I tt You Have My Guarantee With every article of Jewelry bought here you have the assurance that it is just as represented. There is a guaran tee that you are getting just exactly what you think you are buying. Past reputation is a good thing to judge by. Old customers of this store are custom ers now, and they are helping adver tise the business because they are sat isfied :::::::::::: BRIEF MENTION , SOCIETY j t KVKHTS OF THE WKKK j In Potili tins Peeiil.rlal,uttiliao Wii elven 1 lliln vi k In linimrul MI.J Allio Kills, hI,,.i- in l.o it June bride, ami M1"' Nun rink's il Wilder. Mm. A. t Lvavttl ami daughter aie vUltttib; at Doirlj. W. T. FllilU Hfllt inoiiilnn. Merrill. A natural ira-cctmcr. tll ,,, n,t,l ,h,., m mak. her Have joit seen tlii) lien line ul .lenelt) , ,om, t Wlutom? Mm. V. K. r.nlil K'i' tliimrr In 0. It. Crluhir ami daughter nent out ! ti.tii.tr ..f Ml" Hill, and each itneM G. HEITKEMPER, JR., REPUBLICAN BLOCK . . . Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician . . . QdHilj II ?SafasZvl fih -:- WHY SUFFER FROM -:- Kidney s Bladder Troubles When MVAL'S STONK ROOT COMPOUND Is such a positive remedy? II silmulau-s the kidney to the full pcrlormance of their (unction, eliminates uric poisons front the system and acts as a soothing, healing atfent upon tru bladder. By Its timely use, healthrul conditions of these organs are promptly restored. PRICK, $1.00 per bottle UNDERWOOD'S """" , 7th and Main PHARMACY Street. Klamath Falls, Oregon ou tin' bout tlilt nioi ulnu. Special Sunday dinner .it tlii' Hoiutoii UinliiK 1: oiii IriiiiiUlnS. S.S. MllclU'llurrhftl in the city hut nl.ht from Aihluuil, Walter Win. it In the city from Silver l&Vv. He expects to ii'inaln tcieial ild) a. Inr the licit Hit In ln call "' ''"' Miuiiiiintlt Stable. II. W.Miuw, l'n prietor. Tint .Mlirn llaiitiahuiid Malili' llouiie. biers n( 1". J, lion lie. ate ihe gileiH ol friends in tliii city. Jim Struw liaa (e rlmhv tomato plants for mle. U'eit Hide near btl.ltte. I llttrgo .Mason ami Thad .Mcllattun am ! at -prlng Creek enjijini tlie ecelleiil i llihlng at the resort. . j II your vie trouble Jim, kt inti n. lilt. Hoot IU-r ul Ui" illy lUk.-ty. . niiiioslte Aliicih-li lintel. if- . I k'viieniui hospitality t tli" Muffin j he C,e...u nt Hie Cil ILikery. Live j aMtMMlf rnll,u,llri, ii, a trial, opiate A.neiuu.illotcl. If- ,.,, ,llllolllrr wllMUni(irlll, j Merrill. Investment not Speculation. I Aiming !" m-sts were Mi" Alhei Humphrey IIroi.havep.it ..pan n. 'UK ne of KUtiulh . Jmw bride. ln on the Klamath IMel.ipmeiit Cum paiiy' liulMIn. Merrill. Prorcr(y Is reasonable. One of the inui plei-ml entertain. .. . , , . . . ...... mi'lilanf the pr the annuil nel Noil can yet a SJiue.il tern ul ill , ' ut.'i lintel (urt I. Hoard and lud.lii. IS iilhl nlvn !) H' Wonnii'a Club al biiiiiiiht ii fitft (r Hit Inl.le Mi. T. W. Zliuuieiiniin entertained U )iiuni;UilU'iintte.i Wedned.iv eienlnu (or Mlsi i:il.i n'l II'"""1")" ,'Vl'", iil'iiniiuilero(i'iiii H-iple eie In xltlliillie llllli hume l meet Hie i:n.mi Mr. M. I'. Mlrkler. Mim rill Inn Ih'i-ii In KUinalli l'H' le limit )' hut iluiinit that II Inn inl.le iiniliv frlrml" who ii-!iet her ilep.irliiie. Mil. liiclniiil t-litue Sinlth rlilef, talm-J the Wl eliih lhl alleinwii l her j liotutllul Innue mi i:ilia lleiiilill , Mr. Jill Mil i: I'. Mnrnn enter j taliicl Informally lie-riilli! llil eek in honor of Mr nn.l Mr. I'erey I. Moll , nf AlanicU. Mm. Mutt Ii frulititf the milliner with her ililer Mrr Alnrijaii. mil Mr. Mull wlin l in U' eiupl.iy nf the rsiutherii I'.u'lt'n; I'relKhl I'eplit , iiieiit Is inllntf lil- .ir.itl"H hne , A l.iine nninlK'rnf KUtfita eiij'iye.1 III"' SPECIAL SAL? RED SIAR ROSE CSEAM Here a your chnnco to trout (Jlll ,if , Summor'H supply of tlio dnintlc-t lll(, lb'f unulicntor of tniiB, sunburn and (,ii mi ' Jf. olToctaof n hot Bummer mm on .i,P iiii RED STAR ROSE CREAM hs .,,,,,,, unvinblo nnmo with nil who vahu . (.0():in emollient cream for the face. . SPECIAL 15c THIS WEEK Itell Klar llua Cream lell. letfiilnrly l,n ; o .e weak only wr will all tun many u.i., "l '" for lflc per bottle. SOc bottles, 3o edit! ...BETTER GET A SUMMER'S SUPpy STAR DRUG STORE s ivii;ManCB IOU IVlOllej1" I nn.l Mr. M. I'. Kloil.li. Mlekler, nf Ui'ilHirr, :l neck. 0. I). Wlllaon, 1'rop. tf the rtxiiu.iif tln'CninerVatory of Mini.' J.r.Mltcl.ell.oflhv MIlM.ell T.i..!'rllll"'1''''"i"' '"," ' '"' lie Co., of Doril,, w.. In tl.e city fl.i) '', a'"1 un,v "rr" I""'"1- ' Commencing May 1st Ease and IHHBK Comfort IH In Travel Only 12 miles of staging and then a delight ful boat ride up the Klamath River to Kla math Falls GOING:-Stearaer Klamath leaves Klamath Falls at 4 a. m. connecting with stage at Teeters which arrives at Dorris at 8. COMING:-Arrive at Dorris at 4 p. m. by stage to Teeters and by boat to Klamath rails arriving here at 7:30 In the evening. Oregon & California Transportation Company on InwIneM. dime In an I tee them. I'lejune to iliow ton. Thin fnr llattau'r. -print " Mc' Die flirt I'.iit ul the pniraiii euli' lti'lnj ihaal trin hy M. Jr. tie lliuck Miirau, Mi. I'urey Mull an. I WE ARE LOOKING I I .'I up'liiMlate H.plK to rairy our wnkl.e.. We ran nippl)' watrhra for aniline, fi.mi the JinuiK" et In the inlale nl.l nun, K'jch Hilrli I. liiiaraulml In Ulle Perfect Satisfaction H. J. WINTERS DEALER IN WATCHES aWHdaaaaaattaaa I'o mil bur blemlol mhlikey. When j on mitt pur whl.Vty ir that It Ii put npnn.lfr the (fovernineiit'i "lomlr.1 Mi I.eta Nickerjon ; a piano mlu l.y Mli. Ntpkervi ! s eotilrjltn aalo lit .! Utile Arnelt le.ive. for IMUn.lt, Mr JIot B(J , ttdmlon ,,, lhlrCl ,,,. I areho.o .lamp." a. I. .U C.i.lln.n. Cal., In tin ninrnlii)!. She U oncnf the ... .. l hikey, Waler Mill mht.iry, N. Itralnatei of the Kl.mitli IIIkIi ?.ho..l Tli, H (ouar,l l.y n pr.mreitlrr , ,l,"'"" ')" '"1 ' ' V V- "' y jUl uf l.at .1 iKr A 111- m.r A COMPLLTI. mo'J SHumm-Wium Paints and Vmisna U you nee.l arnthlajlaii!, line we v,t gM iof you color tmli 1D( prtcei. U't intii ur ,jn mit)ct, i1""- ii n Geo. T. Baldwin, HARDWAKE DEALERS Klaiualli Kails, OrtSi l:nr 5lc ami ire. low.e animn... cy ... acrep. comct,i0s KaII1P ,1,1,1, vailou. I .t ,w.Ulon a. atennrapher. tnpiei ere ili.c.iHe.1 on a tin... limit. ThcMlll.lryr..l0...ha.rcc,Wr.llniI,i.4m(. 1uloe4l,ril , ,, rveral.liipuieiilo(KalerriilreMB.,,i ..uuty an,, ,..,. I Cill anil In..e,t the ne line. j Hj,,lly ,i.f,..,.,,t, ,t0 ,,f, a, j Warden! from the Mute Inline ! all went anay Uerlarlii It . ilellirhlliil I ' aiylum nent nut nn the Kut Hit. mm n ' ""'"" injc with two patient in dare, u Ii.ly Prun.i. i from ljikelew ami n man iuine.1 Tt.tr.". o In Lor.lln Ihiuw.. Lul )oy alncinif Ilia L.irJra Anoint eilllal) from tT.lt ill v. Anl rnlitrcon ai clvtnc rook, a Luntli c.r funny nrdrri . Merrill Valley the heart of Klamath. win. n n.i. rta. -f f..iin ii.. rt.Mn ' ilrii. drop I. Ili r.llur., no rr(rtflf.l of Ihr f.vorll. Stock Rancn For Rent, pma-c-p i f.'o tabl. in a ljuttAmt Uui. w.i .itr null, (omtilttf i . In Wool Klver Valley, Klamath Co.,1 Ui.kn id juicy trun a. tlr. wlilij 1 .!.. .jn irn .i.. I oll.tr ll.lr.u in rat. iiiiHiKiwi.i, .at.r. iiie.no- ,erfr ,Ury , lu,ut, an. i jm pasture. n encime.. ror lan.llna Jok V. H Willm. If -'. One Hlmte ln Mkln KU'I 1'alli for tale I I '-nli c. lit U- 'h tLlit; ;i II. UCVc an J nut further pirtivulari Inqnlie nf T. A.I ('nlU'rt.nn, Aihtan.l, Ore. HI i Ho oirr l.u.l ilntr l.umorljt at th.iii M Hit may like. Ilrooklyn Tlino. Services At The Churches The Eldred Company F. G. ELDRED, Manager Boninza. Oregon Saddlei. Harneaa and Supplies We make a specialty of first-class, guaranteed, hand-made Saddles and Shaps. Our Saddles have an established reputation. Orders From Everywhere Solicited Services will be held in the aevcral I churches of Klamath Falls tomorrow as I follows: Methoilltt Services riiiwlay School .it j 10 n. m. . I'reachini;, II a. in. Kpnorth UiiiiiU', 7:'M p. m. Flnit mill Clill.lr.'ii'a flay c-HTiinOH 8 1 1. m. Apprnprialu exerclie hy Ihovhililren ' Jinl jniiiiu pe'iplu. Aln an fi'MreM hy i I'rof. Duiilmr, toKetlier vitli loloi uinl ilneta, etc., villi (.niiilitutu thu proram 'i.f the evenliiK. . The church Kill l- ilecirnlvil uilli llatri. It. Pinith. "lali't )our new piwn IIiiMii-.I et1" "Oh. Krinluii i, no! 'Iliu ilreuiiikera work on It mu only rnuipletcil la.t Halurihiy. "Hut If Iliu ilresiinnker'a through Isn't Hut nlir "Of tnurxc imt. All my frleml. hate to crlllcl.i. It )et."-Kmnrt Set. Bern. Catltfaelion. "M:i." hifueil CM., "tell lue Mime profiuilt). wni'l J..:i " "Why, IV l-r exi'l.ilmeil her Inotli er. "I.liile KlrlH mmnn'l Hue profuiie wnrdi " "Oli. I Jurl until to Hiln. Ilieui nlien I f .ill iI.umi iinil l.uuip m. -elf !" i'lill ailelplihi 'mo. ItCV. V. COXKI.I.V. I'aMnr. 1'rethyterijn (.'liurcli Junu 1 1, ts. Usual Services both moniln and evening. Morning teriuon, (iil I'urn.isn fur Man. KvftnliiK leimon, Service in n JCo - j iUite nf Manhood. . llV. Gi:0. T. I'HATT, 1'aiir.r Elwood Steel Fences GUARANTEED We are in recent .receipt of a carload of the Famous Elwood Steel Fencing and Poultry Netting'in all widths.. We stand ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood Fence we send out Geo. R. Hurn Chinch of Sacred Heait Man dally at 7t30, Sundays at 10:30 A. M. KV. I!. Keusl.S. J. Ilapliat Services Sunday School 10 a.m. Preaching 11 a. in. H, Y.I'. U.I Dickcry, Pickery, Deck. Vnu know it... in... . run un Dm clock. Hut wliyT III. i.i i in in Hay. Jlollur Clow in i;.,jji hum. "'I'lie clock .truck oi.a, an.) down l.o come " Uoilil lltr.'. ttio nrrt-kecp It ininn III. run wai full of lick. -Niw VnrkTImt.. Bimllir, but Oiff.r.nt. "1 reckon you iilu'l much llko your ma," suld the old fashioned woinnn as they met on tlio street corner. "Oh, yes, I am," protested the over dressed youus lady. "Mu'u at Iioiqw plecln. a quilt and I'm out waking a spread."-C'hlcago Nens. Watson & Van Sickle PRACTICAL BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS 100 Designs by Fred Hodgson, Chicago's Uadlntf Architect, to Choose From aMaM-avanawi---- We uIho furniah plariH and specifications by llodnwit at 1-3 th regular price. Your patronufre conlmm collcitui DWELLINGS A SPIGIALTY CALL WATSON, LAKESIDE DOM r --t HOTEL FOR RENT THE RICHELIEU, THE BEST HO TEL IN MERRILL, COMPLETELY FURNISHED. WILL LEAS!1) TO .... DESIRABLE PARTY.... I MRS.T. A, BALIS, Merrill, Ore. ---.-.-.-.-.-.--..-.-.-. -.-.--v-v-. ---v mjm..i&m p. m. l'reachlni7:30 p. m. IIEV.J. I). OBIFFITII, l'jttnr. Notice While the. lime I have on hand laoln it will he sold on demand, after it Is gone it will be necessary to haieSQ days no tlce to permit of my hurnln. another kiln. II you want limn this Hummer get it now. C, O. Wlllson. Whin Lov. Ii Young. 'you haven't half smoked that elsr. A iiowly married man should not he ao wasteful." "I leave the bulla loux to pleat my wife. 8h likes to 0U, cm vltla rib bons and hang 'tm about the flat." Washl-iitou Ueruld. 'Affinity. To the factory gl.- iv nn me banana curl BuM tli. man with Ui, Adam'. .1,1,1,. "I can plainly tu V ' You're Hi. fruit for in.." Ana hi lwJ tier 10 tlio chapel. -Llpplncott'sllngailn.. HOUSTON HOTEL DINING ROOM OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE MERCHANTS' LUNCH, 11:30 to 2 DINNER, 6 to 8:30 Are prepared to serve banquets and dinner parti j MEALS AT ALL HOUR