She ftwnitti Heftuo. Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . Klamntli Full . . . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUKSDAY, APRIL 28. 1908. Price, 5 Cents, jw. No. BB8. OMPLETING ALLOTMENTS ill finisli The Work This Year ABOiriOOOUNKULL Lent ,ini)sit imkuh to ' lerim'ne Who K Lnlilied loReserwitionland II f WMl Hi" allullng aiTrlll al III (Untlli "" ",",,, '" ,'"' rl,Jf lailtlilit auiiiiipiill by Mis. Willi. iiUii l H' ll"tnicit "'k Mr. fUlfiUlfl H'l '" rrlrilliHi irUll rullltil irnr, bimI by Uii Kail ,'ifty InJIiii will l'clf '" M '" UlUol. IIk -iil Uir g'rster paitof ll WIMn ruiiipimig a aon m ih.iui i Jtrnln-Ha'" nihil"! In landaiwlh Kasirutl""- Wlnl'' ! fiHittil Urn mirk SlrHuur II M-vrrtlirlr InlrrrallliK, . .. . i ii. MBinrol Uir iriaiiniianip are t"uiMi- lritel to I liiiiiinriiiia He loiiml a imuii- tar ol rf wlirir Kill married llirlr UiJitti", in "iiii" Inataiirr brother l alattr wri mauled, gramlfathnr Birrl) llirlr grand laHf )tc . mother alrrW tUlf aona III law, III fait, ry iWUruniblhatiiiii imaginable hriine Ullflitlnroinpimif lh IrlUI lilitnrr. Mr. Vlilt I"- uiiili II very ilimrull ! l Uir rrrunla alralnlil for In rry Ktwi llir rliiMirn K'i !)' Ilio nnma Urflr lillirr lint aaaiimir namra ( liUir oiii, in I tiitin, II llic iartnla ar WI It It a luril uiallrr to Indue III tlitoi to r-aV llir nam nl III Or- laithry lm urtltlmnjrrtl ilntllii( lliv riainr ol a ilrivl Indian. Il It lil'iaTl aiunliit llilu lliat ll la lift la rauio lad lurk In llm our liu rwiii llir ntinr Till larl liaa rauatil linalilraldl In mniilln( lli hlUlll.c Induiia wlin arr? rnllllrtl In iHOimti. HitHrrr, Mr. Wlill Dim l4itli auiV riiiiiilrlNllna llil lirn Utaoaiallnl tln rrircirnlalU fainl. Iinllnlliiiriii.iin lint llrxtnallnn uJttn irailllr Ull ll Hik a'.l(nt lor itUotiumt ii rnlitlrd in hup, Arintli About Your Summer Suit 4- tfJm aHi I raaaaVaLLLLk the f 4 We will not charge you a cent K. K. K. STORE nr thing Hint has ciiiiiii'nti uutttri greatly l Hint until Hi Indiana mcik taken In rlmige by Hi llnvviuini-iit Insrrluge waa ninety n mailer nl run Vrlili'lii, Mini the ifroxln aliuw thai In many csaea a man would many euml women itml Urn miiiiii'Ii u many men. Tlila prncllc waa l... ,y the Cloy eminent mnl huh llni ImlUn who wanla a ilWiirrii mint acrum Ih mine liy mrana ill litigation. Mr, Wliltu slutea llmt In miiipllln III record In' made a llioioilgli eluin. lnallnn nl llm renaua rutin for llniat fourteen yeala, mnl lit llmla Hint lor a Hum Hut Indiana wei ileiicaalnit In lniliil-l, Iml thai In iiient )rai they li Im-cii mi Hi Inaieare. I J iliwov rrt-il In rimnlnliiK lb 'oil Dial I"" qiiently llm nmnr nl mi Indian would !- lriiail mnl there would no trace ol lilln wlialuvrr. Alter studying otei Ihla matter Inr a Ion lime he found lliat th Indian wri In III"' habit ol changing llirlr liawra whrnevrr IIik fanry alrurk ,,(llt ihlaalded another tompllratlon n t, compiling "I tin allotment roll, Ha Ur aa ran ! ilrlrrmliinl at llila limit lliitr am alaiiil liaa) Imllana mIiu mr rlililli-il In allolmriila, all' I all Iml aUint .Iim) nl tn-d dar rrrrlknl llirlr lainla. Moat nl tliriu liar rrt-riii'tl agricultural landa,iiil lin llidf am aoti-ral In a family mi blijrctlon la ma Ir II aonw nl llnlll tvlrt't HiiiIm'I lamia. All ol lit tait'la liasr not )rt Urn aur vv)il, '.ill llm rnittnrrr ilolnt; llirMnik will arrive alinrtly and will at oiiri roiiiililri Hi work DcHtroyliiK Mure Birds Aimttiir largr 'lili ol Intra n (en niltra aoiitliol llirlty Imriir-I latt nlglit. Thr" flrra w ill dn innr tnw jnla itrrinlnatlii tli ilnfk. and K (hail all ol Ilia illrk'al hiintlnr lliat !" U-n don lor M-rrul )ari. h'lr al.outd I lakru tnatutd lliran llrra aa lliry aro ilamanliiit lu Hi 1-.T Jx'tiiatlon ol Ihe Kaiiii'ii''ly. Notice to Bnnd Members All nirinUia nl Hi Klmnatli halt Military Hand air Imrtdiy nollfif-l tUt a danr villi U'ltWrtiat llirlr rlnli r'Kiiua mi .May I at. There are poor, good, bet ter and best makers of clothes We represent latter. Our Invitation for you to look over our choice selection of Tans, Browns, Fawns, Blues, Grays, Mouse colors, Pencil and Shadow Stripes Is an Invitation to sec Quality that Justifies the Price When placing your order with us you take no chances on getting just what you want, because and Satisfy You WILL BUILD BIG TEMPLE Mnsons Purchase Willits Cor ner oiid will Erect Struc ture I his Summer Kliiinulli r'alla will mv n Maaoiilc lfiii.lf, a Imlltllr.K Hint will l-o acre lit In Hint litnnil nnlrr ami In tliln Krowllig illy. At a mruliiiK lirld latt lilglit Ilia Initiator) Mii wrir tukrn luwarda tin fin lion ol a It-acitlful lull k alrurtur on llm curlier ol Main and liltli alrrrta. Tin-corrirr lot, with u ality loot lronl at-r, ii Main atrirt, liaa Ixi'ii puHiau-d liy Hi Mnaona lioni Jinlit l K. Wlllllr al(loi)M-r front foot. (iinilrl (ilaiii lor III ImiMiiiK liavu not Uii drcldnl iiiii, I. ut It la iinli-rttil that Ihe hulld Iiik will roat not Iraa than fii-VWil, and Hint "oil la In l-fn Juat aa on aa th (tana ran mnl ami Hi nutrrlal no rmrd. It la llm liilrutlun ol tint Ma onlr ordrr In runiilrl Hi liuildlritt till hiimiiirr. 'fhu hiiiMinic will I eltlitr two or llnri' atnrira, mid one ol then Iliira will lt iinil ua a ll(v liall, The lower lliwr will U rrntiit lor Imilnrt hoilM'a. The riaot amniint that will lie in.lnl on td liulliliiiK hat not lin ili'Ollltrly artlliil, hut it liaa Lxril derided that a l.inl.llnr that will l inialrrn In In rrry rra--i I mid will h one nl the la-tt III Hi nl) la In Ut hillll. Birthday Party Thireollh litll iiirla who attrnuVd th iaily ami hud a vrry lraaaiil time limiulil Ih lollowlnt; wKirly nolle to Ilia llrxMlinfllr. A lew lilrnda were rnlrrlainnl al the home nl Mla Joai Van llliT Saturday allrriiiKiu In Imiior ol her thirteenth lilrthday. 'I ho- ptewnt were Marjone McClui, IVail liiln, Vrra llouatnn, .Mntiiiiiilte Umiliar, Marxaret lloorey, l.lnie lliiiiaton, Helen ltrii;ham, Ixna lliiina, lllaln lliirna, Walo Jaroht, riiiran Viideu, l!a llanka, llealrlce ririidriming mid l.llllan ami Jo-ie Van Itlper. if we do not fit IBHbC OBJECT 0E FEDERATION Secretary Caden Explains What the Organization Is Aiming to Accomplish In my cajmcity aa Hecrclary of the Civic Keduratlon, I am ollen nakrd the iUfttlnn ua to what we extct In ai-rnmpllth Ihe romliiK year. Tim itej lion nit in llila way la dllllcult to aniwer. I lake llila fiijrtunlty there foie ol entimerallri tint things w are ainilnK at, rather than Ihe iIiIukh w huie to ronauinmate, know Iiik na we do that w liar nine weight) problem with wlilrli to ileal. It Would In to much to xiect a Uly ol cltliena who Inert nccaiaimially, to noire all Ihrao prohlenii iiilckl)'. Ia-k-lalaturra oltn pnat Into hlalory without ai-cniiipllahliiK " inurli, hut w ale not ilUcouiaKitl and verily hrlirve that nothliiK la lott and that our effort will liear Irull tome day. llriclly enumerat ed our aim and ilealrnt are aa follow: Knfnrcemetit of eilitlng law. Itepral and amendinent of lawt not effective nr contrary to tlm pulillc Inter rata, Itevliloii ol the City Charter to meet Ilia want of a growing city. Kilrnilon ol the boundarle of the rlly. Italidilig of the city liiilebltilnepii.iKi at) to Irgallie tame, and uiihauiper City Council in luturu oratIoni. Klectiou ol worthy and competent men lo fill city otlice, irrespective ol creed or affiliations ol any kind, Ik-tttnuent of itreeta ami alJwlka. Oinatruclion of aewerage ay tern. Installation of electric tire alarm y tein. Kire protection for the hilly portion! of th city; either hydrant and hoae equipment, nr a clieinlcal euiilue. A waler ayatein owned liy the city ufltcieiit to provide tiro protection Inr all part ol the city and aufllclrnt to pro- vide water In abundance at low rate I foi Irrigation purpo, llhentlilt, the laat Item in the liat naturally follow: a clean and beauti ful elty, attractive and appealing tnlha houuw.ker. Siino ol theae thing we may never cronipliali, but we will at leaat create tendency In that direction. Some of thete thing wilt require year to bring bout, lor inatance the ownership by Ihe city of an effective Water Supply Kyttcm. We lielieve this to be ol prime Importance. It look cay, but many thing will have to bo don preliminary to the main thing, More till can be accomplished. The city Indebledne mint be lionded and reduced, itcforu this can be done, becauo of the large amounts involved, the city boundaries will have lobe extended, o that the bonds would tell advantageously. leg islation might be iiceeisary, and the stale laws na well at tlm City Charter are to crude and ambiguous, that It Is dilllcuTi to know what is meant In many rate. The rights of the Water Company must be respected, but the city must not be taken advantage of. In all these things we need the co operation and the sympathy ol all well meanlug clliiem, ol the newtaicrt, and eipecially of the Council and May or o! the city. Our usefulness mint of necvsiity be largely Instructive, ad visory anil somellmeH inevriitlvw. We re receiving llteratuie from the Government Printing Otlice and from otber source and expect to study these queilions. We are securing data from the lowna ol Oregon and California and hope to pYnflt by the experiences ol others. If the cUiient of Klamath Falls seo fit to elect at otttcer of the city, men who are In sympathy with the thing that the Olvlo Federation stands tor, much can be accomplished. II the in-wpaiorn and a few iliixriintled rill reri will reaan their ranting arid lend a helping hand th road will be much smoother and wit wilt travel much faater. f-Vcrrlnry Civic Federation. Schools Oct Honey Klamath County this year will re- eclvo lr'S00 from the ttatoas It share of Iho Interett acciiunilatel on the Ir- rcluitalile acliool fiind. Thin fund i apiiortloneil according to the number of children of rchool axe In the county. Klamath County has about IfJU children of Dili age and to get not iult one dollar foreach pupil. Will Reach Uorris Soon The Weatcrri Union ha had teteral car load ol pole unloaded at Iorris. The linemen are now woiklng In the vi cinity ol Macdoel and the line wilt I completed to Dorrn juit ts fait as the poles can be et and the wires atrung. Material for the completion of the line to the new railroad terminus la piled up to the station along the railroad. The Wettern Union will likely stop at Dorrli until tbe railroad 1 built to Dili city. Wreck of the Winema Manager Ilouaton iaarranging toahow a number of Irrtereiting picture and view with hi moving picture "and atne opticau oulCl. Some new subjects will be given during the Mrlormauce on Thursday night, among them being the "Fleet at 'Frisco," showing the warthlps lying at anchor. Thl picture Is said to be very dittlact, vivid and lifelike, from a drawing and photograph made by Mongold. The wreck ol tbe Wentma, a picture neer before shown here, will also be lluowii upon the rrreen. Photo graphs of local candidate,, cartoons and caricatures taken from pen drawing ol Wm. Ilrcnuan; scene ol local interest and photogtaphs of our old Indians, taken by the Baldwin studio, will make a list ol Interesting pictures between thn art. Seeking a Location Dr. A. I.. I.ead, ol Yiimn, Arli., Is In Ihe city looking over the field with a view to locating, lie has Just returned from iionama, and says he Is undecided as to whether ho will locate at that place or In Klamath Falls. He will leave for Aruona In a day or two, but will return here about June 1st, to practice his pro fession either in this city or at Bonanza. W. K. Seehorn expects to begin work shortly on his bath house at the hot spring. Ho is experiencing more or lens ililllcully In getting material for the construction ol the pool. . Use the ;4brist9l; -.f i ur iN-rarirJ wm ..$.. Roberts Hardware t Ultli lTrjH -o - PARK GETS SMALL SUM Appropriation Will Not Go Far AMOUNT BUT $3,000 Allowance Is Less Than One- third Asked by Super intendent Arant The appropriation made by Congress for the Improvement ol Crater Lake I'ark Is a direct slap at the Importance ol this world wonder. A meaaley 30J0 lor one whole year. Superintendent W. t. Arrant had asked for ilu.bOO. and confidently expected to get this sum as the Secretary of the Interior slated when here that lie wa favorable to a lare appropriation to Improve the park. Mr. Arrant na made extensire plans for this year, but the smallnet of tbe appropriation knock all ol hi plan Into a cocked hat, and all he can do I to make a very few of the most needed minor Improvement. Tbe appropri ation laat year was 17.112, and why It it cut down so this year Is a thing that Klamath cannot understand. Tbe amount appropriated leaves $1000 with which to build roadt, to maintain those already built and to pay for all ol the Incidental improvement that mutt be made each year. Tbe plant lor this year Included Uie building of a wagon road around the lake but this will have to go unUI more money It available. TbellOOO will be expended in running cable along the trail down to the water and In building roadt to Garfield and Applegate peaks. The tmall appropriation will cnl short the campaign of Improvement aa the fund It not sufficient to carry out the things under consideration. Tax Case Tomorrow The cae ol the California dc Oregon Und Co. v Klamath' County will come up before Judge Benson tomorrow morn ing. The case is one in which the com pany enjoins the sheriff of the county from telling the company' land for non-payment ol taxet. Tbe holding of the comny comprise about 30,000 acres ami, aro the holding that were told to the Hunter Land Co. about a year ago. The company considered the Ihe taxet too high and raluted to pay the tame. Henry Farrar and family have return ed from Ashland where they tpent the Winter. Fishing Tackel Hooks, Flies, Trolls, Spinners, Reels, Silk and Linen Lines. BASKETS, NETS BAMBOO RODS & CANE POLES. & Hanks Dealers VI tA , w