The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 22, 1908, Image 1

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Mo,,y Iteml l,lr '
Klamath Full
Our Advertisers
the IScflt Results . . .
Convention will Nomi
nate Bui Two
HeilkemptT Sis He Will Nol
Accept Nominal ion-Bishop
is Mentioned
lilkilkMK arelhit lhr will '""
.. . i... . ii...
nsUblrl W ' .'i)niuy " ""
iwtnill convention I o in r I ii w.
U H. " '' ,"""''''' 'l",,u"
cnttUtf, Flank Waul priiiiilard III"
(ItW IVirtall'iit I" arrrpl '"""'
utl, . Ilrtllnr, Jr., has not
UoJru'H br I"" f '" alllwugli
UmjiU nlll not accept nomination,
irJlU lailonelliiintliil I" r""'
WCtMl III tlie lllll"' I" M' IIHIHIH
Howl. The convention nominate
(UfinlHtlri, art-1 It af M J'
lit! loo( (lie (orrv'iiiit: name ill ''
lUrivii)tl'i iiMuiuer iin llir hal
U.llnlVi4i.r imiIn-.ii nrtCI by a
UrfiooaiUri'l hla f rlvit-t In ruler Ilia
rr, Ut tli never nneiill to l"
row I caolUMc and at llii limn stair.
lUt U till (lilt CCrpl II IIUIIlllUllllll II
ImWI Mm, Ther. are IIiihm wImi
u; tUt lie will Ihi placed In noml-
Ullxil.j the convention ami It will Ik'
ilallm toiler line or accept.
Ma Mill till the in lorif infill ill
lU Ri K.tlniPiil mil will reelvt
tiiibftrnl the vote Frank Ward ha
tl UcUng id the 1'r.lrntli.ii ulnl will
falllraa I'.ll a tge Mill. M)nr
tUiU)i muiti'ii iii great ileal
m itirnjlli when ln enti-ia tlin light
lirll, lull in Una i'ah. In it Mug run
U by lui liuii.f an! It In
rurtlliiiiltil'kl llut lie iliw im.I
Mr a nomination for another term
Jut tliilclTnl lliu ii'i-oiniuvmlalinna
nl the. (Jlli) IVilmiiiluii mi.l tlm I'.rii IV-
pailmeut will lirtvu la pmlilniiinllral,
Dirlu Hie man)' vnli'ia who nn opioned
to having any or it nlnu I Ion iiiaL, ring
getinii in tn'oinmemUtlnri uinl wlin
ImVi' alleady rin .! themaelve
atrnngly iiiI to mi)- mini wliou ran-
Hilary i'lnannti' from aunm body or in.
S'liiiilnalluiiii lll l inmli. liy tin- urn
Vl'lllillll I" I tlllllllCI-Hlllllllt tl't ic ami
trraauter, I in the former A. I., Lnvltl
linn been fi-fniuiiiemlrd liy tin. II ir iu
iaitinrnt ami (I. A. Mrani liy tln Civic
IVdcratlnu, Them nip the only camll.
dale III till Held lliat have elpteie.l a
kIIII.HKiii'I" In have llii'li nnriifa upvr
mi lln ballot I hi lniiinr A. M.
Wipfilrii ia lirrii ili(rilil l) tlii(ilr
rnlclalloii ami Cal. J. V, Hli'inni" !.y
tin' I llf IVilllnrnt. ,Vn olli.l iiii'll
lUln liai l-'ii mintl'im-.) .n tlii
ton l est (or Nomination in
Second Ward
'Dm tnlc at llir waul r.ilirlillnii ai
taitlrr tliail M4i l4M'lnl. ill lli I'lltt
anl I'. I" Anki-ny rtrrlvnl 37 vntri, J.
K.Uixllvr'., '! J. W. Hlrincin, (Ml
WilliniM ainl (Jwi, T. lUI.ln rli
nlli'.l iiIik. timllu a Intal l 1 ulrr,
III I lif r'iN'uli.l l't lli lUlit ai
ilrltr w aim I'iutii llii. iainlliUtr.
ril 4 I-Ii-Iialri lrrlcl 111 nlc,ll.niy
l!ivln'l ami (V II. Cildrr 1M. 'In.l.
liillo Tiili-B Hrlormt in litis atl ami
nii.i,tiinililr.l. Tliot'itaHi.U' waUI,
I. T. hilriii rrtvlviil ii "iii In
llii tliinl waul, Hjii (.Vlvr H, Clm.
Martin H, II. I'. Van III-t, f. K.
liramli'iiliiiiK uii'l Will lluiiiliri.y eacli
rrlvt uih inaklnit a total (( rt.
'I In' two trcrllni: tin' liiillnl Votn In
i-aili waiil Mill li0 llirlr liamra lacnl
nil tin' rUt limi linllot llii' Convention
'Hi ly i ml uiiiini' naa In tin'
K.tnuil 4iJ. Ni-lllivr llm ran.ll.lacyiil
(lUmlmlii tmr nl Unity ltillii liail
Urn niimninrrsl. Ikith mi-ih tiiniinlit
nnt liy llirlr lil.'ii'l" at tlm U't mliiiilc.
'rimrniililniii nl lr (I. V. Ma.lmi
rrmaliia iinrlmtiK1"'-
Price, 5 Cents,
C. I . Oliver Elected Chairman
I . I . Ankeny Secretary
oll'olilical Machine
lli-iiilillculi iiiiiiiiiillifiiivn from Hit
viirion iiit'clm-M tlironglioiit llie i-oiinty
ini't at tin Court Hoiipu yi-itcriiay oven
lliit kr tliu Miri0Mi ol MirlectlnK thu
roiint) orKanlttloii, ll waa fount) tliat
lour inrrlnctt liail fallnl to "clfct com
iiiitli'i'ini'ii, ami I lay ir IllleJ liy p
uiitiiii'iit at InlloMal HpraKUa llivrr,
K ('. Ilamaki-r; I'livna, II. W. Tomer;
Klamatli IjiIc, 0,(. Ilrimn; I'ua "!
Ii-y, Vltlan
(-'. T. Oilier nai rlnwcn leniorary
clialrmaii ami J. II. Wlglit, tocrtlary.
Manyol tlm comuilttvomen wore re
n friitol liy irotlr ami nnv or twn hail
in, ii.iiinlill'iii, Tli J iirKtnlxallon 4.rmaiiriit witli Hip cicrptioii
tlut I'ranl V.. Ankeny waa rlrctnl tecre.
II. I.. lloliatt.,ol llonanta, waaelccttxl
latr iiMiiiiilllrrtnati ami (-'rank Ira
Wlille, i-orinrriiloiial roinmlttwman.
TIk ilcltvatr ap.lnlr.l to tlie iUl ami
i-oiiltrrnlnnul ronrntlona are follow!
U I. Wlllitf, Klamath Fall Ueo.Nobl.
Hr ,Iaii!i.I Valley, K. V.. I'ilrli, Merrill;
i:. i:. Iln)l, Koit Klaimtli,
lErMilatloni i m intru-luml ami
aioitrl pli-UuiK tlie ruiiiuilttire l the
iiiut nl tlierntiip lUnutlican ticket.
Nni.tiiiol raiuiaUuliai)et leolanuu.
Iale.1, luit llir ciuiiiiilltrt. It going Ui
make a ili'lerminrl flitht tu elect the on
lliu nullity ticket ami to ilaci a liaoil
miiiiu majiirlly flKiiro in tlir lUpilbllran
The. Ml.mlht: ate the couiuiittwineii
H-li-clr.1 lliruiitfliout the county: Link
Title, C.T. Miei; lil river, Kriil Mc
Kemlreei l'w Valley, Vivian Kvmii;
llulrv, V. I'.r.l!ei Ungell Valley, K.
I'. C.mle) , HnraKiie Itlver, H. C. llama
ker; Tnle Uke, li.O. Amlerwin; Wood
ltler, i:.M. l-rer; KUruath Uke, ().
C. HniHiii Snow, K. I..Coll,urn; Clell,
Jete Mmttt.
Attendance not Large Enough
To Take Action On The
Proposed Change
20 -CASES -20
1 laUI VvLaUaf
I 11 V Mmi.
I ll WanV
Ladies' and Ghildren's
All Leathers
All Colors
All the Season's Newest Novelties in Fine Footwear
est Stock of SHOES in the County
No action nan taken on the reotKanl.
tatlori of the Chamber ol Comtnerie at
the meetiiiK lent nUlil. In onler to
amend thu by-lawa It take a vote of
twO'thlrda ol the iui-iiiIh-i In K'""!
tandltiK, and only about fifteen out of a
tnemberihip ol forty-one attended the
meeting, making il lni.onHilu to lake
any action. Some of the more, radical
change! weie dlacuancl and the mill
menl teemt'd faorahte to the aditlon
of the new law. Them waa aomo ui'i
tlon a to the advliihillty of meeting
every three month, theru being tome
who believed that the mcuibera of the
Chamber aliould meet more frequently,
giving an a reanou tlut It might hae n
tendency to make the organisation mure
active. Tlm adoption of the new by
lawi will come up for conttdrratlnn at
the neit regular meeting when an effort
will be made to have enough uiemhera
preterit to take action on the matter.
A petition addrctted to the Secretary
of the Navy aaVlng that twelve battle
hipa and eight heavily armored
cmlrert be retained on the Pacific
Cowt a permanent Meet, came before
(lie Chamber and wai on motion order
ed Indorted by the body.
Adverlltlng again cam in for noiue
illcaalon, but no definite action waa
taken on any proposition.
W. II. Ilelleinan reiorted to the
Chamber that It waa very probable that
a Mitt eorvey will be luailo of thlacounty
thla Hummer.
The Klamath Chamber of Commerce
nerd more good active memlier ami It
I up to llio limine men of the city to
uppott the organization. Il I not
right that only forty -one men thnuld
niinpritu the commercial body from
which aiuch la exccted. There are
a iiiimlier id bualneia men 111 thla .city
who have no representative in the
Chamber, but neverthelcaa they are de
riving the aame benefit from tlie work
done by the organization aa tlio-ie who
belong and give their time and money
to the good cause.
At the next meutiug when thu re
orgaultallon queitiou again cornea up
for eoniideratlou every member of tho
Chamber should be present and every
business flru In the city should have a
representative there with an application
for membership.
waa next sung by the mixed iiiartet,and
this wss followed by a violin rolo by
Mlaa Klalu Appb-gate, whono ability on
thla iuatriitiicnt is well known. A vocal
duet by Mrs. Jesiie ii. Morgan and Mr.
Zimmerman, "I Feel Thy Angel Spirit,"
wna greatly appreciated by the audience.
The next number waa a vocal t-olo by
Mrs. iimwalt,' I.ullahy From Jocelyn,"
and violin (jhligato by Mir Klale Apple
gate, Mrs. Zumwalt's aweel voice
iharmeil the liatenera and no mnalcal
ptogram by Klamath Falls latent would
teem cornplcto without her soloa. The
closing number was by the mate quartet
and it completed one of thu belt inUilcal
programs that hat ever been rendered
In this city.
Dorris No Longer Dependent
on Horse Flesh
Already a freight agent has been
stationed ut Dorrla with tils head quar
tern In a box ear. lie arrived at hla
new station yisterday and from now on
all freight for this city will In sent to
that point. One carload of freight for
Klamath Fall waa marked llray, but
not unloaded and will lie brought on to
Horrlf at once. While no regular train
service will be cilabllilied at once all
freight will lie brought on to the new
terminal. Capt. Mctntlre Is now at
Dorria arranging for thu handling ol
Does Good Work
Oregon Should Have Laws to
Co-Operate In The Per
petuation of Supply
Convention at 2 O'Clock
The nominating convention call at
2 o'clock sharp tomorrow afternoon and
voting will clone- juit aa aoon aa all of
thooe pretenU have caal their vole.
Kvcryouu wltlilug to participate in the
convention mutt Iks on ham! at the time
It la convened. There la tin n-clh'ed
length of tlmo in which the oting is
dune. At thu Hard convention today
many failed lovoto Im'anw they thought
the (oll would remain open for aeveral
Haul From Dorris
Capt. J.M.McIntira went to Dorrla
(rum l'okegauia to make arningemeuts
for the establishment of a freight service
from the terminus ol the railroad to this
city. No tlm has been anuounced for,
llio Inauguration ol the regular train
service to Dorris, but the general sup
position Is that the schedule will go into
effect about the middle of May or soon
er. Thu McIiHafe Company will make
arrangement (or all uocestary ware-
houfet ami forolllce room at Hut place.
A Musical Program
Keno Items
The pupils ol the Klamath County
High School enjoyed a picnic at Nel
son's grove last Saturday.
Sign painting hai been the order of
the day. 8. l'adgett, McCortnack A
tirubb, H.I.. Smith and Conrad Madi
son'havo all had new signs painted.
Mr. liaber, of Grants fan, passed
through Keno with his string of race
horses, on his way to Lakevlow.
UingCirulib has beeu visiting with his
Sam Tool' family has been sick, but
all are now on the mend.
California has begun a work in which
this state ahould co-operate. The Fish
Commitaion of tho Golden state has un
dertaken to stock Klamath river with
salmon and trout and to this end one
million cinatl salmon and a ball million
each of Ralnliow and Eastern Brook
trout have been ptantcdaln the vicinity
of the Klamath Hot Springs, and John
Solner has been stationed at that place
by tho Commlailon to Me that the young
flali receive proper protection. Tbe
planting of these fish is a direct help to
the streams of this Immediate section as
the flth ol the Klamath river find their
way to almost every stream in this
Oregon now ha absolutely no fish pro
tection and unless something" ii dose to
protect the supply the people of tbe
Klamath section may some' day awaken
to tlie (act that the best fiihlng reaorta
are fithod out, and they will wonder how
it all happened. The next Isgislatsw
should enact such laws aa will give pro
tection to ttio trout streams of Southern
Oregon so that this state may co-operate
with California in the perpetuation
of the flali supply.
Oregon lias splendid laws governing
tho game of this section, but California
with her oi hunters makes the laws
farce. On the other hand, California is
doing a splendid work in the
planting and the protection of
the flalt of the Klamath river, bat
the fact that in Oregon the aame Ash
are not protected makes Californla.s
good work also a farce. Tbe two states
should get together an enact lawa that
would protect the game and dsb oa both
Ides of tho state line.
I. O. O. F.
Members of the second degree team
are requested to be at the Hall at 7
o'clock sharp Saturday evening.
P. Shell, Captain.
Klamath Falls has many musicians of
ability and those who were present at
the second open meeting of tho Tuesday
Evening Mnsia Club wero given a rare
musical treat, Every number on the
program was a treat to the audience
which packed the Conservatory nl Music.
'The Night has a Thousand Eyes" was
the open number by thu ladle1 quartet
and tha aame was applauded to an en
chore aa waa every uumber on the pro
gram. MIm Mae Wprden rendered a
most excellent piano solo which de
lighted her auditors. Ur. Roy Walker
aang "The Rosary" in hli usual pleas
ing way, "Tell Her I Love Her So,"
. ,lse the
J 1"...4.
r.f.iur iivwii
' v ? S'Xk i-V '
m ft
Spinncri, Rccli,Sllk
and Linen Lines.
Roberts Sc Hanks
Hardware Dealer.