IPO, Notice la hereby itlxen tint Albvrt Ilirrlton, of KUmith Kullt, Krecon, who, on Nov. 8, 1W7, mt.lo limber ami tone application, No. -HU., for NK'4 SWf, rVctlon ?, T.mntltr :IT .. ILniccKK., Will. Meridian, but tllo.1 notice of intention to innl. liiul I'loot, to ettablith claim to tlie tan.l above 'lc cribeil, before Connly Clerk Klamath Co., at hit ollice at Klamath Kalli, Ore , Ornion. on ine 1 1 in uay oi ,Uuii, lion. Claimant namct a wltm-aae: John (i. Schallock, of Klamath l-'all, Orryon, T. J. h'laten.of Klamath Kalli, Oregon, Albro Jamlton, of Klamath Kallt Ore. rod, Wm. Caillile, of Klamath Knllt, Oregon. J. X. U'ATtox. lu-iiitter. S 18 .Oirttoii, ho, mi Aiiiiiil 1-1,1 -! i ........ v.. ., I... kPI liomrf M nil riury, ..u. .,, iui ri.-j , SK4, t-v lion IS r.4 Ni:' fMllon Id, I i.-WSW4 rVitloniM. Towii.hlp .rrr-,'1. llaiiKe ! I. WllUimtle .Mrrl.lUn, lint . I lilnl liotlivof iiili'iitlnn to male Final 'Knolrar Proof, to r.mi'li.li ilalm to the lan.l lno ilrtrr.ll, In-fine ('.uml) 'Cleik Klamath O.iiint), nt hit olllre at Klaina h l-allt, lliiumi, on the 3r.l tin) jot Aiittntt. IOiH, rialtnant iiainrt t nitlii"trt , A M . JantUoii, of Klamath Fall, Ore ((on; lien Cathtle, of Klamath hallt, llr etfon; W A. Ikiii.lliint.iil Klamath Kallt, Oregon; II. Mulley, ol Klaaiath Kallt, . rt J N, U'Ti"iv, llcititlrr. Clas5ified Advertisements UAL OTATX t'OR SALE Lincoln County, Oregon, is said to be the only county in the United states that ever voted to restore the sa loons after having once shut them out. The liquor men seem to feel that they are back again only on sufferance and have made promises that in the future their places shall be run in a manner to which no exception can be taken. ' Some men are dishonest enough to cheat themselves in a game of solitaire. This would seem to be the limit. FOK SAI.E-im Acre Uncli Located II tullei east of Klamnth Kallt a li.iric aln for rome hometeekur, for particular the lilt day of Aiittntt. iww, Inquire at thlt ollice. ISOTICI! I'OK I'UUUCATION ( IVparlment of the Interior, ('. " j ml Ollice, at l.akrtlew, OreKnii. June A, I'.W. Not lie It lureby nitrii Ihat H'illlam Allwrt (Hey. ol iMrrl., Calif.ir nla, mIhi, on April '.".', UO.1, made hnmi lead entry No. L"M7, for V, .NW4,I r-K'4 SW'4, SH4' rWl4. rWtl.m K, Town.blp 41 y, l!.iiKc 7 K, Wlllamctle Meridian, tut III.-.I nollco ol intriitiori , to make Final Fhe Vear I'roof, tn r tal.tl.lt claim to the land aholedrtcilhed , ' before County Clerk Klamath County. at hi ollice, Klamath rll,llrnnii, on Claimant 0-fi MISCILLANIOUS I.0ST-0ne33 Smith A Weiton re volrer between Court llou and Lake fide Ion. Finder will be libarly re warded by Icavinic aame at Lakeitde Inn. nar.irt at wllnrt.it! htlie Morgan, of Keno, Orrjon , Itichtr.l Krarna.r.f Itiif rii, California; IMward llra.ty.of Krrl, California; Joilnh II. Oley, of Dorrit, Califorbia. i'.h J. N. Waiimix, Itmiiler. MONEY TO !.OAN-llard timet but I have some money to loan if jou hate theaecurity.-b'. B. Hall. IN THE LITTLE PRINCESS PBtaPHiBiBiBiBiBliBbBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBVJ.kw , rou MAU For Sale Underwood Tjpewriter in good condition 50. I. V, Kuykendall. FOK HAM-: Itotary bull bearinK White SewliiK Machine, lalitt ditlyn, aiilllletlahurniturehlnre. if Safet Two practically now llerrliik" Hall-Marvin lafca, at a barKain, one 20x 2-liniliea mil one 25x3.' Inchex, Intldti. Inipilreal lleitkeinr Jewily atore. You get more room, more cooking surface and convenience than from any atove ever sold In Klamath Falls. E. VIRGIL 6 SON Dealers in Furniture and House Furnishings. At the Bridge on Main street FOR 8AI.K Orm ilretter , one watli stand, ono rocking chair, one table and one heating Move. Call nt the lirick tore. n For Sale One whole builnen block in Klamath Fulla for ilo for forty cents on the dob larofwhatit ual worth thirty dayi - C D. Wlllion. TtKfAIITMKNT OK TIIK INTKIllOli. r.txutl. ijko nrnrr. Wuhlniten. I. n Mai.N n. !. NnTicc or atnuatnoN or rxauc i-tNi t.i .,nutii tun rNTar.-NiHk u -m-r Vlvtn IKtl tlw artlnr rWrturr of IK. Interior hu vwttnl il.artnwtitt ordr ut ltMrttl In t ftrutlM um..Trta lh wlitujrawtl for Irrlat. Iloo uutiKr. uiwl.r th til of Jin 17, IWU IJ1 ?. iv tt in naiMcikm wltn tl- KUmtlh l'roltt, Ornron, of Ih. follow! UtnU.I Un.lt In th HUU of Orrtrvn. tml la I.U tuthorllr turn of uld trwtt at httt not Um Iwr.lofora Anallr rttUnd tnil art HA olh.rwU. llllrt wn.r.rl or approi.rltlt.1. will L. ..il,)t m witlnnrat Uh-I.r tht public Urullawt of ih. Unlll rluirtonan.1 ftr Jurutl, l, but tlitllnotUtuLjOTi turn, try. flllnr. or t.Uctl.M until July 31, ihm. ii ih. Unltmt KUtn Uml orTUa tt UWkw, Orraon. wtrnlna l-lr. ttprvulr alvm that iuni will loprrmliu.1 turtln ortirrrUt tnr nthl ht. w undtr in Mttlrtn.nl or orruilm lvun ritrl.brutry U, 1KB tl prior to Jur..M, lc H!i NK'i. W'i HK1,, l-!l..n IW. T, SW , It. K. Ornron. I'llfcl) i)t NNI.TTt ' ' t-., . ., 9!.".'!1.l.'..'"n, "' " !tral Uiul Orn FRANK I'IKIiLI. I Irtt AttUttM rWr.Urr of Ih. InLrW DKIMItTKNTOITIIKINTKItl()lt,utML uxoorrur, Wt.l.n.ti.,.., li i: Mar 2 l. .soma or r.r.,Mii.N r i-ii.li.-i.Am' io mnum akh mo rS,.iiiu it brrthr ulirri ti.it i be ttrirr'trr ol II..' In'tru.r lit, t' .-.. h.,,,!,.,,.., ,i,Pr (J, WHIilllSMtl III Ul far tt ihe itmt tSctit tlm mib.lnwtl b.r Irri. .,l.1iVn.'""'0!, l""1 ' "" "r "' J"i" i. iw. '?; "'' t8?" !"' '"" '" f-iiiin lion with ih Klanaihl'io).t,Ortri.ii,ol il.f lolt.mli.fd, -flU.I lahrt. In m.i,. , Oreim, an'l bl blttuibUrlit.icb.,..i, tc ., i.'.vi ,,,, ....". I'1"e,"!, Anally rtii.re. arid tir not oibi-rwltd wlih.lrai.il, rcu-rtnl or ai.i.rnirl r.!Viin,,i'yi,uyic.,..,"1v'.,,,,,n iio'itr tin Incorporated November StBlcincnt of Coitdlur , .. of I lie Klamath County Klamath Fllti, Ovc., DECEMBEH 31, HH,: RESOURCES IrtmiiH ami PIscoimtH lloniliiiindSecuritlfH Uoal Kritnto, litiildinH am Flxtiirort . .. Cash nntl Slwht KxijIuiiiku O.J,'- 1900 nk 0 80 -"MM ' r,.io 5BH!i,0.0.51 UABILITIES CaiiUil Slock, fully paid Surpltm ami I'mlHa Duo Otliur ItankH Di'ihihIIm I. Alex Martin. Jr.. (WiLt of n . bank, do rudrninly awrnr that lb. mint la trm In the U'tt of in knon ' ' AI.KX M Alt UN. J i SubacrllHtl and worn to U-f..t. n of January, llW, ISt-Alf C Nntai) 1'nb'ir I $ 1 oo.uoo.oo 21.733.1! :J2.ogo.im 13l.ti5.t10 5SH5.0.10.B1 ..1 OFFICERS ALEX MARTIN E. R. REAMIS ALEX MARTIN. JK. LESLIE ROGERS 1'rc Vlcc-I'rc Ci.slilcr As.s'UVIiicr Jcnl dent Pioneer Bank of Klamath linsin The Eldred Company F. G. ELDRED. Manaijer Bonanza, Oregon Siddlet, Harness and Supplies We make a specialty of first-ckis.-., . , .mntcctl. hand-made Saddles and Shaps. n .r Saddle? have an established reputation. Orders From Everywhere Solicited Ready for Inspection Our line of Carpets, Matting, Tapestry, Linoleum, Art Squares, Tabic, Lounge and Stand Covers, is ready for inspec tion. Something entirely new Alto Silk Float and Feltolene Mattresses Brass and Iron Beds-Adjustable pen cil woven wire Springs, the only thinf for hot weather. Polshed Oak Dining Sets and all oik Rockers. W. H. DOLBEER Successor to R St. George Bishop Phone-Store, 61 Residence, lf5 CHA8. K. WOHDKN IWdent M. WOKDKN C(hltr I itKl) MEUIASK Vl.-i-l'rrill1 The .American Bank and Trust Co. Orrion, watnliiK Ulna rti.rrttlv , ,! no ir.n will lw riiiriiM imaiti Sr Vim m wcu(.all.ii Uun tU., M.y Mtv I.iVm. Vi i irlur o Julriu. IM. all licit truhint u iir ," HraVl"l,i-i5.'Xle..V.h.K '"' .. SW ir ' ' WiVi," JVly.-r"'""11 1. FHANrmKrV?" "' "" "'"'"'" ,J""1 om rim A..I. a it Btcrriarr ol Ihe Intcilor nwvy rrcignung a specialty. Baggage Order Are Give Proapt Attention 0. K. Transfer & Storage Company Hiving up-to-date pluo track we solicit yoar f lae plaao moving PHONXS Office H7 Barn 671 Rctldcnce nan WENYON a GRIMES, PROPRIETORS "V - i-v - tH v I SrT. tagmaafc- MftWtWl antM. ( tMaw " IJIlJliSiSi it J . LdBn gut-, aa. &. 2 s l3 ; CAPITAL, iflOp.QOO.OO Cor. aid d Main ri