The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 22, 1908, Image 3

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,5oo Acre Free
.:;,i,a.. in
"" ni-MT nti:i: m '" '
kill !" '"" i il, Iitnd nimI
I.. I.. lliil IIM
"":: .,..., ....t .! "'
'"' .. ...i..,.i.,.i. Tlin trnl
Li ll "' m ' '
Vu' . .i...iuu i ntt the
l-u in " ;,.,,.
I?n" ' . il..i,i Cn any.
j ynU, ,il , Manager,
Mrrilll Olrgmi
. l ....I foul wood for
i .-..m inrn a."
N" I .... nnl.ra at
.wjUn.""'" "ruK "" '
..1k lella IMtl" """'
rtrrrr .ftrw- fn.m 2 " r.sw
Clw,ttbriiii.f fr..m0; I"
,,'(kk. A ctiniMi i"''"
fre Alarm l).strk.t
hMu!rtNi "'"-""
,lh Lrkitf i l "" "'"; .
(WrktNo 6 (Ngrren.ii.eiiioi...-
ptSo. " "" Hrlghle.
. r.niM and Third
Kt So. 13 Sitl. of Mull., U
Znlrd and Fifth . .
tJgrklNu li North of Main, I
TtW and Kiflh
MrUt N. 16 " "f M,,n' '"
filMlUlwren turn " ov. .......
ftrtrirtN'o. 16 North of Mem to
fjutntt No. 21 Solli r warn
tfcut, Irlwrrn rirvmlli ami Minm.
Putrift No. Si Nrih r Main lo
A telerrn Srvrnlh ami Ninth.
Diitrlct No. 3 Hut .Springs dlalricl
ttf Main and Ninth,
DwUklNo. 21 Swulli of walnut lo
tterm Fourth and .Sixth.
Putrid No. K Sulli of Walnul lo
aa, Ulerrn Sixth and Kighlh.
(Mrirt No. 31 South of Walnut and
at f Eighth.
Dauict No. ! Norlh of High lo
Area. Utorrn Sltth ami r.lght.
iDatrict No. 31 North of Jrlfcraon,
I Sixth and r.ighth.
IDrfrirt No. 11 North of llich lo
lava, brtwern Kighlh ami TrnUt.
lOetrict No. 41 North of JrlTrraon,
kse Eighth and Truth.
iDatrbt No. 4J- Kaal of ranal.
list (rami alarm Mill lc kiuikJI by
f Utl rapid atrokra n. the bell,
i by the tiumU-r of the district
ItUca U (Ire It located, which will
nof thrrr tln.vr When the UU
t ii rffrrKntnl hy mora than one
if, u No. 21, aftrr iilvinic Ihi am-
Jikrm thr Im-11 m ill Im taM-.l twirr,
1 1 lliitht lailH-, follownl lijr four
i (ltd a lrirr iuiiim-, ami thrn rv
I lake in-.rr Uforc nxiimllnK tl
J lUrm ai;alii.
Ireasurors Notice
Mlci It Irirli) i:i.ii lint then' air
410 tl.r tuamiy lor lliu rr
aftk,n (,( i iiiitUiilnic lonnty
mil ,,i mi aiol i.rlor to
I; M, l'A".. Iiilinrt mi (81110 will
IIaI it Klimiili t'll .1.1. l.Mli .lit
llrril. 1WJH.
I Atra Ihk,
I'uiinl) Tii'itaiuvr,
Wwlilinrli) Ki,. tlml lhi lail
'W traUiuviit of Ji.jh Conner,
n, utl Irrii duly ,riiu'n ami ail'
to I'tuUt,, uu.l ihut John W.
anil Clim. n vi'in..... ..
dalrihimlnii.i naa..-.i.. !....
UriUiu Imuiii; rlalma aualnat
JjUtar,if,y t,.(,ii(W to ,,..
""w Mill II.,. .ri.Wr vourhera,
"'""' """r-iKiinl at Iho Klrat
"Bank U, ,.ily , Klaiiialh
' "'"H.
KvorvlliiiiK Ktiaraiitfcil at Wink,,,.
A Matter of Punotuatltn.
One of llm tlmiui'iit wrllora whu rtv
POrt III COtUIIII- anil ullnnnlla
I Waaliloutou iiumuwt n,i. i. ,... ,.. i...
Illuier Aiipato li able lo hv aroiiinl aotint of a irfMn,!n reception:
ultr IntvtiiK wvii conlliicl to ,a mJ ','"" x- wuru ""thlnic In thu way of
. . i , I., . . .1 " ttiut wna rvinarkahle."
'"r M,v"r J" l' " """ ""' " II. ' nlli.bu.1 Ki.,11.1, w.; hansom..
I'., II, llallraii Milhnilii llliu lamhlii' '' rrcled liy tdu vdalillc but un-
tlir. KUiiialh Im.lii nl a.,.iial.,,Kin,.a hu",'," prh'lor lima; "Mm. X, wore
- .y In Olln,,s, (I.-,., w'llV." "V' ' ?" 'JUt
lULUInlilmk. m rriirkiW.-ArfonMt
I-, ., . . , ,1 Doubtful Cempllmant.
I lv finn ."(j mllr. Imin KUiimll. Al un rvniliiK party they were play-
rail; ifn.Nl Knlrii IimhIIi.m. Will Inr-j ln a kkinh whlcli coinlnle.1 of every
lllull (cnrlliK inalirUltn tin, ,,y w,.,' OOily In lll.l riwui Inaklli a far. and
will fniii). ami ilrm ll. ,Ni Ini Un, ! th on,, wiiu iimilu ll.o worat face waa
Uau of llio xroilliil lor tin. lr-nl . axin.
Aililtrx, I', (I, Iln II
() II. HiiM,iilNrr) li'riliiiiiHl liom!
I'nrlUml ami Calvin wlimo h lm Im-,h j
'iNiklnn allrr a ran Hint hr a al,' In '
llu Hil,li'ino (.'.mil,
Anrilia laritM lil.iiiriit ol Kulrkcr- I
InnkiT lt mikI rilrn .iiiil Ini liy,nl ,
t It tt llnaloll Hint".
All o( the tliiiU'r i'inlci am innklnn '
awnnlnl a prltr. 'limy ell dl J their
levrl Ixal, noil llirn a KHitleinau went
up to onu of (lie lailka nod eaM:
"Wfll, iimiluui, I ttiluk you hare won
ttiu prlzu,"
"Oil," alio auld, "I w ain't playing."
-Muiilreal Hlar.
airnlitlrlnrtila lo alart fm tin, wi-ala In
the near lilliirr, 'I In' lamia to I. in.
alrr.l loriilry III llaint County vt 111
in-air aimllirr; riiuli
Hprlii llnr I'anama uinl hltaw Ul
Ml llio K K K loir,
ill. A, J. .S'fllon m thl.iUiih
the rlly on her way In lirr lioinn at
l.akrl. til, i' had Imm-ii
Nrllnli who tllnl at h'an Kraiirix-n
wlirin lit, had ln lakm i mnliral
roe Ihr lartl iIk In ,.hii rail at ll,r
Maiiiinnlli blal.tra. II, V, Mraw, I'ro
(rlxtnr, Chaa, Y, Thniiiat, mIi.i liaa l"''ii ru
K"l In lirUhlliiK and trainlinr, will
Iratr ihiillly lot (Vllllal I'nliil hIicii, l,r
will rncau In tin Imlrl ImiUim,
May Turn latk.
I'rufraaer ilcMlllali llrown, rtlmol
o1l. Iiolila that the future Auatrallan
people will In all protaildllty ho black
The I'oljtiiHilain, lie aabl III a Irrturn
at Hyitnry, rauie orlglually not fruiu
Ainrrtta, aa haa hrau auppuaul, but
from Aala They were whltva and
haii(nl c-olor, Juat aa the future Aua
trallan may ilo aalluiceiiturlre r ou,
at treat III the tropical rrgloua of the
uorth. Ttie tlnlrt ra)a of the auu will
turu htm black In course of time.
Evidently a Mlatabe.
"Ibat waltli," aald (he Jeweler,
faainlliiK It back, "la one of the kind
lliut'a inadr lo aril,"
"Durii Itf mplMlrd Uncle Joab, who
bad bniiKht the tluiuplwe at a Hlale
trrt't nucllou latabllabuieut "I've
almMrd tliat Ihrre watch lo 'leven dlf
frrrnt Jrwelrra to ttila bere towu. Tbey
all Ml iu It waa made to all an' yll
I can't Kft a Llainrd irut fur It Uo
wbrrval" l.'Llcaa-u 'Jrlbuue.
Matllaa ef the Rattlar.
'Iho ratllra of the raltlrauake lie
da-rHUu la eldrut that thry luual
dn an, luaamurli aa Ihry are but cou-
I tlliuallona of lh l.aikl.,,,. Tl-.n.W.
wild Mr.' (arrlra the rattlra on the around et
crpt wbrn be ratara thrill to Bound Ilia
warnlnc 'I lib) la evidenced by the
fait that lu evrry make of any alie
that la klllrd tbe ratllra are worn
thrutifb on tbe uuder aide. Korrat and
Wt Klanmil, Ka.ll.. ()..,, ,f.
'JMhhriiarv. lum.
Jus Y. KiKUKNa,
MCOlnr. .1.1 '. " ,Jl " Wll,tHON,
l'Mi(.iiiiK,.r, Ih-rvaaril,
. K. I.,, . ..i..-,.
Ama.l. .. ..
" ll IlI.IL.
room, which
All . .
lWl n.. '", linilirilCOOKB
"'I. Thl. In ll, .m . Mi
lUu... .'. '
I "Willi lil
l'M'Wlr1,11,b .. . ....
iBMflUI. " ,U ,WM-
Helmlnil & Co.
1 ", owioa, or
terry He Spake.
"Heally, MUa I'rlmui, you ought to grt
narrh'.l," rnnarkiM Wrdderly. "You'll
auoii b III tbe aplnater claaa If you
don't hurry up and cakb on."
"Oh, don't orry about im, Mr Wed
rVrly." rr piled Mtaa I'rliuui. "If I
wore aa vaay to pleaae aa your wife I
would bare Inn married lout ago."
loudou IVIegrapb.
eme Other Fellew'a. ,
IOI.00U," aald tbe wan of
etiHiualrr IJraa, "I could make
tune lu Wall atri-et." '
"Yre," rrpllrd the plkrr, "but whorw
fortune would you maker' Waablng
too Hlar.
An Apt Illustration.
MUa Kluky-What dura white folke,
mrau wbru dey talka about palntlu
da Illy) Mr. Jackaou-Dat'a about de
aaine aa buttrrlu' de 'k chop. Kan-
aa City Tliuee.
Odd fellow, lake Notice
A lti,iirt will In k'wii ul Iho A. '.
0. W, lull on Hatunlay nluhl, the i'.lh
ol April, in irlebratlon ol Iho rlulil)'
ninth aniilvcrary ol our onlrr. All
CM Kellowa and llirlr whra, Itehrkaha
ami their hmlMimla an- cordially In
vilnl. Hy order o( Klamath UxiK''. N I:l.
O. A. ritKOix", rnvrrlary.
Tothc Rlectors of Klam
ath County
(IkNri.KMKs: IUvIiik rrrulrrd Iho
iininliuillnii n( the llvpiihllcau party (or
theulllro ol alirrllT, I wlali to rxprvaa lo
you my appreciation ol jour effnrln In
my Miall, I frrl Iho morn Kinti'dil,
knowing aa I do, that it wna tho rol
willioiit ally KiliticAl rnnililnatlnn, who
Iihoho liouornl mi'. I extend to each
nl you personally my lhaiike lor your el
(orta ami cniiiUlenco In mo.
lleaprctlully Your,
W. II. Haiiskb.
lanu urnca, Waahlnalon. I). U. March ,
luny M.k..-h n, HumillTtltN or ruai lu LANDa
TO BBTTkSKBNT AND aNtaT.-NolU'e U hereby
Bln that the attlna fimurvef the laterkar haa
varaioa oaiianiiwniw omr w,., "!
far ai the aama altaru Ih. wlllidrawal for Irria
lion DiirwaMa unur the act ef June IT, 1M IB
But., Sal) for uae In conrwclk with tha Klamaln
Prolact, Oieeon. of tha following daacribajl tanda
in in. Utate of tSreeon. and by hla authority auch
of aaki intta aa hava not bean haratufore nnally
raatorad andare not olharwlae wlUulrawn. naarvad
or approprlated,wlllba aubjact toaalllamant undar
the puUlo land iawaot tha United Utalaounand
after June M, 1IM. but .hall not U aubJact W an
try, nflnf.or aaloction unlU July . liML at lha
United Butea land oAVe at Ukavlaw. Oratcon.
wamlnf bebu eipreaaly e Ivan that noperaon will
be perultud toialn or eaartlaa any rUiht what
ever under any aatllement or occupation baun
after february 1ft MM and prior to Jum aa naaj.
ail auch aetlknnent or occupation Ulna forblddrni
Mi NKK, WL8ai.Batbn ao, T. 8T3.. II. K..
umtmiaaionar w uia uauvrai i-au w...-v
rRANK rlKRCK . ' . . ,
Annual Death Rale.
I'la-urlng lu a drath rale of twenty to
the th'iuaaiid, which la a fair estimate,
annual di-atbs throughout tbe world
amount, In round miiuhrra, to aouie 31,
UJ,i If yuu are arrenty yeara old
you ran rertn t ujkju tl, aoiuewbat aa
tuundlng fact that alnce you vieurd
your rjia lo tbe light of rarlh mora
thin '.'.'yi.MM.lajij of your felluw be
Inira have paaaed out Into tbe nlgbt
of drath - Kicbatige.
Half Shut It
A little girl baa au uucle wbo taugtit
her to opru and abut bta rruah bat
Oii evenliif. however, be appeared
with au ordinary silk bat, which be
left 111 tbe hall. I'rrarutly be aaw the
child coming with hla urw bat crushed
Into accordion plalta.
"Oh, uncle," abe cried, "tbla one la
very bard! I've bad to alt on It, but
I can t get It moru than half ahutr
Pearson's Weekly.
The One Roam Heuae.
A very modem architect predicts tbe
bouae of one large room, a email elec
tric klUurii atlaibrd and au euuriuoua
Inctowd ponh Willi facilities for out
door alrrplng Wbethrr bousekeepera
In grneral will rare for hla acbeue or
nut la a iiuratlou, but It la undoubtedly
true that tbe comparatively email kitch
en, tbe big rcb aud the generous liv
ing room bate couie to stay. House
Came aa Ha Went.
Two young men were lu a hot argu
lurut otrr a prohlriu which Ueedvd a
great deal of mental calculation.
"I tell )oii," aald our, "that you are
eutlrvly wroug."
"Hut I am not," aald tbe other.
"Dldu't I go to ectiool, atupldr al
luoet roared bis opponrut
"Yea," waa tbe calm reply, "and you
came back atupld."
That euded It
Juat as Oeee) aa Ivor Tee.
Au old pbyalcUu of tbe Uat genera
tion waa uoted for hla brusque man
uer aud old faahloned metboda. One
time a lady called him In to treat ber
baby, wbo waa allgbUy Ulna-. Tbe
doctor prescribed castor oil
"Hut, doctor," protested Uie young
mother, "castor oil la auch an old faab
toued remedy."
"Madam," replied the doctor, "Ublea
are old faahloned thlug-"-IxclUBfa-
The Caatdle'a Advloe.
Caddie (to golfer, wbo baa been lift
ing the turf all the way round tbe
couree)-You be stranger to these
parts, I suppose. Golfer Well, not ex
actly a strauger. I waa born bere,
and all my folka are buried hereabout
Caddie (as tbe golfer llfta another
piece of turf with hla driver)-! doot
you'll bo get deep enough wltb your
driver. You'd better tsk' your Iroo.
Oundet Advertiser.
Antique Cut Qlass.
Antique cut glass requires special
handling if tbe brilliancy of tbe glass
la to be retained, and tbe ordinary pe
riodical wash la bot eoapsude-wblcb
la uiually meted out to tbe contenta of
tbe china aud glaas cupboard-la not
lUfflcleut Only tepid water should be
used to cleau tbe articles, a lather be
ing mads on a stiff brush wltb food
aoap, and tbla should bo worked Into
the design so aa to clear the Interstices,
of dust, tbe glass being then Immedi
ately enveloped In sawdust, absorbing
II the damp. Finally a cloth should
be used to give a polish.
Pretty Stingy.
"About tho etlugliit man I bar ever
aeeu," aald a local oculist tbe other
day, "waa au old fallow wbo cams la
bere not long ago to be Btted wltb
gtaases. In examining nth eyes I found
that be could scarcely see with one of
them, aud yet tbe trouble waa on that
could be remedied by slight opera
tion. I asked him about baring tha
eye attended to, but ha aald: 'No, I
guaaa I'll Just lt It go, and then l'U
only bars one of 'am to fool with whets
I gat glasses. I can Juat save tha cost
of that extra Una each time.' "-In-aan-riT"'1
Tha Original "Long Tom."
Tbe original "Kong Tom" had a
abrange and romantic history. It waa,
or, rather, la, for It still exists, a forty
two pound gun of tho old type, which
was originally a purt of the armament
of tbe French battleship Itochv. It
waa raptured by llm llrltlah In 170S
and eoou after was sold lo the Drilled
Htates govrrmurut. In tblit country It
waa placed ou I lis ship (Jencrnl Arm.
alroug and after some minor adteu-
tures with our ship In tho war with
tbe liar bury states did good duty
agnluat Itn former captors, the lirltlab,
by helping lo run thu blockade of New
Orleans In IHH. Afterward Hid Arm
alroug was ailuk by llio llrlllah lu tbe
harbor of l'i)ul, lu ibo Azoreii. There
Long Tom lay tllauimitleif until a pa
triotic American procured wrmlalon
to dig It up ii ml carry It away, and It
waa brought to New York city lu 1(03.
-lllnnenpolla Journal.
Not His Complaint.
A abort while alnce o number of
amateur miialcluna lu a country towu
met fur the purpoau of organizing au
orchratrn. 'ihey weru auccenaful In
procuring all tho H-rformers they do
aired uxtept au opblcleldo player.
One of the number finally volun
teered lo take up tbe luatrumvut and
try to learn to play II. Ilo bad uo
opblchrldu; hut, bearing that hu could
probably borrow one from a young
man lu the place who was thought to
own oLe, he, happening to meet blui In
tbe street one duy, accorded blui with;
"How are you, IlrownJ I heard you
bad au opblclelde."
llrown looked at him lu utter amaze
rueiit, having probably never heard of
aucb au Instrument before, aud atom
tnered out:
"Well, 1-1 was tery III about two
weeks ago, but I dou't think I bad that,
at any rate!" tandon Graphic.
till She Wasn't Plessed.
Wbo should U the flrxt to klaa a
bride after her marriage? Tbe clergy
man at a certain churxb has sohrd
the problem by taking title duty upon
Wbrn Harah Orlmual, however, wna
about to l married she did not ei
clally relish the proiect of this part
of the ceremony, ami abe particularly
aaked her sweetheart when making
arrangement to tell tho clergyman
that ahe dldu't want him to klas her.
This tbe youug man did, as directed.
"Well. Krtieat," she said wbeil he
bad returned to her aide, "what did
be aay wbru you told him I didn't
waut blm to kiss met"
"My aweet," he replied, "fortune
amlles upon us. lie said that In that
caae be would charge, ouly half tbe
usual fee."
And a sudden coldness fell between
tbem. I'raraou's.
The Ceal That la Left
Tbe world still bsa a considerable
supply of coal. Germany la credited
with "M.otlU.OXlO.OOU tone, aufflcleiit to
last i'.OU) years at tbe preaent rate of
consumption; Great Ilrltaln aud Ire
land claim 103,000,000.000 tone, wltb
an auuual couaumptlon about double
that of Germany: Ilelgtum haa 28,
000,000,000 toua, France 111,000,000.000,
Australia 17,000,000,000 aud Itussla 40,
000,000,000. North America la believ
ed to baie 081,000,000,000 toua-more
than the total of thu other couutrlea
uatued. It U the tremendous Increase
lu the use of coal that Justldee alarm,
for while tbe supply of tbe United
8tatea would last 4,000 years at tbe
rate of couaumptlon lu 1003. It will be
etbauated wltblu a century at the rata
of lucreaae of tbe last ninety yeara
continues. No estimate of tbe coal of
other parte of tbe world can be made,
but Asia baa an enormous store.
Unduly Considerate.
Mr. Sbackley, wbo bad been ordered
by bta pbyalctan to lay aside all bta
business cares for three moulba and
take a vacation, reluctantly compiled.
At tbe end of that time bo returned,
looking aud feeling much better, and
bU medical adviser congratulated blm
on bis Improved condition.
"I didn't Ilka to apeak of It at the
time," aald the doctor, "but when you
went away I strongly suspected you
of having myocarditis."
Mr. Sbackley crimsoned with morti
fication. "If I bad anything of yours In my
possession, doctor," be aald, with strong
feeling, "or If you suspected me of
havlug It, you ought to bare told ma
ao right tbent You don't think I an
a tblef, do your
By a hasty explanation of tbe nature
af myocarditis tbe doctor mollified hla
Indignant patient and averted a rcene.
Irish Horses and Athlstss.
Tbe history of horses, especially of
thoroughbreds, goes to prove that parte
of Ireland and Australia are tbo very
beet cradles for bono breeding In
either Europe or elaewhere, with Eng
land aa tbe second best, perhaps the
equal. The auggeatlon baa been thrown
out that tbe secret Ilea lu a lime sub
oil. Tbe reaaou for tbe auppoaltlou
la a little obscure. Tho present writer
haa found that partridges bred on such
oil are heavier and stronger and, tt
seems, fly faster than others, but tbla
la hardly an analogy that cau be ap
plied to tbe horse. There are other
curious aualoglea. It baa long been
noticed that tbe best high Jumpers
among human athletes, eveu when the
seen of their feats Is America, are of
Utah deaceut. It Is nut lesa certain
that tbe beat Jumpers among bones,
especially a large percentage at Con
tlueutal concoun, derive their orlgtu
from Ireland, w Itb Australia and Eug
land aa occasional rivals. Kroui tbe
statistics emerges atroug presumptive
evidence that tbe climate even mora
than tbe breeding aklll tends to
strengthen tha strain. London Out-
.-. L . . j
E. H. DuFAULT, Proprietor
Choicest of Wlneg, Liquors and Clgan
Cnters to the better clans of trade, with nothing to offend
tho moat critical. You'll notice tho difference when you
try it. Juat tho place to drop in for a refreshing borer
age when you need a Htlrnulant. I'ure liquors of all
kinds for family trade n specialty
The Cream of the Best
Old Continental Whiskey
Normandy Rye
F. F. V. Rye
Uotiltd Under the Supervision of the Government
. . . None Better . . .
Sold By
C. D. Willson
Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer
Of Furniture is on Its way to the Klam
ath Falls Furniture House, opposite the
American Hotel. Mattresses already
"Our KcsponsIbUlly ends whenever you are Satlaflcd.''
IteRT K. Withkow,
Vice President
Mans. Plans, Blue Mats, Etc.
Klamath County Abstract Go.
Surveyors and IrrigatIonEnglneera
Don J. Zumwai.t, C. K.
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Professional Cards
Office over Klamath County Bank
Attorney at Law
Omice orcr postolTico. Klamath Kails,
T tUErilOKK 1
Attorney at Law
Klamath Kalis, Oregon
American Hank A Trust Co. 'a lUilldiug
We Make Little
But there is always
something doing at
our place in the House
Furnishing line. We
carry the largest stock
of House Furnishings
in Klamath County.
Seo us for a Square
Deal. . .
At the Bridge on Mala Street
Furs Wanted
C D. Willson ia in the market for all
kinda of furs, for which he will pay the
highest market price. Address him at
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Open Day
Private Dining Parlor
Oysters Served la Aay Style
J. V. HOUSTON, Prop.
Klamath Falls 6 Wlaeata
Truck & Transfer
Furniture and pianoa carefully
moved. Baggage wagon and
general draying. All work
given prompt attention. Buaa
to and from all boats. Phone 103
Zim's Plumbing
Contracting and JobbiajJ
Kirstclasa Line of Plumb
ing Specialties and first
class Workmanship.
A. O. U. W. BuUdlatf
Klaauth Falls
Jackson Hotel
Fort Klamath, Ore.
Clean rooms, good beds,
and the table always sup
plied with the seat the
market affords-Temsraa-soaable.
C. C. Jackson, Prop.
uat AMUtaui aeareianr n we mwnw
.. ftV: