'iWivi),y' IS' : ;WBSH ' , -i"" &? i-k 7C l ' tfttJft. &y Ittwl I'niwr In .Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . KlinwtK Ki'll" J l w '' .ji& , ;"'& ""' .-' $fe fll LBJi, DdYkak. No. Ml. 1MPAIGN IS VERY QUIET y Nominees De pend on friends ITESTS ARE CLEAN Jte Ncarnct of Election Ikeye Is No Perceptible Stir In Politic I (i only f' tnutr day until llio ribcik). '" appioaen l mil !'' tr iiyl'Mil campaigning. Tlif atrial not wurkliig openly l'r Moil of th" wtrr feel that laJkVt un nominated aie well qualified ,tt-ltl'(" lo which they aaplre ajaenqiince ru lakli.g little lejMSst. Tlity Irrl that no lustier salts ij 'be lcrlloii " ll will ! ajhribsrlir. lUrcf tlm cauJIJat4 fur Mayor Maakltf a tiling campaign ami Willi, INBVM i '' """" haw refialnrd IjMsiSMklng ")' proinlae ir ptedgra Itrffltulrlvclliii. Th campaign jMcln tin) ii it llili time all aajsaalltl bats Uf n. sroidrd. Itettsctitmoivur on next Monday salts polls will on at nine o'clock (.sad will clow at four o'clock p. in. Us Hist ward lll vote In Ihe Wllklm I Mir tlio bildge, thsKocund at I III lata lull, and Ilia Third at Hander- ItaMkeU. According lo th elljf chr avail who ire not rejlalcre-l cannot awtJt It will bo useless for anyon to Darlii hl vMm. tfr" Stwlni Lumber For Plume It-lee Lt l.ko Lumber Company WWlnMlliii Contrail lur aawlng tlt rlutllix t,weiiimcnl Hume, U IU iMntlnti of the odrra mill ilaje e,ro ami ha already Tttrl aoincot the lumber ao that Ilia leonlurtoii Cinl.l ImuIii mnVlf nrf. fUwulk. About Your Summer Suit aaDlBlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaft aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal aalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH BaBBBBBnl bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbbbbbb aaHValH BBBBannV aaaaaaaaaaV laaaaaaaaB BBBBBBbW bbbbbbbbbbbbV aaaaaaaaaV aMaTBW w Br u We will not charge you a cent and Satiff y You , - K.K.K. STORE Another (lood Play The Moiig Company (ilawjj a largn audlenc laat night with the pnnrnu. lion of ilm lmiiKul iliama. "Until Death do u part." Tin- play was on ill thn lirtt mcr irvnvnll In llilt clly atnl Ilia auillrnca iwiiil well Mllnllv.1 with tlir iiuiiiirt In uhlrh wn ,n,. lurol. I.'cry iikmiiUi nf tlm iiiiiiiany knii hli or hrr .tl irt iliotmlly vtrll, ami a a cuiii(-.innu all of iho ihancl era ware amlalnvl In a miniifr tlmt lrarl Ilia ctumlril Ikhip Mr, JIoiik m lr Janiln, watln til plrnn-nt anil inaila a tt'lulll .vincr, Thr ilealh tviii wai very nallille ami H.k l-oit tliruugliout tr Mr, .Mijiigarhuiiiv lo iliotr hli (UM)ilur talent a mi actor Kwryone u( Ilm actor ili-H'tvi n.-cUI uirnth.il, (or without triiiii, l,c lay alhuruiilily iiiiUliitd hi every arlanil iliarartxr, ami k tnu liu- ir.c.n that rrtnaln with Uhw) who ultnra a vtrll rulurl ilrama. Thoa" nliu vter.t rarly In -r Ihn actura aily thr kk-am- ixli.ta an I ut on III niak uu Ut Ida tliaractr tlm 'i" lu rrirM-nt In lla'.ly nllneatuil n InUrcttliiK 'iliiriniirc. '.M4tliiK il"ianatt In llwll, on lh actor uiuit thoroughly iin.lcitlaii.l M.tin he ran apx,ir at hi Ivl. Thanks to I'lrcmcn Tlm Ijint IjIib l.uinUr ('omtuiiy ! lit loralrnl ll; thank to the Kla matli Kalla Vulunlrrr Kin- IK'aitriiviit (or Id ( vlco irn Ivrol at th rrrcnl lira. Tho irouiliif i, tlm ilvail in nl ainl tho carneilnri of tint men ilUI much loirarili lavliiK the hjlMliiK. Tlia work ol the lira !) I iloicrvln ol the lil(hl ciiuiinrnilatlon ami irlr. ' 'r"T.' "W.'O.-llui.os, Manarr bind ljke l.umlxr Co, Auction Sale A. AiiioM mIII fell at imlillf anrllon on ratur.la), Mny I'lli, at I , in,, nl the lllnl Unli'y lar-, i.r-ar Hit tiinnrl, the followlii llrmit TniaKon, harni-i, one ilow, two liarum'i, all KlnJa of IioiihIioIiI k"'1 and olhir article. Tcrina rarh. There are poor, ood, bet ter and beat makera of clothea We repreicnt the latter. : : : : Our Invitation for you to look oyer our choice selection of Tans, Browns, Fawns, Blues, Grays, Mouse colors, Pencil and Shadow atrlacs Is an Invitation to see Quality that Justifies" the Price When placing your order with ua you take no chancel on getting juat what you want, becauae KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 1. 1908. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES aaSHHHHHHfHHHajAjg' rjaMHHHHaTajBHBgTflajHHPaB mtfT ' avHw vim K-Jt.1' JTilaBaaBaa! h 4 fzAMaKBL J'Veaf' aUMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa J B& ZaBBBBBBBaCrHaBHPiBaPBBBBf ATNyf .... (aaaSVaaK 'liNfliaHHilK 1 bbbbbb1 WILLIAM H. Will Make Brick Soon Wnrllrr A. WatlrnliiirK will rccelretliv machlnny for Ihrir hrlrk manufactory within a few !a;a arjl fll! brgln )uratlng the plant ax anon aa they 'can Kft It ftahll.hl. It will U locateJ 6n Ihe lluena Vlala aiMItlon near llio U'r fjike Not Ready for Business The alramer Wlucina will not U rwuly loj.icin the irgular ruu on the Upper lake for "etnal werka. All ol th tral lie on the lalo la now carried on by tho atranirr llnrnrl ami tho nuinernaa launchva. if we do not fit i. TAFT OF OHIO. County Court Business County Court will convene in rvgular feaalon next Momlay. The tnoat Impor tanl uiatlcm that l. Hkely come up, willhaadtclalon on tne brMfoacren lt rlerat the upper gap, an.! Ihe ap inlntment of a health otllcer to All the vacancy created by the death of Dr. O. W. Maalon. Dr. Wlillo ha Iwen men tlinel iu cnanectlon with the appoiat ment ami It I very probable that he will u apiwlnted by the Court. The bridge In question I nut which the Court ha been trjlng to crack for aonielimc, but haa not determined upon a mean of go ing about It. The bridge aa flmlpro pocd ia too expenilve to warrant iU conatruclion at thla lima and the Court I In quandry Mto what action to take. The Judge and the commlaaloner will likely vl.lt the bridge aile before taking any definite action on the matter. Improving Pelican Bay J. K liolablrd, brother Of V. II. Ilolabird waa in town thla week from IVlIcan Day getting iiipplle and labor to carry on tho work ol inatalling pumping Hani, complete hot ami cold water ryatem, and cold atnrage plant, ai Ihe llarrlman reeort. Looking for Land Several partlm era In the Wood river valley looking over Ihe country with a view to buying atock laud. The partiea are from Caraon Cllyllowa, and are looking for a large area ao that they can engage in Ike atock luminous on an ox tenklve acalc. The Weed Lumber Comauy ha hipped a'carload of lumlier lo Dorrl for Ihe large warehouse (or Ihe Mclntlr Tranaportatlon Company. Moat of.lU lumber to he used In Dorri heyeafuw will be (applied by tho Weed Company a Klamath Fall mill cannot compete a long a they have no railroad Iran portatlon. The Klamath country needs no refor mation. Tho city and county jail have been vacant (or everul wooka, aave (or an ooeaatonal drunk who i locked up long enough to become able to navigate. Thaeellaotthe county JallMiave beta unoccupied ilnoa the but oeiUon of the Circuit Court when the criminal cae Police Court Revenue The Police Court haa contributed In round number about tlOO lo the city exchequer in tU paat two year, or rlnce A. I Uavltt went Into office. The police Judge draw a aalary of 1400 per annum, and it will bo noticed that In Ihe twoyeara thp flnea mlltiled tg Kitgated approximately fiOOiii accecaof the salary paid. Judc' UavlK atate that there hag been practically no bull nea In hi court for the pnat two month. Will Export Boxes eial large ihlpmeota of ho lea will le exported thi year by the Long.Lak Lumlwr Co. Th flraj ablpment will be Marled about May Ifith, and othera will follow at regular interval. Tho com pany haa contract enough at fcUn Fran-' ciaco. Han Joe and I Angtte to util lie 2,000,000 feet of lumber. Tho ahlp- inent will bo mado over the California Northeaatern, and the Southern Pacific haa granted a commodity rate to tho manufacturing concern. Working on Power Plant Moore Uroa. Mailed a crew of men to work on their power plant thi morning. The heavy machinery which arrived a few day ilncn will he Installed before the building I erectod. Thi la done be caute ot the aize of the large piece. A won a the machinery I put in place work on the building will I retained. The line to llonania will he completed In about alt weeka, and Juataaaoona It la nnlihed the crew will begin build ing to Merrill. The plant will be ready to furnlab power before the Aral of July. 'Hello QirJs" Resign The Mlm Kit Smart and Edna Houston, who have been employed ae "Hello glrla'Mii the office of the Mid way Tel, A Tel. Co., hava reilgned their pofltinna, and .Mil lloujlou accom panied the ihow troupe lo LakuvUw where abe will visit with friend for a few week. Mlas Cmari will go to Mer rill tomorrow lo visit with her friend, Mlaa Haul Uurrla. While there ihe will accompany a party on a camping trip to the Lava Bed. The familiar and cheerful "hallo" ol the girl la miued by the patron ol the telephone ytem. Off for Frisco Mr. and Mr. K. B. Hall will leave lor San Francltco to wltne the Incoming of the fleet. Mr. Hall wilt return home (mm there but Mr. Hall will go to Lo Angelc (or a brief visit. From there he will go to Colorado, returning home by way ol Fortland In time to take In the Koae Featlval. 8he will lo met by Mr. Hall at Fortland. ,Vse the- BRISK Roberts Hardware t! Irfor TnTut. I Pbicb, 5 Cents. TRAIN PULLS OUT ON TIME t ' Many Passengers On First Cars BIG CROWD PRESENT Klamath falls ia Represented By a Small DelefaUee Of Travelers Dorri, Cal May I. The fir at regu lar train over tbenew railroad left thla (own at eight o.clock thla morning. There wn a number of paaeeeigar from Klamath Fall and several (roe tbl town and vicinity. Rvery rwldent of Dorrl waS out to tee the cart mora away from the depot lite aero) the level Mgebruah plain. The car asored awayalowly a the track la not yet ballasted, and It would be unaofetorua at a high rate of ipenl. The track 1 absolutely ttralght (or about 15 alias, and the train could be seen several mile out of town. Tbehlatoryo( railroading into thi town begin with today, (or heretofore only contraction train bare pulled In and out at Irregular intervals. The ess tire population ol thi town will tarsi out to witness the arrival of the tnt train at 4 o'clock thla afternoon. Homesteaders at Home Parties comlnaj In from tbVwosd North ol Bly state that saost.ol the eob In that were built last Fall darix ibe Die r'Vr;-c-ii.-.- somber of !Btaac neral srtaMavej ' reetdlng on- the eame quarter seetlea. A number of the claims that bad three and (our settlers on them hut Fall show no Jgn of Hie now, and the clsisas have long ilnce been proved npoanader'the timber and atone act. Many of 'the hotnetcadr realise that it le an ex tremely difficult matter to hold " claim In the timber belt as a hoeaestead asxi -comply with the lawa In every ssstss of of the word. To avoid any chaste of losing the claim through a contest they haw' relinquished to the Govenssaent and placed timber and atone SMaf themselves or else they hare allowed some other party to place Um lllng. Arrived From Wyoming Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hum. tether and mother of W. O. Hason, ei Uai Lesag Lake Lumber Company, and T. A Jlreat, brother-in-law ol W.O., arrlredkere last night to asake their bam. The (ormer casta (ram Clearmoat, Wyo. and the latter from Basin Clly, Wye. Fishing Tackcl Hooka, nica, TroUa; Sptonera, laela,aWlk and Linen T.tnaa BASKETS, NITS, BAMBOO ROM & cANt routs: 'v & Hanks r (. $ Dealers u, -. ,-.' .- jw. l 'j-iMm . j were dlepoted of, f , R' fc .. y. v , s. r. iiri-. ,-ti JN-.H 'vif" ...- tJ - jV j V.aMi?Aa.iJ. ". J