The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 11, 1908, Image 1

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Mostly Kl I'",,r ln
Klmnalh KHi .
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results
SeConi) Vi:ah. No. r,7,.,
Price, 6 Cents.
Spring Rains Prove Great Boon
to Klamath Country
fields llntler Uiltli looking I M.eplioiuilly Well and lperi
fnentnl Ornins ond Irccs Making Splendid Showing.
Mi'iistircnwnt of Rainfall for lliruu Months .
A-iu.llKi: I the kept by W.
Il.llrilr'inn wli-. has i bargi' "' "
u,,rrill'Mi ol the HMMtliHi l-m, the
sutint ! (ailif-1l lot li" 't Hine
laoolln i li'llimi 'tll ,W l n
lull Jin I "H niches1 June ll tu ItMli
.Hoi an Hull I"'1. I lll'brs.
Tlisraliifoll f rli-tiljr .'.l "I
in Indi, nioiiiili l ni.iUtf ii lliu mil In
pl ika and I" pun t valuable help
UallJiy fanning !'"' '' itr fon'l
enpt t n-i Puking well hi ui
lUy JllnUl.ii limnlaal )enr, but till
Mr. Ilrllrnun lliinka that the hull
rilkxn ate rry pinioning fur an aver
ts jlekl Inn Minfoll this Spring !
iwt brrn at liraV V It Was ll ),-lt
U: Ike iwuitiira has l-eell illMllbtllid
ttlnl iliicr Itir warm weather )ii l
Is lU trains and grasses nie irlii ("t
lliftiprrimputs bring carried im ly
Mr. Ilrllrmau Willi trws and uilii mo
irrjr tucrrnlul m In, Tlir trees am
Ififloj wit mill tu Ur a can I Judged
illklitlmealliil Hum will iln Hill.
Tkf Itiiu piiluienls alii cip.iUII) i n
cieriiii g and Imlli'iitliiiK are tlil n
inqllbl koi'f liuii'iiti nvtr variolic
till I liitrudiitcl licit )er.
Mr llrileuuii nllr tint Most nl tin'
CtUt umK r tin' ditch mi being Itrl
litfd Mid tint condition" are very lav
onklslor a lnv) Mi M, Many til tlif
lirawrsaif cM'tlmi'iitlng nllli sugar
Urti and Iln- Hi Id, under lliu illlrli mi'
laAIng rirrptluiially Mill. There It
nnir Miiunrc tlitt in time this
kill Urouii' a al sugar producing
Practical Demonstration
Asaiiptalnplenl what limy Imi iIiiiiu
llli Klamath cimiily land when they
imi Inlii Ike hands n lui'ii who will
"jlliciiutliriMiifirinlng Mr. Illelcuiaii
tit" i piece ui luinl nenr tint Bgga
Khali; limi.1', uhmil t0 U,. m,
'Wol i, citj, AJmut j0r m,lt
o.Mr IUmiIsm h it mh.i'Iiiii u( IImI
""Mr-agiliinahland, Mu lia t lfir
rr il
It you are going to take a Trip
We can fit you out
"1 1 I
cl llip nliic Iiji all nl It plowed mil
riited i, grain mid grasM-a and 1i huh
read) lur gincininml irrigation. 1IiI
case I i fare simple ol what will l'
iluim with the lands nl this basin whin
tin' J ! Inlii tln IhihU nl inrii uIkiuii'
iiiiiIiiiI tuili-vnlu llii'lr llmi' to llllllif
tlm Mill mnl Imililini; Iihiih', 'I lie In
ilicatlmi' mi Hint Mr. Iliixiln w lit Imr
M ! Imi' i toi tlil )mr. Wlut KUin
tli iiriiU l iihiM' iin-ii llkr Mr. IIiwiU
mnl lltlioy irri'itKllir irnxrr riicoiiraiji"
HK'iil tliry nlll niiiir nin llmi tkr ilc
M li nirnt nl tlir itiuntr) li milH'l.
Attach Lakeside Bar
An nll.irlniifiit m llliil )i'tcnly
K'lnt tli" Ijilrtl.l Inn liar, Attninry
J. C. liuti'iilr attililn tlm liinlnr,-.
1 1 ul tlm Muck linn Urn Ukrn III In li' I
li Mu'ilK Obviu lialn an I moil to tlir
iU) wmlriiU Iioiim lirr lie li
Iln' Cinxfo nl tin' Mi'Uay 111 in ttnrtil
(.'apt tl. (' Ai.livnti) i In rrcilpt ul
two t-tcrll-iit ilntn)nili4 u( Cratrr
Ijikc, llic vuiik ill K. II. Klcr, tlm Im'1
kiimii iK'inir ntlirt un tliv I'uclfic
iiMit. Mr. KImt, Inn mmli' illfnrrlp
In tin- llnr ul iliotoKrl'l" llit liac vii
11I1I11I lilin to cnlaiKv to an t'lioriiioim
l.'un ilmtiit:iaili tlmt In' lin lnki'ii.
I.. I!. lliMii) lllli'Vii tumorrow lur
llin t'liut tinintlm hIuti- In- I.m irxt'rnl
Kiiwrnint'iit fiinr)liit: riintrarlt Iln
Kill l' K'Oio .il)iit lour iiiimtln anl Mill
do rcniii'Jiiiel mi I lie lrii l) J. I.
Hail, IkiliSinltli mill I'ranL UhmIf).
'Iliry Mill tait from Iipik with a pack
"I lie ptramer Canlij , o iiivl liy Acklv)
limit,, it iiiiiIitkoIiik rcnli. A ni'W
Mlirrl ami a llioroiii;li uverliaiilinK o(
Ilia iiitrlilnvry ll( put lior In lint ilam
I'omlltlon (or a toninil ami Kcncrnl
frt'lKlit liilniiir.
'I lie Mlllii lry (100.U t!o. Inn ri''liil
ai'M'rul nlilpmi'iiliKiinaKlvrn ilri'M uoimIh,
C ill mnl lii'iK'tt llmiiru line.
Complete Stock
II ITI I ' "
Population Increasing in
Northern Lake County
'MipCIiiIhIihuii l.nkr Vallry, In ulilcli
tin' writer lux a limniitfail, li ulluntiil
in tin' nnrtlii m part ol Ukc lounty, It
Inmnlent-tliiil alMit lllly inllm am) l
Iruiii tnilvu In i'IkIiIi I'll inlli-i In uiillli.
Itiviil la n'niili' uili nilinl Willi
ihiip rjii'l, nml In Ita natural Mate tin
u 'Uirii,iii uiiiwtli nl mKiMniuli, At
' pif-fti-nl llii'if am iiUiut lour irtllwnmU
I in tlic a1Ipv, b lliu l.ukii
iiir Ijikn m'tlli'iiii-nt, wliiili ln a pout
1 nlllci-, 1 allfil Lake , Clill itli a iMolllir ;
Nlnkilt' 1'ilrr, wliuir nrllli-ra eel lliclr
jnull Ml Cliff ami Knit Hoik clllcuipnl
I Man) new M-tllirt are cnmliiK Into tlm
fltM. II. la a,..t,.. a.i.l , I......A, ..
mi nl are t en lu every rettlrmtnt.
ijiillf a l.miti! arrraxe "I itralu wan auwn
Anniversary of Adoption
Of National Emblem
(Dy C. C.
Nril Fumlay, June Hth, will I the
13ll. annUertay ol tho adoption by
(.''irigreM nf our nation it riuhlem the
Star Spangled llauripr. The resolutimi
paM"l 1 1) CuiiKtrts at that llinu was aa
lullnwa "Itemilrnl That I lie Mag ol
the thirteen milted rtatra he thirteen
lrlx', alternate nil ami while; that
the union he thirteen utarn, white, on a
blue Held, rrpreieritlug 11 new constel
lation," ami, In many parti ol ourcoun
try, June Htli, has come to be recognis
ed Hi; day.
Would It not bu well that our national
!ll.ibodiila)edoii next Sunday, not
I mil) Iroiiitliei-ouutyandcltyllsg mails,
iliut alo from all Khool buildliiS ami
J from our biirliuis blocks and homes.
Some ix-ople niay think Hint Hags and
.patri.itWiiiaruoliKathlone.l. That may
' be true, bat they are lioth good fashion j
Frank Ira White leaves fur
I In tlie morning,
I Visit Manning's II nu want the belt
1 iv cream.
Mm. A. W. Met has been ipiltc sick
I loro few dais.
j Mrs. i:. W.OIllelte Is recovering from
'an operation erlorined a few days;
' since.
I You can get a 2J meat liook at Will
1 sun's lintel (or l. Hoard and lodging 3
'a week. C. l. Wlllson, 1'rop. tl
i:vrtliliift ' I!""1 '" Summer mil
I hiury will le (ound at the Milln Pry
I Good Co.
Henatur Abner Weed and Horace
Mllihell will goto Fort Klamath in the
morning to look alter Mr. Weed's Inter
eslr in that section of the county.
Will 0. Steel arrived in tho illy last
night (torn I'm Hand to look after trans
iwrtatlon matters and to make arunge
menl lor the Summer at Crater Uke.
Mr. a id Mrs. l. B. Hall returned last
iilglit liom Tort land where they took in
the Hobo Carnival. Mrs. Hall has Just
returned (rom a trip through Southern
California and I" Colorado.
Ottls, gentU Spring is Lere, and so it
the snellest line of collar pins, collar
supporters, waist sete, bracelet! and
studs lor waist! and imall waist links,
all In the newest designs at Mcllattan's.
Come in aul see them. FUajuie to
show voii. Thing! lor Hprlng at Mc
Hattan's. L. Alva Lew la returned last niglit
from Portland, where he had been to
attend a meeting of the Oregon Retail
Jewelers' Association, ol w'hlcb he is the
president, and wa! re-elected by a unan
imous vote. He wa! accompanied by
Mn. I-ewli, who remained at Woodburn
to vllt with relative! tor a few weeks.
last (all ami llila rprinK, Imt nwinf( to
late Iroata niuili of It liail to Ix.-reiicdnl.
Hum over, much of it n not killi-il nnil
it looking well, m that n U'xxl hnneiil
Many Irorn Inri'i'O tn )uur tltv lor
auppliet vIiIioiikIi it la ipiiti' a iliitamu
lo trait 1. 'I li irop- In for u railroui)
lliroiHili thin iilli') ale n'l. 'J lit
llarrluinn f)Mi-in put Its Imt nurwy
tliroiili thin inllty ami n Itarri that
crulivra oru lu the Oilell lake lluilur
feet Ion intimating tlmlor mipplica lor
the new runil, Willi tlif aihint nl I In
rallmail into our nlh-y norlhern IjiLi'
munty will JeeoHj ami v.ill
loon fill up with hnrnetcpkera.
r. n. W111TM.V,
Clifl, l.aki- County, Urt'Kon.
and lit n fashion as well.
ll Ik estimated that, because of the
increnu"! ilrnuml, tlm inanulacture rf
our Natiomil Hag has fully qnadruplnl
in the hut ten earn. Nearly llinu mil
lions of tllk Hags atone. Iivuklia the
many millions nl the standard wool
bunting ind cotton Hags, are nov man
ulactuied annually.
l'eni hauls leads the states in the
number and coit ol Hags purchased, but
everywhire tlio American i'0ile are
more and more inclined to kIiow their
high regard (ur our government by ills
pl)lng our national emblem on all
proper occasions.
No doubt we nl Klamath County are
iiiinll) patriotic with nur mi;hlor in
tbli and other states. It us U' equal
with them in spreading to lliu brivzes
ol our grandest inounUIn lielglits tlm
cnilgn ol our affecllniK.
Hopkins on Trial
Eugene Hopkins is being tried today
belure Justice of the Peace Milter and a
jury of six men. The ias Is on
wherein bets charged with assault and
battery, Mrs. Mike McDcrby being the
complaining witness. Most of tho day
wss consumed in tho examination of
The jury in the case la comprined ns
follows: A. J. Manning, J. M. Foun
tain, Frank Ward, W. T. Klllott, Chas.
Lewis and J. F. Uoeller. As soon as the
llrst case is completed Mr. Hopkins will
be tried for assault and battery on tin'
person o( Mike McPerby. Heratd read
em will remember tho account ol the
tumble between the McIVrbja and Hop
kins which nccurcd omo weeks ago.
Thevaies now 011 trial aro the results ol
the trouble heretofore reported.
Weed Depot Moved
The Southern Pacitlo and California
Northeastern depot is now located on
lis now site at u point where tlm Cali
fornia Northeastern Itallroad leaves the
main line. A large crew o( men were
occupied all last week In moving the
depot to ltd new site. Considerable im
provement is being mnde lu the way ol
enlarging it. TIiIj was very much
ueoded, owing to tlm (act that the
amount ol freight and luggage has very
miteilally Increased of late.
Boring For Oil
The Madras Oil 4 Ua Company bus
definitely decided to sink it! first well
on the old Joe Taylor place near
Lamonta, now owned by Oscar Cox,
and Hie machinery for drilling has
been hauled there and is being set up.
The land upon which the first well will
Eastern Packers Alarmed at the
Shortage of Supply
Price of Beef Already lncreaiftg and IndkatioM Are that
It Will Go Much Higher-Raise Entirely Due to
Shortage Throughout the Country
he drilled li located upn the weit lid
of Grizzly Mountain, and the decision
lo drill thera was made after a careful
lniK.'Ctlori of all the ground leased by
the company was made hy Mr. Ross,
the expert. The Indications ol oil are
aid to he wry favorable at that point,
numerous "rcepagcs"oIoll having been
oWru-d there (or jcara past. Pioneer.
Storms In Nevada
Iteports state that In the northern
part of Humboldt and Elko couatlss,
Nevada, tho snow has fallen to a depth
( more than (our (cet in the past few
ilu), and that thousand ol sheep have
pcrithtd. Many bands of sheep, unable
to rearli the valleys, are slowing staiv-.
ing and freezing to death. Many of the
owners are having trails msde by hone
and are putting forth every effort to
drive their sheep from the deep snow.
Seval Bros., who own many sbeep in
Nevada, Idaho and California, are re
ported to be the heaviest losers.
Keno Items
Tho Vox children who have bad tae
scarlet feier are now on the mend.
The eopleol Keno are disgusted with
their mall service and are now asking
lor a new mail route that will accomo
date ever) body on the line.
John Pier Is making preparations logo
tu Porris. He has let the contract to
put up a building at Dorrti 24 by 60, two
stories high, which -he will um for a
hotel and saloon. This building is to be
ready to occupy by the Fourth of July.
He expects to initiate it with a dance on
the Fourth.
John Aikley is building a new barge
to be used in connection with the steam
er Canby.
The weather Is fine and the spring
grain is coming to the front.
Itev. Crecy has moved to Dorris.
Iter t Cross is working tor John Ackley
Win. V. Mong and Mr. Mong bav
gone lo 1-ikev lew where they wilk org
anize a company to play In a nunibgr of
the towns surrounding that place.
The proof of
the freezer
The White Mountain 'Freezer
makes more cream, better cream, and makes it catier
and chraper thin any other freezer on the market
Indications at this lime are that thla
will be prosperous year for the stock
men. In all part! ot the United State
beef packers an complaining that they
cannot get enough beet to aopply tbeir
contracts, and especially In tha Eaet are
they itry much concerned orer tba. ap
parent shortage. Just recently the price
baa risen from 1 to 2 casta on toe 100
pounds, and the price la now around
one-third greater than it waa the first ot
Jane, 1907. KlatnattT county haa no
best ready for market at this season of
tb year, bat if the condition continue
a they now exist tb cattle growers of
tbli section wilt have a prosparoo year.
The sharp rata in price i aaid to M
da entirely to the ibortage in tb sup
ply of cattle in the market mad already
tner la talk in th East of having to
bv beef which waa exporUJ to Bag
land last wlater shipped back to thl
country is cold storag. Aa a natter 4
fact, th exportation of baaf from New
York I practically nothing aad th
packers at aot abU to All tbeir eon
tract mi with half tb aaaoaatot baaf
they bav engaged to ship. It la kaowa
that a number ol th packer an lattlag
lhfr contract go atlreljr by tb board
and are paying tbeir freight rat con
tract with th varioo auamablp com
panies and keeplag such meat aa they
have In this country, preferring to loa
th price of tba freight than to loa th
freight together with being compelled to
sell th meat in England at a macsTI
sum than thsy pay for It on thla aid.
Committed to Asylum
August Neaman waa brought befor
th County Judg thla morning and wa
examined aa to hi unity by Dr. R. R.
Hamilton. H emd to b afflicted
wltn the hallucination that be ha a
watch on hi atcmach aad that it il
causing blm all klada ol troabl. Ha
waa formerly a sailor and Ull ol hi
xprlncs with the watch wbll oa
tb ocean. II 1 a natlv of Holland
aad I a man probably forty year of
age. H haa been In this vicinity for
some month and ha recently been em
ployed by th government on th rock
quarry. A commitment war inoed and
be will be taken to th asylum a sooa
as Ui warden arrive.
it in the
V '