'.vjzrer V - i Concert t.il m rnra treat U'"". . ' . M.v 7. .t ll. i "" '.. i. ilmiunionnceliHflil Mu, r .- lk r ..i i.v mm r - Bk ...HlWII I 'J lf" '. .iJ.iNllw.iHi,iiiMfrllir ins"' , .... ii, ...J.tntiiT ill I Ml I . nl alio Bl" ":'.?: ..l.i. I-11- MHH..r IIimI. IW.Hi M""" ... Mil.. !,(. ,...tttr""" " Ulr. 2 :. who m-ir.iin-Mjr ;li i i ' w,;,k "' '" iclil iirganirniiwi " ,,! ii.hi.Ii tUtrwty i nruim mihhi "i in'- . i ,,..i, I. li library ' .1 ,m,D "I'""ml i,,.iiHi"i'ie ,7o Acre Prcc T,Ulr.l.lr ""y lmnWWMri.il ,Blnn.lrf Hi ''i"'"" '"' " " Ajiwiir-Nr iiiim: i-r )-r. ImIuIi-'IIh' ' "' ",r """ ""' h, . ...,i..i iiiii.l clear nii.l kur. ir ' lUU-.-t 'i. r..ltU..lr..t.. MUi-m. pd-Jlll""'"!"1"" " '""'" " .i irti-iimt """" J, Ultrtl.lii l.ltnpsiiy, J I'mii dnins, Manager, Mrrrill OtrK'.n. UfAsurvrs Notice Ijjjlw I. .r.rl.nilli-litil .' ,r l,.Uf''"'- """ '" ,,,, '. ulon ..I ll iiunwifiiii onmy .... , ,(ltttii mi nml .rlur ! !, rl Wl. llilelc.l mi Mini' will, ' Ta.ii.1.. i.i.i. IJ. p,tid it Klamath I'sHa ihli lllnla wil. Ii'" I. ,lrii. CoiitilyTirii.iinr. silled AdvcrtiAcmunU j.VTI'.l'-ri 'r"'. I"'""' "I '"" ' li.lincunii, luiiililir,! nr iinliiriil.li. I rl tuluMf. lor ln.lgll.it Iiuumi, I liw Ila. Hn. i It IIhIh', I'i'li lUl,rn., ui Cili nn,l I'ii.i' UAL UTATC rON IALC j IhmIUiiI tluii a ml llm IwUiiit on LttfUn Jr.i. Hum Mill lniy ynil n hi u. llm Himinrn Kliinry ratirli. tlklor:. II. Hall lul II. omrr In Jiln Itltrk, .ii-mi'l II.M.r, 1'iN Inr.tc )'l oil Imllir.lr,!. I Itia kII )uo a f" ranrli ol t Warrr In IUorll V.II.'V at ti prltv ll.at will ult'iKI. II. V. Krr.rf, ll. MISCCLLANCOUS . liri.MI.N4i A CO, lur mrlrhai.l. liar tljl.r.t raili t'llci-a lur nil kliiitaiil Itllrt irt'l Int., Ilrailiinartrra Antral na ll.trl ll WOOD roK 8AU ISutirn Inch nml fotir-fix.t wnl fur In in; iuaiillly, l,rnvi nnlrr ut Kiiitm; r'a Jrwi'lry Slnrc nr Nrw. land UiiJ.TwcK-1'a Drug ali.rc. 4 Mrt. W. I), S,vlirn l,a taken iliartti-' I II Atiiriit-jii illnlng iikiiii, mIiIcIi . I lU rrli.'.lrl..!. All wmiirll nrnka (rin..))p.. n.l. I. tlm ,larr In itrl 'trttllMltil tllKI. alaaalk lN PiiJk llWttfy VKUiiialliKalla I'ul.llc Library U tvrry .nflfrnimn fn.m 2 to filllO klatk and rarh vrnltur from OuTO to I 'lock. A rnnllul InvlUtlon la ' 1 to all. G. Helming & Co. Fur Merchants Mtnhficld, Ortgoit, or KUmaih r-lU, orcion Zim's Plumbing Shop Conlracilntt ana Jobbing .'lratclii l.lno nf I'lumln lnK SK-riaUltn nml Unit- Wnrkinnnalili. A. 0. U. W. Building Kltmith nils tocksonlHotel 'ort Klamath, Ore. c-en roomH, good beds. the table always aup- with the best . the -.etaffords-Termsrea-'ble. Jackson, Prop. BRIEF MENTION lot cream Ml .Manning', Mr.ainl Mn, Austin Cm are In llm city from lliinnnra, J'.veryllinm uonmiitiH'il ul Winters. Mia, .1, T. Henley Imin gone to Him' I'mncl.iiHiti ii lili, I Hpritig Hun I'mmum un,( Ulniw lint' t llio K K K li. if, W. I'. Illiodo. In In I In- illy f rf.rrt .Met rill. for tlm Lett ilg In limn mil , Mammoth rllal.trs, II.U'.Hlmw, I'm. prleli.r. Mr, T. Wi Imumiuinu, llaillmic, ' wlllaul'l ul llm Ciiiiieil, Tlimmlay evening. Merrill. Investment run Speculation, i Mm. W, '.. Mum nml 1uuteiil.r, .Ml IMnu, itii In Hi.' (ily )ilif.ln) (inm llii'lr Iiiiiiik nl l.nki'lcK mrtiiilp in I'ml Uml, NcH lunri'liln nl Wlulet. Iluinl iiiiiiiIht. nl Id.' mm rit 'Ilium day etenlhg lme been fillly at laligrd, i l( yum ttnlili Ii .li k .fiiil it In Win lets llix.lnl. J I. lull. I, nl lli. Klamath I'dlU' Trn.-iilotloii Co, arrhul In llm ill)' Itr.terday limn liln CnllfoiiiU ranch.' , will I- Imrrn f.'H dty MI.Mll.,. I J h.i.lne.r mallet.. Merrill. Properly Is rcssonsble I". Ilmi'ii Ulii lliftllr Iroiii Ikirrls. liKMymlmlovtn Ii .ry lUrl) uml tint idiiliartni. nun luittttlm nrraiigniii'i.U iiilu,rtr, (ir llm vlicllnil nl rlfit . Iiultiliiig. 'llm lilinlx'r la UlngliruiiKlit In l.y llm lialn (mm tin. U'rr.l mill. FOR SIMPLE MINDED. AHII Oi.t. V.iy wiu.I or ii. .u. I kiii u iwuii'i. Sr rrr, U l.li II iL,.r TJwii Ih f.wll.1. in... foi iuun4. Tk kick At Id- Ulck III.II.K In II,. I..ll.rr.l tu. Iltrry ,ir r..ln liy u wttl tluutl- ni M amlla. l'.Kk.llk In i. huuk Wlirl It .'.III. tit !, Ili luat. At a Unf it', a rlianro Thai ioii'.I unlr crab flo.t. It a frlr.i'l Trlr. t aii't I'ur ii left t,aml xlrmli l.y yuu. Till I, In. Mil. II illm at ll"-.. Yuu hill l.llna Mm ul. ut tu. It.nllr lr Tli- tUar Tliat I ,n.rr.t by a ftl.n.1. I.tk a. imt II I,., irut H.i'tul HKk.l. In tl, n... Al'tll i.ti- tt.li.rlr full Itllm. In I'l'tily. aa rul. H.I xl.o, alli.it uur .).. or yuu'll - an Afill '!. Somalhlng Llk It. I "What Uoo lie know aliout brtteryl Hit neer lis! n forlorn .tope." "Ho OMn'l. tliT Hine jrou.tri'r vu lite lull lio l.il l tliu innrrliiKo altnrt" Maybt. Wlirii urny uM March Takra up I.la atrip Ainl tliruUKl. Il.a arch. Way nmkra lila trip Oluil A,tll' amllra V I, all Willi lira. Kur aim U'aullra Will. mUly. Itr..rul,lii thru Will common h. MltnttlB Ilia wrni Will liuimt tlia Irs. Too tool for lc, ' Too warm for coal, VVII aae allca Krom off our roll. Clavar Man. "Ilia hroi"" u "" '" '', wlfe'' URUIO." 'Willi, If lb"' "" uuly """ "Wliut Jo you wcunV "I buvo bi-aril tbnt lot f -r p.oplw'a property U In bU wlfu'a) umih too." ' Dlffarant In Ona Way. "Ulytbo tliluk bo lm wrltti-n an stury " "Yea, bo bn buJ wo looklnif tt over." "Kind nuytbluu orlttlnul In ItV "WeH, tbo palllus." NotHlaityla. "Do keep tbow cbliarett quiet. "Wby,-I tbougbt you wore wua of vblldrenl'l Yt, but I dou't lUt) tbeui Ju UW." REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES pruJViVj & PHILANDER C. KNOX T PERT PARAGRAPHS. i Tlio uiily ) .in. iK-ople can Uwi I tlii'lr It IU'mTM la ny iciuic iimir cram It la mm ttiliik' d' limn' li"w " u,k iii'llmia nml iillf niiotliiT tu Im ul!e 'in rllrU ll.it iliiilriil nliawrra. , Tu If miir ul ttif all l-t orllnnt It la iUlli' imoraiary In line Hie tluat of igr In ll Tin- Utnl lotllt n clii't-rful ghrr ainl a kill" laLi-r. I. u J y oile ore Irmilili-aoiiiu iHt-niiito ll tnkca lK.r.1 wmk to g'l nut of Iruublo ninl Imrtlrr to klt' out. 1 1 la t-ay tu cliiM' tlm rut to llttlv Inaccuru-rl.-a uml amnll lunl.lila on tint Ii f I p If t Ii u ImaliH-a-t 14 prof ILiblo. Dim ttay lo iitolil llm tulai-ry of ci't- tliii; iii In tlm limnilniC la dy U)lug up nil nlglit I'lokliik' cluTrlia la n Duo trade for a trltil iiiuii. II nt'ivr laata more tliau n few uecka at moat. I Manlliwn IwromraaKeiitUmnii utucb . more lliun It iloea u la.ly. Tito only oulunrtl alk'li of a liuiuorlat la HOiiietlim-H llio ami look tila wife ni-nnt. If oii Imvu to pny llio flilJIer, you I wouM U'ller pn'pnro to ilo aome of the I innclni: youmvlf. PERT PARAGRAPHS. Lira nrv n ronnurrclul rommodlly tbat nro not nlueU nccorjlutf to tbelr aUe. Komo of tbo blggcat nro wortb Uaa. Moil UM not cut bliuaelf Into tbo world, but bo often takea urcat cretllt to bltnaelf for bla native alule. Iaat uieudetl ooncat cndei. Aa n rulo we nro nil about aa kluil na tbo other fellow will let ua lie. When (hero la oue mail to euru a dollar tbere are two to belp blm put It lu circula tion. It really take a bero to amllo aud tuillo and keep ou belli au eaay mark. Tbo trouble la tbere are too many people about making a uolao like a general election. It won't do to udvlae every oue to couceutrute tbo tulud because tbere are people wboae tutud would be uitmia quantity If auy couceutratiou were to occur. s You wouldu't suppose tbnt a etroug pull could be. traualated Into a aoft nap, but tbat ieeta to be Ua equlr-alent. OF PENNSYLVANIA. An Interesting Item Tlm Klamall. Pall. Military Hand m-iila u plmiii. Ju.t a piano won't 1", it iiiu.t U'i K'"l mil. Tnlmul tlm rouyli nrW i.( ilanru woik nml aa a rlulcrioin Inilruiiieiil, nml .till Ik- inu.ical enough In unci the .ewre rriiilri'int-ht nl aolii ami vocnl accompaniment work, it inu.t Ivatriclly lilcht;railo in t'ery particular. .Vim we can't nlTonl In pay llie retail priicnl aui'li mi Initrument, ami alter iirrcip.in, ling will. M'lera) leading piano liou.ea nn I lie cnant, ten per rent dil cunt wna the heat I cnuM grt. Now I hate Ut-n in the inu.Iu IiU'Iiiohh aeveral )entr, Ik.IIi aa n dealer nml piano tuner, nml I know aoinelhiiig nlmut the prirua an, I v allien nl piano. I know that we ran afford Ibu hlghcat grade Inatruuient made it wo ran only get the benefit nl whoifMie piirra. Alter coti.Idernble t-nrrt'.Nimleiicu with manttlacturera I llnullv hue U-en (otlunale enoui;h to aecurv the agency (or Klamath county (or I l,e llnlilwln piano, nnd Ihere inn't a U'lter piano made than the llaldwin. It la ncfciuary, howovrr, dr mc to buy (our pianoa in order In get tho benefit nl the wholeaale price. Now hcrv'a tho oint: I'm not going Into tho piano tmil.iea, I've aomething elm to ilo;liut'll Ihere are (our people In Klumalh County who want a first grade piano at the price usually aiked for a cheap nlencil initrunienl, hero ii an op IKirtnnily you'll never ro again in a lilelime. People don't niually aell plnnoa (or lun, and ordinarily you'll pay tho agent a profit o( two hundrtsl ta five hundred dollar. I oak no profit what ever and I ahall aell only the (our pianoa necewnry to icfiue llio wholesale price. Thia la strictly a rash proposition man ulaclttrera don't aell at wholesale on in alullmenta. Now II you know of any one in Klamath County who la In a pos ition to appreciate such nn opportunity, you will confer favor on the hand by re lc rrim: them In me. Ivan IUmkik. Historical Nov.la. To produce n 10 called blatortcel novel tins been attempted by many, but with Indlffereut auccesa by the ma jority, ao far aa history la concerned. Alike tbo beat known and tbo most ancccaafttl nuthora of tills claaa are Scott, Klngsley nnd Lytton. In group lug books of this type In an order of merit based ou tbelr historical worth. It cannot be deuled tbat "The Last of the Barons" should be awarded tbo llrst place, with "Heury Ksmond" and "Ilereward Ibo Wnku" bracketed as secoud. 'Victor Hugo's "L'tlUtorle d'un Crime," which bus beeu called "tho apotheosis of the special corre apondeut," la u notable example of a contemporary history written under tbln disguise of tlctluu.-l'earsou'a. Tbe flesh of young giraffe, especial ly that of a young cow. Is extremely good, somewhat like veal, with a mimollke flavor. The tongue, from eighteen to twenty luches long. Is ulso very good. But tbe marrowbones af ford tbe greatest luxury to the SoutU African hunter. THE E. H. DuFAULT, Proprietor Choicest of Wines. Liquors and Cigars Cntera to tho U'tler clnaa of trmle, with nothing to offend llio moat critical. Vr.u,'!! notice tho difference when ymt try It. Juat the place to drop In for a rcfrenhlnff bever He when you need a ntlmulant. I 'lire liquor nf all kind" fnr family trade a apeclnlty The Cream of the Best Old Continental Whiskey Normandy Rye F. F. V, Rye Hoitled Under the Supervision of the Government . . None Better . . . Sold Hy C. p. Willson Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH Of Furniture Is on Us way to the Klam ath Falls Furniture House, opposite the American Hotel. Mattresses already Arriving. "Our Responsibility nds whenever you are SatUfled." E. W. GILLETT & GO. IlKRT K. WlTIIROW, Vice President Abstracting Maps, Plan, Blue FrlBU, Etc. Klamath County Abstract Go. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers DON J. ZUMWALT.jC. K. President Klamath CHASE Get the Habit-Use Chase 6 Sanborn Coffees You'll be pleased with it. Those who have tried it say it's the best. We always aim to keep everything of the highest grade and want your grocery trade. Van Riper Brof Professional Cards DR.-WM. MARTIN Dentist Office over Klamath County Bank C. F. STONE Attorney at Law Offiico over iiostoiiico, Klamath Falls, Oregon TKUSriinNK 19 D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Kails, Oregon DR. C. P. MASON Dentist American Hank A Trust Co.'x IbiildlnK CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlors Oysters Served in Any Style j. V. HOUSTON, Prop. OFFICE AlXXMSLfMH, Secretary M. D.' Williams, C. E. Treasurer Falls, Oregon none 918 We Make Little Fuss . But there is always something doing at our place in the House Furnishing line. We carry the largest stock of House Furnishings in Klamath County. See us for a Square Deal. VIRGIL & SON At the Bridge oa Main Street Klamath Falls & Wlnema Truck & Transfer COMPANY Furniture nnd pianoa carefully moved. Baggage wagon and general draying. All work clven tiromDt attention. Bust to and from all boats. Phone 103 COLBURN & YOUNG Proprietors ftirs Wanted C D. Willson la In the market for all kind of furs, fo.wWehh.w.UJ.aurjth, hlgheat market price. Address Mas. at Klamath Falls, Oregon. 1